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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1896, p. 10

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ý --.--------------------- --- -- .,ýý-, ----- - __ ___ Il , ý 1 ý able consideration of the claims of the ipositively acin-lit the po-,ver of interfer- If Proper opinion upon the merits of the tien of elecw , ,ral di%-is7ons couniv boun(l,,iries should bc pre ininoriLy of 1_14anitoba. ý once by this Government. Here is the, ' question. The investigation asked for 1 - 1 1 Ir. aly-These affidavits are ail lrfswer given by the, Governirlent of by the reply of the Legislature to t'lie THE PEOPLE'S FOLICY. no case parts of di!'I'crent cýýuntie.ý s',ioj1ý1 lIe put in one elecý prilited. ý 1faintoba to the amended order in 1 reinedial order should, in the Opinion 1 - Mr. Laurier-The bon. gentleman Couneil; ýhe undersigned, bc again earnestJY During its term of office the Liberal Party strove ta advance the interests O.-THJE SEMATE riEFzý'OT,*,FÉ-AP,,'%EîYDTHr-- cý7îî says they are ail printed. ý tede and in the event of the invi- of the country, and while in opposition with the same end in view-the general 1 Tlie rcniedy songht to le, applied. lis ý il! The prescrit' constitution of the Senate is Ïnconsister Daly--Certainly. 1 tation being accepted, the scope of the 'Jr. fraught v,ýUh great din,,ger to ilIc 1) e, . good-it has, bý,, resoititions and debates in the House, together with addrcs-,-,- . . ,Ifl,ý, .,cl(,,ýt inquiry should lie . ý n -- ý, , r-,riiiý'-i e -iment, and is in other respé Mr. Laurier-This is the kind of law of IýroviijeiqJ luitono,,ny, Ail l 1'lý'11("I sufficiently wide to P, ple in our syst'm of Goveri ar, - , we lia,,ý-- froin 'bis Covernnient. considenition of tlýe siibl ýý,'Ii :, ill'e en'iLrace ail available facts relating te througbout th(ý land, stoufly maintained its principles. The Liberal ý,,, ,,, c - K .ect, fisý ý', 1 ý 1 ý ý1 . iim' us the Senate independent of the people and uncontroý ' lice iii allalo- the system." 1 ' lý, 1'ý ' Mr. Daly-W-*Il tlie bon. gentleman re(,o,,'Ilizccl Coli sti'tntioli ai rnici past or present school lievi iLý in frepdoni of trade, freedorn of speech and frecdom. of cons(ýi,--ýý:- i allo-,v nie »O Cali his attention to the gonq cases, clearly lidicates tliat it ý 110111(l This is the answer, and are we to be- C" sive . 1 ý-,s cbaracter. This was strong'y exemplified by the 'lýý_ý:0"ý, upinion of the country, and should bc so amended as to br fact that à thes. afildavits are, print- ý Olilv be nificie uýýe of Ils a last resuic and toÏd Lhat in the face of this offer Pro ':' ,Cs ý Il 1 i 1 -d with the pririciples of popular g0veriinicru. ed. 1 inake this statement in rep1y te; iLfter the c1c,î9re,,ý3t i)o,,Sllý!e eýlse hÉIS been ý' We are to pass if by, to ignore it, to Lifýcrai "onvýýi,ý".()ti lield ai Ottawa, June, iS93, when Liberals Étom evcry s (-- ý , I, ifflc Oýlt. lt is obvious tiîat so clralýtie Dr--, t ý bis, that the people are depriveci Of thc! 1 -' ý. . 1 ? 1 claim that L:orý of thé T)e) -ei î,i«cn asserribled. and without any previous arrangcrr.ý,iýf,ý pro- IO.-QUESTION OF PROHUBI-ruON-A DOMIN7cÏn ý1 knowiedge of what these affidavits ec,,ediii,- as 1 î ýý cýoerc!ýn of a ý ro', InCe 111 [ . rample it under foot . - 1 ý 1 order to iiiip ýe ur,,oii it a polieY r,,)"-,-'lant! "' ire face of such an offer the ' - -1 ' 1- ' Parliament of C, Ce.eded at oncý, ,a iak-e cotincil together upon the political situation. Th,_ý i esults contain. jý to the ('ý 1: ý-eîl ýviý 7 s of Il ý , ;- 1 eý cal, 1 aruida should not pro, That whercas public attention is at present muc,ý di , - Mr. Laurler-I reafnrir whal T said j oilly be jý Èý-1 Ir, 1 ', ýý,r ,ý,ý!d !,ý:ý- ,iý_,ble 1 Ceed any further. Vie would confer of tl-Icir c1eU),_-ý;ý,1 ýý ': n of the admittedly great evils of intemperýnvc, i 1 - ý111" lUibodied in a series of resolutions which contain a sideratio kt rrionent eýgo, that is the kind et' lav," 1-11-0of Of fi,-, - -ý "t , ý 'ýýý,,-tloillg 1-1- Lile 1,art no benefit upon the minority and ilicul' 1 . 1 . 1 or the PrOVjýàèýal aulýiiority. ý a great danger for the future of this re-as ei-t:olj GL 1;',c 11illu' ,ýý pý;!icy nii out by the resolutions previously the mind of the people shouId bc clearly mccrtaijiýýd oý %vhich is ac;,.-ýtir.isterý.,d by one, of the 1 ' These resolutions form a platform upon Prohibition by means ofa Dominion Plebiscîte- Jticig«es v,7ho pretencled to adiliffleate ý Sir, here is a cleýî,r admission, as clear Cwifederation. yllo->rf"d intý1-.c ;10!11,ý, ýuýd Li, ":)ýi',c,,d. 1 _ýori t1irs case. fiere are afildavits 1, ul -7 ý ; Î -1 ' - '1,,,!)ýýr- . - ý -.