No r2. H. F. Merrigt. SO THOROIJON AS 9 e<.w Sarsa- A YE K > parilla Statement of a Well Know n Doctor "No ether blood, medicine that 1 i ave evr used, aniffI have fried thern ail, is so tloro in b tisaction, and efes~ nn peq'rmIanjent cures as Ayer'sSraarla" lr . F. MERRïLLL, Augta, Me. Admitted e the World's Pair. Aver's ris for liver and bocveîS. 8 owffalviIe [ollldPy AND MAACHINE WORKS. Ail kinds of castings mhanufactured. Al kinds of machinery repaireci. 1,ngine repairing and Mill w ork a Ag'rCIutur-al machînlery and impie- etsof ail kinds repaired and soid. Sugar Ketties made and kept on hand in three sizes. llighest price paid for od iron ia ex- change for castings or points. Points for ail makes of plows kept in stock. Cultivator fcet replated and steeled. Stov e castings made to order. eE - - Saunders & Bros, Porùar's oid .1uîdry, East End. * i4w. Bown anville. The Uniited States Headi Office- In New York City 1?n 1887......5,0,2 ...18.2.10,001,695 lu1894...148,:3 oclAgents' wanted in ail unrepre sented dist'îiits. Addmess R. V. STANLEY, Inispecteî' of -Agenîts,1 j cooins G sud 17, QuebeceBarik 1Buildting Geo. Sbsirfleff, Bowrnanvilie, G;,eerul Agent for Durham. sectals petacles 1 1 î Nomorecomloestock betimeon à1î'alad Torouto titan is kopt 1yT. N. iRikard, Jen-oller and piLa'N omanville. Nýo squ:orr-O.ian la Caniadaj bhan T. -N. Rickard. SOMidGoldI Spectacles a' spoialty. Goods ail nom, 1ne OClI stcckr to1 run off and no moreo chargod for lates styosnl spoctacles, than ýji ,L-o.akinig for old stylos and k brd caliig tliini 'Bar-gaiis." P)o not rmin viour oyosight by %ear iln11 'ast aytliag that is called aBaro-' la. but coic along, to 1Ric- HOUSEJ-IOLD. AN APPIIECIATION. A w oman's room. Its daintineas Proclaius it lera. EaeL quaint mecsý Fragmant witb fieMers; eseh cosy Sei Subtîs xith invitation mcci A rnan's requirements more or leas. It soibes oes like a taint camesa, A Lover's aympatby-contess Yeu Lave net ever seen se, sweet A weman'a room? Rler books and pictures-ali express Rer varied moods. Ah, Low h biss The day that brongbi bher littieftest More near-since, te Le quite eomplet, It needs tLe mastic of Rer dreas- A woman's roons! -Mary Batemnan. CHOICE R-ECIPES. Spaniah saudxx ches.-Cut wvhite ores in stmips tbree ad oas-hait luches Ion an donc inch xvide. Butter sllghtly an spread xvith cottage chese mbxed wit a littie cream. Sait and pepper. Cbieken Patties.-Mince chieken tei fmom. dinner. Add pepper, sait, a littl fleur,- and eream. Stir ever the f im titlitIt ilkens. Lins patty-pans xvi pie poste, fMIi with the mixture an balte.f Salmon witb Egg-S.-Cover e piatte wîth perfect leaves of eurtcd lettace, tL stems for the ceîîter. Pour off tLs ci from a cen et sq-imon; tay the fiah carf fuly in the esntrs of ths piatter, an seasen with sait, pepper sud lemen juief Boit aine eggs Lard, remove the shel and cat each egg la ibrees suces bute i crock; alla sait, pepper and a tablespooni fut of melted butter, oas-hait teaspoonD fut cf mustard and oas tebiespoontu cf vinegar together and peur over thi surs. Place thern aro'und the saimen on the platter, sud serve at once. Th, rgreen bettue, tLe white sud YelOw egg-m and tLe pink salmon, makes this disb ae pieusiag te thLecys as te tLe pelate. Pie.