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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1896, p. 6

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- I El D' I SD "' Are ug lb' ErglisbrJ -ats o do friaw e tirl ?lrtemusc uîllc- ly kuicn - [Ks.Ž Yçe, \illiar cri tiie autcr cof -Th,- IarÈhly Paraclisi." e' iead'n ~ ' Ildietr'u.b' INuo, n' j, btter oualified co re"uunt O ti aa",-ra.' f tc' iyexuth' rec'nt hiecoa'y of eecialismn . j iea.Nae-c. tio elîi-'iPieres (r'ýat Brita-je or' te mdi ' tb th-prasent r e La b ;nhownuîuc'ro, and pruispective relations of th2' move- raent tuearl th2 principal political par'tes. lu the current numbcr of thec Il idaceyerî~ATc's I-T ilL~va For um h-3gi ce3us soeleinformation ai e5aî -Iair 'clpnn uia on rhcs" _points. aiA prevent iii"i~vn o ut st'Y CiiaO re i d-,,e-i fte t"'weis u tiunquestioiiably true, as Mr. E ýeu if they, l ue Morris observes, that the attitude of _j ~British workingnis"n to-vsrd ee scialism h-as aliiered nmaterially during the lasi twelve years. As ou" Trade Union con- cho ufer trh u i.rviî onîianr gre'-s bas followeâ another, avows,-d So- nutfortunately the1rgc'-i'es[rdes nct enîd cialisîs have cormnndeâ, mora and mure 'irand thosil oo eceri ,ry hem viliCd iiîseittepiivalîale nsrnnywsytlat atc'iu, antd there has beau a larger the-y l te will liot te 1, withiout tiseïa. infusion of soialist:ic ideas ini tie resu- .ijut after all SiceaPd J-ey utions adopted. In the last iradi' Un onugress but oe, th-' Socialiste were complet"ly in5 the ascendant; aud le the bane fof 0many livea that here lu. viere aithougli at uhe latest meeting they M aý 11alze our great boaat. Our pills cure it seemead te have lest ground, Mr. Melr- wUe ails other oflo. [Mir f'U rEtvaPLu r evasl ris would undoubtedly contendt hathîes a -dvrY eDsy terel e or tivo pins i a1e re-actic1în was en-ly temporary. The a doeTbey are trictly vegetabie L, Y iie rpre buit by theýir gerla ai g"neral elec tiecif lusi yeur, by which 'i lc' alwh setein. filn-, als at 20 C'i'. " Inionists ;eletained an everwhelm- sold e o 1Siieeyle-or sent by ui coeur r. IdîîIOIX 0., rm ors . ng najcrity lu ch"elloueof cf Cmrns, ~~ n'as lis'lf influencud, i his opinion, flot ~'n I~iILIi ~~A only by oait ient 1 o e laP- - ect1 but aise by a violent reaction rnuu 'g ainsitfla suoclalislicteudencles which BLY[B J~ BJLMS Fforj s ome time hati shown tbemselaves ini ctual Gor proeosci legislatiott. storu-~. Leel"attnodcei -lî-r- CAL lINAi lt XciiIc, id iuarvelou'., The ictery oet th Tnisssi is îut E.eve itiicîîan acrs fi25.9per acet dos-n by MX. _Morris te a scrug nll Nîi' hs uurtret a res 812.1 ') oeil 'fweinry- ivý huaulred a-re, $l1.iocpr etro*e£ ail thaýt is reacrieuary againet every- ,iixtceîîluJ, 5r.5350p-ce Tweivc tising thut s'ýems progressive to the re- lrndtir' a ce seven liunadred acre-, Six hond cd -acre.s, lured hu'îdrtd and tu-cary actionisis. In ois'r nerds there n'as ace.Any otlier qiaiiy dowri ite tee and te, h", thinke, an instinct amnougithu a-'es.O-ae~.Ora ges, Neetaiu ', Fig, Lemei, Auc ntiGripe, andI ail othcr frulits reactionists that the So'-ialisis have been gi'own L0in tCsuitLy where 1i ading the Litserais aud are tise real SU)IH1ER REIGN S lJUPIIEiE enemii's. This may Lie a correct Wrfte for p-rrîcuars. explanation oftch-e outeeme cf tise elec- -t , tien, regarded ne a whola, but it lu. baril K E. KELEY, t aceount for srmî-' ef the incident s K. E. ELLEY, uponib is thcory. Fer instance, M r. WILLOWS, CAL. Asquiths, nho nmercg ch' memlers of uqfltj Lord Rolsebery's Cabinet nus disposeti Vou r Teetnezti e ot ua0 fb"-rth luna uscialis'ic direction Pc-car ve ihemi 'TL..f than any of bis colleagues, n as electeti, Clia 'hinm! 