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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1896, p. 8

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Ar r.r r ot -w"ccto fmliv appreclate tIoi- pnrity, sweetness, and dlicacy of CunICenA ZOAP, and to diseover new uses for it daily. In the foi-m of n'ashes, solutions, etc., for d!strcfs ii-g 'amcrnato"s, irritations, ai-d weaknesses of the nauous membrane, if hao proved Most grateful. >CtITICtUI-A SoAp appeals to the refined and rultivated everywhere, as the most effective skinpueyrga- "niygopawia Vurési anti s -,eteCt for anht d bath, Sold throughout the woAil. BfriSsh depot. P. Nsw. NEnT &SOi-is, 1, King Edwsi-d-si.. London. POTTRtE OeUGc &ea. COR',so r.Pole o. U.5. A. BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 26,'1896. NEWCASTLE-, Mrs. W. Pickard is indisposedl. Mr. Geo.- Elbeekz is news agent now. 'Mrs. A Elsworth bias returned froin Newtonviile. -'lie Misses Grose are attending De- Mill College. The teleplione lines are nownl work- Ing order again. Messrs. Geo. Curtis and Jos. Barfett are convalesiiig. Mrs. Alun, OrIbno, bias bee-n visiting Mrs. W. B. Alun. Roya 1 Templars mccl Saturday dLr ing' revival services. .Mr. Al. Lake won a gold watchi at the Bondliead raflie., Mr. J. W. Tuif lias returned with bis stock to Bon'manvilie. Messrs. H, Giose andFrank Waldon have been indisposed. 1 Miss Milligan visited at our local imm ber's Mr. W. H. Reid. Mr. Sai-n. Wilmot bias been making a trip through the South. Mr. Samuùel Bonathan visited at Mr. W. Bonathan's last n oeek. The carnival advertised for Thursday Ivas postponed to Monday. .1 Methodist choir taffY pull Saturday niglit at Mr. John Rinch's. Mrs. (Dr.) Farn comb is the non' organ- ist in St. George's churcli. Mr John Treleaven is dagtu plans for the new Royal block. Rev. Canon Fariicomb lias returned from au officiai visit ti, Toronto. Master Arthur 'i'ms is convalescent alter ait attaclk of t phoid lever. Miss Browvu of Deseronto, renexved achuaintances in ton n this n'eek. We hiear very good reports of Mr. W. J. Orcband's teaching at Leskard. Mr. R Lovekin of The Western Baiki- Oshanwa, spent Snnday at home. Aften a delay of several weeks the Methodist sheds anc about fiisbed. Mr. Noah Selby got his band badly cut n Yhile. gnaftinýg trees Saturday. Mn. Chas. W. Barett is likely te be corne a candidate for the ministrv. Mr. Eilbeck lias bought the good wilI (Received tee late for last issue.) Tbe ruins anc smouldering still. Mr. E. Gibson, Toronto,is visiting his father. Party at Mrs. Thorno's Friday niglit. Mrs. R. Clarke bias rccovercdfroin lier recent illness Miss Brown lias been laid upi with ln- flamnmatory rbeumatisnî. Mr. E. Conlîn, teacher at Crooked Creck, n'as lu town Satunday. Bey. M - J. Bates, conlerence evan- galist, is conducting revival services. Mr. D Galbraitb k ceps a fine stock of herses.lire was offcred $500 for a tcam, In one da v83,0,0 naqdeposited in the Traders' Bank bere by two depositors. Mn. Charles Gomme bas înovedl inte the bouse on'ned by the late Mn. Walsb Thte rembers of the Methodist choir anticipate a taffy-pull lu the near future. Mr. Robt. Clemence, Kirby, and Mr. Sommnerville, Orono, spent Sunday at Mn. Joain Cleenco's. A merrv sleigb party bf t bore Mon- day ni-hi undor tb direction of Messrs. N. Pii-Iard and M. Hutebinson-Yes, they n'ontwnest. Aunion meeting of ltie-iethodlists and Pnesbvterians n'as held in theffMethodist chnrch Sunday nigb-t under the auspices of the New'castle Bible Society. Mn. T. Ellison, president, presided. Addresses n'ene given by the president and Beys. Copeland