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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1896, p. 1

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lit __ ,~TE11M'S z-$i.5O PuR. ANNum. OUR TOWN ANDCOTJNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEV SERIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1896. VOLUME XLII. No. 22. rom To Willseli off the balance of their, ILadies' COATS and CAPES at exactly 3?liey are also selling off a lot of Dress Goods for 25c. wortb.. rom 40c, to 75c. TEhey are also showing a big range of Ladies' Parasols specially good value, imported direct f rom the makers in L[.adies' Blouse Silks, a fine assortment in all qualities, pure Silk for 25c. A beautiful line of Japanese Silk for 30C. ]Ladies' Print Blouses,perf ectfitting,nadel by Williams, q~n ~ ~-~zobetter value anywhere. Grocers' iDue Bills taken as cash. BOWMANVILLE. ForS Pure Leaf Lard Baking Powder That gives satisaction-FOREST iCITY, that's the kiud, ire have seld Kettie rendered, sweet as nut, nice1 udesof-un adhvyt and grainy, could net tell it trem hone rendered, will ceet you ne more than Compoulnd Lard. te hear oetoee emplaiut. In 1 lb tins only 20e. FOR SALE BY Young &0,o6 Grocers, China Hall. BowM~ANVILLE. Just Receivedl A fulliline of the celebrated W~ 1ytt Lawn Mowers. Easy Rurining. See them before you buy. M. We have a large assortment. Barb Wire, OiIted and Annealed Wire, Truss Cable Wire PouryW-'re, at the very lowest market prices. Teleplîowe INo, G;. Opposite Optario Bï-.nk. Blood Poîsoned lin Dreadful Condýt7o7i 71M Koodle SarsaparUa cureti, After Typmoid Foi er the seyatom is Dr,, olv loftinii a debiftî' i the blood is often peisu' of discase, as im the t IlMy case bas bean u e-t b ave suffered se much t1iaý 1 tbhnk nught te tell bow 1 have beau cured by only tweý botties oft Hood's Sarsaparilla. F'our years ago I1 bad typhoid fever-was ick about torty days-and barely pulled hreugb with beaith about ruined. The effects of poison3d blood maflifestedthem. selves lu dreadfui ulers. Thay prevented uy returning te work, and for tbree years 1waa able te, labor only a few days at a timne. The. sores diacbarged continuouaiy sa that 1 bad te keep them bandaged. 1 hall six ph>-sicians at different tinies, and s-as given menorary relief. But as seon as 1 began te work -bard the soes would break eut again as bad as ever. For weeks et a time 1 cou Id net get out of the bouse, aud for over tue years 1 ceuld net bear my weigbt on my rigbt lcg and bad tW walk wit a cane. I began taking Hood 's Sarsaparilla in February, 1894, and in two weeks uoticed au mmprovement. The Terrible Etchlng and Burnlng grtev less veneamers anC flary, and wbsu 1 bad taken ouly two bottias and used oe box of Haod's Olive Ointuient and two boxes of Hoed's Pis, the sores bad ai! bealed, leaving only Bcars as a raminder of my dreadful suffarings. My generai beC- Ily beRlth bas aise ouoderfuliy improved. 1Ia baC hotureduced almost te a skeleton, tram 160 to 130 poundaý, wbich I have flow regaJned. H-ooC's Sarsaperilia bas re- etored my miental bealth aise, sud 1 cau think, mememeber anC act as promptly as aver. '1yphoid Caver ruined my bealth for four vear. sdc osi me $30W0. Tue bottles ! of aoS Smaparilla bava gix'en me anLt, rd ine% ambition." E. E. PAuýsA r Su iuwarsde, Prince Edward Id. Thoroughly' Reliable Il Mr. Rama> is n-ail known ail oves thi part of the Island, aud la tberonigbiy reliable." fD-, J. A. GoUnULIE, Druggist, Sumumerzde, Prince Edward Island. ~k~'s arsaparill AnCt»airSalbuldtigup Mediclue, Le suic tQ-çt 1odsadcnly lood's. I~,OQd~~liÎ aY tgbuy. çasy te takr PLAIN POLITICS. COst Only Ten Cents. A lady n'lte undemtaude tic use sud value et Diamoud Dye writes as telle;vs: 'I1)Ad a linlit bine drees, mnaie et expensiî'e material, lut se ligit lu siade fiiat it taded quil>'. It n'as tee good telie cast aside, soe een îing I t-1-irteaeyîn enau-minnt am POLITICAL POINTS. Business succees depends on selling well and buving well. 1 cousider Mr. Laurier ant honorable man.