fi ) ,r r" do-- A okBto rcs M-- du-- Rxd. W orth. t 00- Telephone No. 66. Opposite Ontario Bank. Cheaper Season. than ever this1 No excuse for shabby look- ing rooms now. You can have silver or gold papers, at old kitchen paper prices. A nice silver decorated paper for 6cts. A gold for lOcts. An extra large stock to select from., If you can't corne yourseif, send for sam- pies, btating kind of rooms. Crokinole again in stock. P. Trebilcock, The Arcade, Town Hall Block. BOWMANVJLLE, APIRIL 1, 1896. Hon. Mr. liard y has introduced a Bill in the Ontario Legisiature to reduce the number of County Councillors. Conservatives are opposing it. Here is how it would effect the United Counties: There are 110w 52 members drawino- $8 per day or $156 and mileage aný' other expenises. The new seheme gives niine commissioners, who would cost $27 per day, a difference of $129 for each day 's session. Is that nothing to the ai - ready over-taxed rate p ayer? 'This action is in accordance with the resolut- ion introduced by Mr. R. Foster and seconded by Mr. Thos. Pascoe, and un-i animously passed by Darlington Coun-1 cil. THE AIRMElN1ÂN QUESTION. On the 9th of January last a mass meeting nias held in the Methodist church to hear an address on Armenia from 1ev. Dr.Moment who had recently returned from the East. At that meet- ing a collection was taken for the relief of the persecuted Christians in Turkey. A committee of representatives f rom the contrîbuting churches wa'q appointed with M. A. James as treasue-r. About1 $50 was banded to Dr. Momuint andhere1 is the acknowledgment of its recipt:- Office of W. W. Peet, Treasurer of1 American Missions in Turkey, 5, Amer-t ican Bible House, Constantinople, Turkey, March 2, 1896. M. A. James,' Esq., Bonimanville,' t Ontario, Canada. Dear Sir.: I have a letter fromn Rev. Dr. Moment. whose stay here we ail recaîl with much pleas- ure, containing a draft for £9 16s (id,for the sufferers in Armenia. 1 have sent this sum te 1ev. F. W. Macalium, at Marash, nibo is doing excellent work inf a sorely devastated region. I have written te Mr. Macallum advising hlrn of the source of this contribution. Witb inany thanks to your people, and to mv friend, Dr. Moment, for thîs generous contribution to our fund for the relief of snffering humanity, I am, yours trulv, W. W.Peet, Treasurer. Mr. James read by request this letter and some extracts frgim another letter received by him fromt Mardin, Arm enia, to the large audience at the Su ndayt School Raly in the Methodist chiurch Sunday afterntoon. The whoie letter will be published later. No one kuonis better than those who have uged Carter's Little Liver Pills what relief theY have given wben taken for dyspepsia,dizziness, pain in the side, constpa tion, and disordered stomach. 1 Sprillg in Sîglit. Wall Paper I'ME WEDJ>ING BELLS. WHITE-LAWV. On Wednesdav afteruoou last at 4.30 p. m. a large number of relatives as- sembled at the "Evero.reens," the resi- deuce ef Mr. William fýaw, Liberty St, N, to witness the nuntials of bis daught- er, Miriam, and Mr. George White of North Toronto. 11ev. R. A. Burriss perfermed the ceremony lu bis usual corteous %vay. At the strains of Men- dolssobn's n edding march, the bride en- tered the draxing room becomingly at- tired inja dress of cream cashmere, with the customary orange blossoms and earried a haudsomne bouquet of crearn roses. She was attended by ber sister, Miss Bertie Lawi, who was similarly dressed ln crcam and carried a pretty bouquet of piuk roses. Little Miss Lucy Law,. niece of the bride, aeted as maid of honor and performed ber duty exccedingly wichl. The groom was supportes by bis nlepliew%, Mr. Charles Watson, Torouto. After reeii the usual congratulations, the brdiprti retired to the dining room nihere a sumptuous weddiug supper awaited tbem. Atter indulging in music and g-ames the happy couple left amid show ýers of riec and good wishes for their home lunINorth. Toronto. The bride -%vas the recipieut ot many presents sbowmg-, the estecm of her manv tiends. Miss Law bas been an active %iorker iu the Disciple Christian Endeavor Society and