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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1896, p. 3

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AY R' HACIICAL FARMING. mondairing i ight alonge riesHEALTI __________________________for dairy products rule higher la wint-______ Ice House and Dairy. o r than ini surumer; so that the dairy- Bnos man gets botter pay for his labor in a rAmong the most imporant and noes the former season than in the latteZ. Cirer every joint in the body there la sary improvements on the farm, wv5 With good, sweet corn ensilage, dlorer placed a Smaan, cushiou-Iika sac, whîch --uId mention the ire bouse and da!rY. hay, nnd yellew corn meal, butter ra i fiîad ith: fluid, and which acte as t R It is only upon an occasional f armn that be produced lu winter practically as akn fpoeto otejitfo Eeorenaturel we fidacarcodsrnflwn the good and cheap as the produets of the akn fpoeto otejitfo soe yarrnd, giving an abundarnce lofw a -sunny imonth of June. The cow stable blomrs and pressure. These sacs are clrte the hair, errud iig naudneo vt shzoud ho prorided with an abundance cle use and aie preentsor that neyer needa te be iced, and lS of -windom, glass te admit sun and light, h hcoigo h atclrbr t ise ot.Mr.and give thiags a cheerful aspect. Ven- h hceigo h atclrbr rI. W. Fenwiek, ot, hemeans for the construction of the tilators are aise needed, that wili net sa whicb las stuated over thse great SDb, .S., BaYs: hot diary in tise world. In thse absence maka draughts. As the stock must b hoeoit thrfmirtaonPo- - A littie more Of this great natural convenience, Moa etisd o o rae tost tue-onteither frs ommrton, prleh- thantwo~ ers uo e ushav te uil aui~bouse and of f ire or more monthsa, these mater ueorwans, acmon1le thaiitwo ai ur ave o bi oaan dnciS tldeserre careful attentiýon. Diry cows bunien, although that termi issortie- -o y hi d y, an ekw cnbeon eti must net be exposed. Yet they sbiould tmles applied te any enlarged hursa on 'qý ga il the teplo te be considered. WcVe favor have an outdoor "'constitutional,"' for a thefot. trte felaazlafcinte etniI c prileLttiefodan arhe Thofoccupatiofn atb hibts g r t n buiilding thc tuo togeuher, it heing Moe half heur or se, upon ail pleasantdy. Teorgno uionsis 1 genernUY Ananimal life requires aI least a lit- fro~m witbuuit--eîtber frua Tise pressure and fLaT ecenomical in cost, and more conveni- Ale fresis air. Regularity in the mun- of a tight boot, or the continuai chafing out.Af-ontin setodo o. buldig'1x24agemnt of stock la of the highsti- f a loose one, and f rom soem peculia- onrteAf- ct i z i n s, te cient A buiet ang(le- potice Lethfodadwerb yofcupinorgtywi.h, - use Of mands on the tarai, unles dairYing la, supplled at just sucis stated timon. Otis- joint la constnntly prcssadi upon the one bttie of Aver's Ilair Vigor my madea specialty. This willî give a saue cr1"'.se, there wiIl h8 a decrease ofthte ground. h ir.vsrea dtoisorgnlf lew cf milk caused by tise fretting aind' The signs of a bunion are first of ail hai va retoed e isongluAn ef 16x16 for lce, and 8xl6 for tise dairY- 1 worrying of the cttIe for tiseir supplias. tendernesa and pain, which becomes color and ccased faflingeu.A apiainbas srncckept Tisc dairy part 4hould ho excavated te, Just as man feeLs the'need of food at More and more excruciating. Swelling tecain go odto.