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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1896, p. 7

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HBALTII. CROUP.,i Croup,, is a Scotch word, signifying te croak, and indicates jts pronounced Im There u- re two c1forms of the ddise commlon night crouip, andimmraeu or 1ctrueCroup. Tef irst is character- ized by ' spasms, wihart on the miusl- cleso the throat and tend ta clo se hegiot-ltis. Congestion and tumefac- tiion of Lbe mucous mmrn of the F - trachea a nd larynx peet tefto - a greater or less degree. Tbýere area cerain number of cases,hoero pureiy spasmodic or nervouis Croup. jc Now andi then a cas~e is accompanÎilb ~ ,9,general convulsions, as whent worms aire h, apparently the exciting cause. C In imembraneous or true croup there is inflammation. cither ordinary or diphtheritie, according to its develop-S ieetakn Aypjr'ý PiUs for many ment from catarnhai croup ta dipbtber- Sand aays ci rived the beu t e. uic exudation withîn the air tubes. This diseae, which so often pro ces fat- and Liver ai, might many times be- preventeci ifa t. ", n 1rthe ofr u headache due care were taken that the little I ! et t y tfie derangements, A3 e"I' 1 rii4 ,'c. ley are easy ones, especialiy those predisposed., werea loi .adsbielded f rom ils inducing causes, name-t Arc ~M 3cs# y. exposure ta colci or damp winds, unf t lvîq'"i e bie eer wet feet, sleeping or sitting lu a room l:,, SON,, iIl' wbere there is a damp floor, sleepings \ev Xi. ~when dresseci withaut extra covering, A~"E~'S LLSaund a neglect of proper clothing ai ailt seasons ofth year, always beariug 'c~Avtvarr-'n at WoH1d's Fat,'. ln minci theO necessity of clothing as e-veniy, as possible. tIt"'s~bî' !ti.u'.( jrUc b~od. Spasmodie croup eomiug on suddenly at night, is sometimes due to impaireci ___________________________digestion brouht; on by- eating same heavy foodi before retiring. Therefore THE in children of croupy tendencies carE5 should, be exerciseci in lhe slection of I~'JI M~.1 ~ the last meai of thé day, a very light. and simple repast being the very best for the chilci. (!T-l lv Jlucb itcan ha dlone to preveut ti and syings COMPaYi idr('aýd disease of every household con- LOfliOt ario.gstaining smali oilidren by a cuin 0f Onarjo.process of bardening themn by colci ab- 1NC0R,1ATýDUNDR HATE 19, . . .,187.lutions to the neck andi chest, cont- INCReOiATO ate cHPTC 16, . S O. 88. enceci eariy lu life and per-sistently keot up. If ihis plan is failbfuiiy Car- BOWMANVILLE LOCAL BOARD.1 ried out mucli anxiely can ha ispared l parents on account of their litile ones. We are inclineci to belicvéz there are IuECTORS: occasional cases where the disposition . !.1X E, .............. PRncMIDEN, ta tbis disease is due ta berediiary caUsý- E7diter and Prutrietùr CÀsÂeIAN SAES31AN. ' es the secret Iying in thc peculiar for- j.n.. . JURY, Esq.1....... VICF. ParsIDErT, 1 mation of the larynjx andi glottis. Tbe (Dru" gist.), approacli of croup is recognized by thej TL. D. X\IDSCYN Esq_ .......... SrucETrr hoarse cougi andi difficuit, audible res-1 (Prin i i5l Publie SCMiool.) piration, ofttimes accumpanieci by feb-1 M 5.KOflES..LOtAGENT& Ti,-s' rue symptoms. Thure are many andi Mrsr.