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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1896, p. 3

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-w-N The diseases of tliinness are scrofula in chIldren, COUSu mption ini grQwfl people, poverty of blood in cither-. They thrive on leanness. Fat is the best means of oAerCOring the-m. Everybody knows cod-iver oil makes the healthiest fat. In Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil the taste îs hiddeîý, the oil is digested, it is ready to make fat. When you ask for Scot's Emulsjue and yeur druggist gives vois a pàekage ini a Iamon=coiored wrapper 'wth the pict- ure of the man amnI lsh on it- you Can tust titat man0! 50 cents andi $1.00 SCOTTr & ONcat. Chieiis, Belevile, Ont. Trakse it ai avs-sTakirat otlîcr For CoughS and Colds Gray's Syrup Red ef Spruce1 Gum1 THE OLD STANDARD REMEDl, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA and al Affections efthtle Lungs. ]Be sure yoget GRAXi's cvrop. "ris Gray's that rusres. 25Q. and soc, a botte Solti KRY WATSON & CO. PftOPMtir-oRs The modern stand- L ard Family Medi- cne: Cures the > common every-day - jus of hurnanity. z of tcn,',,ratu,'u that it lisnrt suonprising tli.t tbey cofc ISuIfer front kidney inti other trou- bes. In rrmav eases ihuir w o'k ai night con- fines theintiri a heaiel atinosphere for heins, front which tbey saly forth through the ceid zight air te :hoir sellare rsi. Nîr. George Rober ts, baker for Airs. S. Raraban, 257 Dondaq strect, gar.e us th- folies iog fats:" I have sufferiedi 'a uch for the past fourteen ycars tith l!îlacy dîscase that it gives aie pleasure te tell et my chauged Contiiion for the better. 1 had fearful paîi inl hhta.-k ',anid right sîde;-,the uiie w as -redin. coer witli a retisb sticky sedimeiit, w itlî bri clu. t depesît. At tintes severe pain ie the u-gien cf the blatider, rausing me geat suff- îng andi discomfori. Appetite vet y poor, About the House. GIRLS AND MOTHERS. I kuens a most ebrming n'emau wbo had ne mether-lova because, as aba saiti, ber mothur gave ber noue, wrîtes a fcorrespondent. She svas kindti te er ebildren. Thcy were net neglecteti, but abe diti net like chiltirun. She anti ber huabanti leftthbbc itIle eues, includi-, ing-a year-olti baby, w itb a neigbbort avhile bhuy jourucyct inl Europe. The eilîdren neyer asked for their parents anti aere rathur btter cotenteti witb tbeir new fricati, fer shu asas loviug. I piby this wocian's lti age. h quesion svbtber ber ownu ilI bu inclinedti t care fer ber. The chances are tbey yiIl censider ber a burden, for she bas nt implanteti iu bbem tilililove. Mucb la saitiabout bbc respect that bbc yeung shoulti showv the agei, lbut cccasionally it avoulti bu right te rever- se bbc order cf things. Elderly pteeple setimes demaudti teeanch. I huard- a nîce girl amy te ber mothur: "Mama, dýo fix up a littiel" The mother said: - Oh, nobody aili cali, anti thia elti wrap- pgr feula gouti." lb is bbeduty oft mutb- ers bu "f ix up a lilîle." lb bas a t-e-j fining influence. Elderly people aume- ines groas carelesa lu manuers, atîtibu- cause thcy arc old bbey are excuseti. They ougbt te avoli this. I1n'as ai the bouse et a girl trienti as'ere bbc dinuer w as se gooti. Rer father w as large anti a great caber. He eut a wide sw.atb anti enjoyedt bc alcecmeai. I am aurry te say tat arnie forgot herseltf anti ru- fprm audet i hmbfore the guesta. 