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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1896, p. 3

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r Ibat rOfessor l te of ~hild~1iiais one cf the Ïighe,,Ist: tthritîes in the wrd oi itbe action of dru gs,. la his last work, (spakirigof 'ihe tre-atment I ef scro<fu , says: " h ,hr<CW ' e ostate that eod2iver j- b5 t e es t 1rnedyýf al. 'The oiI shiold ba iven in lnaltien, so prepared a* to be hypoho~hite shuldbe Scot'ilEulsio0n of Cod- liver 1 with îhypophos- phites, is precisely sucli a prepar«ýtion. Whatlite tlie? ÎJE 15 imz e youri .re takinzg s'y;RuP P sFR uCF '~'IIE 01211 rANI}tDRD CR A~HM ara ailLUNOAFFCTIONS. i, i - (s ad te verdict of the peope is that 4 <S bt renedV krnown1. 25C. agd 50e. pe Sat1 eoi eerywhere E: F-îy V C 0 C., P 9O0P FtIEYORSt y> 7L-Th tmodern stand- S ard Faînily Medi- cint: Cures the con mon, every-day ills of hurnanity., -Getourpricesand.savenioi'y. eEASN AN CKELLINGI. * Catalogue Frac. - T. W. BOYD & SON, A CLOSE. SHAVE A TALK WITF{ THE MAN WI1rE9- PERIENCED IT. . 1 People relli' do nef mcxv how oefion tLe angelcf deuiL Levers over tisei. Mn.E. P. Watbins, 173 Bay St., la a barb-er by irade, and gave or represqentaIJve tis t;ho-t bistny of is asspa fein lise dis- rler nisîtis xxCa - rapitily carr in mte bsgrava . -Mr. Watins , a 1tiuljat expr neci îm-an, ani is nw enabledtat exauci se is skll freinmort :ng tili cigbht, xvisre iolr %,aas ua o tereglarli' WakIn-ý-s' r'as rlttihblisa truiitirlub-ttiedaitoratisi panudiseatle in !i aab sre almioît anhearabije, ie sawa adarluren clraniit usýedttedribblaeuai-- otiu- -liv. I bat f0 tise 9 or iite uai uasngs te voiýjt tiseurine, anti conseqoanîtlyi st neari' il ý1mi' slcep. The aualting' hast antinullla psaiag tie urine w are pasafil ati distressiag bayent mi' feebla powear ,, eqasribe. aPeople -saio titinot lnoxe i' týroublIe usoti te laugis ut mi'frecuent visIta te tie urinal. IMi' iacts anifoot ware lwuys coltiad antirny; f'î',anti Isuni' laina sex'roiy freon palpitation, shotness ctf e~b anti v s, in tact, ahlmosf a total webI eta box et Doans Kidey P illa fitelm M,'ars. E. Rooper a& Co., ant i m-1 preesý t utcu. .1Ihave usodtw so boxas anti feel libe a neema; cao nowwrorlu righti aag and ti2 api..tellilzeorkvenldg rïgis' t asat. FRat I not got tbosea pilla 1 liai isatI1xxouid nef bave beaun orl'inig y dy. M'words ole au' mmdiexpress tedgitlcondition I nus in, andthis o' 4uistLib amenmd'sby Deua uinc7ay 'O SAE DV STOTT & JRY ~ ~iVU L *W& sne l Ens à% fr i bteffc Et Co. Prier SI LI, 00 ,77s a 1 . Sn i'nat VYOUNG FOLK,0. Ho I alke My giniger Oks HowI mxutsadcngb togotisen, Anibwlong the, baking takas. -With a quart cf goeti rnca-ss Mi- a pounti cf agrsxeei, Atiti a peund of 1.1adeand butter, Hafof eacb su n y raceipt. Ounces two cf powderad ginger, WiÈb a piarb cf sait, or twc- Xix oena g--""!tb fleur stiffen, Roll Out thin anti yen are threug.ch H-ow vte keep tsain w han they're fila- isheti? Wisen tisey ne bukati and nicaly brown- Well, a geod stfng lbai and key dean', 's tisý ehst thing ,Ira fonai, THE GIRL ON THE FARM. 1 WLy shonld net the, girl who lives on tise fmm spent a, litile cf ber sparo timo in h)eaufýifyin.