ILe Canadian Statesman WEDNESDAY, APR IL 1, 1896. e XÛTES ASD COJIMENTS. Discussion cf the Venezuela question lias langely dicti out bohoun lutinit- s'ilStates ant inl Engianti, lu the cor-t 'li-k eadcheastrlieve al betrube inty that the tavo geverumnents aili dont to a iliolis " 1e fth 'w ttu ii.- finti a way te au ainicable etleateuýt aiziues neisa reiesintrnsii, Tic London papers, beavever, give apace -errable Suers.has ee1sownùsitct, - te a-plan, stateil on tic auuhorîîy of tic Ameicun correspondent of tic Times te o u cceptable te tic Wash- Heuach, et '.uro's sr'c~LevR insgton govertimont, by which, i. ha are eqully salesbie in ConsLtpatton. cunuie be[ileveti, oho a definie anti a spaedy1 asdprevetingthisannoingcseltt.aîts utostnigcr erait. 'i tttey aseccors-ect al disoessicraoftl"liit, %eOie'nlindrtnigcnlerahd h stinnîlute tise liver ard regulasi ttse bowIis scienveuntlts arbitration antid OO Ifasu if they ouly cîred -,intng'o-utn u'teamu cf tic question by t-be methods fora wiehb aci governmcnt bas oxpresscît 4wb ttoyse"adlir te'îprec'elest o tîs a prefercnce, anti establîsbrug accord selo ttfe fce. iieel:r~ tuccOtlslst{. on thuer muner of proceilare. lh proviti- ut foilitnito i tel rt-yt v-c e et sio lwte an 1, c c i '-nv ýtYiref îtec'ttwii sisel s for a joint commission of four, t-av ue liil luSteiseoisecitit -ais tit Ameicans andt t-un Englishmen. uco .141t afîer ail uil aitshah tÉake up tiia aork noax beiiig doue h)y the Ameican commistion, thiat- la, suppiy thc tw o goverumnents vaiti tice 15 ir bnecfse auit-c tev bot'î'cuer Ifauta ntating tte tic rightfuli ant i il- 3-sc oic o aybtenVenezuelaan C U'se ý . :r v' e' resev.c-u British Galana. Tic findings cf the cul (10s' Tbe are ýissy e ti-O huis usc"e commission, or of a majoriiy cf ih, une aII cr-eas- Tcy ts-o eîe-ii a get]-t1rtitistÎc> to ho urcepi.edlas fisnal anti atioritative, I «,.sýe altis ise -ieih'eýi. 111'rais Ct ave-etc1.' falure te agrco beîng provitiet againat trier ~ 01 te-$-Sodkrre îo ork.e h ~ by tic addition cf a fifth member lu 1 a-cf uecessity, te l-W nominateiiîy a M'in P"; mil D& k1.11 zm. eutral power, lke Swtzrluflt. Tie -- avis cf negotiations betaveon t-ho two1 01ON [Y)N f[IAms OF FROS goveruments for tie udjustietsiofi the oulaarytic Uniteti States,ap i No literrie-ine., noecyclone'-, ne tlsusîse pureutiy, becoming responsibie for tic s orties, tic dreestls, Ste fiîure, ECALIFORNIA ita.'bvastndiaccîleus. accoltance cf thee docisien by Venezuela; Eloveiion ae rens $12.50 ur racte- anti ehoulti they tili fuilito agrue, ne-i 'ietY -ix Ileuiicesi a ces l).,51) atr". Twenty six buitde reeutvs $10.0a) pet'acre sort is te hbattea sue asoa 1tt acrdr icos 530 e tc. "wer-ve tribunal. Tic latter, it la auggesteil lîoirotiacres. Ses-oit Iundreti acres, Six - hîttdred acres, 'Ibeco hindreti andtivtv miigit be composcil cf tic chief justices acreý-. AunY tilur qusantity dos's'Oto teil cf t-be t-o countnies, witi a. uru seresOlive-o,,.Oranes, Xcceiti'c. Flig, e.ra Lemc'a. insoti' Grcspe-a andi alotiler fr'uits imember atideti, if neccsaary, but it la grow ta.