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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1896, p. 5

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f GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BowujNVýILLE 'STATION~. GOING EAST. GuI\G WEST. Express..-. 835 a. m. 1Ex press .. 5 23 a. mn Express . 10 19 a. n.Loa 8 53 1,as1senger ... 3 06 ', asene 2 25 P. 'n Local.... 704 p.m Express. .7 46 Express. 10 25 STOTT & JURY Town Ticket Âgents. THE AVAJIL OPHTHALMOMETER is the naine of the instrument im- ported froni Paris, France and now inuse at Stott & Tury's for the pur- Ï)ose of making a thorongh examin- 'ation of the eye. By this wonderful invention the eýxperiened optician is able to de- termine theleast defect in the cur- vation of the cornea of the eye and although the expense of the instru- mient prevents its general use, yet ail leading oculists admit that it is t4e only means of determing the ,extent of the above defeet w1th absolute eertainty. ClaIIAnd See It and Have Your Eyeslested No Charge Whatever. STOTT & JURY, The Druggists & Opticians. Another stock of those Solid Gold Frames just arrîved. SPECIAL VALUE. YOR Say Yoll Are Not A SLAVE to The TOBACCO, HABIT. If not try and go without using tob- acco for, say, three weeks aud in that way prove your staternent. The faet is, nine ont of ten who use tobacco are SLAVE~S to it and the sooner they gain thec mastery over the habit the better. UNCLE SAM TOBACCO CURE lias cured people who have used )acco constantly for 50 years and îIn not only destroys ail desire for Tobacco but it builds up the systein, strcngthens the nerv es and invigor- ates the entire body. MONEY RETURNED if you are not satisfied. Stott & Jury, Tihe Chemists & 0pticians. For Ye a rs We have been experimenting foi the purpose of prcparing ai) artielE possessing ai the strengthgiving and fiesh produeing properties o Cod Liver Oul but combined witl- Cther tonices lu such a inanner thal the npicasant taste, of the oil can lut bu nutîced. We are now able to offer to thç public. A DPRECT EMUIO-1lN BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 22, 1896 Items of Speciai Importance. A ton Hyacintiis sf111 loft at Stott & tiur's. Egant specimens. Flonidu Wter negulun sizo 50 cents, 5 -times rogtlur size$l.50, at Stott &Jury's. leinember Doans Pis. The manu- faictuners haîve appointoti Stott & Jury aetfor BowvrnnnViile. 1,e wiul bnyv a very neuf boiter for Soup Toojth .Bnnsb anti Nuil Bnush. Sec them uat Stott & Jury's. Thecre ýwus a time wbeu a gooti sponge ,v<as au ffuielxury, buit now Stott & jury hjave somew beanties cheap. The oiy N'P(- Graiute Optician in the Counitryý is uat Sfott & Juny's-No change for n careful eumrinution of youn ys Local and Otherwise. Owinn' to the strike among the Mantie Idakers lu Genmaîy oaur Ladies' Jakets anti Capes wero not sent to us as early as usual, the last shipment diti not arrive tili iast Satunday. But we are now showiug a fine stock of them anti owing to their late arrivai we shahl seli them at veny close prices. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman. Respectable woman wants wonk. Sec ativt. Over coat founti; inquire of M. A. James. Mrs. Rich. A. Bragg, cast of town, is very Ml. T. N. Rickard has hargains, for you every day. Mr. Levi VanCanîp recently lest a sum of money lu town. Have you seen the beautiful bamboo furntune ut L. Morris'? The fist seediug we have heard of lu this district was ou April 14. Coffees, roasteti on the premises,always fresh anti best lu towu, ut Murdoch's. Window shades anti cutain poloýs lu great variety at L. Morris'. Ail sizes. Crumb cloths from $1.00 up at L. Morris'. You have only to sec them to buy. Big stock of Parlor Suites atL. Morris' ail newest designs. A pleasuro to show gootis. Cali. A grcat many people' were ln towu Saturday anti merchants report a splend- id day's 'business. Graftiug, Pnuning anti Spnayitsg doue professionally by G. D. Fletcher anti sons, BowmanvilRe. Mn. W. Wright receiveti a bati eut over one ey o fromn a piece of wood from a saw at which ho wus oking lu the factor-%, We are pleaseti to learu that Mr. Jesse Trul bas pretty well recovereti froîn the accident sustaineti by being thrown from his honse. It is udîitteti on al hantis thatCouch, Johuston & Cryderman hati nover such a superb stock of now gootis as they are showing for this spring. The North King (Capt.John Jannolti), wiil arrive ut Cobourg ut 1 o'clock p.m., ou Monduy 27th inst., anti ut 1.15 will louve for Charlotte via Pont Hope. Rev. Neil MePherson, M. A., B. D., Petrolca, bhas- becn presenteti with a bicycle b his cougnegation. This is a capital wuýy to make a mînîster foc] happy. WTe observeti a long string of teams passing through town the other day with lumben for Mn. Levi ýVanCamp, Stoneyhunst Farm. Ho hati bouglît il ut Linsdsay. Messrs.Couch,' Johuston & Crydermar have been receiving piles of gootis mont edirect from British mankets. Rend what they sav lu their new annunemeul on oun first page. Mr, Chas. Wiimot's speekieti trout hatcheny at Credit Forks was biunn&e last -ec-ek. Loss $12,000; insurance $4,000. Thnce million fny, vlueti ut $2 (1 per 1,000, -were destroyeti. Services anc being- helti eaclm evening cthis week in Trinitychnrch, tise subjootý rfor Wednesday anti Thunstiuy eveuing:. being respect ivelv: "Populan Amuse- 1,imets" anti "The Christianî Life." Gentlemen lu neeti of a new Spnin- Suit or Oven Cout can leave thein ondei with us anti tee perfectly sure thal sty le, fit anti wonkmansliip will be ah -e solutely correct. Couch, Jolsuston Crytierman. One of the finest collection of heautifu furnitune te, be seon lu Bowmuuville D ut L. Morris', Bounsali's Block-every thiug fnom the requiremeuts of the fines- . drawing room to the plainest kitchen - Cli anti soc. Ve leat the trade ln Carpots unc have just receiveti a big shipment trot John Cnossley & Sous ot Halifax, EuJ lanti. We buy ail carpets direct tror the mukers, anti sou theni us cbcup a uuy house lu Canada. Couch, Johustoi & ryderman. XVe have receiveti fnom Mn. Johi ilunkins, Toronto,au Etigraving of th( Hon. Wilfred Laurier, leader of the Op position, which is an excellenst product r ion anti shoult seli wel lu ail districts especiall y thOsc lu which lovons ot thi oe billiant Frenchînun live. The Antipl6nal service helt inluTrin g ity Congregationul chunch a tew -weelt a go andt receiveti with so înnch. fuvoî ofwil1 be repeatedt iis eek lu accord h auce with imalsy requests. The senvic( will bo helti on Friduy eveing ut 8 o' t dlock. Two choins will take part us hc fore engaging lun esponsive sono, a- Silven collections. FIRST, CHEAPET.