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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1896, p. 7

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Ti -i M ? wde wprld. Fcrget a Lso thlatex iwi h to incileate habit, and fathe anld SOII PRCTIAL UGGE~flNS. fl2ter have it in their pdower thus SONEPRATICL SGGETIOS. iletlyto teach their cilidren in many Science is "knowing ho\v"- a pleasntway,Nwhen they are gather- Thie only secret about POTA ÔEs. t« i>rd e cuserdratth Scotts Emusionis years Potatoes baked in their akins should In o waývýy en thse precepts of kind- Sct' m linhave a piet:e eut off the end.s 1efr ie- good will te eaeh other, and sacri- f sC 1è è e. 7 ýen Ina e n akngin rdr tatthe steam.ma i -or eatch other, 13e ixare effectively Prepaad inthiswaY teY a earnad than this, in thse teaching tI large quantities and by im- escae.Prepae xti wyte good. naanners at ýhjîe. JIght and dry when eaten.- proving mnethods, an emul- When boiled, they may b3c prePad sion must be moreperfect, in thesie way, and tis h e i 4 N ERVOUS -HE.-DAORE. thà'n whien made in the ol d-I just before s,-ving toe4ech iridividual. time ww it otradPotatoes are unquestionably dryer and A TROUBLE THFAT RENDERS THE LF ay \ýih norar nd fixer of flavor wbnn boiled in this O P 0F1MINY W0MEN MISERABLE. sý2etie a Ièw ounces at a than wben pared before, cookiiïg, . - ty&ne. Tihis is why Scott's ut-not î 'e l eCEýSSar e rves Ale wr fer 'f>vaede y ea y ise aro nul1ùsion of cod-Iiver oil their being cald wb ' n eaten, as they Tbic w t.AggR4ýalvatc by adny 1>lscs Li ~~~~~~~~grow oold rapidly afte r kina are re- TlsIo eRg.i clhai lpi .ne ve r separates, keeps mioved; and of ail tbings pota tees sbould vglhSit'FasReod swèeet for yeradwhy b-e hbot ia whatever f erm tbBY are sqer- Fe1 ieSit' aî eei every spoonful is equai to 'ed, uniess it bain a a old îaalad. Ltg 1 CSuns of the cord bganwtepbliofDr. every other spoonful. An not regarded in good forin te placB bil Williams' Pink P i re'prý,sentatives cd potatoas upon the table in their have f onnfd thLt aî,jf tise w onderful even product throvighouL sins.cuf erff>etet bSiti secie av In otiier inulsio .5 yeu are liable te get For friod potatopes the skillet should msen as . well as men Who 11avc foniidÎ aun uneven benefit eittber an over tir under dose. Ont Sctts. Oceuine lias b3 hot and tise butter b3e tiereugislY relief are eager te let the f1act,ý b- a, salïnen-colored wrapper. hGt aL-,o-that they may fry quiokly and known for t~bnfto ohr~ifr lab&rb as lii tlss grease as possible. F i t X e rs Maas.d potatees, býesides1 being md V I v Y " sineehswish a naser, should 13e beaten ________________________ ligisi witis a ftak, a littie milk having ByFOJI uS.PUBLC AIS ALPbeen addeti. lu tiis way ail iseâvines IB.FOR, 'ilFPUBIC ND AI,1 spnevented, antithe greâtest lilgitness STIt, *fl~CEFASNO.asd creamnmeas secured. Atter boileti polatoes have hadth ie water poured ti frein tisi iey sisoulti 1e spriukled witis a littie isantiful of salt Syru p o R~.ed tove. La tisa wy tbey beceine quite syrupdry, anti even tend ta break, se per Spruefetyiîsailstean> anti moistura ne- (P liMashati ptatees lcft over frein a IU 1-n former ineât may form a dainty diis if ~2L4 11 eilk and beateu eggs are added, and ForCOUUI, CLD an al LNOtise wisele bâketi andi bnowned ,nioely For OUGH, CODS at al L n aa dishin letise cran. Sait ahouiti 1e AFFIRCTIONS. 