and! McLeod andan enceurag- ngreport n'as nead by Dr. McNaugbton Sec -Treas. n'bich shon',ed that about $40 badl been costributed during the yean for thec distribution of Bibles. Mn. and Mrs. W. E. B of lClarke gave a 'Leap Year At Home on Wednes- day evening at n'hich many friends fromn Bon'manville, Nen'castle, Nen'tonville and surrouscdiseg diistrict n cr0 pleasant- ly entcntaincd. Oning te a nemnant of a North West blizzard the guests n ene snon' bounti instead of home bound and the gaiely n'as pnolenged until a late heur; but ail wero agneed that Mn. aînd Mrs. Bon on make an excellent bost and bostess. NoTE.-THE STATESMAN refuses te publish a letton signed ONE OF THE PEOPLE, copîcd frone the Tononto World, fon tno reasons: 1. The n'niten bad not theo courage of his convictions and n'as tee much of a co vard te sigui bis ewn name, and 12, il said teachen baàs been tee severe lu his punishinents the Ian' should be applicd te hlm. Ili oun opinien anoîflunous witen n ho makes a personai u.ttacký on anethen man through the pness is theineanest kind ol a con ccd, -E.SAESZXAN, -E. r~rCOURTICE. Bey. and Mrs. L. Pheipsi- Milîbrooki- have been visitino fiends bere. %n and Mns. Arthur J. Ceuntice visited Mr. W. L. Ceurtico, N'1,,tonibnook.--Mn. and Miss Rundlo, Brook, are enjoyiaeg tho bospitalitY of relatives bore.- Ma ple Greve Longue n'ill visit Ebenez- er Tbursday nighît. NOT MEIIELY RELIEF BUT CURE.-It as saiti of many nemedies tiiat tbey rlievo fon a tii-e but the disease altern'ards ne- tumus. Burdock Bloed Bitters, being a radical cure, net enly nelieves but pen- manentlv cures D vspepsia ,Constipatîon, Bilieusnessi- Sick Hleadache, Bad Blood. etc. Hucndretis of healthy n'itnesses tel] g]adly that B. B. B. cures te stay ered. LESKARD. CLAIRRE NiEWS. (Clondensed front the Xews.) WEDDING CELEBRATION.-Mnr. and Mns. Robent Moon celebrated the joinit un- niversary of thein 32nd n'edding day and the 55th anniversary of lis binth Pcb, 14. Ainoîîg flhc fiends preseut n'cre Mrs. Wmn. Armstronîg and Miss EttieKik As NOn OuNOATOR.-Mn. John Mom- euti-sou of Mn. R. Mement, P. M., bas agaan distin-uised himescf at Princeton College, N. 3., by ninning for tble third successive time. frst place in the: annual onatonical contest; hoe also carried off a cash prizo of $50. Oreno boys take first place n'henec er they go, tbe n'enld ever. ANvîIocIL-Mr. W. T. Little visited friends at Kinby.-Master Burke Fost- er is recovering frein bis neceîît painful accident.-Mn. J. S. Robertson visil- cd ficnds lu Pont Hope.-The Misses McLeod visited Mns. Horatie HTill - Mns. Jas. Hunter visited lier brother, MnI. John Foster,'Bowrnanville.- Social at Mn. James Waddell's this WednÏlesday cveniing. -Mn. S. B. Dobson n'il ne side on the eld homnestead. LEsRA-ED. MnIs. Saundens Finlay is conivalescing.-iMrs. Moses Robbins is 111.--Miss Jennie Coram visited Miss Parker, Clarke Union.--Mn. aud Mns. T. White visitcd friends lun opeTon'n- ship.--Dr. Tilley yisited thie sebool MNonday. Mr. J. W. Orcliard is the Lteacher.--Mn. Thos. Smith and( Miss Smib, Millbroek; Mr. Harny McBunney and Miss McBurney, Perton'n, n'ene guests at the home ef Johnl Davey, Esq. SURPRISE PARTx.-Abonit ffty friends of Mr. and Mns. John Buckley spent Monday evenling in thein bespitable home. 'Games and ethen amusements n'were enthusiasticallyparticipatéd imAl- ten a sumptueus supper a vote of thanks n'as proposed te the host and, bostess for their kind neception 'i-id tiseir bes- pitality. The host nesponded suitably. R is doon n'as aln'ays open te those n ho n'isbed toe enjey an evening at bis place. OmrTUA.