1ia sorry. Se said. "Payou kuon' 1 teltiyen 'd reminti yenif yen atu se greediiy. Couin wili thînk tibat yen arceue cf Grecly 's aurvivors, hait starveti." Meg tlushied auJdave ail feut uncomfortablu. Sorue ebabby person changudthebb sub- jeet, and ti bva a wcil. Sens anti daugbtera vant thuir paren- ts te bu attr active. Tbcy ia st tht-m te use gueti language andt tebu dean anti dressy, anti observe gooti manurs. Pkople caunot respect bbc aguti aveu theby arc unlovcly. I neyerlîku te hear Ieldurly peuple jute youug toks as te beaux anti marriage. Wflen Ihey are ruady, bheir ageti frieuda aili finti lb eut. Youîb bas ils righis anti elt cge its privilegus. htisl a favorite theme- "the geeti oldt imes." 1 amin lclinudt t tbiult that the women eftot-day are not itilu, bbougb their avork la unlike that ot bbc graudmnothera n ho spun anti wove wecaring apparel. fIRHE LATEST EN SOFA PILLOWS. The uewesb sofa pilloava arc made Ifrein tinteti auSi inens etf tinin tex- bure, anti decrateti wiîb large open de- signa wrought lu haif-soliti aot wbib wta biAsiabic Roman ftiesa. Thedesigns are mostly cenventienfal, but sometitaus take on a sum-i-natural appuaranie, us- rîpelti' ahen Honiiton braid isl lire- sign et fisb-net is introdueed, usually inf large colonial figure. For SI mures and Terrys. These retail at el pur square, andi make up handsomcly when lineil w îth bright sllk, and fia- isbed with a rufle. Boston art silk and .Aiatic ropa- silk are used te work Ithe designs, aiîhough twisted cmbrcîd- ery silk ta used by some who desire a fluer bhread. iArt tienm wii bu uscd for bamniuek Ipiliows and Gushiens for piazza chairs. jÎhey are made adjustable and quickly outlined w itb Roman floas. A cuver for bbe sînaîl piazza table la made te match and tînîabud with a tbree-inch linn fringe. HOUSEHOLU HINIS. 1 feut tireti aed sore eut ail the tinte. Worîc Poýwter for pertumiug ciothea packed herame a drutigery' it w a an effrt te do any- an ay, wbicb, it ia said, aili keep ont bCbng. I t'as bar spit ited andti dsceurageti. Imoblis la made us folloava: Put lu a l-earng cf Home's Pllis I uet tea Mr- W. T. fmertar n uc ai'f00eDt Sc'eng's drug store, Lontdon, Ont., and ueoneee tcoent gui oue bc.,. 1rnttt a ads mIcn- meg, ina , c innomon, carawayseeds, ineticedtieiuproe, cand new nty ack antiantI louquin bues, -Pound thein te a Side are ail epghi; the urine is naîm'al in cler; powder ivîtb six ounces et orrna reot,. tise sedînîet lias disappeareti; 1 have ne pain ad tilt litîle baga made of mulin w itb ef ny kîed; ro twccli; appotîtu bas returneI; tibis powtler and lay thern among the I amn strongu' ted Cuter ilevcery aay; fr thte lethîug. fini îtme lni uaey yoars 1 îtosv eel that ife is A gooti mtbed ef ciuaning kidi gloves wea liin. Dme Riine Ptîsbae creisst t put un the gloves andi wash thein teeoft nty long standing cenîplint, and 1 ant plinseti tea aknesîedge -chat ihey have detael lu insirits et turpeutine, exactly as formne. I iave nt tmkenmnorethantwohoxes if washirug bbc bauds. 'Che tingers and cf tht pis andthIe resuit is as 1 bat-e sîmîcti. ,oilect parts must bu w cil rubbed, and t'tu\eus1y Iote iis i ati trieti neorty every avhea bbcie gloes arc taken off tbey muai lidflty t cnecty, but tîntil 1 iode Doans Pills bu sîrete leý!d and allowed bu dry, bang- cYperienooti eut the sligbicst relieL ing lun a stroug current of air. _______________________________ Brass ketties require excellent cote or bhcy tarnisb very readily. If the U w COdBfS e~ iettîe la mueh discoîored, seour isd anti eut aibh soapý and ashes, whtefo 127 134daily clemniug use vinegar and sait, or 127 '134 11 aeub witb a loth wet in vinuegar anti Nb ~dipped la ashes. To resbore the taruisheti surface cf a t ... ..piano.,aipe lb aviîb a dampenoti chamois skin anti dry wiîb a sott lotb; bLeu g. moi%ten another elebb witb a feav trops BEGININ~fl~$ MeNI-S ICONMON ofetequal portions et sweeb oil anti spirits CURES ot turpentine anti polisb weli, aîîd if the keys are yeiiew, rub thein witb ?GS~IVEL ~ - alcobol anti wabcr. ATo dlean awhite vails, malte