'g-R E A while the eld-fashioa"d Liserai, Sir Wil-' B3cauItUy ces! CM 0 R 0 Alians Harcourt, uva beaten. iDefeateti, <ii Dug«as. THEý- PERFECT aise, was Mr-. John Morley, whc is an ýLi1 TOOTrI PCQWDEF outspoken and inflexible individiulist. Thon again, tise ilaud districts nere FOR TWENTY-SIX YEAES. trlumphantly carrieti by the frieuda ef Mr. Chanmberlinl, wisen lti-age pen-' sien sce"rsn euthsng if not seeltlistie. Sil, it ma y Le that the extraordin- ary proportions ofthlb Unionia3ts' succes Rvers due lu a censiderable degres te a îid"spread defer minaticen te admiifer a check toe3se lais. The practi"-al poli- tieran wtll noes withi 4- lie. Mr- THEC~K~BES FRIEND ris's admission tisai suci a'ciseck can LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. ainnys b", aduinistereti by teopn - cus of the doctrines of Karl Marx, for' ONTARI B.A.K ùtis reason that tltere le uo such thing ONTA IO ANK as a Seciailst party ini Englanst. Social- continues te do a, Generai Baniîng Business ism bhas eeasad, indeeti, te lie mgrely a Bewi anvîlle Agency. sect, but it hue net acquired erganiza- D>E P SITS tien. It le an opinion raîher tisan a Ite. îve5ta'in avings Bank D1epartment and on party. Mr-. Morris believes that tise oeiaatitAcrestallowed ateurrent rates Nofi'bacsetoraiea eiie notice of witisdrawal flesaaiy. .4.11depositsfn- a cm oognieadfnt va&tle on deniand, So'ialisl pnrty, theugis ha je net se eau- EXCHANGE guina as te expeci i'e to eh'come prepend- B nul tsndFoid and IraftssuedupolEropO erant ait the ballot box lu the ueare fu- UnitcdStateaand Ganada,alsotiold,Silvetftnd ture. He feresees tisaitishe Whigs, olti- Uniied Statas Gree'ubacksboueiht and 8old. fashiou'd Liserais, and Tories wnul coal- 1COLLECTFIONS es3to, oppose il, anti that soma cf the Pr irtîhi carie au cureliz raies ceea ail pic-t Radicale vulîl 1jjin tises. NeveWrfiselessl, of Gririîrai'i. 0e ini'tid States anc l ie h la' olde tbust k eau ne lenger figure, las Due ruien oeiCnada. Tele, rph Frýiiserï a mars' tait of tise Gladetonian party, TelegapliIl'lI1l~l4 ashicS is accus'.d oet uing fisc Soialiste Made for large or sniil ii'ns oni tii p cc-t et for its eauý, purpeses, andi cf tisrowing CaI Thlo is h Cc iaX lv 1ait grec'. t) l'ivraie tcneiul n Verso.-u1 i v ingr i aiin 1tu ,)",u0uleli rdi'N'aT 0r à Ve Su, hiovrweitcnnetlca. îtinakes ithe tuuodi seau bie ,auon 'aa'.tisaà place cf paynet. Othe' p rtitlar cal a~ ii- un, ' Li" Letuttewhich a general alec- Fo. L tXttIl, U100. bii,, Lion le influenced in uSpain by cerrup- Accouufunf. lae,~ar. lieu aud intimidation may be iuferreti f romntis' fact tisai since tise souaycby ,vas re-.establisbu'îi under Alfenso XII., Scientifilo Arneric0 a n tise partyu in power lias n"-ver baee beat- Agency for en ai th" ballot tex. , S"ner Canevas diel Castillo, lis" leader efthtie Conserva- Lives, or Semeor Sa,gasia, the lieau e it Iba so-calleti