-GO to Toonto bý afternoon on evening trains of Thuru le day, May 7th, on morniug trains of Fnl daY, May 8th, gooti to rturn until Fnl dayý nighit. Tickets ut ruilw vay statioi ton $115 Toronto andt returu to Bow m ýaîsvillo; $1.25 Newcastle. TiLs excuný Miss Bertha Sherin, Peterboro, spent Sunday at home. T. N. Riekard selîs Sterling Silven Ton Spoons away down. Lost au ovon coat? There is one at THE STATESMAN office. Murdoch keeps full linos of fieldi anti gardon seetis. S ce advt. Taunton letter helti over because the authors signature was Bot attacheti. Buy youn Clover anti Timothy seeti fnoma Cawker & Tait, BowmanvçIlle. Farmers have got to work on the ian3 this week anti eeeding is going on in earnest. T. N. Richard souls the very latest styles in Soliti Golti Spectacles anti is a first-class Optician. T. N. Rickard selîs high-class Watchcs for as little money as any one in Canada, anti guarantees them, Mn. Henny Scwrey, foundry man, from beautiful Barrie, was guest of Mr. J. B. Martyn, this week-. THE STATESMAN will ho sent to new subscibers to cuti of 1896 for 50 cents; or 5 mouths for 30 cents. Mr. Bubcock's ncw Spriug ativt. ap- peans on finst page. Furthur reference to his fine stock- next wcek. A bio-assortment of Ladies' perfect- fitting1louses lu the very nowest style at Coucli, Johuston & Crydenman's. The ativetisement of Mr. John Me- Murtny, West Endi House,Bowmanville, is the inti the public delight to reati. Make it a point t o sec that your blood is punifieti, enricheti anti vitalizeti at this season with llooti's Sarsaparilla. Farme rs, get your machinery anti implements put lu gooti onder at East Enti Foundry. Bowmanvillc. Sec advt. MRs. S.,' says' "I huti been suffeing from Rheumnatic Pains for mouths. Miller's Compounti Iron PUiîs cuneti me. If our rentiers want to see something nice drop into the town hall Tuesday night next anti sec the Milk Maitis' Drill. Blooti purifieti. diseuse cuneti, ik ness and sufferng preventeti this is the record made each year by Ilootis Sarsaparulia. New Hats, the ]atest productions of tho best English anti American Makers just receiveti at Couch, i ohnston & Cny- dermau's. Couch, Jolinston & Crytierman is stili heatiquarters for Dress Gootis, anti they are now showiug what is beyond ques- tion the most elegaut stock of New Drcss Material ever seen lu town. Mr. Jobn C. Weeks, the well-known anti excellent painter, has an advt. in this issue. Work entrusteti to hlm will treceive prompt anti caret ni attention. Pain from indigestion, dyspopsia, andi 'too hearty eatiug, is nelieveti at once eby tuking one of Cater's Little Liver 1 i Rs immetiiately uften dinuer. Dou't t forget this. tRend the bran new Spring udvt. of Cawker & Tait. Thev are doinga nushiîsg business with the farmers and etownspeople. They buy the best ant seil the eheapest. '111L T.S'riMîAN went to 2,400 homeý ;S last week andtI he sanie number thiF sweek. Hundreonb rend it, tison mail il to a distant frieuti or relative. A onE cent staînp takes it to auy part of th( worlti. r Florence Nigîuhingale Lotige I.O.O.F Lt wili attend divine service ii tise Metho. dist church on Sunntay sîext April 26fl a t 10.30 o'clock a.n. Members are ne questeti to be at lotige room at 10 o'cloci i1 sharp. 