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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1896, p. 5

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t ~i-T~i- a-- WASTJ3D MONY" pooketýs and bring fortbh the $100 was never more want-cly wasted, O NE cf the strangesi- i-ings in life is tbe notion that many people bave about Bicy- cies. Tbey get it li-to their beads i-bat if a Bicycle is sold for less i-ban $100, it is uci- a reliable wbcel. Sc i-bey de- liberatelygo cdown li-c their i-lai- the dealer asks. Mcney iTHE CRAWFORD CO., have been mannfacturing wheels for ïz5ï yearsl, and know what constitutes a first-elass Cycle. They fully guarantee their wheels to give as good results as the so jR called high=grade $100 machines and very mucli btter satisfac- ticon than most cf the higli-grade wheels on the narket. They ar-e strictly up-to-date andi have the best workmanship andi material lu them Aj andi are undonbtedly the best value of any.'wleel on the, Canadian Market wihout excep- ~ition. The enormous ot put of their faetory eîîables them te turn out a irst-class article at the lowest prosslblI, cost andi the pm-ebaser gsi-s the benefit. M SEXAMINE THEM and T E C011PARE THEMBoUY à PRICE THEM jwill *11Stott & Jury, F 41 Agents for West Durhami. Sub -agents wanted in ail parts cf the County.le GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BowmÀxviLLE STATioN. GoING EAST-. GOING WEST. Express...835 a. m. Express .... 5 23 a. m Express.... 1 9a .Locl.1 8 'asseer.,.306 "Psegr..225 p. m ocl 7 o4 p.m. Express.. .. 7 46" ........ 1025 ' STOTT & JURY Towu Ticket ligents. tJ. Herbert Powers SPlýYS,1 1 take great pleasure lu recom- mending UNCLE SAM'STOBACCO 6 Cents a Pound ls ail STOTT & JURY charge for BIEST BLUE STONE. Many farmers get ricb by looking after every detail and keeping post- cd ou every new moi-bcd for increas- ing bis income cii-ber by raising botter quality or larger quauiiy of produce. Just uow many bundreds CURE, as 1 bave found t even bei-- of dollars are bing saveci by wicte ter ihan representeti as one box bas awake furmers spraying theor fui completely removed ail desire for tcbaccc ltbougb I lbad used t con- at~îiually for yoars. My general , ,atb ia greatly imprcved since taki ng i-be UNCLE S5AM, and I f eel very mucir btter lu every way. J. Herbert Powers. STOTT & JURY, agents for' West Durham. BOWMANVILLE, MAY 27, 1896 Local and Otherwise. Highesi- price paiti for wocl by J. B. Martyn. T. N. Rickard bas bargains for ycu evemy day. This bas boon a remarkable spriug for unusual weuthor. See ihose bicycle boots ai- Davis'. Tbey are oui- of sigbt. Bn y stpea'mshp ti-cket-s i-ocm from Eug- lantifd u ~ A. JAMES. Have you seen iho beautiful bamboo fumniuro ai- L. Morris'? The Countios' Council has been calleti r.o 0ether for Tuosduy, June ci-h. louse Silks spocially, give value, ai- Couceh, Jobuston & Cryderma'n. Do not fail i-o rond Thos, Slai-r's adi- veriisomeut on inside page for men. Window shaties anti curi-ain polos lu great variety ai- L. Morris'. Ail sizes. Bine stone, Paris green anti helibore for spraing purposes ut Dusi-an & Iloar S. Couni-y Court anti Goneral Sessions, open before Jutigo Benson, Cobonrg, Big stock of Parlor Suites ai- L. %Iorris' al uewes-tioesigns. A pleasure i-o show gootis. Cail. Mr. J Higginbotham bas bai is fine residence prini-ti