- clectoral district from the Atlantic to the Pacifie 1 ý -lit in supp aý language can make it, on the part ARRAIGINIS TIIU GOVERNMENT. vil ,.! --be ,tl; iii . ,,,,,t ý' ý "ý,.DïýR. which w r brouc . ort of the 'rit - - rI. J t ; 1 - " applics te the whole Dominion. , ý ., e e , f the Manitoba Goveriýi---c thom ,,;!,ý;i -; mlf, ýýîýc1:,)JuJ i;t its scope, it , The THE LIBERAL LE conten'ti of the minority, and when ý 0ý(,Ives, that this Government bas the I arraign the policy of the Govern- 1 > î oIýentieman <Mr. MeCartlY), i -lent because, uDon every item in this COI'VC,-1t.ii)ýi is ý-1- t,,ý'ý.-t- Io ýýîý! g,-,ý,iius of the Liberal party. There ww; no divii- -i Hon. Wilfrid Laurier the Liberal party has a leader ,hc bon ý power to interfere, and that this Par- n Il who represented t,.e. majority of thelliament has t'rie right to interfere by question, lhey havebeen wrong froln sion or 1ýýck O' i,1,:11ýý', b'ý!t on the contrary, all who have given thought to and as descend-d in line of success People of Manitoba, statecl that if 1,ýgislation; but, as they very proPerlY first to Iàst. Why did they not aPý , . , , * ý , ýnt resolutions are uniced net only on the principles, mantle of IcadershiD " l'hich h, - [1ýa,ý,ý discussed the, (!i,ý,_,1., 1 IN, thesc affidavits were to go in, accord- 1 say, this is a nower which ehouici pioah, t1-i,ý Government of Manitoba 1 - Every one who wish sto know as Robert Baldwin, Georg a Jng to ail the rule5 Of evidellee, Ile'b.- exercised oniy very sparingly and in. a fri,-iýdly ,instead of the hostile but upon 'ho Jetiiir of týic,, policy of the Party. e He is a born leader of Men, firm, patient, stèadfast . of purr ehould have an opportunity of con- in cases of flagrant wrong-doing. But E'Pirit in whIch they approaehed It ? the Liberal platforiii ,,I-,r)i-,Id read these resolutions. They were framed by the t!7adicting thern, and rather than this admission by the Government Of When the last judgment was rendered libéral in every thought, and thoroughly Ca ý dian in his eý bave thls opportunity of contradictuig pa;ty in'Convention ,i,ýcLn!)Ied and form the platform of the party. 1 0 rýa î Manitoba is followed by an offer to by the Privy Couneil, why did thls illein. they were withdrawnand, though remedy the Prievances complained of. Government not go themselves to the 1 aspiration for thïï country, His charliiing ;eloquence ,as a 1 they were withdrawn, the bon. gentle-- What is the Inference to bc drawn People of Manitoba and say to them : everywhere in the Dominion. ý In his oratory, he cc man (Mr. Daly) says thaýt they are Resolutions adopted at the only Natîoiial Political from that ? The inference that there HPre is th@, decree of the sovereign 1 - direct and practical qýdaIities of the Enýýlislinan, resthetic an printed, and that they are in the is implied an engagement on the part tribunal of thls .land; here IS the 1 hands of the 1 publie ! The evidence that of the Goverliment of Manitoba that judgnipiit ý,;!,.Ich says that the Govern- Coir.7-ention ever held in Canada. teristics of thé highest atitraeiverless. _ý'iLLhough of 1,'ren,-11-( bas been withdrawn is evidence which as soon as the grievance bas been in- ment of. Caiiada and the Parliament of Il 1 1 fact in which. he takes pardonable pride, lie has been a close the other side never had the opportun- vestigated they are themselves prepar- Ca,.iýi,-71ý, have a' right to interfere 1 We, thc Li5_,ïaý VilFty of Canada, in convention assembled, déclare,: history, and a follower of English Liberalism. , His political ý ity of contradicting. That Is the evi- ed to give to the minority the nieasure thÎý, niattur. Do not compel us tÔ 1 1 ; - dence that Is to go before the people of relief to which they are entitled 1,I1;(ý ýliis ,-xtreme measure, but rem- 1 1 1 of liberty have rame ta him thtough the sarne' fouritains fro of Canada in order to secure redress the moment these wrongs to ý,vhich 1 -Ir tliiý gr!Lývance yourselves. ýllad 1 1 I.--Fi'%EE:R TRADE-REDUCED TAXATION. Liberals of British origin have'drawn their ýinspiration. As for the minorlty. This- is why this Iave alluded have been proved tg tllý_, 1_1'oýuri-iiient dons this it is POS, ý That , the custnnis tariff of the Dominion should bc based not as it is he is the pcer oC the most skilful and résoureefui of his conte Question is SO diflicult Of settlement- their satisfaction. Nýow, 1 pass sible, iiay, It is very probable, that the 1, _' It is that we are going to pass a law frà,rn ibis consideration, which is Govpriiiiif iit of Manitoba, in the face riciw upon the, J)rofý-(-tivt principle, but u-pon the requirements of the public made no miý,t,-,ýýU'ýý or mis-stûpýî since his ,1-cc'ez:sion ta the le to-day forcing a system of schools un- the main argument I have to of thai, (1(.(.ýisiori of the Privy COunc", service ; that the eý,ýý,,tIi)g tariff, founded up'on an unsound principle, and used tiie pLýopIe in the co on the majority of the people of Mani- advance, to another consideration. 