r I ________ _________________ _______________________ aber_ HEALTIO ASTE[MA.' Astisma is a terni otian appliemi ic auy ot the varions conditions asscciaied withis sierinesa ot breatis. Properîy, bomevar, ia use sisculd ble linaiieti te tise truc affection cf tise hreathing ap- paratus-ironchiai or spaýsmodic asti- mia, as h la cahiemi, Ail aniherities, ile differiug as te tise exact enigin of tisa disessa, agrea tisatinlutisamajcniiy ofet aes tisera la an accempanying nerveus condition, Tise tendcncy et asthia te rua un familles, paxticularly iu tiss iowiug au irritable or unatable uervpns tein- perament, bas beau fraquantly noticmi. Tisa attacha may aven lia ascluted wmus ucur sîgia or cuber nerveus milturis- suce.s. Tic tcuacityoethtesa isease, saine- unmes liaginning lu early cisildsooi anti i asting unl olmi aga, la well kucmn. Men are, more frequently affect tisanire- the siek room can neyer lie successful. f Y'OUNG F 0 LKS.5 lier patienIt is iii anàd suffering, but 'X %_ afixi0eus t',0getwe. His sjckness is to him the moat ipoýrtant thing ou earth.ANAASSAIG Ris nurseý and doctor are bis principal i reliance for recovery. A half-hearted, Remem ber, three things conie not back indifferent, beedless answer to some The arrow sent upon its track- qunestion Whieb may seem Of grave un- It wiil fot swerve, it wilii fot stay portance to the patient may b lot out Its pei ie owudo ly bis hope for heaith and be the cause Of ssee;i fl! owun r1iy a relapse, or even of a fatal ending of The spoken word, st, 5tOf forgot thes disease. By thee: vet it has perisher not. NEW TREATM.ENT FOR HJICCOIJGH. A female patient -presented berseif at a Frenchi hospitaI for a rebellilo-s hic-~ cougli, whieti bad resisted ail treat- ment for four days. She was asked te show lier tongue, -and il ivas uotiýed that witb the puting out of the tergue, the hîccough ceased. The samne thing bas isince been tried, and -w' ih success in other cases. Ail that is necessary apparentiy is to strongly push the tongue out of the moutb and hoid it so, for a minute or two. It is aiso sug- gested now te try the saine thiug ia suffocative- cougli, as whooping cougli, and choking by irrespirable gases. PAPY flFVOID 0F FEELING. iný otbe'bj ar 'sigl , , And deing work for good or Ali. And that lost opportunity That comneth back no more to thee. In vain tbou weepest, in vain dost yearn, Those three wili nevermere return. A NOAH'S ARK. James Ir. eZcoi5oii. CANCER ON THE LIP OURIED BYr 'A VJMDYZ s"-' tsiID-1.ý IThe~ fll m causes whicb may excite a Par- Physicians at Sauidusky, Ohio, are 1I eonsulted doetors viho preribed for oxysin of astisma a"ýeas extraordinai'yî greariy puzzled over a peculiar physi- ine, but We ne purpose. 1 su fered in a ny as they are numerouis. Conditions o ceven long years. Finally, 1 begsu ta In& cînnate or atmospbere are among the Cal trait possassed by the 10 menthe .yer's Sargaparilla, In a week or two X Most important. Sudden Changes Of aid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ben- imtced a decidea imùproveiliaut. Encour- temiperature or ramovai te a- straige nett. The -ehid. irhici eujeys goed aged by thls result, 1 persorered, uni lena raentis or se the soe began te boa), and, cliniate xiii otten hring on the dis- healtb and la as esite and ceoing as after using tise Sarsaparils afer six manflis, effse.11 the lass tracescf tie cancer dieapperei.