- herseif or la cul- tiraina her tustas le Surely if doos nct fclew hulbecause a farmer's dangh- ter-i baus mach other worb to occupi' ber i iashe must neglect uny, or ah, cof the neat and duinuy cures other girls bestow upon theinselvas. Very cf tan any attempi ut carna for the banda, or curling tise hair, or keeping tise skia and complexion la gocd condition ho- comas a source cf considarableaunnoy- unce te the farmer's danghter, simply hecause ber mother and father lok up- on tisesa as sprlute-ooii ani- ties-anti ases f ime for w bicb the peor cbýild. lascoiei uil she footls ber .1LIot la ard n, l ac llhaving te liraý in tbc ountny. She bas proh- ably sanban city cousins give rnnch atention te their apaac and she feel1s thut abs bas a right > to do tise saine. IfU h is nocessary for bher te boip mucis witb the nemi about tLe bouse, se mach more huaasea reason te ha- stow a ittle.care on-bersaîf. Sise does neît nped tenglc her other duties for tChese induligences wbicb are,,abw,,ays considemed lain ign a refinad wern an. Her parnt ciak that becausa tbay bave lirad il tha.ir ivas w,ýicbont suchb'"foolishnass,"a>s (tbý e-tri l thein childirenuld o the sine,( Parents tan sud sbouldfee-l prouti wisen thiein c!,iidren eisbi ni' mbi- tion te pn,sent a neat ceddainty up- peananco,, or if lheyvwish lite gain ktuew- letige or attain sema accomplishinant, IL 1,a:credif te e prantalways. To care for per sonal appearance is net sup- art tuons as many farmers thinli. Lot the, girl indulga ber fancies and ha net alwaî a reatiy te find f auit witis and scolti hon for eveny non' idea she wisbas te carry ont. Careful attention te the bantis, bain, teetis and complexion is as mach a part cf the toilai as the wear- ,n2g cf shoos or bats on tba streat. GARE 0F THE HANDS. Whiso a girl bas a greai deal cf wcri te do about tise bouse, if seams almost impossible te koep tise bandsanad f in- gar nuilss neat. Witb a little cre, hors avor, it en ha'tione, altisougis xoreu Nvill eniarga tisa joints anti mar tise shape of tisa banda. Old gloves sbould ha. wemn xx bn swaaping-, dnsting, or cleaning stores anti lampa; ln f acf, Nvhutever eau ha tione la gloves sbeuld nit ef ha eowithout thein. Tha banda shoulti ha carefnily wasbed in tepiti wa- ter, pressing the skia isaci at tise hase cf£ the nail wbain wiping. A f 0w drops cf g0Yeerine shisolti hrubbed xreil j re thin iwi.peddry. Staýrcis is I o saIre xients ana it swl te) wear floves when sleeping, aflter first iuiifg with 2Lvcanine,. For chatppidbandsa a ood lotion is coin- pesed cf ue-huif glycerina anti ene-baîf rosawator, xxitis9a few tdrops cf carbol- le aciti atitiot. Anothar ita e-huif ai- cobol anti one-Laîf glycerina -MIxed. MNanicrýes nerr uf fingernuis,bu ba va vary fine jewelars' files witb wbicb thai' fila thein into abhape-pointeti or nenuded, as the custorner wisisas. Point- I cd nails are net quito in, rogue, ai- fiogsmuni'. like fLein, bnt tise smrîootbIy ronteti nil la more refined,' The cuticle anouniltise biase cf tise nail is elippeti uwuy wiib amabi curveti scia- sons for f bat purpose, athie nails are tison polisheti, AIliitubF,Èaes turne anti wkbut is rery eiffectuai in prasorv- i jish eauuty cf tis ails. No retineti gl- irrwe.as isdrstieestabr toila is cmplot with Ut duecare to ban- nails. Fwtsnaaese îsaso fnl as a mcx cfnu'Jeaed ails on tbe baud ef a