a solution Faiiug 1.aet w, SeretDi-Catile aoap anti lut bbc vail "ests, caiî'-d Cv tht rrorsi soalt lu lb fittean minutes, anti then anti xtteses o')- ot Xci- '. uîiti ai-Jordît~ 50NI4 pressa l bebweeu bbc banda lu warm fr.unsiititnioe± o.h usvarani soap until cdean. Rmusc lu cfflisa,îexreses, restcred te heuiîh, luan clear w aber, then peur belng watcr on eoiand igr. 1e a buspoonful et starch, soak bbc vail Pr-ee.li.f0,6m"' i"5,p>.Stîtbîu in lu l for a feiv minutes, anti then ciap srurdt' rela.i t. Writt for aur book, ' Slartlî'itil betweun bbc banda until neariy dry. i- itr ri -ooutytcs you 17 e e WhSpruad a towel ever a piilow anti pin mai ta sai -__the_ b lace in each pint smoobbly over AddraaQISEII iIEICtE i:., ilbanti let il remalinbu tlpertcctiy Kgnm'mEALThtere is uotbing better than borax ap wibh wbicb te wasb flannels and blaukets. To maku l, rake bwo poueda et o gootiwhbite soap, tbree ounces et borax andt bvequarta et w ater, shave h' 1 KENWOOD,RAIIBLER,CRESCENT, the soap anti put lb lu a pereelain iabtle CRAWFORI) and SPECIALS. wiib bbc water anti borax ; place on bbe V / NW t EcN-ÂiD ire antisatl frequeutly until theu amp "' We suit es-ens' aCcruanti borax are titasolveti anti combinuti, I Geiourpricesandsaventooey anti pour bbc bot mixture lute a dean REPAIRINGAND51 NICIsELLIN<. butter-tub anti wben colti cover. Catalogue Fret. f. W.BOVO SON Palma, feras, anti rubbur planta' arc ith "areliaie ~t. ioîrateasy to raise lu the bouse, anti Maiden- bair fern is difficuit te maniage, but ITHE LAND OF EVAINGEL1NEý the ordinary varieties are hardy. Ger- aniums ývjl thrjve under the most ad-I verse conditions, w hile verbenas are One of the Most Rornantie spots in aise hardy; heliutropa grows in a way Canada. to delight the amateur gardener; byaI cinths and other bulb plants are aise easy to grow, and there are hiardy var- illit 1 s N l More Free fâ*gbi Ihe i11% tSu jeties of roses, while heart's-ease or Wi i I s i îir hâu Lesora Strue pansies grow whenever they have the AccoIlue i 1ereauî'. chane, Fariner Siaffereil. Leather furniture has a way of fading From the Acadian, Wolf ville» Ni.S. ýand becoming rusty much too quickly Pe rhaps there is ne more beautiful ýto suit the econemical bousekeeper, but or picturesque spot i nNova Scotia Iban it can be brightened by means of a the valley of Gaspereaux, in the- "Land very simple treatment. Wasb the Of Evangeline." Winding its way Ileather with a sponge that has been thrgb the centre ofthIle valley is a wrung out of hot soap-suds; then rub i beauitiful littie river, w hile nestled at as dry as possible; now place the fur- the foot of the muntains which rise' nituru in the sun and w.%,ind, that it on either side to the heighth of hun- may get thoruughly dry; next, rub bard1 dreds of feeÉ, is the, romantie Iuuking with a cloth that bas been wet xvitb, litt' village of Gxaspereaou'x About twof kerosene, and then let the furniture and a hall miles f rom the village re- stand in the air until ail the odor of the sides Mr. Fred 3. Fielding, one ef the oUl bas passed off. Mositbrifty farmers in this section of the country. Your correspondent caîl- ed upon him and found a very genial, intelligent and apparently a very DOUBLE CONSCJOUSNESS. heathy lookç-ing man, hi repfly to Our -- question, Mr. Fielding said, - Yes, 1I--as 4. HRaze Case ReporteîL by a London inear to death's door at; one time, but thank God 1 ain ii new man ru day. Yousue, hie w ent oný that pitmp ru At a recent meeting of the Clinical the kitchen, beneath is a w ell about Society, a distinguished suburban prac- 2Q, feet deep, w'bhich sas the cause, I titioner shosved a girl 12 years of age, think of ah my ilîness. I went down last faîl (1894)) ia it te dlean it out wbo