Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1896, p. 5

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BOWMANVJLLE, APRIL 1, 1896 JO su Items of Special Importance. ar "ie onmy Post Graduate Optician in the Countrry is at Stott & Jury's-No charge fo a careful examination of your eyes. g loc wil buy a very neat holder for Soap, Tooth -Brush and Nail Brush. N, 'See them at Stott & Jury's. Because we are havin- a tremendous e iTusb on Our Genuine %rown Windsor Soap at one cent a cake do not imagine ce that other limes are not equally good luaie. See our other lines and judge fx or ourself. Stott & Jury. There was a time when a good spOnge g1 was an effusive luxury, but now tott & Jury have some beauties cheap. dý Remember D-oan's Pils. The manu- facturers have appointed Stott & Jury gj agent for Bowmanviile. An elegant preparation for chapped bands and rough hands in large botties M 41a Stott & Jury's, something away ahead bl vf any thing you ever tried. Florida Water regular size 50 cents, 5W miies regular size$1.50, at Stotut & Jury's. f A few IHyaeinths stili left at Stott & a J ary's. Elegant specimiens. g, ti 't - IHas 0 Cornes ti To9 OurL Ears 'lhat more imposters have been around this country peddhing spectacles. We c ;,;iy imposters because any man that h <dlaims to make his own glatsses dlaims n what is not true, for there is flot 'a firm lu Canada that does this work- STOTT & JURY. No. 2--These men make another mis- i representationi whien they dlaim that their glasses are pebble and -we ask our ulstomers te bring in their giasses and te(st them on our pebble teser. It is not trouble te us and)we wish to show ourh >;tarements are correct and that the -lasses weare selling for 50ts air aýre superior to the goods sold by these pediarsat big prices-STOTT & JURY. No. 8--These men dlaim to be opticiansr but this dlaim like their others is falset anTýd ne marter how evspe'r thev might F jbe jr is imipossible to Et comiplicated ciases wirhour havïng a comnplete set of r expensive sientifie instruments andt t4J1, is thereason -we are able te gives üiuý)mers sc muc1i better satisfaction thav ài ,le ae ble te get anv where else free of chiarge. STOTT 1 JURY., Even in the dryv of Toronto the largestc .and best equipped establishmnents brave nothing like the conveniences and lu- ~tnents that we use for examing Icomplicated cases.-STOTI & JURY. No. 4-Evenîf these tram p eddlers -were what they ciaim te be there is ne safety in dealing with them for scarcely a week gees by but customers corne in ýand teli us that the glasses rhev pur- chased (ar 4 times the prie -we charge] from these men arpeared te suit the day tlsey bouglît theai but thact rhey were ne good a few days alter when they were fully tested.- STOTT & JURY. We are ready at any time te cheertul- ly returu money in anv case if glasses we seil are net perfectly saisfacory- STÜTT &JURY. A larger stock of spcalsthan al other dealers in town combined. Al the latest improvements. The only Poest Gradvate Optician in town. The -Only complete ?utfit in town for thor- .oughly examing the eyes. The best value in solid gold rims, the besr ïs Rol late which we guarantee for 5 years. Wr ey are claimed by the,'nanufacturers Ste last 10 years. Sto--tt &Jury The Drugg'ists and Opticians. For vmy oie who says this emulsion is ot the best article on the market. VEMEAN lT. -TRY IT. Stott & Jury, j The Druggist & Opticians. Auy reader wbo Pas tPe sligbtest cal amPh should try tPe Germicide Inhalei Aise try crearn et witcb bazel for roug- skin and cbuppcd bauds and Ne. 301 ti coughs and colds ut Ii<o-inbotham Sous. We lead