Lilierais, mighi uow and thon lie for el-1tot resigla iy a isestile cainofe factions iutise Chas- %;AVEATB* be7e Deputies, but naither of tissu TaDE MARK@, his ever failedti t appeal successfully tise eltietinlsd been inageti, lie iais mOStViT R 8Il.c-e itaaadPu, h"I. baiu"ti uotbing cf tbe sert. Oui of l'Of cf omrer, Tarai atuae5and Icueguiariy sne31 r osra cinri ~_Ï a"ïlsae asd yBd]lo n Stered 431 I ptir, es e 33 ae Co ev- larg boe, t. o 1 2--'. The1ri. lua ives,.including 30 freni Cuba, wisereise 1- e1 Ci 1-Ce.,Bo-eie OuaPltrlsn ~Y efernaiste anti Autonomisîs, tise culy TceLBY' Ong, P rcLoElita cureolvtrsta. resideuis o et istlauti, outeide ef tise ai M-ad>il, Baceloaa, and ticier large- contres ot population. If Zorilla waere stili clive, ise woulti undouistetly rs cegnize, thal tise opporcuni y et tise Repniblie'ans Lad corne, for, since ai- st lis'. nhole cf fise Spànisis acmy lias beau sent ce Cuba, fthe Monarca- is eaune looluger rely upea t inl- stc-ruent of riepreesion. The n iole ase- p'ci cf us'. Cuiaquestion xaay iso cisangeti et any bouc- ly a revolutien iu Spain. Il le saiti tisaI tis" isogcaphy et Ag- a asiz n'ioh has jit b'.en issue i l is e firt sîsn-' Sic deafis. Il oua-bt le te reati. Agassiz dessîives caretul slutiy jnoý, oily ie cau-s- of hie greaf acisieve- meute l-»-ion"but isecaus'. ha eas ihe saaw-cisnto)nish>dti us"laitoerhait etf tise njncee"îh century isy teiling il, whb'nof-cI a large saunate exhibît Sîms'.lf as Li public lecturer, tisai Se Isut 'no lmate make nsoney." The latter naîtetofth-ise nneleenitiscent uc- bas made molure ns'uey than easy otber halt conLuxy sinigtory. Ifle snut a recrd ti b' ashanset of, foc- th ise oaney e-as matie as aresult et unprcedenteti uchiesecoe l fis"theuse oethtie higiser it"l'c-uU '.l f-ellies. Neyer befoeehue se sncb been croate-J, virtually eut of' nothing, lunlis-' saur" Iciagrisoc aise. Tise hlai century lias been un- prcsein el a in tsrichses because iL bas b"en upse -edeuteti in tise use et brair s te c-e ace tSeas But al ibis homame possible becauso mon liSe Agassiz Isat -nots te maSs mcney." Huadretis et tiosonu s ave noe matie annually n extending tise use et eiectrcity te -',s 'ou incenveeience anti muke lite uns- er in manifldt ways. But tor many yeuc-s hefore tis beac e possible mon like Agasseiz, close sfudents, "usere ex-- perniîcters" -aviseexpected ino e enarti cxcept tisesatisfaction et nons,hiît slrugig-leti frDo ou'failuno te anet hon bc-luging flîsanclal sucee nearer ai tise cecI t oftiei ceeu tiîsappointmear anti poc"rly. fIats eff to tise men n io have i-nq lime te maSs mcney !" They move th-,' avecl! Tisecuser tisai King Menelek is n"- gettiug eitis lie derviches for an al- liance against tise hiJies may lie dis- msss'ti as gr9Wntless.. Tisons is cause foc- au alliance lu tisoir consson Sos- rllicy te tisa Italians, andtihie avonel perpese et Englaudt t assiel Il-aly by mens oet Us" Kilo expedilion,,nisichis l f bus diceoleti agaluet bols Abyssinians anti Matihisîs. Baultishe foc-mer are nominally Christian andthie latter fan- atical MVoslemas; tisey are separaleti by race hatret mec-e bitter tisfan t aisicis dinides tise Rucsan from fthe Inria, anti iy fli, tradition ot getieratceus et n ucfac-o svich make eue a hlI tigister -anti f5othe ýhr aarriers cf tisedsn