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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Apr 1896, p. 8

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Sprillg ISglt Wall Paper Cheaper than ever Season. this1 iNo excuse for shabby look- ing rooins îîow. You can have silver or goid papers, at oid kitchen paper piices., A lice silver decoîated paper foi- Gcts. A goid for lOcts. An extra, large stock to select from. If you can't corne yourseif, send for sam- pies, stating kind of rooms. Crokinole again lu stock. P. Trebilcock, Thie Arcade, Town Hall Block., Heal Brosm, Jnst arrivcd, a fine lot o f Fearman's Star Brand Bacon foi- Eastcr trade. If you ai-e wantingr an - thing in Garden Seeds giv'e us a eall for they are fî-esh. Bring us your produce and get cash or trade foi- thein. I-yslop Whee1--.,e ..Sti1LiIeadfinq, and they wiil continue to do so as better machines were neyer built. The materiai and workmansbip are the best that money can get. in addition to the llyslop we have the Regeut, iFleet and G-arden City lu Ladies' and Gent's styles. Drop in and sec our sampies. flysiop at $100.00. Itegeut at $8.0 Garden City $85.00, Fleet $75.00. Dusan% Dealers lu Sheif and Heavy Hardware, Oil Glass, Putty, Rope, Paints, etc BONVMANVILLE. Th, Boot and Shoe Store. This store continues to icad lu West Durbani and is comuiodions, briglit and attractive, furnishedwith the best goods of leading manufacturers of the Dominion. The Siater special-price shoe, tue most popular shoe li Canada, is cansing quite a sensation. Sec oui- West win- dow. We also carry a fulll une of flhe J.. D. King Cols goods inciuding their new Hygenic Vcntiiated boots. In addition to the above we have an assortuient of lowcî- grade work to meet the competition lun this uine which has been represented equai. to our good Shocs at a much lower price. We are now prepared to nîcet coînpctition lu tlîis uine flot by making patrons believe thcy ai-e gctting wha É they are not, but by giving f uil value cvery time. Tî-unks, Valises, Bags, etc., aiways lu stock. 0-rocers' due bills and checks taken as cash. 1John I-ellyar, BOWMANVILLE. i.i-'5ng Street. I uidn' E At Rock Bottoml Prices. '0' Tinsmithing.,and General Repairing E3 a specialty.__ S Telephone No. 6j. Opposite Ontarie Bank, (Ëaad eu~~z tattemau 1AT D EAT H'9S DOO 0R BOWMANViLLE, APRIL , 8,69i. ENFIELD. "iîo~: A:.. nitul- 01ý, .e herr Oriiî tsoii, Ibi>x ColLogi. Tornt; ir. 0. Aiackey et Ehssaloensar. H. prdle, ,Ux- hI)ll ,aiiJol iMt pd, isp l 110hoie; iti E. Ho..zlo>rooîl G ï-,ws _,osda sDye snd WV.-Oonis:oi ,,,i Fuy iddery anîd mr. R. Reynîolds are siok, H AYDON. Mir. , 017 r " 1e ri-nos' svotl bei as asuttos. Mr. TIos. Ashtoni tas seturiîod f10111 visitiî,g friends i ir saw aali. I E iaville. . .jý Hf. lobbs, t',n ici If s isitilsa his parents at Parkhill ... is. Palindr, Kîngstonil i isitlng Mr.-" Ainge, r. Mr.E, T. SMenon, B. A., Gsi iý .0s is leî îEaste vacations heax ly eri SOLIN-A. Mocs~s. E ïsiid îîiJohn E s soil s tI e the tfi ai of tht ir sîste , Mis. Maîsîîtlir,' at bii daay.. . . i ".Mooiioiery i horne front Toroîi-o rl Ili - tiop for the Jutin. xaiinations.. *..Mr. JI,îr s t"oard, je'e eller, and Mr. Arthlur S. G0,11 d offi-w SM su".cff and Masters -Xornîa.iiii sl George laesotBowmaiv111e sîieut(boot Friils"visii'i î'îi ro isilîs here. Messrs ,. .Treiuiee ai VaïXste.l sold a rs re b o aEil -ll. liover reeisî1y. Mr. Cla r.s, Maple Ilrontisod to the laiil sols fai-î tîocîti.y svs-tdliMrs. T. Hardy. .rLei sV lin Nest anti aif aie hre. 1-e nulli asits ti ac,.' aDa i uiiî"îoiUnion Ciieese ?a, ion titis seasoîl .. Mr. T. Jamses Hojndil visited truends n uth ît.D trlngti. HANMPTON. i3sE. I.ilstiîtg sEu. Lster huidayas Tor- Olio...Upt.cd.H.But, Toto.nro, cailed ont bis un rto . ol frîeîds lere la t week ... Mr. F. T« Alin iu ildor the doetors (ae.... l Hr Pickerinsg, sport Easatelt lits lonîo liere. ... Mr. \Vtll. R. Alliîî, Toronuto. rias hou.