5s MRi Tuos. ERRr, 'ý, Port Bunwell Ont., says: '"I hati been weuk anti mis st erable two yeans. I took Miller's Con 1.pounti Iron'PuIs anti neyer toIt bettei than I do now." A One ycur ugo to-niglit (Apnil 22) THi rn STATE SAMAN office anti plant weredestnoy Ï_cd by fire. There bas not been a build 1 ing bunnet inl this town since. Wha n n e. 1- 1- A pleasunt social event foo!k place on Wednesday lust ut the residence of Mn. Richard Janvis, Chiet of Police, Chaclis St. when b1is eoltest daughter, Mary E. was unitet 1i iinamuniage w'th MnCoul- son V. L. J eff eny, sou of Mn, Jos. Jeiff ery, merchan it talion anti Deputy-Reevc of ýBowmanviI1e. ihe cercmony mvus foformeti by theRev. C. Paiker at 5 o' dlock, p. m. lu the presence of anunm- ber of invitet fi tns. The bride wati becomingly ttireti in cneum cashmere with silk anti lace trimmings anti car- ni cd n prett y bouquet of creum roses. She was assisteti by ber sister, Miss Matha Jarvis, wbo wus similaly tinesseti anti w'oe pink, roses. The groonm nus uhiy supponteti by bis cousin, Mn. Wm. Smaurt of' Tornto. Atter congratulations the bridai panty patool-of a splendid wedting dinner, Thebhappy couple accomipuniet by a few of the gucsts lef t for the sttiîon whene they took the train tio spenti thein honcy moon visitiug western cities. Theé brwide neceivet a veiry pretteý anti useful collection of prosonts anti tise best wisb. os of ail follow the young couple for a Puppy anti prospjerous marrie lite. Children Cry for I 3 to ithoua n? Whiteau year wthout Misse Gentie Young anti Miss Anii This papen is s0 extensivel y rend bY Reynolds, tumos u aligtuM Catngt Miss Louisa Hanson and irM. TRd. T. Clanke anti East Wlitby that a notice Hoskýin, of an auction sale onraisy othen busi- Miss Annie Blair anti Mn. A. H.Allin, ness ln Tu STATESMNAiN is worth mionre_____ than un huntinetibis. Mn. J. B. Taylor is very ill. A social will ho helt ini the scîsool Mn. S. Vunistone ibas been uilimmg. room of the Metlîotist Ciîurch, Bow- Reeve Pollock of Dulingtou wus ut munville, on Wetinestiay eveuing, AprilCoonTusiyncutybsne. 22uti. Program of elocutioni, song,etc.,Cour esaoncntbsis. to commnence ut 8 o'clock. Refresh- Mn, F. L. Fontt, accountant, Ontario ments will be senveti Adînissiomn l5cts. Bank, has infiunîmatory nheumaîism. MRS. Jas. McLEAN, Secnetary. Mn. W. Keely bas bought an acre lot XViIlin-g Workons 0of St. John's chnrch froin the Goulding estate anti intontis wili give anothen concert lu the Town giglneyit aktgnemîg Hall.* Apnil 28, w heu a fine pnoorum of Ho blas n veiýy fine ropenty mow. Ho vocal anti instrumental mnusic, etc., wiîl paip cash tiovnu ton-te new purcliase. he given. Bsy special neqnest tise Milk "John Knox" 18 the the tifle of a lec- Muid 's Drilli nili be nepeateti anti thene ture hy Rev. R. Douglas Fraser in St. -iii he solos by Miss Gloven anti Miss Paunis chnrcb noxt Montiay evening ut Hunter; Misses Huynes anti Ritiley wiîl 8o'oc untion the auspices of the St. give Sheakçesjeaneann ecitals , piano Paunis Y. P. S. C. E. Musical sclec- solos hy Miss -ï oung, Toronto. Tickets fions wil also be given hy unenîhens of 25c; Chiltinen 15c. Beg-iîs at 8 o'ciock flic chir. Tise public condially isvtet Sharp. Collection ut the doon for the funtis ot St. unisY. P