î -tu itr w ian assumaei that, with tic, decision cf tic SIJMMER RIUIGN'-4 st PrlIE.E commission, aco"ptcil as determining tic Write for p-xtirutars. historical bcandury, fova, if any, causses Al)ulusrss,, cf dispute avu[dît a lt-ft for arbitrat-lon K. E. KELLEY, WILLOWS, CAL. Tic ciof, anti practicaliy tic only, Arevcr usfulte Objection urgeil agaiast the plan iyb: i' vou r Teeth yen aib Dinnertima.Luin rs a -opssilt1ta i Prisrv' tbe! ~dstricts tic disputaet territ-ory cleats ticera A ectleil by Bitisi subjpcis might be _Bci iti fy them! e include inlut-ho final arbitrutio'i, anti THE PERFECT ii tic colonies union the avart he trans-i .11 luggiseTOOTH POWDEn 1ce ex nzca bi atcrs ceci c f difflcult-y lu any settiement4 FOR TWTE NTY-SIX YEAÈS. t1 i a omteti rts e e ernincut iholding ubat i laic ounti to protect is sulsjects whie hae settiet inl tic disputid tract on tha assuimptiota1 thai it -%vas Bitishi tennitony, thongh, apparent ly, ittab w ilig te punchasa the Idistricts, if declareti Venezuelaît \Xat ta desireti, thon, is tiat sortie agree- mont ha reacheil in ariaance by w ici uIrrnnhiL~ r~? raeru I the settîcti districts aili ho ta'aen in- Tn uui',L-rI c, t.o accont in a possîiea animation, ihat 3-.GES SALE IN GANDA le, tic, application te tient of muni_ -icipal laav under avhici occupuncy is a huycoiint hi a titis, lasteuil cf lu- ONTAR O ]BA K tenational lair. Ihislaintimatei hy tihe coninue s te do a Generai Banu ingBsinesse1 umes correspondient that tic Wash- Bowinans tule A gent-y. intgon govefamntavoulti ba preparoti DI)À >S1TY, I tgo ihus f luineffectiug- a sLtile-ý ~e-tn~li favhnýnee ISa arf ,s'uet andiou ment cf t-licissue. -W iii ibjerobstacle esl1auaeitierestullow'ad atcurreut valsa No 1eoehaee, pno em oh notiîce ofw-ithdcexiel uecessary. Alildeltsit, uhat tic'Bnitl'.i gopeinonani av oba EXCIJANGE once uccapi ticeîplan, anti thut a comn- B'euindsoltiand i D-sstscusduponifsîrOvc plote sctiemeni cf thecocntrovmrsy United States andCanada,ltstTeudtijvCatind 'outi on lho neacieti. Jnîd-aecGreen beck8tbotîrht antiso1d, 1 P p lrtîr î re it a's,3nL i , t Aedrihng tO a telegram f nom Pekin, cf lep rietftta rIte UCihlîsti tateiri ,e1aromankuila ireaty bas hoon concludet )o ninlon olCausta. h eivaecu Russaa anti China. lie pro- Telegî'a pli rasîsr4urs ciao termis cf ibis treaty have not been Mad fr lrg o sial sunsonaii'Pi"O fficsiiy divulgoti, but aviat purports Canada. 'l'is is esperiaily s t!to ho un culine cf them bas heon pull- pess-ivti u vrsilulo o Nntevaiseetiby the Norti China Daily Novws, ainiaes thse fonsaaiaiable -et oauscua a..ite place eoflaitat. 'a journal asualy w li informet.i. f 001 er prrticulutrs eal t t Chcttalk. ii ln acretydan ra E. L. FtOtI't'T, UEO. M0rSÀILL. hsOtiei oretydan ra Accusictu. ttueuegr. Britain aili ho tempteti to offer voie-i Jme ni romonstrances ugainat a reut y - . ~ whhch t-rotons te tieul a deati llovy SoienifinAmorcan, toBritish inîcresta lu tic fan East, su $ointilo mercan fax as China is concerneil, ant ihic Aenoyfr makea auci amuzing concessins to the 1 Czar us pnacticaliy amnouni sic the os- tahlisbment of a Russian p)rotecLorute., Tic troaty is ahegoil te hegin w lui e îtic tecluratien tint tic tva countnies OAVEAT. hav.e formet au offensive andi detonsive M Kgf 'Aallance, andt tat Russa healt hence- - oItVEI' tcvt tes À uPsnilc.position va it-b Englanil ocapics li 17 cicm s-ut i, srs' c5 i. îts. cu eIndue, ma tubt if n Manchu Emperor is 'ire cfi er, i'i uiCiicO' . ti rit ty a-IliF usasr'edyi'L c-ui tetu ictsuft"nced te continua to nign ut Pukin, laý.s rt--voc .ttce rf .