(, for theftisier- al of lus lrother, Satnida v. ...Miss Ethiel Cry- lierIs au is vsitislg lor sister t Siutois.... W~e feel saC t) s date the deitli of Albîert H. Allifio0n Tliurstlaly Bîî'ial Stllrday in the B.C.ceissete- ry Isor,, Tue tnraiwas largely atte.uded, the Suiîdaî Sohoi ol otfsol lobhe e ss a uieniier, at- teidei iii a bloly . Thte lereaved relatives have ,ho syinpatlo of trlî omnnrity . Mr ýiP.Leask lias iios ed iîîto the lbouse lately s acatoîl by Mr. T. Lyle .. .. Miss Ethel Stevenons, Oshawa, is visitiîg liser grandliaronts ler'... Mr. Tios. Rowe is cooufilio th ielbouse with lî iiornohia Mr. anil Mrs. j. Treî inBwanll, are visit- biîg a, Mlr. Josse Satet s. BLACKSTOCK. Mi. Win. Mîirliead bas renited lits faim and wîifh lits suif e iltids liî,iisg witli lits lrother-lu. laso, Mr. C. E. Edgertoli. Mrs. Johin Swaio, wlîo lias len i i is s"ine botter._M. R. H. Prust, our svorthiy postincsfer lias c uiew clerk.. . .Mr.T. Roat lie is visitiig lits sister Mrs. Me- Kibtîoni...Mr. Win~. Pair ta about leaviîsg lie for Port Perry. ..M. R. J. MeNallY, ui- dertakor, thinîks abo,t goiîi to Port Perry too.. ....Mr. A. B. Crydterniai bas sold lits fat eact tic ai a fait prio.liTe infant soli of Mr. aîîd Mrs. F. Bailey was olristerieut t St. Johni's i iîroliu bitdav..1 ..i.{arr-v Duislow, w ho toont f0 tre Clii Contry alioit six weeks ago lia reoreti..tosrsNesitt, Marlow anîd Moinnfjoy took tht 'e baCs of slîot" to Burbet on Station ...Miss Jîcoîl 'Taylor litîeids goiiug to W illi)t Is 0lie... Qîste sai.uîsîber atteîîded fli, wooçliueo e t R. Jolîls Thursay... Mr. Moses Kerrla able to Ise sita5gaiii. ..Liohtiiing itas seî for the first tinse tis scasoni, '5ulday, Mý1 s ý9t G ii..Miss Adluie Hyl,,td ta svo' y siok cfit h sisto 1, iii'... W. Cosi ails Borktfou.. Quito 's gctlîoiiiîg oâtMr. Corfield's t10 wiuiiess toeilrsîi- of tlîir granidoliiltlreii Fîçrence Rysilti sîd Myîtà, t-shotridg, somru tIsat w re lir.soiîr: Mr. Ritchie and w o , Mr. Bliy vaîsd wife ail W. Pa vru sîs iiui fr... Ms. Angîls MtLeaii atteiicde(Ilrle Hontse Crcieitîg iii Haiiiltoli.... The Teni îiraiioe bouse ool-, de- seutoui - *-,Mi l nrepîortlbusiness Cit fromi uiisatisftuiry consdtionis of the roads ... Mr. Win,.H -ti u!.osehsriis sooro ied hî li"lît- iiitj lîra lttii îa gîîti -ut e wlere ho Ili il.îod firo.. o'4 I-b 10oa îid boyfol- 1owe I liîî oi.Mo" it y... . sîiw as (3 served a Oî' î iîreabtrîaîî t btrceuEastr Suiday .... Arthella inti Iîof 'tise Cart su i'gh-, Presbytriau W . c.' M. S, Mos. 11000Y anii Mrs, Pli iles>' 1 hi îted d og os athe son su ou"'li i îoî o, Aîpil 2t and 22>. Mr. F. F. Wrilgi ,f i uîdî D ,iioîhas ,skeii Isos' tsio011of Ilue Ford1fIls . Ciiseoirc,ioîî ils 'etiiSg of YP. bE.Pr 1i !raii lurliti1, Tiiirsdas 1 'i,'; ...s......, iMr.C Gecr,ï ;ea'lîiîgi l i oraot for ont isisi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pl 'rolooo... .JooiiTaylor lias hec> ~ ~ ~ ~ ý aiiiChishîîs ssonieonî fuiie .. Mi iuir' s~r. ~, te 'oa hll îiiithe Mdoitîîrl E.t i yiîdtbR1ev. ID. _N'. MuC~~i.~isPotf îrry ". tisnî ii iadeu vîsiloTi o~iolas ..ee The sile, ofthte late R. J.T'yor ofistc 1î'stcso M(.Is ili'iort iil ".wabit arrived lieto 1m ii lB italiii oo.Inghlai'aiwdl hîarty after thio oceii trip..... fus'iM i e tl'îtî îiîoilie for Hastervaeation.I ENNISKILLEN. Mr. W, 1).Ribia is in Toronto.... Yistoss:i\issMaud Hla.