tPe trade in Curpets ar Pave just ncccived a big sbupment frei John Crossiey & Sons et Halifax, Ený land. We buy ail curpets direct frei tPe mukers, and seli thenî as cheupî any bouse lu Canada. Couch, Jobnsto & Cýryderican. z or Mlinery Openlngs. On Wcdnesday and Thursday Apri id lst. and 2nd., Mrs. Dingnan will ope m er new stock et Spriug Millinery- Prettiest Hats and Bonnets ever show< ,ms lu towu-she will seli cheap fer casi us Every lady iuvited te inspeet. N on trouble te show goods. Hats reshapec 12-tf. MRts. DixGmA, PERSONAL. c -i-- suttcing frorn an.y paiùtul affection, in- -ternal or external, give Nerviline su h. trial, anîd immediate relief , wiii be as qocertain as the sun shines. Nerviline lu a powerfnily peuetratiug pain remedy. SSold by deaiers everywbere. Local and Otherwise. It is admitted ou ail bauds thatCouch, 'huston & Cryderman Pad neyer ici a superb stock et new gods as tbcy xe sbowing for tbis sprng. lot Cross Buns at Tod's. Mn. Mann is advertising seed banley. Now is tPe time te advertise seed ,rain. Dr. McLaugblin is home again trem ,ew York. T. N. Riekard bas bargains fer yen ,very day. Mn. Argue is advcrtising cows and ,dar ton sale. Coffees roastcd on the prcmises,always I esh and bcst lu town, ut Murdecb's. Wiudew shades and curtain poles lu )reat varicty at L. Morris'. Ail sizes. Bewmauville was full et people Satur- ay sboppinK and doing other business. Miss Clarke et Teronto, bas been ucst et Mrs. J. C. Vanstene, Cedar 5lhf. Crumb cloths tnom $1.00 up ut L. ois.Yen bave euly te sec them te auy. Several cattie have dicd trom star- vation in sorne localities se scarce bas fed becu., Big stock etf Parler Suites at L. Morris' 11 newest desiguns. A pleasure te show ,oods. Cail.c Furmers wili bardly do much seeding ti11 alter the middlceto Apnil. Spring wiii be very late. Dominion Organ nearneuw for sale, cery cheap. Apply toe 11E STATES31A. r box 13. Bowmanvilic P. O. 12-1w*. We une toid that about this tirne 26 -cars ugo, a similur Murcb 2Otb suew strm completciy biockcd the traffie lu bhis district. Full stock et seeds, vegetabie and ~rsfor field and garden lu large or mail qua ntities ut J. B . Martyn's. Lowest pnices. Orilliu Pueket says there are 60 wid- ows lu Lindsay lookiug for husbands. Wvy shouldu't thcy, this hein,-,tPe iast cap year ton 8 yeurs? TPe Campbcllford Icruld bas been ;bunged te the popular 8 page torm. It is a splendid local newspuper, uiwuys îew'sy and weil printed. In Chaudes township two colts wene eost iast tail and wcre enly found lu vlarcb aiive'and well in a swamp Puy- ing browsed from the yeuuug trees. Hot Cross Buns ut Tod's. Dr. W. E. '1illcy, M. A. Sebool lu- spector, must begoin to etel eider titan te looks since bis youngcst boy Pus cressed the matrimonial bar Mîlllbreok Reporter. Fniend don't get mad '<ven a pub.lishen asks yen for meoney due Pim, A dun is not an imipeachînent et subscriber's lu- ;e<nity but simnlv an outcropping et a '<ublisÏhcr's necessities, Easter bolidays Grand Trunk specil rates-first class single fane trom Apnil 2, te 6th, students and touchers first class single tare and one-third between M4arch 19 and April 4tb. An anctien sale in THE STATESMAN iS worth more than 100 sale bills trer n n office, because ail the people lu West Durham reud tiîis papen. It ge directiy inte their homes. Gentlemen in ueed et a ne< Spring Suit or Over Cout eau icave their ordet with us and teed pertectly sure that style, fit and workmanship will be' ab- seiutely correct, Couch, Jcbniston & Cryderman, Farmers' and others desiing trcE samples et grain, petatoes,etc.,, rom thE Dominion Expenirnental Farm for sed sbeuld senîd tiîcir onders at once te Mn WM'. SAUNDEus, Director, Central Ex. permeutul Farm, Ottawa, Ont. Men. tien, THE STATESMAN. 