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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1896, p. 8

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When next you are buying ask you dealer for and you wii then have an opportunity of enjoying something reallydeticious. You may suit your pooket, as it Îs.packed in four quantities, 25c, .40e, 50c, and 60e. l n Lead Packets OnIyý From Grocers and Gerueral Storekeepers.1 T ue NEW,[819 [AT[ST1 anm [3 invention of the age for comfout in foot Wear is what is representeid hi the ahrwe illustration of a ventilated hoot. You should see these boots at J, Iiellyar's, at the Palace Shoe Store, Bowmanville a a If you, have fr'uit tîrees ît will pay you Stone-low in ppuce, high in quality. to use ou Blue1 Swoap TaIk5' We have ueceived a lot of Seely's Butteunîlli and Cu- cumbeî' Soap at 10c, 3 cakes 25c. Ou White Castile used i the bath with one of ou ne-w sponges niakes yon feel alive all over. Ou Qpply of Inseet Powdeu, Fly Paper and Hlellebore has, aurived-suîe death to inseets, IEGO- PRESERVER-Caîl foi' book of information- everybody wants it.' BOWMAINVILLE. 'gur (tnhûîn$tAtmaux BOWMANVILLE, MAY 27, 1869. CLARKE NEWS, (Condensed froin titeNeîws.) Ssxnci LuN.-iMr John Cooper, Orono, visiteti bis sou, Mc. Geo. Cooper. ý. . c.H. Simpson is iii ,Mr. Adiam f-fery, is able to bc otafter his iiluesa. . ...Mr. John Dbowell ha da colt badly eut by coring in contaet witb a barth wire fonce.... Mr. Fred Banidait, Bethauy, was a recent gubaI of Mr. Jobn Stew Vart... Mr. anti Mrs. Jobnston Morton, of liethan>, visiteci bis father Mc. . Morton ... . Tise familles ot Messrs. Geo. Cooper, John Matin anti JohunJfodie, have otisemeasies. ltuuev.-Mrc A. Morrow anti family reeently yisitod aI Pontypool ... Mr. John Sando spent Suuday ivck t M. John Cbspman's jr. Messrs. Wm. Ridge anti Wrn. Morcow, of Ponty- pool, visited Mr. A. Morrow's. ... Master Wllur Poweris, son,0fMr. Mervin Pou ers,,has been sici t h oerainorbus ...,Mc. A. A. Powers blas-d sooreismethoroogh breti short born stock fýrmtise west... Mr. Fletcber Chaprnan, of Toronto University. la borne-..ev, A.C. WisnTycone, 13ev. B. S. Ecaick, Mr. Flot- cher dbhaprnan, conducteti League services Sunday There is no one article in the fine of medicines that gives so large a retuî'n for the moîîey as a good poios strength - eigplaster, such as Carter'sS Smart !Weed Belladonna Backache Plaster. OnoNo.-Wýýolverihanipton Lotige, S.O.E . fS. attendeti service iu St. Ssviour's church . Rev. J. Cilsioim. Dubarton. iseacbeti Suuday morning in the Preshyterian thnrch... Mca. G. Joli, iiownanivilie, visiteti ber sîstor, Mlis. 1-. Hiooper, receuitly.... Messrs. John Rcuwick sand Geo. Gray, NeWeastle, were lu town lasI week.. Mc. llarry, Alexander, lBowmauvilie. was guest ofINMc. Win. Thompson, recently. Mc. anti Mrs C. J. Thompson spent Sunday week ii Cobourg ... Mca. ltirkland, wecare pleaseti 10 leacui, is ce- coversng froin lier recent illuess .. Miss Mary Butels art, Bowmanivilie, was ftho guest of lMiss Lillian Garnsby, Swuday week... Mr. John Me- Mr. Alber Darceb, Lounanvilie, visited the by ecetly, . .. liowsnux he District couivcul lion ftie .M.S. niil ho held th Ie Metho- dis', chureh, Orono, Maoy 28th three sessions, 10.10 arn., 2 Pus,1., ansd 8 P1s. Pcograins wiii con- sist of reports, essays, addcesses andti musse fcous missiouary n oshers. Mss. K-endcy of Peter- boro, Sec.. of tise-Bay of Quine isî neh, i ex- pectei Lüne present anti atitiess the îceisng. The PearilcoftGreat Price To wonîiaii N beauty, l3eauty, the iey that unloeks ex elo o c, coioamandt deferesîceinspires lon~.But heauty of face casînlor stisf v issIets the asdit ional grace, beauty of? teeth, adds it c rs.Fîtuetel'-11, 5tet ubieath, r4 plin OTagle It~ lPces that ajl-- a sg 'F' le 1-lve il I ss ssa datzlig p'.ï~ lke Itulees, rî'cnVCi discoioratIcîq i ý,rs aI ufroin toc teth and rendcv ,, tfeI c cesth, sxfragaits a- fuois nia Chelnists and Druggists. Mnch symipathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Elliott, cf Baltimore, at the sudden death of their eldest sois, which occurred on Thursday last alter a brief ilness cf Mi-anation of the bowels. The Best I Erer Took. MB. WAXTEB C. CHARTRBAN MATES A STATEME NTIFRnTRE PUatr G oeD. Mr. Walter C. Chartras ivhls is well knowsî in Boavnanville as proprietor of the shavinog parlers on King Pt., says; 55Doan's 1idnev Pis are the hest med- icine I ever took,. "I have hati kidney trouble fer about a year, with severe pain in the srnall ef rny back, and between my shoulders, aise in boîli sides. "I wias troubled greatly with neural- gia pain in the back ef my head and over rny Iëyes, and was at Urnes very dizzy and felt as if I were in a stupor. "'The urine centaineti a great deal of gre 'yish sedimesit, and 1 elten awoke in the rnorning as tired as whon I wcnt te bcd. Nervous troubles aise affecteti me and I suffered mucli frem fluttering ef the heart. 1"Semnetimies 1 suffered fîorn cramps ln the haîîds and feet and bloating of the bed, se much se that 1 was unfit fer wok and felt utterly miscrable ail the time. "I doctoeîd for four snonths without receiving rnuch benefit, anid in tact until I coinrenced the use of Tlean's Kidney Pills -which I get from Stott & Jury's drugstore 1 believed thiere was ne cure for me. "However, I an glad te say the Pains in î-ny bead, dizziness and stupor are al gene. In a word Doan's Kidney Pis have cornpletely cured nme cf âahsny aliments. 1 conssdert tîis a ivendertul achievement and adole pleasure in rec- orntneud-tng tlieni te ail suffering frorn auy f orn of kidney trouble or frem any of the complaints wlsich I1isave mention- ed. Wben Baby wan.s iea, wc gava he c CasIois. '7hcu sEteowcra aChUIt, sancerieti for Caatori.a, * '77 she c"Ot nx2"V s., c 'luug to Castocl.x. z .,es h ebcL a d Cl e n, s egave thenu Cas c ria,. SOLINA. The Eldat i f2albath School anix esarywiii be held1 as follows :-On Suiday, May 3 ot, oor- mouts will be preached. A z':30p. im,.vy1 ex * C. parke f Boa manville' ý,7da .r.h 3v manvîlle Quartet VwilIassiat atthe oog sevice in the evening.Collection at eaUxservi,, 1s1 aid of shoIL00fend,. On Monday, Ju ~,ss vicesail be Yreiissiec at 2 p. im wb-eu ",.cr of reettations, dialogues, andi silgingwii"e given by the sehool anti addr-essesli ,Re,.