25 cts. a bottie. Sold raixed with tise potalees before baking. evarywhere. No vegetable soulti 13e serveti re- peatediy anti continuously in tise saine KERfIY WATSO'N a CO., PROPRIgTrORe;wây. It s sa pleasaunt and stisxlatin bo afeltiings lu aew ferres. nt (3> 47'XTIEAL.longthwise la quartera or ixýteentisa, tis.vegetable la deliclous wisan trop- pedixa hot butter and lard mixed andi brow'ned quickly after tise mâneer of BICYC LES ,i<When there are ne bak ti potatees te KENOORI3DERCRSC "-"us for breakfast,' everyone knows that CRAW FORD andi SPECIALS. rare eues nay 1e slloed anti fnieti qnck- N5W ?4nSSCND-ANb 1TThey are more apt te 13e soft and m r/'.W A erymw0Here lgit if a very 113.1e water la dtied ln Getourpricesaudsavemeney. ts begineiang anti a e,,ver plaoeti over Catalogue Free. ig'beau bo>t batore tiese aie-d potatoees __ T. W. SOvo & SON, w'eca put inte sesillet. Lu & few mmn- n6R5. Notre-naine t., N'ontreal ts tisa ove-r may 1e removeti, anti - - __________.they mny eontiaué, te fry for a little j, i whiie. RI-P'N-S -The rnodern stand- U~ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the 'r-ornon every-day - jus of humanity. z, EGGS. For pos.chisg eggs, tisât mosl pains- takîng way cf eooking thein, tisane are Mposmhers te ix bati made et tin. TbY neemble a tiny set of gem lins, anti have te 1e plac3d ile a sbaliaw pan wIîcis accoinpanies tisem, tise cever 1e- ing set tigist over ail; andthie, ste-amn soelts tise egga perfei'tly. Eggas poached In this way neyer touci tise water; but ire nens.veti frein tise butteceti tins in round neoultietifrs, as littie or a* mucis done m dtesicet. For boiiig eggs tisane are new tihny barrel-like poncelain receptacle.s about thes ise cf an egg, lie owicistise e gg fla braken. Tise top is thoan acrewed on Sedurely anti the- utIle porcelaix egg uea~l put in boiing water, andthie egg bsied exaetiy as 1i l ren uits own siiaii. Wiseu done, tise top L% scareweti off adth ie egg la reaaty te t- e aten u44'hno tf urther question in reg'ard te ers. Among 1 hem te'Mr. ,James COtl- nuinof tL'e îomr2L et Wclord Sufferer frein Sever'e Headache.1 Tise lady refored te was for twélve years a constant suffrer fr(ia e nervoGus- naesa, headache and kidpeýy trouble. Hav- 111 read se much Pb'u r. yiiaa Pis kPillasse deterinied te gîye i'V> ,r a trial. Their use for aott~ brougbt a great ,4,, %roVeni ~at f ter taking tiséje for afbot,~mnhts nervous headaishe iii idi ytrul Ieft ber. Tise degre c of tba1kfuje' fet by e who receives su(uis reissas1 tise above cau better 1 magnedtissu desribd. Here are Mrs. Cietnam's woI ds : "If you could only knoiv or if i couiti but tell of tise intense suffering. wisich I have eptinreti and tise many s eepless nighîs L have spent ia mental and pysic aaony, yen would net -w\on- der at tisedegee of tisankfuliess I feel for my restorati o ehealth."' Rer trouble waa a continuai dréad te her, and for a long time preveaited iser frein doing any wock. Since using lis" pilla aheist as well as ave-or te use her own wods-'«fully restored." Ln this bouseld Pink Pilîs are now iooked upon as eue of tise necessaries. As is tise case ef every gooti cause Pink Pilla have mucis te centend wvitis; apurions articles have been placeti on thse market, and, tiseugh inl appeanance and cler tiay inay resembie tise genu- ina, tisey