1 would have accepted this friendly ý. either in Parliament or face to face with toba upon facts which. the people of know. that there are eminent,,autibori- suggestiOli. Why did not this Govern- as ,it has béer b", thc (ýc)vet-nment as a'corrupting agency wherewith to keep the gencral elections in i8qi wiLL, a manliricss, vigor and te Manitoba never had an opportunity of tie 1 s who assert that the rigbt of the ment send an amba.ý1sador to ,Mani- therriselves in offl"e, 1),'I', dc-velcD--d monopolies, trusts and combinations; it bas drew from his opponents wordý; of unusual praise and respec contradicting. That evidence may be mýfjortty rests on the sole fact that SeP- toba? Why did ti-,c,,,- not do at first v true. For my part, 1 will be disposed a decreased the výJu(ý oý fýïrm and other landed property; it bas oppressed the has 'isited Ontario every year at least Once, and sornetimes to belleve it; but I arn not disposed to arate ý Schools were abolished. Separ- what they did at the last hour ? . S' _ýIiooIs ivere established in 1870 ; Wby did tlleY not c- iwelve months -ich tii,-,iit of a few; it bas checked immigration; it has. caused le of this province. In 189-4 lie net only toured th. attach any importance to it unless the n . 1 1 Il 1 ý went ta Manitoba, the Territories and British Columbia. 1 the,,- ývere abolished in 1S90. There are ago what they did last week, ,V%,he - great loss of popiiIiition - it bas impeded commerce; ithas discriminated against Government of Manitoba have an op- 1.111illent authorities who hold that the they sent my bon. friend frora Mont Great Britain. -1- n theý,ýý and in many other ways it has oceasioned great public sonal acquaintance with the Maritime Provinces. Through i pcvrtunity of contradicting it. If they ,,ý' whieh are notor- reai West (Sir Donald Smith) there , . . . ý 9 visits lie has created a profound impression throughotit the 1 had an opportunity of contradicting !Ous, are taken into ,consideration, the as an ambassador, and no better per- and privatc, injury, ,I'ý1 of -,ý,hich evils must continue ta grow in intensity as Ion that evidence, thon, sir, It would go Ininority have the right to a rester- son could have been ,chosen? NaY, I as ,the presciit ,,Irit*i sý,ýuým remains in force. < by his earnestness, frankness and -the vin or with which he dise for what it Is worth, but If they have ation.'of their schools. was wrong. I forgot for the moment - ý had no opportunity of contradicting it, An bon. member-1-Tear. hear. 1 that we had yestêrday a statemelit 4 That th, hijý!,,-st iiitcrcsts of Canada demand a removal of this obstacle to than the magnetism a' his per 1 sonality and the brilliance of h 1 ' Jt is the most baseless of ail claims from the bon. gentleman who leads the our country's proý,n;ý.ý, by die adoption of a sound fiscal policy, which,,while has becom- more than a party cýiief; he is a national leade: to make in favor of the minority WIJER IS THE EVIDEN-CE ? House (Sir Charles Tupper) that the not doinginjustic(-- t,) ,-tii'ýý class, will promote domestic and foreign trade, and In Manitoba, and for my part, speakIng ,E bon. mernber for Montreal West (Sir - 1 dians of whatever province, origin, condition orcreed look a ý In the naine of the race and the re- 'Mr. Laurier-1 v7ili net dispute that. Donald Smith) had not býen sent as an 4asten the ret,,irn o!'pî(ýýperity to our people ; that to that end the tariff should the principles of frecdomý of tradeý frecdorn of speech, freed( ligion of -the minority of Manitoba, 1 1, hear Someone say, "Ilear, hear." 1 wili riot rest their claim upon such an' quite %villing at this moment to ambassadbr by the Government bore. bc reduced to thu necd; of honest, eConomical and efficierit ; that it For twenty-fivc years bc has been a representative of the peý taire that view ,of the case, They are not eveh entitled to that sh ý ý ZD ý evidencé as that. Let us ould bc so adj L,, ýtü(l as to make frce, or te bear as lightly as possible upon, His qualitie.s ,ýs a citizen and a statesman have bccome thoi 1 suppose that the right of the minority faint measure of praise which I was the necessaries of 1 * 1- , ,ý.jId should bc sa arranged as to promote frcer trade with the pub MIERiTS OF THE SCHOOLS. rests alone on the fact that the Sep- prepared to give them. They are not 1 1-1 ý lie; and by opponcrits as well as friends, aftý,r th arateSchools which they were granted worthy of it, for we must acCeDt the the whole warld, nf,)rý, particillarly with. Great Britain'and the United States. ordeai, is adiiiit'Écdto bc a statesman ofbroad, libéral and pa Then Mr. Ewart proceeded to argue statement Of the right hon.,gentleinan We believý: finit t1i,ý results ofthe protective system have grievously disap- and as a man stands before the ý' of Canada wi,,!ýo,,i: the claim of bis clients upon the mer- have been abolished. 