(,.W MoColl, B3.A.,B. D sud Mr. W.E. T, er, If Oshama, aard Rev' G ICopelanti ofNewcste Tes-serveti from 4 p. ;n., util alilare sa,!tîsie Tic kc-ts 25 ets,; chiltiren not memibers of sehoo 15 ,ts, Every osse corne anti eujoy a goodti re. JA. \WERPOY, EtDWIN REXIZOLb, uprintendeut. 1 ,1 Sec ex y. DivisiooiThursdsy iighit ibis w eek .-.,. FL oorh B. A., wdîe ai-i fsnilyV isicy, vistcfa Ms.D. Hogarth's.c. ~iso n Ger- row viledparenits at Seun a 41..Mr nilkdrawe-s thanIRemne ialistshec.Thiere's mýillions iniil... ýMr. J. Wesley Broolco aa bec tirawlngsiate for his new bou ýse ..!M.J.G. Langmiiaid solti a horsetop n Egihb~er iCesntlY_ -. Messrs. Jas. T. Boniie aTl erb. Ryii are nac?3,,k frorn Englanad. 'Theybd a C piiiidu1d . Bowrnanville. visiteti bore - centiy a d LMr. W. Doitige, Tyronie. Are mst competout te fully appreciate thei purity, Sweetness, anti denecacy of CurucLunA SoAs', andte 1 diseover new uses for il daiiy. In tise 40cm of wasbes, Solutions, etc., for distressing inflammnations, irritations, and weaknesses ofthtie mucous membrane, il iha@ proveti aosi grateful. CUTICUBA SOAP appeals to tise refined andi Ciiiivated everywhere, as tihe most effective skinpnrifying anti beautifyiuigsoap,as wellae purest and Sweeîest for toilet andi baths. Sold througisaat the wsrld. Brilas dept. P. NEw. Mtwa & SoNs, 1Knsg lldwasd-ot.. LoMdGn. ori DEUG a . Ceai., amie P ostBon. U. .. ROCHESTER ROUTE. STE AMER NORITH XING Conswcncing 27th April. Rend Down. week Davi. IRend up. 8. 00 a. m. Lv, Rocbes3ter, N.Y.C. Ar. 8. 30p. m 8,30 ., " Charlotte " 7.30" 1.00 p.m, Ar. Cobourg Lv.1.15 .4.5 Port alope 230 H. H. GIiaERSLEEV, J. H. JTURY, Agent. -,Mer. Kingston. The Calladiali Statosman Ali Bugisi ',PgeFou Iy-Eghî Columu Necu spa )r, isapublushed IVER YR, WDNESDAY MOIRNING, ATai. OFFICE 26 STATESN BLOCK, KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT.. BY 1.A. JAIVES, Editor & Proprietor. Suhserspîsou-sl.50 par aunurn, or $1.00 if paiti strictlin luatvance. ADVERTISING RATES Trasm8icut Advarbissîug. Ten Cents per Lune, irat insertons; Fivo Cents per Lina each îuh- sequesmt isnsertion. CONTRACT RATES. 1 iMIls Saths OMtIss tYr. Ouae Coliismums.......... -20 001,-40 06Ô 100 iLafaitConu..i,......13 00 26 40 60 Quar tec Colinusui..: 8 00 16 26 40 Biglsth Columu ._..ý.....3 Oui 10 16 . 26 Tss'enry.dc e Lises,. ý»4 50j 9 12 18 TÏareuty Lises ......... 4 O0 t 8 13 Fleen Lissesq. .........3 50 J 7 5012M Tell LUne......... .... 2 50 450O6 50 Il Fixe LtMI4.... ........t1 2 5 f0 6 10 Tihovoe are contu ccl rates, anti appiy ouly ;0 regniar iusiness adi ectiseca. Traniesat ili Vertsecss Toms Cents alisse iret insertion, anti FhviN se a linae eccis subsequent insertion. Chagesofcostreetatvecîlseerents insut ho basei 555 sot later Ibat unie oclot-It omsSatorday -tisis cule uiil be tictly enforceti. Parcagraph ativertisernants amng nacra ibns lo aie ase ci iumertiosm. Notice of Blicclus, 25c; 3Marciagas andt Deatha, Diaplayeti atverlisernents are ineasurati by a scale of solit i somparei andt chargeti accocdsmsg. y. Ordcrs foc diseousiuiug ativeclisemanta must ha iiw citismo. olierwrs ise he ubialmocw lisnct be roopousil,) e. Doubla reotoluir clsa chaîgeti turing March, Aîl anti May anti Octoiser, Noveinhar anti