-Sir Donald Smnith. Electors you hav e been systernatical- ly robbed Ulfore your eyes.' Governments liposing taxes to, bene- fit a class do injustice to the masses. No people canri be made prospereus by taxing heyond demands for revenue. Trade is most profitable where men have greatest freedoni in bu1 in g and selling. Farmers' Sun charges the Canadian Government direetlv wýýith the respousi- bility for the cattie embargo. Monster monopolies fostered by pro- tection are amassiag wealtb on the labor of the unprotected workiug-men. If there is one mari lu Bowmanx Ie who lias been helped bv the N. P., we want to bear from hlm with particulars. Couservative speakers who boast of the prosperity et Canadian farmers are preteuders and deceivers,' for the N. P. is a failure and a fraud. Electors wîo ivete for men wbose in- fluence lias donc se mueh to destroy prosperity and pregreessln our land are as disloyal as the men who rule at Ot- tawa. Sir Charles Tupper sa 'ys Mr. Laurier is a traiter te lis race and religion; Sir Donald Smith says "I have ever regard- ed hlm (Laurier) as a well-intentioned statesman. Rev. John M.ýay, M. A., Anglican Clergyman, Ottawa, says: I was for many years an honeet believer lu the Tory party and its successive gevern- maente, but as an employer et the same, my eyes got openefi to their multitudi- nons'rascalities. ENFIELD. Visitors Miss Cameron, Torouto,and Miss I. Reynolds, Osbawa at Mr. R. Reynolds' ; MUrs. W. Halfacre, Tyrone, at Mr. W. Nichobs' ; Mr. and Mrs. G. Gray, iNewcastle. at Mr. R.IH. Camp- bell's; Mr. Il. Bradley, Uxbridge, at homne; Mr. Jf. MeCulloch, Kinsale, at boe Mr.C. Macke-v. at Kinsale ; Miss Bryant, Osha-qra, at Mr. Donald McCuil- loch's ; Miss B. Gilbert at Port Ferry Mr. Fred L. Brav at Oshawa .... Mr. J. Parish had a piohghing bee last week.. ..Enfield Band are going te Mt. Carmel Monday afteî noua to charm te Carmel- îtqs, n'as surpnisefi n'en tic>' told me tic'jTcudesge epcosay> m n'onld dye it corne darn cler f or tn'o h nesge epcnt"tyO dollars. I did nettcame for dank colors, hnd for sale, casb euh',!1 pure Manitoba se I tooi, it home again. Tic next daY No. 1 lIard'Wieat F leur; aise test I biou-lit s package et Diam-nond Dye, pastry fleur. Barrel Sait for sale. sud, eo0ored it a beautiful Cardinial Red, 2t OKTR RS aud it uoan loks iust ike neir, do tliat 2t OKATBI I no'have a non' drese for Snndays, ~ e'uiuil u evafe sud. it euh>' ceet ton cents."1 CeSott Juî-y's non' advt.titis . . 11 Iwass hu a dreadful n'esk weeh Thx- cli he tst emedes e en 'e-us eonditiou, unatie to test w ue,,, ye sd t test cir eeieesutoad uttriy pmlt for ;vemi, sud Milers n'u i r'odnieehe)stv l le un-, CeinpeýttWd Imvn Piillecured m e.' yent VMý,1 h rwodwclIIý Nillýr's CnïinpounId Ires Pilus cure st. lue Canada.le formfDanee. Sgdloses for 25cents. POLITiCAL POTPOURIII. Cottou lords bave amassed millions at expeuese et Cana dians, Wben taxed for tbe freedom et bu>'- ing and slliug tbere le lesse.fi Canada le ever-geverned. Give Lib- eralisin a chance te reform it. f Buy lu the cbeapest and sell iin the dearest nîarket. NeolN. P. wauted. e PouaionluBowuîauville, Oshaw'a, auVhitby bas decreased under N. P.v FElector, n'beu you accept a Tory lit ib;e yen are bougbt n'itb your owu uîoniey. t The man n ho says Bovymaniville le more-_ prosperous because efthtle N. P.a is a Lu.dacieus storv-telier.d 1 Ion' eari au man hav e thîe audacit 'v te utter silîr platitudes about the success et the N. P. te a country audience ? Fellon' electors, ro,th.i. bmî, act cou- scieutiouslv. Ei-l., :en vears et Tory J mle lias net . you ricb. Give Lib- il eralisiu a trial.t Farmers et Canada slîould sec plail*y> tbat the>' bave n'aited lu vain 18 vears t for redrees in Tory muebicoudîsap-3 poiuted in every ceuse.P TISE STATESMAN n'ill give a valuable pret'niura te tbe business man, fariner,8 meebýanie or laborer lu West Durhami n'bo will prove that tbe N. P. bas made1 hlmi icb.1 L.as;tyear the Tory Gevernmnt tried te establisb a market for our butter lu Eul,-and. tic home market bav. ing tatilei; tbey paid 20 cents and sold1 for 11 cents!f Iiu 1874, wlîen Liberals were in pow'er Canada l's aggregate trade with Great Byitain n'as $108,033,642, a figure thiat lias ney oer been equalled since, our a- reg4ate trade n'ith Great Britain, last year beiug oui>' 892,988,727. NEWCASTLE. M.George Kerr xisited Suuiday at Orono,-. 1 Mmr.'R. Barfett's nen' block bas been begUn. Mr. Jas. Lycett n'as in Toronto, Thursda>'. Miss Ida Elîbeci. Toronto, spent tbe 21 th at home. Mr', Walter Mollon, Lindsay, visited at homiie Meuday. MisEditb and Mr. W. J. Orebard, se utqSinda at home. Mi. and _Mrs. WV. Picksrd visitefi fie-s lu Haydou Mondai'. Mi. and Mmc. J. Douglas and famlly visit,-d at Ha ' dou, recemtly. MmSrogcer sud dangiter, Annie, n'ere >-siing- Mrs. T. Douglas. Bsdsfiret appearance on Saturdai' nig,-,;greeted by a large cron d. IlosPille cure ail liver ills, billons- rness,jaun ýdiceindigestion,sici -headache. Mm. and Mrs. W. TaniblYn and d augb- ter, Whit1i«y, visited triends in Newcastle recemtly. Misses Ethel Riciard and Leab Huitcb- lusomi visited at. Mr, J. J, Masou's Queeu's Birtida>'. Mrs. Bonathan and Master (harles Franî, Bowmanville, visited at Mm. XV. Bonataan's, Mondai'. Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Master Hlerbert Ted cham, Bon'manville, visited at Mm. W. Hutchinson's, Monday. Mm, and Mmc. (harles McCoy,Torouto, visiting Mme. McCoy, sang ver>' acccpt- ablvin m the Metbodist churcli, Sunda>' night'ý An intcresting gaine et Base Bal n'as plaved on Monda' betn'ean the Sn'eats sud Neyver Swests n'vhici resulted in su easy v-icto)r> for the former. Tbeu;isauds bave tested the grea t l)uildiuig-uLp poîver etfllood's Sarsaparil- la and 'have found reuewed strength, viger and vitality lu its use. Leagueii Quartette-Miss Ethel Cep e- landi ud Annie Allin and Messrs. Nom- mnan AUlin sud N. A. Aluin rendered efficient service at the circuit cont ereuce Kirliy, on Mouday. A iQuEsTo.-HIoî eau we raise more ern te the acier? Why,et course byusn Putuam's Painless Cern Ex- tracter. Pntnam's Painless Cern Ex- tracter bas given universal satisfaction for it is sure, sate -aud paînless. Luke evcry article et real menit it bas a bogt et imitaters, aud we n'onld specially warn the putblie te guard againts those dangerous substitutes effered for thc genuine Putnam's Extractor. N. C. Poison & Ce., proprieters, Kingston. ANEWI SUNDAY DRESSil PýARTY POLLTICS. Is a decliaing population a sign. et )recperit'y ? Tariff fer revenue is defeusible; tartff for moiropolies is net. Electors n ant the best possible value for produce, land or labor. The N. P. makes the fen' ricli at the expense of the worlking masses. St. Charles Brandi Railw;ayv centract x'as fer $566,000-, but cost $1,729,000. Ceercion, corruption, boodle benuses and promises are Tupper's sok trade. Tbere is a painf ul lack et euthusiasm amnîng Ceuser; atives îi egard te can-i didate Walsh.1 What has Bow'nanville get fer tliat $85, Conservatives took eut et the ton n ,reasury for a jaunt te Ottawa 9 Sir Donald Smîith sald bie did net te- lieve Mr. Laurier wauted te make cap- tai eut et the Manitoba School Ques- ton. St. John, N. B., had 3,362 lese mnhabi- tants lu 1891 than lu 1881, aud