\,es, Prince AI bert; Mr'. A. N. Mitchell, Miss Miller, Peteelsonoat Da-. Mitclaell's; Misses Cicînes, Toronsto, anud àr. Clenses, Buff aio, at Mi. James Staitoîn's. ..Leag-ue expeets interestiîag lime Fa-îday even- ing. A good prograîn anti refresia- ments. A. wotnan's liead- N. aches naay corne ofnomn several causes. She efay have a .11/il hcadache arising from nervousness, or fnom digestive dis. V.. ttrbances; just the saine as a man miglit Tsuffer for the sane reasons. Nine casee iu ten, however, hei headaches corne from disorders peculiar tu ber sex. Possibly the apparent cause of the headache will be nervousnesa or indi- gestion, whle the cause of these la not thought of. The organs distinctly femninine are more vital than any other organs in a woman's body. Any trouble of those affects thse whole body. It miay show itself in the symptonîs which are cbaracteristic of a dozexa disorders. Thousands of timnes, wo mien have been treated for the disorders AUCTION SALES. WEDNESDAv, Apnil 8 Tlîe frt f tiseI hte Andrew Montgomer.yo 8,cn 9, Darlington--it00 acres. Sec adyt. Frionds Tliouglt the Enld Was Noar. A. Conlofi that Was Almost llopeloss. FAILURE FOLLOWED FAILURE Until Paine's Celery Comnpound Was Used. IVrs, Irvine Ctired by the Great Medîcîne. An IMnportant Letter. At death's deer owinagte kidney trouble, nervousness, sleeplessness and nun-down systetu. Mns. Irvine's doon friends nealized the fact that she was neaning the grave, and did not hesitate te express their feans. Decters and their prescriptions ceuld flot break the power of tue disease, aîad thse ordinary advertised anedicine of tise day pnoved useless. A resolve was ut lat made to give Paine's Celery. Compeunid a fuir and honeat trial. Note tise glonlous resulta, ye doubters and skeptics! Four botties of Paine'c Celery Compeund effected a cure, and saved fremn death a wife and niother who was thouglit te be incur- able. A forcible reusen wby every sick man und women should use Paine's Celery Compound. Mrs. Wm. Irvine, wbo aesides lu St. John, N. B., -writes thus : "I bave been troubled for the past ten years with kidney ceauplint, and have tried a great uauny perpurations antd decters' prescriptions sith littie or ne beaft or tho las t six anths I have had a great stralal upon my sys- toîn frem aight-watchiîag and everwork. 1 waa breuking down. aÏnd my frieuda said 'I was going fast te death.' 1 ne- solved te try Puiîîe's Celery Compouaad, uand used four bottle's. My kidney trouble disuppeared; nervousuesa and sleeplessness are troubles of the past, and mn general health is greatly im- prevej lai a word, Ilium cured,. and I wish yen te pubitali thîs for the benefit of ethiers.' COURTICE. New officers of Mt. Carswell Division are : W. P. Wes. laaîceck ; W. A. Susie Baison ; R. S., W. R. Courtice ; A. R. S.,D. G. Uike;- F. L., J. Monîow; Ti-eas. : .S. Gay ;'Con. A. Osborne ; A.Con». B. Richards ; Chap., A. J. Gay; 1. S.. A. Piekie ; O. S., J. Paseoe ; Or- ganist, E Rundie; P.W.P., F. Gay.,,.- \ our readers lu tlais district bave been interested lu Misa Courtice's Engliali lot- ters. Ceuid she net give us soe inl the reul Devenshire and Cornish dialeet ? De. DARLIN4GTON UNION CHEESE FAC« TORY PATRONS' MEETING. A meetino- of the Patrons of Darlin ten Union Cheese Factory w iii bh hei at the Sons'Hull, Mt. Carswell, on Fnl- day April lth, 1896,ut 2.30 p. m. for the purpose of letting mille routes,ccntracts for drawing cheese and other impor- tant business. D, MoNTGooîIElt, Jouil ANeocK, President. Secnetanv. Mrs. Ira F. Peurce, and Messrs. A. E. and James Rundie were lu Toronto hast ....... Visitera: Miss Reid of Tenonte Normal; Mr. Ed. llawkey, Toronto, at Mrs. C. W. Osbenne's. ... Mr. John Gib- son, Town Lino, has moved into oun m-idst. Wehcome!.. Mn. Thos. Gale, huilder and contracter, bas inoved into Mn. D. Carke's house ....