8-tf. Good Frida y-Tiîe Disciples Y. P. S C. E bhave Peen tortunate in securing Prof. Bro<n, President efthe Delsant( Coilege et Oratory, and wiîo is acknow ledged by the press as tPe l'King e. Eleutienists" for Good Fridav ev ening Cbildren 15c; general admission 25c Reserved seats ut Big 20, 35c. TPeeT'est reters despuiringly te th( large nuînber et vacant stores la Ce bourg and genenal dulness lu businesý there. Ail et wbicb is dircctly trace able te tPe to'<n's cuiormous municipal indebtedncss and its consequent crush in- tax rate lu past years and likeiy tei al time te corne, A towu like au mndi. vidual can put on tee much style.- Coîborne Express. A herse show is te be hbeld in the Arm onies. Toronto, on Apnil 15, 16, 17 uni 18. B3esides Canudian Perses a numbei et prize winners trom tPe United Stateý are expected te be oui exhibition. TPH ruilways will muke a special rate et ï single taire on tPe lSth , and a tare ui eue third ton the otber three days, a] tickets good te returu until Monduy th( -20th inst. Hot Cross Buns at Tod's. Over coat tound; inquire et M. A. James. Order Hot Cross Buns for Good Fni- day from Ted. Mrs. Stevens et Branmpton is visiting old triends in town.c Miss Hooper, Tyrone, lias been guest et Miss Lily McLean. Mr. N. D. Snetsinger, Coîborne, is shipping potatees. Mr. Chas. T. Paul will address the Disciples Suîîday night, Typhoid fever is raging in Windsor- -between 150 and 200 cases. The Grand Trunk cars and engines are te be painted a maroon cler. Buy your Clover and Timothy seed fromn Cawker & Tait, Bowmanville. Miss Eva Trewin lias taken a position as milliner in a leading Brantford firm. Gev. Sîîelgrove intorms the Cobourg press that there are 47 inmaîes lu the Counties' gaol. Mr.J. Iligginbotham et Milton bas re- turned te town for a prolonged stay. Welcome back, Mr'.ChasC.Gooda who bas been visit- ing cousins at Hillier and Belleville bas gene te Torontoe. The Grand Trunk may introduce air brakes on treig-ht cars. Then brake- men will have te go. The great Paderewski, the kingof e pianists, wilI give a recital in the leîas- sey. Hall, Toronto, April 9th. ?Mýissljaisy Walbridge bas gene te Cýhicago, 111., te take a cource as trained nurse at Marian Sims Sanitarium. A big assortment et Ladies' perfect- fitting Blouses in the very newest styl1e at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. BaRcis-J. B. Martyn bas a quantitv et second-band bricks as geod as new eues for some purposes at hait price. TiNsmiTHiNG.-Every thîng in Tin- ware, Galvanized Iron, Copper and Granite Iron repaired at J. B. artyn's. Judge Thomas Hughes, author et "Tom Brown's Sehool Days," died at Brighton, Eng., Marcb 22nd, aged 74. Two hundred passengers were ted at the G. T. R. restaurant, at Cobourg,ý for twe days during the recent snew blockade. The time is ceming when the people et this country will decide that they would rîather pay fewer taxes aud pos- sess tewer politicans. 1Mr. H. Lascelles Simpson, local man- ager et Bell Telephone Ce.,, was guest of Mr. D.W. Aexander, Secretary et the Board et Trade, Toronto, over Suànday., Couch, Johnston & Cryderman is stili Îheadquarters for Dress Goods, and they are new shewing what is beyend ques- tion the mest elegant stock et New Dress Material ever seen lu town. The second trial et the Grand Trunk conductors, Messrs. Detries, Tamblyn and Mvilligan, clîarg-ed "with knecking down"' tares toek place iast week at Montreal. Tlaey were acquitted. s Cobourg Poest savs "Ail