~MCD0JGAL& .0N15.SOLICITORSvarieci modes of treatmeut ln vogue. (Eitty Chambers, Toronto.) W/ile saine of tbem are worthy of bigb JOHS G AUD, Eýq. ......... .... VALLATOR, recommendation, others are about as lu- Buillder and Cotractur.) consistent ns they w-el can be. BOi )ncSfo lccuirainu ae Simple or spasmaodie croup, if proper- et ihe o iit tSecretry. R.. D l}ON y îtetd, s as quickiy as it camles; Eu. rn w 'o utail itulforiitun may b tii nluotbe wisewubelieve il capabIleof pro- cd. gressing and devoloping into, mem- braneous croup. The ordnary sigus for mauuI, ,,m,~ nrntbe diagnosis ut the iflammatory or BEST ~ ~jÇ~ f~ft~trian type of tbe disese Lu.the persistent %WIRI ik ROP SEVA . duration of the croupal cougi and voice, ýwýREthe genera]ly speaking, slow onset and en the sceadily incruasing fever and diffo- cuit inspiration. lu no disease dues ý2 more depenti upon early treaiment, But bow often îs tuis neglected by ilite treacherorîs approach of the attack det-. «Plu. l teparents and thus coîps niue mrtaiity amoug childrer, kf- f[' "with this iinot dangerD-is dis-, case ýTh0 1 w-o ah-imyportant :ô~t M>ý..,lfndcnjSeM bha-,obýtinecinluOur treament is ria Ltu- MSnuactnedSldSOdbYation and secretion; in spasmodic vases, TN OTAIOWIEFECIU O. k, emetics and attamoi e ' (re - Pietn. niaro. ndeti. An emtic of alum andi boney, The cMulen Fncilgs 'i the proportion of one-haif teuspolon- fui of aluma ta two of baney, given aLi two doses abou,,t f ive mluntes apari; and bas been fouud useful, or thie adininis- terîng of syruipe i»cacuianha, one-baîf Poultry Nettings, teasponfui l ta une lapotu (accord- Jing tanago, repeýatiig eeyf itteen min- Are the very best ever ma'de or sold utes util vom U ing ýccurs, ALsafoetida, iiuCana da. You want only the best gîveg r Iffe frt 1o" suppesitory, is for your money. Don't waste il on S v>4aýfli0die- n,ýS so levs b poor liitations andI cheap substi tutes in lis r psuuiccou1p, chlora- but tsik for and buly the MeMullen 1 n hepoprtono )oneý, tq). e» raps lu ,an ounce uof'vater Good-,. They are unequalled for to whîcbha&bee- atidec one-fourtb of Farmi, Lawn or Poultry Feneings. ï,; uxcÉ fg1Yccrýi-ne, ýn,1gin luone- feaponfi1 ose"s -every hit hour, bas No sai idrif lu with Me-iMulleii feueC rugtt4 apyrels ngs. Iflébrilu snipomsare reen acon- sosal dsesshoult haemployeci. !7,7-For salýe bv Hardware ianid -1 cut, onua" o0cof titncture lon- one of wtr, in ltea- O-~ura sle aensfor Ontario cnocin -t I i,Îîlln-afini- &~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wetr rvneTEB REý n uact 1red dLoeson sug- ar,, or applîted dieoytathe tangue, ING rIpnE Co., Hailton-, Ont. ; for repemaig as often as, Ihe urgency ut Quebe &EciseruProvnce, i MEStue case demanda, anci usiug il freeily Easteil Puvines, AMESexterualiy os w-ell as mýternaiiy. CopcMontreal. 