by Mr. R. Sinclair. hi- looks very pretty. Ail Ladies' Spring Couts anti Capes selliug off ai- halîf prico, t Coucb, John- si-ou & Cr vclerman' s. P-m-u,1runing anti Spmayiuug doue professionally by G. D. loicher anti sons, Bewmanville. The by-law for granniing $8,O00i-o a Rubber Compauv will ho submitted t i-mm freeholders ,)une 15tb. Major Sneloev, Ccbourg, vas ecci-- eti Grand Jmator of Grand Ceuncil Royal Arcanum, ai- Niagara Falls. Port Hlope conucil bas accopteti 1,852 p)remiLium, ou $10,000 High School de- boeluures, berîng iuierest ai- 5 per cent. New fiai-s, i-ho lai-est productions of i-be besi- Englisb anti American Makers jusi-receivedti tCoucb, jobustonu& Ci-y- dermnau's. Cyclisi- claîns a passage lu Richard 111, fore shatiows iho bicycle, where iho kng exclaims, "'Watch over my safei-y ,while I sloep." Bav cf Quinto Confereuce opens ln Trcnton fi-si- week lu June.-Dr. W. E. Tilloy, J. M. Joness anti M. A. James are tielegates fromn Bowmuniville Moi- Actznclleti lasi- week anti paid for Tluui STXTESMýA -,,o ho sent te a friend i, i-is savos me wriiug loi-i-os bho ca;iuse yOllr paper contains evory weol- armore iiews of interest tihan I coulai wýrte. Reader, come ihou anti do like- we.Wewýýill senldtho papri-o new trocs and those iuterested lin-be subjeet sbould eall ut our store and. get funil particulars as to best tinie andi best metbods for SFlmR P3ýy1IG. S5tott & Jury, The Druggists & -Opticians. Wool wantod ut J. B. Mrtyn's. Tnlmage's sermon on insido page. STATESMAN anti Weekly Globe, 3 mos., for 15c. J. B. Martyn wants a quantity of gecd wool. Needeti repuirs are bing matie ou the Mthcdist Parsonage. T. N. Rickard sels Sterling Silver Tea Spoons away down. Murdoch keeps full linos of field anti gardon seetis. Sec advt. Citizens, use cur own letter box lu STATESMAN office front door. Buy your Clover and Timothy seeti fi-cm Cau ber & Tait, Bowmauville. Tises. Slater bas a message for every man on insitie page. Dont fail te moud t. Sec the Dmess goctis wbich Couch, Jobuston & Crydermnan are slliug off ut 25c- Evcry man shoulti moud the ativertise- ment of Thos. Siater ou inside page of this papor. T. N. Rickard souls the very lntost stylos lu Soliti Golti Spectaclos anti is a firsi-cluss Optician. WcOL WANTED.-AIIy quaniity cf userchautable wool fcr which iho high. est prico will ho paiti. J. B. Martyn. It is atimitteti on ah bhauds thutCouch, Johnston & Crydorman hati nover sncbl a superb stock of new gocis as they are showiug for this spring. Plows fitteti wl-h new meulti boards anti hautles; cresiings for Churches, Galleries, flouse tops anti other rail- ing s at East Endi Foundry,Bowmanville. Gentlemen lu neoti of a new Spring Suit or Over Cout can louve their ortici 'With us anti feel porfoctly sure- that styo fit anti workmanship will ho ab« slu-ly corrmect. Louch, Johuston & Cryderman, Our ciizeus went lu large numbers t Oshawa te participai-e in tiho Oddfellows demonstration lu Prospect Park on Monday. There was an immense crewu anti ail pronounedt-ho day's proceeti 1ings a grandt success. Prospect Park h a delighi-ful p lace for such ovents and Oshawa people shoulti make 'E. S. Eti montison mayor nexi- yoam as a recog- ni-ion cf his oui-eprise. THE STATES- MAN roi-urus thauks for ceumiesies ex- teudeti by committeo i-o the Press. Wellington Lotigu No. 19, Sens oj Eîgland, puatioti, under