cnd us-' plain. Besitietise victoc-v' be-1 foc-e Ationa. andth ie reOnest oet Italy hareongS an cnvey ce siafe ble terme et peace, must go tan te couvuace Mens- lek tisaItise--couquest fhi., dominions le bLýyonl tise Italian peacenr, anti se te dimînis tise p:'abily tisaI hisl see-king an alliance. Nevertlîcless, tie tact tisatitil ias baen deemeti probabîle le irsignificaiat ofthtie change n 'biis i goiug on nu tise condtions oet crc-tre britaeen lise wisite andtihis danracrýes, tise latter rapitiui lesc-nIug upo-in bat success depentis, anti as napidly inereas- ing thi i capaclry toc- tefeuce. The bInek, broavu anti yolloes races have al- avays b'.en ready eneaigiste tigisî, sud ch in nacural capaeity fer n arfane Le but lichle less iSsu tisatet tise n lites; but th' assumaptien bas cm ays bieen tise other aay, tsar roloroti men, esien tacing n hites, have ne powver cf succees- f ni reýsistati 'e. Thons le ne valiti'oasis fer tise ussumpion. for il is ouly eeiris- in cia- lat 150 years tsar fise sîbtcO race has matie asti permanent headeý-a ay againsi lb'etiairk race, tiespite aiscest constant effort, ant ilis preseut ratin- luge t' isa"uene. se mauchisto ue. ligbsiug qualities, as te btter orgaa- izaf ion anti aeapens. Thb' pDoe.en etiaïp c-li ene was inok- "n isy biseS anti brsîs narina, iso lacer on, so nI--l-y crusis-ti on- tii-a 1icked soldi"rs of Europe in tbe long cean et tise Crosades tsart es, pe-rsasOWa oven enensber tisaIthSe nýiieS atone tims" i-lti anti butiredutie t te viliza- lieu a v'ry lac-g' par. t f rs sentis oc-n andt soutbensf"ern Metiterranean coas.i. ',thiu compara'ivLly a c-uc yeans, Euglanti ias licou dniven ont et Afghanistan anti Sas navreowiy escap'd d'.eat in India, n 511' Franco bas non aud Soldeý Algeria enly isy an enernanua expentiitre et men, anti even yet -e-- gards era Ietnnre a ne tieene. Tise tac-t is tiant, given a littbe beller organ- ization anti arm-am"ut, or an efficient lead"er,fise derk mian bsecemes fthe equal ofet ta"nhite lunavecfac-e, ant ilIt equire tise rseasil, tiese am" use eosf le andtihfassas" attentien te uo " u defeat hLmn. If proat cff Ibis nec- aanc- Tise statj"c-ent tisaI Russia wsiii haras atter L"ati in lise negotiations wiiis Great Bricain grdaxing ont et us" Soint- danu expetiltion tende te cent irms beliat tisalise recent resiguacion et 'M. Ber- fiselot na ue titi" te se zar's dissaf je- faction ailhis ecesaduel of foreign quaistions. M. Berthselot le a chemisti n'iso nas appointeti minister etfereigu affaire in tise Bourge.ois miuistry, anti as sindiseceelenougis ais 'a the Nule expeditien cure aununc"d to permit a communicaqtion le app'ac- u ischParis non Vspsap'-s statlug risat lie isati narn- e61 lis"Britîis u miassador f bat ils adi- vance wouli entait grave ceuscqueeci- es. -Neotioubc ibis avaaswbat tise Frencis p'ýopl' ivishisei t oulti do; but as fise ane'of utet "Triple Alliance, ote isee-i pîcticou matie any active cesslance u;neeL ce, M. B'-nchelet -nas ssci only ob-1i ligei te repu-liste the osarain but le make sucS au e'rpiaaation ol Franch policy in the eail'n.Sas uld i tend to rolioeve raiher tIm Increaase lis tension. Tlb" effeci n'as, nos erthcelles, tlo' o te tc-enGreat Britalu closr.'c-te ch-' Triple Alliance', andti c brlug dosant on M. Be.rthelot tise a'agry criticiearcof lis' FrencS pe-ople, -nho tavorei tise moe"a"ctiv e treacuneni" et Great Brit.