wocman, now wben tois for tise purpese u et ioing thein beantif ni can bha procuroti se che-apli'. TE EE NING 0F WORDS. "Pshaw!" exalaimoti Fred, "Thero's ne e anse in grummarl iFred bati just commancedtheabostndy cf grammar, anti iso ias now' sittieg hi' tise iscpligisi, tryiîîg to get Lis les-ý son for the naxi day. "'Ne sonso la h 1" said bis mocher, witbý a smile on ber lips-, as ase noteti the "utiabloti brow andtihie "boreti" bock on hem danling oy 'ac. Why, son, I " ie wrd la formeti frein two Greeli wordi, go, îLe eartb, anti grapheini 1wr ite. Lt literalli' ieans te write "Btmrnai, gographtein la no, gec- grps. Wby didn't tbey blave if go- gr.ýuLyt" ztf, e Ch nging i tegoogapi' l calo (fdren 0Cry fo i 1I do flot know who, nor when. it was L t r r lt s dona; that bi,,eogs ton the history of theer y N te word, wLihîbI av fot f nlly iMaked ThJuenm rofteO rad Up.,,h ueiL1'týýo teôeln "WTVhat is a lexicographer?" '~Il b a notable one for the f ama cf "Aý lexicographer is one who makes its writers alla the tirneliness cfits or compiles a lexicen or dictionary. IL articles, W. IH. MOIs iwill contribute is made upicf two Graek '-words, blexcon a cei-npreheive tetieon the mucb- and graphein, iingicized into leior-heralded Japanese invýýasioni,'under the pher. You sea thait Greek word gra-_ captien,"hPrsetv Influence cf phîi is sed in rnan-y cf io-tr words. PLO- Japan 17pna",! dstbs fMarr tograph1 ,Y isfenpheýs (Plo-)') lighit., andMr. aîs oiinwl ocma e graphei, writ , rint.L Is iak- lu te Julssue b1yJonPYoug ing pcoe by the action J igbt h-Mngn dtrc h .F hen tgorapb, frein phonia,* sound and, gra- cie Th secnd nlntof the phi, wite. Telagraph, from.tle far 1vradsepoeTedr .Sl away, and graphein te write. eaonn'"Tilexplored egi nsof the phone is 'made np cf this GeaiwordHg-irala od (o wjththe tele, far away, and phena, sond el- S oce f teKn' ieillustrata'l esepa, frein the saine tale and scopien, wvit1,i pho'ýgraphs cf ýtat marvelous te viaw or sea; Lance telascepe literaI- regienr. for tbe first tima ',pul'*>'Ihed. ly means "te see far away." Gov. W. J. MeCuonnil of icheý conj-1 _Go on, marna," said Fred. "I'd rather tinues the Silvar Discussion irhiclh was Ilien te yen than te study this old commenlIced by Irving M. Scett, loho J. gammarY; Valantin and ýCel. John P. Irisb. "tnarly bed-tirne, and 1 mu-st fia- Chrlos WaýV rren Steddard centributes a ish this sawing. But, Fred, yeun vill Symfiipaý1Jý1tet sketch cf lis f riand, Jea- find your grammar just as interasting tiu'n illr. tis illustrated by J. 1). if ycu study it right. Whan ycu caeaStroaýg. Rounsevelle Wildmian bas a teon enof thosa b ard word,s yen seau ,j-in l 1wrtl kahciof Malayan jungle to dislika se mgucb, juat ekup its ie catiled, Babooý's gr" " bistory and you'll find it alwý,ays bas a Pienecr Bimietait" is a charactar beautifuni meaning." sk'"eh cf Juoga C. C. Goodwini, Editor "But, mana, al our words ara net Salit Lake Tiribune. In lina witb ifts takea frein the Groali and Latin, ara P4icy of making a California exposi - fbos" tin cith" çities cf tha, Statete ",ne, net haîf cf thain. Most cf cur C-rrand derotes thîrty pages te Oak- short, commen words are iEnglish, w hicb lc'nd(. This num ber is the miost heavily giew out cf tha Saxon languaga. I illustre ted that bas appeared