1 want to know ý people lts of Separate Schools and Public, from those -\ýý-ho pretend to be the that my bon. friend, froni Montreal pointed tho-,is.Lr.d,-ý (-ýf ,,:--r,,ors who honestly supported it, and that th . proach. ý Schools. Weil, sir, themoràent bc came friends of the minerity, who pretend West sim-')Iy went on his own ac- 1. e country, in re ý to that, bc invîted that we have povTer to discard every- cord. FInding that the.Government the light of exp2i-i,_:iictý, Is now prepared to déclare for a sound fiscal policy, The In this contest Mr. Laurier asks the people'of Canada ti ail the old, cfoi.i- e not prepared to do their duty lie -i iLiitý tw,) political parties on this question iS n0w Clearly defined. ý et for a party but for the country, nc troversies which have been raging in thing else and stick close to that fact, wer issue betweei ,ernment b,_ carried on ri' this country for twenty years, aye, for why did not the minority in their pet!- went himself, .as a messenger of peace, 1 1 lion press theîr case upon that fact In Ordel' tO bring back the barmo.ny The Gôvernniýliit t1f,ýirfselves admit the failure of their fiscal policy, and row and corporations, but for the plain, unorganizeid and unsul).--,-;, forty yeezs and over. The minorit.v alone ? Why ýid they not, say to the asks that ý_, -verriment shall not combine f , have a right to prescrit t , and Peace -which were threatened bY profess their v,-illi!,.,ctless to make some changes ; but theysaythat such cl anges ,ý a bc a mere agencv he strongest Government of Canada : "We have the action of the Government. 'D ZD case they can make to have must bc based onl,,- on -,ý1e principle of protection. We denourice the principle, places and the distribution of offices. He asks the people to nothing in allege but the simple feet D BY THE GO-\ýP.NMENT. n ý 1 1 ý ý 1 ený,rmous increase in the cost of governm,(2 their own schools ; that I ad- ,bat these schocils have been abolishod, BUNGLE, of protectio as ra(1,'cý i iy unsound, and UnjtlSt to the masses of the peopl , a cl dein - ti ri f th mit. rfhe minority have views and we claim thnt they have to bc re- 1 admit this is a most crucial question, we declare our con\,;( ,iý - )fi tLat any tariff changes based on that principle Imust wanton waste ofpublic loncy, the Lachine bridge job, the g ,which are not shared iii by the stored.- But they did not test the-r but it is ail the inore crucial that fail ta afford ,-,ný, sIil",,,t'tl ! tial relief fi-orri. the burdens under which the country dals, the Langevin block robbery, the Little Rapids extravaga majority. Thore bas been a strul-gle case there ; they took the grourd 1 Is bas been bungied from first to last >in all parts of of old upon that, and aithough the have stated. They said : "The People by the Government. There are men labors. This is!ýiiý- wýý ýýi-,?-, ,ý;iËa'Lingly accept, and upon it wle await with the full- waste, and a hu-ndred other jobs and scandals argument of Mr. E-çcýprt is very of'Canada should resýtore our schools, in this J-Jouse who are against est ConfidcnS 'ffic ý ýr('1'c, oý'the electors of Canada- . asks the farmers ta say by their votes if they are satisfied tha strong upon tlat point it could have -because the sèllools now established Separate Schools, but who would ý ý ý ministration should go up as the prices of théir products g( been made riuch stronger if supported , are ai, outrage on our conscience 2.--"-.rll,-A.1î,ý-'ýED MAR KETS-dq Eci PROGITY. 1 by evidence. -if ive had a committee s' ; 'Iv 2 have no objection to the, re- of inquiry, thii one of the minority clairn that the people of Canada shouici establishment of Separâte Schools in ý That, b,,,,,viiýg r(,ý_,:ýýr(', t,.) the prosperity of Canada and the United States a ý s the workingmen ta say if they are satisiFied with the policy of Il Five us, back our schools, because wheii Manitoba, provided they were re-es- Il' in a few industries, if they are, prospering under the economic eould have (ýuiij,, before it and laid we entered into Confederation there tablishod by the Province ýof Manitoba adjoining c.,ui àtriu,ý, ýý ý1-111 n,,Iily mutual interests, it is désirable that there should, clown wages and keeps up the price of store goodq and housI g ý 1 down the docti'!ý,,ý in which the Cath- was ,a eninpact betwý,en us and the itseif. There are men in this, House bc the most fi 1,,ii,;Ilý, i-,,Iations and bropid and liberal trade intercourse between He asks the Olle People are instractell, and that Crown of Engiand that -ýve should have who are in favor of -oepaýrate Schools 1 manufacturers ta Say if the value of the tax on would have been a grpat and a sourici Our qellools for ever." If the minority but who tilink very stroligly that à them h,_ý in1ý_!