about 3000 since the latter date. Is this pros- perity down by tic sea? Abolish superannuation: nearly $300,000.00 a year is pald te tuen wbo got ibig -wages and were retired ini the orfee lite te maie room for politicali Our average annual experts during the five years the Liberîs ivere in. power in Canada, were quite as large lu pro- portion te population as they have been for the past five years. Everv mnan, before depesitiug bis bal- lot, sbould bce gnided by the effect et the Tory gox ernuient's policy upon bis own imterests, or those et the cominunity in îvhicbh le lîves. Wlîat bas the policy et Toryism doue for tic province? HAMPTON. Mrs. John Parisb anddanlghter, Kan- sas City, are visiting Mr. Geo. Parish ...Mrs. Thos. Elliott le ceunvalescent_ S.Mrs. J. E. L. Cole is visitiug- lier tatli- er who is i erv ili at Miitchell.. Mrs. John Elliott and Master Artiur are visiting- friende at Beax erten ..Miss Gertie Bantea spent Suudav at ber home lu Enteld ..Mr. Will. (Gibson iutends geiug te Ma nitoba, fer the summner. Miss. Treniout isl visitiug lier sister Mrs. G. Stevenson at Oshawa ... . Miss Lot'na Salter. Green- tank, is vlsitiug at boume.... Mr. F. M. Crvdermnan and Miss A. Lord visitefi friends at Blackstock Sutîdax.v. Miss Gualîx.Toronto, visited lber sisteio bie re this wecek. . . .Wýe'Ire going te Eldad iiext Sunday and Monday-bi- time expeet- ed there. iRESULTs TELL TIHE STRou.-A vastý mass et direct,uninmpeaehable testiuxeny pro; es beomîfi au possibility off deul)t that H-oofis SarsaÎparilla actual>' dccc pertect>' and permnanent>' cure disea ses caused b>' impure bloed.' Its record et cures is unequalled and these cures hav e otteit been accoînplislîed atter ail otîter preparatiens lîad failefi. TYROINE. Anniversar>' services n-ere a decided succes, the sermions lix 1ev',. J. iRReal and R. D. Fraser beiuig ail that could lie desired. $60 subscriptien, asked for, n'as fuliv met. The musical part was iveil susiuied liv the choir and Sabliath Sehool cembined, alily supported by Mr. C. Everett Brown, Wbo witb bis finci>' interpreting accompanist Miss Gertie Brown deligbted tbe large audience n-itb cio solos morig and eveniun' Our quiet littie towu lias welcome? hee*sts et visitors during the holiday seasen, man>' et wiom, came awbeel tromn Bowmiauville .... Mrs. W. Williams and son, Acton, are visiting bier fatber Mr. Jos. Moore .. .Mr. and Mrs. W. Dobson, Oakn'ood, bave taken lu the scenery, picturesque and otberwise wbile ou their swift, rides a-wbeel ln aud around Tyrone ...Mr. Ed. Damnes. Oakwood, and Miss Cora M. Gardener, Lindsay, are visitiug bere. . .. Misses Ethel and Edua King, Bowmanville, have been gueste et Miss Jessie Bing- ham. . . Mr.*T,. Ghrdener, sr., eut his foot badly îvitb a carpenter's axe. One Honest man. DEAn EDmTOu :-Plemse inform xyour readers, that itfn'ritten te confideutally I will mail lu a sealed letter, particulars et a genuine, boneet home cure, by n'bich I n'vas permaueutly restored te bealth and maul>' vigor, af ter years et suftering troim nerveus debilit>', sexual weakness, night losses auÎd neak sbruukeu parts. I was rebbed and swiudled by the quacks until I near> lest faithin maukiud, but thauk, heaveni I arn non' n'ell, vigorenis and stroug, and wish te maie this certain means et cure knon'n te ail sufierers. 