-r. et ftoo heefe n r e ular isours, and la disturhed, if it ia and inflammation, aeu to the breakîng tisebai ingoo coditon.-ME. adcph o tuo o thce eetauddranednot forîhcoming, se the lower animais eut of an open sore, rapidly foleow un- i-.F. FE-Nwic, 1Iigby, __'. S. and ventilated wilh a six-inch 11e. '£ise leara te expert tise ecder ut; the proper les troatment la begun. The tee it- h~ ave, used Ayer's 1-Iir Vigor walls of the foundation may ha Made of1 time for bis appearance; and if disap- self is semjewhat involvcd, and becomes Gor three veans, aid il bas restored ither brick or stone laid in rement. tpointed, they suf fer an înjury. Tise distorted and conlraoted. baI, wichvasfiot bomm gry, ur uir lafioredandwaled xvth ilking sisould aise ho donc very system- Changes liko those cf chronir rheuai- li iiits ,Ii ast 'coiingga,-t "1u daaed fooedan wlld atically and rapidly. Gond muskera get atilam etthe, joint may lend, when un- ha ktO ton mal l rey stisactry.more froin a cou- than indif feont ornes. ieterrupted, te fatal iflammation of I{ALLIOil~it,,ri Ž JThe superstructure may baet odf î~ sso ste ikl rwlt the font. Or gangrene ina set la. or atone, as preferrcd. If tone or brick ho immediutely strained, and if fer but- Bunieus are rarely altogether curable- ~O ~~'lter making set ut once, for creain comn- ufter the diseuse bas geone on te con- isj~l used, the ire bouse Will have te bc mences te rise alniost'immediatelIy atter tinued inflammnation, although muc AY R's MI lined witis hourds a few luches fromn the being separated f rom thc udder; ndMay bu do ne lowards aileriationfteJ rr.PAEDBYWall, or the ire will not keep ail tireiigh once it has'risen, it cannot ho mixoil pain. SSUS A h-seo na eyst'fcAY a-aai ihth ik nrwl)a ag The only absolute cure for a hunion DR .C. AVER & CO., LUNELL, MA.U a.A hesa n aavrystqaceYm a tit fcrcum ho ultimately ob- et Joug standing la excision of the joint. - er.i taiacd. if somte of the fat la permaitteil Reat l is e Most important thing iaonr .4ye'sl's pills cU2rC skie acUa ch'" Tise dairy should. have a geadsiZed te risc heore the final aettiag. Plivthebot stnh rem res~ sa rentilatlag flue lu tise ceiling, otebi> hudb eoe, as thicîl ______________________as a couple of saa peluga on tise- the chit excitlug cause et the difficulty. two ends, andl these should bc hovi THE PLODDER. lilastera of various kinda, soap piastera, poingeandpainting locally witb tincture of lodine. withshuter orniens 0 OPl Bsids itogether witis poultices andl hot appli-' lTe UnitedSttes cloaing as necessity derniad-s- Bes e --4âeî 'IeTne n elWeccton hnatv ifamto song wie dter or tlhe swung 1, Ifedwi lrati Man " IIpeurs, fr the bulk of tise routine stseoglsirde, sh dry may ho sr- - utreat.ment. tureng the it as otten beenobsaryeui tisthehe Wbeu tise bunion la dlisarging, tm- oughly ventilateil t night duîatgag oliasnents anil dreasinga sheulth summer seusen. A Stone or comDent 1uaigonmnsaddesnssol trough on anc ide of tise rOOM, raiSoil maet average ahiiity, wise