- Confinement, espaciaily ini a ,roin any baise, beeoms te bave absoiutely ne JAMES8 B. NICHOLSON, 'lrwtaiie N 3.mcl i s iii veutilatemi or dusty, may. feeling lu its biody. Attention was lie the cause. In semai persens varionsj first aîtracted te ibis pisysicai Wonder odrs cf f iowers or bay will at once some time age, irben it 'was noticed tisat Aye s niySasaprila ause au outlireak, Friglit or violent tise baby rouki bite the ends of ts fin- emotîen cf any sort may bring ou a gars until they bled wtbeut show ing Adimttea tishe World's~leL Rft , paoxysm. Cbronic cases, inu mmcl any sigu of pain, f iually dcstroying 2>.U«£-*. 21-L59 e' 7ze 2i t els. tise attacks eccur year after year, grad- several cf the membars. The bauds ___________________________uaiiy develop a teudency te the dis- bing handagad, tise tot liegan on its ease, se tisat every frasis cold litngs on tonua, and in a feir days isad bitten 'nan attack. oft the end of it. Tfli parents put a OWff~llVIIO OlllOPV Particulas' attention sisoulmihe paid te stop te this, having tise ciild's teetis FBr th iset fatmt patients.Th ev pulad. No pain mýas sutfered lu thair iem meals sbouid lie taken lu tis e arlier extraction. Physicianis have examin- part ofthtie day, se that tiese tomaci ed tise cisilmi, but cannot account fori ANDmay lie early empty before bamtime; tise peculiar absence ot feeling. an sd as attarks ef the disease are etten -11 iA,,-~i I/fN duoemiby f latulency, istarcisy toods MACHINE WUIiId lie prohbiitemi. MACHNE W RKS. If passible, tise sufferer front astisma HEART DISEASE STRIKÉS DOWN shoulti seek te tiami a suitabla cimiata, ALL CLASSES. All kinds of castings aanufactured, altisougis it is dit ficult te hay demn any ruies to tisis end, lu genteral, higis aud Thse Elseuf liNatter is te li e rpar Aill kinds ef maciinery repaired. dry altitudes are tise mest beneficial, ad fer any Emargency. Enginc -mpairing and Mil work a It is painful te pick up tisa daiiy ophLy. KEEP THE SEIN CLEAR. papers sud observe bow people et al classes are baing stricken down witis Agricutural machinery andtimhple- One efthtie safest 'andihast cosmeties isart disease sud apophaxy. ne day it mnts et aIl kinds repaireti andi solti. for tise skia le pure eldar flower water, is tise faner lu tise f lid, again tise frt.ilabourer carrying bis bcd or, as this Sugar Ketties mamie sud kept on suas eabcahaptiicisased at any i3' t week a prominent architact in Ottawa. isumi in tisree szes. chass druggtst's. It retrehes tiese kin Perliaps it is net tee, strong s state- anti keeps it clean, sweet sud young, ment, that 80 per Cent. et tis eOpol Hfhst price paiti for lti iron in ex- ît le said for s lite tinte. For "black- of Canada ara afficted witis ieart dis- ihana fr cstigs r pint. ieams," ry he ellwin loion Son- ase te sorte degrea. Wisat s hlassing elipge or astngs r pint. hads, tr th folowig ltio: slu-it is tien, tisat tiare existe a madicina 'Points for al inakes ef ploirs kept ln tien et emmeula, five drops; borie acimi, like Dr. Aguew's Cure for tise Heart etock. tive !grains; rectifiemi spirits eto ine îvich i sosequick lu producing relief. Instantiy tise patient obtains tisat ease Cutvtrfeet rpatdanti steeled. One once, isential ilof t syave that la se ionged for iran tise heart la Cultvatr rplaetifive drops; esential Où et rosa geran- afflîcted. Tisera is absoutely ne case Steve castings matie te ordler. um, fie draps. Make this up witis a otfisaart disesse tisat it wil net haip, distllaionfren. hymeandmaiora suad with tam exceptions, wiii preduca E. J. Sau nders & B ros, t it lilfr0]f tisnsh aejte gel aradical cure. Porter 's olti toundry, East End. a druggist te f iii eut tiis recipe. Dah Tisa most expansive ecisiteniug ever 18-4w. Beirmauvilia, it on1 the blhckisea<is sud sû&k tisen a lit- celeliratemi ias tisat of Albert Edward, ________________________tie mwitis a small linon ltis fed ansd PrinceOe Wales., It tock