comumant io Pust Pmsdenit, J. N. Kiveil, i-e ihE Methedisi- cbumch Sunday morning anu -hourd a capital pui-iotic sermon by Rev, C. Parker, The choir assisteti by Misý Glover anti M. E. R. Bounsali mndero, igrpitenhrs Aquartei-byMr teor Miss Mosetta James, soprano -anti lLiiss Nellie Saunders, alto, was ver3 much appreciai-ti. The floral decora 1 iions were exceedingly pmeti-y andt-wý 1lange union jacks were sproad over i-h - ailing bebiud i-ho pasi-oms's desk. Mrs W. Pearu anti Miss Annie Veal assiste( 1 i-be commiti-ce in decoraiing. Thorg -was nL largo audience hvho wore gmeatî, v pleasoti - ticthesermnone.Afitom i-b Annual Farners' Excursion to Model Farni, Guelph, Thursday, Jîine 18. The W ,oman 's Board of Missions in connection with the Church of j Christ, Bowmanville, take pleasure in an- nouncing this grand excursion via G. T. R. and will spare no effort te make it the most enjoyable event of the sens- on. This date has been chosen because it is the most favorable tirne for view- ing the farm in its' most attractive and instructive condition. Thoso who visit- cd the farm about this date last year will be glad of this, opportunity for re- peating the outing. Tickets good going, p. m. trains Wednesday, June l7th and ail trains June 18th. Ail tickets good to return any time up to Friday night Juno l9ih, Fare.:-Cobouro' $1.75- P ort 1-ope, $1.65; Newtonvifie, $1.50; Newcastie, $1.30; Bewmauville, $1.25; Darlingtou, $1 20; Oshawa, $1.15; Whitby, $1.10; Pickering, $1.05; Port Union, $1.00. For 'further particulars and specini train service sec large posters. Qucen Victoria wvas 77 Snnday. Methodist choir's annual concert sec- ond week of June. The Methodist choir is practising for their annual concert. Monday was genernlly observed ever the Dominion as a holiday. Mr. W. B. Conuch is haviug his fine residence, Centre St. re-shingled. Not much buildinoe beinoe donc lu town, but considerab'ie repairing. Mr. R. H Turner has improved his outbuildings and fonces by painting. Mr. Archie Wcir, noar Raglan, had 3 or 4 horses killed Monday on C. P. R. 1Kalamazoo, Mich., is famous for ccl- ery. Sec Thos. Siater,'s advertisement on insido page. Monday was fair and shbwery by turns, but the henvy rainfali was very beneficial to the crops. T. N. Riekard seils high-class Watches for as little money as any one in Canada, and guarantees them. A big assortment of Ladies' perfect- fitting Blouses in thc very newest, style at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. For the best stock of carpets and cur- tains eall ut Couch, Johuston & Cryder- man's-No botter value in Canada. Farmors, get your mnchinery and implements put iu good order at East End Foundry, Bowmanville. Sec advt, Wc make up ordorcd clothing o ual to any city made suits aud much below city prices. Couch, Johnston & Crydor- man. .New Hayon Snbbnth School anè 1Christian Endeavor Societies, per Mrs TIhos. Power, have sent $6.50 to thE Armenian Fund. Mr. John Ayre, lot 25, con. 3, Dar- liugton, had a toam of horses killed b.y lio'htning Monday night as they stood ithe stable. A corner cf the barr was sbnttered. When reading Talmage's sermoi on an inside page of this paper substi tute Canada, for "United States" anc "America"aud observe how appropriat( it is to this particular time. Pulmonnry consumption, lu its earli stages, may bc cheeketi hy the use o Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It stops th< distressing cough, soothes irritation o fthe throat antd lungs, and induce rnuch-noeded repose. Hundreds havi testified te the remarkable y irtues o this preparation. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman is stil rheadquarters for Dress Goods, and the: are now showýing what is bcyond ques 1tien thc most elegant stock of Nev Dress Material ever seen in town. 1 The annual excursion te the Mode Farm, Guelph, will mun from hero oi 1Thursday, June 18th, 1896, tickets goci for titîcu dnys. Special low rates hav been secureti. Further particular next week. The -vell k-nown strengthcuniug pror orties ot mRON, combined witlî othe fftouics anti a most perfect norvine, ai- fonnd lu Carter's I-on Pis, whic strongthen the nerves and body, an ,fimpreve the biood and complexion. On next Lord's day F. M. Bains t ;tCincinnati, O., secretnry cf the Forcig aChristin Missionamy Society lu connet tien with the Disciples cf Christ, wil ,f prench hero occupying the pulpit bot morning and evening, also Monda and Tuesdny nights. This is the Rair who dedicated the chumch and held series cf meetings a few years ago. ,y The attention of our subscribers cnlled te the ativertisernent lu anotht celumu c f "uel"Ceyxlon Tea. Th: ddeath -which occurrecd May 9th lusi "l aise for tho prornptncss with which ti ry endewmeut cf $2000 which ho cnrrb( 'a on his life bas beeni paid in full. Yoi O kindly assistance will nover ho fergt Oe ton and In earnest prayer will be f s. the gmowth and prcspemity cf your C c der se that others may recoîve the pi Oe tectien and benefit 50 premptly giv, ',va e tO me ua " i -~ PERSONAL., Miss Allie Souci visite t i-Otono. Miss Maggie Tait visiteti Millbrook fricutis. Miss Meriiscu cf Toronto, speuit ti-hoblitiays Mr-. . -%W.Alexantier epentlti-ho litays lu Toi-ente. Miss IaHeekin) vislteti Oshiawa frientie over Sunuday. Miss Lillie MýIceon bas licou vlsiting frieutis iu Clai-ke. Misses Etina anti Norma Coucli speni- i-le 25i-h lu Toi-ente. Mi-. S. Salteru, London, lias becu visîting Mr. S. B. Arnolti. Miss Rita Tait visiteti Toi-oui-o fri-bus over i-le hlildays. , Qucen Viteria wae 77 yeare cîti Sunday. Goti blees lier. Miss Belle Hooper, cf Newcast-le, is viiting Mmi. S. Mason. Hi-s. J. J. Muciel viei-eti lier moi-ber iu Toi-- cule, Satnrtiav. Miss McDowell spent Qneen's Birthtiay ai- Dr. l{aie's,Whii-by. Hi-s. R. Brignaîl, Kinsale, visiteti lier sisi-er, Mmi. T.FP Goard. Thxe Misses Tye1 Chai-bain, bas been visiiig at Mr. John Lyle;s. Mr. S. A. McMurtry, Montrcal, vislteti hie moi-hem, this week. Mr. S. Geai-f, Tooto, vii-eti hie son Mi-. T. F. GOjard, Liber-y Si-. Mi-. W. Alexanîder et Menti-cal lias been vist- ing Hi-s. F. Bleakley. MrR.Alleu, celebrti-et tiuQueru's."birthday wîth Tronte friendi. Miss Ti-nl cf W hitby, visitet iber auni-, Ms, Mooe-it, Maple Gi-ove. HMr. Thos. Peartion andti wle, Toi-oui-o, wei-e guesis etfHi-s. D. Gilbert. Mr-. Rd. Hambly ant i wle, Toi-oni-e, have beon ai-Mr. Fred Rales. Mme. A. J. Lookhart anti daughter are taying ai Mr. Thiomas Biugham's. Mies Maggie Anderison, Toronto, visiteti Mme J. R. R. Juniy, over Senday. Miss Cai ltta Sevilla, New York Cii-y, le visit- iîîg aI Mi-. James Heals. Mr. antiMme. H. Goodman anti childi-en Toi-- oo ýi are atH-. T. Hontes. Hi-. ai 1Mme L. Lyle