la attentive ho applied, and great caro exerciseil lest about a foot trom lte t ber, givea us and diligent, ia fart, a pledder-sudcceds tise inflammation spreail anil the foot '~rnB1IV a very conveni,ent pince te ool0 ýtise ailk lai lite wison more brilliant but erralic, heconse affecteil, J *iI 'Or keep tise creamn and butter, undlaa . In some cases tise detormity ra be cake of ice placd tiseoin onc, a ay,) mon faîl. Hence Ithe force efthts axiefi, correctod hy mechanical mctheda, such CI gires us ai tise dampuea tisat la desir- Be a plodder. Persevere, and yciu uill as strupp i.g uand tise like. Sometimes able, ad a temperature that wil in- a ploilder. Persevere. ad yeu w 111 a preper diision 'of tise contract5ed 'Hlead Office- dcoilmltfristable, andl sucred." Wc deacrihe the ploddor as tendons w-iil relieve doformity. buttr tat i rae an soid. he ostNitrataeof silver solution, wbich la In 1,4 ew York Ch.y w ale kisat la nicewanilepseuil. Tise cost of cestructing a combined ire bouse and W alko ia-na-okoabi ucaal t any drug store, will --,diry, as lise abore, wouldbe about $250, !bond bont aleadily ever life's grind- foften suffice te harden a tender akin 0 if brick is used, or $159) if it is aIl made astone, w-ho ian nflagging in work, who andl prerent irritation, et wood above 'the foundution. We a lasbex4-tdoohsbs, New ,Iiisurmne Writteil- - would use no woodin l building tise dairy yawy oepcelt obsbsWiryneck. \Vc we4l not oaly hure tise w'ails of wbe ci-es not sink lato a calmaoi to a Truc wryncek, se cuiled, resuits from In 182 ..... 2803,17 tone und 'brick, but Wouid arch, tise teinpestuous burst et encrgy, but Mydiyoeha ihtesie matra eclti oaskpnguthsedy Lacnrcino ucawihcn In 188î7...... .,502,820 se tisere woulil ho notilg te rot or be- 1rglrt fataewn.\le lei,1iat lasdo h ed utbhu 65 ceaie, fout anil givo bail adora te dam,- rglniyod taewid hb el el i id th atise hetpjofthei in 1892 . 10,001,9 uge tise milk mnd butter. Tison W'ailsat abool the plodiler wiîî nevrn" andbclW iecr ii is o tts ln 1894. 14, 880,23S' and ciings May howaseil iand scrub- itise eanly xnorning study. Ho wiîî con- beu-oe yts otato c bed, aniltise wbei-e roonm kopîlanlise boal scientiolisly disltrihute bais energy orerIbsmsltieLclafcureitd possible condition. cbosan ar th hlcoreo tde.Teny ooesi. Local Agents wanted in ail unrepre- Tise location cf the iebueai liyts ioocus tsulc.Ts nyl n ie snto iîîta 'dîs should bp ns conrenient le tis e u-htw- tiinga ta siil prereat his beimjg Thse sanie dotormity las smetimes pro- ing us possible, anad on a siopinu iillsidil, ho efc ttefns r atsent jenisystericul persons, or ilmamy be if one is ut hailan suris case let lise of timne or a want ef capmcity. WVisen rauseil Iy diseuse of tise rertehrae cf ireboue h ubrounia aigb exa-ho louves scisoni, andl beglus bis bsns ts k but su _ýn cscasesare net cases R. .L~~. STANL~Y, ration for tise uppon ed of building lite, ho xill settie dou-u te the exactetriswyck Inspeto ofAgens, oul mae itver covenint n fll-fulfilitacat of ai thse selt-cluimed rir-1 Il la net difficuit te distinguisis truc Inspetorof A eîît, u-uhî ako t ~ nnreî gnd f11- es wiici tise merchant pute lie b is 1 wryneck