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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1896, p. 1

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TERMS :-$i. 50 PER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND GOUNTY PIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor n rpitr NEW SERTIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIIO, WEDNESDAY, APIRIL 1, 1896. VOLUME XLII. No. 14. Are -now' showing the Iargest and most elegant stock of New Spring And Summer Goods ever shown by them, and the biggest and finest stock of NEW GOODS shown by anyhouse in West Durham. Piles of New Dress Goods in the latest weaves and colours. A big display of Prints, Sateens, Silver Silks, Gingharns and washing goods of ail kinds. A big stock of New Cloth s, Tweeds and Worsteds, and a fine assortmnent of Brussels and Tapestry Carpets direct from John Carsley & Sons. Also AII-Wool and Union Cai pets. We buy ail Carpets f rom the makers'and soul thom at prices which cannot bc beaten 'by any house in Canada. Grocers' Due Bills taken as cash. BoWMANVILLE. It may pay you to read this ad. YOUwNG&ee China Hall. - - Groceries and Crockery. We have a full assortmnent of above goods, but draw SPECIAL ATTENTION tlîis week to some erackersD- lst, Extra fine 'scaled llerring 10e per box. 2nd, Evaporated California Peaches, fine stock 10e peu lb, 3 lhs for 25C. 3rd, A uine of Fine English Confectionery-lovely ilavors-at 30c per lb. 4th, Those nice Chocolate Brownies, 15c per lb.i 5th, Excellent value in Toilet Sets with hieavy gilt decorai,)tions $3.50. To fully appreciate these you should caîl and see the goods. Butter, Eggs and Farmn Produce taken at highest 'Émarket prices. Spr ing lias Corne. ,You wili find us at flic top in flic Foot wear line wif h more freeli styles, loNa pricedl attractions, and serviccable goods than ever, Thc big, chauncecanîd flic bst chtance to buy your Spriug' and Sumuner Slioes is 110W offereti. Our stock of seasonable styles is opcncd and ready. We carry a fullli une Of J. & G. Bcll's Ladies' and Genflemen's fine footwear. Bel's shoes are acknoaledged by al to be the best madie in Canada. The naine of Bell ou a shoc means the best of leather and flic rnost conifortable fit. In buying these goods we have aimed ut not onîy hlaving fthe brightfest and freshesf assorfment, but f0 have if practical, d.esirable anti popular iu cvery respect us wcll. No firsf ciass gootisaili ,e solti cheapcr anywhiere. We believe in1 quick sales anti small profits. .,ehave miatie up Our mmnd tficscason f0 seiyll ugoods ut flic very 1 owcst possible priced. WC wish f0 impress this fact firmly on your mmnd. Corne in anti insplicf our goods anti learn flic prices and you aili wontier how if is ave can scli gooti se50 hcaply. Repàiig in ah ifs branches neafly and proînpfly donc. Groccrs' Due Bis faken saine as cash. B0oWM ýjAN 'l LLE- eevnsOlti Stand, EBENEZER. Thursday cveuiug while the equiuoc fiai stocm was wiidhy raging' -wifhout, a large compana' of friends were eujoyîîîg a very pheasanit cvening wifh Mr. and Mrs. Eli Osborne, lin their capaclous home, Lit erary Mansion West: Beiug their fwentieth mredding anniversary, their frieîids fook f his opportunify of showiug their good-will and respect by prcsenfing thein wlth a lîandsorne set of gohd rinamed china biending off in pliaI. also a siia'er cake basket and a crystai fruit dish set lu silver. Affer a most sldid repast servcd by flic ladies wose reputafion lu this particuhar stands very higli, the compauy was called f0 order bar Mr. Levi Aîuis, chairman. 