18t. Clotbs wrang ouut hu'lt w-niereu taiuiug enough strang cider vinegar lu _______ ___________________make il quîc saur, sionici Uc applieti ta tic tiroat, and care shoulti ha taken ta keep tic application but. This sbould .L1bha tollowud up without cessation. If Spec'uacies Y 1J tiere is re'tsou ta fear or suspect mem- braneons croup, lie bichromate pot- assa treatmenî must ha atd t lutle Spe tacles1 abus e-anc grain ta four ounces of waî- "r. Dose -for cilîti ncyearaid, on" tua- g, â spoonful. lu severe cases this may ha ý_jj tac es !1 1 pusieci la nausea. Boiiing water, plac- eci on unsiacketi lime anditlic room ai- low-ed ta fil ihlthc steum, is aise No moe coplotestoc bet e usscntial. Vinegar steat e au ha nsed more coplee sockbeteeiin like manner. 'Tbe température utý Moqea ntI Toronto than is kpt the steam-tiiled rootm ust bu kceiup vourovesproprlyfittd wih ~tic thaugil t fiespoutieucy or alitent. pro . .Cyfitdw Theenu la notiing w-hicb au grows ou modm pir f pectacles aI a prîce anc as thc habit ut melanchulia, or, ex- LITTLE DICK'S REPORT. ,as~~~~ lova U oetresseclIin tare familier lents, "the, Little Pic,-"Mamma, liaI new- don- blues," Incunýigeti lun once, il cames tan arrosa -tic axay aseshtime as o w as EftII1I~IJI~II reatiii anuthu time, nti tinhly Uc reail a-oý'tr ini, nd inllybe Mamima-"W"ell, dean, sac arc neyer I~~P~.RIU r\~R LJ, cames siubli us otu ahe truquent pas-adtal evn niaehv u R,0 sessions ac, thuo entire bing, ils ,visita nceti onu -ý." eiadmeLv Watcmake, Jeeie & Oticin, eetig inevitable. Same peutti- ,e ave Ticonae'. ner"ettay-We naturaly aer uile 1-suashine lu tbe-in i Itù d 1vufn u !ý BowsuxNvîLLn. n~~ture, ctifor ithe i lbis indeut e- m y tl el ityufn u i We oua ~5 0~Sewing Machine nenib; f iuy mcuncquer huretiternm a of r tamily plysician?" LittleD-We dnthaLve nue, anti for 25 0, tedunces b îitï w-lus.Naoune hnows we are neyer sc. w-bt eleCatpabeut -doing until lic C il I la ,Cr y fo ries. MIan, asa rUl, , l ot strong 'naug ta ce bis toblsunfiincbt- ngl i3' , t.aa1y limes a util Aitianti tape avilliAbelp im weulierhesuccurnin It, is n1otoniy inderesedmental 'auitinswbee ic m nind's influenc is paientu, but o;fteni patients bave rai-1 led f rom aueru andeven fatal liessty havinig tbe brigit star ot hape ever before tbem. Just su o, -ite rnagination erau picture an 111 w orse hait it ru-aliy le:- -hesafesl way to heti say w-bat Ts neye"(r t(sppsew-e shahl be iii, Nlosi of the ills w pour marials know, From doctors andi imagination tflow."~ A HOME iREMEDY. One ut the mosi effective remedies for disorciers ufthe stomaci andt bowels, aci une w-bicb can ha prepared lu thé. home is as f ollows: Onue teaspoontul cloves, une teaspoontul cinuaman, une teaspounful pow-dereti Turkisi nhu- barb; steep lu une-hait pint avater. Strain anti atit onu teaspoonful essen- ce peppermint, anc teaspuenful soda; adti as muci eut loaâf sugar as vifldis- suive, This makus tlic mixture almost as tbick. as syrup àdtiec cildrun avili like it. Iu very«severc cases ut bowel trouble, as --)fchoiera infautum lu obilclrun, acdd te tbe abuve one teaspoonini laudaneum, but do nat add ibis for ordinary use. The dose for a chid et cigit or ten