1 bave uothing to eld, andîvant neoîuoney,' but The cattie embargo is the outeome et Tory negligeuce. Ressonable taxation will briug reas- onalile pmosperity. Canadians, are yen prend et Tupper and bis Goverrameut? Conser;'ativ es sa>' Canada is presper- eus. Electors, is this net a lie 1? Have rimes beemi better, muonex' more pleutiful and womi increased since 1878? Fartuers, tlte Tor 'y Goverumeut lias cuddled maîtufacturers and ueglccted Ion. Where's tîte nen' public building that infiunttisi deputatien te Ottaw a nas sure te get ?, Business bais decreased lu Wiitby, Port Hope, Bonaliville, Newcastle, and Cobourg under the N* P. Wbv did a Minister speud$2l0,000 for n'onl iex or ordered net necessari' sud net doue ? The corruptioni fuud will ex plaimi. Wliat p ublic n ýomis under Tomry cou- trol for years bave net ceet double treble or fixe times tiecocetmact price : Sec lietil st STATESMAN. Think a moment, farmers, and say, n'bcre there le a mnsu ini tus part et Can- ada that bas deoie more te promote tic intemests et agrieulturiste than Robert Beith. 1The Tory political arena le studdcd ivîti iniquities taîl as pine trees sud wc are taxod double what ire sbould lie, ewnîg te n'acte, extravagance and cor- ruption. Farmers, the N. P., nas te gixe yen a home market for yeur produce. Tic Mentreal Trade Bu-tlletin says: The non', butter season openod n'iti the lo-west prices ee r remenbered lunlîletor>' et the trade. ENNISKILLEN*. Amng lthcex-isitors : Miss N. Hall, Miss F. YilleY, Miss L. Lockhart, Miss G. Tren-in, Mr. and Mrs. Wý. Tren'in, Mr. F. Trebilcoci, Mr. W. Trenouti, Miss Stevens, Bowvman'ilie ; Messrs. R. Dixon, A. N. Mitchell, Petertoro; Miss E. Virtue, Miss M. Elemnes, Toronto ;Mr. J. Lee, Pickering..ohre le a union excursion oit baci- lakos ta lied et for the Suuday Sebool hoee.. .. The anni- versari' serv'ices Sundax n'ere quite a succeesý. Everyone delig;hted te meet again their fermer pastor, 11ev. D. S. -onci. A i erv larg~e attettdance at tilt and a capital sernieit. The smg iug et tiechcildreîîn'as appreciated. Tlîe>' iere as usual trained liv Mr.Jolin Stainton. Tic merning services for tic chlldren n'as veryvjiterceting. Col- lection fair. . .. One etou-r Ibic> cliets bas lu eîtted a patent (grey) herse braie fer bicycles te be used oulyon steep liils.. ..Istue 'ontîg mann'o recel; cd a consignment et dolîs s ud d ýr, sspatterns t>- mîail conitemnplat,,I!IP matrinouY? _Muet not lie confouuded n iti coimnon catlîartlc or purgativ e pis. Carter's Little Lix'or Pils are eîitirelv mnlie theinn lu e r>'resîieet. (ne trial n'ill prox'e their superiorit. Cocosaud its Uses. We are nant te associate fis nen' dru-g-et marveilous medical properties n'itlî the grateful beverage et thc break- tact table, but fie>' are'quite differeut lu source aud in properties. Cocos is a ineest teneficent gift te the sici sud sufferin-, as le attestof b>' ifs rapid risc lu estimtation andl tic reliance non' placed upen if liv the meet eminent practitioners lu Eu-rope sud-A memica. Maltine n'ith Cocos Wine le the mosf reliable terinilun'ihich the, fullinmedicimial vaine of cocos may lie obfaincd snd tic striking results derived froni its use lu nervous exhauistiens,debility ,n'aiuess, or palpitation efthle heart, warranît tte, Ïbigfi appreciatien et its mnts expressed. lig mediesi nmen who have uscd it l teir practice. Maltine witb Cocoa Xine is net a patenît medicine, but a highly specialized pharmaceutical pro- duef, desigued te cure disease lu thc ouly wna>' diseaso eau lie eured, viz., b>' helping nature. This it dees b>' aiding digestion maid assimilation, anc by îm- pamting toue te the nervens systcma. Maltino î;'itb Cocos W'inc e n'erthy et youm confidence Sold lix ah druggists. There is no mystery about it ssi-pya lar, preonest spfor launaley and 'household use, made by the most approved processes, and being the best, it bas the largest sale in the world. It le made in a twmn bar for con- venience sakce. This shovvs The Twin a Use willi reveal The Tw.in Benefits b Less Labor. Greater comfort. r Fo vry 12 Wrap en~~t Ifjk.q for te LEV. u -,o., Ltd., 5 Scutt St., To-t, a ue Wrappes fuipe- bound tbouk wl

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