-Take tMG captais ci finely cbopped pineappie (canned wili do), tîvo tablespoonfals et sponge cake erumbs, Lait a cap cf pineapple jule, if tLe eaaned is nsed, otbemxeiae use watem, augar to taste, thrss eggs. Mix together tLepineappie, cmumba, and a good teaspeenfal cf sagar, the juie, and two elet-beaten yolks ot eggs. Lins a pie-diab -witb erust, put in tLe mixture, and cook until tLe pastmy la well dried and hmoxxned. WLisk the wbites et eggs te a stit f froth, add tw-o taLles- poonfuis cf pcwdered augar. When the pie la cooked and wbiie It is stiti bot, cover the top xvith tLe froiL, and replace it in tLe oven for the egg just tb set. MRS. PARLOA'S RULES. To oit a f beor use boiled linseed eitxvith ene-ihird cf tarpantine. TLis aLould Le applied wben the ecoure room la frac froru duat use a wooleu cloib, and eniy a amali part moistened ai once, atways followiag the grain of the wood and rabblng as Lard- as possible. WLen the wcmk La tinishied, the room shonld ho letiË for ten bouma or more. To the cleanlng cf kitchen walts the ,sme raies appiy: As litile water as possible, wushing only a amati spopt ai a trne, antia~a' ruhbing op and dow'n, neyer in a circis. One table- spoontul of Lousehoid ummonia te 'a quart of n sem la a good rais for this cteansing. ,XVoodeu skewers are usetul te kep eut-eftîe way places dlean. Anythiung tha,. eteans brasa or nickel qaiekly la injurioua; whiting and arn- monia, rubbed on tLoroughly, cannot bs imprcved upon for bathiaba, M bile tLe combination et ratienstoeeasd cii is excelle-nt for brasa. bren filinga, rabbcd xvith tLe foot, -are effective in remcving spots from tLe Clean woDdwork and paintcd w-ails wlth a fiennel cloib xvrug out in warm sap-auds, thea wipc absolutely dry wibh anether piece of flannel. Under ne dmr- curnatances use a scmubbing bruab. Clean sink aud LatLiab pipes witb hait a pint etfî.ashing soda, dissclved bu s3ix quarts cf boiling wxater. Carbolie acid in tLe proportion ot four table- spoontf uis te a pint etfxvater, la nscessary for t 1 -nnLe purpose when there is sick- ss ia iLs tamily. SAURKRAUT. AlthougL tLs great majoriy ot peo- pls tilts sauerltmaut yet cornparatively fewx know Lut one metbod et ceoking lb, and that la ta try lu meat trybuga, and send ilte th,- table Lot, gmcssy sud Lard te, xihile in traîb that la îLe poor- est way lunxshich il can Le eooked. Ba-ked Spare Rib and Kraut.-This la always an acceptable dish. Prepare s spare rib for balting, crack the bones îhreugh tLe centre se il will fold, fi11 it with kraut, fold together and bake bu a moderatc oven, addlng hait a plat cm mersetof eiling water with which te baste it trequcntiy. When nearly dons oen îhe rnb sud lititseltraut brown a little. WLea donc, heap the kr&ut in the centre ot a barge plattar, carve the mib sud arrange it on the platter around the, kraut. If the nib iw5 a fat oe; te tLe fat sud liquor left in tLs peu, add a pint of water and xvhen Lt boita siowly stir -a ftabisýaeof ut etfleur thnt tant ln search of employment, for i i sumamer season is the 'busleat one îi these Russian towns. During the warr ,veatlîer fairs ara .held and commerc, is at its height. The men are therefor ssenabled to find wcrk at snch wages tha t bey cao return to their rural homes ii the autumn with a greater storeo ruLles than tbey conld have accumi iated froru tilling the soi]. 