have an altogetisar different effact upon tiese ystem. Tise witer was once in a store wisen Pink Pilla were asked fer by a custemer. Tise dealenrisadn't tisein but said that he bâti semething "just as good." Tise pub- lic are warned againat-t bis "mast as good"' acharne wiiciis teeofteanaesorted te, by senie store-keepers. It siionit 1e borne la slnd tisut Dr. Williamns' Pink Pilla are a specîf ie for ail diseases arising frein an mpoveisheti condi- YOUNGi FOLK,5. So Sad A very wise anti ageti owl Dwelt in ahollew Irese, 48 Wise andi a %vl;qwbsaU de,- àrs l cnate me. B3Y daythiss v&1ýeanti ageti ewl ~lpsail Wise owls shsotidiz By 4ight se laughat an owlet sehcxeL, Ot buntet inx the Woodi. She taugit tise ewlets how te cny "Tnwîît! tuwît b tu-visoon"! Sisle shwedti ew how te searcis forý 'As wea-breti owls sisoni tiàO But O, alas 1 for th»S is vse owl; 80 sonnowtul hon tata 1 One nigitshaie Want te hunt for m11ic, Anti lingereti out se late, Tisât are sise neachati ber islireea Tieseaux bat galneet sncb iseigist. Tisât, netileg dusk, te tint hem way, Sise hatite ceashem fligisb. And ~a se at witis blnkleg ayas, As 'islili as any bat, A sinall boy came reIsh steaitisy treaC, Anti cauigisthem, inxissbat. Ant3 nirthat irise anti aget owl' (A--se lOowls soectiniies-do) Stands, ctuffet, upen a santal siseif, Anti ne more cis Tuwhion!" Queer Puzzles. Maere are sema curieus tislurbances eoflise logic eof braantid limensions. tuulyhesa niy bsaulely aune thing wak o f-ext is at lise explanatien taay b13e we bave le-iriser heats tisan ours: Take a strip' 0f paper or cartiboard' tisirteon incises long anti five -Wite,is giving- a surface et si*xly-fire incisas. Now eut Ibis strip dl--gonally, as trua as Yen eau, girla'gtwe pieca lun tise shape et a IriangÀte. Now measura ex- actiy f lys incises -trom lise langer endi ofeé sdi stip ani cu lu two plaes. Taise tisesa slips anti put tisem mb tisah shapej et an ex*.ct squareý-, antii il seul appean te ha oj ual igih inctisseacis wsy, an sixîy-four square incisasý-a boss e n sýquare lisnchf sprii easunainan.t Nvith ne disinuluiion t ur Th. ie 'qùiestion la, rebat bcons.eme,4 ftbtis î Herc is aneistir, stillinoseapuzzileg tp temUddy appraieasýion Oif tise -- rS-- did teavitig seven een camais te 13c diided amcng isis time sens la tise faIloewtug proportions: The I abdetil te have hait, tise seceati a tisird, andt, tis yongast a nintis. 0f moursel camais cannot Lha iriteiet Iefractions; se, ix tipair, tise brotisera subinitteti their difticuihy te Mohaniatei AIL l."'Il lent yeu anoller. caite iae aigi- I-son, anti neivdivide, tisas myouinseIvâs." Tise consaquanca w-as cacis brother gel from ecne-el,-gististe enaç-hatfet a camai niole btine hakasentible-te, antiAlil recebvati hbis camai bacis again, tisa oit- est brotheiýr gelting nina cais, tise sec-' ond six andthie tisirti two. An eptical puzzle: Cul a piace et pa- par into two ceasentS or two quartons et a fiat ring. Cul the wiole. pieca mbt sucis a quadrant first,. anti eepans.te t raIe halvas by a single cnt. ýSet oe, aboya lise cbisat, ne that oeagiance wil covr bots, andthis upper eue will ap- pear smalaer anti siotar than tisa olis- en-se etucisse tisât withsuîtisaecor- rective ot postire iowledge oneawoud swaar, te tise dtterenice, But change position andtihtsa ffect is tise same. Tise longer eue becomea lthe amallar. ____- thea