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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1896, p. 2

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IwhU~ictg9vr,)nth ie opcraionsýof digeto and 21triti01ný an,! 1y a Calrefu apt1 ttflc yE1ppshlaetOiddfororbr L -; dla 'tvLaVrebeverawwih nypv uls man,,,hevy doctr~ i' b t ile by the jtdilQl*¶10 ' ýUCi1art,iie, Lcfrdierthat a ooaininmsy be gaatybuilp until 0trong og h oreit very' tendencfy to LEsegaf1C Huairedi ' suteuaaîsare ttaatiLg ardund u Is readly 'èatAK-1whorever there is c.wesfkpoint, e ayeýc>pe îwni y ~Çatl ea~t y 1eapne orseveSweU fort iffed h thpreboon and a pro1;rf'yno.ihd Mea¶de StrplY -,ith bo'i)jing waterorr mlk, 001A affly in aheS by Goes labalUed thas. .A E§>9> ti , o.,-eieptl tes ts, oLüeloî.euglaî4 WEDNESDAY, 'MAY 2, 1896 MF.MP, F FCOLLB(41V 0OF PHYSICIAN n"e 81rmeoine. Otarjo, Croner. etc. AMoLAREN DENTIST 243 Yonge St, TORONTO. fOCK. Up8tairs, Kinî strent. Bow'U&fl Ville. Eiloitor for the Ontari Baik ", SIbo,&.'vs loane it aIt ,hvi 10q«rVOratai 14011.M O1N4G, V. 9. dFFICE IN4 THE WEST DURERAM! O- Ne\, î Bock, where himaeli or asistant wiIL be found frum sa.m. to 9 p.m. Nigt celle ot rebidence.directly oposite Drill Shd. Cal U>~ teegraph or teleptione will recoive Promut attent;Ga 171-y r A. A. P0~,14r A BOHITEOT. Plana and Speciica- .,ltions prepared for every ola8a 01 t-uilding. ,EP(ciai atteýntion gven (o heating bY Steaal tardthot water. and to sanitary arrangemeitS. Oflitk, Go rie Block, Whitby 43 -ly R. PATE m, Tailor Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. -B. .11 MIA COY[ B E DENTINT. OFFICE :-liear Of Messrs. Iligginbotham & Son's Drup Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE C. IIARNDEN, L. D. ' Gradut ofuie Ru-Yai COII9 ttage t 01.1 Surgeons, Oniarin. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPtrîBS OFF'ICE- VITALIZED AIR. New Tailor Shoç The undereta.ned -ho haq heen carrylng 01 the tailuîeg business ln cjaectiOn Wilt Masoxî'a Dry (load8 Store Or& a njarof year hamcruonc buinedssor himelE ai, hiý residence King S.,west. wh -re hlispreptises w0 maire geni' and boys' ustnteait the laie,3 etyles. and ai io West preatý8. Fur hnse wh( w1eh tF eider auts, ho W Il carry a fu lino o1 amples uinali tane West patteras. GfEve it a Cai. J. T. A L N Fashiona bic lttr YIONEY TO LO)AN. $10 0O00. Alarge cern of! ney has bAss P aced iu M liads hy a private persoil (or invesimont, o1 approved otnâ on tarin eeurity tor a terrm t tVVEor TON yetar' , vvAND ONE iALI' PM) 0,;,v iiereLs wi ho ati"d pYaile yPae1Y SatiofacturYcondiuien, for repiyt.4ift will b É&rr&Uegeti. D. B. SIPSON. Dt-atec 7t. isItIPiJ1.1 4u-tf. I~ OR ALE OR LENT -lieuse an, t$ aresforsal outa eut.situate t I~cge sree nrt. hepeuie consîst a goedi bn-,jo ewi¶bev,,iiy tvnitcdrivin te eaie, oIc, Tý1 ado onanaalo( hoctietfruIt ai Abl V.anstlt-i. Immeuit c.ilin 1'i eunnltOOn e TECANMADIAN STATESMAk si per annumla nacivatU8la.otherwi8e 3t.51 Sotimbfliiondai olwyi pameulo ai die ul, publicaiui. AIverfiail1, ra ai tînilî y ci reci, Io ceat' nor lino. naune trie I ' fi a insc vn. and àCeenta P ,r he eai atîiadaitu Seitutu Lue s,10 cents p3r ine. M. A. JAMES, Pafilia ONTARIO AIAUhi 9JLEGE, WIIITBY, OST., UBita almati- mate lie be-if educationai cor L of anv Ladies C l.iiu taDominion- Cantuldaý. Witt, faith1ni, sntin tbe fait ni ucar tren'ythte Dircu ors avPencaeo Unoil a seblemne et xtez la-na ud improvoe fiat marks an etc in e hi2;hait oducat ion younig ladies ý.Twen nOn'bîiidingý. are ia Pl cesof erection. 