place Jant. swet wltl tise lotion. Do Det squecze 25, 1842, wran Ris Rigiuess wa.s a littie Tue nitd ~ticstisa lackheatis. Tisa lder-flower water ever twoe monthe olmi Tise total expeni- The nitd Sate isals god fr tes- difigremnts seamountemite 1,000,000. The nurse and it la best ta moisten tise tinger mi1 received $'5,000 and tise compliment- D'E' tasd sppîy it te yaur face miti tise amy tees given te individuals about tise Ua*n thgers. Oniy a uitile la ueeded at a Court mare equaliy lavisis. liii' time. De tiis tire or tismea tuas a day. V Buttenniik or lamen jutce, it ta sai t cense pain Fron Seiieis. The My%- are Vry efflcaciotts for removiug tan, tc nïd.SalAircnlhe - but time ltisha st cure; as soon a aile 4ilrie, CociqueI's lit Te e ilays. tise meatiser groîva colmi tan disppears. Tise fliowing conas froni tis emaaitiy Wisere soune of tic front teeti are lumberman, et Merrickvilae, Ont., Mr. longes' than tise otisers, tise defec e l E. Errett: For a number of yaars 1 remediemi new-a-days hy filing tise ex- have suffereti intense pain freini risuma- Read Ofice-tra iength amsy. Tise operation la very tîsin and scistica lu my laft up. fi is HeadOffce-disagreeshia, but net painful, anud tise needless te say 1 have doctereti con- In New York City 'm ovemeit is very markeâ. saty but irithout receiving anything existsa atheugistisa toothis laSound, or Risauiatic curaeiras at hast trîed sud pmperiy f illem, relief wlll lie ebtainad its affect iras tmuiy magicai. Iu tire Newlouanc Wrtte---by painting the guru is sa lotion cern- ijmiys tise pain iras ail gene, sud tire In~nanc 1Vrtte~~~posami et equal parts et tincturaetofhotihas oethte raniady curatime cein- nci-, a cor~ir,, mdine sud aounite. Cotton dipped lu letely. 1 mas se bami that fer tir e yars In 1882--$ 2,803,517I canipher sud plarad lu tis e au on tisei Ceuld net lia ou my loft sida if i get In 187..., 5,02,20- sanie gide asatise aclig teots, is otien tise univarsa fer go doing. At prasent 1 In 1892...... 10,001,695 aaeds et frit tike the appla -and pear matisrn, sud ec it is with much In 1894 .... 14,880,333 pin hih ake thm exceedinglY remedy. I1timowit h miiicura. -daugereus' tliey are not intended toei Local Agents irauted in lual unrepre eaten ai al; tbey ara meast te groir A DESIRABLE CHANGE. sented districts. Address Mtegon n rdctes Murdrer-Yer houer, if yez do't moind, wud yez plaza change tic day R. D STA LEYIN HE S0X ROM.fer me executien Y Sure it gees agin me, IN TH SICRROOM.con science te hacisung on Fi rday-afatsa Inspector of Agents, Give tise reorin mnicis las tise hast day. Rooms 6 aud 7, Quehec Bank Building me ofetventilation sud tisemosi sun Acr.omiaodaintJthe-Witis peas-. sbine te tise invalimi. ir.Imi pon ieMna ao Hlave dak-greeu Hollaud sisades at, Geo. Shturtleff, Bowmanvlle, ts inos1ren mpm ia &lr Ir Olitver Ste , etdwlih tI.dney GeneralAgent er Durofxhet t i.in a uaay vary sooiîng te îTisa naisisas beau flashemi acress tise tired eyes, ies freintisa olmi country that Sir, i l ' -Have a big sireen in tise roin whicis Oiver Moirai, iris is tisera seeking SpecT.acles 1- -m Ria i frinsay itisatf tdn isacs miay ha usem i atier te sisut eut tise:, sed ical advia s ayvithamtcfae is- briglit ligisi iran tise Patient miaises te net as alamming as tisa press reports ae or te keep oit drauglits iran the have statei. -But tisera seema te bie ne Win Oms aerîe u ec' disguising tisa tact, that mitis Otarie's Change tiselied linon as Olieu as pos- Premier, as thousaumis of otisars, kimi- Spectacles sible. once a day le not tuot, lu I ney disasse bas seized.tise sysieni. t utJan la yiug masta tiselilves oI our besi pao- makng tiselied lie