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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1896, p. 5

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GRAN~D TRUNK RAILWAY. B'OWNIANVILLE STATION. coINGEAai.GOING WS.ST. Expess 5a. r.1 Express _ 5 23 a. M Epes..10 19 . . ocl 8 35 rassnge... 5 s "Passenger.. 2 25 P. M Local.704 p.m.Express.,.. 7 46 STOTT & JURY Town Ticke gets. THE 'J4V AL OPHTHALMOMETER is the name of the instrument im- ported from.Paris, France and now in use at Stott & Jury's for the pur- pose of makîng a thorough examin- ation of the eye. By this wonderful invention the experientciéd optician is able to de- termine tue least defeet in the cur- vation of the coruca of the eye and aithougilithe expeuse of the instru- ment prevents its general use, yet ail leading ocuiists admit tlîat it is the only means of deterrng the extent of the above defeet w1th absolute certainty. Cali1 And See It and !Have Your EyesTested No Charge Whatever. STOTT & JURY, -The Druggists & Opticians. .Anotlîer stock of those Solid Goid Frames just arrived. SPECIAL VALUE. YoR Ara Not A SLAVE to The TOBACCO HABIT. If not try and go without using tob- acco for, say, three weeks and in that way prove your statement. JThe fact is, nine ont of ten who use r tobacco are SLAVES to it, and the sooner they gain the mastery over the habit tire Ietter. UNCLE 8 M TOBPICCO CURE ;4ut1ed people who have used 1c__ ,co coîstantly for 50 ycars and it not oniy destroys ail desire for Tobacco but it builds u p the system, autes the entire body. MONEY RETUIINED if you are flot &tisficd. Stott &Juryq, The Chemnists & Opticians. For, Years-.eý Weý have boin experimenting for the purpose oQi preparing an article possssilg ail the strengthgiving and itiIesh producing properties of Cod Liver Oil but combined with û tler tonies lu such a manner that ~the unpleasant taste of the oul can- inot be noticed. We are now able to offer to the pulfic. s 10 wili buy a very neat holder for -&,ýap, Tooth Brnsh and Nail Brush. Sec them at Stott & Jury's. There was a time when a good spongle 'was an effusive lu-yury, but now Sfott & J ury have some beauties chceap. the only Post Graduate Optician in ehý Couuntry is at Stotf & Jury's-No charge for a caref ni examination of your eyes. Local and Otherwise. MOwiu te the strike among the Manfle akers in Gcrmaîiy our Ladies' Jak-ets anci Capes n'erc nef sent te us as early as usual, fthc lasf shipmenf dici nef arrive f111 lasf Saturday. But n'c are no w showng a flue stocék of fbem anci owng te flicir lafe arrival n'c shal Jobuston & Cryderman. Miss Lille MeLean spent Sunday lu Osban'a. T. N. Riekard bas bargains for yen every day. Have yen scen the beautiful bambeo furuture'at L. Morris'? Miss Ethie Kuigbf is visifing bier sis- ter, Mrs. Stanley, Barrie. Miss Winnifred Beit h is visifing Mrs. W. B. Wallace, Port Hope. Tise Metbodist choir are prcparing for a concert sometimie in June. Mr. W. S.' IVIèKon'an of THE STATES- MAN spent SuLnday lu Pert Hope. Coffces,roasted ounflic prcmiscs,aln'ays fresh andi bcst iunfen'n, at Murdoch's. Wiudon' shades anci cunfain peles lu great variety af L. Morris'. All sizes. Miss Prower n'asgest of Misses Me- Nali, College Hill, Port Hope,last n'eek. Crumb cloths fromn $1.00 up af L. Morris'. Yen have only te see fbcm te bny. Big stock of Parler Suifes atL. Morris' ail nen'est