trontitis'spurieus fermas. Th re Buliging tiseire rouratisus sarîigon l Booms 6 and 7, Queber BankBik g deaî of lifting aiàlalbasious swrk- la cîrcular u-ien lho "solicits a continu- 1Lsla lteaileacy la diseuse cf tise spine, somecase ilmigit iilein ce et your patronage;"lise will ho ut- ail a costitutional nervous trouble in Bore csesit nigt b demedadv tentive, prompt asidueus. If bis work isysîonia; andl laatly, la true wrynie'ci, Ge.SIurl leif, Be'w'uanviIIC, a; tfentuc rioue ahn abenlil .1admit etfad,.nc.entthIreugis it lsaulway easy te feel lise tenso ýenera gent for Durham. soprate undl uprt tiepn frca tuily, iis eveninga uill be plannei out rmuscle wisheu the bond la forcei back Ctise ice bouse sieuarte aon fr cpo- for clas-uork and reuding, u-itiste te its normalI-otion. __________________- enionce la f illing, aniltise i dpro- stricteat view te tise exuminations Tise sueaaful.,treatmeat of wryncck bably lu an apzrlmat et tisebasemnn ih myflo%.Scl i e' sOvosydpnetuo nudr QUEER CdOCKS. or houscellar. Witis came srt cf a wsc m elu.Ssui oh soreayieeies nudr aragmntet sokinginan, hoe wîll'be more regular standing of ils cause, and, conssts lnaa --retrigerutor prorideil an arnea ta h sometimes deceitful suai. Aurgcal opeý,ration,-diriding tise muscle OseIlee isa BradTisi epi~oeî bisk ld a rrysatisfuctory, ail the tino gees on, thé plodiler becomes e cSetg itaat aeltIebru- wbolecocea would pnobuhiy ho as tisun trustwortyy ceg lu tise wonidsa ruohur boue. Thse h isll afterxvard te he fore- Tint.Ibat of tise combincil structure, us mest linm, mn impersonation of iuty, insus- 'd into position ail kept thero until a Breai,;u-c think, in tise mccl curions; any sort et a ciseup boaril peaura b ceptible te, impulse or fluctuations cf complote cure la establisiseil. Elertricity materiai ouI, cf wbicis a clock bas erer put up te, store tise ire lu. But -iore wu-ll. Tise more we deacribe hlm the and Massage e be ecu tried in suris heen conmtructel. Tisera das i uneatures, adire -ui pefce tis p lan cf re tbe diaadvanta.ges ot bis Position cases but wilis littho aurress. Il la un- w",an feturs, ve oul prferthePla 0£appc'ar le recais luto tise distance, portant alu-mys te keep the patient la Msay 8tili ho, la Milan a dlock mails cf building a gouil diry andi ire ouse to Pîoddiniq ladustry la sperially suited tihe at et general health, as the bread. Tise muker -w-s a natiye of Xli- ehe, angmake il of atae mcc brick. for crtan occupations. Tisene are trouble is oflon depedetuoap- an iloýeroleil tlre yerm of bis&tise duiry do net protheekinda of work la wbicis brilliancy bas culiar alata of iebiity. anh tn.we aspor adbi un1ay more routa than yen c'xpect to a I ,ne place, andin lasurisinstances tise Ia cases oet byctonicai- wryneek we have te~~~~~~~~~ tietek i wspur nlhîg iothe dairy la apt te ho made a store Ipleiden has the fielilteo iseif. Il 1i0 a fan more difficult,because a double, witboul moans te purnisase the noce- bouse for rectsandmailgetahles ta wtntcr, se witb maay forma et retail trade. At- tms-we,_ must trent the hysteria il- sary aidai for tise making of a dlock, very munch tetise dtriment cf goai tention, energy, and kesas judgment self aniltise peculiar