sheli. This -way of ceokingaegga 1.5 tien cf tise nerveus forces, sucis as S.A Pi g 'or tise Parlor. Solentifio Amerloan especally nie tor an ievalid, fer eggs Vitus tiance, locomotor ataxia. niseu- Doffl your manina let you take tise Wg s uitable as food te h kae matisni, paralysia, sciatica, tise aftar e- tltl lge.i h ali o Agenoy for difficuit te prepare for ealing by any- tacts et la grippe, ls et appetila. iseai- el' ie oge ntieprer~ e aa confinedt t a ýsick lied; anti every ache is" izneas, chronlo erysipelas, acre- Vll ve will tell Yen baw te inake pi possible coînfont anti coavanliea soult f ula,' etc. Tisey are aise a certain cura semaetisât are sn cute anti funny nobotiy L e previtieti pr tise invaliti. for tisa troubles peculian te tise fensala wriî.îIlbject te tbeni. liiiCRANJ3ERRIES. systere, correctiiig inregulanities, sup- Gai a Ieonn with. a nice long stanm uld nevr lie tpressions anti ail ferma of fernale weak- o eka ned Ctasii oc - ~~~~~~~Cranbarries sasut0nyr 03 e ripe. nass, building anew tise blooti anti ne- O.psta a ni u mi oc or whex cookedt iey will 1e dark and ti reing tisa gîew etfiseltis te pale ant in. this stem eanti a little below lise -CAVRAT9, dm11n lran akn nflvr alwches ntecase useo stitile for tise pig s nmautis, leaving tise «rRDF.MARS, Wiile snime prefer these refrasiugber- affect a radical cure le ail casas arising wYest at colon tishenis neti for th m DE8ICN PATENTS, ries cookat i ns tiir akius,tisa metae- tror mnalwur, vewrkocC- n ceisnlayrPite fit on lis back COPYRIGHTSaeion aenifmentaandoonk overworkgantex- . Fo ifstatt& cad Cre VRIdoHkwtSe t a ste put usen tbraugis a col- cessas of any nature. Soiti only i ni.thst four me atcson îooispiclrs XUNN& Co361BaoÂADwÂY. 5mw YORKf. ander. tise skies being thus rem'oveti. boxas bcaring tise flrm's trade mark ant idtrstorhacsorotpik Oldept bureau Ïor scciring patents i lem. The, fruit sisouidt tisa i turne i luto a>. rrapper <pintet inl ret i m), anti may or otiser littho sharp sticks et ivotdi nte Evryhaet aknon btsaakrogtnenr out isci biygvearutsmulat IebâicfaI dugitso dret 135 oiyatforpont ehreyu isx a nobiebyetice given free ef change la the Nww* il ie pret nuddb 'do ildugsso ietb * '..~~.* ~feanwien tisa jelly bas congealeti. miyrinD.Wliaa hicn en legs ongist te ha. Tise f ron e nas fl8tXftfl ~When celti, Ibis jeiiy mooltisouiti ha paey, ]rockviiie, Ont., or Scienectadiy, 4ioirld lie a lit111e doser lagetior than lunne t the, is roundeti bottera up- N.x'Y. t 50 cents a box, or six boxes tis aiinti one, anti ailsouid le tisnust Lagei lreitlneaxy sietleepapein tbe vatupn a plate or ia a rnby coloreti fer 50. wall m tis te lain>anti 1e at a nl werid. Srlendldly III , trated. No întclllfeî glass tuis. For ail stâte occasionts cran- i~ se Piggie say stand tires. inaushort ed lbe withog, 1 tIl.Weekir.$3,00 a hernies soeuiti bceservat inlutisis wâyt.si ownsoneîo,; jear; *1.50 six menths. Address, MU N & 00.slket i dw oatms s UL aasa, 361 Broadway, ŽNew York Cty. Thse icis ctear reti ot tie fruit ot peciâly afler eating, se_ you nigàt w0".e~r- ~i,,a.' ~ eautiful la a icis reti glass tuais; antiCOSTLY FIDDLES. ruakaeonea cf yoors t1isât ay. Ailt'o aItItoegi s ucisdiasesa ar es a tareat -hava le do l8 te puais tisa isinti legs ix A VEGETABLE SALAMANDER. tisan fornserly, notiing la pretîler for Il j s§aîýItllai $;-p0,gokp e "le., ean OtT< mdfor a iltle fantisar, se tise reaqr ci eoitis -- fruit inoultis anti jellies efthtie saisie hue. die Lasli une lIagau i Used. lamant wtli rest-an tise table. 