classes of workînen are leaving that tewn and the exodus in large. Tl'le outlook for me- chauics does uct ilsprove"< Cobourg is a 3National Policy tewn, represented by an N.P. advocate ail these vears. This isapety state et things, Bro. Guiilett. s Godey's Magazine is the first ameng the moiîthlies te devete a number te the large and grewing section et the publie rwhich rides- the wheel. The Apnil issue 'centains a deelcius variety et illustrated - *rticiesessays and steries mest et whicl deal with the bicycle. Cleveland Moffett is announced as the winner et the Bicycle Stery Cempetitier cl recenlyadvertised by Geodey's., lb p* ntoy"A Burgiar, a Bicycle, and a - torm,< aparsC n te April number. - 7TB GODY en'AY, Lafayette Place, New York, Cit. The Ontario measure reducing the rsize et County Councils will be te de- crease the iîumber et counciliors in ;e thirty ceunties trom 1035 te 381, thuý )f saving $30,000 te $35,000 per year te the taxpayers. Trhis ought te be very pop- ularçwith the people et Ontario. The address by Dr. Parkin on oui ie "Ocean mire" 1in the Assembly rooni et the Tigh ehoo Friday night wai one et the best and mest instructive lec. tures te which we have listened fora long- time., We hope hie wiil be hecard -seen again here on this subject. Hc )r was acrorded a hearty vote et thanks i- PîAIsE Tînt G.T.R.-Noel Marshali,oi -Toronto, whe was a passenger ona Grand Trunk train dnrîng the greai -sterm etf last week, bas a word et praisc dfor the management et that railway ,r Net ouiy were the passengers ted ani 'swell looked atter at Cobourg, but the G eT .R.rose te the occasion bv hiring- ever:ý aavailable man between tIýe city et To e nte and Cobourg, lu addition te usingo ilocomotives and snew piows where they ecould be made avallable. the final resuli being that the G.T.R. had the proud record et bring their train inte Torontc We inîvite ail or readers toeoecaribîcte te this columnu,crrivals and deparcures cf guesis, move- nieuts cf wellknown people, business mcn, etc. Send a pcstal tard te TuL SnTA'uýIIA.c or ring up No. 52 ou the phone. Mr. W. J. Ted cf Osbcwa was borne aver San- day. Mr. Frank Trebilcock, Kirby, 'ipert Sunday at uhcme. Mr. W. H. Aldre lias rcîurned frcm British clumhia. Mn. Uptoit Ronuelis. Weleorne, wes ii tcw n Ibis weelt. Miss Maud Beunsaîl, Toronto, is vîsitfcg aI Hn E. R. Bounsali's.:, Mn.,A. L. htcMuitry, McGiîl MeOheal Ccllege, Moitreai, is hoeme. Mr. Jac. K. Galbraith, banii , rsnlaTon- ocnco on busiciess lasI week. Mrs. John MeCrea, Onîemee, was 'the gcest cf icr niece, Mrs. Isaac Jewell, Scugeg St last uvcck. Mn. W. R. Thickson anC fanîiy left bere on Tnesclay lasI for Frankili, Mun., wbre Ibey will reside in future. Judge Beiîsoa, Port Hope, bas beeci ajpointeti eue cf il commissfocîers under the ncw couuty bill te divide the ecouttes ile districts. Eev. C. Parker and Mn. H. J. Knlght were aI renderng of the "'Messiah ' Ic Massey Music Hall, Tooîîo, Match 23 anC werc deligbted. 11ev. R. J. Beattie,formerly pastor cf FirsI Presu,,,yteriaii Chancli, Port Ilojie, is iow pastor cf tu Presbyferian Clîurcb, Tuscmtia, Ala- bamni. Rev. W. J. Bates, evaugelist, -ar.s guest of 11ev. C. Perlker, yesterday. He lias just closeti a remarkatdy sucestful revival ai Newcastle, ever 100 liaig professeti a change of beent. Miss IOda MeLecu, Toronto, lias at beautif ni vcie cver whilîfchse bas comptete cuntrol. Hr selecieus w ccc geins anC shie e cs forc-ed 1 e spcud te the enceres aI ctte coniclusioni of crcli Port Hope Guide. MNisý Effa Glover, Bowmanville, ebarmed iber heerers witb lier strcîîg ieli voîe, anîd sie gracefully respoîîded