'fhe womien are streng and hardy, an, beibg lef t alone titi 'the fields, harves the crops and do other work wbicb or dinarily belongs to masculine husband man. Seme dress in short skirts, but few of tbem, to Êecure greater freedom of movement, put on maie attire, ani the casuai traveiler through the prov ines is una.ble, seein.r tbem at work il the fields, to distinguisb their sex. Il large households the young girls atteni to the ordinary feminine tasks of pre paring mneals, sewinj, butter inakin4 and the like, but tbey are ýgeneral eager te begin the outdoor work of thel id older sisters as soon as tbey are abbe kg The most remarkable feature of thi id -Women's Kingdom," however, is tha hthe goverrnent of the various village, is ntirely n the hands of the sisters t wîres and mothers of the absent men and remains so, in many Ca-",. evel e ufter the men have returnect. EacL towl rebas its "lady Mayoresses," wbo presidi at ail meetings of the village Coun id cil, xvhose mem rs are likeivise 'orn Questions of public interest are debate( ýr and decided upon as in other legisia etive asserublies. and there la ne mort le eal usy and blckerin tb an is ordinar *opoe of men. ý erLaps this Ib alarg,,ely dus to the fact that the montbý e.of outdloor labor give the w-omen stronê Ilnerves. as well as strong bodies, fo a among them it la considered a dîsgrao 1- to indulge bn teara or Lysterics if aay- - ting ýgoes amis.. ,'[Le political and financial condition eof thle "Womien's Kingdom" is as flour- 1ishing as that of any province in the eempire. It is a curions fact tbat in 8most othe rprovinces tbroughout Russia sthere is sabd te be bribery and corruip- lion on every band, and a publie office fis consbdered a legitîmate source lof plunder. But amoeng these wvomen "pur- 1ity in politics" is thbe ruie. The female tax gatherers are neyer guitty of ex- tortion, and the imposts which' the Goverament levies are paid cheerfully sud exactly. PALaIS. A thrifty palm growing in a pot will often add as mach to the decoration of 1a room as a handsorne pies eof fumai- turc. Especîally is, this the case M heu they are large and wide-spreading. Thsey are casly growav and are 'beau- tiful for a corner or bay window or a dinmng room. They sùoulddle plantcd in dca pots, and sheuid be kept free from Tust. This may bc accomplished by frequently wiping the leaves witb a damp cloth. Palais need plenty of wa- ter and shouid ha so placed that they may have the ligbt upon ail tb"br leaves altbough too much sunlight is not de- sirable. MACARONI CAKES. One plot peanut kerneis rolied fine, ons-baif pound sugar, three eggs, but- ter size of a walu ut, eight tablespoon- fuis of flour. Cao drop on greased tins or moll out and euat in round shape and bake. These are very good. Neat muid servants, instead of men, axe now seen ln many of the best houses-. They require iess wages and cost less te keep. and do censiderably more, Se altogeth'ýr, maici servants are Lscoming mors and more popular. The livery, sel tspeak, of a parier maid of the period isaplain, M eli-mada black alpaca geM-f, with tight-fbtting steeves, gatbered slightly only at the top; ne apren, a amaill white square for a cap, witb a black bow; large white linen colars like boy's Eton cellars, and deep white linen euiffs. COURTEQIJS. Alleeoes of fice rate ýe0rge Iligiabokin,, Chier .iittor I Seria. A young lady apendîng a rainy even- ing at the bouse of an cid gentleman, Wanted a cab te, take bler home. Her bost started off te fetch the cab. "Do lct the mabd go," saïd she. "lily dear, tLe majd is aise a woman," w as the grave reply. fThe man Mas the lte George Higin- botham, Chief Justice et Victoria. Ris courteay teward xvomen M as regardless of rak or