-É sîn, anti aiea te irricate tise-, czar, svio easquicl cu p-c-c-ec c hat Russia, as Fc-asco'sally, nati iecad, aintu a p'fîty qaarrel tressa î icS nioliacî,g could i lie g0a nci. lIe I"1 obligedti tejoin Franc" lu voclung ag-aluet a grant toc- the lexpaditieýn fcom tise Lgypthrc- sercve fend, loit n-as provoketi at beiagj vliisly toc-ced jue to isy Franc", anti at a fis", teo, aehen is" aas askitig eb" goverumns ofset is norldti teliapc-csait cf hie corouation la Jun',. Accordingý ly, repres"ntntions to fiais offet eeere mai-', in Parle, anti M. Berriselot esas foc-ced ce rosigu, AM. Bourgeois Sluaself b'akirg bis portfolio; anti altiseiugis tie o-cxpleuatio'nt lise latter matie of tise afi- fair avas nof us" real oeue.,fthe deputies, feeling tisai Russia muet not Le offeuti- eti, put ne emtsa-rasing qucasties. Mereever, approval et bis statement et Frenci-shpolicy n itis respect ce Egy pt eviicis nus quite as tameý as tisaicf M. Berthelot anti shed neotien ligiIË cu lias situation, n a carriel in f le ChasSer by aiseavy majoricy, tise Seu- aIe, isonever, rejeetiug ih by a vota practicaliy oeeoftlacis et cenfidence, n'hich M. B3oùrgeois ignoreti in vieav et tise confidence expreeseti by tise pepular Houes. Tise incident is acotiser evi- deace Ibal iRussia le ant iuitenis teolbe lise dominant facter in tise alliancewsish France, tisaI she vvill leati, net follon', anti tSartisa causes wisich bluti Franco te iser are se slrong anti permanent tisaI noe odinac-y grievance wili break up tiseuit-n. Tise reaso)n is net tac- te ceeu, Russia, alîhesugis a gainer ia many aaaye by Fren'ch support, isaving tise less le gain cf the taS, for uaeiag te ber ex- tout, iolation anti iuge acr-my, scisf lu n danger et invasien or dismesn- bec-meut, anti se astis France oely te facilitaIs ftha execuition oetlber policy. On tise other baud, France le vuluer- able te alfacis ber people remember tise German invasion et 1871, anti fear lest esGe day il may lie repeatet ýi avla etîli averse resulte, -avant te racoven iseir lest Provinces nuti teoiti da great piacs i n li'heriti, andt lebc secure nusef have I fias Protection et Russia. lanfiais situa_ tion, Russai natuur.uuly feels tisatin lu l sesrieus undertakiage tise leat sisoniti be bers, a feeling iscreasati by tise tact that hec- stacesm'n are couservative ant i monarchisl, and sal s regard tise present gevec-ning imen et Francs anti thoir tiîpiomacy n ichis eeiing efthtie con- temiat'eshicis assureti position -anti ex- perience clavaysSas foc-tise upsiart anti novice. Ifle is e oehstory-iha -ber- c-oaa or j alwuresec-v auLtoltise icuiar. EUROPEAN LIBRARIES. Austria possocsses more liiraries anti boeoks tissu eny othec-countr-y lu Eu-- roeu'. Il isas 577 ic-uc-les hati 6.475,- 743 i -ocis, beasites uanusripîs. Next coin:s Frc-cte. citis500 lifanaries, 4,538,- i0- 1 sois anti 135,800 munuseripte; Ifaly, au nb 495 librari"s, 4,339,281 bsooks anti 3-50,570 niaanuscrip'is; Gec-mauy, wilis 398 lilhrarie, 2,140,250 books anti 59,000 mani- uscripte; Engiani, ci iri 200 libraries, 2,- 871,491 ibtoks anti 26,000 manascripte; Ba- verra , ailtis169 libraries. 