-Rev. A. W. Ross anived Fcb. I4th, from Potage la Pra!nie,xxitlî the romains of thce late Mrs. Rarvey,nee Fanny McCrmtack, n'hich n'ere intenned lu Orono ceietery. She bcd ls'een i11 a year,but n'as able te i-ove anoeînd until takon te lien bcd at tise homo ýof Rev. Mr. Boss a Ion' neeks ago, n'ben at the samne time bis eldest son n'as tak,;en 111 n itlu diphthenia, fronsi nhicb lie bas ne- MCCREýA'S ConNEIIS.-Mn. Wmn. Taylor and lanîily ancrei-nme aftor visiting friends ini Coîborne. Miss Aoenes Northcott bas retnrned cith fien&? in Cartn-gt--Miss Fai-ny Bow.ver, of Toronto, visited ber sister, Mms'-David Gilbank. -Mn. Robt. Brooks, jr., bias taken charge of our Sunday Sclieel. Mn. Joli-n Gilbanik ai- i n lIe visit- ing at lis latier's, Mr. Wen. Gilbank. -Miss L. Brewn , of Millbroo ~has ce- turnetihocco eaflen visiting be-Iimle, -Mn. Jas. Kirk. OOo. Ar. Joe Hall aud Mr. î'Win. Batten vîsited lnioîîds ln u- onepto last wvek --Mn. A. A. TuchTer IcI t lest n'eek Ifor Pont Penny.-My. Win. Pope bas aie attaclk of rheunatis., Mr. *Moysc, iaisic teacher, intends reo- ing te Port Hop)e. Mný. Briaye Bell had bis ear badly frost bittecn.i- Mr. Jeshua McCormack is borne frein Ton- A, Daily TormeiltorI' Thollsands of Vctîis., PAINE'S CELERY 601YPOUND NATURE'S TRUE CURE, The King of Dyspepsia Medicines. The acknow'eded king of dyspepi miedicines! The iigb poýsition bas be gained by Paine's Celery Comnpound aI- 0fgrand successes in every th le Dominion. Our ablest Ieiators, our most eminent judges,the lerg' medical men, business men,and thonsands iu bumbler, callings, unite ln proclaiming the grand and curing vir- tues of Paine's Celeny Coenound. It lias cured the worst cases of dyspepsia,indi- gestion and stomach trouble', after the establisbed formulai of the medical facultiesfailed te do tbe work. Mr. George A. Wiltse, of Athens, Ont .,says: "I ivant te a -d my testimony ln fav- or of yonr valuable rernedy, Paine's Cel- ery Compound, wbich 1 have been tak- îng for over a year for dyspepsia and sci ene pains in the neck. and back of head. Your medicine bas produced a complete cure in mycase, and 1 have recommended it te several friends, who dlaim they haàve necived great benefit. I can testify, therefore, in ah bhonesty, that your kanes Celery Compound is a very valuable medicine." OSHAWA. Miss Mary Colvi1e, Bowsnanville, was guest at Rev. J. Hl. Talbot's last n'eek. -The resident of Mr. A. Hindes, n'as n'itb contents. ýdestroy cd by fine Fridav evenino-. Insured for $3000. Aboudt 1.30 o'clock -Sundav morning tire -'vas discovered ln Mr. Murray's clothing store completely dcstroying lus entire stock, The anieunt of insurance is net lnon n. The building belong to Mn. E. I. Ron'vse is badly damnaged, and is insured. Origin of fine unnknon'n,. The dn'elling of Mrs. Byers 11- miles east of bere n'as burncd Tbursdas nigbt and lier tea yean old daughterwnas brs- cd te death.' A boarden niamed Frank Rlancis ran a hall mile to John Winters' i-n bis nakzed condition. Thie cold n'as intense and bis feet n ero badly frozeni. TEN TuouSAND TimEs.-Ten thousand tianes oven Ha yard's Pectoral Balsamn bas proved itseilf a sure cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis. asthma, sore throat. quinsy and all pulmonany coînplaints. AT STITTSVILLE! The Town's Leadhag Iierehant Laid Up W lIïiVE DECIDED to give this Depa rtment ae booming advertisrnent by offering goods at such prices as were neyer before heard o fin Bowinau- -ville. We know it means losing mnoney (for the"time) but we have decided that the best way of v dvertising is to sell goods, cheap. The public know and after this shall be more thor- oughly