S.C. E hat msi-tise Society. ct al l' Y.vP.i.ug.ou Muah maee i - h Messrs. R. Boith & Co. bat great cal~ Ieltnilu ohecnrch, the mchoir besuccess with timein Hackney anti Clx'des- ýnglied i th c rch th chirassist- tale ioses ut tise Tononto Horse Fair, iug, anti Miss Pussett, Presitient, lu the tklî.eioht vlal rzs nldn chair. The topie wns '"Hymns andti di,, ashopioicui HymnWritrs. A bieflite of Hehen the Fumîly prize fon Hacku.eys, the best HytunWnitrs." bnif otsre andt lreutflis get. This faîtînis w-as given by Miss M. C. Hunter. o aivwus Jnhilec Chiot (sire) Lord Cîsarles Weslev, hi- Miss Frensch, of foschury, Banqno anti Jessica. They Toplatiy by Miss Mlargaret Allen, of , Honatius Botuan hy Miss Ethel Hall, oft. cr0 greeteti with more upplause fhia Timîna Mone y Mss ohl Youo.0fany othen horses ou tise groundis. Flin- Fane Crosby bh%éMiss Broüzhail, an tilla anti Fait-y Qucen won 2ni as teasu anttnster15.. oxaywon 1sf as 3-yr.olti of L tc y M. Donald McDomnalti. clytest15..Lxa Wchl -kuownu vmns oft tîese wrters yesa. n ene suuig, as also tise tollowing- BRN "Wliat a trient -we hnein Jesus" I"GotiBRN moyes lu a mysterious w av". "Lent Ossemx-tLakasiew, South Darlisgtoît, Kintlly Lighf", Take îny Ltea lîlstApril 17. to mit anti ass R EOsborneaa anghter. Ar.x\or,-In Eutdield, ont April ftîs thaestife of ory of each hymu huing heen previons- Mr Wun Arnsoldi, of a daupiaer. iy given by Mn. Ira Burubaso, Misses C. Bxsîsjum'us.Lu.-un Bowmanvilae, on AIîril 21, Allen, Grace Laing anti Ma'-y Heînv. ta Mr. asnd Mrs. Harry Bzaskrville, a daugitier. Some of the bymus wene sung by fic sociefy amti audience; othens by tise MARRIED chi-wlîiclm acquitteti itself admirahiy. Jasuasu-JARvrs-At the rasidence of tîte choir bries parents, Bownanvilla, 1w Bev C Parker, The solo "Jesus Lover of my Soul" b on Thursday 16ti ilut. mr C V L Jeltery anti Miss Zeila Bimacombe, "Come ye dis- misse Mary Ë Jarvis deug ,hier of Mr R Jarvis. consolate" by Misses McLanguhlin, ant i Cef of Police. 4 Marion AllonÎ, anti"Abidew\itiime"tise ALiSWOuRH--BOIIIFB--Atthëe.sethodist Parsoii- 'ge, Bon mauville, Apil Sili hy Rev C Parker, concudig hyn b ýî ss eLauhli MrJ AlIdsworth of Darlîngion anti miss Bal;uda aisd Mn. H. Lascelles- Sinîipson, w-ene Boshier, of Toronto. rendereti with exquîsîto faste anti tel- ID ig Atthe cuil oftlthe leader, 1ev. Mn.Lxasz lu Inorono ou April 21, Margarît Fse, many menitionetil their, favorite P aterson, belovetiwf fM amsALwra hymus. ltgethe, a tioightful even- luItar 30 yea,. Funeral ouThurday ai 1.30 pin iiîg mas spent. to Bowmanville cemetery. If von are tiredtatking the large oit- me b simp tle fashfoned "riping pis, tny Cnrten's wanietiAn uea Bonesipl Little Liven Pilis anti take somne coin- protect your Ideas; the~ may bring yen wealth. font. A man cnn't stand everything. Write JOHRN WEDDERB RN & Co., Patent Attor. Ono pli adose.Try hem.neym. Wasingtot.D ..for their $1,800 prime otte PItoher' a sator1a. AN UNIQUE ENTERTAINMiENT. The social entertaiument gi cen at- the Epworth League Montiay cvening April lSth wvas under the sole manage- ment of tihe young gentlemen of the So- ciety aîîd our congatulations are exteuti- ed to thema upon tîseir able effort. That it was a decided success was apparent from the lively interest created and the pleasure