1,368,500 books anti 23,0110 uanuscripte; Russia, Nai us145 9 iî-gi',152,0','0 boos eandI 26,i00 menu-- Tise largeet national library is lu quick-firîngiguns svould be on beard the vessel frcing andtihie ship subjeet le tise tire. Hoe finde f bat atter f if-- tesn minutes' iing tise surviveve of tise cc-en' etbotb veseels aveulti Se re- ducedti lea claIe et santal, if uoi psy- sical iucapacity, oaing te tise concus- sion cf tise prejectiles on lise sies cf lise vessel andtihie noiseoethtie guns. c-'o]tinîssc~i~uctio5 iav a j igIecu" 'stJapin nlatise lasI moral .'Igh euai0vt. L indec- aar, and lb" dfeal t lise fý Lalians at tb ' crcuii5 fi"5 S'ur a~.staha Ad a ouid supply il, forý againsi Dei- à rl" itus 'i] udispate tth' rigia iii'r Japsu ueor Abyssinia noulti a saise ct Gese. W'cylcer's r minees to tcgiim useral neav undertake a campaigu nt, as IlsCon' 3;and th"efs" 'MO'010 iotailltise precaulien be sseuld use upoi ,f. ips h s-ubjecc avili L'tu ýtisa',te meet a European tee. Tise days oýuciiy cibse,' dit ris' MiuistryCj'ni lis I sien dans muen au be couquereti a p 2-' naryalserntu l" mthO e -Pizarre conqu"reti Peru anti Clive con- ccii îuc-lc.ag tih'elcc in~ u3arIl queruedIti asarei ever, a very lutIle in- a-lisii g: ira Iris' to a serteiu3 Ofa' ulmc-ss"etritiary linon ledge giving liii' jrtueuing efficaîn l-beissg ch11-i ,Em tsthfull ndaantage oet tisirnum- viitis upprcssiug a larg' nuisais-r et is'rs, nhlis lun every caspaigu againet votes cacsi iii; thb',man môjst conspiccene-1 th2smcmsc largely exceedti iat et the ly idenýi'i'-d itis tisa séixpo'.urceto the j ex bites. Witis lie possession by fise Imunicipal frauds, thýe distuoc-ry out nbichlSo>udan"se oif modemn rifles, sîlitary ex- ticove Setier Caucvas for a lita'. faons pýrta are n'aruiug tise Kils expedilion Office, tisaI thsee ltitaccece et foc-siug squares -t anti anaiîing ailacki are ne longer safe, Tenet rcuit cf tise lest alection is n hile Russia, le massiug a great army iste Prime Minister's iolti upon lu Eastern Siberia leWt Jaimans siotilt public estesuit anti confidence lias iseen atIn nidfa e- niatel ially wneniened.. What non' conuc- kaddfethr fronts hlm j is e danger et lusurreictio6' TIb' citlcrial paIges et tise ofiave Revi-s foc- May asre ecpecially stc-oug in th'.ir freaturont et cunrent toneigu att-ire ant itetrntional Iopics. Tise Cubau cear ant i rtsrelations ce Spaulis politice, tise ioundary dlfficulcy Sofas en Brcazil anti Frencis - Guiana, o e houetis Amierican maffers, tise pc-sent s tutus et Catiadian poliics, Amenican pelicy te- waart Turkey, tise Soudlan expedien, Engl4ssd's position amessg tise Pee-s aitis referenesteo Egypî, ftie Britishs alliance avifh Iiialy, Russian interesi in Abyssinia, tise risiug in diafab-'lelanti, andtih e Britipesi Expcsettera, are euS-- j oe wii"ifa-ln iishin tise monis's suc-- vsy anti wbici are intelligeucly discus- s'tdinm tise Revieaa"s deparmenî et "Tise Progres ettise 1Wenld." Tise Overlanti anneunces fer ils May number thie tic-et et an impretant ceris et eigist papers on un"tusploneti Re- giene in lise RigisSierra," isy Theedere S. Slosens. The opening paper, "Tise Sousrces efthlie San Joaquin," centaine a remarSable group et photos et peaks anti valîsys Issu have nover Sean known beteafcre excepite oprospecters -anti shep- iserders. Mn. Selomens is pcacically the tic-st "aývists sma" fCbat tisas