ý ri - ' DeUp r u aili evcntually ha va t-b ntiing more ~iCoî'rG.iri-iueO. .ŽOTt. iia tc or hadow cf atbrity ' ~rr. >, ..- - '.0-. . ni-w i htic Calcutta, Geverumnent- lefttfor a cousiticrabla periedti thveMogul Eln- iŽ"ron ai Dclhi. Hociv t-a ussia's abisorpition et Chiua l.e sicîtped? Tie uimu te avent aviat Englisi-ut a re. ikcly te regard us a catasinop>ievaas wn nt-ho designs cf tic St. Petrmburg, Govemumett ene first discloed ai y îlcl ouvanti that the Shimnseki imuaty abouti b" modifiot, anti that Pont Arthsan antit-he Liuu- tung peninstila aiculil ho rotrocatiedito tic MititileKingtom. hy Japan. Ih la truc tit'lu.ssia's teîvvuai as hsdked hy beoh Gcrmany anti France, bui bat Lord Salisbury asusant-e i Mikado cf lais suoti, ticlaitr on acit antideuit have notaineil bis couquesis lu Man- t-hurla. anti Conea. Nova, evenytiing le lest exc'opt Formosuth le extra composs atiots givon for tie surronten cf Port Art bahr, anti a ptart ot tie original lu- indetaity. We say a pcart hecause, al'iCheig Jpa hoita 'eXei-hai- su ci a s seduniy for the puy- sment of tic fractioas cf the avar inrlemnity va-it-l stihi romlains duo, site trolvahly tcuit t>'torceil hy Rassia to ovaruate tiai naval tontross. Thc Mik- ado, single-haadoti coult net male bout aain-t uc-hi lince. Yet, Ioves atai iis tlte ovin, if Englanil tbrca 1o t r fletituto tie caae,,anti proposet te co-openuite viiiihJapan for tic Pur- poeocf opposiîag tic executhon of tic repentîti treaty ireiva cn Russia andl China, il is itrot sable tiat tic overiare w voulti ho acrceptc'd ut lokie, andti tat tic jointotcposition -v uit attain its endl vaithout a aiar. Will sucir-a boisianti nosolute, stop be ta-kon Ihy ILord Salisburyf Sbould ho ace rup Es immd iitretke h. ho avill nceest,-i.lihis 3Mnistnry in the confi- donc' cfA the FugUipeople, anul ns- store the presigeofî Great Bribuin thtroughuIs t i , va rîi. Tie reitish Goveminut bas express- et irseif ulaul t-be itou of au luteorna- tionai a nie ton reopeniag cf froc ail- ver tctig' Deh.vtc upon a mrticn for arîi te t-ýonferencc,(hnieugbt oui from St, Mit-hael Iit-ks-Beach, chancellor cf te ex2icquer, s1tcaking c-uLbcnitaivehy. a strcug anti comprehensive speech. Ho reminteti tie bccnae that unden tic golti t-antiarti Gretit fithin bai mate un- puaaielai.peccgcess ; t bat tic depnissicu of agric-ult-uic, tic itretoxi on avilci dcii s ment cf t-hoet-ut-no y sas sougit, nus cia. te i'ompetit.icn antd hotteret modes cf c-.cmmag' crnd coumuniduuiou avnd tint aaile thý bouse migit. uiti th"_ appeoval cf th" goerumetuadopt a nesot-in afos' a confernotcO on %hie quaestioni, tiecocuntry axoald. not go te a srlvet'atandlard, v ici ha pnoperly assauidto te, he iclogical cansequonce ocf free- cousuge, utsilver iay Greati Bn- taIn.. Sir _Nf-i'ielHie-La-Beach sait, assuA rng the psi~blity cf rt-at-bing, an 1agee vecnt cbout a na'ile, " tic agnea- maent -noahi l e Tichle ta hP-brokua lu th' e-eutofîtpoti-a.l convulsion -Dr 'ihue ai lui>avo'ai" furibo erteof b mut' iintrrteoa,-cinn - iv1 this quiestiton s-eu avlolly t-c ignlore tic h or e-aletas'anJntions t-o ent',ete ageemintt Sipon criintenational rartio, siocîli unebho rrniveti ut? 