forai it bas taken. ho net apart reguîarîy a portion of bis mîlk uni butter. are'tise ciief qualifications requirel," As lu aIl othor cases et an hystericul adtisese are ail in tise lino oft the plod- nature, Our patience and stre -t bread i cri day, cating tise crusl andl din worker, Many ofthtie ordnaary ho taxeil btiste utmost ta Ilrehe'ethe aaviag tise "etI part. Te slidif y tis~ traies do net speîaly tax ingeauiuy; mental perversion, quiet tise nerves, andl lie made use et a certain mat, ani wben Thrifty Condition,.ad the steady consientious urtificer toue up the system, generui-ly. Mas- useet au do tise work as welU as a cievoner sage uni electrioîty will do more la tise varions piecag werc dry tisey be- EceneOmy la feediiig is the beatus fd more erratie man, ani he ha.ail cases et aunisystonical nature than lu came prtectly bard uni insoluble lin mtna- Ve nai shm tood nd tra. hngranm sasrleP h9 ou-n trustwortisiness te, beot. FVen any disons. water. The lon sncbs professionsandasxnMdcine ani the Diseuse et tise vertebrue of the neck ketgo1tm as ut prescut tisero la no goil exuso fori uhpoesnsa ken ootise tag. lr -seiiielts aeuefrnraluigbssoklau- tise pledder wilIfini tirm uni rails et course, for special foranet Anoter srane clck as asib t0 icclino afales. Tbrity astok Pacieous staning-roô5m, .uni astenlis treatoent. Thseee may be bniefly istat- nome years ugo in Liverpool. Il a odpieinfeh hit condition cf yen by is sucres, The dortor whe as- ei as conasting ot fresh and 'nous lis- ouslrucled of pins, buttons, andi ail an ithse farta stock la desirable for: theo suduonsly attends te his practice, sud ment. A collar maie of lemîber, or rIs oaidauni enis, hy a pauper ne pn i b mma s-k trsou nierl My'e a4ldme Mrcer. Tise muker cf tisis ex- reason that btter healthin l maitainci may bc depesipowlhomca- reotertnt aera, ay o aunubly lna aivance ot a rival u-ho ia fâr wera te ruine tise weght of lise heuil traodinary timepiece Ihus descnibos it wuethe systeicf au animal tn gain- More clever but erratic. [ n tis us ra he spie it orettietn biasei: "isebaS ui fontet heiag a tiLle in strengli f romt the fodu-ay, in tise consultative branches et ilency te detormily. As.tise majqrity of elcaku-ere Maie f rens mon bei luthis, e maintenance.> A saua-atili state la the lau-, the plodder bas a great advan- cisnonic diseases et the boue are ot a w-ile tise barrel was part.cf a largeof luge' ,Hei tain bis eleaient, ton, xI roll- tuhenculous or scrotulous enigin, troat-i brasa fernie, tise ends bing brasa tit- 1tise met difficult le reaiize,. Tee little '.fne -ork. But ho La quite ont oethtie ment lu tis.s direction siouli boui- tuas hammereýd eut. Tise barrel ariser -,cf foui is more ansate as a poliry for ýruaning lu lau--court advooury, la tise edby ced liver ou mail ether tonirs. bhai origlaially hoon lise biaile et a 1'îrerking uni greuiag anilùals tisa a higljer branches« engineernin. latise Lteacuatrettepielet aioemaker's awl; the main aidsevonai imore artistic departaiente et literature. on aea caryreuflte uy p in cfWt oon erw-eehwr îtsn mr o nfote us iesrpu au neHe rau gel notorety--geaera.lly as a prersisting wrynerk. ,Sonstimas tise bass tisan suaLpeader