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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1896, p. 8

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SPRING WEATBER CHANGES the efficacy 'of Sctt5DOUsparll write n ARE THE CAUSE.* of thefollowing before purchasing : 014 I tt Sver.t sffeers-'reeutMiss M.J.Gould, Lloydtown,Ont.;J. Morrow, Age t e ueomet- asaaffa"chant, Fullerton, Ont.; Wm. T. Thomnp- -thge ytht uof Se.ott's Sd saparill son, Zepher, Ont.; Geo. Denham, druggist, -thtgrctestof prig Meicies. Petrolea, Ont.; W. S. Bond, inerchant, Lloydtown, Ont.; joseph Duncan, farmer. LaGrippe, sore throat, bronchîtis, pneu- Petrolea, Ont.; Miss Hattie Delaney, 174 nsonia, infiamniatory rheumatism and heart Crawford St., Toronto; M. N. Defoe, muer- disease in the spring get in their deadly work chant, Zephyr, or Win. Cornish, Fullerton. When the system is not cleaned oud and Over 5000 other names on application. propared beforehand for coming climatic Old people, and yonng and middle aged as changes disease in sorr- form or other - well, should fortify themselves for spring by sudd'-n and fatal or lingering and certain-is enriching the blood and purifying the systesu, -tsme t Io olOW, There le only one pastable and effective Onedir will boy a boule of Scott's medicine for this purpose and that is Sarsaparila; one botleis1 a sure guarantee A against the discases of spring; every reliable c t ' dealer keeps this k.ing of blood purifiera ; ask, for it ; don't talze anything else. afyucn flot get it in your own ne1ghburhood write to ! a s i the inanufacturers, Edmanson Bates & Co_, 4ý Lombard Strt et, Toronto. TRV Scott's skin Soap). BOWMANVILLE, MAIROI 4,1896. Townsh i p of Darl i nton J Gilbert, sheep damages. S Snowden, do. . R Ashton, do. J Ranton, gravel ........ I Salter, do........... J Balsorn, do ............ 2 66 2833 1200 2 40 20O5 8 25 FREE! FREEIý If o sufer frorn Kidney Disease, Lame Backz, Diabetes, Brio-t's Disease oW lr nvalmnnfentcne rnrnli THE ASON Go. -. - - - 4 ---- ----. ----- t 5. s - - ------ -- 4- - ------ -4- . .- - -4- -4- -t h F I s ______ -.~ - ~. ~<-~ - ~ ~ July J. R. R. C ole, roadwork, 7 13 R. Branton, break'g stone 10 00 G. A. Stephens, grading.. 19 20 Aug.R. Branton, break'g stone 10O0 W. Moore, graveling.... 75 00 J. Veal, roadwork..... ... 500 Sep* J. Darch, fencing culvert. 5 80 Nov. C. Welsh,ý work,......3 50 A. F. Carscadde , proteet- jflo culvert ........... 6 751 J.. R Cole, work......8951 Total, $ 2463 75 Divisim; No. 3. Feb. S. Trick, shoveling snow $ 4200O G. Short, do. 30 April W. Welsh, fixing bridge. 400 May J. Armour, work.......8 00 H. Flintoif, build'g bridge, il (JO G. A. Stephens, cedar. ... 10 00 June D. Clark, blasting stone., 50 J. Armour, work........... 50 'White & Nichols, breaking stone ............... .... 500 J Arnott, werk..... .... 1300 H Flintoif, graveling,.. 13 98 W Gîmblett, do ........18 00 July W White, breaking stone il115 W Gimblett, graveing ... 300 W White, work..... ...... 682 T Nichols, graveling, etc. 10 75 J Flintoif, roadwork------.130 J Solway, breaking stone 50OU Sep. W Aldsworth, work....... 200 Nichols & White, buildingý culvert.. ................ 800 J Snowden, grading,... 21 28 Oct. J Balsom, do.....16 50 W Gimblett, do.....22 36 Nov. T Nichols, draw'g gravel 70 A Wyborn, spikes.......115 A E. H{enry, graveling.., 3 30 W White, breaking stone 886 W Gimblett, graveling.. 1440 J Snowden, do. .. 2600 Dec T Johns, work .....,..,. 10U uuCIny aiUncuu Wesareoy imropehave action of the kidneys or urinary organs Weae lagdto noic the confidence people haein this offer should attract you. Beingouravrismns Tiekowi h rsl f h ra convinced that no0 other remedy f o r aveîsmns Thse nwitersutotegea kidney camplaints equals Doan's Kid- care we exercise ini always stating exac tly what we intend to teyPsasti eevd eer y d i lerolese osa «enee iean tetint d teney Ùsasevded y undennble d.ieol se osa W eyrgveayatetontvd from sufferers who have escaped fromi vertisements, îts ail blow," Now three-quarters of the people the tortures of Lame Back, Kidney of 13owmanvil1e and surroundinig cc uiitry watch our weekly troubles and neyer ceasing pains by masof these wonderful pis, we do announcement as a matter of positive informatio.n, ard they not hesitate to make thîs offer, for while are the pople who save money. W are in close toucli with we lose the box we gîve you, w'e makepe W a friend that assists in the sale of matly the markets of the world and are always on the loo(kout fo boxes. t0M FUL L BOXES snaps, lEacli week we tell the people what we have for them, 0f Doan s Kidney Pilîs will be git en those who do not respond miss it, that is al, away free. Any person sufferino- with W r o iir oto u teto c e kidney ailments can get a box a~t the W r o iigms foratnint e goods undersigned address, until the suprsly for spring, and announce the arrivai of a lot of new dress is exbausted. First corne, first served, and only thisonue chance ofered.. Re- goods. New shades in plain goods, one special line, ail wool member this is flot a sample box, but 38 inches wide in ight shakes, onlv 25c. a yd. Beautiful a reoenlar full sized box of Doan 's Kîd- ney iVills, whicb retails at fifty cents. plaids, ricli combination of colors, 15, 20, 25, 36, 519. 65, 75, THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO., and 8ài cents a yard. TORONTO. Remember, Free Distribution 0One Day OuIy, We had -, busy week in the Jewellery Department, as a AT ~resuit of our special advertisement last week. About 20 or AT those brocohes at l0cts each stili left, also another lot were .STOTT & JURY'S Drug StOi'le 75e to $1.50 each, your choice for 25e each. Special prices ON on watches will be continued. Solid silver watches from $3 SATURDAY, MARCII 7th - up, ail warranted. t,- - -LI

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