'eMbt nation t-rtn fcresee on fonestall vicissitudes uhut I v unitoni ch i.t from any compact, pe- liticril or mneutary? h ît mlîvisiry hue povacu su hinîtl ic stt-cceseara upon sut-h a question? lie-e ha bat one fuci fixed ln finaunciai is tory,,anti thut ha thut ail censervitt-iaupraigness ishatoardte goli standard. heehs ne auch tiing uts taie standards of equai value or cor- roapoutiing stnhility, andtheti goi hais la tic sale bas i pon axhich scîil anti proz-esve nations eau or w iii curry on iraie nviii oeeanother. I la comn- Imerc". net pulitit-lane. t-bat tht-taies tic, lana cf mcaviey. A feci politidiauS in G rout Bnituin, in Bclgium, ha Ger- mauy, lu Francti, as -initic United 1Stateýs, ave stirrlug up agitation for au- . otior international moneiary centfen- , nce, btlt-be goveruament cf oach. of 1thoso countries. acting steadfustiy for ti Ch acor anti capital, t-ho intelligence andtihti commence, cf ail of ubein, de- -hare5s uhat net cno on the grout group c f 1rodnors avili everi consater tic qauteon cf resumlption f ffrocesiinago 1et silvoLr for itacif. ons thai- l gener îIly pevceived;, for while the Armenians are vo Ortlîodox Russiti beretica and oiherwise unpopu- lar, the czar is tOc' sel£-.esnstituied pro- tectrîr of Eastern Christians, andi by bis neglect to roscue ilum i this in- stance bas losi a certain attraction througbout Asia. That Resala coulti have annexod Ar- menia bail ahe occupied it, there is no doubt, andi the reason ailegeti for net occupyin- it--the foar that if she diti so, Europe luinconference would imake cf the province an aultonomous siate under a Christian prince-w iilot suffice, the powers taking hile interestin the pol- itical destiny of Armnenia. The real roason probably w -as ber indisposition to risk an exhau.sting w-ar witb Tur- key, which she euhl deems capable of stubborn resistance, and ber desire to await the furtber w-eakening orf the empire through the inevitable processes of decay beforre attacking it. Hati Rus- sia invaded Armenia, the suita'n would bave been forced to figbî, and as ho bas 30f),000 soidiers at bis call, a gooti sup- piy of munitions, an(ltheiba manlis woid bave fougbt to the lasi ditcb, the, business would havp e be a serions one. Ih would have becnuch more soni- ous beicause the Russiu.n army cf in- vasion would bave, bad te bo drawnn from the garrisens on the w estern fron- tier, and in a long marcb like that the Russian soidiers die ut a terrible rate, partly, it la believeti, from insufficient food, and parily from imperfeci sani- tary arrangements. Ko doubt hlussia would bave conquered in the end, for Tsvrkey lu this instance n outil have bati rio help; but the czar 'a ativsrma well have thought tbai the gain to be made was nut atvorta the sacrifice in- volved. Recently Trulli bad occasion to visit Ncw York. On reference to its own <'olumana it was sceu that a handsome tbrough sleopa-r louves Toronto via the Grand Trunk, anti West Shore Ralway at five p.m. evory d'ay, and arrives in th,,-IU. S. Metropolis at ton nexi morning. Truth can now vcuch for the iruthfulleesa of ihia statemont. The car is certainly one of the baud- somest ani lxboat appointed sicopors te ha found. The tno colored gentlemen i in charge of tb', sleeping andi eatiug! arrangements, (for tbis car bas awieil- equippeti boufet>, are rient, quick, smil ing feliow.s, ready te do your bidding ut any time night or day. Ail the of- ficiais cennectilw icbticthetrai are pleasant anti courte:ous, and (Ie not show that thoy ave at ail put eut ni the