Decaîssier for dîeplay advcrtisissg 001 con- Ircceti focrhy lise ycac, A Illdad of Job Printing donae ith neatuses anti tespatch anti on, reasosmabla terns. The office is suppiiedti s t a great varieîy of tise latestal(,ntmost fasisionable styles of type, Ail cornimmnications s soultibcha adressati, Businss notices hum local or noirs cuusss finIt insertions 10 cents pIer lina Noupacil; 5 cents par Iii ue o-h subsequcust insertion, Notices of meel- loaofas kist aI srie sus admishsion fao is chargeti or a colcto ke acn ut ha paid for~. To Sncscaumsn.as o paper w-ilha stopjýed untfi 'a1arrecagasare isaii, exceptaut he olton of the publisimer. A poat office notice Cc discon- tissue ha oct sufliciesît. M. A. JAMES, 130wimasliileOt. SEE THE BEST -Know What You ChewDEMOREST'Si bfree Irons thIn urlus colorlng. T", more yoa use Pl kt the better you Ilk. It. VUE QOO E. TUCRETT & SON iCO.. LD.> 13AMILTON'. ONîT. Write foc pas tîcutars, catalogue,ietc., to CARL B. KENT, Assistant Postmaster, Bosornauiville, Ont. ALLANLIN E floyal fail SteanmshIps. Liverpooi, eat- ing ait moville, Motreal Queee cLaurentian. May 30 ...May 30, Sp ln Mongoian.....Julie 0 Jn ,S 8ardinianý....... ..Joni .Joue 1, )a m NumIdian... ...... ..Jonc 20ý..Julie 20, 3 p mi Parisaan... ý.... ... Jme 27 .. .Jue 28,9t a i Passeîgrs cao embacislat Motreai tisalpre- Vienus evng after 7. ITOc Laurentian carrnesflit cahin pasacugars onily from Ibis aide. SS. Nebraskcau New Yorkteb Glasgow, May 29, Califorîsia Jom 12 RATES OF PASSAGE. First cabin Derry snd Liverpool, $5o anti op- warils recoru $100 ant i mpwartis. Second cabin Liverpool, Derry, 130; returu $G3. Steerage at loirest rates. Alisa Une Agent. Bosrmanivllle. In the Surrogato Coulrt OF TilE AN UNEQUALLED OFFERl, Dcsmorest'sCut papeC 'p n 1scu l tIse maso0t pce"'lcal u he acut. Tisy ara cf ausy ~ ý,, ...Iblasyssac 0- of the famiîv 'diiîuîie.Sscai oju c ,lseii'a-'cae ifa ptmtdac ouo i eutslss the islscrhber, or lîncolser, tIsa apatte ,r thisandtiregtiacily slfos 35e c.) rany nuisbi0fplterssfoc 4c, tae tocc e ostaguz(nil ua .Whuss the c anecftis ptîrus ~a s îultii the subacib- DemoicrestMagazi neFree Auici isaf i ussýagazreihOs !Foc 1830 t il 1,ih n ier bcutlianm rtbelote, New imig 1 l s , , ss , 's Ioses l 0 ,,uesiideas. 'Each Ccpv cous' ý tai,ilu, ami qussile cproducttlousin ecoasmie c.usaeipicturu hy, a faucons a tual. arortby, to adrn tiise -ccii cf lieme silretincti Ioi- L ils afïli.i,,iti 1aI Demxorest's haý the ouiy cons- 111010 Faslni M publisitul onmiiig 9a1 cf tihe-uls sI eilemul poinsf its contesupon su- ies, besides haimang iisuuîaflel feacucas of ils ou n. Demmorest's hsa acîuclly a Dozen Magazines lun onse. lb hs:a Digets of current ey ents andideas foc the husy usis or wcrnamm, A RevIew and Store bosue of fiterest for ail. Wivea, miscîhaca sîsteca anti dig0 es, caus slnd eacly crbat tbey ucedt : iasuoseanadtiinstruet tismauscs piractical isu e vy ery ticrtuneist of tiomestie anti social liCe, rusloingîbhe formisbimsg anti orna- metiug of Ihels ornse. cmhrohlaery, brie-a-hrac, arisîle anti fancy awrnî of ai l intis, etc., at suggestions anti ada ice rcgacdiug îLe wecli baimg ant tiesngc beir osrms pensonms. Tise soopeocf