tc a rnuons eccuore. at eacb appeacauce. Loyers. of îiglîclass siîîgîng wlll always be pleasedto ho bar Miss lever- Port Hope iiaily Guide. Mrci f26. Chas. T. Paul et Toronto School etf Languages, in writing te a fnicud says that Bowmanvilie bas neyer had sncb an elocutionary treat as chat te be giv- en on the evening et Geed Friday in Town Hall by Prof. Brown. Town Hall April Sth. Harvard Quartette et Boston wîtbout exception thefinest Maie Quartette in Amenica and Miss Caroline Nichois' Reade-the last et the Star Course- don't miss them. Plan et Hall open te substribers at 10 o'ciock a. m. S aturday April 4tb ; te the public at ter that date; reserve d sears 35 cents. Miss Nichols was ail grauce, ail ani- mation, ail abandon and capivatod the audience tom the start. H-arvard Quar- tette singers at the 1,-ond's Fuir. Mr. Babcock's new Spring advt. ap- pears on first page. Furtitur reterence te bis fine stock next week. "Famous Womcn" is the theme at the League meeting Menday night uider Literary Dep't. Ail Welcemje. Furmers, get your muchinery and implements put in geed order aI East - n enrBowmanville. Secavt Althe te',vn churches have su)ecial fEaster services, anthems, etc. NNe re- gret tlati've have net more room fer pregrams sent un. Tremendeus floodv be-t e pas'.ed threngb Vanstone's pond this week, but ne serions damage is reported and the worst is past îîew. You will reo'ret it on Saturday if yo a miss heaing I;rot. Brown Friday ight cin the Town Hall. He is knewn as the Kin - et1 Eiocutienists. d The Sýtuvation Army meetings Sun- i day, '<ere quite interesting.,, Ensign Puigb assisted at the big S. S, Raliy in e the Metbedist churcb lu the atternoon. ti If yenu are going te send ycour daught - fs er tdecolleg-e, sec me first. I have a i scholarship for sale ciîeap. _JAýMEs DEYMAIN, Big 20, Bowinanvîlle, 14-tf. Good Fridav-The Toronto papers aIl unite lu speaking ef Prof. Brown inluthe elhigbest possible terrms. Do net miss 1 bearig him Good Friday nil-ht in rhe ii Town Hall. Plan ut Big 2a. LS Mr. W. J. Pearce, a prosperous floist e et Pontiac, Mich., '<as a recent guesr et -Mr. J. C. Vanstone, Cedar Cliff. Sine Pis return home Mrs. Vanstonie receiv- r cd a box et iovcly tulips, hyacinths, * roses, etc. î 5Good Friday evening-"The Chiariot -Race" and "Paul's Defence betere A- a grippa" were simply wenderful se says d tPe Daily Sun in speaking.utfProf. e Brown. Hear hlm Friday night in the 3Town Hall. )f Great quantities et turniture bav e a been geing trom Williams & Son's big Lt furniture store latcly, and the spring, ýe bouse cieaning bas hardly begun. . Last sveek thcy shipped two parler Il chairs te a custemer at London, Eng . land. Their fume is beceming w'orld Y wide. Sec their îuew advt. Mrs. John Gougli, Dresden, Ont, savs: "Miller's Compound Iron Pis y cured my daughiter et St. Vitus' Dante; itoee Pnd wus uncontrollable, said the dmuscles et lier face twitched very budiy. ýo -a TPe Local Union meeting Monday c- evering was largeiy attend cd. Aspien- I did programme was gîven as advenhisecl Look- At 110W much nicer they wrýoLild look with stîre bright new paper on them., It need not cost rntch- even our chea-pest papers at four and fqre cents are ar- tistic, See uur fie-w d'gnsin Curtain Foles at 25Q. ýW. T. A llen.l Bow'<c '<'NVILLE. ITAIR WORK.-Ladles wlising bain ILdoue over, cail1 a-s. Dicic.'sci, King screec, N<V., Boa, a nvÀle. 