'Rev. Dr: Marvin read a vcry appropriately m-orded address to Mr. and Mrs. 'Osbornae and fthc present- ation was made l)y Miss Anîîis. This is flic address:-. To Mlr. and Airs. Eli Osborne,- DPÂR Faas'sîcs;--Wea, a few of yournr 055 friands have mat tocoinmeworaO wit yonoftie aurniversary of yoor woddirrg day. Tlir are geuerailIy speaiunîg'at least 3 inn1îortaut periods iii the lufe of esch iîrdividîîai bîntis, narriage anrd deatlr. Escis pariof is lliced with mysterv wirialionnly cime(taisnufold. WVlo eau reafi tbe future of ithe new oirn labe ? Shah tuelicflicthat bas comairîto flicworld bce a biessiîg fo hîomanity or otherwisa ? Shah we al l 1 strew roses aioîîg the pathivay of otiiers and titis bocome a benedictioîr to ouré race ? Such slionld bectlie de- sire of ahi. Weireview tie pastasud thoracontes tonus a bhessod fraerauoo from your hife, saeb as comas front a genial, crue bearted anC golehess friend anC ueigbbor-Oua wlo bas worî the ce- spect aud esteons of ail. But oui, a ew are wili- iîn tomee tie rea bodon su rsponsiiiitios of lite siono wlfb its fears arîdi ears, witli if joys and sorrows. Ic he great hattle fwo are boiter ilian orue, sp inost poplne tlîiuk, 50 on foutiglit jusf tiventy yoars ago, as 0wo h1ava reason tu ttiink yoo nelieve to-day. But ini flie patbway Of life Wa D ed friends,and, as you bava sluown yoursclf frieudlv, soyion havec.friands-fioîds whnnse liearts aie linked te voors as the heari of Sonathan to David's. Ho*wonui Cousre fo ex- pss co you our sinicore regards sud hast wîshes 1lorrtue future. As asligbht token of socîn, phoas accept ibis China Dirnoer Sot, Silver Cake Bas- kof and Fruit Dish, and lu the future as in tise hast: Mayz Cowers arourîd yor athivay grow Atcid lIlyon îvitb deliglIt; May tesavan ici ricinest gits bottow Arîd usake yoîrr future briglit. Ai dat doathu unay oun ave aglor-ions ountrance info the HRoaveuiy cingdoiin. Sigîted la beluaif of yoor frieundi, LEvi Ass IRAx F. PEÂntCE. Mr. Osborne rcplied lu a lieart-y speechaand l)ade tise compauîy weicorne f0 lis home, The foiiowing among flic guests made congratuhatory speeches and spoke of Mr. and Mrs. Osborne lu flic hioelest f erms: Messrs. L. M. Coeur- ice, Wm. Heard, Jas. Courtice, S. S. Brooks. Walter Osborne, A. E. Rundie, Geos. Pearce, R. E. Osborne and W. E. Rundie, while the ladies weregiven op- port ulity f0 soluf e the groom. A word being sufficient to flic wise f bis part of flic program avas quiclla despatclsed lu real loup year enfhusiasm. Misses Coi- ton, viola Rundie, and Berthaa Osborne and 3dessrs. Herb. Osborne aînd A. Pickh e favored fthe company with choice musce. At a seasonable hour a number of flic most resoinfe faced flic blasf auJ went flirougli fli raging snow sform f0 their homes. A few gui stuck lunflic snow banks and returncd while ofliers miade no aftempf ai baifitng flie cIe- ments but quuieflv saf down f0 flic crok- mnole boards obhivions f0 flic ouf cm worid and waiied for a cessation. These enjoyed Mr. and Mus. Osborne's liospifaify until tlic roads were opened ou Safurday. We think flic Edifor wouid have been among fthc latter chass if lie had struck suc;h a good boarding place as Literary Mansion and likely lie would becf here yet. [The Edifor, wife and daughter got hait way there, but