- ' ,-ts ,îlike of the Dominion and of the Empire would bc U S net nJý)rc than ýoffset by a limited rnàrket_ an impover argument te have offered to the ma,- in Manitoba harl rested their ca5le on would -.Iot ý ,> advisable to interfere matérially adý aii( ý_,,ý',, bv' the establishing of such relations; that the period ,of hcavy taxe.,- ûn lav; material. He asks the fishermen ta say if jorlty. There ig precedent for tIuU. this simDle tact, ýwOuId it have been as 7 tth th, ](ý,Js]at!on of Manitoba at 1 1. a" the oldreciprocibl ti-,-.,,.tv was one of marked prospenty ta the British North In the motherland, at the time of the strong ca.se as lit could bc made by ý' , ý justice under the policy of the Ottawa department.' He asks 1 ail u1Jtiý nîý n.eans of conciliation had agitation for tho restoratior to tho the allegations of these othI-,r facts, z 1 American (-oloýil,.,,- that the pretext under which the Government appealed ta ple ta say if they are satisfied with the lamentable fâilure of R . ornan Catholiles of thoir civil rights, a My bon. fr'end who interrupted been , ý : i ïi L, ted. committee of the 1-louse of Lords sat me a moment Zo knows that the case 1 Ill f ýi- of this perlions position the countiv fil ioo r ïý.-,sp,,ý-,ting neprotiation for a treaty with the United States - ý 0 ý plans for settling the Northwest, whichhas cost us sa much' to investigate ývhat the Roman Cath- J of the rninority lis liot so popular that 1 111,'_1'ýIýýii'1 ',ýý-d,)Y; and 1 Submit lt was.Misle,,i(ili,ý,,- and dis]ýuYiest and intended ta deceive the electorate; that no the Canadian people ta say that a Governnicnt whi.ch. haà V .olle doctrint, -,vas upon,,certain pc-ints, they could afford to neglect any argu- to tn,ý ý ï,ýrsiýiý ration of gentlemen 011 siricerc -ffort hýis h- -ý) nmde by them to obtain a treaty, but that, 1 on the con- money and squandered the public patrimony, and a policv v and an eminent 131s'hop of the l'O., ý if ý -i-it or fact by which they couid both ,",'ù.',' ,,,,ý,( the policy of the OP- ,-. - ,ý 1 1 1 .. ý Catholic Church, T_1îý,l1,op DoýIe, wa17 -,ýiý,ýngthen it. There are men in POý1!;,)!1 îi1'ýý ýiied since many Yeats, te- trary, It lis in:iiiiJU'sý Jult Lhe prescrit Governm'ent, controlled as they are by fulfil one Of the promises of Îts authors; and brOught upon tý heard amongst ethLrs belOre that com t!ý party of bon. gentlemen opposite, iteiL,,,,ý -ý iipý,,i more than...one occas- monôl)oI1'f-ý .-L1111 Combili,-s, are not desirous Of securing such a treaty; that the lamentab1cý cý)nscquences foretold by its opponents, shall bc ý mittee. It is a n,,Ptter of history thaý -, !1,ý ý!-e preparcýd to vote aFahist the ton, iý 'ïh,ý o.!!-,- poI1cy'-wýhichcan spti q' 1 Il -Doyle did mo7 'ýec,_use faetcj-il,- (!ý,,,-ý with this question, thli, first stup t(ýý.,-,Iîds ui)týii1]ing the end in viý-ý,v is te, place a party in power -,ý-lio the evidence of Dishop -, (ýý,,,cj ýiment on thi ý occasion . 1 ada rescued from the domination -of the combines, ggrictilturc ,ý, I-,- Iý,,!i,-y ýî1ý)î(-h ,an remedy th4ý aru sbiic-ruýy deýýJl-,)-,jsý ý-,"' -r(ým oting a h'i ý1L11 en tý I.1ýý-ý 1)0ilo-,1b!ý_ý tu ;ý,-,,',I cý)uýl- to rernove the i)rejudice2 ,ý fich ex!Eiý,,! il,, ý,: ý',) net belie - î" ý:ý,,Darate, Schools. (,ýý ' - ý ' ý ý Si-c,ý,, stii-iiuljtt,(,' and prosperiÏy restored. Never milid how y at that time .In En, !,I1ýý! p,ý-ý,irr,,i tilo ' "ý!1 -1-1- ý',i- Býý 7, ý-.,:u1_, and hav,, ý,---;-,--ýý,ýý( Fýý, tli- ,--'u,ýrI'Ljý -wbý'- Z'Lt - WoLild d-výýIop t1i,ý ('ruat naýura ' arty leader, or the ,ýý 1 , tncs ; tliýfL a laïr ali(I 1ibcrý11, reciprýcity 'Lr,-,1_-ý ' ' c net the chatLel of ail y 1), ý -Roir.an CatholteS than fýi,ýyioijg ,21ý ý 1! 'ý1:ý,jý;,i f,:,;,([ il, their veins; and 1 Cý,- ký,-,in'1 ,lII,ý, îlot Viclently assauititig, , ' ý ', 1 ý élections. ý'0tI I'r 1 am sàrrY1 that that ý, ise prece,,b, it ý',9iU,' tý1ý- uvon those who do net tý, ý j4,,hý , ý 11 majority, _ 1 - - 1 Il di ' . ý ' - the 1 a n, j ý re,.,otircc- of (ý-'ýilla(I-i ýý,)flld enormôusly increase the Uade and. cùlIlm,.rý,(ý 1)"ý- cal organî,7atioii. Never mind if jou ,ýv(2(e a Governiiient ý 1was net fo-,Iow--d by the GoverninujàI, 1, ïieve jn,ý-,,Jjarate Schools. if it were there'L,ý'. ý:1,,,,,,,p.-, crenting a greàýýr, tweýýn Llic, tvo c,,_)Irýýr'-,ý, would tend to encourage friendly relations bL-[v',eý-1I . . - ays. . il is ý Oun-business now ta conÉ;id(ýr facts as demonstra of Canada, and that they dici not have >huwn to thera that a compact made wror %1. '_L'týiýý v,ýas the policy which foi, 1,the two pýýi),_,1cs, ý,,-,-)j1JýI I-týjIIove many causes which have in the past provoked 'Wlien Peel introduced the bill repealing the C ail inquiry before which both Parties, ,,, 1 the Ci - wn and by the Cro-wn my par a', t, 'ý ,h t f ý ý ý!, ý 1 and deveioped the, . . . expérience. both the Goverýiii,,--nt of Manitoba and had been violated, would bc prepared -very f1ý-s' i!;ý!,1ý the question came bo- irritation and tr*nu111c t(_ý the Governments of both countries, and would promote svvered the tatint of his old fèIlower§ thus : 64 ý 1 claim, for my the Roman ý-',,,ltlcolics of ManitOba, to i-eview their Judgment, and onýth!s fore 1ýý,iýý i, ý ...... ý,e, .,izd upon ýthis pol!CY tbüSe kI,-ili("I', ruiitioiis lb-hvýcen the Empire and the Republic which afford th(ý - force of argument and of acting uflin the re might have beoli heard, and where ground alone glvý the, mînority the sat- to-da, ý s','--ý(_I 1,ý',ý'(' more. 1 can- best guar 1 ani ý >2,2 for -[I,_.,1ý:,ý aild prospcrityý that the Liberal party is prepbi-c('. to of yie.1ding ta th(, ail parties would have lind an opportun- isfaction they are seeking. And, there- m_ýc I',)r,ý t 1- ý ,,ilis moment that experience. 