the articles for 1895 anti 1896 ilii eover the arbola country anti ils vaciati interests andt heas-idles iii hac pofusely illustu-abati wli the Olusst eigs-aviugs. anti in addition, lb srill îsul lhthe lbeat anti purasu cf f tio1 tu.lttracts aI fi-sgthlu ot-of-door sports, houssaanlusamen t amd lentartainmauts; it gives a deai cf attention îo îLe chiltirens deartrnent, anti "Our Girls,"l anti as a mon-t1ly8ysuposIum by celebraatà t ole, h i hidi ara tilscusset imrin Isîleil ons .1of tise boùr of imtreal 10 the old er readlers. Let us have ycnr subacriptiosu aI onîca. Fou g-et u1oîrejralue for your nsonay thaumit ispossible te Secure in any otîsar magazine. The Magazine oua ycar for ',2.00. Or six mnouils for- - $1.00 Ovar 250 differaul garmenîs ara shoarnaach yeac, îattacnis of ail of wiih ara obtainahie hb subsacibars ai 4e. eaeb. Sampie ccpy(wit pattern coupon) semnt for 10C. DEMOREST PUBLISING CO., 110,Flfth Avenue, New York. beal Bo1 We have a fiee line of Fresh Groceries which we IJ1IB U OmfII COUDi Haït0 mormuaiJmJ i uni UDM. i offer cheap for cash, or pro- ln the s 3fattep of the CGuartîdiuaship f the infant utsildren cf Mafcry Eliz- abetlî&ilbert, loteo f the toîcn.çshw cf Darlinqtonl inte County ofDu- /iam, decease.d.- Application -viii ha matis1tathe Surs'o-ate Cour, of the Uited Countileo of Northlhmsberan ci cuti Durharn hefore tbe Juige lu Chambers aI the Court flouse lu the town of Cobourg ater thse expiration of lu enty days f rom bth rai puhihatiouhereo oms ehaîfcf Jases G timr of tise sai t osînulîs 0 f Dalingto, ubsantiof lime saitideesof or an order appointfîmî the saiti Jsîues Gilbert cuartimiasof îraggbe Ai erbaj GlhbC harle ÏHomard Gilbert and ianuk Lesis311,ihurI, iufaut chittirn oh the sali Mary Elizabeth Gilbsertdcaei Datet.-.1aItBowma1sx site IbisiueteeM.h day of May, A. D., if3. JAMES GILBERT, Dv D. . fss.s .ftc .w .fBusimiie 1lsis solicitor. îq-3w, duce. Have you ever tried the Creani. Sodas andi the Pinie Apple Wafeus ? We1 have soine very fine, fuesh Maple Syuup, just arrived. Cas h paid for Produce. Telephone No. 57. Shop Alteratinn Sale. We are decidely in earnest in our endeavor te reduce our stoci te facilitate intended improvements and renovations, aînd to give ouX patrons an idea of the plan of pushing sales we give a few saapIe bar- gains from each of our departmnents. : 'I G-ER5=>OoCEmERIEJS. Gem jars, best cjuality, pt. 60c, per doz.; quarts 75c. per doz.; ha.f gailori $1.05 per. doz. Corn pr. tin 5c, reg, 8c. Peas " " 90 reg. [12c. Tomatoes pr. tin 8c. reg. t oc. Beans 1 " " 7c " 1oc. Pumpkin"'I 7c "'~ Oc. Salmon pr. tin soc. 12 L reg,.'1 5c, 17c. 13 Bars Electric Soap for 25C. Indian and Ceylon Tea at 25c. worth japan Tea 200. worth 25c. Ryson Tea 25c. worth . 