courage failed in flic drîffing sfocm and mosf relucfaufiv fheY refurued to f owu. He intends cailiug f0 pay lis respects wlicn chieken pies are ripe. ] JUDICIAL SALE F1XRM "PROPERTY IN DARLINGTON. Pursusrt 100 jufigmaeut lu the action of Heron vs. Tisonpson'luftie Qucîn's Beucli Division nf tbe Higli Court of Justice Csted tbe 4th day of Decombor, 1894; sud to au ordar for immedhata sale lu the said action, dated ibt day of Januscy 1896, tbore wiii ha offarofi for sdle, wiiiu ihe approbation nf J. H. Dumable, Esquire, Master of the Seprenie Court at Cobourg, lîy Levi A. NY. Tole. Xuctioueer, at GALLAGHER'S ROTEL un thé VILLAGE 0F 1BURRETON, townîship of Dachington, ai tbe bouc of two o'cbock, p.ui. ou Wiiednesday, APRIL 8th, 1896, the fohiowing lands sud promises, beîug the east bal of lot eiliteen in the ninhn cessOiionSoi0f thse towuship of Darlington, tise farr of tire laie Andrew Montgomery, Ceceased. Tbe farn coutans.about onre hnndred acres of irbicli about nîinaty acres are claarad arndithe remainder timbered partiahi avýilir second growth beach sud pune. Tbe soif of about iwenty acres is said t,) ha saudy, sboot tases dlay loain sud absout sevauty acres sandy loani The promises are lu s fai~r state oi cuitivatIon. Thie rear of the 1of is witin about half a mile of the village of Burbeton, s station ou the Canadiaus Pacifie Railway îvhero le a cburcli, post- office sud sahool sud a good markcet for sale of produce. On tha proper.tv are aroeted fan mbuildings 1 1 MILLINERY.* OPENINGO MISS SHIAW respectfully invites the Ladies of West Durhiami telier Spring MXillinery Opening on, Tlilrsday, Aprîl 211d anld Satllrday, April 4th. Next door east of Post Office, Bowmanville. FOR GOOD F'.RiD 7-%AuY. "6,Those who bave flot heard Prof. Brown are flot aware of the bigb per- fectioni to wbicb the art of vocal expression bas been brougbt."-Toronto Globe. PROF. BRO'WN, ýPresident of theDlat oekofOtry Toronto., Author of "The Music of Speech," and wili give an evening's entertainment in the TOWN HALL, Friday evening, April 3rd. Do nlot miss this treat as Prof. Brown is known as flic King of Elocutionists. Sec circulars, notices, &c. ENFIELD. îsitors5: Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, Rowmanv lite, aud, Mrs. F. J. Groat, Hamptont; R. Winnacott audi, bride o siw;M.andi Mrs.J. S. Ashton lin Toronto oin Saturday ...r I. Sntell. teaciicî, Einnekillean, delivered an excellent diseourse ont "John tueRltist" Snnday ... M,..J. Oriisn solcia hlorse for $110 tb Mr, . "%Royd, Tor onto. SHAWS' SCHOOL HOUSE. Miss Mabel Cl 'mencc spent .udywicli Miss Lovekin, Newcastle...Mr. Walei Richard is laid up witb a sore aud ..Miss Fiors Gai- braith is often cheered in lier forced confinement b\ cals front lier schooi mates.'Mr, anidMrs John Ciemace visitod M-. John W ýintcrs. Oshawa, recentl . M. iss Lizzie Clemoisea spenit Sunday wiih ei brother, Mri n.uClim HAMPTON. 1Rr. Aibeut Alibi, Mis. Ciras. Rogers aminf Ednva ilannan aire sick ..Miss Graco Bainîs is lhonte f ront visitiîg lber sister ai Montie_ i.... Vîsitors: Mrs. Chas. Rnse and datii.'ter, Toronîto, aiMr.' John Ruse's; Mrs.,Jq,,. 