buttons freintise dtecteil uni oaa ho reducci, but' a dc,- horse-m Congress, uni in rare instanc- proper dcrelopmnent a&tise face la inter- mhaker'c ou-n Irousers, w ile tise ceg ficiency may net ho noteil unlil seni- es, may make bis mark lu a miner u-ay; fereil wirs. or eren ulsaeîutely, arret- teetb w-reo prlions of hygene knitîing'oua dectine bias resulcid. but. politiral competitien is as a raie, ei, on tise affectadide. ceus ie osc ie otr Tepatient metisois te maire murS lipres- w1 lbocsai iieen bout rivets. In esstahherbi nsniguite enfrbi oetubltc n dual tisere uere 100) sopurate pieces. sumumer sisouli ho ted liberally lanFis- sion. The pledier, bou-cver, lias machFoaCo ntsHed _______________ ary andl Marris previena, und ut tise teencouragehl. Ifihotaeu-Head.n WOR 0 AsaiLEnAYe tome shouli hare lberai exorcise ougis to persevere steadily un uisely se- Put equal quantifies of lodine, car- WO-OFASIGE A. -the treedm et. a large lot or pasture. îecteîu-ork. ho -may -be assurie bo cmicmio m im~al and uill be botter barioneil for latergrîtiag sursaf.týq oi cd apo n mcai ~sa h~ e-dnorrthe surface cf e were rir.-Pope. mebgtiehut uabre e tbe nasal passages. Puinlessaund de- There la Ibis gond lu reul evils-tbey oahn h er utbvt ligistul te use, il relieves ntnl ar Hints. delirer us, w-ile they lasI, freai the ciseisi;st; oe and jey, uni son- uni pertaaneutly cures caturris. iay petty despotisai ef l that w-rslai- rou- lara asometig wltis passion lasp, Loýver, colis, beadacise, sûre throat, ton- Tise £armer ioes net bave se murs aginary.-Celten. ni' perlis. uandinl itsei-t te mhies tara- ,;,vilt is . da e 60 ens, li -pressing worSlan winter as in summen; I To the thinker, tise mont trifllug ex- Lnflow 'b ruggentsn Samepleofbote ie- mailwisat u-ork Seobas te do tee oftton 'ternal objet etten suggests ideas, iAdvertWsng la a plakten w-hidi mbr- st~p5,S~G. DetcisQa, 44 Churci s t., dees net briuginlucri cash. Wonld w-kcb exteni, linS aLler linS, freai cb.nts put on tise w-on dte dra'w busi- Torduto. ~~~~it net puy te give moe attention te uh ehae.Blor esete l 0Ohlidren Cry for Pitcher's Castorla, And" so wllyou wlhten you begiuWtaGus,- Just stî'orig enougl to cllsù and yet so mikiý that' you rnlighr wash an infatwith it. lMlore yahiie în a téiu-bar SE Eçlipse than in ntany soaps of twice thp cQst. Trysit. MANUFACTURERS, oR OQTO. East End Gî,rain Depôt rhe uindersignied desire Io thaik the tarmïers oft West [)urharn for the liberal patronage extendod to -us duirinu, the 1 ,,àst season, also to remind themn that we are stiliï-n themrk and prepared to pay th ý H IGIE{EST MARKEIT PRI1CEý ALE KlND S OF C D Sà'»E; -,GR î%1 ezSUEDS1) '3' .el.ivered at our storehouse cor. King nd Goresiets.or at Port Darington. We have'als ogand a-a' ok NEW ANDFRE$H, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse iaiin CR~kSI oic cýtL1a and horses, and Fresh Ground Ge1reýy Pi>ster in Ba-rrel 'whicli we are peae osi :~~AP :F D :a 2 aASTT., ý AI' kinds of Lumber, Wood ancidRYCLEAN SOýRE E N E COA.L d1ways in stock. Wo invite inspection and g1ààrLnýteP afsatia WÎiI1 e vIeased once in ÉQuaniity, Utwice in QuaIhy, and tare limes pa in v-ýüewho I ie he Ullequalled asortnat