130 z 50 fi., andi50 x 40f wtt, new sîeam heating, eletrie lilntir and the mot pet iccu aniary arrangerne througheut. ie 00W toncert Hall is tri provide1 With Rt. îuagnifieeni pipe ergi diieii bY eleefrictY, anti availabie f r piý ice in aill we iîher. Tiose interested t a iho eiaiatiOn Of fil 11EV. _L.éJ.111,11R111Ph. D 3-f tPricip A "A ootlyappe. ofen t he ear. ingrsover bis. Ger'ly sêbrotshes Oh ,whafy a godyoufnaie fae hood t-(disordereti haîr trnm is f tn eýsb- Pdtorebeai, andi then, wif C qik c bath 1" csino ooigstOeps ti Iy ks Merchant of Venice. ~tecekof the iman n osto tee "No ingenor Ap brmduabanti 111 0110 sho rnonfb. r To bang "a doubt on." A1adli pa e hodrsa Othello. titiýs and dtera ber fron ber pu"ri",e Doia bs eeFwomot a s1 a a lghftgnfe toub", utfirmu Dorin ba W-r tw monhs gneand decideti ad E eity Leant f0 pre- a1 i i s onc ce adoeo Christmuas vent bier from givinig fho caress. Quick fie Il the womld la heginunigf ying d uýn ,fher ait, arssadxwaba Lfhink of, gif ta, and tender tn% greetinga. and. tumuinbeht risees- anti a cnming yea!r, Clarissa . Wbo ta f t Ras f rnretbackwýd S ai'd ing of neddtng giarmLenfa, white as the bof ore be-r, a ï,figurje nnly uon el re- snowChatfelll,ýs rî-it.mombexred t The browfl j luiarbrualiet S11O tha fui laa nigif.back from f hoWbt temles wih he The post bas juaf ýcore nel. Clarissa, nid Quakerish neâaess, the deove-like waking, strefehes ber arma over hoe" eyes, thesive lips, cannet be muis- heati wif b a ltffle lazy.doudcous yaw t aken. Clarissa r-aisea ber bands te ber anti idly fuma over berletters one10 yeOh O si.-f(,eut, the igbt. bOhya1 net -,af t 1Anyfbing but that1 onue. But preseutty, as abe breaks fthe Net Ruth Ax.ne"atoy I seat of an ouvelope, anti reatis wbat lies. A taint sick feeling overecemes bier; inside if, ber mooti changes, an prn nvolnntarily alie laya a banti upen- the arn-back of a chair near bier, te steady ber- - n from ber bed, she begins te dres solf: wbite Ruthi stands opposite to ber, herseif with nervolla rapidif y. ,vitb fingers cuusiyely clincheti, and Thrce heurs lter, Sir James. Stting dilateti nest1rits, anti eyes tiark witb in hs lbray, s farfietihy ftho ap- hormor. la bi ltbary, a "Wat bringa you here t" asks Rath, -parition of Clamissa standing in the at îength, ta a voire bard anti un- dor-way wif h a vomi- misemablo face. musical. "«What on earth bas happeneti " says ~" le ee the man whoso wite 1 was SirJams, ho s àver prctial oun tohave been next month." says Char- Sir ame, we l à erypraticlyetigissa. fooing competîedCoteanswer. 'Anti', man and aluitys goos af once te) the -in a terrible tone-" who are i-ou?'" çroof of a mystori-. "The weman who oaght f0 be bis Swifc" says Rath, la tiecsaame bard fnue, "Heaceta li, sati issPeyoa.