'Iceen and'Master Colin. town, aiMr. .1 iesii.Arnro , Maý,plo Grov ,e, at Mr. J. Tronoîrilis...Mrs. F. J. Groatis visiting friends St Efideid.... Miss L. Salter is vh'sitiug bler Aister at Bonnianvilie... Mr. Jabez Elliott, Toronto, is at hiomen. SOLINA. Mr. Wilson Gerrow visited ]bis friends ai .Se- -og Island.... Miss Cla'a Clarke is homne front vi.siting lier sister at Casaren,. ..Mr. W. Wferry badl a horse hadiy kicked. Mr. Jas. Heallie, V. S. ery srrcressfnlly stltcbied thie wound.. Mr. Hl. G. Pascoe lips lost seî esai stieep fronts gurb in tînle head.... Mt. Carswehl Div isiori rendered a fine, program hlere Friday night. M1r. Frarnk Gay. very ably filod the chair. Refreshmenis ere se ýrvefi land ail spatît a profitable and en- êoal vetiug.. ..Reev. R . E. Howard o iii 1 laiha speciaj Easter sermon bere. COURTICE. 'irr. John 0. Short, Mlnrefireld, now 'a,, sulllu0 t.rndfatlier, is lie for a few dliayýs ..... s. Brooks shippad two crates of spiîinlambs te Toronto for Easter... ýMr. H. G-,v,arc btect antI iilcier,was i Toroito hast w cekpIrocctr- ing miateriai for lus smmerscontracts... D-. Ma ýrv-in will pneacit Raster scrutons at Eheiez- er- wvliî the EthîcaccqionaIlFand collection w iii lie tabu...L tis f W. M. S. wiil hold ail Ai Honi,,tel te sobojolroomu Raster Monday coin- nreirîg izearly i tie eveiiing... Ovtr att front Mc Caýrsweli Division visitefi Solitii, litiweek aird w' ere treatefi most hospitably. TY]RONE. r. GeooWehsln 'as as iiensuddenly i[Tnes- da' but is slow ly recoveritg. ...Iiicerïestiiig evaîsi l nu witb Tennysons at Les o.n Frisisy, conu- s1 icing o a life sketch 1ws Miss irinot atm select- ions 1 Misses Catoplehi arC Hfanick .. Ta bc las blu weai rgît snspeitded tîwîîng -,to tlise irloos coiditioii of lite roads.. Nt, Parkbe aitergetirý teacher. Miss May Spar- ih iinks rîotiisg of a sevon or ciglit iutile .itgîton lir siiow slioes sucîn as ste onjoyed out S prdry hast ...Before ieavig forlier ne'a l'It'.1 in Bw tviiMiss Rînîtiersoni; vas lire- seînoti d hy ber S.S.cuias wîtiî a andsonta albom M iss orbe iti i'turied trou Torot 'o 1 I rity rrPresltyteriarrs visit C lrs. F. and MisSapeCirke towt ieotal i i theiii tare- well are tinevinox eilto Gorrie wlteoetuney [unr- pose residiug irs. and iMiss Stapl es]liai a be! zt abus illenYhers of tle churuhL: bre fttr mattv yea rs, taling alit active paru tini erythtlig tiîcy cni.Mr-s. Stalos was 1îtreoîtedl with a coint fotbie easy chair aud Miss Staples wiha 1 esclers' Bible. A ver'y oextressivee aud excel- leutly l worded addresi iras read iîy Ras'. R. M. PlaaiB. A., and short îdlliy ades wr gvn)y Messrs. Wmn. Bitiglianir, Joint lMo 1,ýLanliin sud J. T. Pollock. Mis. StapCes re- îlied ttiigi all,for their expriessionis of friettd- lii.Retresînnetits ivere served snd a a ery i ieat ex eîîug steît ..Luke Potier's sala is postpurîed 10 Tnesday Airril 7. IIAYDOiN.- Miss Ea a BrownuanduC14r. A .. SÛîer visited riends lu Clarke lrecety. Mrs. T. Ashton St Oýsla'a a sud Mns. R. W-asiigtoii ai Soliia.... Mr. R. Ashttont subi tevainahie borse anC Celiv- crCthe sanie at Port Perry. A joli>y sieigh )ad front bore visited lte homne of Mr. Robert Ames neiroa laîtion ...r. C. Soper is taklns al îeeks Vacation .... liaetiroir anC a numberi of frieuds spîeuf Friday evetduig at Mr. John Rnindes... ýMiss A. Mon'îtjoy lias returnied fromt lier trip fo Marlîtosa..Mr. F. Hludscju sud Miss Oko visifed Mr.. Hudson recontl>,....I Miss E. Broati bas refurueci to Toronto ..Mr.V Bugs fCartîvriglfis !S lt homte..Mr. F. Brnaotbour tonsorial artist, iSs dourislîîug tire razor for Mr. S Kiveil, Bowiuanville .... Mr. WV. Coîliug lias engirgefi as foremans witlî Mr. P. Msilory ..Mr. X-éisori Hudson lias ongaged liii Mr. J. Monutjoy, Cartwvright. .Mr. anC