and "As hope ycu will know a great deal about Tplked in the Sanctum"l is as brigbtl ail thosa things soe day, for I nant anid crisp as usual. The Educational yen te ba a sobolar. New go at your Departmont, wbich contains an article grammar, and secatat ye perfactly hi Miss Shian, is a re luabla addition understand the lasson fer to-mrerrew." te the Magazine,, GUARD THE LIPS. MvcClures -Magazine for Jue containa, ILt is a noticeabla fact that many pao- a littîk fntkla atudy by Staphen CraZie, that, in ils way, ta rs radrantc d pie are se raady te spread et publis trkig, hn ve."ia ria Bad l wbat; is termad " spicy new s." The Courage," the noN ai by Ait. Crane wh eaufr dasira te kncw evarytbing about is non attracting ,;o rnucb&ttientlion others and their affairs is rnany imes I oth in Anm rica antii Egad oi ber respensible fer rnuch that fa telti in sineofnomt ber ingtaiiad Kilboslin maiic' or frein mare heedlessness. hoRbs ea c [spig aIo TLou' are two distinct species thf isusOný- bodies; soeareportnuch eut cf soiebt e o' et fu hatelat-i t boughtlessness, andi othars ara imbueciI15' eiht rreto tiies pha C t itsan insatiable desire and dlberate h JniMwl. oths y Wr purposa te injure. IL bas been, said,mn' aeoutucalcf"hL- and it is very trua, toc4 that tisa cest- coeivetht Lest Ecce af," a'noi anlaL liast treasura- a mortafl bas is a spot- sýtailmont cf Anthony iicpe'ýs"hr-e less reputation, and a faix' illy-chosen fairly Larsting nitvis lveaadatx- wbrds inay rob a macf if, 1.0r a turne turc. Tise Crane11ryis 'Ilustrateti by at least. Taber, who ruts lue antj 1i action inte Few tiigs are se ceatemptibleas~ a soldier as almost neo 1hfil artist can; parsons xiho willfnlly apreati a false re and tise Kipling stcry byIlW. 4 .pape, port, andi as, a matter cf ceurse tbey uxho btýas ma tie Megli anàth e Jungle lose ail respect f etdcant people. Mai'Poleouarybs w Tise Lincoln such porsons wonld be slow te admit iae i hSnme xiisLîne,in tbat tbey were conscionsly guilty cf ini- aftbrfindad neighbor, on jnigan innoccent roputatien in te-bi tune th- rci' tts a Portia- a ruiner cf dcnbtfnl veracity, îp'fgzli afrs' ga't n and yei benc'utb ail sncb osi g -,ngas. And mtereting mn zi ýbe ae may hacrnanifest tise workings of ape-Wf ! n account cf General Grant sonons sting' t !S an ulgI' habit wbicb, Il anecdotes and paesages f ronit bis marks oe, a as vary cdîstruýstfn! , Vry 1conversations by tis--nman ,,,ho sro cf fan sncb a one bas, at the fiïriopl- as Choaplain of Grants, ewn regutteaf portuniti' trampled on tise good naine Of quite extraordiaary interest laisela cf the oe who placed confidence in a series cf portraits cf Mark Twain- hlm ILt is well nover te, listan te, or fitean cf them, oarn a parieti cf enccura go, mulicicus gessip. Many a fhirty ycars, anti aliiost putting a girl bas suffereti frein tisughtless la- circle atound the glob-elanfthe arrityi dulgenca when bier words> were, af ter- cf lecalitus in whtcl. h2hyware taken, ivards roportad. An unkind and un- FlizaUbath Stnart Phelps provides sorne1 cLan fable gossipar cf this kinti proves verv onfotrtaining remimiscences cf Jas. a mosi daaf'erews anemy for hae is easiiy T. Fll i er publisisor, and of IHarriet offendeti, and if, infermed that bis Beec-iser Stowe, ber intimis friand, "rews"- is