was always willing te perferi-n any duty lu cburch work. Slhe will be greatlv missed by a bost cf friends wbo wish býer every bappiness and prosper- ity lunlier married hf e, Able Temperance Sermon. EDITOR STATESMAN. Ou Sunday wcek 1ev. C. Parker delivered from his puipit oee e the best temperance sermons te wich it bas ever becu ouri pivilege te listen. Could such deep solid facts aud beart searcbing sermons be pros ohed trom our pulpits evcry1 three montbs, honi mueli faster the old gospel temperance chariot niheelsf would reli ou. We fully believe that the greatest powier against intemper- ance is vested lu the churches. Our ministers are eur leaders te a great ex- teut, aud nibat they shah preacli and teach the people, is ihat th6 people te a great degree will practîse. Oh1 then may tbey strike mightily with the bam- mer et their powier and thunder forth coustantly gospel temperance from our pulpits aiÏd thuslcecp the minds cf their hearers ever stirred up ou this import- ant aud luring cvii cf the ninteenth century. It the oreaIt army cf minis- ters lu our ownuDominion would arise. lu their strcngth and array themselves against this drink durse, Oh! what a ig"tv inspiration it would be te the p c ot go forward lu this great work. Thenèmiglit ne hope te se lutemper- ance pass away as the "moruingý cloud or early deni" te be rcmembered ouly as the greatest curse etofahl past ages since the days ef Noahi te the preseut tiîne. W. C. T. U. WoRKERi. 5011E BITTER TRUTII. EDITOR STATESMAN.- Your coutema-1 porarv, The i\Wws, is mortaily shocked that yenu should p ublish "fiatepayers" letter last week, criticisiug the expeusesc of the dJelegation te Ottania, and de- nounces the article as "a bitter, person-1 ai attack.7 Will Thew s kiudly lu-t forru its readers wbereiu it was"bîtter," uuless the trutb is bitter, and nibere thýe1 persoual attack comes lu ? Why didu',t Ti-t -New-s kindiy explalu for w6btth delegation sp eut that $26.95, flotac counted for ? Has The News bieardr that the delegation is said te bave tak-1 eu a petition or requisition to Ottawa te have a certain pestmaster reimoved, but' as the sterv gees, their galiant escert advised tbem not to present it ? Was the post office and custom bouse grant onir a secendary consideration? There may net be auy truth about the requis- tien,' but Iuini assured that it is a fact. The question wiil naturally arise: lu whose interest nias the requisition te be presented and nibat portion of their ex- penses nieuld the iuterested person pay? After ail, bas the towu puid the expens- es et a Couservative delegation to Otta- nia for political purposes ? But tell the burdeued tax-payers, Mr. Newis, boni that $26i.95 nias eltpended, will you aud oblige EINGLISH LETTER. MISS COURTIcîE VISITS PLYMOUTHI ANr VICINI'rv, (Concludedfi-om Uar-eh l8th.) Non lu aIl our description et our visil in Plymouth, nie bave uot told that oui very dear frieuds, Mn. aud Mrs. A, Routley, are the proprietretafs- class hotel, cuhicd tic "Farley Hetel", Union St., and aur bome there nus everytbing that couid be desired for an enjoyable holiday, excepting the pain- fui siglit te mue et the serviug et intoxi- cating spirits. If ever nie nere thank- fui we niere educated in temperance principies aud if ever nie teit it oun dnty te excmplity teetotaiism, as it is called her, n e bave been thrice deubly se wile lu Eugland. There are a large numiber et temperance workers here, but nie behieve the ceutreversy niith the majoritY is stili between muchi and little alcohol, instead et betwcen hittie and noue as lu our bcloved Canada. We believe Eugland is prend et Canada al the saine, aithough our niotimerland nul be lu our opinion in some reforms one or twe generations bciind bier col onial dauzlhter. Honiever nihat is rîgit must prevail sooner or later. Mr. Reutiex 's hotel eensîsts et about G0 sleeping roomns, al uiceiv furnished lu addition te the home (priýate), exten- sive dining rein, etc. One dining room ill accemmodute about 100 at a tinie. Here ne sun the tables set eut lu proper English style ton some grand dinner parties, as for instance