Mrs. D. Brokeu.shiro spent Suuday ai Hampton . ... Rev. T. H. P. Anîdersoni took fis aln$oiit- tisnts Sursday .. .. Tise REyvortlr Les tin is at- tendefi iy large crowls ...Mr. sud Miss Ham- iltin, Biacksioek, visiiîd friends haro Suuday. Consumptives Should Negleet No means of ameliorating their disease. Cod lîver oil is acknowvledged one of thec most valuable remedies lu pulmonary complaints. Thaf, however, it be cm- ployed lu sucli a form as to be easily digested is imperative. If is just here that the entire superiority of Maltine with Cod Lîver Oul and Hypophosphites asserts itself. Maitine itseif possesses nutritive value equal to cod liver oii,but more important to the sufferer from bronchifis, colds, consumption, is the great digestive power of maltine upon all foods of a starchy nature. Maitine with Cod Liver Oil aud Hypophosphifes is, in brief, a food of great value in emaciation and wasting diseases; a niedicine possessingfthc remedial power of cod lia-cc o; a digestive agency of active pnotency;: a restorer of flec debil- The Reformer, Gait, Ont. "'Thi e aen,"ing ofreadiîsgs b y Prof. Browîn was onecof tteuc iuigget treafs a Gait audtaco b las ou joy ed foc., t day. Thie Globe says : " Tiose who have not lîaard Prof. Brown are mot sware of the uiguu ierfectionr to wioithtie arof vocai expression lias beau brought. Ho bias a marveihous coîupass anC volume of voice sud a moît stribiîîg persoiiaiity, sud is acknow- leCg'd l'y criti te bu -Se- of flic greatest Shltespeaeanan sdHBile readers on thle Cosn- eiuaîît." ,PLAN 0F HALL NOW OPEN AT BIG 20. Popular Prices, 25C; Children 1i5c, or two for 25c; Reserved Seats 35c. Hall open at 7:3o , Programme* commences at 8 p. m. MAPL~9~QVW Mc. Johin Cirayton lias movedi-to Sohina ..Mr. S. Snowden, Jr., lias a brood of 8pL- nchickes.... Orono anad Hampton 5. of T. paid ou Division a fraterual visat, Mardi 23. A a-ciy sociable trne aias speut aaad a spleusdid programmuae gia'en by visit ors .. The social Mardi 18 -'-s ve ry successini, a capital pro- gram, phenty f0 caf, and a sociable lime ...visiftors: Miss Olive Thoirure, Burketon; Mrs, W. Eacrson, Ebenezer, Mr. T. Pentouîîd, Tyrone; and Mm. W, Nelson i Wîter, Harmoiîy... Miss G-crf e Fole y visifed af Newcasthe reccntly... Mrs. S. Cole and Mm. Wm. Folcy'lîaa-e been ill. Mrs. Ranton is improvimg showly, Miss Polly Barkcm is abie f0 be outf again .. .. Mr. Wnî. Beekel lias mov- cd f0 Tansîfon and Mm. Sharp of Stark- ville bas moved f0 flic farm lie vacafcd. Do Voît Want White ieeth? Use Ivorine. Are siguts of decav pros. chit' Ivorine retards decay and rcen- dors if impossible if uscd rcgularhy. Is flic brea fiahchavy? Ivorine purifies and sweetens. Ivorine preserves and whifens tlie tecili and gives thecîna dazzling briiiiancy. Ivorine is absol- utely re from enamel wcaring sub- stances. Use Ivorine for the teefli; it is delighf fui aînd fragrauf. BLAJKSTOCK. A vahuable dog ownedby Mr. F. Baiiey was poisoued reccuthy .. .. Mr. F. Sliortridgc lias gone f0 Bowýmausville f live,... Mr. Robert Wilson infends spcnding flic summer ut Enfiehd. ...., The recent party ut Mr. Sam. McLauglin's was a great success. -... Mr. S. J efferv lias rcfumned from au enjoyable visif t0 Toronto frieuds. . .Qui e'a «social finie ut flic old fasbiosîed quilting ut Mrs. R. Mahood's.... Mrs. Kerrigauî is sick but improviug.. .Miss Reynolds is alst sick .... Mr. F. Marlow spraiued an aukie but calu walk again without hic stick..