is une teuspoonful, for an'aduit a table- spoont ti. Iu cases of slgit stoinici or bowei trouble, give a dose three limes a day, but lu, mure severe cases gise mare tee- queutly,ý. Tiere is netbing la lie pre- parution put up wîtiaut laudanum tiat eau possibly injure the patient eveil if given every bour. Oficu wbcn a cbiti's bruati is bati, thus shaw ing lie atumuci ce bc some- aviat oui ut arder, -a tew doses outhtus mediciue w 111 make ail rigbt, anti pre- veut more senious trouble. The prescription is tiat of an aid physician as bu usec i hw-tii pienomenai suceuýse lubis pructice. espccialiy umang, Tl-11NGS WORTH- KNOWING. Fogs arc more truquent lu October anti favember than ai auy aiber perieti ut tic year, because. besides thc ove- poratian tram sasrivers anti iakes. ib-euis ai constant exbalation tram the grount 'i untic form ut vapor. Over 300),000 specimeus out fossil in- sec ta bave haun coihecteti trainvartous% Parts ufthte world. Of tiiese, butter- fies are among tbe very rarest, as tuas huan two specimens ail toiti bave been taunti. A remetiy for the removal ot insects tram a, conservatary may bu founti, witbout destroying lie litle iniruder, by concentrating tobacco stoke for e tew minutes, 'anti then la open tbe sashes, tbus aleowing Ibetn an opper- iuniiy ta escape. Thene are tive families of w-bales. Firsi, thc Balauuidae, or tootiluss w-baies, divisible [nia smnoul w-bales and furro-ed as ales; tien lie Catodanti- dae, tic lootietiw-bales, suci as thet sperta or cachalot; tien thb e lphini- dueut lolpinas; tien the Rbyncho- cueti, or Zipiioid waies, andti ten lie Fie netimigration to, lbe Angen' tine 11epubîlo forý 1895 w-as 46,783 per- sans; ln 1894, 54,720, andi in 1893, 52,007, For tic last five yeaxs the tiotal. bas haun 220,000 arrivals. Tbe great ma- jenhty ufthetbc fiegants continue to came trot Itai, y. For lie lat year, Italian imigation w-as 65 per cent. uttcw-boi anti 18,912 w-une f ami. lies. Tic phrase sub rosa "under lie rose,', bas been saidti ta ave originateci trai tic mîany plais anti conepiracies efngenti- eruti during lie w-ara ut York'anidLan- cas-ter, but il le muci mare proi'bai! tiat ;h arase tram aa custot-now-w f al- len mb diusebut once very general among ticnat o thticnoiti ut Eu- rape-of suspending a ruse aver the heads of lie guests aI feasis, ta signify ibat w-iutever transpireciw-as ut a con- tidentiai nature, PERSONAL POINTERS. lie,,ts of lntere-t About Sonie or tihe 4h'e F-olks orf the Wonlti. Prince Sciasartzenierg, allaciedti tic Austro-Rfuigarian Embassy lu Der- lin, receive-J at Prague recently the tiegreeu of &u'r ut lawv-iub auspici: i- cracuis-u rareani pe-ciai distinc- teon. h w-vas accerdet i lu tie Prince b' tic' Empýerar, not un accouaI t of hi birti or positeon, but lu recognition oi bis assideous studiles antiexcellent ex. uminations. Captuain George W\. Speurman, ance canspicuoun l enian atteins, die inb New York a fusa days agu. lie un- listut in a Peunsylvania regiment dur- ing tic war, anti becamu a capiain ol »cas airy. le w-gs for a lime associatut, witi O'Ponovan