'Vte seaitk Anenieu. wooed at mesats Artisîlo anti aioniena affects I ThNext get soeapins tt ha e 11111:te rire. more ciarming tisan tises achieveti by Te beauty ant ivswetnass et Sara- black siny round boa de. Massa'wil tnigiti tollowiag et tise latest tasisiox sates toue ara ofttn commenteti on Mostllkely bave semaý on the cushion Tise Gardenens' Chronicle gives seime or tancy. by people wis e nver ltai cf tise toue in bier nos. If aba does't use thens, intLeresting titails con'ceniiig a treeocbigtaaywydetets iesae e eeber teas auatie or grand- ofClut awhe tuy meits tisaeismu fer soeatisanext tima yen are Coumia>vsci tClrood Manners at Home. s instrumesnt As a malter et tact, tisera ton a visit. Tisen you put twro f tie riopal otieraaut Tisete r- Prsaan igi iigixts d-Sarasate bas two Stra.s. Oaa is tise ne- tsemin laabes tise nase anti Piggie w iii therhoal odraa, f te rde po- eapsfn sldr thng i-theî > ownet Il 'Bissier " Strati., wiýlie ha ave tise garpo.st utIle eyes 7,eu even- ~teaeeae, presents a nemankabie poe aaios>of ciden shows ile vauei gati te seuetns ai frý1 0,sa>. Whittiaeout twe ear-shaped of resistanca te tira. In tise district of the tamlly circle more tisan tise incul- mana ei al o 100pieea f ofti-wonti, stain tisein wilis Rolm,%it s, ustmar evry eardu- otio. o god mnnes. athrs ndau heur or two bafona Hiii et London ink setiey wiîî look piak, anti pres Rouina t l cutoinry ven yertur- atin c goti aunea. aIsns ntisent au of fer for il. Tise otiser t san2tiseain la crntise yes se îiay nili "lop" ixg tisa dry qsensen, te set tire te tise mothons, eider brotisera anti sistens, that bâti bean useti by Paganini,wÈisa tic plains laintier te deatney ail tise dry shoulti exorcisei gond mauxars ah home casa te hia tisrougis iis son Aciille., Tia a littîs pieee ot grayi.sh-byrown %%edsrht, urngraismihtinter- as weli as teacis lieur b3eefits ta tise 0f ,ounsa tise latter instrument isas an -treine te a pin anti driva it Inhe1 anti fera witi tise growti of tise younge ttLtiyoungar isembers. Munis et a tamlys aet is fermlerweinathe ip. et S l au. >itdrctyops h tender vegetatton. This peiodîcai con-ofisore wrsp.ftal flagration naturally preducas tise mest h8pplu, la ideeti, dapentis on this, anti Paganini hati saturai raluable vielllas, Whan yen paint bis mouth yen <iatrous affects upon tise trees,wisicis thenafore noe n syo la a maember ot andtihie instrument which ise uset intt migist aise make twe lilttia iabs cf pinis gnaliually lisappeaar wiZiseut being ne- a family ciccle, witis or ritisaut cil - bis bter years-a Guarnerius, tiateti or reti aboya for nostrils. plaet. i I laditticult fer an et raesatedt iadesl gor ie1743--wult erobably comemantisoea- Yen hati bettarkeap Pi gin a lit- tnea, te'affordtanti alibionieraiseofortaething like £ .000, if it coulti ha put in hi'aoacga o ei ~)at ia young àla>teeoe one, on two years. A tact. Goo1l manners are as affective a tise markeat nore. Indeeath1e sun>Oetlha will net get eut anti boIser marr- sige- rn formas an exceVtion, and meâans cf building up gond feeling in £2,400 bas almeaaty been offereti for it m, sna tract- ne, bndmetinnetef used,. anti a repart w"s lately, moutis. for a laul. Twist tise