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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1896, p. 4

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Pd About a hall mile from Gitcott we and mnost fertile farms to be found 'i For Six Fancy Dolis With Extramm l D"pring i111 9h.igni Mr.MahewYehsiuae ntheonar- END FURCENS S TN DH O u SE N~orth Devon.t "llenscott Barton" which for the last Dresses. haif century has been occupied bv the I.V a l R perYeo famnilv is now in the hands of MVath-- ewv Yoe, Es .1,youngest son of the late The manufacturers of the popular Uheapr tha everthis m.,n Yeo, isq., awd cousin of Mrs. Diamond Dyes have a taking novelty b~ A K IK X T T Cleie hn eerti er litto apo.Tefamily wvhich they are sending ont to every eao.have for generations held a position city, town and village in1 Canada. 13 * * seco~nd to none among the farmers of This novelty is known steDa.n *this neighborhood and possess a wide Dyve dolis with six extra dresses. No excuse for shabby look- reputation for their knowledge and abil- Six of these doils with six extiia dress- ity in ail agrîcultural matters. For es will be sent to any address upon re - 1_- ing roorns low. sorne time past Henscott has heen the ceipt of four cents in stamps, These f rainin goronnd for a number of genitle- dolis are ývery artistie and ornamental Youca hve sive o mn'.s 1sons who have been sent there ai-d delight the young people. for the purpose of learning the art of When yon order the doils, ask for gold papers, at old kitchen farming and no- in these davs of de- card of forty-flve samples of dved clothi, 9" papr rics. A ncesilerpressed a-riculture there is no doubt and book of directions for dlyeing w\ithi paperprice. A ice slverbut what ttis kind of work although de- Diamond Dves; these are sent freei of gold for lOcts. as profitable as anyÇ other. Mr, Yeo is real. vice-president of the District Counicil t and has been often requested to repre- The autograph letters testif ving t An xta lroe ~ toset the District on the County Council. cures made by Ayer's Sarsparilla and O N,- This lhonour np to the present lhe has oter. pr erios reie, o fl a select from. If you can't been cornpelled to decline on the the i. C. Aye' osofie oel come yursel, sen for am-oToulds of hi- business engagements Mass . They. are from ail over the world sen fo sa- not allowingi sufficient time for tihe pur- and are cheerfully shown te anlyone de- plew, stating kind of rooins. pose. A sight of tlie homestes'd and sirous of seeîng tbem. sh * o the farm is quite enoughi to prox e that r the, master'-, e3e is not only competent BORN. Crokinole again lin stock. to discýrn but is often engag-ed in the PuJGH.-lu Bowmaaovilie, April 2Q,the wife ofM management hin-iself. The house its- Rkhard Pngl, Salv ation kirmy Enisignl, of a M self is a large and conx enient building, daugliter. idMa1 ut8 9 tree. Te hgohay , rilsthrughthef Mr. John VanNest, of a daugliter. The Arcade, Town Hall Block te. Telihna u trnh iAPSON. lu Bowrnanville, Aprii 26, the wif e land stretching as it does froîn Gitcott of Mr. w.'n. Tapson, cf a daugliter. on the north to the beantifual valley of CÀAN lu phrasia Grey, Coulity, on April the Torrage on the sonth. The whole 25tb. the wife cf Win. JY. Cai, of a son. southern slope and Torrage valley be- ________________________ ng about as good grass land, we learn, MARRIED as it is possible to find lu North Devon. CLIDIDOI OTO.-At the G'erman Lutheran BOWMýANVILLE, APIIIL 29, 1896. As one înight expect the stock is to the ehurcb, Toi-ente, on ApriI 22nd, by 11ev. Paul __________________________________highest degree excellent and at ail thle Muller, Rupert C. Gliddou, and Therese, eldes-t show as ell s te conty howdaughter of the late R. Otto Esq. local sosa vl sthHonyso -oAR OSueaaE.