net ai ail intaresting lia and, atnca tiare, neighbor in Andover. wvi11 rake. it bis business fo sully bis 7Mvr, WIL Lenw rites hiographically" offaader's ropututien, andritýicalli' cf the picturesqne greup Wornea (anti mon aise) are proeate cf Ernglisis painters known as the Pro- sai' more than they really mean xx hn Iabeieanti bis paper lillustrj jateti ungry.or displeasad with anether, anti wih rprodulctions cf the has epi too mucis care cannot ha talionfor itantusetRsttoan ntBr- barmInles remnarlis wisen reported ut- Jenes, ant others. Tisa S. S. McClure tain gigantic proportions. L^isa dan- Co.,,'-w York. gerces thing te speak iunkintili'of un- other; rutiser sai netising if if cannet ha. good. A15tTT~'VVlTrt Husband and \'\ if e Hati Occasion ta Use It andi Recelveti Relief trou' Catarrhsal T1roubles in 10 Minutes. "JMyif le anti I. Se, Rer. Johin BSh-br, cf Buf fuie, will fell tLe anquirer,xvere bof b froubi- et w if h tistressing ctarris, but bave enjoyati freedoin freintise aggrcaftig m.alady since thes day tisai fixai nsed Dr. Agnew's Catanthai Poxývter. Ror. Mn.Ir BechronR îLte ageti anti heloretipasten of tisa Erangatisi Protestant Christ Chnreh, nihuntinot in 1biscoIgrega- tien ana fanuiiar srlch tisa improvemenf wisichb immod( iatelyi olloi, e thetsause cf Dm. Agaew's C(atairrisa Powdanw. Lus ac- tion is arotistu eugis iag tise mosi gaeureifw thi tn minutas or sela aeu te mof ebonlo cases, anti sraig]ItwaY cniuste ,cura un- ,111 tise lest trac, cfcuurrhis ýgenie. Anti is ecurei taatcaatasthusaýnts cf biwmsa-i' S. ý-G. Dchlon, 4Csrc atrotToonf, o ncaitof 10 cents in c l.ran or sapa. Ecb'cn-WiIesyou nrnmeinLe.r ibaf fifti I leaneti yen tw'o yoars ago-." Wilk,,-"Yoa ara ret geung ce pressaa friand fo-r payarent, ara yi? ' obsons - Certa no nt. Taie yonr turne. iý ont' ushte bertow- it for a xx ile." Three Years ot' Intense Agony froin Rhauumatisrn Entet ln Three hlays by South Anerican RLeu- matie Cure- Cost $1 12. Mr. FI. Nug'ent, o' Žs uge ta Falls, Ont., writes.' lor tissu ei ltt1bue suifer- oct intensoli' frein rh"umauism. 'Tie pain in rai' 1mb-, -nana speciali' coyote. Mr. Smeith, ont local tiuggist, atrisati meý, te nake Sentis Ameriaun Rleumarc Cure, -iviicis1 d. Asa crecuit am par- fecti' free frein sheurnatisce. One andl a halt betiles cu meine ltIree tays." SoIth'duglt . 5tna If yoces tevote yoar turne to studi,l'eu xxilaxeiti ail tise irksomieness ci cbis life; nor -sili yuit long for tise appneacb of tiglit, bit g ti2et cffis"e di'; non will ol'e.tea hurden te iourselves;: nom leur serseti' insufferabla te ethears. -S eneca. Why Kldney Diseasq Cannai Le Cur et by Powders, Tablets or Pills. Oaa, oi America's most amusent apeci- alists, wiso bas for yenrs stutiiet pro-, fntihîe censumucien as- weli as tisa disea_,e cf tise inoys, 7givas if as bisý hlaibai ilap ;Liesadtitablais are almosi svontIsie.sSla tisatreutinont cf ilinai isue. nltsdiseuse, dia- bates, raai atiamat all dîserdons of tisa kitincys are can1seti y hitsepres- Pnce of oxate cf luflo anti ori, cud, botb cf xvbicisara sud, aIntiedr te. dissolve these soliçis ,se tbha1,th,,a' ai'ý ha almyniuatot frein tlisesYsJtii a liqulu aredicinieinust ha usot. on Aas1 can Linai'Cura, is th isemut erec sl vant knesvn, ai for tIima.on if gen- eamali' elýoros