ý Mm.,Sam. bouc, Bownaanvilc. is visit- ing ut the Woods' .... Misses Moore and Pmusi have fiuislied collectiug- Bible Socief mnev.. .. Our Division visifed Port PerrýY Wednesday and report a good finie.... Mrs. A. Kinsman is ont again ut ter a tedions illncss .. .. TIhe W. F.v. Society meeting, Presbyteriaus churcli, was largcly aftcndcd. . .. Lewis Poilon is back 10 avork at Mr. Parks' uftfer liolidays ...M James Mariow is ont agaîn atter lis îllness .... Mr. F. Mariow avio visitcd Port Pcrry, is hoame again .air affelance ai Cliisian Liadeavor Tlsursday night, successful meeting.... Mc. Wm. Farrel visited af Mm. Heuryr PoIlon's receufly ..Dr. Fisli and Mmr. J, Cook attended a shoot- iîug match ut Orono Tlinrsday.. Mr. W. A. Beacock, Toronto, is home im- proving lis iealfhs. TIIE Timp, FORs BUîLaINsGUp tise sys- tcm is ut tiais season. Tic cold aveafi- cm lias made unusual dralins upon flic vital forces. The blood lias become impoverislcd uad impure, and uthi flic functioaas of flic boda- scffer lu couse- queute. bood's Sarsaparilla is flic - reat builder,bccause it lse cOne Truc Bhood Purifier aîad nerve tonic. bood's Pilus becoaie the favorite cafli- artie witli ail wlio use tlienî. Ail dmug- gisis. 25e, THE STrATESH-,AN is vnaileci re-nlarly to its subscribers unitil a definite order to discontinue is received and al ar- rears are paid in fulil. Subscription $1.50 per annuri. Itpaid iu advance $1.00 per annuin. TIEMPERANCIE SUNDAY. Temperance Crusade Day was hieid under the auspices of the W. C. T. Ul. on Suniday last and proved a grand suc- cess. The beautiful spring weather was ail that heart couid desire, and the processions wending their way ln their proper order to the Methodist churcli, was a-r', pretty and pleasing sight. Te large auditorium was fiied with thcidren and their teachers, the gai- leries were welI filled with visit ors, in ail making a congregation of about twelve hundred present. The president Mrs. T. blar, presided over the meet- ing supported by Hon, Prest. Mrs. E. R. Mason, Mrs. R. Freland and Mrs. W. Cr yderman. Rev. C. Parker led the opening devotionai exercises, Rev. R. A. Bnrriss and Dr. McLaughlin led la the responsive readings, and Ensîgu Pugli of tlhe Salvation Army offered the ciosing praycr. Suitable addresses were made by Rev. E. E. Braithwaite and Rcv. R. D. Fraser. Little Miss Maggie Allun sang "Tarrying at the Wine Cup" very nicely, and Miss Nellie Saunders sang abeauitiful solo. Choice singing was interspersed throuo'hout the exercises under the leaderTip of Mr. H. J.Knight. Miss Neads presid-. cd at the organ. Mus. M. CRYDERMAN, PressCor.WCT.U There are soaps and soaps. but only one whîcsh is the s.oap of s.oapsý-and washes cloth es with less labor and great. er comfort. Makes homes brigbter Makes hjearts ligbter BksfrFor every 12 Wrappers sent Scott St., Toronto, a use- Wrappe)rs fui paper-bounfi book wili bc e sut. .1 Chias. T. Paul, Principal of Toronîto Scbool of Languages, vvrites as foihows:- IlIt is not too rancir t say tuai no soda eio- cotionary treat bas avec heen givoîr i Bow- marîile. Dsily Sun, St. Jolit, N. B.- "lTire Chariot 'Rite froni1 Ban Hur, sund PanE's Dolente Before Agrippa oere simply wonderfuh." Thte Mail anC Empire savi:- Il is ussonificeunt voicanîid eomuînding pro sauce distitiguishes laina as Cartadas greatest re"ader."

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