fidgity old lady cannot lot ioe0 them pass nitheut asking seineunfiru- essary question. The West Shoeo Ralnay muns ibrough a beautifuiiy fertile our tili the Hudson Rliver is reacht.Fo 1there on the way la along tihe west shore cf tbe rivor, feliowing ii-ra.mjes-, tic, couva'_ te, the soc. ,A.s the train fies 1alcng the beautifully smnooyb reail of 1steel, the grandeur of the acenory that la iunrolleti b"f oveyou la bardly uxceli- cd by anytbing lu the, wonid. The mag- Snifieni river on the co band andi the great towering mountailn-s on the. otb- 1or. the flourishine cils thrcughwbicb 'we sptoed, pyausiug- only a few minut- os in the larger cnes, makos up a trip .hb' rail that louves; thi mosi itieasuut 3m"mories andl a longiaig te repeut it. RUINED BY A CONTRACT. , 4,1 Ls'es FuiienaSo s a snevv No5bing Aiot Brouze. Tihe founder of the Vendome columti 1in Paris met w îîh.finandiai ruin in bis 7contraci. The French Gcvernmeiit, -when it tiecidedti t ereci the notable 3columu, entered into a contract with anî 3 roui fountier. He knew uothing whbat- Sever of modeiing or casting lu bronze. iThe Governmeni agreedti t supply him - vith cannon captureti frum tht' Rus- - lans and Austriaus turing the cani- paign cf 180-5, lu quantities sufficierit rte found the monument, The corn- ,tracter, knowing îîothing cf the pie- Snomena wbvich tbe fusion cf bronze of- fers, founti When tw o-thirds cf the col- umn %-as completedti iat ho had used 1up al lais metul. Suffîcient bronzelhad been givn bim to comuiete the mon- umnand he -%vs rosponsible for thîî entire amount. Finding iimself face te Dolinte ou t-le resoecliicof sympat-by at-oncue anti mixedtheti metal aiih cbeap -tth.refuse nlitiho pisthaserd. anti se dem- ntte'Ammînians, adtied by tie pletoti tic fouuiug. Tie castingsioîv- Britishi l{ouaa cf Counons lasi. aeerk, over, w-ru tounti to ho se fuit cfi flan-c breugit ont tic suggestion that Rus- that the vork vaas stoppeti. andti he fountier ruhueti. lie meuldînga cf thes ,aa ho askeiltioepyAmni sa titteneni parus et t-be bas-reliefw'r meanus et ciccklng thc sultan5 lu bis de- so iadiy exocutedthtiathechcistena w-be igu cf cxtermiuaringhis Chisian euh- ropairet the defecta romovet no esbas thon sovouty tons of bronze. Tiery ro- jeet. Th sugestin isnot n tcivet for tudr labtmr £12.000, te vahici eue, Russtu ia-viîag turing tic pai year avas attet the sevenhy tons cf bronze. heen offeroti Armenia, if net tinectly, whilci bo-aine their perqaisites. lie tie hy tuaovîugciruststnce, ati vie transatiton n'as vcny, very n hy sic bas steaduty decliîaed t-o ac-____ copi, it has been tie causaoftrach FOR LOVERS OF FIGURES. speculathot. AIl th-hvaomit kuovs viat t-be lave great objecta cf Russian policy Seventy-twc rat-es iniabit tic avent arc-a tleurrot-cat te holeditenranoau, anti use 3,004 differout lougues. lucre vaitheai va ilcishe vilijain ays t-coi hem- are about one uhousant religions. 