hIsix hurs, ani nverý f ails te cnre. Tiha Emper c f Gep *,\ua -irn great offence tnte ecoclpni ad- claning that clergymenLare ne,(igiilt iu...NLvv jLLIiOL L/E , LdtEL How a Cu~mberand Co., N. S., Man Obtîired IL. Aark cof La C<ýsi)gle1<' ineWs Fo'e.'s,t1. olkaist uianss ad Vi as icpDaO is 5 couIrage4I Wat, fRtp Caitie. Ftem ise Amerst, NS., Seutine1l. MXr; Charles Tanker, svho lias bou ,bawo milesfrein Leciport, is oua, of the hoat known mon la that section. Heie b engugati in busines;s as a lobs ton ,pack- an, anti dealer la fleour and salÉt and inl addition bas a fine- farce. Derng' tLe pas', tbree years ,Mn. Fuoker linsb-t'on, an airnost constant invuliti, bing theo ricti.in of a compliecion cf troubles fi- bown g a sevrrafutaci of lu grippe. RB cadi' 1-h- bas to ocrtoce lus oi tun"ealfis antid avn lunt tisai-L gave ihLeontine redit te Dr. WjVlliamrns' Piai Pilla ccncemaing w biais so ranch bas beau 'aid tistougis1 lise press, a re- porter interieweti birn in tiseinciter, anti ,us cheefulli' giron his steni' for publication. Mn. Tuoken qaid :-"Aisout fenr yoar, age I bat a sevreoaLtaci cf lugippe. which bf tie lua fonni ni codtoI hbut for a numben cf icars isfoe iss affadi beeu a sufanar froin dyppibut fottoiag tise lu grippe Seka more acute forsa, andt ceatt teù mi distreas mi' Jirer appemureti nef teo penfern its usual f unetions, anti mi hasrÉtrioubleti me greauli', andti iera ~sm~ as wnais1 disier tciijliatins xx-is-ih ismflat Chec skiJb of four doatra isc 1 Isuccsiveli' tail- inuici tisLe 5ea of negaiaing iny L, h V!t Fc ube iea testa nmi' iotaxee a cot aslau; m' hwels sroltint nt Isufentigratpain. Mi' ase anefrei batte ersadesptae tecM tty gr t uIns. I euiti luaeli a ntbggtbtltdersvec 'pair. Mi futis lls.ga Thmc srna fumas e gîr Dr. >lIain waPink Pilla c in Ror aven, armi e lene hl fhe s. arusat aue ling egance rofuna e mi' lmîsa, m' wLs eas- et~~~~~~;n tebbt at vthtecatne s OTH Eo YouKnowthat pareoa Btamaail's Iirops, Odre'Uordial, inany so-called Scothiag Sy 'opa,am mess eamedA r eJidren are cempoed cf opium or mcrpbine 19 7o Yln yrnv7 hat opium clatiimorpieare stupei',ldg narcotie Poisons f Do YOen K3ouP'tIati lameut coua'tries truýýgista are Let permittad toe sli narc. lau aëtisnt labeliag themn poisons ? Mo -.o n W11-Wthat yoo shoul4 flot pc'cnit ary nedicine te ha given yoor ctuli- crs ry m'pil- ow « wf wat 'tta scempeseti? Deo au ne«w that Castor a i, a purs îy vegatabla praparation, andi that a Ne 09c Us lagredicats ia publJshed v ith evczej boule? Do Yev n c ns'nthatCmtr is tho proscription cf thse fansous Drn. Samueal P*FNcher 'at it has beon in uccc fer naraly thtîtycyars, and iliat more Castorla 19, now soit tax -, aii othar ranedies for ciid-ae oatiaad ? De«ozz iuaRnow Ihat the Patent Offlee Denatment of thse 'United States, ani eot xlv r coun tries, have tsued exclusive riglut te Dr. Pitchar anti bis assigna to use tlie xs iid 'Ga-storÎa" and lus formula,a aut that te i'mitate theni is a stata prison offensa i le Yn K75now that oeaof the ros-sons for grantlrg tis a gvern'meat preteettom' sa-ut mca o C 1 tenu had eea proven toe ha bselutely haruiless? l'e Ye Knnw hat 35 average doses of Casteria are furilishas f 'On'~i-w i"'uwtha uan iortsn~ ? fisperfect rsparatien, yens'chiltire me ~.tyo11 cey have ,,al'rlere s't? 