ever Iraveisti fres tise Yosemite te Kinge River in lise Higis Siurra regien. A nutable sketch masp made isy is aith rny uewly nameti peake is a tealure efthls' article Tise Overlanti always bas a notable educational article Ihese tisys. -Tise May number Sas a paper by Mrs. May L. Cheney, gicing an ac- couaI et tise importaýnt problonas dis- cnse-d aI ftS"receni meeting oethtis Soulserne Califou-nia Teaciesen' Associa- lion, Tise accredifing system as ex- t"nded te lower seisools anti the ques- tien et elecîlves in higis sclîools are, thie mure pronsinent of these. Tise Furus for May vill have foc- ils leading article a bnillianl analî'sis -of "iThe Polilleal Situnation" by- Mn. E. L. Gotikin. edilor cf tht'. Newar Ycr5 "Ev"n- ing Pest." Mn, Godkin dteclavos tisaI tise two problenas n'iich icipc-sent con.- stuto theS' ulu total etfcOur pel tics, ar" lise tarift question andtih1e cur- rency question. W'illî regîrd te the lattenhe tfirsin C hat n"ttiser-ham- pions et a goilscandar-d c-"uliy de- sent i "lenoýt s50 uch tise golti stand-- anti, as assimilation in cunrency mat- toc-s telise otCher groar cummercial nu- tions, anti the absoluto abantionseni of tise cuc-nency question us a political issue .", TisaIn-e sisali secure liasse things ut one eleetien ise daes, mit cou- sitier likely, but "ch" elecrîl a et a Pr"sideat on a eeunti-money tlalfors nili b' a stcp toasarti il and an grec1 one.,' Tbis wen-k cf cuvrency retors-, ia Mc-. GedSlc's opinion, aill requins a first-rate financier f0 durcuthf eOpera- lion-aucis a mati, fer instance, as Alex- andier Rarilton or Albert Gallati,- andt b" ridi-ubestise ideas et McKinley's being calisti upont l preside oven a f in- accul situation et sueis "xtraordinary penplexicy. lutic-t, ha considers chat lis' Reîîublic parC-l, lu iresearcis fer s stantiarti-bearer, "bas reacisetia rogien et sxtraoc-tinary intelleelual povcrty anti soca-ai neakness,. a regioli toaard nisicis it has for many years bu-en stoadily sarcising.e' lu short, Mc-. G(dkin b1lieves that tise election te tise Pc-esidency et Mr-. McKinley- avio, lahie opiniea, is wîilisout a cingle qualification excepr love fer ii tarff -weulti Se neîhing iess than a national ssisfrsrtune. Thabe is alwa'ys an endiess suc-prise et goodti iings te to fount inltLilteil's Liv- iîug Age, anti c-adnt nusbers have iseen ne exdeptionti te e -ne. We noe in. p-iricuiar "Receul Science," by Prince Erepruflih, tisei-minent Russian scisu- tist anti revolullenlelt, asiicis consiste ot tave papers, "Rtontge-n's Raye" anti "Tise Ec-act Ap' Mi." Tiese ame issus ceni- taine an article by Eivinti AsIc-up, "In tise Lmndofethtie Noctiernmost Eski- mc," anti anotiser, "Tb" Chsevaller D'- Een as a Boek Collecter,'" by _\. lieS- ertsl Notable papers in ecisor laIe is- s ues are "Soucis Atnioa anti the ChanI-- eet Company," by Charles Harrison; "In Pc-aiea eftche Bcoecs" Sy R. A. Bry- den: "National. Bieýgrap)hy," by Les- lis Stepisen; '"The B.lcic Canal andi Ren [il Came le las Matie," by W. R. W horion; "Cardinal Manning andtihie Cachoile Revival," by A. M. Fairbairti; "Pen-- ceni Restaisconces et Cardinal Mati- ning," by Aubrey de Vere; "Tise Rival L"aders o et i"C bcs"fy Editis SsII- oesete,, etc. Tise Pabove partial liet gives but a trifling ideae3oftch' great field coveretiSy