visite t i-Mr-. Franik Seeli's, Brooklu, Sunlay. Mesrs. H. CautiAi-chie Tait wlîeelcdtei-cill- brook for Quens bimitay. Mr. W. Rcnwick, Ottawa, bas been vlsitiig liii giantimoilier. Centre Si. Hi-s. R. R. Heekin attend th -e fuceral of lhem ausi- ai- Fort Hope, Fiday. Mr. John Campbell, Port Hope, wae goet cf Mme. W. F. Pmowem, May 2til. Miss Lena Benunet, Toi-oui-e,lias becu visiiing ai- Mr. J. Perkiîus', Romsey St. Mr. Gco. McGiîI, cf Oui-anc Bank, epent rQueuns biri-htay lu Toi-oui-o. Hi-s. R. anti Miss Ada Thompecu, Port Hope, arc gucsi-s ai- Mr. W. B .Couch s. Miss Flomence Tilley cf Ilie Coservatory cf Music i-as home over Suntiay., Messrse. Fred anti lary Tmbilcock, Cobourgt, werc guesis cf Mr. P.C.Treblcock. Rev. E. R. Young, wife andthi-ce dangliters have arriveilunToronto irom Englanti. Mis E. IE. Rayerai-t, Mr. anti Mme. J. N. *Lawmie vîieet Myri-le friontis, Suutiay. * Mr. anutism. N. S. Young, Roi-oui-o, wcrc guosîs at Ht. R. Fumas', Queen's Biri-hday. Mr-. Walter anti Miss May Mackic, Oshawa, t wcro gucsi-s ai- Mr. M. D. %lllams' Sunday. Mr.- anti His - LeisleJollow andît-wo chltimen -visited ti iMr-.Rami-y Jollow's,',Osliawa,May 25. Msurs. A. MeFougall, Paul Bilkcy antiHRn -bert Reid, et Toroento, irere among holiday vis- Mr. anti Mmi. John D. Keachie anti famlly anti Mr. Relit. Ted, Toronto, werc ai Mm. C. T odes Montiay. Mn. A. L. Bock and Mr. R. D. Eau-bairn of T1oronto, speni- Qucens Birthtiay ai- Fosi-master iFairbairn's. Mn. anti Sre. J. M. Jones Bowinanville wci-c gusscf Mr. Roberi- anti Ses Wade, Port Hope, last-wîvok. Mise Mabel Tait, homeo i-i-cti-e Coniservaory ofe Music, Toi-oui-o, ussisi-cd the MtoiOuichusc Ichoir Sniay cvcnung. Mr-. E. Rf. Bousalî's well traincd voice was a vfainabie aquisitien te the bas e ccii-iiof i-ho M Setlîediet choir, Suîsday moming. Messrs. K. Hall, anti-%W. L. Allen, Foi-cibore, CI anti M. Geo. B. tall, Toronto, wcro guets coi Quecen e bi-i-day, oi-Hi-u..F. Allen. Sire. C. Ceemube, Toi-oui-o, anti Mss Chas. Wriglit, Boîvuîîauville, wec guets of Mr. John TJames, 75 William Si., Oshiawa, on Mosday. fDFr. S. Wv. McConacbleo f Hanill"n, lias licou etcuoeyiig acqanmintancos lucre. He looks as ut if flic air ofthile Ambitions cii-y agi-ccd wit i-lm. Mr-. anti Mme.Hribort Fonsein, Masters Hier- ýSbcri anti Ruselcl, Nlri. Ai-ilur Fenscm anti Mis e Luor Monkley, Toi-o-, spout iho 24th et i-s. fE. i-Inisons. Meusrs. Hua ord i McMl\utry, M. C. Galbraithi, J. Rice, Gýeo.iMcClellali, A, B. Coucli, Frank KX dc M. « iydeýmii ndW. C. Roeowliccledt y Treonto fer Que mus birtlmtay outing. Hi-M. T. H. Loi-uai-t et Guardian Office, Toron- tio, was luome over Sunday. Wec notice i-alih cntinu-e active in Christian work, lioinîg PFi- ideonici-rtnte Jumiior Christian Erîdeavor i Union, consstiug cf 88 cii-y socictie. nW e invite ail oui- reader i-o dosti-bute i-oi-is fî col'um airivas mand dei-ani-res ogucssi<move- p, soumî a-piti lcii-O io TRaitSi- i-MA-, tiiop a ,Siote, lu eur office ici-i-c box or ring up phone 52. Wlîerevi-m yen sec a Bownnaville boy hoe is pi-ci-iy soie te lbeleadin i-thoeurocesion-even ou ti-Smtih et July . M, .RFD. Sntiu(Oui- Ficli) is WoisipfulMast(tr of Cobourg lotige of Truc Bine andnextweekthe randLod etf 50 O uîcebers meois luni-ho Conuticu' Rown. lu Rev. F. S. Rouek, et Fictouî, gaie us a cal SSaiurtay. Relus deligbiteti wiîlu i-le Prince