însf111 with hem banda îightiy riaspeti. a toue fliatmigbt have auiteti the oc- Ciarissa drawa ber breatb liard, but -casion bati the skies just talion. " Oh, roturesn anaw"ýr; and.ti te o ai Jina w'hat shal l1 do e" uon f hem e iong, long silence, Chat "My deareaf girl, sai a Serope, go- preacaftli beconios unbeamabto fThe two %vomen stand facing eacb other, scarce- tl ing np fo hber anti tatctag hem banda. îy breatbing. The unnatural stilness " Yes. ho ta very il t 1 hadi nefheard la undisturbeti cave ,by the qnick immc- ýt fom him for a fotnight, anti nas glar gasps ot the sick man. Once hoe sigbs heaviti-, andt fmnns oas gowing Wretcoly uneasy, nhcn tri- banti and arm arrosa bis fane. Tha day a le Item came frot Aunt Emiti- Ruthi stirs, anti going swittly antinoise- teling me he bas beeu laid up witb tew lessty te bis ide, wtt h intînite fonder- And, b i tv-xstiaws away.the arm anti replaces foyer for ever ton days. Ant h in l its fermer position. She moves bis very weak, the docter says antino ne 0Piilows qaiefty. anti passes ber cool is with Lira. Anti papa ta in Paris, anti band arrosa Lita fevereti bmw. - tLrd artxisis ith adyMonkto, -Ruftho moans. uneasily, anti abs LordSamw;i tawithLad Mockta yrs, "I am bore, darting." in the 1anti Dorian-fle eue kaews w home Dom- fatntest. sneetestb wbisper. ian is t", Somtbing wifhia t-iarissa's heart "Most extraomtinary bis neyer get- gives way.. At thia moment, for the Lin ay oete write yen a line t" tirai time, abe reatizes, the trac peau- ting ay onotien ian hich ho has placet iber. A son- Doesa't Chat onty show hew four- satina of faittacs airnoat everromes %fully iii ha musf hoet Jiu, youun lit belp ber, but hi- a supreme effort shecona- j me wo't yu?"quers ber weakness, anti cmuabes back, Tueswu't e snott e t n n on, the rlsini hormor anti anger -that Ibi apealta of e h pu oueuehave apunag jino'ilfe. A curions cake Side. talla apon br-a a fate that etten tol- "0Of course 1 will," says Scope; "yen tows upon keen mental angnisb. She know that-er yen eugbf. What de 15 atiti completing the yictomy abe bas i-ou wanf me te do V' gaiused oyer berseif, wben Rtuth speaks To Lake me te him. J waaf te 500 "Ibhis is no place for yen t" she says, hra witb My own eYes." coltili, i-cf witb ber bandi up f0bei- "'To go yourselt t" eays Sir James, rbeek, as tbongh to ahielti ler face from nextremo disapprobationu tabis toule. Clarîssa goes np fo lber thon. "«Yeu must bho out et yeur mind." " So yen are founti at last." she saya, "1arn not," returxla Sue, indignant- sOrnewhaf monotononali-. "Anti, et al fi-."I nyerwas ore u l. Ani ~Places, bore t la there any futbh ithe ly. 1 eve wa moe l iL An 1 woriti, I wontir? Was if chame kept 1an gnZing anyway." yen frmrnwriting, ail f beau montha te "What wilt your father sayVt.'YOum unbappy father ? Do yen knnow thaf "lie wilt Say- 1 waa quitu right. Dear, aýn Innocent man-his brother "--point- tiear, dear Jim,"-atipping hem baud 111g wiL. a sbivoriag gesýtumý o teh throuih bis arm, anti baaety descendiag !unconscieus Hrmace-" basa heeni suffer- £romhaueur'Co oaxng,- dosay ou llaiattthis timo for bis -%v rong-diflrg ?" tmom aut eurte o .cang,-" e say ou î1know notbing," replies