string se tisI l tia as îbov ninitnet-th abouaislticicla s eu 1e funt, btcirculatedt tist£10,000 isatibeau tnieýti.tie tail wîîî cun anounti nâturaîly anti yisorala. Small, di1storteti, anti scraggY, unfortunateiy, tisey are narely fouidBUt ts ntuetcant1esi.Pagz- cli f ea elaeaoîa x g.n isvlg areitiant deolte ppen-thora. FaIsans andti eses are apt te anial isait bequeathistl te tisecity an)ce, Ibis trac net oniy tiens not suffer thlnk"goed manners tion't malter for et Ge nos, andthie municipal autisenities cia tisa tira, but daives profit tisane- berne use." But tisey are mistaken. t hn r onyaiet ievlec nroie. Il graduaily esltabIssies itseif inis la sidti at "famiiianity broeds coen- tise Ireaaura. Tisey bave it bastowed otiTsElpatRa? JcaIîties abandeneti by cther trans anti tenipt," anti ertaleily, if it doas not in a glass Case in thea recasa ot a ivall, uldTiEopatR d? inztails lIsait tiseneix. We hava haro.gotiaItI bas a tentisncy te cause whîch la agaix oencaset lisahavy Frenchs Speakia' about animsais, te sy ex-1 k itvery *tropical casaetfa surrivâl et tisaenchlis semben eta tamily te oossa tise plate glass, tise wisoie being closeti 1y' penience tisa elepiânt la tise sînânlest fiLtesl. t, alune capable of nesiting check ha or se keepa uipon bis feelings, amsiedo.Eeytosaiats fts ieecboie"siits xea rir, wtne~sts isetilappanacecf ls spelaiy u iis eltsines, tsouisseaisare broken andthtsavielinLa,3 play- vasman. 11 1nemambar bac,i, lui' rivale, ant ist sean le gradualiy encroacis when among strangars ha fletisiissoet edupn foabu l nhuritewe 1as ihBrum leEp'r upoil au always more extendeel dosain. expectat, anti atinet compellbatecon- pneofn ton otichai, ansod tse itsoe one wa ieBarudrs>eEm're Ilt,3 ýsestancp te tire is tue, ta its bark. trol ldmaait. -aeneofct ofciiani1,a t eraione dyof ecoft.ra". Tfh(ý , derna portion cf tise latter, more Mny-wo giere te aay mosit pecpîe ilreplaceti andi put ntion municipal "Ocmof" t a, tIfanichthirend fernsetiof 'n0ttnrde aalssnteva n aal. Tsjo, of course, la' doue to keep "1 wen't conie cf fineitisr. An' Il t.isP at a laisresiisfati Medengndcondiion çsýreeainteyen a aouttwosixtil (Jdcolisafbes , rslibre a pro- kird la thein sanners towarti tbsaltPaginuetiiodcniin t eyn naottomnt. tcigjacket witis respect ltetise mare noarest anti tearest te thie, wiso yea Paionsiny caine by tise villa la a clr- elli as I was sayin', tise elti albow centmg n iig ataditi oswy A Freacis marchant lent isan gel into a scýrap witisah royal Bangai Iraiant liing art, ati h iis will ho kLnd anti courleous in company. tise instrument te play upon at a con- Ign anti 'fore wa coulti getl'ent sep- tht aeunes its triumph la its struggia Tis is net as lb soniti h. Emerson I fr existence agalest tire. says that oua must agrea te sacrifice cert nt Legisorns. Afton tisa concert aralti ho gelibis truik- purty, batily is own feelings semetîmas, te secuna Paganini brougist il backi te ils owner, jcawed np. Atter tiese acimmage was Mary Anderson bas a slipper wbich tha, pence anti harmoniy tisât shoultiwbntisa latter exciaineti, te tise de- aven, Emp'ren hae breaks loosa anti stants belangedte taMary, Quee t Scots. tirellinlu vary faniily,. ant ieho La ight. lij.hted îstoaisinent oethie playan: down the street an a deati mn. 'He's A 1-yar-ldcolonnetiboity preacler, No tamily eau aven grow nixgooti eics iore iil I profane tise strings gemn' wild,' somebody boliers. 