Ed- i-ai-Odistrict- in goneral, anîdi-be iown oci-ieion in particular. lue scens i-o ho enjcyisu. i-e dbuich wcmk there vcmy mucb. lue is oeeof thc i-cfri-uate mnisîcru wic alwayusumako fiilO 'n go aliere ho wilS. lue was enroultei-o Ennisi- leu, li , foîrmer cii-cuit, i-o pmach auînivcrsamy iserinos [or r's 1a id i-, i-o uir -r- 3t., ld tir ut for ýr0- Notice to Creditors. In thse motter f tihe estate f Blake Coul- ter, late f thse Townshsip ofDarlisug- ton, in tise County cf Durhsam, La-borer, deceased. Notice is heroby gis on pursuant'te Cliapter 110, Roi iscu Siai-nies ef Ontario, 1887, tîjat ail lierions laving edaims agalusi- the etateofe BLAKE COULTER, laie cf the Tcwvnshili cf Darlinigioninui-ho Countyoe t Fi-bai, Laboror, dccascd, wlîecl!ued en or about iho tenth day cf Mai-ch A. F. 1896, ai-o requesteàt t delivor or sen bpos, repaiti, ci or belo-ette wni- 1 daytof Junue next (1896) tute liundcrsigii cd adrainistsaloi of i-he propenty of- the,, sd de- ceaseil, a statemieiit iiuwriiiu contaliug-nul pifîcuars eioitaims aîîd o e lm atnreofe tîscriiei(if aixy) liedO by tlîem againlsi- the ouaqte ef the said i deccaseti. And otîeice is lier eby iurtbci- gi-von that ai-Ici t-ho saîd 27i-b day cf Juixo next, i-lic înderslgned will proeecd te isu'ibîs-tIre assets aineng tîhe liaities cuti-iled thereto, liaving. regard eîîiy te eneli cli jîiq ? be shalliaivo noticeofe as abeve lie j c ct u aiiamuii-ao-will netho lia ~ ~ , i-l -rih sosor -y at thereofot edl, tibnted -te anyp-ison or pcrsons oetwhoec dains ho shall net Save reecived noitice a'th i-ire et snob di,,iiiutix. D. Bvrs Boivrmanville. Aduniisi-rai-or. Bewmaani ille, May 26i-b, 1806. 22 li3v. Od-%"OROflv'A IIIPARTS Boau-y i-o the Teeth, Fragrnce i-oi-Le Broui-b, Andti -at resy, healtbful i-be gums. colon ti O DO OR=O=il=A premieuneti by ex-peut cliamists De netsufer from ick hii-eutia mlomnent t lner i is nt niessary. Car-ensLi--e iorPiswllcre yor. j urnip Fresh and Good. ~ We have a choice stock which we are offering. at bottomn prices. Cali and Sexamine. eawker & Tiait. ~Mi.BOWM,,ANVILLE. BORN. BAsxmtvILL.-Iîî Clarke on Mav lSth, i-he ,vite of Mr-. W. H. Baskerville, cf a dlanghter. WALTEI.-In Orono, May 111h, the wif e of Itheel Walt-er, cf a son. STEvE's-In Clarke, May 5th, ithe wl-e of Mr-. David Stevens, cf a son. FOLEY.-In B owmanville, May Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Foley-a daughter. GORD-At Lethbrîdge, Albeita, on May 2lst the wife cf Rev.P. Goard, cf twins-boy and girl. DIED. -IAwxN-Ifl Toronto, ou May 2th, 1896, lu hci- 6rd year, Mary A. Alsi-horpe, ieiict cf thle late Edin Hawken, aunt cf Mrs. R. R. l{oskin, Bowm auville. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrected byJ.McIlurtry every Tuesdny FLoUR., P 100 lbs........ $2 00 to $2 20 WHEAT, Eaul, bush .....O 00 0 75 il White Fife .... 0 00 0 75 Il Redi .0 00 0 75 il Gocsx ..0 00 il0 65 BARLEY, P bush, No. 1 .. 00 03 T2x.. 000 '0 30 t T2.... 000 t0830 i Twc rowved O 80 fi O 30 OATs, white fi .....O0 O0 O 22 ilmîxe i........ ...O()O00 (O 20 RTYE......0 00 f 0 48 BUCYLWEAT T.....O 0O00 0O28 PEAS, Blackeye, e bush.. O0O00"0O55 Mummey T1 0 0t O 55 Smnall, It O 45 fT O 48 nBine,If 0 00"il0 55 BUTTER, best table, P lb.. 011Il t O12 EGGs, P doz ............ 000 fO0 % PcvAvOEs, bush .........O()00 O 010 Wool .................O 010 il O 17 Hay per ton........ .10 00 fi 10 00 G OOD GENERAL SERVANT wanted. Apply te Mats. Joni FaioRc, Cliurch St. 22 ti-. W ANTED.-Youn-or cm ïiddle ageti men cf charact -. 1l'undi-eds foremostinl Canada, stai-teti wl-h us. About 5,,14 a week to begin wl-h. THE BRADLEY-GA»RETSON CO. LTn., Toronto, Oni. w ANTED.-Young mon anti women t e lelpi-he Arrncniau cause. Gooti pay. Willsend copy of my litic book,-Your placo lu lifofreeto aiy who write. Rev.T.S.LINSCOTT Brantfor-d, Ont. H ELP WAN TED, FEMALE --$10 te $18 per week i-o men and w omnufor cas work et home. No books or canvasslng. N cxpoerieuce. Bonafied (offcîr. No catch. Seud stanîptoworek and parti-irs. E. Hlu-mAtiN, 2113 Southi Sixth Street, Fhlladeiphia, Pa. 19-ios. P ASTURAGE.-I bave gooti pasturo ,wl-h beatiftul siade and ab)untineetfi-un- ing wai-cr pausing i-hiough i, fer horsos, oowu. etc ce lot 23.ecn. 3, Dfarlisugi-en. For termesci-., apply oui tino premnisci i-o ALFRED HUC7rIIINuOE, Ceurtice, F-0. 10 3w" IITANTED-A Man i-o seli Canadian iv yand U. S. grcwîi itoe, bei-iy plants, roes ihrbhetiges, ernaniental uni-os, cati scoti lota- tees, i-ri-ho only nnmeryhavinîg îcsiing ci-chai-Os i-n C anatia. Vu o ive ou en -ebenuefi-ci- oui- cx- potiesîcoe, se your sueocesi garcuilet. If ycn are uci- cariîiag cO lier môui-basmi expuise, îî'rite us aI oncec ior pai-ticulamu. Liborai coin misslîns paid part turne men. Fai-moîs' isons elionîtd look mu o is! h pays beitotet, scik- ii,îg e-onth ari, n, i effets a chane for pi-enset- ioni. Apply now andîti pchtoicsof et -rri-oi-y SIestE & Wua.atanGcTO, Toi-oui-o, Canada. il lin BIRD SEED More Than Wasted le money speut in poor Bitti Seci, ior h le net enly a waste ef money, but it injures youi- littho sengster. If yen want i-o bave i-hq cleanesi-, beet ant inseu nutritieons Bird Secti ni the mar-ket use Orly BBOCK'S BIRD, SEED. In each 10e 1 lb. pkt. i-bre s a 5c cake et "Bird Treat" i-o be placeti bctwcn i-ho wi-cs et the cage whlch acte like a chai-min i-ctoiingtihem i-e îong antis an absolute neoessîty te ihc"ealth anti comi-ort of canaries. Soltiby al lcading grocers,dtruggiste anti fleur anti i-cd mcii. Joint MICMlUiTRY, Grocer, Bewmauville, A. NîCuteai, Fancy Gootis Bowmaîiville, THE MASeti Ce., BOWMauvllle, NICHOLSOeN & BRxOCt, 81 Coîbomnoet.. Toriot,',-; 71 yr WOOL! WOOL! 2,5,000 lbs. wanted at the Hamp- ton Wollen Milis by lst cf July for wbicb I will pay the bighost prices paid lu this Township. Farniers \vill finti it te their interest to sec me before selling. D. TAYLOR, Pro- prietor. 19-3 'n'os. .ANNUAL MEETING. Notice i-e bereby giui- tihoth Annual Mcct-- ing efthi-e Sîockhldeti etfi-be Fort Farinîgtou Har-bor Co. will blic liît i-the office ci- tbe Coin pany i- Foi-i Darlingiýýon, on Stfoiidtiay i-hltt June 1896, ai-thehliet et3, o'clock p). su. for tle election etf iectere anti other purposos. By 0ci-dot, D.BýSIMPsSOsu, Bei manville. May Si-h. 1590 Secretary. 'Wanted-k-n Idea Eý.>goa"t rrotect Iosr ideta;tbey nîay brirg W uI wath It Will Pay . 0' Your Wl Paper at the "Big' 20."1 We have the best stock in town and the cheap- est. A good paper for 10e with eighteen inch frieze to match at 5c per yard. Curtain Foies, ail colors, 25c each compiete. Wu Tu Alledln1 BO0wMANVILLE. M ARRIAGE LICENSES.-Issueti by .V J, LocKHARI, Bow-manville, Ouly $2.00, 47-i-f. T-10 IYO WANT AlOME.-If yen do cottage-echeap aud on easy terms. 