exhibitori in the Mote omrPlete and was Goîn a short time at the form the condition k-now as "dual ex- bottom, when 1 took w ith a severe istence," or IIdouble consciousnes5." pain at thie back ut my head and a burning sensation ini my tbruat andi Last year, after a severe illness,which lungs, such as caused by the inhalation 'Was diagnused to be meningitis, she be- Of brimnstonie. A sort of stuplor also was care subjecit to temperary'attacks of gradually coming uvur me wlhei by a uncosciusnes, n awkenng foinhuge effort, 1 succeeded ln regalning the uncusciusnes, n aakenng romkitceu once more. A lighrect lamp lut Wbich she appeared in an entirely dif- clowni became extinguislîed,Ltos Show - furent character. Ine her normal con- ing, that the accumulation utfg-,a had dition she could read and write and caused Lbe trouble. The pain at the spea flentl an wit coparaiveback of my hcad continued te trouble spea flenty ad wih cmpaati e andI one day while w orking in a ýcorrectness. lu the altered mental con- back field 1 auddenly lost the use of dition tollu\ing tbe attack she ]oses fmY lef t eye, rignt arm and left te1 aIl memery ef ordinary events, though Atr mes 1 ouldnot speais but - *ad vnn began slowly t sbe cau recail tbîngs that have taken growv btter. 'The next day at abou place during previous attauks. So comn- the saine tixne 1 was seized again in Plet isthi altraton f meoryhatthe saine reanner. I now%ý callud in the plee i ths atertio etmemry hatfarnîlv physician who told nie that a at first she was unable to remember bloud'vessel hadl burst le the back ut uîy even bier own namns or to identify bier- head. He lef t me riedicine. The pain self or bier parents. £ly patient train- in the back eft my huasi neyer luit, me ing iu the uabuormal condition she has an-i I continued Ét eited nîserable. About twu nîiontbs after tbis second at- been enabled te give things their namnes,f tackw bile siti ing in the post office ot the thougb she stili preserves a baby f asb- village 1 w as suddenly seized again and ion et prenouuicîng. getîing eut îny boises and w ,agonstirted She sometimes remains in the abnuOr- fer hu 1 Ilîad net gone far w hen t'lbu nmai condition for days together, and lines druppeil unt cf ny rîgbt baud andl the change te bier real self t akes. place 1Ingain tounid myseif blind iu my left eye tuddenly, wiîhout exciting surprise or -nd the r] ght arî nduJluIt leg paraly zed. dismay, and she ferthwith resumes POs- The herses nuw carriud me hume but session of hier mcmory for events o f passeri the' house in Che direction of the bier erdinary life, to the exclusion O f barni. My wif e thinking 1Iliadtgene on those whicb have transpired during the te the barn paid jnu attention 0Or per- abuormal state. During thc last montb baps 15 minutes, w hen she sent, une ot or se shp- appears te bave entered onf the eilîdren te sec wvbat w as keeping a new phase;,-fer, after a mental blank me. At Cbis timeI w as unable te speak et a fortnight's duration, she axake- and bad te bu assisted loto the bouse. ed cempletely oblivieus te ail that ha dfBfore bedtime I began te recover happenied since June, 1895, and she aI- somewhat andi felt fairly iveil the next ludes te events that teek place just mornîng, but was again seizeti duriug anterior te that date as though Ihey the day in the samne manner and the wcre of quiet recent occurrence; in repart reaciied the village tbat 1I-%vas Wlu SSii'e Sultai of Turkey fi tii-nid of' wben my wite or children have any Ili', salIoî Boys. sickness oar resort la te this mudicîne Wbhy dees the Sultan allow wbat wa and. always with the very best ettect. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilîs are offereti once a respectable fleet te rot te with a confidence that tbey are the pieces anchoreti off Stambeul? Simply oely perfect anti untailing blood build- becanse bie cunsiders an ironclati a dan- er and nerve rusterer and when given gerous instrument in the banda ut an y a fair trial disease, and suffering mutt vanish. Sold by ail dealers or sent by Mliîmter or resoluto commander. Itla mail on receipt et 50 cents a box or truc that there are ne sbips te guard1.$2.50 for six boxes, by aeldressing the bis ceasts, but aise there are noue te Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Breckvîlle, steam up the Bosporus and tbrow a Ont., or Scbnectndy, N.Y. Iuw are et shellinjte bis palace and that is the i imitations and refuse trashy subs-,titubes tirat objet te bu bbought ot. allegcd te bu "juat as geod.' The inrident w bich led te bbc orderi for tbc extinction ofthbb 'Iurkish navyf GRAINS OG GOLD. w as as tollon s: A transport was brin-,, ing a number et timu-expiruti mua The buman huart is like heaven; thb, home ,when tbey respecttuily mutinied, more angels the more room.-Fredrika SBrumer. and begged their otticers te ge below Hlereisin, the divine relation whicb in as tbey wished te do sumtbing which I al times~ unites a great man te ether might net bu approvcd ut. Some non-'amen-Carlyle. îommissicu"d effceura t heu took coin-mn maint and anchored off Deima Bagtcheh I Tbough pluuged lu ilîs and exercised and, atter f iriug a amaîl salute. began lu care, y et neyer lut tbbc noble mind sbeuting, " Long live the Sultan ,, fd2spair.-Phillips. Ibis ouemonisiration caused imînediate colitude la as necdtnl te bbe imagina- coniusion at the place, and varions higbf tien as society la wholesemce for the effleura nere di"paîched te parley witb cbaracter.-Lowcll. the mîîbineuî-s, but bbcy inisisteti ou sec- Hope is net the man for your bauiker, ing the Minister, and xxhea hie aI last tbogb bue may do for a traveling coin- oppeared they saidt îey kuexv bbc Sul- panion.-Halihurton. tan bad given the mouey to pay themI The greateat glory ef a trce-bern but that tbuy bad net received ti b.and epeS etasmtIa reont they w ould net budge unlil bhey did. peope i chldrnsmitavard. edo No arguments w'ere et auy avait, and 1N evcil reusiy t bc umarbar the moaey bad te bu sent fer and dis-, N vporui tafthl may n easuh trîbuteil, afttr w bich tbc mca wigbedf is s oeflta i a oes Ianchor witb a cher and gave up the de by discipline.-Seneca. sbip again. The Sultan, liowuver, re-1 Ceremonies are differcut lu cvery flecbed that wbat a transport bad doue country, but truc, polibeness is evcry- peaceatbl.y a beavily armed man-ot-war ivberc bbc same-Goldsmith. migbt de witb cvii inteut, and callingf Every eue must sec daiiy, instances Hassan Pacha te hi n. ble delareti that, et people who cemplain froin a mere bu w anteti ne more navy. habit et cemplaiuing.-G-ravcs. - - - -- -De net allow ilunesa te duceive you; TREY SNOWBALLED THE PIRE for wbile yen give hum tu-day, bu steals tiuîRîd Em~oeuî ~te merrow frein you.-Crow-quill. Unique ýU1o ipovAl eiuk There is a imei every mnau's educa- W buere W ater Ilas sarce. tien wbeu bue arrives at bbc conviction The citizens ef Smi.tbland, Ky., adopt- t t nyi goac.Eesn ed a novel method ofet xtinguisbing a I tire a tcw days age. A blaze startcd lu a resideuce, and avhen bbe usual im- promptu bueket brigade arrived at bbc BRICKS OUT 0F WASTE HJEAFS. scene lb w as f ound that ne water was An Englisb inventer proposes te ut- te haliîad, every avaîlahie supply be-I ilizu w este beapa by makiug themin jte ing froze n ad bbc grounti cevered with concrete bricks. Ris idea is te mm nte sacav. Fiually a bright idea strnck acconut any sort etfivaste, even that frein destrueters, by mîxing in certain some one lu the eron