Tise Living Age. Puis- lisherl aseekly, onu-h issue bli-lgejuset sucS valuable weiîtific, biographical anti issorical essaye, sketcises anti c- viesv-, ce ay otimg et tise choicefile- tien ant impef-y evhicb are oqnaliy fi-at- ares eft tîis adimirable p-'niotiical. Tise pc-ici-, foc-merly ?8.00 a ,yeac-, le nea but '$6.00. Publieheti avoekly by Lirlîl & Ce.. Bostoni. Witis some issautitul reproductiens cf paiintinge by Jean Franols Millet, la McCluc-e's, Magazine forc May, Mn. Wijll I. Lon prcvidi"s an excellenc etudy ot tisai painlor, n hom ho visiteti soveral tises lu hle oaan sludîo aI Barbsizon, anti et avisoe s auner cf lite anti conversa- lion h is ves ses"a cc-y llsut ur- senal reasollectiores, lu l ý ise s1i-um- 1icer, Dr-. W. W. Kee.n coneie1,sbthe referi-uce te lis usse in medtine anti sun- gecy. If us illuscrateti tressaphote- graphes takem Ly tise neevprr"s. A Lincoln pasp'n tolals'dec-y et Lin- CURED BYTAe!{, "!-,vas a fi efrd ! or egtynn IIS I.3:uy iiediciulwhdhnoe 2 ci1:1uelu1ded, bu'-nouagx vcl, 3 il, anid before J id;,'ai' _clfi U' able, oy adsuea Prec rr Ep:, Le îio~ut a cdand -d , rqb O t W;liLt glovet ,ibit ilte r'î'i 1 s Ilil ColL M AMiiL;IE, a uey'Mdrg tae souei.Auefetuaiscomurgt. Iepase w lii geat uvatag, sor se a and ai l flac-i Most u ie REs aMPLE to acr, ores ical cau5Hose idth esoBrcif legOn lea epouce fgbat dîscs. lt' Harn M osI tises arui s cap, orI relieve the itebi lag, nourish thse hair rmots, aud pruduce a viger- Gus growth of hair. Sold sunliomanville isy Stotti & Jury. The é1.D ayto-n" BICYCLE is the flnest hiîgh - grade wheel ýon -the Canadian market. Perfect ' in design, in finish and in quality. For particulars write J. & J. TAYLORl Toronto. Toronto Safo Workrs, 'Vit 7tIsir ratlig Sexual Stren.gîisle eld ort yonag men calS be quickiy ad perm-aniAtlye-a e Le ahealthi A2~DAIJ.. WSTTNG TsISE suild writO te me for atvice. I have been , clesaturleot fer rnany years cf the aubleet cf weaines5 ilu, rneuuthe fact l, Iwsas ul-rarmseif. Ta bîlufultoeeIC tbe ad 0f 010cr selor rent'abhepf -ysiciau-s linVe-- tigateti the suîbecrdeeplysadd~Scovered a aumple but Mst remnarkably sueuceeslul resedy that cern- pletejcrtis nifunlr-eI 1515 frorn a shrýuakyenustunteti coundiioýtn te 'îrerigthü nti site. I sa-sut every youngoroltirnl . in wabouti iL. 1 take a peraoualiîîrieresi in schC cases and ne are held atrictly confideîîtiai. isenceuLerecîpe 0f this resedy caeoiîeiy free cf cusi.1DO Dotipptlît off but write me fully cf once, yen aili laIeYai- bless tise day yon di e. Adulceas, TH-OMAS SLATER, 131-Z2058 KALAMAZOO. MICH. JIMINUTIVE AZTEES. à- Tise ferninina direct descendants et£tise famens Azîce are finy cc-atures,5 ex- quisitely tonieti andi retineti in feutune. Th'ey carry tiseisearisaviltis te upbear- ing grase oethfis uil-blootistiIndian; f ilr siins are nef gc"&. bnt a clear. emolis coppen coier tisat shbluas lik-e gqId in tise sun; their haler le course andtIaise as ebGony, andti iey are tIceorated wailis Sri-St festhne ant igay eraens liiase nometi maSs tise mee-t -avo1tiernt pottery tisai comas te us tres in exico, for fhsy have kept tise olti Azlee foc-ms anti decoratious in flair art, sud tisey alec n i-ave wîandec-fuh hasle tes an cldoleex- quisule emabritiery. 1 ý

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