designs. A pleasure te shon' goocis. Caîl. Mn. Robt. Beitb is home from Ottan'a, theHeuse of Cemmous having adjourneci anci been dissolveci. Mn Johin C. Wecks is giving Dr. Hillien's nesidence "Raven's Craig," _a spring ceaf of paint. M1isses Ex-a Trcwn, Ethel Morris and Edith Carseaciden arc the nen' members of the Melhodist choir. Gnaffing, Pruniug anci S r nig donc profcssionally by G. D.letcher anci sens, Bon'manville. Mrs. (Rex-.) R1. D. Fraser assistec in the prognamn of the Weman's Foreign Missionary Society convention belci at Peterbero iast n'eek. Mns. W. L. Keycs bas bouglit the propcrty, ou corner Outario anci King sfs., from Mn. George Stott, andi nill fit for a finst class bakcry. If is admitteci ou ahbhauds thatCoucb, Jobuston & Cryderman baci neyer sncb a superb stock of nen' goocis as they are shen'îng for this spriug. .11ev. J. J. Han", Principal (Ontario Ladies' Coileage,'Whifby. preacheci cd- ucatienal sereions lu the Division St. Mcthodist churcb, Cobeurg Snnday. ,Messrs.Ceuch, Johunston & Cryderman have becu receiving piles of geecis mere direct from British market s. Reaci n'bat fbey say lu tbein nen' aunounemniet on our first piage. Gentlemen lu neeci of a nen' Spning Suit or Ox-er Coaf eau leave their onder n'ith ns anci feel perfectly sure thaf style, fit anci îxorkmanship n'ili be ah- solnteiy correct. Coueb, Jcbnsfon & Crydenanan, - ne of the finest collection of beautiful furnifure te be seen in Bon'maux-ille is at L. Morris', Bounsall's Bloek-x-cry- thng from flic requincînents of fthe finest dran'ng room te h plaincst kitehen. Caîl anci sc. A Lindsay snan bas fallbn hein te a fortune oun'which the intercst n'vill a- nioutte $40,000 per sear. The War- cicr savs tbe name is nof given, because the iucky oee nonld have more frieucis than lbe would fluci coecuent. Wc. leaci the trade lu Carpefs anci have just receix-eci a big shipanent brona John Crossley & Sons ef Hàlifax, Eng- landi. We buy ail carpef s direct froni the makers, andi scîl theni as ceap as any bouse inî Canada. Coucli, Jebustoný & Cryderman. Mn. John Calver, fermerly ef Bon'- maux-ic edci on April 21, at Port Pcrry haci been failing since lastflu from con- susuptieli, but a fatal ending n'as nef anticipateci se soon. lis dauLgbter dci ef ceusumptien but three n'ecks ago, n'hilc a son succumbeci te the saine dis- case last summer. He leaves behinci hlm eule gron'n up sois anci a daugbter but f neive years olci. Tiacre n'as a bain audience af the Royal Tempiars' Hall, Tncsday nigbf af fbe open meeting. Mn. Fre,i C.Jon- ess presideci. Instrumental music n'as furnisheci by Morrison's Orchestra, anci solos by Miss M. Mosetta James anci Miss Nellie Saunders. Mn. T. C.Jen'ell spoke on flie aims andi obieef s cf the or- cicr and Mnr1R. A. Burnis reaci an article on Temperanice. Rex-s. Parker anci Fraser anîd Mrs. S. R1. Mason n'cne askcd tespak but al h tisefln for acidresses n'asp taen by the previeus speakers. Mn, T. E. B. Henry brought deun fthe bouse n'ifh a huanoreus reeltafion wxeli delivereci. Another open meeting n'ill bc belci soon to finish flic program. The death fook .place Sunday at' 50 Carlton. St.,,Torento, ef Mn. iRichard Clarke; quartets by Messrs. H. J. Knigbt, J. S. Goard, T. E. H-igginbot- ham andi A. Connisb; recitatiea bx- Miss, Ethel King; vocal soles by Mis Nehlie Saunders andi Miss Ethel Trebil- cock. The accompanisfs n'crc