persenai attractiveness. He would take off bis bat te bis cook, and bow te ber as graciousiy as though she were a duchess. A man wxas trying te lcead a Leav7y draugbt-borse along tbe strset. The animal et used te be led, and tben tbe man made several ineffectuat acîsmpts to menttÉibe refractory creaturs. At that moment the cbie'f justie carne along, seeing the mans difttculty, ex- tended bis hand-as a mnounting- block. The man put bis foot in tbe band and mounted upon tbe Lorse's back. The chief justice passed ou quietly; but te an observer the kindly deed rscalied thL, words of the master: 'Whosoever n iii be chief among yen, lct hlm bc your servant.' Riscourtesy made bis mauners good, but it did net soten bis seuse cf justice. A. YOUN'G LAD'S ESCUE. Confined To His Roorn For More Than a Year. Ait limilcse Suffrer TIrough Pains taï hue Iisi,ýls .oflits Legs aittlÀ riaes-ite- tlneed Allia-est to eI.Ivli&z Sielelon. Frern tLe 'W\oitvilie, N.S., Acaan Mr. T. W. Beckxih la the, proprietor, efthîe Royal Rotel, Wolfvitlc, tLe ;mest important Lostelry in tLe ioxvn. 1He Las a bighi haudeere looking sen, 13 years et uge, narned Freddiee, who La a lad of more Cbhan averages inteili- 1 gence. It la pretty xveil kuowu La Wolf- vitie iLat Fmeddbe nndemwent a very severe itiness, though perhapa the mneans Lte whicLh le Mwes Lis recovexy is flot se generatiy knoxxn and a siate- meut oethîe case nsay Le îLhe means ot bhelping sorne other safferer. Ou the 26th cf December, 1893,Freddie was îak- on fiiisud was confiued to bis oom and bis Led untit March, 1894. TMo differ- cnÉ physiemans xere eailed Lan during is long iltocass. Oas saidlLe Liad ta grippe andtÉhe otbcr that bis trouble was rheu- matie fever. Re xxas troubled wlîL sev- erepains Lbrough thLle muscles of hi$ 'legs and urmns, after tbrea or f\our days fwas obliged Lte take te Led, wbcre be lay nearly ail wintcr, suffcring terribly f rom the pains. He Lecame reduced ai- mosite a skcleton and was nnable te retisb food of any kind. Durin g bis ill- nesLe suffcredt relapse o-wieg bt try- ing Lü get np sooner than Le ýsbould. Ecylike he was anxins hb" pet eut and eujoy the beautiful spmlng s8unabine and for several days nuvs carricd out and taken for a drive. This brougbt en the relapse. The docior Mas again called la and as Le continued te grrnv wor'oe Le was ordered once more te bcd. Tbiags then loeked very dark as despîte the medical cars Le did net get any better. At last Lis faiber de- cid teý try Dr. Willianss' Pink Pilla. Scen af ter beginigtbeir use Freddie began te feel better. Ris appetite le- gan te retuma and the peins n eme les severe., As Leceontinued the use et the Pinkc Pilla Le regained bealtb aud strength rapidly. and la about a month va s apparently as M'eu as ever, the enly remaining symptom ot Lis trying ili- nesa bcbng a siight pain ini tLe ieg, wbicb dbd net disappear for several meonths., IL is ovcerone and a baîf y eoms cge ainS Frsddie took Lis iast pilt, and lu that lims- eLe as not Lad a recurrence cf th-- attack. There is ne doubt that Dr. W illiamus' Pink Pilla cured hlm, and bdcth the boy and bis parents Speak -nigbly in their praise. Dr. Wiliiams' Pinli Pilla are the pcedical marvel of the cge. In hua- dreds ocf cases tbey bave cured after al ether me-dic-ines Lad taiied. TLey. are a Positive Cure for nlt troubles arising, frein a vitiated condition cf tLe bl.od or a shattered nervous system. Sold by ail dealers or by