'hsec, 'a e.ne ____ n eveit ~ ~de~ Cy %r~it~heres Castoria. FotS LE LYj, ï 11 U' 1 aA'115SN , LBOWMANVILLE1, 1 have receivIed, a large and well slcedsokof Fuculish aîîd Aiinerican Clîîisty Stiff and FedorTa H-", anud a lgevrety of (Caps and Gents' Furnisbîngi.<s. I would invite my numerous custoiners and hi'o corne and ex7ýamline niy stock and prices, as, 1 ara on sedi as cheap,! aq',the cheapest. Uoîue earîy and g'er a uiiigtinî. P AYt aEFrXIie Highest priee paid for raw furs. tic aow. I titi soine p5tticulunbi' bard norki lasu fali, anti ocs chie ce stand it sitis a streuigi banti rigon wbicb sur- prisati me. 1. consitian Dr. Wf.liamns' £'inb Pilla, net eau' a wonderful areti- Cune, b-ut aiselan tisa ligisu of wbat mi' ocher uneatment coat, the loai exponi- siso ineticine lu tLe worlt, atdI i tte-ng- hi' re,'emmend Pinki Pilla to ail lu ueeo cf a, medicine. Dr. Williams' Fini Pilus acf direct hi' upon tise bbooti anti narres, building chemaranexu andt fua driang tiseasse fens ftLe systbem. Tiere is ne trou- Itiadu tio t fler cf fLese causas w iish Fini Pilla s f11 net cure, ant inluban- drates ef casas ihoy hbueresteaeotPa- isai-:s to elntis citer ail cuber rame- tics b at failîct. Asi ion Dr. Williams' iikPilla antiici" nctiig aise.Tise ga-ý,nînare aiways encieset in boxas, iis- n napper arounti whicis 1 aurase> mIl craeomuni, "Dr. Williamns' Fiai P'illa tor Paie People." _May ho bat fmr, il deans, or senit post p;5id on , -ceipf of 50 cents a b,(, or six boxas ion $2.50,1hi'atitressiýg tha DOr. Wil- liams' Medilcine Ce., Breclivilla, Ont. BUTTONS MADE FRO31 POTATOES. t is nef genanali' inorvu ibuf if ftLa substance cf tise common potato ho treut et rni certain acitis if beoeres alrnost as bard as atone, anti eu e h usati dfor nmani' pnrposas for whicb bore, ieyanti bone are employei. TFis uLpiti' c of tise petato adapta lute obut-1 ton rnLýak'mg, a nti'a vrni'gootgrade cf hute a cvmýatie freinisa wetl knawn ýrtuber. AE',E ;IsD ulLE A G ML i arn convi-scet, by i'faits anti dex-. patience. tisa,. so rulincain o01,3eM o chia earthis sa at a iardasirý, btars turne, if n e xiiil ira simpli'at yey as the pirsuits cf tha simpler a.tions are stili tiesapaoncs cf tisamore arIti- ficla.-Tiscreau. To write a gnuu'na familiar or tnuly Englis styf10la iste write a- uni'oe woulti spuxti in commen conversation, wiseLad a iborougis command and aisolceacf xorts, on xx'bo couitid Oseeurse xr"itis easu, force andu perapicut' ,sttn tside ail pedanfia antid aonclfleur- isiss.-IEazbtt. La nature'aIl la menagosi for thic e st xith perfectfrugaliti' aud juat roserij-e, profue t noue, but hutifi!te jall; nevr eploing on oee iing mer.e tisan enougis, but xvi.b exact oeon netnencaung tha supertînons, 'anti att- iug force, e to scima s îprsuiple in every- thiing.-Sisafiasb'oury. If1 arn mitstakeaýn in mi' op>in'Ion ia the borma n seul is immortel, I wiU inglI' arr; nos woult I bure ùthis pletas- cntý errer extet frein me;ni i f, as somo mnte pbiicsopberssupsdeI shoulti teptire me of myi' hoiug-,, Ineedi net feun tise raili 'ni' of toopeod phluosopisers wl.en tati'arenemr- Grat dmagP suas toue la i to and cubr orrs r Ecation hyreet t cîh quaks, wsicbu.atreyed tie ciy e i 1 AND SUMMER 1 N G i AL -zà. rl! S.

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