PRutbi,stern- Amilf1k mt bi. Itbcau't ho îyin a , y. -"i eeek te kaon'nofbing. M Ny tn- Aronot oting e o iswio a tercourse wtt h the world cneiwith Sir James moves a chair ouf et bis rny innocence,- way wîtb most unnocessari- vehom- "You knew ef my engagem2ýent te once. him t" says Ciamissa, agaîn rnotioniîîg "Howthaf alttra tbe case 1 cannot toward the couch. se," he aays obsfinafoly. "ýYe"s." "Ynfrako me t says Miss Pey- Bfeeio e nlnbr ' ton, ber oyeas filling witb feama. "De. "Net oh, net nof thon," ocansRuth I can't bo much unhappier than I am, eagorly. "I titi net believe ifthlin. Do but 1 titi depeon oue, yen wore aI- net indigo me more bnrsbty than yen ways se mach my frienti." Rere two can hietp." large fears run dowu hier cbeek.sandTiho dm11 agony fliat flashes i nto lber thoy, ot course, decideti eyerything. eYes quirkens info lite some compas- "I will take you," ho says, hasti- ioaofelnta tttles omn "To-day t-The sooner the btter, I sup- lu ,Clariasa'a broast. pose." "1 do nef juigo i-ou at alil." she aays, - "Yes; by fhe next train. Oh, liow with infinite gn ens.Tho(n, witb am obtiget te yen l'arn. Dear Jim. I shah impulsive movrne t she fumas aidinys ) nover forgof ifte oyou t" ber hanti upor, er holde. Coe Tbis ta supposetiCote hogratfout te hlm, bhre"wth me.-nw w1-" abe sayaý.s"Leave Mbut ifta squite tithereverse." thus place, Ruth, 1i implore yen, lister 1 " think i-ou are very feolisi te 9o te me t" ~at al, " ho saya.somewbaf gruftly ',"Do nef,saya Rutb,slrnigto "Perbap. i arn," abe saya, wtth a bier grasp; "Iarn motfit for yen tr id rueful glanco. -"But yen canet undor- toucli. Bemember att that bas ý3pgssoti.' 3t stand., Ah t if( yon toveti. yoursoif, yen "«Do you think I shalieorforgett' kO cou!lt sympa thize witt me." says Clarissa, slowly. "Bautlfor i-our A "Coutti 1 t" saya Sir James, wtb a fathera sake, ho ta il,-perbhapa tiying. .1 grimace thafta meant for a smile, but Cerne. For bis sake yen null snroly e- as sncb ta a most afamfling specimen otf uma t' itS class. -IL ta ton lte t' anys the girl. in r Se ihai- go up te townu, ant ipeseat- a melanchoiy voico. And thoni, agaîn, fi- arrive ai t ho bouse wheme Rorace lies " If is impossible." Yei. if ta apparent .uncenactous et aIl arount irai. The that a terrible strugglo is takig planc deer la opeucti Le tbem hi- an uninis- withia ber brcast; bow ih mtght have fakable tantlatiy,-a faf, indolent per- entiet, whefhem, the goti or bati ange] son, with sleepy ei-esý anti a large wonld have gaihodthea, canoe moutb, anti a gneral air abont hum sug- now ho saiti; a sigi a bmoken accent, gestive ot perpetual beef steak anti bet- decidet iber. cleti tout. "My- heati!" murmura, the, sick mari Bl' Tbis portly dame, on heing question- fcebly. drnwiag bis beath i earity e ced, tolas fbom, " Mm. Branscaun bas jnst anti as if witb pain. -Bath, Batth, ar( cR ie givon bis draft anti uow hoeta anez- i-ou Iberet" The querullona tependent Y. l' away as peaceable as a binfant,hless feule rouss i to instant life ail the pas. e 'Iu"sienato tendemnesChatta ainRaftb', " Ia ho-ta boti " aka Sir James, tif- hearf.Having sothEti hlm by a tondh fideutti-. this largo persen having the, abe fumas once inore to Clarissa. 