'lie sel dena r ea o pnoer position number cf men anti women la very amioig great- nations, anti an openu part noariy equal. the average icngevity ut ou tic Pacifit-, casent-lit-ct-he develop- hoth sexes heing only thity-eigit y cars. About eue-t-ird cf tic population ment of han Asiatic piosessions. Witb tics hefore the ugeocf seventocu. Ac-- the latter put fairly ait-in ion gi'aspt tording te t-ho mosi canotai computa- ut Port Arthur, or on tic L(orean pen- itou, ouly one penson lun 100,000 ot huti usiidsexes ttuina tise augocf 100 yoars, anti mnia, andi asith ,Bulgarie uatit six vo sevon ina 100 tic age cf ixty. lie anti Constantilnople thus bronglat aiti- total population cf tic outi is est- in an ettsy tuant-, t-be îoudcnr a maiti uat-about 1,200,000,0ot)soals, tef ntiom 35,214,000 tic annuuhy, an aven- hoon tint. sic dit nat go tanthor, anti - ot 98,848 a day-, 4,020 an icur anti 67 by th,-- occupaion cît Armnia, pal i"t- a minute. 'Tie atanual number ot uruts nvay along t-he ouaushoseocf tic Blackis1 estimatt ai 36,792000, an auveage sou vo tha opnu i ter of tia Metistcr- o 00, 800 a day, 4,200 an heur anti 70 ranen. he ondtion hae ben av-a minute. crablo, ne poer an -citrg iirposc Tt-BLE. -_a posit-ionti ta cfeeiily intertere, cava NC'IITeBE Englar c, and efbr desire tei cave t-be !aiurss-Ma1,ry, haviv ia i -tv Ar tactnvs fracu mnaseacre vva vrtuai- yen trcsrting yotrt-fnierats to nvY cake ly an invitation te Rassie te proceot. andI trait ? 'L caeti oec petg e i M~eamr -o nt tell, nma'am, for tic lite, ý1orover th los ofpresige o te ofie', foi lin surer I coverci the key. czar t indcchrusag tor de au vasa marc sons boaleI TWENTY-FIVE YE uRS A Mk\ARTYR TU RHEU-NAFIS2V. IeesdFronst l'alti lu (>1e ibay, "lt la my desire," says Mr. James Kerv, farmer, of Kars, Ont., ', te tell for tbe public gooti of the great hicss- ing South Amenican Rheumuatlc Cure bias been te my wife. She bus been a great sufferer from. rbeamatismn for 25 yeurs;, hatdedctoretiwith allphysicians, far and near, but neyer receiveti per- fect relief util she, useti South Arn- enican Rheumnatic Cure. It banisiiet ail pain lu cne day, anti seven bottles cured radically. 1 think twco or tirce botties weuld bave been sufficeni bad it net been for delay ln securing mcdi- ciue. 1 mcci cheerfully and freely give ibis testimony, anti strongly rscom- rnend sufferers frem rbeumnattsm te use thus nemedy, as 1 believ.îiL avili cure in every case." A PREMATURE DISCUSSION. Miss Flightyý-Have yoa decidedte t tuke any part in the discussion 'Wbut avili we do lu beaven ? Gooti Minister-No, miss. I amn ut present mauch more intereste inluths question. Wbat shall ive do te get there î THE COLD SWEAT 0F HE ART DIS BASEi 1% Disopelled 121ôa titutII, ussr0lY D.Ase' Citn' fore leufst. The iboîs-antis wbo suifer from heurt diseuse avili undorsianti va-at is meunt by Mrs. Roatibouse, cf Willscrof t, Ont., w hen aie aays: ' Colt aweut weuld stand ont in greut bouda upon my face." Witli everyone w-ho suffers from heurt trouble it le a deutb strug- gle, for it is bard te sayw-bon the cord of life will net snup with ibis diseuse centroiliîîg the systom. lu the inter- esia of human life, iei all vbo suffer fremn heurt trouble alwuys act prompt- l-y, and use a remedy ibat is effective. Deuth may easîly occur if it is a case sîmply of experimenting wiib medicines that are net spuciaily iniendeil te re- move the trouble in ibis direction. Dr. Agneava Cure for the Heart is a heurt spei-ific,und a;vill give relief 'axithin 30 minutes ufier the firsi dose is taken, and cure permnanently,us rmany have ai- ready tesîjifiedti hrougb tiiese colamus. Fullcf t have lbitera causedti hîeWfit- ors te curse the day ihey axere lu- diter.