1-L rnay bc supposed' some evidently take it fc Ity of presenting the, - ir views. If that fore. this is the reason why 1 say that the p-jýv ,,,,l,,ýcIi I have advocated enter ilIto 1ý,ý,,ý)i;,,fý:Imý, v, lý',i a vicw to obtaining such a treaty, inclii(jilig a wull- - ý 1 ý is humiliating trý mnIce such an admission. 1 féel no humiliat had becri done it is probable that the ever, as a rnatter of prudence, even if and r-,i-ýi!'ý i nil along bas not beL!iý ConsÎderecl if*,;, (ý', iý'.'11!LLý,]L(_'LIlrcd articles, andlNe are satisfied that anv li-ý,it,, ,ýo abashed ai sayî ng, that 1 have been -*.ri error. l'lie question is question ývOuld have reaclied ricarer the ri;,,ht existed or otherwise, it ýwouId favora 1 ýý,- i, ,,,i jed frorn &Il quarters. 1 1 ýJ to a settlement thari it bas to-,-_Îav, have beeri wlse and statesmarilike to .ýý(1,!Ï!,Z, SEI,ýrrIMENTS. arrange.d ,will -u(-,,i,-ý tý,,_, assent of Her Majesty's Government, v,;Lhý,-ILiL M-ýa5e ý are sufficient (c) account for the change, and whether the moti even when the bill bas been introdured have this investigatlon into ail the approvai r(j ýLý-,-,,-tl,,, (,,,,ii 'i)ý2 made, ý , ' to restore the r1glits of the minority iacts which are allegged in the petition. 1 1 and dis:'ntere!ýtcc]." The man who cannot vote against 'l his Pa Mr. Poster-Wili my bon. friend 1- in ibis hous Not many weeks ago I was a' Tbere are men O wlio the 3.-PUK-UTY G1ý'- ,,'ý,D:'rý'ýýJ;STRATION---ýCONDEMN CORRUPY,10,,ý,ý. try is unworthy c) f tiie franchise and unfit for citizenship in a low me one question for the sake of 7-cetend te bo friends of the, minor- tôld froii high quarters in 1 - - --- - - - - - ___ _ _ ý - cIear,ýess ? What bc would investigate, it- and ,%vho think they are going tQ church to whieh I belong that That flic ( (-)i)-,ýi)ýîou deplores the gross corruption in themanagenientand LinlQsL ý ,ýu,;poted the scbool bill PUBLIO WASTE., estimate of the cost o according to his argument now, is not (,ýrn- th*s question te, a conclusionby ý - , (17rpendittir-- oi- pij! ý!î(ý niý)npys which. for years past has existed under the rule of bridges ,was $160,000. the allegation of a grievance, as stated L;ý h-haýned procpedings. They are not vý,hîch ,ý-:uý then being Pre ,a,ý If t There is no disputing the fact thaýt ed to make cértain e by the minority asking f the th- friends of the minority, but the by tbe Goverriment and whieh the Consý,r%,ntîv,ý, j,ý',,t ' v, and the revelations of -which by the different Parlia- - has been them to deel)en the c peal, but the arguments ac, ýdj11 ,-,-ýirst eneinies of the minori we hýý,, ý r.,.Z before os, ould , ý ,- in, i _iiry have brouglit disgrace upon the fair name of re than re , cýrIeffl in its use of the or .n.c Y" - ty, if they a great and pclwflce'rýA-' I mentary cuiim.ýý;-,_, ý_1 ý Mo 1 the works, and the hlý a counsel as to why the Governmont think they can carry this quQst!ý,ý)u by the hOstility Of ý pubIieýs money, ý_nd, many scandais are ç chould act. any other method than the method of ful body. Sir, this is too grave a phase ý_,L---, - ,_,_, ýý i ý ý î!,ýý - ý-1iciI proî1ý 'cu 1)t)li'LicFýiiý, by muse expenditurcs of recorded to illoir credit. This Is ai, as the cost of the il Mr. Lâurier-1 am sorry, Mr. Speak- persuasion. But there is more than of this question for me to Pass It by in public niniwys ol v iîý h t'le people have beefi defrauded, and which, neverthe- unfortunate r,-,,,îý!ý for there ought to Although the work TV' er, that 1 have not had the power of that. Even if we have the riglit to silence. I have only this te say : Eveli less, ha,-(-, îu ,,_T ýfýý1':ýý.ý iI-.ý, ý-, guilfy parties, Must bc held responsible for the beý no qu---tl,,Ii ! 1îat the u'Jairs of the three heurs' run by making myself understood by the bon. legislate at this moment. even if we though I have threats held over me country should 'ý, à f, oneistly and fairly quartees ' gentleman. What 1 would irivestigate have the fact that awrong is establish- coming, as 1 am told, frorn high wrongd(Àî1ý,,, W,ý ýUr ,,u"ý_,u ý!,,c Goverriment for retaining in office a MiniSter ofi administered. Tbýis'haIs not ,been ,doue w h a t d 1 d Otfhthe dCo ? ' - . Is precisely what Is alleged in the peti- ed, have -ý-,e the evidence before ,,,ý th-t dignitaries in the church to which the Crèvei) j,ý (ý11 1(i v) 1ýýf,, e accepted very large contributions of money for elee- by the Government. Of the malýy evl- for that ,,vork which. Éon of the Roman Cathollic minority, would warrant us in passing this i,ý-!F1 - I belonz, no word of bitterness - , .