Misses E. Rundle, M. Grigg andi Ena Trebil- ceck. Rebneshments wxene senveci af the close. ChiIdren CrylQV-r tbe W. C T.' ' Ub. -0o-f iý thi fon. She was a member of the Preshyterian cburcb, Orono, aniff was x-ery hîghly respecteci1)by ail ix-o 1ucix- ber there and here where she lix-ed until about a year ago. Shae, eaves a sorrowing bus- bandi and two small ebildren te mouru flic less of a wifc andi mother wx-o n'as called te ber eternal home so earlvy in life baviug ouly en'oyed four ycars of married life. Pitcher'u Castorta. T. N. Ilickard seils Sterling Silver Tea Spous away down. Murdoch keeps fuil unes of field and garden seecis. S ce advt. Buy your Clover and Timofby seeci fromn Cawker & Tait, Bowmanvillc, T. N. Riekard selîs the very latest styles iu Solid Gold Spectacles and is a flrst-class Optician. Mr. H. C. Windel, B. A., Pontvpool, bas faken his 'M. A. degree at Quêen's Uuiversity, Kingston. T. N. iElkard. seils bigh-class Watcbes for as little moucy as auy oeeil Canada, and guarantees them. A big assortment of Ladies' perfect. fittiug Blouses iu the very newest style at Coucb, Jobuston & Cryderman's. Farmers, get your maacbiuery and implements put lu good order at East EudFouudry, Bowmauville. Seeadvt. New Hats, the latcst productions of tho bcst English and American Makers just receiveci at Couch, i ohnstou & Cry- dermau's. We heartily congratulate our estcem- cd fownsmani, Mr. James Gilfillan, on rcceiving his B. A. degree frorn Qucen's University, Kingston. The insurance companies are ebject- ing te pay the fire les ses ou Demill Col- lege, Oshawa, claiming the building was ever valued hy $2500. Mr. William T. F. Tamblyn, Toronto University, son et Mr. W. W. Tamblyn, Wlîitbv, has won a fellewship in Lattin at Columbhia Uniiversity. Mr.- Fralnk H. Mlason, Secetary of West Durham Conservative Association hies heca appointeci retnrning officer for this ridlng for the Dominion electiens. Read the bran new' Spriug advt. of Cawkcr & Tait. They are doing a rushing business wxith the farmers aund towuspeople. Tbey huy the bcst and seli the eh eapcst. Conch, Jobuston & Cryderman is stili hcadquarters for Dress Geecis, and they arc uow showing what is hcyond ques- tion the most elegant stock of New Dress Material ever secu in town. The Editor of THE STATESMAN is cx- ccedingly interesteci with the first inu stalîment of an article entitîcci "History of Baltimore" lu the Cobourg-Wterld, hy Miss W. Peters, bis former pupiî. Mr. T. Wbale, hutcher for Darch & Reyaiolds, receivcd a severe cut on the left thigh last Monday wbile killino. au animal, making if necessary te VÊave several stitches insertcd in the wound. "Saturday Aftcrnoon" a ncw paper pnbshcd by Mr. Fred. T.Harris, Peter- boro, devoted te social andi personal news, as a very iuteresting journal. If is printed on fine paper with clear type aud niicely illustrated and sheulci be patronized by the seciety-leving citizens of that lively teun and other tewns in the Midland district. The Methodist choir r.ecently lest two of its soprano meaubers lu the persous ef Miss Florence Tillcy and Miss Kate Elliott. Miss Tillev« is taking a course at the ConservatorS' of Music, Toronto, and Miss Elliett bas gene for a prolong- en visit with relatives in New York. Both yenng ladies were active ini Sun- day School and EpWerth League werk and will be missed by these societies as