manifested by ail. One princi- pal feature of the program was that each one present had a share in contrib- utig to it, and in this we notice a innovation. Examination papers with list of printed questions were tistribnted to al. each lady and gentleman having previously selecteti numbers which de- teruîined their respective partners, in the proceedings.' The answers were to be written on the saine papers, 30 min.tes being the time allowed. The- examiners were Rev. C. Parker, pastor and Mr. M.A.James of the"ISTATEsMAN," who ln sctting these questions tested one's knowledge of varions subjeets lu a most unexpecteti manner-as ere was includeti questions on Induilive Rea- soniîîg, Missionary work,j iography, Hymnolog-y, Systematie Giving,Church Goverument andi Old Testament lis- tory. At the close of the allotted timq. the correct auswers were read by the presiding examiners and sosue revela- tions were made. Af ter this refresh- ments consisting of different kind of fruit was served by tise gentlemen interpcrsed by choice mausical selections -Among which was an instrumental solo by Mr. A. Cornish, and vocal quar- tette by Messrs. lligginbothaîn, Goard, Cornish and Knight, Messrs. T. Smith aud Fred Joness assisted the examiners and Messrs. Ilarry Rice, Chas. Joncss and Sulas Harris had charge of the re- freshments. REPORzT 0F EXAMINERS. Following is a report of the examin- crs on the two papers set hy them andi answors returned : Made 7per centandover: Miss A. Veal andi Mr. W. Rice, MissA.Cryderman and P.C.Trebilcock, Miss Trebilcock and MrE.J.Bellman, Miss Nellie Pattinson and Mr. W. R. Courtice, É Miss Aiçke Perkin and Mr. W. R. Courtice, Miss M.A.Bunner and Mr.F.A.Haddy, Miss Atidie McDowell and Mr. Fred Foster. 2T 3ade 50O per cent. and over: Miss Mary Katerson. and Mr. (lare Williams, Miss N. Ormiston and Luther T. Courtice, Miss M. Mosetta Janmes andi T. E. llHiggiubotham, Mrs. C. Parker andi Mr. Manly R.Cry- derman, Miss 'E. S. Rundie and Mr. A. B. Cornîsh, Miss Lottie Brimacombo and Miss E. tSophia James, .Miss Eiîa Trebilcock and Mr, Fred R. ,f Foley, Il Miss Lillie Morris and Mrs. W. E. cl Tilley, d Miss Minnie E. Joness and Mr. Will Trenouth, Miss Maud Worden and Mr. Luther ST. Courtice, [S Miss Carrne Martyn and Mr, Harold titchll Mliss Sussie Beilman and Mr. Chas. SJonless, Miss Minnie Rogers and Mr. Chas. H1. ~Joness, Miss Irene O. B. Jewell and Mr. H. ,h Kennedy Gray, Misses Bessie and Louisa Williams kj anti Annie Cale, and Mr. W. M. Joness. Miss ..Caie anti Dr. A S. Tilley, Miss Laura M. Jackson and Mr. H.J. 4, Kîîight, S- Miss Millie Horn anti Mr.Fred Joness. .r Bghly Commended: Miss Editi Carscatiden and Mr. Jas. SGoard, Miss Ethel Morris L-Miss A. Beliman, Mr. Fred Hoar, it Miss Kate M. Elliott, Miss M. M. Moment and Mr. J. E. ]RICK HOUSE TO RENT,-WithJ Bone or three acres land,,r house stable anci driving bousenithout lanid. Stuiated on Scugog et, Bo manville. Apply to R.You, v. S. B3EE KEEPERS. Ilaving made asr- ,arangements witls one of the ieading manu- .atues fA "iayspplies, 1 arn prepareti to furnish you wjth the latest improvements in Bee Rives, Sections, Foundations, etc, at lowest rates. Price of Langstroth Rive madie up andi tafisteti e. This is no cheap home-make hive, itsl dove-tailed and con tairs the self-spacing improved Hoffosan Frames. Those interesteti will finti it to their advantaige te, purchase from nie andi save freight. T. J. CoiE, maple Grove, Box 188, BoNymanville. 