()iii tý-,c f ,Iiltls of a railway company, which, -while payin, the derces of thIs the Curran bridge le one. eer had esimated w and among the things that are alleged lation and in fornYuIatiný,,, n, lenicu, , -?Ishali ever pass mY IIDS es ag, " F rom the report of the commisisioners andthen they institu In this petition are these : First, that The wrong exists, very church. I respect it and 1 politic, .11tff,;1,17;, t, i:, , ,, bu - t how that -J ,-ýýî 1. ,lli-,; ',,) him, a member of the Government,-with one band, appointed to eriquire Into the terrible their own contrac there was a compact mad is the remedv to bc e>ý1abllsIicJ? love it ; but, sir, 1 am net of that was r,_ýc,(,;vinf_, ý ýl)v(-i betwe ý en G -iiiiý(-,)t subsidics witli the other. The conduct of the Min- -aste ,of public money on 'this work 000 , of him. the Roman Catholics and the Crown Ilere is a bill Dassed In darktiess, school which hais been long dominant - 1 , the following facts are ýtaken : $170, ut . ister anci tiil-, ,,ýilpr(,,-,-,J ýý_, tis colleagues after the proof bécarre k-nown te therri of England as represented by the Gov- passed In ignorance. ",,-bat evi- in France a ' nd other- countries of con- ý SAMPLES OF CTIRRAN BRIDGE the Judge upon the ernment of Cariada whereby their dence have we to-day here of the tinental Europe, which refuses eccle- are ca1ý.cu],i1ýý,1 tl) (!ý ',,i-.-,(Ie Canada in the estimation of theworld and deserve WAGES, ETC., PAID BY GOVERN- before hira with resl condition of things in Manitoba? What siasties the priviloge of having a vOicý1 the se),(ýre- (oiýý,'ý, r,:,"-,tý("ý1 of the people. ý MENT. of the contract mad, schools were guaranteed to them ; sec- evidence have we of the differclit in publie affairs. No, 1 am a Liberal ý, ond, that the systerri of Com- ý, , $4 a day for forernan. ment wlth the con , -\,,,e should kno-vv in order to leg- of the English schoo-1. 1 believe in 4._DC-!ý ,,rý - - - _; F D E'n EKD mon 1 gnant things Jý 1 1 Louis. I--Tere is a speci Schools is repu- _t 0 islate intelligently upon such a sub- that school which bas ail along, claini- Fý1ý"ý ,ýý) u'Pý,', ý" ý'BT C-00NOMY-EDECREASE P l . 1 U E. $6 a dýay for foreman for night, or their consciences; third, tha-t the privilege of ail We cfi n(ýt bul, view with aLirm the.lar-é increase of the L-ublic debt overtime. ý 'which thls precious schools established lu Manitoba' ject? VThat is before the House? A cd that it is the 1ý ZD ,and $8 a day for foreman on Siunday. ernrnentcontracted tI though nonilnally Publie Schools, were half-hearted and faint ineasure, a subjects, whether high or low, wheth- of the colu,-o iable annual expenditure of the Dominion and thé, conséquent un, $12 a day for foreman ,Sunday over- ýractOI7. A stonecutter In reality Proteqtant schnois. These ise,,and nothing or ricli or poor, whether ecclesiastic , ý '. ' 1 ý1 1 1 .1 - ý - ý ý - .. -ý---- 1 .. 1 1 _- 1 il Woula cio M-lat ît was vieW cý our, iroin a That the Franchise.Ac 1,ý>tore hauled bY teams ýq0 miles along % soris given was tiïýîtiý,_VÏ70üïd Uaý LO 1ý_ered to do. But aveu after this point c;ý v'ý-tý- which cari appeal to tbe t' since its introduction has chine canal. The tira cost the Dominion railway, running froni quarry to works. two latter Jobs seems nothing, beeause those who' \Îere 111 i Outra' ýOuS Pi'oc',Ceding the -Manitoba eonsclùncý s of all men. lrrespective of Treastiry over a million of dollars, besides entailing a hoavy expenditure to both Government warned a,11 along of the to take cure u,ý' itself, a favor of lt and -,vho promoted it were (ýovcPnment made this repiy, to ý their particular faith, urion grounds oliti al partie§; that each revision -involves an adLIdýtional expenditure of.a fur- frauds but alluw them'to continue. ernmont offic, s %ve not beliavers in it. I happen to 1 c Il the attention of friends ý,_,d which can be occupied. by all men P 1 le Pay bills as they corne in, much so t'i:Lr two 1. to sorlie littie extent the r--v. fDes. No, 1 shall not say focs, because who love justice, freedom al-id toier- ther quarter of à million)- that this expenditurc has pr,2vented an anntial re- When %vork completed Go,ýlernn-lent orlicers, higil il,, office, gentleman who gave that consultation. T do. not believe the ininority have ation. (Cheers.) vision, as originally intended, in the absence of which young voters entitl d to -l , in - F,(ý is a inost enuinent divine, and, Éoes in this chamber. But 1 Cali at- OPP -IE Pending