28-cf. MJ APlIAGE LCbS-'se 'y -L AT. .LeOun,,ha n l iy $2.09, 47-if. D -O YOU WANT AE -ýIE-If yen do JLrapply to T. BNtG-'cO. a 7.,i .a--escJî d brick cottage -beap and oen esy ccr'cv, 3-hf. ,QEEDBAIRLEY. L' , ca qaanuity e kJMcsuIîy dCci SPeec . yfr ', '.i NSz Loi ici LE. BarliglozaBuwc,, ) 142v lWaitoba Fleour. The undersîgned keep constanrly on hand for sale, cash onlv,I1 pure Manitoba No. 1 liard Wheat Fleur; aise best pastry fleur. Barrel Sait for sale. 42-tf LOCKHART DUOS. Bowinanville and Newcastle. c OWS FOR SALE-Two cows one just reuiewed, the other couing' in inApril; fwo lieffers rïsiaig thee years, connuPelu uext mcath. Aise a quantif y of C edar ests and Peles. HENny AeeGum, ellas. 1 3tf. F ARM FOR SALE -150 acres in -ood -Vstate fe at lln, liqviniguliercon eframe bouse and barn, stone stables unduer barîi, thrée wells, goed oic la, , situated oin Lot 29, con. 3, Darliugtoa WýVlll le offeýred ati aution,\Wedues- day April 1, ou the pretaises. Se sale notices. R.f. OcR, exceutor, Ceurtice. 13 1W. In the Higli Coulrt of 'Justice, Chancery Division. In thue mattcr of flhe East, Haif f Lot nctmber Seven in fthe Third Conce.s- s.on f thec Totwnship of* Cartîcuriglut in thse County f Durhuam. Notice is bereby given tliiet MARY Fni 'rBORN, of tbe township of Cairtwrigbt iin the Ceeiity cof Di)aram, wiflew, James Alexander Freeborr:,f the said township cf Carcwri lit, farmeî, Eliza- betb Mrrisea cf ,Alameda lanflue District of As- sicabef a in the North, West 'Jerritorits, married woma, R-obert Johni Freeberu cf tbe said towa. shlip cf CaÉtwrigbt fermer, Mary Freebornocf tbe said fewnstip, of Cartwrigbt, sphaster, 1Isa- bella Frecboî a of the said tcwnslîlp cf Cc rt- wribt spiaster, William Them)as Freeiboîn cf tu adtownîship cf Carcw-rlgbt, fermner, and AarwFreeboru cf Alacea aercai,farme t have made application te theRgl Court oi Justice for Ontario fer a cerfificatde cf titie to tbe above mentienaed prepercy uîi e- the Qui etip g Tîties Acf and bave produecievitleiee wbhereby tleyapear te be the owiter thereof tafeii i i free frem ail lueumbrances. 1.Verefere aay ocher persea having egr pre feadîng te hav e any title to or iaterest nai al land or ay iarttrecf is requîrcd oR ot efore FRIDAY, APRIL lOtb, 1896. acw next,easuiugto ffie cstafement of bis or their claini verîlied by ae.icavîts c c my Chîambers ia tie court Heuise in the towii of Cobourg in the (euuty cf Neîîliumberla 1ad aOto serve a ccpy ou D. B. Simpsona rs Seýl(it icr fer the sil appli- cafs, and fa defantitsucli cie ii iililibe barred and th ibe oef the said c ipleants wîll becorne pbselute and i ndefeasibie et l.cw and fi eqity subjeet oaly te the reservc tions meuioaed la the 26th Sectiou of the sald Att. Ijated tbis sixth day of ne)', 1896. D. B. SIMPSON, J. H. PIJMBLE, Solieiter for Aj plieratu-, Master at Coboarg. Bcwmiauville, Ci taîiio. 5--4w. -Notices of Births, MrlgeadDeaths Ff fty Cents. Deatîts free vvUleu the funeral notlees are printed at the STATESMýAN office, BORN. L swniîEIi Orono, Maccli fst, flie wife cf Mr. Jas. A. Lawcfe, cf a son. '<Vn,îcs Ner cî'fsilluMat h fini, the wîfe ef,%Mc. eey Webberi cf a soc. MARRIED WHîrz LAW-At -1ie r siiene cf the brides faterbe verreeis tietySt. lBowriîlii ville, by 1ev. R. A. Biirris, B.1 A., Mr. hec. White cf North Toronîto anîd Miss Mhiiaîu, daughter cf Wuî. Law. ]hIc KF.Y le Port Hlopeon Tiiesulay -Mare1î 24, 1896, Samnuel N1a key. liate iccli yeaýr cf lus e"e. Sut'szasAtVentoii Vila, Marc h28, HoUl aCdVeateit Saundler i ed 73 yeics 6f înîthîs, Towni (Jerk cf Po rt Hope for -t) yoacs; native cf Ccckliary, Deviisuite, Buglaiiil. -K.tceIni Darliigtou, Marc-b .cf ch, Rboda Boce, reliet f cffli laie Win. Skelihig eged 8511 yciîrs. Children Cryfoe' Pitaher's Oastorla E strMeats For the Easter traide -we are offering the finest brands of Sweet Pickie flams cured by F. W. Feari-,, an; also their choice brand of English Breakfast Bacon. We have a reputation for keeping the finest brands of eured meats int town. New supply of Oranges, Lenions and Fin.e Af pes for Easter. Our stock of general Groceries is very cornplete and prices are low as the îowest. ll1 ighest price in cash or produce for any quantity of Butter, Eggs and utiier f arm produce. Cawker & T ait BOMANVILLb. F" U) TO RJIM.I5 Put- nedietely. Auîply taI'ý. F. ALL c'a , I Ilîa- Ville. il tf. WANTED.