snme tha thte undar pie mu ail parts et the Dominion. And No moe coplet stok beweensieet la straicbed as tiglit ~dsinoili yet tisosrse bh ava learnati te use Seti No orecomlet stck etwenas a dimn cover. WrinÏkla., k tise un- Auserican Kidney Cure ara fiuding lu it M~ontvreal andi Toronto than is kept dem sheet cause cniu ic onfr ru ytmsupsin s snas voage sud somnetimes seres. r ae tia kil tEnan' by T. N. Riekarti, Jeweller anti Banisis ceaking chiaire fron thtis sick greateat pisysicians. It is a kiti- rooni. Ntigs uaesao h a ey specîtie, net a cure-ail, but Noihng e gate Spn tse a a speclalst in ibis particular it Optician, Bommanvif le. tient'a nerves sud se irritates lin as givas relief mitisin six heurs atter tisa No sperer ptiianlu anaa snecasay barsi sosunis. Den't unis- tirai dose, sud reneisti healtis te al Per outalde lis deer. Tisat la inteuaeiy ms s t than T. N. fliekarti. agg ravating te hiim, and conversations nitiste dacior may lie jusi as mail NO MISTAKE. Soliti Golti Spectacles a specialty. carried on outsida tise iuvaîid's licaiug.i Lady-Aheml Tisera seenis te lie Kaep tisa nedieine isoitîca, glassas semae misiake. I amvartisami for a Frencis Goods al new, ne elti Stock to aud spoens ont ot sight et thaepatient.niaimi. Evey sckreei asoimihaPreie Appicant-No mistisake, muni. It's a off ati nemorechargti f ry is a a m ottie c bintc ra md-Frinc i maid Oi've teen fer, Iciva menthe, I'unffl n omr hre e ihasml atecbntweere-as tic six chludiser 01 attendeti can tell latet f styles iu, spectacles, than icines may ha kaPi. If tisis l oui et Yaz. tise question a couple et smiuging others, are asking for olti styles anti siselves curtainam i lusilk inay ha useti-. QUEBEC - REARD FROM. liok n alig hm"Brais" Do net ask tisa patient irlat lia mauts - gtoc ani cllig teni"Bagais."te eat. Asi tise docior misatha siouid Eenary G. Carroll, M. P. fer Enmour- Do net ruin your eyesight.,by et rpr h an ysu aasî AgnesCarra.SU l aiPr a cf Dr quantities aud serve it te hlm, arrayemi It wiii lia noticemi by those wvisehave wearing just anythiug that is calleti as temaptingly as possible. Covar the studiem tisa testimonials for ibis woen- Barglubutcore ahug e Rck-tray mîtis s spoileas lilen elotis, use tise derful catarris rcmady, ihat îisey arc a Bagai, bt cme lonrr o Rck-pretiiesi chuna sud ihe brigistesi silver tisorougisly uîsaciional lu cisaractar. ard's Optical Parler anti have yoUr and glass, sud atior tise tray ivitis a Evary proininuth uie Dominion ibreugis fle-ser or twe. Daintinesa la 5a great its imemisers ef partiament. sud most eyesight scientifically tested anti apptizar. Prorinent citizens, lias tolmi cf ticpe you, ayes properiy ltted with a Felloi tise pliysicîan's instructions re- ctlarisl oer vees f Dris et Cha-e modern pair of Spectacles at a piflel ~osYaotu nie tvstera tovercemes any local or cîjmaîic con- te hca slememdin aths ek-o .Kaap dit tens, sud as ish Mr. Carroîl, it ha Pitoher's Castorla. Is not that terrIle, ex- hausting, temper -destroy- ing experience when you use Eolip1a Soap and' SAVONA W.Aff INd POWDBu. Don't WOrry anîd perspire when you eau help it. Try a bar of Eclipse Soap and a pack- age of Savona Washiug Powder,' 'sa- rr-lý 111 have planned a new game," said Margaret, during a luil in the conversa- tion. "Then, do let ns play it J" exciaimed lier young frîends, la chorus, "But what do you call it Y" asked one of the Company. Margaret annonced the titie given above, "Oh, that is fine Pl said another of the girls. "I *t recalis our chidhood days." ".Yes," said tbe third. "It brings vis- ions of the time when 1 worked so bard to make my pigs, cews, elephants andý se forth, stand