in Governnient procurpd ail LIle wOr you.1lg ina-n, yet with great tal- ý OSES TI BILL. > the franchise have, in jmamerous insLances, been prevented froin exercising their pays Si. jjOuvý&st!gutiOn l tention to this rePlY :-"It is a inatter is balance of $105,000 for asked of him. !le did ents, and a great future before hira. of regret that the invitation extended 0 far as this blll is con- natural rights; that it fias failed to secure uniformity, which was the principal wages that Chief Engineer discredit- sonally, ho had severa But I ain bound to say that vliert lie by the Legislative Assembly te make cerned, 1 have given YOU my reason aSsigned for its intro(îiiý_-tion ; that it has produced gross abuses by Commission unanimously report !n- s3vorn to by hirr Plave that consLiltý-,,tlon the re'ý. gen- a proper mquiry into the fact9 of the verrinient of the day that its competence, extravagance and fraud. disgrace ; and whe-ri tleman liad net read the aiswer of views. 1, know, 1 acknowledge, that partizan revising barristers aii)(ý;nted by the Go Case bas not been accepted, but that, therý rests in this Government the visions arc less Peonle's moriev 1,ý,t. so made and ýcooked, the Goverriment of 1,ýlanitoba to the las ,ý.bove stated, the advisers of his power to interfere; there is in thils Par- pro liberal than ýhose already existing in many Provinces of the order in Couneil of this Covlýrnment. E xcelle,,icy have declared their policy NO oneheld rý ý_z!ble. fýed blindly and as a ii Let me quote the language of this rov. lv liament the power, to Interfere, but Dominion, and' that in the opinion of this Convention the Act shQuld be re- ithout investigation. It is equally a 1-10W THE, WAS DOINE. the ofricers of the Gov gentleman. lýofe.rring to the Dishci)s, matter of regret- that that power should not be exercised un- pealed, and we shoLild revert to the Provincial Franchise. After the C-overiiml Parlianient is til al] the facts bearing upon the case we will nuoie frorn. the Montreal Ga- against ýSt. ýLou:s Foi lie, says :-" Thoy, arc of opinion, and aPparently about to be asked to legis- e 14th MaY, 1895, a statenlcut, J'erred to thýe C: _- urran ý have been investigated and all means S.-AGAINST THE GERrYMANDER-00UNTY BOVNDAR:Es zette of th- quite properly, that it \vould lie incon- late without investigation. It is witlt of concliation exhausted. Hold-;' SHOULD BE PRESERVED. made by Judge D(-,rýY-rs uPOn the ap- "elear case Of ste,-I." siderate in so grave a matter to truFt à1l deýerence submitted that such a, their hopes in a projected i-i-iqu,*r,,,,, course sellins to be qui in- these ooinions, 1 move that the ')Iic'ation of the with ment contract -,vas .te incapable or ibili be n'ot now read the second tfme, That by the Geerrymander Acts the electoral divisions for the return of; 'respect to the suit agaýl'st the charac- that the Governinelit "iviiich iv(,>uld unavoidably bring in liew reaEnnable justf*fjcutiopý, and must but that it bc read the second time t r of the Ourran bri, U ', for a refund fiiled to get any of tl delays, and ý%,lh!eh, setting asi'de Fed- create the convietîon that the ediica- niembers to the flouse of (.ui-.irnons have been so made as to prevent a fair e erai interference, to whIch its pro- tiorial interpts, of the people of the this day six months. expression of the opinion of thýc entintry at the general clections, and to secure of money which the St. 1,ouis back, b ' ut moters are opposed, would ting baek Provi, ce ýf Manitoba are being deal.t During the delivery of his speech claimed lie hail golt unfairly froin this tained all iho nioney Catholies Éo the mercy of their persecu- with in u, hostile and peremptory way Mr. Laurieý was frequently anà en- to the party now in power a llgth out of all proportion greater than the q us call attention Î-1 - overnment. Let to getting a judgnicrit fi tors." , Pl,,, nul - membc have thusla some of the details of that transactio say that the rev. _gý,iitleti-ia-i by -whoý,p -Ps asticaily apDlauded, and when lie number of electors supportin-- ýý-iem wo,-,Id warrant. To put an end to this n. Court awardine, a who gave that (ýonsultation (ý,,-ý,i.d,ýntiy rot pp--ýhed the subject iri a judi- resurned bills seat his followers cro-,vd- n it related tu two bridgýes across the La- of over $6J,000 and in, had not read the answer of the Gov- cial sp buse, to rnake the Elouse of -iil, or taken the proepedings ed around and ývarràly corigratulated a oinmons a fair cyporient of public opinion, and chine Canal and the Grand Trunk Rail- The Ckývernmcnt is erriment of Alaniloba, in which they ilecessary to enable them to forni a hLil. i to pn2serve the historie continuit'-of COuritieS, it is y desirable that in the forma- jýýaY. Tlie ýGoverjkjj-ient erlgineer's first shoulçl ble puniýýheçl b.ý

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