'Don't Am1ed aph i Is3,as been cond e-felngatira br twr& nyeur tingars have touciet; tisat yen beliere il,' says I. New, wisere do ng ravivât services in tise district about otiser, tisât has net been tangist te cul- instrum en in yeurs."ish ae po- yen poetsaV'aeelpatwn IarmIând, Ind., turing tise pâst week tivate gond mannars. -pehv eul ui ats atrc o1 or two, anti bas atîracteti great cnowds "Gýod ti neuaren matie up'ot pett vielies. Sivori. rebe diat last year,-,as "Went te tiese urgoas I suppose. j '<>ttiaenes ati ati m n evrta sacrifices." Reruember Ibis, moî],ers, a pupi ot Paganlai, anti Paganlei pre- Say, can't yen get up a boter yann-" tise coloreti people. Ile ate andtia oar teaciing th ittle, seatat tm, wisen a yeuls, iith a vcry "N*y h intgot eanena Inieabeectïn mo te cr ns ye n e eb ete ftis - fine Guarnerisinstrsîumnent. It wassneither. Ha went atraigist te a 11111e gotenablkdieexc e rt artog tis -tces aolte ourkaelto h gnteaffection- tisemefone, but natunai tisât Sivoni sisoubt portmanteau sabois wiicisiadtisa siga jrusade by propisesying tisât tise worlA flect tist yen. araeislping yeun chibti iviiý bis viotia te reat beide Pagan- oneutwat a, 'rn ePidwhe - '4ruiti conte te an anti on Janniauy 9, te gnow np Êa mn uon woman wh, vinl uni s, anti se te-day, for a anal tee, you, yeu àl. 0Of course ha bat matie a yea, ati say sid isir onîîyleava an impression for great gooti on can see bots instruments iu tisa sun- uniatake, but what- do yen axpect of a ooda t 1 3e eady -oto great avent, tise tamiiy, andt ienetore on tise grant icipal niche at Genea. poon dumb brute?1" CNkl.ren CrY foi' Pitoher's Castoria, for Iftafls and GÉniîren. OTERS, Do You Knocw that Prgr~ 13ateiman'aq !rops, Godlfrey's Cri, manuy L s ed- QQeth!ng ruian mest rcmecdies for cehfld-ra are omos f opiUm or morphine 2 Do Ycei Xarj*wthat c oi m nd morphbin are stupofying mareoôtia poisons 1' Do -VTLU Kicbw thant l moat countrie:s ruggists are neut priitdto süll arcetirs tvthcutlabcinthese poLzois 2 DOo ou XKnow that yen ashmenîd net peni1aY mdcito e given Your Ch-no, -,~1asyou or your physician know oC whlat ài l couiposedi Do Yow Know tiet. Castorýia is a puyeîy vgtaepreparation, and tbat a ist of ,sIngredients is pnb!iýsect'eitb eve2ry bottîle? Do «Yen Knume tm""-oria l tise prescription C the famous Dr. Samnuel itcher. Thaý iL has been in. use for neatly tirIt37yLyeR 1j, anCî tIsaI moreC, astoria la new sold thau D* O iU lRiii>w that tise Patent Office I)cpartment of01Pthe Uited 8Itates, and of çther cutrehave ise xlsv iit te tr. Pitcht)r mdhis assigna tcp use tIse Yord Dc-o eu Kxs-v t3lsatone ef tise recaaonr.sfor graSing ii-,s geverfLmdiit p wcosa7 'lao 'vn ~nwthat 3à ru~edoses et Cas3Qtoa are unhdfo emits, or one Seit D,çdose Y Db oit IOs t'hüv t1ý 'a en peýSse e ofIis pérfect preparat:cn, yens cbfldren nnsy b3 leept well, and thsai you m'ay haive ne, boen rcs WU hse tigr, are worth,ým knoing Ty are faeda. ~j~Ir0 ry for Pitoher'e Caist orl5v. Foi" LhVJ. lt "iOIAJ&sY o J M'Xý\ ViLb[A' Honestly made oif pure Rubber. ;U>ýThin, Light, Elastic, Stylish, M%,odelled each Drbe Syear to fit ail thee latest shoe shaps Extra thick bali ,A SoId everywbere. They VWear lie roii. VWORLD'S SilIPPING I1 lis ensidered the mos cmpee ecr lever compiled. Lt laasfdllows: 0" the 1w'onaraauehoJe at taiTeoinrin ni Tise annual i;uràmary êf ipuldg(onre. toTa os o. os prepared by Loyd'~i~isterof 1.i itlsh Hsa~>~ 1 and Fo'4 Sh"ýýipldizlg bas 'piaf ý,b(en île g uni..