1 power te roture hilm te utter subjer- "He tonpxcs sck,-perhaps dying." sh ge Clarlasa, oponing 'Che door nith a sins t n i. beafiag heart, tinta hersoît ta a prof- ERer bond tdrops upon ber banda.S ho ty carcfuiiy-sbaded ronm, at the fnrtb- migif the cati Magdalcn have knel an, r endi of whicb, on n sofa, Horaceles lier whol bodi- trembles xvtb the ij ra- ratrnly sleepingIleie tamore attemeci fexuiti ni ber omotion, i-et ne seanti t than eyen ber worst fears bati imagia- capes ber. i r eti, anti as she bonds over him sho "BaRth, for the laat t hue, I impln 1,ke marks, wifb quick grief, hon thin at e 0rm tbm, nsCtariss wt oma anti haggarti ho bas gona. hkcnty. Anti once more th,- parc The blue votas stand ouftlipon bis eti lips et the croucbing comn rana ai nervoless bauds, Tendrn-, nith Che the nords, "Ifta stoo bte t" Cililren Cryfa ~.-.-- (V A VICTIM 0F VANITY. The Russian bistorian efthte reiga of fho groat Catharine II. givea rnany ex- amples et the euelti- anti caprices et fho powertnt ladies et the courts in dealing with thoir serfs. One prinres. a large weman et snpemb beauti-. kept for more tban fhree yeara starveti lit fIe cerf, brenght f rom her estates ou the steppes, ia tighfii- lock- et trou cage. whtch ateeti close te hem charnier door. Ho was ted on hread anti wator, anti turing al et these i-ears was nef altoavedtit exchange a word witth a buman-beiug. Ho was an expert bair-tresser, anti wlien thbe princest requireti bis services, aie nunlecked the docit et the cage anti litteti bm eut yhi-fe hack as she woutt a cnt or tog. Wbo-hn ber bair was tireaset she put hlum bock in bis wretrhot imon jal ,d ocking thbe door, ithtue bey unhe pcckof. The man islowty grew, abrivelieti anti diseaset, tottering w ith weakness ns lie wadked. ButOnue day bis mlstresa tiieti anti- tient-, anti bis prison waa openoti; thea if was disersvered that sie bat kept bii inuthits prison beçauseo be famo f lît he w nuit reveai a secret wbicb ont- ho kaea-that she woro taise liair! Suret- ave tbink vanityi- la arel- se cruel. Ift àa a armtess, ttrarfive avoak- nesa in a protti- girl or hantisomo boy, yef wbeu tie girl ta torti- anti tireman fliftfi, thoir pretti- graces are se riticut- nus ans te ho fragiral. lici- bore anti disgusf the avomiti, vhichjeors ut tium. Thevirfims of vaniti- are orttiess. ý h ta snef usualli- the mosf beautituli womeu wbrs are vain. If is ton etton fho woman viti one gond feature or ai ingle talenti', or but n i ittle money >,,-ho paraàdes aii lanats inlathe ctght et stiiluek oflk. PI ai- peep ont from undoxe- wibcf tarir eta jutgeor fh h at Gn'Ilie captain et a féPf hall team, who, 1 was a stardi hoexet feilon- math the tittint vav of sf ucesturnerl bis bond. There ta ne position lu lite aviore vaniti- tees nef bide bebinti the trier. hake cameetfif. If avil nof mako i-ou cruel te serfs, bat te i-ourseit. Ifta i-om anaul anti yoar 'hidi- anti Nur char- acter tixat it aill detaca anti damage for allt ure. A GIVE AWAY. je An nmnaing incidecnt orrurreti at ai fachinnabte wedtilag ta Londion. One triend, avho dtfermincdti teanve hem moxîci anti