J, and the sugges- proportions either destruetor asb cs, tien was made tbat bbc party sbeuld cilkers, chippings and dusi frein atone. use suow te subdue the fiames. The bard saud, eolliiry elippînga, or scav- cxcibed citizeas divided, and eue coin- enger refuse, with blue lias or bydraîti- pany rolled up snowballs about a foot le lime. The mixture lasboveied mbt in diameter and passed thein on te the trougbs divided ie sscellons, aud atb"r- othurs, wbo heavcd thei over un tbbc ord passcd tbrough a brick press, or rapidly eonsumiug structure. The bleeka may bu, matie frein bbc produel bouse, being on the biliside, made this lu molda or jackets. These are staced an easy matter, as thcy secured a good and dried ia the open air. The more vautage grouud ou bbc bill abovu bbcheai sly processus ot ordiaary brick-malt- bouse, wbich rendcred lb an easy maîtcr îug, namely, the sttiug, but îing and te tbrow the suows ever witbL aceuracy drawing arc avoided. The blocks or and effeet. To malte a long story short, bricks usually barden lu about baie the tire avas cxtinguished butore it gain: months, w heu bbcey arc ready for use. ed any buadway lu bbc main building, and the floors in eue or bwo ethur reema w cru saved. The people lu Siithianti ITbougb littie tire grows great a' 1h are stili tallting about boas'tbey put little iud, yul extrema gusts wi1h eut the Lre. blow eut tire and all.-Sbakspeare. Children Crv for Pitcherla Castorian castoriat is Dr. gam:r i *.-'hr'sPrescription for Infante and ChLldran. Itce an neither 0Opium, Morphine nor ethcr Narcotcsaubttance. lt ii -. Jmrmless substitute for Parcgeric, Drop, ýootMî F7yruptsand Castor 011, It is Pleasann. Its rgtiarant'c 1.1 t-Art'y y-'ars' use by Millions of Nothcrs. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevûrishneuss. C;-ntc37-.t pcv'f v ~omiting çour Curd, eures Diarrl5tn, anîd Xiiylcd COl:.c. .aria relleves teething troubles, cures ûonstipation enul.flatulency, Castorina a ssimî1aîtee; thse food, eegzPlatc3 tVe stomach and bowcls, g )l: l ea-t1rya-id liaturai ileep. Case toria is tis CLire,' Inneac-tlie llteisFriend, 41castorin al sc:uccllc.4. t , u 12K e"-l- goed effect upon Iîhcirc.c~r. ¼aLII,; Ilt ass. 'wich Iain acq:îaintcJ. ,-1 t 'i.ibeio ioîerest cf îtîlir ciiren, nu 1i. t ar,%i i steati of the v'aious ciack uoetre a t ubare destrovlng t'eir love nes, by tonnia cpii m. morphine, aooting rc-p and ciii' r hurt ni agents doua iheir tlhroavs, thsaîk Y.eud!aZ- theant u preinature gravet. Dp '.j F. cc m5ILGE, L nnci îa,.uperürtoany prescription kowin te xa.1 II. A. Accus, M. 1), -unr physecians LI the ch:Idrco's depai mouanta .c c rsh7gly of ibuir expei-. i C-l t.ir oLm sde practice with Castoria, i.ý, i lt" o enîy have anteng exr mO(t cai a-i nies wliat is knewn as reuoer ye~i; ts '. we aur fe c te ceetuas that tht ln "-- a etf astoria bas won us ti look with bowiTaI)loaeiT.&L ANl)I> X5PEN5ARY, ALrini C. Sirrii, Pi-ca., cetuar mra7, 77 nirray Stroot, YW3w York City. FOR SALE MY J. 1HIGGINBOTHA\ & SON, BOW-MANVILLE S I1N StUMMER flighest price paid for raw furs, COata r r h ured BY THE USE 0F OUR 1 NHALER Ask to see it. WTe will let you have one on ten days' trial free. WHY Do so many people buy Cream of Witch Hazel (improved) for chapped bands and rougli 5km; and No. 301 for coughs and colds? Iecause they know they are the best, It is marvel ms ftie effeet produced by these remedies. Sold ouly by BOWMANVILLE. Chemists anid Druggists. Manufactered only by Thomis izielioway, iS, New Oxfoîd Stîee laie ~i3, Oxfoid Sueit, London. shoald look to the Label on the Boxee aud Pots, ~Purchasers the address is flot 513, Oxford Street, London, they are sparions. ý eN ýuERMICIDE

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