on tbree legs, and often on none at ail." "But the game-the gaine 1" chimed the chorus, impatiently. "Well we wili begin then, if yon please," saîd the young 'originator, 11with this sentence: 'The ixoîf ran into bis den and was seen no more.' Yon wîll, notice that 1 bave formed a sen- tence containing the naine of ananimal. Now, Milliceut, as you are next, yen will do the saine, but the naine of your animal must begin with the samne let- ter that comapleted the namne of my animai." "Oh, tbat is fun Y" cried the chorus, Millicent thouglit a moment and then gave this sentence: "The frog jumped jnto the water be- fore the boy could catch it." 'Oh," -exclaimed Edith, wbo sat next, 'I was sure you would use fox 1 But 1 have instead a deiightfully, easy letter." After a moment's silence, she added: "liThe giraffe ate the leaves 'ail off hetree.". May foliowed quickly with: "The hunters shot the emu dead on the spot." Lena conitinued promptly: "Thse unicoru saw the hunters coin- ing aud fled ta thse woods." "But w bat shalLI do witb NY" sald Dora, who came next. "Must we con- fne ourselves to the mammais, Mar- garet Y" "No," ias the ansxver, 'We may use anything that Noah wouid have taken into th. ark, and the command, you know, incinded every living thing." "Then I have a sentence. The net glided away before tise man could catch hlm.", "Yes," sald- Anua, "aud you have kind- ly provided me with an easy letter. The tiger iay all day ln thse shade.' ",The rat gnawed a hole through the floor," continued Bertha_. promptly. "Ne'w, Margaret, it's yeur turn again." "Yeas," said Margaret; "but since yeu understand thse game, -we are going to play it properiy and first, Anna and Dora may choose sides." As tisera were but eight girls presaut thie sides were soon chosen. Thay were duly ranged opposite each ether, the leaders sitting quite close together, ac- crding to Margare t's instructions.' 1ýhe piaced a liglt stand between them, and emptied upon it a quantity of sinal ce,:unters of red card-beard. "ýNow ," she explaiued, "whenever one of the players on ailier sida ma-e a cor- rect sentence, tise leader draws eut a counter. Whanaver a player faits te combine thse nain e ofan animal in a sentence, or makas an incorrect one, thse leader returus oeeoe thecountars she bolds te the pila. Whouencd player bas made f tva sentences, the gaine is ciosed, and theaside whose leader isoids tisa most, ceunters is tise winner. If a majority et the playars wisb it the gaine miay ceusist ef more than five sentences, ~ut neyer of less. " Next, about tise incorrect sentences. There are tisree kinds-first, mentioning an animal that bas heen givan before in the saine gama; second, g*vingan ani- mal an impossible action, like making a cat swim or a dog climli a tree ; third, roeating axactiy an action previously givan. For instance, 1 make the fox mun into bis den. Had sorte one else made bier lion, tîger or bear de the sane tbing, it wouid bave been an in- correct sentence, and would bave caused the forfaitture of a counter, and noir %-e are ready te bagîn." Tisey played several gamles witb mucis zest, and thon Auna suggestad that tisey sheuld use Geographical naines instead ot animais. "But it viii net lie 'Noah's Ark' then," said Dora. "o"raplted Auna. "When we play it in that way, we cail it 'Round the World.' Se we'Il bave tire gamnes in eue." "That's a liriglit ides," agreed Mar- garet. "Let us try it that woy." Tbey played a faw games and pro- uouncad the change very interasting. "Noir I bave an ideq," said Dors, "I'm going te invite tweuty girls te our bouse seme evening te play 'Nloalis Ark,' and the 'side' that wius the mest