- Mr. S. G. Pickle ge on bis lake sbore fanm tiss spioe interesting evenino- at Eben- ezein eagne on the tepie "fobn Wes- îoy." Short papers wene given ou diff- erent phases of his life by Mrs, Marvin, Miss Littlejohans, Mossns. Wesley Han- cock, W. R. Countice, A. E. Rundle and R. E. Osborne. Mn. Cecil Wonden oc- cupied the chair. John Wresley's hymns were used ... -. Rev. Dr. Marvin conduct- lu curing torturing, disflgurlng, hu- inilating humours of the Sklu, Scalp, and Blood when al ciao fails, SoTd tlrougluont the worhd. Bnitiah flepôt: P. Nzv. BEaY a SON , 1. King Edward-s.,. London, PomTa DâigeU I&M. 8.va, Po utn V. a. A. Finds it bard to get a ready made suit to fit him. 'bis, is particularly the case wiiih stout corpulent men. We' would like ail big men to try us eveii if they could not be suited eisewhere ; we keep stout men's andi siender men 's as well' as the ordinary; don't say I neyer buy ready mades. The ready made clothing of to-day is very different to what it was a few years since and you canl be pleased and suited. Evezrya YMotuig qMali likes to see the new styles in ilats, Collars, Ties, Caps, &c, and a slick lot of new ties have just beý,n put into stock, somnething entirely new and decidedly handsome, the prices are right on your side too; see them. PV--1y Lody knows what is pretty and what is in style arud for that reason we expect our store to be crowded witb ladies looking for goods of the latest fashions, the correct tbings are bere and the display is interesting to ail intending purchasers. The -Dress Goods IDepartment is briliant with beautiful bright new weaves and it will pay you to visit this Dep't for the knowledge you will gain of styles and proper values. EVeiry Hu'a ~ p is interested in' the prices we charge for Groceries, the quality we guarantee to be the best possible to procure We are not as foolish as to risk our reputation by selling poor quality goods. ~epTour Fet Dryî Save dollar bis by buying our sohid leather waterproof boots. SpeciàI sale this month in the Boot Dep't. We have received over two thousand dollars worth of new goods and more to follow. Our stock is large but our business is large also, that's fthe way we can seli at sucb iow prices. We get a big discount on .buying the quantity. We keep ail grades, from the cheap heavy working boots up to the finest kid and -,au save you money on any of tbem. W G1toIion. - - We have made a speciai arrangement to handie a large quantity of Waltham Watches, Ladies and Gents. We can now offer you a Solid Gold Amrerican Xatch, Ladies' size for $15. Ail other goods in Jewelry IDep't equally low. Highest price for Farm Produce. _____ __ Cà CLARKE NEWS. (Condensed front the Ncweqs.) CLAIK UNION.--ifr. Rd. Poliard la nunsiug a badly bnoisid band... Mn. P. ID. MeCorunclie ,lad a sueceasfult savilug-bee. Kuuîuy . Sioctal umusical service in lUe ohnrcb Eastî'n Sun day,...Sevenul uesons ivio baC driving to (ho ioîuud dii och in a very lîadecou- diiioîa. lt. Alliii broko luiis lierness auud cutter Stxri LuNe.-Ir. Amsios Cohbledicidsobd a isorsetf0I-r. J00 Houriy, Orouso... Wood be at Mr. Aiex. Houry's an., large tunnouf ..... Mn. Johnî Stewarf bas gouse to Muutola, to spenaf flie somnser . ....-I-r. Robîerf Sfewart vhuo visited Haldinausd les returuîed 110111e f take change of the f.,rm OOe. Mn. Jas. Wood bias la grippe.. Visifors suais Smith, Garden Hill, cfa ra. J. L. Howe î3 miss tuinniie Trubontue frouîî Wbtilby Ladies' Collage; amiss Gordon, Ottawa, accom- iauieddlier; ar. Jolin Odeli home freinu Cobourg; ar. Wrm. Real, Greonbauîk, anCdaias Hem, Port Penny, et the parsonage. S.S. No. i, CaxAEltE.