-At,Por-t Daslington, on The Reforiners and Patrons of North Mr. Yeo is often a 'very successfnl cx- Apriilb-2. by 1ev. C. Parker, Mr. Fraisk A. Hoar Ontario have very sensibly agreed, to hibitor. anC Miss Winnifred, oldest daughier cf Mr. Uie their forces, Dr. Bingham, the i ydecitinoohn am SLn OFIS-Rne l.-A t ae'ahda Libeal anddate wh bytheway-ssa omitted to mention that instead of onWedniesdayApirii22nd,lby Canon DuMoulin.Mr. West Durham boy, and Mr. Brandon, bryad ordoad a at home t'i Herbert If. saunders and Miss Mary Elizabeth the Patron, agreeing to retire infa r alda"cor" hrë;ata t t o r Graham, both cf Toronto. And our past record pa fothmevs C m aryiodrt g p pey of the nominee of a joint convention te tree at Lake Villa kvas su fuît blossomi, ed on before the rush. As this is the ol a eaeavriig hssltoett be held at Beaverton yesterday. Mr. and cuckoo, a bird w e have heard of se * Fer nAlfred-h r fo o. u may be their nnited choice. ioftehe re, tihat lymaes t aear e- Caiver, aged 60 years.ppe Otna -ht Bag n _________ n te pmig ime bs benhead ev- llsreaoý -At Wý-hitby, on April l9th, Thomsas a is on Friday next, May lst, and not to miss it. eral times aiready. This bird cannot Huston, Town Clerk, in lus 71 year. DaF IINGLISH LETTER. be in favor for its industry, as wehave PeLoi, lu Bowmanville, on Snnday Amrll25th learut that it not onîr drives annher Alice Losîsia, beloved wife cf Ensign ichardà"& MIS S COURTICe MEETS SEVEItAL INTER- bird ont of the nest it bas bujît for itself, Pugis, aged 30 years and 2 rnonfhs. tu p % .ulf11dfl'u ESTIEG I'EFSOt,ONAGES AND HIEARS, 5EE5 but the cnckcoo aiway s bas a littie bird ANDT> HINKS sUCsl ABnCu r - ONaîûng t e it, andn neer iau suon >astlegusar 51611 MÂNES RD USOSI WHI it dîsappears iu Jnlv no one knowsmah neamghr sîrsntse utltertm reýllY Best otolShirting, fatcolors, rglr 12- Wht Counterpanes, Hoiley Cornb pattern, regular weeadi otse nith eunof happiness and Friday ilc. 75c, Friday 58c eaeh. SI-ELSENUS TO CANADA FOR DELECTA- of another springS. ceont e nt ut seWieCunteraes in mesheMlbreua TION OP "STATESMAN" IIEADERS'. . is the mother of Colored Cotton Shirting, fast colors, special 5c a yd. WhtConepesFieA rcaMlbegua achl heyer P Reo'atta Shirting, heavy fast colors, regullar 10e $1.25 Frîday 99cecd. - halt h, h pp TurkishBath Towelling, regular l5cFriday 10e ayard. Contînued from last week. Bradworthy, Devon. Lady Day, 1896. reaches the full de- Friday 8e per yd. Pr ie eirTwlio 6mirua Aooth maypastdrvs_____gree cf womanly de. Pr ie olr oeln 6ic, rgur7 win hemn ll entionron es RTY- velopment until she Linen Damnask Tabling, 60 luches wîde, splendid Friday 5c per yd. enjisyed bsre 1 imnionoe xeA P YWiEDDING.ba feit the pleasing ainlyitrýig-t e slZrspnilîeso value, regular 45e Friday 36e per yd. Butehers Linen, 35 inch, heavy, regular 17e Frîday iernew (teqirer)ofaitocaie d uite a prettv edig-asclbrt aternity. Ail this Linen Damask Tabling, 58 inches wide, regular 35e 13e per yd. Wth Wednesdayie) eitoraie4-. eninz insuthe German hgnnnmybe- rge Turkish Bath Tewels worth 15e Friday île. wheeler and with ber on our u'eLtea hmh odsreTrno ardor ma3' he Fia 8 e .1 uhrnCueBi( tet oottnrned ie onisery FahrTeig ethay ot 2 rday we of course were greeted as Only when Miss Therese, eldest tlanghter of ~ ftecidi e Linen Daniask Tabling, 56 luches xide, regular 30e etrTiknbs hay woh2eFi peopleo oeaei hscutv n the late R. Otto, was united in marnag-e - heaîtby child. The 18da 2e per yd. tisose only who have driven aiossg by to Rupert C. Giiddon. cornetist of ýfr. health of the child depends on the health Fsa 4epry.Flaunelette, fine 32 iueh, special 8c per yd en Friday. Tbomnury own nd oer iihi nd sai-Fdem's orchestr'a. Rev. Pauit Tuiler, of the mother, hoth before