* 2t issuMed. lttiso a t I t ie total Out- îîeiniark 1........52 ppt of isworldid n 1vnet including ...... 7 I.92 iv-à,iis't sabout 1,218.00tn, 0, 2e 27 4e~, il1+ 000 of that, being the total saiti tonnag: pe ly........ 2 3 10 12 13 ;for tisa year. As far as bcl>eng effý Il'Y 11 t 15 recorded, tise an t ofses. going rton- 121 ý......2 - t12 . taeoitalyIc belin tsfth le nntsSeu s.......i e, ' nage .euei .... w&s 700,0%0 tons 20,i. , a'i nd 41,),- 0 00 saili. Toe....2 10., . FoLt1saee f g*' p. nan 'e13e ý thiât While tise total output frei AseI igmiâ eu aipyards for thse year la plaeed at tis vevl's aiUsgtonagelis ben e-96,411 to>ns, tise output frein yards i duced 3f)6,000fl0tons duaring thé. year. and tise United Kingdolin was about 950,010D tise stean tcknniag2e' bas ixcreased about toue. Ab9>ut 20 per cent. of t13e, vesseleî,. 824,00 tons '1x&nche.diu England were for foreigit 824,000tons. cuxtries, and of tise veLsels built 60 per 0fýtise' newtoag launched, 1Eng- cent. were làanched in tise Greeniock dis- iand has acquired 6.9.5 e cent.' l'there triet. tla egtti tis tat England- ýpld wori trahedin nglmid ypa ')'o'386000tons te foreign owners, and of' wee auchd x n, n la(t1yeat thla amount more than one-fourti w ent vesçAis, a total cf 950,961 on._0f ta under tise Japanes f lag, which shows eùiiier 526 were stein 1.nsd 53 saiinig how tie Japeaxae building up their nav- warsisips were taLuk4chetlinla Engnd - Tise records shows that tise largeat lail(selsL launchOd outsi le cf England were' cluding tise output freinbots over- the German bark Potoi. 4,021i tonsanti ment and privat 'e yards. Tlise total eut- the Frenchs bark WVulfrau puget, 3,(0&2 put for tise year Iï;ro liritin sbipyards tn.Tiseffe vesseis were bît under tii. .La about 95,'000 tons tees than flor 1894, supervision ef Lloydis Register., but tise proportlib. (ifSteamtr onnage ýte sait lias materially îeesd The Knife in F-,anee. Ia 1892 qailingtonnage formed about Tise kuife is an 1ls»istti1 rie, weapon in 24 per cent. of tise coniut; in 1895 it France. Henry III. and Henry IV. We"e formeti about 5 per cent. TIteeoin killed witisone; Louiis'XV.was wol.nd- panisons show tise remajxk&iste declixe i en 1 nf l ie ad f ai» tisesailng onnae ettis wtsid. in 1757, axd il wa-s witi tise knife tisât Tise surnsa.ry ae say.3 tist 98 per tiseD,!ke of Berry, an heÎr-presuntive, ceut. of tise steam tonna-ge and 97 per te tihe French throne, was mnrdjeead per cent, of tis aig tonnage was bÎlît by Louvel in 1820. Titsa, in usixg a of steel. Tise larg est eamers launched knife aantCretieaacss a in tise year wer esaGeorgie, 10,077 tons; saSsin fotrowedalogleofpet- Victorian, 8,767 tons;, and Armexian, Set- stbyrgias ix Frne o ce d 765' tons. Tise largest saiiing vefflel was enast- eiedsi rne tise Iranian, 2,958 grom tHer-nage.ng Tise table wsici Sfollows shows tisar alig iminber of vemeIs, mnercisaat and wax-'~ How tedious t le playingwiswu. shipanad their tonnagebuÂttin other such a partner as tisat Miss Gadabout 1 ontriea outaide e. mgland. L x Yes;I1isolieve tliat girl wouid auk tise, ohadea ev*e r mse1 a1boe100 toM, 4and angel Gabriel 1"lhato tru»lp g1"

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