-Butler. Hurdly any orgaus cf thte bumait sys- tests play a mure vital part than tic kiducys. A clerangs'ment n.! tîese. evon te a sligbt tegre8, avill but te trouble thut is iikely, if net stayoti, to prove fatal. ihere is ouiy oee aay for the systemi te ho rid of ibis diseuse, andti fat la by tnying a medicine that will aci specially, and la a specific for kidney diseuse. TIbis is tic streng fau- ter in the greut South American Kiti- ney Cure, ht is prepareti specially for these organs, is radical banisb- tuent cf diseuse locatoti bore, anti nicb in the beaiing pova rs necesaîy te comn- plote rostorutien. Bunk-teiloers disinfeci dinty lookin& notes iîy sprinklirog campiior lu the ru- ceptacles aviero the moey le kepi. T li E - E113 1l -14'0R.A L (,0J'I A. l .4 145 5>555 1, '~si te5s55 > Ir. l55for5' t'alus-s' 'ea'esr--tt itelie s <s ha 10 ho 610 t1il tntes". Let fno onu, 'c surprised ut the higi tubaracter of the testimenials recelveti by tic propnieorofc Dr. Agneîv's Ca- tarrhal Pevider. Tbis medicine menite the beîtitings tuat cun 1)0 suit cfit, for ho the trouble Colin thîe Head, Catarnb, Hay Fever or Catarrhal Deafuesa, relief is so speetiy anti effec- tive ibat ih charns aill'[This e s he' vievv of the pepular member cf the House cf Cemmons for the District cf A igoma, w-be bas usedti s medicîno, antitocs îlot besitate te tell the peu- ple cf Canada of ias great avorth. Sumpie Boutle anti Bloaver sent on receipi cf inn 3-cent stampe. S. G. DETCHON, 44 Churci St., Toronto. Wbiîe se many cf the monubuies are- pubtîshiug the pictures anti biographies cf the puinters cf the century, Gotiy's la tbe oniy one wbich is regýu1arIy eerv- ing ut> usoful anti entertauiig essaya on musical subjects. Tbe iwelfftb in- stalment of "Music, in Amenicu," by R1upi'rt Hughtes, appears lu the Aprîl issue anti is devoteti te the subjeci cf cur local ainging socicties lu general, andtihe, compositions cf W. W. Gil- christ ln panvicular. The fuail page cf music whicb la îiublishct inlu iis sories ecd mon îh, is cf iiseif a great attrac- tion te music lovera. This number ln- claties ais satonies cf Puppenheimi anti Gersio-r, under the hcocf " Great Sing- crs cf Ibis Century," by 11.bert L. Parkes, an operatie anti theatrical man- ager cf long expenienco. Robent Cov- er-ley bas avritien a "' Wheeling Gleeo" for ibis bicycle number cf Godey's, w hidi les easy te aine' anti pleasant te )leut. hitbus ats icresistible swving anti is suie te hecomaý popebir amoug cycle clubs. The Gedey Comnpany, Lafayette Place, NewY ork. "Y5or Over Fifty Years." eV-af evi aai k, weg crCte c T' -,CluM' L-Zc r4e l - for1 tVý-e t0sbe :iac sha c:iing to castra ýa bý hnd hUCL-n, -a p',them a uon*a. Ai. Leflrsr. IDISEASED LUNeS CURED BY TÂKING sV.â hetr~ "I1 eontracted a severe cold, which settled 01, 11,y1l11gs, nti 1 did w 15 o üLteIItbs in S c aes elcted it. I the on of4îItett a doctor, who found, on examnin g tme, that the ilperArt of the jef t hmg was taffly affected.Te ndicines lie gave mesdhl 11ot try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking a few doses nïy troutble was relieved, anud be- foe I1Iîad finishod the botte I was cures]." -A. LEFLAIIwtxae, Orangeville,Oi. AyWrs Cherry Pectoral Ulighest Awards at Word'a!ftr Aaer's .pIIIà CureIresi Valuabto treatise and botte of medie sot Fre, te any Sufferar. GOve Expres andi Post Office asd,s,", Il- ROO, M O W A 6 eArisSreeTootoI "I',n ail dtoeascs o)f the ]flooI alla Çrves, Ehon- matismnd al Pat. Female Begulato,, Blood taeý air rg tvboxes, 5-.: Fuilt Sai te boxSc. itodDr fi vardMedtcttreCo. Ltrckvtlie.Omt. Faillng Sexul St1rengli 111 ted or younng men eca b e q u c k l a t t p e m a n e t l y u r e d b y u m e t o a h be a l t h i VARICOCELEe WIGHT LOSSES, AND Att WASTING DISEASES should write to me for advice. 