17-3w* BOWVAN VILLE BICYCLE General REPAIR SHOP. W.IrISMWEIGH, Prnctieal Maclnlst, Took Maker, Lock and Gunsirith, SpecialI Machinery for halladung Bicycle Re- pairing in ail uis braneb es, andi ail Fine Machin- ery. CYCLISTS.-Have your wlcels put -in trim by a thorouglîly practical machinist. Bicycles, Lawn Mýowers, Sewing Machines, Clocks, Typewriters, Rifles, Cuitlery, Locks, Electric Belle, Dental andi Surgical Instruments, Sale Locks, Iron, Steel andi Bia,5 ,,11k of ail kintis. MARKET BUILDINGS, Bowmanville. YOII'f all papal until you isec ftliehantisolue. designs JOHN C. WEEKS eau show you. Or- tiers îuay be left t uR, W3ihsbid ware store, . a~e~iêo h prettlest desigusti f0 hoseen any- whero and pnicos are uway down. Paintîing, Kalsoniug, Whitewash- iîîg, etc., as usuol. A cauh solmiteti JOHN 6. WEEKS, Ontario St., Bownianville. 17-3m Just arrived, a fine lot of Fearman's Star Brand Bacon for Easter trade. If you are wantiîg aîy- thiîg 1in Garden Seeds give us a eall for they are fresh. Bring- us your produce andi get cash or trade for them. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrcctedl byJ .MeMiurtry every TuestiaF FLounz, P 100 Ibs........2 00 f0 $2 20 XVIEÂT, Fal, buish...0 0 niO075 et White Fife .... O 00 i O 75 st lod ti " ...0 00 T,0 75 il Goosp, ... 000 l 0 65 BARLE, , bush, No. 1 .. 0 00 0 40 fi il 'il2x- 0 00 0 35 e i nfi 2.... 0 0 f O0 30 et il Two rowet il 0 î O35 O)ATs, wh-* efe ".....0 0 ilO024 - Ifmixe ten............000"If0 22 IREp f '...... 000"te0 45 BUJCKWEAT fi'...........0 00Tt 0.3) PEAS, Bluckeye, P bush.. o0t61 n0O62 i Mnmmey nil 0 0n O 6) nt Smnll, nil oo000 053 il Bine,, ni 0 00in 0 6) BUTTER, besf table, P Ilb,. O 12 n0O16 EGGS, P dO7.,........... 000 i 009 PoTAToE5s. bush ......... 0 00 "i O 10 loti Cloven seeti...... 4 00 i" 4 70 Asîke ......-250"et400 Timothy.....2 00 et'2 40 Hay pornton............ 12 00 il 14 00 Reli'able G;roeres..0.. No inferior goods, no matter how big the chances to make money. We cannot boast of having been iin business fifty years, but few houses have bult up the trade iu so short a time that we enjoy to-day. We've been persistent in buying the best, and sooner or later you'l get to know us for the cheapest of fine groceries. Almost every day there are special lunes at special prices: Pure Maple Syrup 30e per, quart. Fine Lemnons, 20e per doz. Fine Oranges, 20e per doz. Plantation Blend Coffee, 35e perlpound. Fine Tea for 25c, ~wortli 35c. Choice Ceylon Tea for 40c, worth 50e. Large Box Smoked llerring for 10c, worth 15e. 4 Tins Canned Corn for 25c,usual 3 for 25c. We buy ail kinds of farm produce and pay cash or trade. Deal with us, we will make It especially worth your whule to corne, and keep eoming. Cawker & Tait BOWMANVILLE. Ain Attractive Home is much easier to be had 110W than tWO or three, years ago. Our WALL PAPERS are 110W 50 10W 1in pice that artistie (designs and colors are Iwithin reach of moderate means. If you are going to decorate your house or oniy one room it will pay you to examine our stock. WVe also have Curtain Poles andi Window Shades very cheap. BOWMANVILLE. iX A. J. LOCuAxaRT, Bqss', il ry$ ' 9 '1 YOU WANT A H M -f yudo .A., e~PlY to 'T. Bssi'ouAu for a nice soisti brick cottage cheap? andi0on easy ternis. 