well as by the choir. MIr. D. F. Walsh, the Conservative candidate lu M'est Durham, bas beesi very ili for some time but is ianproving-. If as tlîought bie will ne hein very geood shape fer the comiug campaigu, ani-i if ever a anan nceded al bis streug-th he ,will. He will have a isard time keeping the party in line, as flic very hcst men in tee party are asbamed of the actions of the mn at Ottawa this session-Bow- mauville correspondent Oshawa Reforin- er. Florence Nightingale Lodge of Odd- fellî>ws attendeci service lu the Mcthod- ist cburch Snaaday uîorniug wheu 11ev. Bro. C. Parker, prcached an excellent sernion from the words, "Houer ail men, Love the bretherhood, Fear God, Houer flac King." The church was decorated for the occasion with plants, flowers etc., and a vote of tbanks was passed hy the lodgc te Miss Veal andi Mrs. Pearn for their serviceslin conneet- ion thcrcwifh. Mr. J.S. Potter,theSailors' Missionarv pokýe at St. Paul's prayer meeting on Tbursday eveniug lasf. lis fieldi cx- tends fromn Hamiltou te Moutreal aund lasf season he travelled 9,S30 miles, hoardeci 360 different vessels and came, into contact witli at lcasf 4,000 men on board. The vessels are supplied by the Tract Society tbrough Mr. Petter andc flic friends et the sailors xvifh geod literature. Some fouching- incidents of geod doue were gavein. Miss Effa Glover B-as pieasantlv sur- priseci on Monday eveniug by heiug waited upon at ber home andi presented witlî a purse of rnoney frein flac Board and a fcw embers of the congregatien of the Methodist cburcb, in appreciatton of hier services iu the past as leading soprano ini flac choir. 11ev. C. Parker made the presentatien on bhaîf of appetite is imnroveci, and the ls1o' os phafes are of great senrvice iu puhnonarx- affections anci in wxasting dise ses gen- erally. Maltine, too.îs unique, net euh- for ifs nutritive vaine, but by reason of ils energef le action upon sfarex- feecis. fbron'ing inte circulation a larg'elx- au- mientcd supply of nutrition available for flic replacement of the i-aste. A trial will cenvince ahl of ifs efficacy. Dog lest, sec ad. Mr. Fred. Osbornîe lbt Tuesday mioru- ing- for Winnipeg, Man. A fen' fous of splendid hay for sale. Apply te. M. A. James.- Mr. Sanm Bray, East Whitby, n'as in îtown Friday on bunsinesas. We ivant the addrcss of Mr. H. B. Thoruton, late of Clare, Mich. ued $5 te the Armeujan Fuud. Lord and.Lady Aberdeen ii spend part of the snmmcr in England. Mr. A. J., Saunders, Guardiani office, Toronto, was in fowu ever Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. Manning, Oshawa, wcrc gnests of Mrs. Thos. Creeper, Fr!- day. Mrs. W. Ilaukin of Oshawva was a re- ceanf gucst of ber mother, Mrs. Cbas. Ted. Mr. John J. Tilley, Toronto, was in town Safurday,, ooking net se ixeli as usual. Miss Violet Farron of Toronfto nas guesf of lier sister, Mrs. E. N. Goulci, last wx-ck. Mr. John Flenming rcceived several injuries ou Tuesdax- noruing by heing gored by anu gly con',. Mrs. Trhos.7Bradley of Dundas and Mrs. Veale of Toront o are visiting Mrs. W. Windaft uho is verv i11. Editor James bas been off duty silice XVdnesday last nursing a lamie aria, the result of a bad faîl froin bis bicycle. Mr. R. B. Andrew bas been appoint- ed G encrai Manager of tbc Morris- Field-Rogers Ce., piano manufacturers of Liston'cl. "Little Qucenie, "'the handsomc picture niven as