mail, trom Dr. Williams' Medicine CempnyBeock- ville, Ont., at 50 cenits abox, r si boxes for $2.50- Ibere are numereus imitations and substitutions against wbich the public b' smmatined. A PERTINENT QUESTION. Mamma, said Jack, may I go. out te play? No, ou Most Sit stili where yenuare. Pause. Ma, can't 1 go eown n tLe kitcheci? You May net. 1 want yeu te ait per- teutly quiet. Anether pause. -Mamma, mayn't I sit on tLe floor and play marbles? Nomy dear boy. I Lave tolîl you lcetat I nunt you te sit jmat nhere yeu are and be quiet, and I mean exaoctiv %abat J Say. Ibird pause. Ma, may 1 grow. Michael Adamas, lM. P. for Nothumber landi, N. B., is Another Who Ra Used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder and Been Uured IL dos not seecm te matter wbcre oe looks for good resuits froce tbat won- deiful madi, bac, Dr. Agaew's CatarrLal Powder, tLý-y are te b., found. Every ou, lu Lis own province, and every mcci- ber cf th2 Commons kuows Michael Adims, tL' pepular mamber for North- umberland, N.B. WLan Le says te tLe xxe'td, as La Las donc over bis 0w sg nature, îiiat AngcM's Catarrhal Pow- dem is productive cf moatsLLstLisfactory iesulta for ecolt ia th. Laid ad iLer catarrbal troublms, thay knew à meansJ mnueb. TLe medicins is oesposscssed cf peculiar vimîues and neyer faits te effect a cure. One sLort putt cf the breath tbrough the Btowem supplied witb each LottOs cf Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal PoM-der dif- f uses tbis pewder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painleas and de- lightfalut t use, il retieves la ten min- uts, and permanety cures catarrb, bay fever, colda, beadeche, sors ihroat, ONE .GOOD Il RN, ETC. Mr. Rsse ' glad wc sent Miss Fliptop i Lat baudsýons caster, even if ht did casi IL' prie et a hans. We're te Lave the' finest kînd et starts at tbe l- ehurc, MaiaL-rservd, b. Mit aRyaSeed-WLLo told yen.? tsiit LaS on the .l'urdi 'R.S.V.P.' Thart must mean res'rved Oats for intaiL13le presin ts. CUTTING UP AN ESTATE. S tX E» 1111,R LITE. During the spring or early summeî between 3,000 sud 4,C00 ac-res ofthîe %What One Bottle et Dr. Agnel Ceýunteset Warxx ck's Essexesetais xviii for the Heurt flxd fer fvrm. 0 Lu- put, for sale by auction. TLs vast lier, cf Whitewoed. N. W. T. Wroertw i hicue Newenbam Onty those who Lave se suffet RalFroIn uieh,- ara' three eofthe tLe dlatressing feelings that fc tamous Litts or barriows knewn as Harýt- affection eftheLs eari. Let( iex His wbere numerous antiquitis ,Ls -sua1 - tdssak- su t Lave been fouund, will be aubnired as J.em.dy wicbxv Wiiicue. Sa 1 ard's Oical Parlor and have youir A PETTICOAT GOVERN. "Foarol. Buaîtiain Letn- .I.1lllee t iweodch MET ency ettof nethe he v, \endor Las Ft er mailtons Inwach o eyesighi seietifieally osedand A veritable ltta State,inhebited and agreed, if net sccatlt Lv it put wt er alr;i atIe yuoysproperly -fitted miii a governed almoat entirely by -womsn cx- up immediately a.tterw-ard iin lots ar- sleep cm lie dewn for tear et anti( 1 is~bts la the Province et Smolensk, in ranged, as tar as ]po-ssible, se thatitîLe Ï tried ail the dociers in this lnoderulpýi1 of Spectacles ai a price Wl CnrlR l aot enants will bave an oppetuniiy et et country, but they failed te pairnCnra usi.Iti aotaequiring the tresboid cf their hold- relief. A local druggisl mcci as) bm a th loweost. fifteen verste, or ten miles, square, and'ig.aLtietD.Au'sCr Hiern; I tried it, and withbthL contai ns a large number cf pepulous Boring fer naturel gas was begun lu that 1 immedieteiy secared case IA~KIU M K J~ ilages,, and the region î- one efthîe îeLart of the eitY cf 8Sacramenie, did flot know h'etore, sud atter Waihmker Jn eer& h tat ar cfRusieitis eled Letai of 812O000Las heen ffmdtecarry bis altogetela.