convinced that we lead in this as in ail other depart- Watches, solid goid good time keepers from $ 3 O0 up. Eight day Clocks, solid walnut or oak, $2, 50. First-class INickle Clocks -.5c each. An assorted lot of Brooches were 9,5c to 75c, for 10c. Black Guards with solid silver clasps, only 25ceach. Correspondingly low prices ahl through the Department, B poctacles m m J. J. MVason, Graduate Optician. We are having wonderfül success in this lr.iPeople with defective eyesight are invited to'cali. Youa. may hiave you eyes tested free whether yon buy spectacles or not. We sel spectacles from 10c a pair up. Solid Gold Framres at very low pricc s. We can refer you to a number of persons who after having worn spectacles fitted by others wilfingly exchanged them -when they were shown how much better they could be made to see. It wiil cost you nothing to find ont if yoiu are seeing as wei as you can be made to see. This nîonth of February wiill give you some grand oppor- tnnity to get bargains in ail departments; our coal ou bargains will continue ail this mon[h, the opposition stores have neyer attempted tc duplicate our values in coal oil, the immense crowds who do their trading here have made this store what it is, and P-1 amouDt of claptrap can change their opinions of a store tha~ saves them heaps of cash See our iPrints, see our lDress Goods, some of the more catchy designs are al- ready being cnt ont freeiy. Why not huy now at barg, iný prices when you can have first choice instead of wniting t4 tii everybody is hnstling afýer the goods; the goods are Shi'e and we bre ready to distribute,,them at the lowest-prices ever quoted, not with the idea of -'underselling" but because we. bonght cheap and are always willing, to give our Ôýustomers the beniefit of our bargains. ]ollars ]Do ou'b1o uet! At Our Store In C ri.atMany Lines. zt Ple.asanit lueurs n'ero spet ailie gaines aut1. otleti amuusements. Mr. and Mis. pichLard are ni odol host andleostess. Theo latest iteof interest te our in- telligent burgbens 15 the .annountcenecut aîoonjýg the social bappeninos elo a coi- tena1perary that "Mrs. (Drn Farncoîub lias pluicýlieal Mis. Alliu's J rse'v micm cen'."1Ne doubti"itise coinguiuol tbis lamons concentration of bovion'i l stir tiis aristocratie hamlet froun the ýP. 0. te the enter rin mof its expansiv e ci- For sale by STOTT & JURY, mnodier pair of Spectacles af a prie as ion as ftic lociest. Watcbniakei, 1 enelex & O1fi-cuan, BOWMANVILLE. We seli a $55.00 Scwiug Machine for $25 00. Have you ever tried the fhvrnsa y Tea ? For sale only at Ilensey's Block, Bon'manville. F~ ARM FOR SALE A flrst lass farm 1 ARMERS,-My Short Ibm Bul is 12of125 aceres or ]143 acrecssituated i iithe &sàiditob ethe besie- ikp tuslarl Township ofEiMa t iby, lut con. lots 15ancd Stockl Fari. Farmers sbouldcucý S ese 16 on the Base Line, about 1' mi les froin Oshawa I keep alsnfor serviceai, khrHabuh Stati-on, 2 miles fron. \ýI- Whtbyacd 60 rods frein frorntbe noted swinýe 1weder,î,'. 'Brethour, the school bouse. Lare rooinv buýIldings, main Es , urford, Brait .- - Le, i-es Tory bai-n 9i-x36ffi, plenty of fruit, 8i-11i(iy aY 0P, ai -iiOrt - utteilie.Ibgt ia-ein together one of tiie best grain farine on the Lake siumerous patros-s for î,rom1îjt pas meIt' very Shore; no billsancd stosses. About 10 acres of mai-iy have ais eady înid W . i-s cenT, olimt. wood, 75 acres iii pasture ai-d' fresh seeded. 6-4w. Termes easy; first plowing donc. For furiher The neward of thse faithînl ivertiser partieul.i-s apply to A Amas, Oshawa 57tf is certain,. A 1

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