rredit at the samo time, fooli a bmoen earing te a tamous jewcior oft Bond street anti oriemedth le littie atoue te ho sot as n seanf pin for fie groom. As shc sageli- rernarketi: "lb does me n gond, anti crmiag frer nour a farnous establishiment. fhey are sure te prizo it ati titnk 1 pait a lot et moeci-»Wlien fie package avas ne- famneti früm t ho shnp, fie wettiiag gucat failoti te examine ber proposed prosent, anti mereli- dispatched ti i itît hem card anti complimenta. Imagine ber tsgust, n hen stmollîng tirruinghie mooinswnacre ticthebridligis aero dis- r playeti, to tint a dozen people about - hem offering, anti Oaci ori mmliag. Foi n moment a-ie ho itatofi. thon pressed i, forwari, -anl Iho! t'er" ivas tic prediriax F vitte satin coereti box beartng ft prizeti name, it is truc, but, alas 1 ho t loïv, "l'rom repaimlng ticpx-rtrnenf;' * nti even ivnrsktien ahi, reating on ft blue cotton beside bi' ppin, wase an oic *brokea bit rit e îrriag reîurn'-d. iiitht cria cientinua tirai. Ilent nxpaatis andi crut contra-cta;,bui tiere arc exceptions. Criaiaxid gas blt are largor laninter. than in'summer, r 1ýC1ey1S castoria. tie anti lo ig t none athe sybne ot- bisd wadlfh, conshesfinthlre hlni' eistaeati mcore sthn tware bundred eutis andcash. Th' iawemavas a avretheti incser.nTho neyer was nwa wt h mivsaereow f ev resv owth man whoa tou o y n e, lm ain hfe neck ta anfou-ioase ca rt im don xi.k Thek miin not givade utis maa a Illearmisfr ai g b is liae.ao onnet meai- farma ienh isb .Haor spe mapeny fbut exartetic ee shiling, m enyIbstmier'ste rtshieing Mm. Fow.Ths ieeasor' ats ho tile t it "Boleons t Oy-i c ieti Litn"i ReOlti. ns eormoCuatyl- we. Al fMr. boums eom me bstieath h on Afe bouisbegentani ateenatibe-n foakis aiet,a"Mi- terba scrne but tIý is te reMytimnu lint we Ibaf fentiehtiou einoari metin a w Ia tedu't takeami- eetnguina; peas ditta if fe oisn puneaid."s "Dnt ot t at robe eaIll to t. Get bisat i-oubaer," sit fie aget, abkg hanta.,LLbf "Yýen trhain ipe 0baeagic ta iouiprirkt, do inu rohea usei yoî pi- if 110w it avdo sae a calet tobl aftewa m, a t o more hasftroesube" P,'The iw-r-agntin' bapo e ao Toinant ta fbroe bonist sovdithme dint, ad ng over tWo utherinsmen peutis. hcon mai-cocký pla i olcmn A two-friot raie-dont erne Ginis like terecte fbei kses 'i- maie. A aveman in politics t ike a rose tn a mati pnddle. No gentleman n-ii 'wt'výar befome a lady-Ici hem sn car tirai. The huchant who ta pronti cf bis avîte sieultiocrasiouattl' fel liheran. W\hen ama disputes n if a foni, tfool la dring tic saune t 7hnag. Shaking dice obrndrinks ita not enougi ph-airaiLexoLrcise, for an admiutmi. ton w er~S~ ams 1 , w rW~br, A1Sý '~Ir tJhàchTorrIllii Ciarisa nyer aterw r eembers. ItsîbFcns Lhekn. "Ifis ,ýal over; take ime away t" she h frfBreSizrad r sa ys, qity utamwa nohr sfa n ya s they are ,arus 1Pntly. udead ay ir eLe,-'ly suggest the nurscry mids>,.1 n Ho isn't t" says st Jamsnhdan wh atrly ocivste o5 fo oi ss n mal] ,boysw ho throw "N;iiseven, wnre, se ay. d ,sveefs fo fhem on Suniday a ffýer noons. sin1ks ;IntO a ar. "' îRuffi AilrsIey -is Occasiona~lly they ciimb bo the top of hee "Whn b hLI ad hssees their