-Congnafuluîfions Mn. Hanry Allini, ils a dangbfer.... Mn. Alex. Sopen and I-isa Eva Brown, Haydon, were guesis of I-ra. NVnu. Chappie.ýýThe young son1 of Mr. David Gibson, ta very ill. A cousutatton of doctons on lis case was lied ...Mns. I-M. A. Bowen la bomue fronu Toronto, veny 11111e irm proved iu bealth, LeuSîAD.-Mhlssý Harper, whe visitcd Allen Bros.,has genetoOrono. I-bn. .J.as. Luwsoli, Mongolia, I-arkbam, w-as expected borne for Eaften oIdays...Mi,. Josepb ownsreceived a severe kick on the kiuee, fnouîî a borse ..... Mn. Albert J. taphes as seven sheel, kîbbed; sud Ove worrhed lîy do gs, Iluonodsowned y Messrs. J. W. Conis anî A W anveth, wbo coin promise tflboss t " 0. I-cCSCîî oiîîezs.-John Marshabl expects to receis'e a forftue fnom tUe Ohd Land .-..Mn. Geo.Wite aud Miss Quinban wenenreent visiions at Yehverton-.. Miss Lilhut Stnong Is home froma Cartwnl-bt Mn. Robent.Rainey las agalu swappeâ borses-..Mn. Robent Whiie lias enýaged on a fanm nonihi of Kendalli-...Mr Wm. Nu ortheote 1usd a wood-bee sud Mrs. Nortlu cote a quiliing lice the saine day. Enjoyabie tima i thte evaniing. M. Jas. Webb bad elgbtislueep killed out ight, recanfby, sud the remaindan badly worried by dogs. Manvens Towushil eimposes no0 dog fax, Mn. Webb's boss la fuily $80. GOOD ADVIOE ABOUT BYSPEPSIA. Thse best udvice about dyspepsia is- cure it with Burdock BloodBittons, and us surely as yen follow the advice and take tise medîcine thse cure wilh follow in eveny case. Mr- W. Day, of Fort William, Ont., says lu speaking of B. B3. B. :-Trwo years ago my wif e wns very i wit dysàpepsia. Nornemdy tbat she could find gave ay relief ; finally she tnied Burdock Blood Bittons, and af ton takzing six botties was entinely cured. That la now more tban two years ugo and she bus bud ne neturn of thse mahadv. I aise bave had occasion te use B. B. B. and 1 cunnot speak too highty in its favon. 1 ulways necommiend it te mY frienda and in ovory case with good nesults. Hoping this'imay be of use te youI am, Yours very truhy, WILLIAM DAY. Malte your ads speak tise truth boldly and tise people îvlhl appreciate your fnankness and respond, LICENSE DISTRICT O F WEST DURHAM. ToeuLiess 867 Publie notice is isercby given that a meeting of thse Board of License Commissioners for tise License Dist- rict of West Durham will be held lu tise COUNCIL CHAMPER, BOW- MANVILLE, oîî Tbllrsday, April 23rd, 1896, AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., te consider applications for such Licenses as bave been applied for witluin tise said District for tise License year 1896-7. Tise total number of Licenses issu- ed in thse District during tise present year is 13, viz: Bowmanville 3, Darlington 2, Cartwrighst 1, and 1 six months, Newcastle 2, Clarke 4. all Taveru Licenses. Tise total number applied for, for tise ensuiug year is the sanie, vlz: 13, and for tise saune places_ý Mrs. Mary A. Glondinui ng is an applicant for a license for an Hotel te be erected on tise site of tiseflotel formerly known as tise "Rýoyal" ini tise village of Newcastle. It is tise rigist and privilege of any ton or more cleetors of any polling sub-divisioîî to object by petition, or in any similar manner, te tise grant-. ing of any license witisin sucb sub- division on grounds set forth in "Thse Liquor License Act." Auy- sueis petition must be lodged with tise Liecuse Inspecter net later than Saturday, iStis April, 1896, of wiih ail pensons interested îvill pieuse take notice. ROBT. KNOX, License Inspecter, Orono, Apnil 4, 1896. 15-2w -f q -l

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