the "Postal Cierks" ainual dinnier, inelud- ing ail the officers et the dîfferent post office departments lu Plynmouth. Tbere were about 80 preserit. _Atter the y hud been served niith the difterent delicieus couirses et soups, meats, v eget- ables and pickles, aise sweets et varions kiuds, cakes, fruits, blanc', and jehiies set up lu such artistie and tenipt- îng styies thut made tic tables look very prietty indeed, there nicre toasts propos- ed and replied te, and music, and I Hoticed but fen et them left niithout going round te the bar. This roem bas a beautiful uppearance te those nihem it may tcmpt. The clear and shining crystal and silver vessseis con- tanngail kinds et tic best liquors and nines, standing lu the frout et large mirrers made ail even more invitiiîg than eue can describe. We nere given the figures the etier day et bow much liquor 15 used iluoe yeur lu England, 45.000,000 galions of spirits or 5 gallons te evcry family 1,000,000,000 galions aies and beer or ý hogshead te every fuîniiyv; ut a cost et £138,000,000 or £20 stering te every family. A gentleman in a temperance addrcss said ail these millions are w-erse than lest. The losing et them by lire and flood niould be smaillu comparison nltb nihat it is non nihen ne tuke into account tbeimneuse et cest te the cn- tyfrpaupers, criminais, jails, poor- bueasy inms, peniteutiaries and re- ,formatories. Steop this naste, and ut once there null be un iiucreased con- sumptien et all kinds et mautctured geods. As a resuit et long expeniemîce the lute Eari et Shaftesbury came te the ftolloniing conclusion " It is impossible te relieve peverty until ne get rid efthte curse et drink. Taik et povcrty, niretehedness, crime, tic nvonder &is boni tic nation canlve, niti sncb a vulture tearingut its vitais.". 1 canuot close nithont telling yen a lîttie about our Englisliniîîter and this bas been a remarkublceue. Some oe suid thc other day sncb a ninter bas net been kuonin for 90 ycars. One thing 1 kuon it is veî-y unhike Canadian winters. Fiowers coÜîld bc seon lu the gardeus ut any timie and are iu abuud- a nce non, sncb as the ioveiy snendrop, the dainty bine perininklc, or bine bctsy as tbey arc eomrnoniy called, cro- cýuis ý poiyanthus, smect violet, nalilon-er, das, duffodil and last but net ieast thc pmrose. We -otten nish nie couid scdhome a bouquet tresh and beanti- fui as ne bave theni bere ou the tables evcry day. There bas been ne fnost te speak etallninter. Muny things semi strauge teme. The niaythe niork is managcd, for exumpie, hast week as ne nere driviug te Militon nie san some men digging petatees-last yeur's crop. Some turnips are net taken up yet. Others bave son peas, planting aumens, gardeniug, etc. 1 had rhuburb pie iu January, and. greens are gathered froni the garden whcn ncedcd. There are a ten tbing s Eug]isb people cannet gron t"i any extent exceptiug in bot hanýses, sncb as grapes, tematees and cucumn- bers. It is delighttul non te heur the sigu fthe birds just as at home lu May.e have had but few days et nain since tic New Year, ail thus bas contributed te my cnjoyment. EMILY A. COUmiTIcE. Milton Damerehi, Eng., Feb. 10, 1896, RATET'AYER. OUR BELOYEB QULEEN. HIER MOST IeECENT PHOTO, PULL CABINET SIZE, GIVEN AniAv. Our belovcd Quccu Victoria ; God bless ber and préserve bier te ber loyal and ioving people. Feni homes eau beust et iaving a realiy goed and récent cabinet photo et bier Mjesty, wvho null seon attain ber,77 ycurs. Tic Wells & Richardson Ce. manu- tacturers et Diamond Dyes, have made specialiai-na ngemenîts niti tic publisi- ers et "Our ine, "Camada's bcst purcst most iargelv circuiated and most enter- prising taniiy paper, non iin its feurth ycar et active and progressive nork, -%hereby, they are enabled te make tic teloning spécial and generous offer, geod for eue menti ouly.. Au elegent funil cabinet photo(troin a nécent epy takzen by royal command) et bier Majestv Qucen Victoria, a four page pamphlet giving dates et birtis, marriages and deatis, and etier items et iuteresting and useful information reiating te tic Royal tiliy, that but fen peo le