and after birth,. ley kîsow boxv iuteresting it wold beto t of the chumeis. performed tihe Heredity is strong, and lu s every woman ls M% a- Canadian. Onu this day of là ersosyhTe rdePas Orenedb duty to give hier cblîdren the best possible r f ( winds we proved ftiseadvantage of 1eMiss Clama peeemof eîhinnM. D chnc j G othngtha sh cuîdcl. r n narrow moads with Berhia.dMrtlDe sihly give thencan be as valuable as bealth. Zp~I L II~ narow oad ivth ighandsheitersng Atkinson supperted tise groom, whiie Wealth cannot be enjoyed wîthout health bedges. Ou our way te Bagbeam, one Messrs. A . J. Seyler and A. K. Jensen Nothing cau be enjoyed without health: Good English Prints, fast eolors, speelal 5e pesr yd. Dress Duekings in Na vy and White, Red and White of Mr. F nires farms, we passed by the aeted as ushers. 'The bride was given Health is life. People who are flot bealthy Finle Zephyr Ginghams lu ehecks aud plaids, worth BakadWhite, very heavy, regular 12e summer :-esidence of Squire Gralsaîn, >0asva epr d "Lor of he Mnor. Thegentemanorchecstra sesdered choice slcin out with a robust body and vigorous, virile 12 rdyfr9pey. who owvîs the nsost land in ts aih drn-thecmeusso e f t um health, bas everythinig te be thanskfuil'for White Victoria Lawu, speelal value at our regularFrdyfr9pry. gven this title, and he has tise priviiege ber lbeing a rnarch esnposed- for h ndntig eb ariicf e cno ec Qe Fria7cpe dSws CckMsi frA onpcal4pry. of giving the position of church parsoîs occasion cby the groom. Tise happy eapedtscb a ohild teost ingofrom a wa dy7cpeld ws hc Msl o pos sell4 e d tewhnxis wil.couple were tlic recipieuts of many ealrness and particularly the weakneuss For many years a pohitical question beautiful and costly presesîts, and afteýr that most strengly influences the health of disestablishînent of the Churci of Eng- esideisce of thc bride's motiser, 81 Seat- disese toubthe distisctly fesrni sine or ins.aeCran, ae,3ysiog 5ic land. Tîsere are many questions rela- on street, and ansidst rmany good wish- Aril sch tresas unnr Pecesarit i e Lc utls ae,3ysln,4 uhs Curtaiu Net, taped, very special Friday for 6e a ycl' tive toeheurci polity that are net agmee- s hydpme ntse1.0p u erhdstrsig r iresFvrt able ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' teteedsfassstr tinfo r tetond the 11.e0t. inl. Prescription will cure ail troubles cf this wide, regniar $1,00 Fniday 79e per pr. 'AtMsl ufv atrs special 4e per yd en able t the ind ofa disenter trainfo'r etroi and te wes. Mr.nature. Tisere is ne gssess-work about t'Aibisi nfiepttrs One d ay -%ve dreve ont te visit tic Giiddon's Bowmanville fiends jein lu staternent, and there is ne qualification. Curtain Scrimn, Cream, special 6e per yd ou Fniday. Fniday. quaist lit village of Sentis Wanfomd, congratulations. The "Favorite Prescription"I should be the lte M. Sqire' birispiae, ad __________used promptly and persistently until the __ thelat Mr Sqir's irtplaecadse, trmetreperdecteahansrg h, we are toîd, our father wbien a U SIE sypoaeirldisappa.levr littie bo playinî wt tbs esin on the INSIDE AND O and assista in the healthful and regular per- #-o d s ,~ highway found a gold sovereigu ansd formances of ail the natural fun1ctionsý. leThe we fet 0icgos eua 0,Fi placed ito good account. Cousin xiii "Favorite Prescription"1 shonld be takenLgtTweEfes40 cgodrgar2eF- Corsets a special liue, splendid value at our regular ne dobt remember tic cimumstance. Iutenaliy used Burdock Blood Bitters regnlarly by every weman during ti entire dpie6eFrday 49e per pair Anotier day baving the oppotuîîity I cleanses, purifies and toues cvery erg-an pne r fgenstaino.lu gies srngth te Dark ayw1eer yd. 3 ich goods, regular 15e Fr!