Rossa. Atter tic wuî i' was sent au a secret mission tu Ire- [anti, anti bu ioulapartin he tiFe'nian invasion et Canada. Mr. E. V. Staley [s geiting sumc- aa blase. H1e rumanks tiai "A pub- lic banquet is une outhe muaist wti- came ut tic miaur miscries ut lite. T! bu compeliedti tesit ia a siraigit-bcicu RUSSIA AM) ENGLAýNDT IN THE EAST. Iiu view,- of lie recent reports r-' giarc leihu iaa' iiihine on-i don Fineýs ut LIe,,relative strengili uof thu jil_;ussa1ni 3 ihflets ilu thé far LasiÏ, al :alaie d(ate. Lunîinu 00 o ua,18 kuots, four 10- mciten47-icianti taanly-six -aux- iiiary 11) Cui sevn lrpeda tube1s. Slic ias tircu ý,armnoneti cruiisers, the ed, cecLuw 60 ionjs, 181-2huis, 1w-a 9.2inc,;tainc antdi twntyli-fivýe auxiiarygen, asiiifour torpet&i u5cs, Sie bats (ti Etrir, %a protecieti cruiser ot 7,350 ions, 20 1-'2 huais, lava 9.2-inci, ten 6-incli, and lwenty-six auxiliary 0 guns, anti tour tarpedo tubes. Sic bas lb" Reolua, Spartan, Rainiaw, anti Pique, protecteti cruisers, caci of 3,- ;00 tous, 19 3-4 kuets, 1w-o 6-iucb, six, 4.7-inci, andti turteca auxiliary guns anti four tubes. She bas the urmorcd coasitidefentier Wivumn, of 2,750 tons, 10 kuate, anti tour 9-inch anti nine smalur gens. Si" has tic Archer anci Porpoise, cruisers of 1,790 tans, 17 kauts, six 6-inci, eleven auxiliary gens, andti [mcctubes. Sic bas thcetiespaici vussec Aiacrity, of 1,700 tous, 19 kuots, anti ten 6-pountier ant Itw-omachine gens. Sic bas tic sloop Dapinu_, ut 1,140 tousý, 14 1-2 hnts, ant i egit 5-inci anti -ighit machine gens. Sie bas lie gun- bouts Pigmy, Ihetpoie, Retibruasi Rut- Liler, Piover anti Puacocla, ut 755 tons, 131-4 hnot.s, anti six 4-inci anti tour machine igens. Sic lias tic Swxif t anti tic Lionuet, gun vessels utf 756 tons, 11.8 kuots, andti tax 7-inci anti six saller guna. Sic bas tie guboat Fireiranti, of 455 tuas, 10 kauts. aknti tw-u 5-incli, taso 4-inci, anti two macilUe gens, anti tic guaboats Esk anti Fw-eecî ut363 tons, Ilir, f-6-pound(ers andtiw-o ma- chine guns. Fially, chu bas cigit tan- pedu ous o iiin t ic R11ussianfluet in hose avaler , efounik te avebeen consul- uruby agmunetidurhnjg tic lat te- montli , ani1la siroUg Ilincluti"s tice ba(tlu Iip EprrNhoaI., ut 8,- 440 tons, 1t5.9 huaIs, >wo12-inci, futur 9-huci, elgit 5-loch, ai',w-enty-lw-a auxiliany gens anti six lorpedo tubes, Nuxi cumc four fine armoreti cruisers, lu as ilci casa tic Russian f leet surpass-. es tic British. Amung them -ilbu trvecognizeti guesis ut ours a fesv yuars ugo. Tic Panayat Azova la-tf6,000 tons. 17 1-2 kuats, 1w-o 8-inci, faurieca 6-ladh, antid et auxiiiary gens, ivîh tincu torpetia i ss;the Admirai Nacli- imof t ,ut 7,782 tous, 16.7 kuais, elgit 8-înch. lau 6-inchte tuaauxiliary gens, anti four tubes; thie Rurik, ut 1&,923 tonis, I8 huais, four 8-inici, sixleeu 6-j * csx4.7-i-ich, antà igelgiteen auxil- *iary guns, wir-hiixturpudu tubes;, lie Dimitri iÀDousa, utý o 5,893 tons. 15 kuots, tour 6-idi, ua4.7-inch. anti thinteen eux1ýiiîary gune1ý, w-lu four torpudo tubes. Thin ams icpraiecite ruiser Ad- mira Koiio t,5,000 tous, 17 1-2 huais, laa8ini ouricen 6-inch, anti eigb- teun uxili-yTgns, anti six tubes. A 1paîr oftïarmored gonboa ta, ticGrermy- eianti 15 hutcarrying onu, 9-iuch, une ti-incei, anlÀti namîugns,,with 1w-o tubes-. FieKrezer uciRosboy- n ik-a ar"covetesut12 Ions anti 13 has, cnyigtircu 6 -inci anti tif- tea sahir uns. Fie, Koryets antiq Madinare gun vesseis ut 1.213 tousi atid1,3 1-2 kot,canryiug flava8-inci tani onu. 6-nlc i uns, witihten salier pi- anti tiruand tubes. 