high poleos andi look around, in. a that life has almiostorn to an Ho saHsie ak tiswrtcedre w vnning fashion, as if to hint at buns. lation to-horfather, to Georgie, f0 al Te ontio abtmr agr flie rest of the worfld ? ous thian the painted ones on the cify's As, for Sr James, h,-e stands at some arm. T bey are typical futeiary bears.11 distance from heCw, i teraily stunned by BtBrei Qtnwsokdoe the rlnnws. VWoejrd!ss eem to fait hlmn. He BuBen sutno shcedv got's to her anýd takesj one of her amail the frightfui tragedy wbicb these fat, rcy cold b1ands in bhis. good-nafured beasfs bave figuroti in. Di o ee ber t" \Vlen one climbs the pote the nursery "hosconre-" asSi aes aids slirink away, deciaring tliey see a iow fnacw. Thon, -Is he very tl t" bod nis claws. The smali boys and ihere is unmistakable meaning ini bis1 the curious peer int n the pif n'ith thie tone. obdfxtofgz hh h's-ia 'Very." And here ahe faits fto bit-mobtfityogaehcbheasn- fer wceping again. Sîtfon attaching to the scene of a violeit It is a cruelmoetSi James deatb nover faits to compol. sf111 hoida hier hanti, but can find no1 Severai nights ago an nid Barnoso nords to say fo comfort lier; indeeti, mechanie lcft a wiie shop ia the lower where can comfort'lie t part of the city andI started home. If At this instant a beavy footfail re- was lafe wben he set ont, and hoe lurcli- sounds along the passage eutside. It ed unsteadiy. lis way led by the bear- warxis them of tbe sylpb-iike approacb pit. of Mrs. Goodbocty, Sir James, goitlg THE CORPSE IN TH1E PI quickiy to the door. infercepts bier. "My-my ister is quite upset," ho, About 6 the uext morntag one o0, says, nervously. -"Mr. Branscombe was squad of laborors on bis way to worký -,%as norse than sbe exPected te find glanceti carelessly over the pif rail. him. Somofhing arresteti bis attention and' s T- pset! aad 1no wonder, ton," saYa causet i hm to cry-mit tn bis comrades. Mrs. Gnodbody, with heavy sympatby What the mon saw ýwas the bears o£ zazing approvingly af Miss *peyt-.Borne quarreling savageiy ovar a man's L There's no denying that hels worn body on the pit floor. Sout, the pore dear, as it's quito dispir- Tho2y burriod awav andi roused tb"ý tiin' tQ sec 'im, wbat with bis general municipal officers who feeti the bears. Dappear.ags and the fear of a badl tur Bundies ot sîraw were. lighteti and *a'- any mingît. For myseif, I take my droppi to the bottora, but the keepersi Smeala juite promiscunus like, aince" le finaity biait to go doNna int o the dien *feu ti, jusf a bit bore and a bit bofore the brutes couId be rive off. thiere, if may bei, but nothing regilar The body, sbockin 'ly bitton a n om, * ike. I ein't got the 'art. Howsoever, ovas litteti out wvitb lopes.Byatcs h4ope on, hope nover," ta my motter, inthe pno'kets of the lothlng 'tho corpso miss an nemas alas ope fo ,to as idontitied. The face was unrecng- miOss; asd tho si't a," h ortenizable. It îvas tbeolnd mechanic who "'Just so," says Sir James, ,wholiditurcbed out nf the wine shop. sdoes'î know, in the, very leasti, wbat It ta supposed ho passeti close to the fo ay. w tcpit andi, pausing to look down, feu ot or A1ir als a, sbafthe