- tcouiid net resist tbe temptation of going of thé, svstem Iu ail cases wbeme sores. areddanger of childhirih and inaures the day 12e per yd.. oir-aeshavenlscto,3 pair for in company with Miss Squires te sec a ulcers, biotches, serofuia, etc., -appear health of bhou motber and child. , BakFgrdLsrnwGosjs n eua 0 5 rdy Fox-unters' Meet, at the New lis on the surface an outward application If yen care te know ail about the "Favorite BakFgrdute c od utlrgua 0 5 ndy isear Wsndy Cross, Tlsernbur.y. This exercises wonderf ni curative powem Prescription," anC te rIsC the testimeny of huit- Fridaýy 36e per yd. Ladies' Fine Lawn Haudkerchiefs 7 for 25e Fiuy of curs vuas noter it e noel e te eer he hin ud les, halio- hem dreds ofgrateful wornen, send 31 one-cent starnps ofncturtsec a snan y btof soe 40 or omertely it n hoeveln g a m tecover customs anC mailing ony, and receive wrier o sc acomanyof orn 40or ompetey wthot eenleavingi free a copy of Dr. Pierces Common Sense MeC- 50 ladies and gentiensen on Hackucys, scar. Ilere is a case in point; n ical ACx-ser - ooS pagea, profusely illustrated. EU w with nealy as nxany heunds cw'ned by After having used Burdock Biood t Address, WorIC's Dispensary Medicai Associa- jýBr ïlýa e wae..Ui d a-hee s Squire Brown, son-lu law of Hiou. Mark Bitters for serofula lu tic blood I feel itjcefudwiebr-hs"a*iodi vstrae y kledyviia u riy n Relis. The squime were silk bat, red my duty te make kriowu tic esuits. 11, We will gv a speciai discount off allOur New Sprîng Capesan tic huntsman who always carrnes tic he failed te cure me. I iad'three mun- i Jackets sold on, Friday. We have a very fneasSortment and the are hemn and gees lu front, and anether mcd ning seres on îssy neck wic culd net * DNPi . Lfn re ceat, caiied tic whipperin, foliews after. be healed until I tried B. B. B., whieb very cheap as it is. We have some Jackets that wi .Il go at haif price. Those iounds w'erc beugit a short time ieaied tbem ecompleteiy, leasing tic age for thc sum of £600 and cost as skin and fiesi sound and wboic. muci if not more ycarly te look after As long as 1lilve I shall speak of tic l mt Y îbem. It is quite a sigit te sec ladies virtues of B. B. B. and I feel gratef ulte & a exitsem ent le wmeacrss arauProvidence'IA11Ii Jal at 3e ad 40 a air Fniay iolprfoo25 pe had- nhub arb -for some-wceks, aise beu-exeinei sharpening Lawn Moers Loek and Gu'sit, Iotatoes at 40e per' bush. W e have a splendid variety of Garden Seeds -f al kinds quets of naturai flowcms, gathcmcd fnem h, is prcparcd te sharpen and put in 'Don' t forget the date of our next agiD yF dy M y1 ont of doors, on tic table a11 'tic time, perfect werkiug erder ail machines ou- Speciai Machinery fer haadjtng Bicycle Be- y and primmoses lu abundance. trnstcd te hlm. Machines called for psiring lu ail its branches, anC ail Fine Machin- Yon wili I knew, déan editor, excuse au dliced . Scissors g-round, saws ery. my trcspassing se much on yeur Tain sharpencd and othcr branches pnemptly CYCLISTS.-Have your wheels put in irim De1a-te WXtIn H u e aile space, knewing hew ditferent arc attcndcd te. Thankingvyenfor past or- Dyaalhorotghe prectcaEnmahiniat ti sasn, nsom ndsiit eedr ol oii hr fyu etn Bicycles, Lawn mewers, Sewing machines, the emos, ustos ad sghtslie des wold oliit ashae o yoU cotin Clocks, Typewriters, Rifles, Cuîlery, Locks, frem those at home, and tic more inter- ncd patronage. W. H. WILLIÂAms,Bew. Elsctric Belis, Dental and Surgical Instruments esting te those whe have se often beard manvilie. 174-3w. Safe Locks, Iron, Steel sud Brass work cf ali ef anrd wished te sec tic home of their Boils and pimpies arc due te impure kinds. 1 puarents' hidhood, as w-as tic case witb lo.Rmvhin ysaigts MARKET BUILDINGS, U 1 1 me. blood pure witi Hood's Sarsaparîlla. Bowmanville. %I,"* i IEutr y

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