a preminn i wtli the -Family Ileraici aud Weekly Star, is a beautiful gift and is fit te grace fliceixalîs of aîay persou's arlor. Aunual meeting of members of Public Librarv n'ill bc belci ucxf Monday ex-en- ing at 8 o'ciock. Ex-ery menîber bas a vote andi is interesteci in hcing preseaif fu securu flie eleefion of a geod Board. We congratulate Messrs. I. Ceuch, J. P. Berr, J. W. Bunner and C. B. Jeffcry on thieir success af fthe examiaa tiens af Victoria University. Ail have gainec i onors and niake a vcrx credif- able sbowiug in the puhiisbed lists. The Indepenldent Order of Odd Fel- lowxs gave their annual "'At Home" Monday ceniiýinl their locige roem, xvich JWas n'ell filledc and ail scemeci te bc in goci spirits for enjoyg the spien- did program wn'icb cosîsitei ýof- selec- tiens by Morrisou's erchestra, anthems by Trinity clînreli choir, soles by Misses Eta Tait, Lena Hoskin and Mr. James Goard; quartette by Misses Trebitcock anîd James, Messrs Goard anci Higgiu- bothana, speccbes by licvs. Bros. C. Parker andi Dr. 'Marvias, Courtice. During flic evening lilobf nefreshmcîîfs wene serveci te which aIl dianmple jus- tice. Mr. J. B. MIit chel, Noble Grand, ably filicci the chair. Considering the other mieetings :and catertainmeîîts in tow'n there n'as a flrsf- rate audience lu St. Panl's Cuch ou Meonday evening at the lecture on John Knox. The olci fashioneci Psaiui and Paraphrase in wiili the conigregation joinec carried eue far back. The an- tlîem by the choir anci the cnet of Miss McLa'ngbilin andi Mr. H Lascelles Simp- sou wxe.re capitaliy renc>ureci. 1ev. R. Douglas Fraser gave a sketch of an hr'lengtm of Johai Knox as Pniest, Preacher, Galley Slave, Refugcc, Re- former, Pafriot, at Qucen Mary Court, anci of bis iast davs. Ilis influience on Scotland's cburcbi anci people ancioaa the life anci tboughfs of ail EnIglish speaking peoples >the n'onld over n'as ciearlY fraced. Dr. MecLauglilin oc- cupieci thle chair. 'The besi tbiaîg te drink" B -%as thse snbject of a x-es-y interestiug mieetinat a flic Leaguie Monday evening. the Mis- sienary Dept. being lu charge. The prOgraîi n'as openeci by an extract froîu eue of J. B. Gough's thrilling ad- drcss, reaci by Mr. E. Werden in mas- fenly style. A seng "The olci oaken buLeket' n'as plcasingly rendereci by Mr. H. J. Knigbf, the incident n'biçh led te ifs comIpositioni boiliz pireviously relatcd by flhc chairmnan, M_. L. Cour- fice. A short pocm "Sparkiing water" wxas reaci by Miss Irene O. B. Jewell affer n'vhieh Dr. A. S. Tilley in an able dissertation on ;"Wafer cutertaineci the audience wxif h mauy iaterestiîîg facfs. A veny pretfy duet n'as snng by Miss Mosetta James andi Miss G. Ye-Lnng, folloueci by an appropriate reaci ing by Mr. L. T. Cýourtien'hieh closed n'ifb a grand anci fîtfing peroration flae subject for the evening's consideration, Meeting ncxf aigbt in charge of Liter- ary committee. Iu bis disceurse lasf Sabbath moruing lu St. Paul's churcb ounflic text, "I asu set fer the defence of the Gospel," 11ev. B. Douglas Fraser referreci te flac ferni of excitement fhrougb n'bich the country is about te pass lu the general elections. t n'as inevitable tbat there sheulci be excitensent. Great interesfs ucre at stake anci ail truc men andi patriots avere beuîîd te zix e tbcir voice anci vote The following are the officers of the base bail Athieties for the season: Hon. Pres. C. W. McClung; Pres. Aif. Ben- nett; Vice Pres. H. L. Simpson; 2nd Vice Pres. F. C. Pethick; Sec.