31 tf. WXiTÂNED.-Tnustwonthy mcn anti wolnei to, adi ocate a popisiar cause ai homne. £*40.00 to io.to0 monthly, ro suitable per- sons. Atiress, Drawver 29,Braiford, Oit. I)RESUAýIN .-Iain prepanedti t PaastsŽss, Rorsey St., BÏownsjanivile. 16-3w. CIýOWS FOR SALE.-Two gooti ,)yosîng tons tocome in titis ilnonth, for sale cheap. O. J. GnusoŽ,, lot 34t, cous. 4,Clarke. Bow- inasîsille, P. O. 16 1w- W OR0K WANTED.-A respectable womasin asts work by the day, n ashiisg bouse cleaiigssn, or aîsy other Itousa work. Apply to -M. A. JAS-IEs, ct STxrzamîxAN office. 16 if. ITANTED.-Younig on middtlo ageti luX Of neofcharactes. findreis;toi ernost ini ca...da, sarteti witli us. Absout soIK4a nweek in begis, itl. THE BRADLEY-GA»RETS01\7 C0. Lnn., Toronto, Ontr. BRICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE.- CMoînfortablo brick residencee o Qucen St, slow occupieti by Mfr. Seoheîl, 7 roois kitehen, closers, Wood shted, >etc., orcutiarîl, snsîl garden, liard anti soft water; also a sitali bouldin-- lot for sale. Ai>ply to lies. A. Buccr.u,j ýefliog-- ion St., Bow matsville.n-tf.' TJOHN CHAPLIN.,-Bowsymanville, deni- .>er iii Fruit andOrnamental Trees of ail kintis. Dont jîlaceteyour order nntil yen have seen me. None btte hest of stock will ha solti. Al stock will ha solti ai the lowest possible pice anti Oguarantetitutotta Bo.x 3, Bowman- ville.49-tf. D EE RAIN.-Sprnu wlmeat, outs S) nt barley for, seed, for sale. A pure brerl Durham Bull is, kepît, Tarins $1.00 ai time of service, 50 if chargeti. W. R. WILLIAMSj, Orchartidale Farm. Bowmsnville. I if. TJ RESSMAKING.-Miss B. Binglîarn Hf avinig cosîslaeti a course of instructions uit the Toroîsto Drcss Cîstting Seliool of the \'Vorld's Pair Prensium Taylor sysietn, wiI ha plealsatito nîcear ayotsa w11lso my tueed such services at ber hoine ; ilurea dooris West of the McIethodist clînrch,Tyrose. 16-4w. ~ ARMFOR SLE Afinst class tanm F J 0f 123 acFir es Or 41E acries situai eti inthe Township of East Whiîby, it con, lots 15 andi 16 on the nase Lise, about U mtiles from Oshawa station, 2 nmiles frons Whitby antd 60 rotis froin the sahool bouse. Large roômy builingrs, main bar,, 95x36ft, planty of fruit, soit day loam, ai- togethar one of the blts grain fartss oui the Lake Shore; no hilîs anti dtciies. About 10 acares of woo-d, 75 acres iii pasteure ani-i fresh seeded. Tarmns easy;lis poing donta.For turther pa1iu .î apply to A Amutîs, Oshawa, 37-if BIRD SEED Mure Than WnVestetl ih ni mnay aient !a poor Bird Seeti, for hi s not oily a waste of mot3,ltit luioses your lutile songstar. if yenl 'Va sut tohavaetaecleanlest, hast anti Most nunrosBird SeecSin the markei use only BIOC KS BIRD SERT). il ecl J Oc i1lb. ipki. ihere is a .5c calta of 'Bird T"1rat o be isiaetibetween the wires of île cage wliichaeis like ai charm lu restoring tbits sotuanti is an absoînte necassiiy tothe liaalth anti co)mfort of casra.Solti 1waillleadusîggarocers, 'fruogisîs anti flonr antifetimen. JOHNzM IATY Grocar, Bowmanvilla, A. NICenOS, lFancy Goot& liowmastville, Tizm 1 usosaCo., uowmanvifll. Nicaioasox & BRocsc, 81 Coiborne st.. Torovl- . ,7-i yr

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