1 PTh(a gun vessis'Sivootci anti Bain are ofu 9530 tons anti 12 1-2 ani12 haunts, car- ring une 9-incli, une 6-uch, and eleven 1muilen gens. Tis Gaidamuk 1,anti Vsa- - dnh arc ;unboats ut 400 tans anti 22 hautis. aith threu, torpedo tubes caci antiali rupiti-tire guns. Flic Aent anti Vukout are olti merchanîmen titteti up w iii a t"v uptitiu gns. Finauly theeare Ihirteen l orpetia boats, Fehing hi", iw-o liaIýs togetier aa- iad it tLat il must ie cunjcret that tic Brit- is is erallier tihe Thur Fe Bitiish show- 25 ships, £g~5l1 Or tb"ý Rus- 0 ahana, w-ile the, latter lbavc 18ion p du - bouts az,çinst 8 for' th,ic rilit ng- i and's total tonnagela 64,887 las, a gainat Russia's 54,839; but ber aveïac,,g -speeti, 15.1 huais, veny [ile exceeca3 Y 1,luszsia's 14.8 kuats. In ttali gens eGreutü Bitain [a sciIabati, w-thi445 faani350, ati uloilutorpetie tubes, - asiih 43 ar-ainisi33. Probably ilutlb" chiracie-r ut tic ordiance tic British ealso, have lic ativaniage. FitEnglunti bas been a uitile unx- -ions on lie aubjectislashew-a bysoea -pro(posais flu re,-enturcu Vie-AdmiraI, f ule:but ti catstis ur cuoiec iht su'ctu L bu i i, ciiaile lu beol' r ls o«van. PI EASE 111lE CIIILDI-tEN. AIR kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SOREENEI) COAL We ivit inpecionand ,guaiantee satisfaction. 1)zI iepeac nce Quanity, twice lin Qualily aile.-tlree limes in Frice who iinspIect the um equaile d assortment o1 Slippers, -Rubber,ýs, Trunks, Valises, &ec. At Our Storr, ma-BEAIVER LCaflwxivIi BIGGEST STORE, BIGGEST VARIETY, BJGGEST VALUE. Eýverybody imaviteid to cal aud sec oiur ftew t îotw&ve;ar TERSHOE X'4N Furniture and m lm House Fuirnishings. Our line comprises everything fouind lu a first class furniture ware- room, and believing it only doing justice to our business and that a(ýur customers may benefit by it,we have added more varieties to our alreaidy large lunes, and our prices cannot be beat. We buy as low as the lowest and are satisfied with small profits, and you wilI be convineed of t'he same wheu you have seen our goods and examiined our prîces. Parlor Suites, Sideboards " Bcd lloom Suites Hall Racks, Extension Tables Centre Tables, Lounges, i'attresses, Secretaries, C14ulrs cOf evPry description Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Miîrror Glass? PViture andI Roo)m oldingg with nîany Dtlîer lines you will find in great variety and at ail prices at our store. Give us a cciii when wanting an3ithing in our Une and see how well we eaui suit vou. NMD E RTAKI-ý1NGuâ"â Special attention given to this department. L18 ]Ionnsall's Bloclr Bu'viî iNVILLE. M 7. As mosi cbhi ir -. dligit ta play dor-'" her, noibint" i'coul .iase tiem butte-rj tia an i !i"cti',ine case sili"mk beli"." îa~iidues Onu aesily lbe- maietotst inen cnvs svpn lieaphs_'iians poeket-ease. Tic' rr1m partila 17 1-2 incies- by à 1-2 iîîci"s ludfo air. Fea d osa-n tre inccnu eloe We have, on hand the 'iargest stock of Furniture to be anti puwcer-slips, and titîi thte sities seen iinianv' wareirooins in the country, and as it has al ufthle pocket. lîel bonti- for' spot cash and so rnuch on the dollar, we Now-, 4' 1-1luches trotn each cati ar'e ia position to, seil cheaner than the cheapest. place ecrips outhticmateniai 1 inch w-ic anti 9 luches long ucrbs tiý,ýc7casu ta Th ]ilaîge qatiisthat -we have sent ont testifies to confine tic betlîles, ciiiahon i eA~, Slitci thvee tnipa la ýspaceo' prices. s, ouî' cuscorners if they have been satîsfied. incies ta spaces ut 7-8'of aLui in We keep-citeap Fuî'niiture for those who require it and we tic botiy ut case, stitchint 2nrs te also have sonie lines that cannot be seen in any other belti tirmly. These apertures w 11h et- wrros uctiy ,fit Ilia ordinary' hemee-paiîcaieoos bailes, uficluai number ut as',il-ci 'wýquoôté a e i9Trë cen, be coilectuti in nearly every bouse- Pro-Sie e îue holti, 'wasbcti anti matie rcady fer'L $25-0; D;inig Roomn Suites $18.00 Onu ote hud odw teË frBed Ré(ÈSuites 10.00 Centre Tables 3.00 "drops" unotier pulver,,izeci sugar to. Louno's'5.O Mattrasses 3.00 malte powvters, andti theremaiadcu- ta bu A tievoîti tteilssut dittuýrcut culera,-1-4 Sîde Boaî'ds- 8".00 ertarîeS 4.75 ufthleseuimlh a-osca be boaugl ton 15c, anti w-i lbu sufficient hotil We keep eýVéry'thino" in: the furniture uine necessary thc botilea, avileiw-il louk very pruuly- w-th Ibeir va-ýrions colons, h F ýlichidtO fuî'nislî a home.> Do not biwy nutil you see oir goods, tioctor 's" 3munogrut ýsionîtibuc m- ' broiticreti upon lic -bach uý'thIe case, as it is a pleasure to show them using Asiatie fila lsa nt enéili -ý r nc fb s n s siaulti Uc previtieti w-hch mabu fTit, NDL -qT A KIN 'isl, pca rnh forbsns encdti thetic ase by a picu ofcoi o estin. Foldtheticextra ]icui t fencisand l'iwa vs conducted Rnder our personal suipeî'visioni. avnticbh e s lu lacp itiet trot rubbing> toguther, tien t olti ugain ant confne tc cse b a ibu buTi.his ull ril i1btppeiteio a ra1iay day, w-honigoctor" ceau b" pl,,- F'wrs a ~ c., cin ta liehaneBlock, Bowm'narille. pitcherls Castoria. mcý E umast End Grain Depot [rhe iun-dersignied desire to thank the farmers of West Oirharn for the liberal patro-nagpe, 1ex-teýnded to uts durinig the past. season, also to rexnind tbem that we are stillinlx the market and III ij prepared to pay hue HIGHESB3T MARKEFfT PRICE AILL KINDO F CASE GRAIN & SEEDas delivered at our soehuecor, Kingf and Gerorge s3treetss.,or LP Daringon.We have a.lsc on hand a large sitock. ÎNEW AND FRESHP of Caainand LvrolCas Sa u1,;n ag S. Rock Salt for catthi, and, hors3es, ind FreshGrun Grey Plasiter in Barrels WhiLch w7e areý prepared to ýsel1 a ~ it id id -/ y- 0AxS IEL

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