lnw rail. *the battie ; and that lady up-statrs, sbe Butsth o s'tvagoedininctsen hii th ia a reg'lar trump, abe la, and sô,de- fseo ln osdl hs aii voteti, as it's quite affectin' to witt acs. pal pets subsideti as quickly as tbey Goot-monin arthak yu, ir. 1,11fiameti up. The nexitixay tbey climbeti Lsce b bri, you h onti; aa, wf bstothe top of the pole a gain and n-ooed gooti lady above, there ain't the amati- 1'uns as if the f ur about their nozzlea est---" \vere ni stained witb hunian blond. Sir James, npening the hall door la The horrifiod spectators must bave despair, litemaily pushes Clariasa out soonet i iconcivably colti and unap- and into the cab tbat is awaitAgtnm. ccien imla v hibu ee For a long timo she snys notbing; and A riin iia otibtee 3juat as ho ia begtnning te get meaîty more painful, occurrod ta 1861. A youing_ aaxious at bier de>termineti silence, she Nnmwegiau, an officer in the Englisb.ý says wib ame tiffculy.-ammyvwas visiting ta Berne. One eveni- a Jice, promise me some-tbing ?. ig o _artia paty of ynung ont Anythng,"anysJim.waik aronud the pit on the narrow bai- Thon nover agaîn ailude to this ustrade. Ho took the lead, and before day. or to anything connected with it; haîf completiug the circuit disappeareti * ad nveragin enfen-ianame to into the den. Rlis acreama and the sav- me, unles If irst speak f0 you" aggrwngtd etigifu5foy NeyerPt refarna he, ferventl'y. "«Be Before iights coulti be obtainoti for a sure o it."rescuiug party hoe vas doati. "IbTank ynu," she, says. like a tireti chid; andti thn, sinking back ta lier SORDID MEN. corner of the cab, ghe cries long and bitterly. rT e Inseauîeee il ih the LOve f 111 21(l *(To Be Continuedi xeriesoaer seane lMen, WE MAKE. Sewer and Culvert Pipes TDE ruNTABWp S ?[8 WEB PIp Ec 05 G01 SADEiLAtDE ST, E.. PAOT0RV Ar MIaICO. TORONTO., TurnsI I Inta lui SprmgTin e Pr lodb sn .B No other remedy possesses such perfect cenig eln and purify ing properties as Burdocl, BlondBites.It fo only cleanses internallv, but it heals, when appiied ecxternally, l sail sores,' ulcers, absces.ues, scroffuious sores, biotches, eruptions, etc., ie-aving- the skin cdean and pure as'a babe's. Taken inter.- Snaily it removes ail niorbid efiete or xvaste iatter from the- system, and thoroughly regulates ail the organs of the bo"dy, restoring the stomach, lîver, bon cia and b!oodto heaithy ation In this xvay the sick becomne well, thec weak strongL, and those wvho have that tired, worn ouf feefling receive netw vigor, and buoyant health and spirits, so that the,,-feel tike v ork.- If yOur Sappetite is poor, your energy gone, vo Ur ambition 1oL, B.B.B Swiit restore you to the fii ncyni It of 2 appy v:gorous life.* Ail kid o asr.smn atus Ail kinds oqfrncnryopi'd hagrcutra acier ïd)pi Iligh price paii f or nidîiron la-e:- chang e for castilgs or-pins Points for ail makes ofplw kpth Cuti aorfetreplated .'1and steele'd.. Stove catias u e toorder. E. J. Saunders & Bros, Porters old fouiir, East End WekaiCf]Body and Mimd. Effects of Er. rors or Excesses in oHd or yonng. Rohust, PRestored. How toen- Organ and Parts Ot Body. 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