have access te ; six Diameud Dyze dols ïwiti six extra dresses, and a cardet orty-five samples et dyed cloth shoning coiers et Diamond Dyes-nivil be sent free te ever y man nioman or chiid wnie nul scnd ini 25 cents lu money or stam Ps for eue year's subseription te " Our Home," a pupen tiat tbeusuuds déclare te be norti a dollar. The cabinet photos et tic qucen are niorti 40 te 50 cents caci, and cau only be obtained as premiums niti "Oun Home.," If yen desire te bave pure and nibole- Some reuding matter for eue year, and tic premniums as promised above, seud your namne and address ut once. Tic niele est, nemember is ouly 25 cents. Address Wells & Ricbardson Ce. Montréal, P.Q. A course et Hood's Sarsaparilla this spring may be tic means of keepiug yen ,vell and hearty ail summer, Glad te see Spring. City people don't begin te knoniail the discomterts a long cold winter brings te the people lu the country. There is ne bardships in leaviug a ;iarmi bouse mei-ely te step into a beated street car and be rapidiy ceuveyed lu comfort te niberever oîîe's business takes ene. But nihen eue must go rigbht eut and face the elements cither nialking or driving witb ne protection except nihat eue's ciethiug affords, it is different. No one cares te be nieighed donin witb the burden ef many g-arments, aud yet warmtb must be haýd %y some Ineans ; and thus the idea ef usiug, a FIBRE, CHAM- ois initeriining in aill inter clotbîug bas become deservedly pepular. Its niarmth, niithont neiglit, and wind and wiaterproof qualities are bigbly appreci- ated by aillnibo require te be mucb eut et doors. Levers of Music. Ail STATESMAN readers interested in music wnul bc pleased te kuniw of "The Etude," a monthîr magazine devoted te the interests et mîusic teachers, pupils and musical amateurs. From the fact that music is nexv in Canada sncb au even present factor lu our, every day life ail musical people null nish te keep np witb the tirnes and learu et the nen inventioîîs, theoreticai ideas, and new wnays et teaching, and te be intorm - cd et the delngs ot ar-tists ini the musical worlil. To aise learun wbat isbest and mest desirabi un ien music. It may bc truly said that aillet this is a neces- sity te eueenibo would keep up a musical reputution ameung bis or hier friends and acqua intauces. Etude gives sixteen pages et each issue te the choicest piano music; many pieces having lessous by the mest celc- brated musicians, thus giving the pla 'yer the best, îuost recent teaching ideas, the fiucst effects lu exprsson, toucb and et a finishied rendition.s As there are from tbrec te five pieces lu each number et as many different grades ot diflicnlty, ail players eau find music te suit their tastes aud abilities. The twclve pages et musical articles found lu eue number are belptul, practical and iuspiring, especialiy te those amnbitieus pupils aud teachers nibe are remote from the great musical eu- ters, for tbey are niritten by the best musical authorities and niriters et the whole world, there beiug more than a ndred coutributors ou the re.-ular staff efthe, magazine. Scnd ten cents stamps or coin te Theo. Presser, 1704 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., for a samnple cupy. Subscnîption price, $1.50 a ycar. They WiIi Amùse the Children. Handsome ie Is With Change of Dresses. We bave secured a new and very tak- oiugiovelty kuon as the -Diamond Dye Doli. " These dolis are clothed in briglit aud baudsome dresses and nuJl prove a great attraction for the littie eues. A set et Six Doils with Six Extra Dresses nul be muiled te auy uddress ou receipt et four cents lu, stamps. Thousauds are going te ail parts efthe Dominion,' givmng universal satisfaction te aIlliwbo reccive them. 1Users ot Diumend Dyes nul please bear lu mind that it n ilI be te their ad- vantage te examine ecdipackage, et dve that they buy, as worthless imiita- tions are non beiug sold. Sec that the name "Diamoud" ison cadi package. Wells & Richardsou Ce., 200 Mountain Street, Moutreal. AUCTION SALES. WEDNESDAY, April, 1.