1 bave bren a close Student for many y ears ofthte subject -1 we1kttess il' men, the Eac s.Iwasa a'eszt,.e'ir. _'ISso lanebful teseoit the aid.etolder nte. or reputableiphysiciafis lnves- tigeted the subject deeply and discovered a simple but moat remarkably successful remedy that com- pletely oured me andi fuily e"rarrdne from a shrukestntd condition to natorl7stenthand .i.. I waot ea ry youngoroid -m-on oknow about h.~ ~ ~ ~~~~~^ I ar esnlitrs usthcases and no one need hesitate te write meas alcommunications are held strictiy confidentiel. I send the recipe et this remedy absolutely free of cost. Do flot put it off but write me fuily at once, you will 41atWf' bleui tIhe day you difi se. Afidrese, STHOMAS SLATE, Box 2058u SlIlppes, of Famous Malamazoo Celel. KALAMAZOO, MICI-. PNEUMATIC MAIL TUBES. eA grand project of pneumatic tubes for mail service in the City of Paris has been submitted by Engineor Rouart to the General Director of the French mail system. The transit of letters and packages between the verious Post Offices andi railroad stations, which is now carried on by hundreds of one- horse and two-horse mail wagons, ivill be entirely performeti through these pneumatic tubes. The tubes willhave an inner diameter of 16 juches andi emal cars will run on tracks, the power be- ing compresseti air, pumnpeti into the tubes exactly as ia the emaller pneu- matic tube systems now in use lun stores. According to the calculation of MVr. Rouart, ton of such little carts car- rying 2000 pountis of lettrs andipak- ages would require but baîf, an atmos- phere of pressure, andi the entire ser- vice woulti require b~ut 900 horse-power for a lengtb of tnbiug amounting to about 430 miles. The expense of con- structing the entire plant would be 850,000) francs ($170,000), while the an- nual running expenses wvoulcl amennt to but 510,00û. A DIVER'S EXPERIENCE. The diver, as the reader may imagine, gets many startling shocks when be- low. A fifteen-foot shark, magnified by the wator and coming direct for o-ne is sufficient to make the stouiest heari. quake. lun spite of the assertion that sbarks have nover been known to at- iaek a iman in dreas. Nejîber la the sight of a large turte comferting wben one does flot know exactly whut, it is; andi the coling Of a sea suake arounci ones legs, aithough it bas only on's hands to bite at, is, to suy the l east, unpleasant. 1 SIX WEEKZS WITHOLI A DRINK. An incident thut shows the wonder- fui povor sheep possesa of living for a ]ong îim' witbcuit water is report- cd frees Invernesshire, Scotland. About seven w. cks ugo tbree sbaep werc ie ed f rom the farm of Ealsîiarden, Ady sïer. Every effort was made to fi-1 them, bui. w ithout succeas. A fewý day~s ngoo, bon ever, a barlcy stack w as tIe don n and the- misaing animais wr discovcred imprisonod ln the woýodev fraraew ork in thececnter. They~ hati subsisterd for more than six wéeks ou 1barley alune. One bas sinco died. bj Jr