--lfi me. ThLs In thaILLpart ofu'suKiigd , i baca heml on the work, and it expecta teIo make a -knowing Low ,-serions was my cet 'vý7men' Kindom, themalegreat deal cf meney su1pp1yinthL city ibis remady s,î_ýved my lite. We oîla $5.0 SeingMacinepopulation, aimoat te a manr, emigrate~s witb naturel gis. There a been quite en ase cshsp i2e to Moacow' om untral gsVa otn n b h 'sLara rm r * ~ hiIdren Crýy forPihesCatra s'a Cure cd know îo-w an fl eftheL ys aIrs. N.W.T.: ettlicted ýuld net Efocation. ssection give me nmended for the e rosait se that I ýtaking Lhe troul- tact ta, indibion, ever thIl --Ster ne. Is not that terrible, ex- hianstingy, temiper destî'oy- in.) experience when you use Soap and SAVONA WAsH ]I;G POWDEr-R.Don't worry a îui perspire whien yoti can boll> it, Try a bar of I.clipse Smap anîd a packc- age of' >avona Waslîing lie nder, JOHN TAYLOR & CO., Manufacturers. Honestly imadee of pure Rubber. Thin, Light, lu iEMastic, Stylish, SModelled each Durable. Iyear to) fit ail the iatest shoe shapes. Extra thick bail and heel. L Sold everywhere. They Wear like Iron. East EndI Grain Depot The nndersigned desire to t1iaril the farmers of West Durhamn foir the liberal natronage extendhid to us during the past season, aiso to rernind thene that wc are stili -in the market and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FI11 ALI KINOS 0F COeARS1-jE GRAIN & SEEDS delîvered at our storehouse cor. '-'nga and George streetss., or at Port Dariington. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse SaIt ia Bars. -Roýýk Sit for cattle and horses, and Fres'h Giound Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are pi epared to seli a II~LA~P Ail kinds of Lumaber, Wood and DRY CLEA.N SCREENED) COAL a'ways in stock. We invite inspection, and. guarantee .s*atisfaction. MC LErL L A N;& C tVi be Ieased onâce jet Quantity, twîce iQmiality, aild ttrcee thules jet Pl-ce Who ijspeet tErne lineqiwaaled #*scortm-teilnt ot Sli*ppers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &o., At ou.r Stolre, s AVE ktIIL9CK,-ffl Bowarnma,îviIIa BIGGEST STORE, BIGGKEST VARI ETY, BIGGEST VALUE. E~erLod iaîitid lbclii :ud se ur aîeiv 9Coatwe.àr D -IAI S TRE S811IE MAN Furniture and-- House urnishingys. Our lino comprises everything found in a first class furniture ware- rooml, and belioving it only doing justice to our business and that our dustomors may benefit by it,we have added more varieties to our. already large linos, and our pricos calînot Le beat. We buy as low as the lowest and arc satisficd with si-nail profits, and you will becCo ,nvinced of the saine when you have soon our goods and exaimined our prices. Parlor Suites, S;ideîoardý, Bcd iRoom Suites 1 allNiks, Extension Tables 'Cent re Ta i)ols, Lonoes, Matti osses, Secretais, Chairs of every cleseritîori Window Shiades, curtaini Polos,' Mirror Glass, Picture and Room Mouidings wviîl many other linos you will flnd in great vattv amy.i flat ail pricos at our si!ore. Give uis a ea-Ilwlïen wantiganythin., ln our lino and sec how weii vo Cali suit you. Special attention given te hsdpatct BOWMANVILLE. LI 'dl (>~B I s i 0-A-SIE3E-,