of Sti*ppers, Rubbers, Truinks, Valises, &c,,, Ai our Miore, m-IBEA1VEU RBL@Cli, flwaaamvl BIQ&,£$,rTSTFOFE, BIGG& T -VARI TE" BJGGE:SW -AULUE, Eweryboidy invit.tî to É~alland see, »xjivw Co o t -é r Easter Thiis Year oÙÀ015 lers Easter Sunday this y(ýr f&oll-cn prl4 1tý 'i ý hêt d5 àhI~th 5 .and Shrove Tuesday, iýcb~e el(Xse f to y tha± Gný hollnot ~yiêIId bu the carnival season andril, b4isa. sýd e 5f iiis- the Latin countriie-"'fitsl 11 Àçý rfurjýa1F 8Pso . çýUt The establishment oftb- h r':ti'n Ls ýh11V I ,(i or f'h,ýozri3s rection of the Lord! W ývaA'àk1ttÇei' ed at s Mly thtî ý' 'P: r much controversy itu 'the <2bmrob1 it i iý h e1sgfox~~hs centuries, but Nwas fi ,Y xiýehio ~faiiIt t(>Ii t the O qiiëiüpfts of the Gregorian ca16ekd5a-- Wpte, y4s 1 r~posiomindee4d it w0altd 3Pim- Roman Church irk 15ý, of bLe an t:kb M always the f irt të a 1.wfiU . i pîýo hl sG j9peýb rv moon whiehhapq p1-[ýt1after -P ýta Vhirachesan.dpains every tLme Mardi 21, which dah-,isýtlý% Lesh st paým ofzsery wçp, qcross the etedesiastical jyèii. U" réte 1 tiré u Che rr..of: usi earliest date uPen il db ié-*I s àrcfuW ttio jYhko occur is, Mardi  ' If hi drt#Aar,-,ft6idây =1 should Lall.on Marclx 21,shtýLvr Ïttê 4nd her td feet, anrd alincitfb*Ok- following Sundal4, we s%,est [<jti ts. Andidi -%,n aYthis ia fight on whjch the fel4val m yfaIl it ri ITPj -i wP&uld bencfi' ne0 or themn 25. In 1761 a -188 â,-,te1r- eU ý 4 an$hboçly qe 'andwoi4d1sm Mardi 22, but thât t o etfr ýgaI41 tUnDe bothem and theifaxxýt1 e-. Ta in this or the üexfeebnyW I I188 eP 1P, bteOr c along, J al- it fell on April 25 anh wifL'do sO, - gstber the b6*ayt To ýré,to la 1913. - ýqkl4 to plisimui pain andiiieprk ýàf is 1[kA-s sin maiy Insatanoes, dri#en it out Before and Afte4, 's ud allow'ed1 the sufferEýr to regai±i the Hsn.Idou'L L ,ir ý-u.Ào)wad,-aYs oma odiin expressing tb - h t l a, î5 .----------- godand bard, il,ý4jen3t ou goç yqor cuItr stilli. K. 4IDNEY? TROUBLE, N. Pe6ck. ;No,. I'aýmriuld no"vi'dTe1a.o il so'Lvs ýnb w'e have a know hsbel in Che oel r', TeBie0 Vlloigo~LV~ n The diseases that we-so dre-a(jilo nfot THE PAIN L E T QUICKLY. coule upon us ab t oPD. Tbý are -- a tr of* grwth, The sad tsews Rheumnatitem of Sever.Yea s' Starid4ig is On!Y tOO commOnof ~ friends wlio have CuedAuin auP'ew t>ay(lied of l3right s dsase, diaheteand 1 have been a victim efo£ rieitnat, -1ih ~' opIig.ljano ha for seven yeais, bing copfilned. te bed in tho systeïfli of thousands êis the f or montis Pý,a t i, e u e, 1 j11ioturn h -0 ds t ia z abrt timne willi dlvelop ,myseif. 1 hare he-1 en t«4 jý liy ýii lu et othepse- read maladies. Disasaluof physicians ili tb-i part fChe lhitrY, 1the kidiaes in ifs mildest foraner noue of wcm([enftt h w no 1P9stanýd, ,cill, The warning is . vwýrth faith ian e ~~ur U~î~ .bulIt eediiLg tbtlefforts shoui-li e prompt- my wife iindàcea ml - uÏ -td à ott itle1 of ift ) nLoeradjoi(ate the sflgbtest South Aerb-l h umbiieC, frona ~mpOmof kidney discase, and lun Mr. Taylor, dugst wýi oud tSUt AerianKidncy Cure ïla ound the time 1i ,,assUr1~ . u c and saLe jremedy ,for ever form pain, libt asidie caî1~p>E~5iter of LkîdnCy vtrýouble. 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