500. India & Ceylon p)kgs or bulk for 35c. Our usual cut prices for Mix. Candy, Chocolates, Caramels, etc. Good Baking Powder socts. Ail kùîds of field and garden seeTsp at reduced prices. Dres prints special 10c. for Se. 5in bik Sicilian cloth for 85o worth $1,00. Surah Twill lining for 10ec 38sa b1k Si]k Finish Henrietta 75c. worîh $1.00. Fancy dress plaids for 25c worth 35c. Blk Grenadine for 50o werth 85c. 1 Des wool Fauoy Strip Grenadine for 40P. worth 65c. i pce. wool Faney Strip. Grenadine 35e wortlt 60o LadiW ' air Nets 5cis each. Blk and col'd Side Combase. and Se. pr. pair. Blk Straw Sailor Rets 25c. eacls. Very handsome white metal Beit Buekies 12jc. each. Special value in wht. Quilts ut $1,50 wortis $1.90. Scotch Zepher plaids at 131-c. worth 15e. A splendid new loi of Art Mualins froui 7c up. Ladies' blk Cotton Hose Fast Colors 10c. per. pair. Seo our 25c. line Silk Finish Cotton Rose, Special values in Paras!ols, large assortmeuit, Pretty curtain Serims et le. andi 12'. per yd. See ou. 30 yd Teped Lace Curtain at 70o Pr. pair. Big value in Towling at 5ce and 6c. pr yd Ladies' Vesta from Se. up. Yery pretty Japanese Blouse Silke at 35c. Ladies' Blouse Waists ai 50c. 75c. 85c. 81.00, 1.25 and $1,35. ME&'S AND BOTS GOODS.I Ou. tailors are now, working overtinse te keep up with ordiars, and to keep' things huminîng for the next six weeks we quota a very speciai line of black Venetian worsteds wilh choice of pantîngs: Boti edge $18, Stitoheti etge $17. Fine Oxford Grey English worsîed, suitable for Farmer, Merchant, Mechanle oDr Clergyman even, only $10 a suit. We are clearing off a lot of 85 Pantings for $3.920 te order. Seotch Tweed Suits teocde. $15 andi $16. Large aesortment Cariadian Tweeds $11, $12, $13 te order, We guarantee first.class Trinsmiugs and Workman. shîp. Foullne of Men'a Qotton and Balhriggan underwear and Negligee Shirts, The hast assortinenî et Mon's and Boy's Fadora Rats we have ever shown. Aliso a niee lot of Straw Rats. A gooti Serge Suit fer $3.75, A heavy Halifax Suit for $4.75. Blk wor8t- ed Suits with Stripeti Pants $11.00. Haavy ail wool Tweed l'aute lined $1,50 andi big enough for big men too. Cottonade pants from 40e. up. IBOOTr-S & SI-IOIMS. Men's dong Bals. palt tpa $2 10 worth1 Men's Carpet Siipperm 40e. worth 60c. Sdcsrsg laceti or Gaiter $1 25 worth $175. Mens Bîsf lace or gaiter $1. 50 worth $1.90. Bov's fin(s Itots lace only $1 yworth $125. Cordoratsi ioots enly $1.50 $200 ev Bellows Tooo2e 90a. si$ 25 " Tans Oxf " $1 15 $135 Ladlie's dong, hutt or lace $1 Worth $1,40 19 1.pl,. toe $2 Il 2,5 "Strong boots 75e. Worth $1.10. MIsses Glove Grain Bal. or Butt. $1,00 Worth $1,25. Misses Heavy Sehool Boots 88e. worth: $1 10. Misses dong. Bal $1,20 wortls $1.75ý ' Childreu's Butt Boots, tan- or black -j Worth 50e. Trunks at actual wholesaie coat. A. car load of Sugar just to hand; buy now, pices will advance,ý D O ri Co.i usi ulg Are you at Sea? you see the following prices: 1 pt. Granite Sauce Pan 13e 2 ç e 4 18e 4 I e dlid i 25c 5 66 6 .30e 6, dl I 35e i1 Pud. Dishesl3c 2 "ý d 15è 3 d il18e 4 il i di 20c 5 Il Il25c IDorit know bt to buy for Kitchen isitensils?ý 't know where to gc-t themi?, k at the Granite W-ar-e we ar e fing. That will lkl prove )e the thing you w,-nt when. 9 and 10 Pt. Pie Plates 10c, Large Basting Sjpcons 10e, Wash Basins 20G 4 qut. Granite P. KRýttlcs ;3)8eý 12 '~75 3 Pt. " Tea, :Pot 40e 444di(e 5I0,50e 6 44L. 60e Paris Green, Blue Stone and ilellebore and ail kinds of Fence Wire. Duta fur. Sole agent for Bowmanville, JOHN HELLYAR.. 1 1 Bi 1 u e Sto n e,

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