-Mr. R1. O. Short, executor et the lute William George Short, nul offer for sale the farm et 150 acres, tarm stock, impie- mneuts, machinerY, etc. This is a big sale. Sec large 'posters. Be'isa o'ciock. Go early. JA-TIs BmsHoP. auctieneer. TUESDAY April 7.-Mr. Luke Potter, lot 22, con. 8, Darliugton, will sdil borseq, cattie, sheep and cedar posts and poles. [Former sale postpoued because et bad roads.1 Sale at 1 p.m. L. A. W. TOLE. auctioneer. laeDNSAd ren Moutgoery lof8tcou aEDNSAY, ApriMo8toe fry, t tcoe 9, Darliugtou--ioo acres. Sc advt. A WORDIN YOUR 'EAR TWE SECRET 0F BEAUTY of the complexion, hands, arms, and hair is found in the perfect action of the Pores, produced by The niost effect~ skin parifying and--~ beautifying soap in the world, as neil as purest anmd sweetest for.olt bath, and nursery. Soid thynuchout ith. worid. Biirwh dceot: P. Ntw r uy & SoNs, i, King Edw.rd.t., Lmono. Poi,.i BUcî tu» Cuzae. Coup., Sole 2ro»., Boston, V. 8. A. Cash, for Pou ltry. Tic undersi-ned is prep arcd ta pay tic higbest casli pnice for any qnantity et poultry dressed lu tic' floning munner;- Bodies dlean and dry; picked nings, bead and tail nnpicked and undranin; fenils inust fast ut least twnuty-four heurs before being kilicd and kili by bleeding lu tic ncck. Aise cash paid for beaus, driedappies, eggs, butter and drcssed bogs.' JAMES MANN, NOTICE. Applcaio as this day been miade te the neard ofatLicense Comomisioners for the LiSuse District cf West Durhami hy W. R. Goodwin of the Town of Bowmanvjlle for the transfer of bis Tavern Lieense te Joseph Ruebottomn cf the saine place. W .GOWN Bewmanville, Mareb 19, 1896. 13-2w> West End House. BOWMANVI LLE. WII/haàt NextP Well, that depends on,; however we are satisfied that we have got what people are iooking for and that is a first-class Bicycle for either Ladies' or Gent's at a small price. Our "Duke" and "Dutchess" wheel at $65.00 is the best wheel sold at less than $100.00 in the market. It is flot as highly finished nor is the plating as good, but for service it is ail riglit., We guarantee the wheel for one year the same as we do for the higher pric- ed wheeis. We also have the finest $100.00 Wheel in' the country. The "Dayton" is without a doubt the handsomest, best finished and best made wheel on the market.-Call at our store and see it. We will also keep in stock a fine collection of Bi . ycle Goods, such as Bicycle Boots, Caps, Suitings, Stockings, Serges, etc., etc. Give oui Bicycle department a cal, Close prices all arotund. Ldies' Sprillg Capes We have opened up our new importation of Sp ring Capes. We have the newest things out in Capes and at prices that are startling. We start them at 50c (fancy a Cape for 50c) and from that up. To get a good choice buy eariy. DE~AL AT THE WEST END HOUSE. JohIn McMudr-dtry'. I-lyslop Whee1--.c Sfili Leading, and they will continue to do so as better machines were neyer built. The material and workmanship are the -best that money can get. In addition to the ilyslop we have the Regent, Fleet and Garden City in Ladies' and Gent's styles. Drop in and see our samples. Hyslop at $100.00. iRegent at $85.00. Garden City $85.00, Fleet $75.00. DJU st an & ,Iwqjar,, Dealers iu Sheif and Heavy Hardware, Oil Glass, Putty, Rope, PaiSts, etc. BoWýmAxviLLE. The Palace Boot and ShoeStore. This store continues to lead in West Durham aad lis commodious, bright and attractive, furnished -with the best goods of leading manufacturers of the Dominion. The SIater special-price shoe, the most populair shoe- in Canada, is causing quite a sensation. See our West wîvn- dow. We aiso carry a full line of the J. D.' King G o's goods including, their new Hygenic Ventiiated boot's. In addition to the above we have an assortment of Ilcrwver grade work to meét the competition in this line which has been represented equal to our good Shoes at a mu<'h 1!oewer price. We are now prepared to meet competition in this Lune not by making patrons believe they are getting what tkirey are not, but by giving fulîl value every time., Trunks, Valises, Bags, etc., always in stock. Grocers' due bis and checks taken as cash, BowmANvii John Hellyar, LIE. King Street, March 2lst, 1896. /~1