games Ishall present tan lîttie pras- ents, oeefor cdi'g ri en ee." Amid a chorus t "h, hew deliglit- fuill" the cempany breke up, wirhla Dora went home full of secret plans about -thosa "ten littie presents." &co0 WiIi be pieased onice in Quantity, twice inqaiy and three limes in rice who luspect (the unequlledassortiment ot Stippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At our 141ore, te-BEAVE R BLOCK,-,a Ilowinamikville BIQ&EST STORE, BIG-GEST VARIETY, BJGGEST VALUE. Ewerybody in.vited to cat i ad sec ouîr mew ttàouwear TRIE SHOE MAN Furniture and- House Furnishings. Our Une comiprises everything found-in a first class furniture ware- room, and believing it only doing justice to our business and that our customners mnay beliefit by it,we have added miore varieties to our already large hunes, and our prices cannot be beat, We buy as low as the lowest and are satisfied with small profits. and you will be convinced of the, saine when yon have seen our goods andi examinedt our prices. iParlor Suites, Sideboards, Bed Rooin Suites Hall Racks, Extension Tables C entru Tables,. Lounges, Mat tresses, Secretaries, Chairs of every description Window Shatdes, Curtain Poles, Mirror Glass, Picture and Rloom Mouidings with mnany other fines you will find lu great varIety aud-at ail prices at our store. Give ns a eall when wantiug auything iii our uine andi sce how wefl we eau suit you. OuN D ErTA KN Special attention given to this 1-deprtmrent. 1BOwýMNVn1L-. Bounsall's Block y- JOHN TAYLOR & C0., Manufacturers. e MXi1enb BuilnpTa plo .natq; u!me) i oqi '1qsiuii ~pia il «;)l148 ,ut o;tp ol dn a-m- s.-3oMsjQAO pue siaqqîr- (quiD olltlA *wqqtu ejo À<;iunb ;saut qý qjo Qsn Qqi s-,lso;Du os uaql; )Iu o u 0 Sulîejo *pue ýoeuoeaddu fsmunla;uaAaid o4 s-cos u!i; ore XLL -4oo*q o0 E2.ast iEnd GrinDepot The undersigned desire to tbank the f armers of West Durhamn for the liberal patronage extendëed to- us during the past season. also to remind them that we are still1 in the market and prepared to pay th e HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ALL KINOS 0OF C09ARS33-E QRAJN & 8SEEDUS &elivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., oiÊ ab Port Darlington. We have aiso on hand a large stock. NEW AND FRESH, of Conadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in~ Bag'. Rock Sait foie cattle and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster i Barrels which we are prepared te sell Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SOREENEI) COAL always in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. 9 McCLELLAN el lx h el THE " ICAN'T " ARIMY. Oh J1 dear. )Nisat a troublasome set of chilmren tise "I Cants" ara i Their meibers have te huticu their abees, sud hmu.sistiseir hair, ant i fnd tiseir mit- tans, sud do all sncb uitile ibinga for then, tisai they nîlgis learu te de fer theinselves, if tliey meulti ouly try. Tic "'I Ca'is" de net ivant te learn any- tlilug. Tiseir teachers have te coax theni te aUcir iheir lessons te lic pushati ite their minds. Tisey stop at every isard place sud wmine "I can't go on," aud have te lie helpeti, or tiare iisay mouimi stay ferevar. Noir, do yen sup- poeatise "I Can'ts" il vih er make tisa mentlicieter or hiappier fer thi*seinau in it Y No, of course thcy xviii net ;ant if auy eue ainong us aveu suspects iliat he blalegs te tise armny oI "I Can'ts," lai iim ut once desert and jein tisa ranks et tise"l'Il Try's." STAID AWAY TOO LONU. Stranger-Parden-my- my isesitat- ing speech, but-tise tact is, 1 been liai forgot my natif lunguage. Ais! Beau many years lu Europe,I suppose ? NeTo 1,I hae living ban-I liai been iývmin CLiiago.