-Treas. F. A. Burden; Capt. C. Morrison: 'Mgr. C. B. Kent; Manag'ing Corn. Messrs. Kent, Morrison, Burden, andi Bounsail. Any oue wishing to become a member eau do so Ly pay ing the Treasurer 25e A gante is beino' arranged for the 24th of May wîith a 'ýoronto tean. BýOAR F0OR SERVICE-I have for srvice a Ber kshire and anirnported York- sbir*e-\WbiteBoai. Friree1ior two for $1.50. F. AsuSWOarT, lot 28, Co11. 3, Dariingtou, 17 2wý AP .RENTICES )WAN TED .-Sever- .iLlapprecitices 10 iearn drcssrnaking o auited at oncee. nAppiy to MISS ADA WlRross'r DiViSion St. Bowrnanvil le. 18-2w. T>i (iCi LOS5T.--Strayed froin lot 8, i o.5, Drrgooit Suîdav 'tpril 19, a long dairc coUl o or, wbire aud a littie ~ elow.Infrmaionlendiug to is rccrn ery îvil b srnsby rewarded. R. H. COaLAOIr box 101, Bowinanville. If tf. B"RICK HOUSE TO liENT,--Wýith JriE>g one it(,utresland urâonu cg' 3 EE KEEPERS.-1Having mnade ari rangenients with one of the reainb yo facturers of Apiary supplies, I ara na prepnrcd 1Ito0 furnish you swith the latest iimpiros -ernieurts il Bec Mixes C.sections, Foundfations, etc, at low est rates. Priee of Langstrotb Bive rnalle nu)flud iutcd Si. This laino cbeap borne nake bive, bult is dove-tsiled and contaira tb e seif-spacing irnproved 1-offrnan Frarnes. Tbosc interested w, 1 ind it btbcthir adi antage 10 purclia'.e frorn Box 188, Bowrnsnville. 17 3w- F ARM FOR SALE-A first class faîrn of 125 acres or 145 acres situated in the Township of East Wbitby, lac con. lots. 15 ami 16 on the Base Line, about 14 mites from .Osbawa station, 2 miles from Whitbýy sud 60 rods from the sehool bouse. Large roorny buildinga, rnain barre 536ft plety of fruit, sou dcay loarn ai toget1er onseof the best grain farma 011 tbe Lake Sbore, aoIi( îLa and stones. About 10 acres of Tood, 75 acreýs in pasture sud fresb seeded. Trus ea Y; fSeat piuwiig dune. For furtiier pirticulaiîs spiy to A AaŽtîS, Osaas 37tfi BIRD SEED Nore Thau Wasted la money speut ini poor Bird Seed, for l is no' ouiy a waste of rnoney, but it injures your littie songster. If you ivant to bave the cleanest, best sud rnost nutritions Bird Seed lfic re nirkct use oufly BZOOK'S BIRD SEED. In esch 10e 1 li0, pkt. tliere lsa s5c cake of "Bird Treat" o be p)laettbetween tiexx ires of tde cage wbicb sets ikîe s cbiarrn lun restoring tbern to song sud is an absolute necessity totire heaitb sud comt ort of carfaries. Soid by alleading gr-ocerýs, druggiats aud floursud feed men. JowN McMUIIRsY. Grocer, Bowrnanville, A. NICuoLs Fancy Goods Bowmanville, THE. MAISON Cou., iiDWinanillo, NICHiOLSON & BROCK, 81 Coiborue st., Toropt,. 7-1 yr BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Correeted byJ.llleMlurtry eve ry Tue sday FLOUR, P 100 lbs-........ 200to $2 20 WHEAT, Fal, bush..0 00 I 0 75 n WhiteFife .... 0 00 "0 75 Ried 'Il .... 000 0 7.5 1~GOOSE .... 0 00" 0(6. BARLEF, P bush, No. 1 .. 0 00 "045 Il et Il2X.. 000"il0 30 Ifnfi fi 0 00 fi0 K, Il IlTwo rowed O 30 I" O 35 OATS, white te.............O0 00 fi O 24 etMixed le...... ...... 00 0 22 R l .......0 00" 0 4ý BUOKWEAT Il............0O000 O PEAs Blackeye, P bush.. O0 0" 060 i 1Mmey I" 0 00"fi0 60 iSmall, e 0 45"il0 50 iBlueet 0 00"Il0 55 BUTTER, best table, P tb.. O 12 n" O 14 EGos, P doz ............. 000 "0 09 POTATOES, bush ........ 