31 if. BUICKWHEAT FOR AE20 bushels Black Bncltwheat clean for- seeti for sale, for cash only. T, F. JAMES, Solina. 20 if. E GGS! EGGS !!.-Fric thoro' breti audulusians, i-he best l1aying f owls knoWn, and non-setters. Titis le a sniîp-usual pri-ie $3 prstiug, specialpri-e for onemn islifer t'pei- ILt o.W 1.Dc CTANBow maunvàlé. 20 tf. S HINGLES AN.,ýDPOSTS FORSALE. KYAny quantuti -[tNo. 1 anti 2 slîin les toi- sale aise Cedar post s-pplv te JAS. MeOaav, Lot 27, Cou 7, Darlinito i- or Dniield i F. 020 if F OR SALE.-Honte andîLot, on c or o2nei- of Wellington qi id l-s i ý 1Ste. musi- ho sold . Toi-ms reasonabli-. Apply te R. R. L'oene, Barriserec, eBowa et-vule. 201w5ýV C 1OTTAGE TOREN-T -"Salamadler" i-rage so l'oi Qo0 'on! i by Mr-. A, J.Lock- lai-t, Kiîî 1St,ueny cp:i- oui- e a--pues office, le te rcnt on roi-.q lle enýis. 'JIis5is a loely house-Inquiie toi- iarticula-rs: J. B. MAlRvue, Bow manvîlle. 20 tf. BRPICK flOUSE TO TiENT,-With oe eor theeaersuLid;,rhosetalan dru ng ous w i'uo t îd. bledorScugogý st., Bewmaivilie. Aply to R. XotN,YV. S. 17-tf. G OOD PASTURAGE for a number ef herses anti catic on lot 27, con 8, Darling- ton, i-or i-he comni-u.ise.soi, at i-c suable i-aies, Aply te Wm. EtAxie, ou tic pri- n'scs, Ennis- klen, or te ALLEN HAvEs, Fitiie Aibori-. 18-3w W ORK WANTED.-A respectable wemau wanîs wqrk by tlic dcv wtshiu"' lbeuse leaniuîg, nnruung, or %Dny i-h0 eoi.. w.,k. APPIy te M. A. JAiFS , I STAtTEuSAN office. 16-if. F ARM FOR SALE OR- TO RENT.- The Renwikls Honieuteai, e m.pasod et the South liaI- f iiot30. o n.4, tClai-ko,' onîaining 100- acreo-s,__ oi-cor joue. Apphiutons will bho eoci-vetiby i-ho usld, rsu id Uno oJUly ti, 1896. Forp pai"oai pyt i NW cIC o ntra si., Bowinilo .Moîteati, FP. M,, Oonu. 21-f. B PICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE.- JL>ornortbi- brckresidenceonouQuocu Si. now occupioti by Mml. Seobeil, 7 uoomî kitolicu, closots, 'uoode ete..o-' d, s5ihi- gai-tien, bai-O anti soi-t water ; j?îQnall building lot fou sale. Aaply i-e lis. A. BoCIticcu, NWelling- ion Si., Bowmnauvuille. 14-f. TOHIN CHAPLIN. Bowmanville, deal- er c in Fruit aiOrnamental Trocs et ail kintis. FDcut place yout ci-îes uiil yen bae seen me. Noue but the lieut cfstci-o i wll b leect. AU stock wuil liesold at the lowoest possible prieé ani iguarauîitecd truc io naine. Box 18, Bowman- ville. 49-i-f. ARM FOR SALE BY TENDER.- JThe Homi,,,,-atibolongiuig te itho Estate cf tih e laie Roger Cce. Coin p oued et the Seti?,cf Lot iliih th cii o. t îtiNorthb' ci- Lot l4li-lihe 4i-h Con. Tomi;snliip ot Darliopton, Couui-y cf Fi-liai-n cotading-200 acrtis," Mioreorcmlos, TonOcre will lie receiveti by tbceuuldrsignet np i-ctb i-helt cf Jue, 1896.For, particuilars apply on the îreomiseq -oSi-u.Cole, witiow eýt iholare R. Colo, H. C. Roar. à coneesson (1iaivets' RoaO). or i-o RnR. Loue imbe, Esq., Solicltor for llîcExeCtitors. H. C.HcAu,Bowuiville.19 4w. 1ARM FOR SALE-A fi-si- clnss farm F ofi-125 actes or 145acetess ett ai-etheili oonhi f lEasrWhtb, bi, ' '.lots Ir, anti 16onti Bas i L'i bout1 fiesirom Osbawa stto,2mlles frei Vib i e lo60rode fi-cm ihe sehoolhlioue. LremetybilUln gu, main bai-n iSx3Cfi-, peiyti-i-ut, s7Slî! yoam, ah- logierleec-ib es-ganiaim nrm ake Shorc-,:i ihieat toe. Ao t 0egsof -_ ------,---a - ----------- -a - . - ' , ' - a -s,

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