-Tru-Y,tw a nî riauand. uvic' cc C -:e ' ancse et ~ Yvîn~' cr rudOe ugect Cen cia SIicdlaii. h'c,1twc~t begici viti. THE 1BRAIiLE.Y G-l1»RETSON CO. LTo.,,Toc cita, Ont. iiev ciiîifedlîby Mrt. hcoblcl, 7 rccc ni ucuen, closts u shedbi, ccc., crecril, smncIgardIen, barcd tlsoht vT,cer; iso asimatib-ilin lot tor salie. Acîuy te Mucs. A'. BU'CicLia,W'li- ten St.. Beuumauuil.le. i i If. JOHN CHAPLIN.Boas-ranville, deal-. -rli 'ruit u.'COc'a'.tal Tcî-es I allckinds. Docnt ulacecaor eider cn i yci ha, e cecn me. Noe ebut tie bt of Stoek w.>Il le selo. Al stock ut-litbe ecol ït lic e auct pat"chlc prie aîîdguirauceedtru' te ia.e. il aa, Boyaman- uille. 49-tf. 8EED G AIN. S~uingaslact, ats 'i aly foCr ue, 'rcsUe. -A puce bred Durhatm Bal is ke-.tt. eras t ft lime cf seivice , "1.513 if -_age . . B. W u.AiAas. Orehuirkdcte Fat , Boutn- ,ule 7-if. IIR31FOR &XILE-A 1lrst class farin -T'of15 lcp oi etsu- acy,'t oa loi ru ate iToensie Bfastic, tt .is t o. aCts 15awnd 16tath-e 2Baus frcie, nby ac Csu ode Ioin stten s moleusu. rgc oa ty a lfOcis, main bhenchlbotue.Lreutyorît scl ca loctmai- cobar eue f th e b" cfty afsoi ca th akeal Sigeteoe; cthe aut grtOLeS. Abothe, aiec Shore;,o blsacresto.ancce. a, re0hacesedf Tenc'5asc;frs lupàoavueade Fut cte paticcfacsaplýly te A A, ý,shtuce37-tf C IANARY BIRDS.-Th-,thvcae înoulcîug cacabe miade touic.c fle taxcît icledies b y usiîcg Break's Bird SeC. l'a e,&-Iic h 1 th l. pkc. tlîc tels a 5ec' cake cf "B-icd Ttcet" nebe ed lac ew eeca the 'a res of tt, ae, hic hcate ika clîcînu in testorfi'ag ticico ci 'c -a: ic- iva absclute iices'ity ictlc eIath adiconîto f -c aîarces. S cul uy ,all , df - g res, i~ists anîd floucr ead f Il ci.' cucicc , W ANTED4 .Man te se 1 ("-aiai aiiU.t K ,row-î ccs, lierr nyuplantsciroses sburi sl, s tanauectal 'reet. anC si-cii ota- tocs, foi'thieocuituursery licvfaig tuccicg otebt, ard fil cantada. We glue yoci thei' iet o f oîar ex. uuincce, 5goy ocsecess lv g'..-a itee]. if yen aren'oteacnuig cI) p aaacliacciiexpo'ises, write us et otnte for uartiru'lcs. fiî"co oca- mcissionis îald parc lune cmen,. Fermnera sen% sieuld le'ok iP cuis! t lu,;,,yslictler than work-. Ing cnlthe fanra, aîîl ofen a ece for uromot-. ton. Appît- iow eand ge 1-he 'eof territory Si-aiE & WELu.IioeNTotea te. Canada 43-lits. BOWMANVILLE MARIKETSI. Correcteti byJ.Icîf3uttry every Tuesday FLoua, P 100 lbg .........$2 00 te $2 20 WHEAT, Pull, bush... O0 0 ilO075 fi White Fife .... 0 00 f 0 75 il Red Il ....O0O00ci0 75 Il Goosn ..0 006"0 65 BARLET, P bush, No. 1 0. 00 0 O40 il i l2x..0 00 0 38 fi fi Il2-000 0385 cl'fiTwo rowed O 30 c, 0 35 OATS, whitc I"-..---O.. 0 0 025 i mixed f"......0 00 0 23 RYE n..........000" 047 BIYCKINE AT ...----0 00C'0 30 PEAS, Bluckcye, iP bush.. 062 fi O 63 il Mumrney 'il O0 0 lO060 fi Smull, Il 0 00"il0 53 BUTTER, iiest table, ie h.. O 12 0 O15 EGe ,do .............0 00 o011l POTAToES, bush ......... 0 0 iO015 Ried Clover sced--------..4 0 4 70 Asike .......12 5) 4 0 Tirnethy ."..... 2 0 2 40 Iay pen ton............ 12 0' 14 0 1T. N Richard repuirs a Watcb wel and does it himselt

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