0 0 O10 lied Clover seed ..........4 0" 4 70 Asike &C............. 250" 400 Timothy « .. ...2 00l 2 40 Hay per ton............ 12 00" 14 00 An Attractive H4ome-, is much-easier to be had flow than two or three years agro. Our WALL PAPER.S are nom, 80 Iow in price that, artistie dlesigns and colors are within reach of moderate means. If you are going to decoî'ate your, house or only one 1oom it will pay ,yon to examine our stock. We also have Curtain Poles and Window BOWMVAANV ILLE.' iN/ARRIAGE LICENSES.-Issueci by AL.1 A.J. LocisîEr, Bowrnanville. Oully s209. 47-tf. T-' O YOU WANT AHO EIyeu do JLFapply lo T. BINGRA-M forsanice aolfd brick cottage cbeap sud on easy terma. 51 cf. WIANTED.-Trust-worthv mca andi womnu 1 advocate a popular cause at borne. 140.00 to -1500 nîily, to suitable pan- sons. Address, Drawxet 28,Brauctford. Ont. ][ RESSMIAKING.-I ain prepareci te Lfdo drcssrnskîng iin ail the lateat styles ai homie or xii go ont by the day. 3Suas ALcER I'mNis, Horscy St., Bowrnsuvillc. 16-1w. (1000 PASTUCRAGE for a mumber 'Aof boî-ses sud datte ou, lot 27, cou S, Darling-. ton, for thec corng sepson at reasousblc races. Appl f0 Vi RxAS, ou tbe lreiiises, Ennis- klcor to ALHA YES ta', Prinice Albert. 1853W 1V01K WANTED. -A respectable Wwomau w-sucs work by bbe dayh washiug ixînse clea"1iug , nursing, or aîîy other j Ouse xxork. Apî-ly 10 M. A. JAMES, at STATEKAsXs office. iii 1f. -jTANTED.-Yoýung fon iddle ageci yYmeii of char.it 1r. MUndreda foremoat iai Canxada, sfartcd witb us. About '.14 a xvcck to begin witli. THE. BRALaLEF G(A5»RETSOlX Co. LîTn., Toronto, Ont. B-,RICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE- Ooafota.l bi ceaieteont ecuSt. b1w cuidly Mi. Sclîcî, 7 rooms. kitecîxen, ai sud rof- xKce as rai bnllîl'lno lot for sale. Apy to Mvi A.BuLciELER, wefing. ton St., liox'.aville. 14-cf. J OHN CH-APIý,N. Bownlnîville, deai- t>eriluFruiit anidOrnarniýental Truesof al kiîids. D ~lt 1iti e ae enme. stoe wilbes-i! ,i 1m -tprice ville.9-, EED GRIN.-Sniug-waf, eats k. u sle o cdfrsl.A pure bred Durhaîn Bull is ke01e's--~toS ieo scervice, $i.50 i bre.W .WîaÂs RE SSMAKING -Miss1B. Jing hamn H.îaxing cornletcd a course 0f diiiinsructions ,at the Toronto Dresa Oittiiig ýScbool of the ýwoîrld's Fair Preinium Tajlor\ J tern,"wil be pleas dcc mcccanyoîe xxho ma îeed sucli sevcsat hcr borne ; tbre doors xvesc of the, Methodisi chiirch,Tyrore 16-4w. '1 Reliableq" i Z~ "U/~/.&./J No i'nferior goods, no matter how big the chances to make money. We cannot boast of having been in business fifty years, but few bouses have built up the trade in so short a tulle that we enjoy to-day. We've been persistent in 1ftying the best, and sooner or later you'Il get to know us for the cheapest of fine groceries. Almost every day there are special lines at special prices: Pure Maple Syrup 30e per quart. Fine Lemons, 20e per doz. Fine Oranges, 20e per doz. Plantation Blend Coffee, 35e per pound. Fine Tea for 25e, worth 35c. Choice Cevion Tea for 40c, -worth 50c. Large Box Smoked llerring for 10c, -worth 15e. 4 Tins Canned Corn for 25c,usual,3 for 25c. We buy alkidnds of farm produce and pay cash or tradle. Deal with us, we will1 make it especially worth your wlîile to corne, and keep corning. Cawker&Tt BOWMANVILLE. M-e dele i FneMwnurhIP Wrk of r de-e manr andOWMrAsNVle, ÔNTce.

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