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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1896, p. 3

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You 'in ote the difference in chidrn.Some have nearly every ailment, even with the best of careý. Ohes ar more, exposed pass through cnharrned. Weak children will have eontinuous colds în xinter, poor digestion in ýsummer. They are with- out power to resist disease, thiieyv have no' reserve ofcod-l7ro, with hypo- ~hophiesis cod-liver oul Sartly digested andadapted o the ,veaker digestions of chi dren. rr&BowNs, Belleville, Oat. 5. and $î,oo1 BabyWants It. FZS INF~ANTS AND INVALOS. Tfcnctpalafabla food preparati, anS i cîr,,oruanlleS by auyothairpreparafien c-l',-id. he bastfofod and the basf x uptup iluonepeund Tins, prica .S'~?c 1 'y cli])rmmiD; c KEE'SYWASONcfCC., PaROPHIET01iS R'I-P'A'N'S The Modern stand- adFamiily Medi- tcine: 1.Cures the commonevery-day - lsof hurnanity. l'Ir KE CRWFORDand 2SPECIALS. q\ E NANSCN-A CAatagAne iret. '~.W. BoVU & Son, î68ý3_Notre-Damne St.. Ilontreai AHERûO0F MAGDALA. A Chat With a Veteran Who Waq ln tho Memorablo Battie. Brtsh valor is the themne of rn-ny a thri Ilieg 5tcry and stirring seng., Mr. Geo. Kingston, Df 135 Johni stre'ct north, is one of Hamiltons best l:r own veterans. Aiain of martial bear- ing, riagnifleent phy sicLe ansd geniti person- a.lity, 0e;s a splcndid representstive ôf thebfest clasa cf British soldier. To our reporter Mrl. Kiiz:0e reaci ly gavc an interviîew. With ail theyrdî of a ci teen of that em'pire con eýhiof a De icïire immi, borni nar tic I clscff Tea.Iettered the Britsh arni'y at sp, and coredubrtcon sen's je Iodla. \ stlîrough 'i', Arsyssinian canspalgn, and foght at the 'teieg manl captureiofiMagdlai, ERing Thlce- ,crestsronghold. Dolre il ' ki n g anil hun- drcdis cf hisarmv feul. Nepi -r, the ' lero cf !,Adai,' ivas ci cato(l Lord Napitcr f XI:g- daa1rhis splendid services. AI'.cr this 1 re- tcr' te Old England, roniaioiîsg shoot fie VerS isen 1I -s sagiosentrs itheo neey sunutil aMy 2s earSoins Vit 5 i. i)l. ia s the place to e gt kidiee td ivr tebsand I1isas neox'oîoc . Jwas eeas an invalid to th e Ifile piai for i ssalid seldiers, and fr niceeths was-a siD mglmaeît, inallv beg discharged asa pelcssiv incuralbc invalid. Ile o yrectrI saiiled for Canada, and have saffrrdlucr orLe ,-ss e'er since frern h ceesantnsmeîytl!t 1 idney troehRcnrls 1,ucrt ans ini tie baek N'cadaches a-id cri dîiloltis rere slderntabset, se tliat whe oticed Dean's Kirleme F111 ads'rti e- men gt a box from Zrmnimîmmn's drug ste Reiefcarne fiee, the frsi fesv doses, an e 1e hadl taPon tw o oes, the pains hatny back and 1 felt lii 'e a nos. rman.I ITack a pieco of dark blue feît smootrih- V'uurN u rFOLKS !]y over the ol)pwith brass-hea-,ded taeks. The felt should hbo eut te leave abut A VOYAGE TO NIDDX NOD-LAND. a Marogin or alarun.t o Now a trip for the baby te Niddyi-nod-' If carefully put together and finish- land, ed, sueli a doesl is one that any boy 'Where the sea is on rockers, and e'en mm1ght noîl be proud off, fer it would the smooth sand be a most usoful ornament te bis room., Is made of white f lannel as dow ny and' 1 of t As the summery clouds that are f loating D1106 AS WORKERS. aloft. When w-e drive dogs in this coun- Hi, ho! for euT journey 60 grand, ty In a billowy crailete Niddys-nod-land. tryif is foi',f un. Some of us do net We areoff 1like if, even thon, because we cannof We re ffwehave sfarted for Niddy- bear te se the beautiful creaturos nod.-andmadea heasts of burden. We are blowný i e'er the ocean by breezes ThohedaItundacrrad Thaf theýy soarce lift a curi fromn a mset face te face a beautiful 1Sf. Bernard voyager's head. harnessed to a tricycle,.i ekds Yet Our craft far away on the waters patient, and yet as if lie feit ashamed', bas sped. that my impulse was te ask the boy Up, down, with a motion se grand, wbo Mas driving him te Set hlm free. Inà billon y cradie for Niddy-nod-land. The boy looked lovingly ut the deg, and 1 kept SfUR, but fait a lithoe guilty be- O, hon' long is the journey te Middy- cause 1 had net spoen. nod'.land? 1 DogIs are strong. In somne counfrias Net se long while the zaphyrs our Chey do al the carting and traveling white sails expand, would bo impossible wero if net ferfthe, We are naaring if now; waa will land on deg-s. Ia Blgium if is said thaf 50,000 1 a rock- dogs are omploy cd. The dogs are se H-ush, buish, it's off feathers; we won't streng tChat if is said f hey caa carry feel thea shock tfeur times their own eight. Thase Slow, sien, %ne have fouchedl the sof tdogs are trained from the nmoment f hey sfrand, are big eneugi te w ork; their fathers And our voyage is ended ia Niddy-nod- and methers w erk beore them. The land. dogs off tleccold ceuntries-Labrador -- Greonland andi Alaska-aro a race of A NEý1'WAY O POVO(ledgs fChat are fitted fer the w erk in A NEW WAY O PROOKE. thoeo unt ries and are frained te if. "Ploase don'f, Marlon. Non', Marion 0cr degs are inof fr4ined te n'erk. Bensen, yeu are just tee mean, and 1 Fer Chat reason if seesas unnatural. In the country somefimes they are train- can't standif another minute." cd te chars> by n'alking in a troadmili, "Girls," calledý Mrs. Benson from ber but they always look vary unhappy. room, and the fn o littia girls came i. Last year 1 saw a sheep ehurniag, Tbe neo f ms an lokodse uchand if aimosf made one cry; the poer Theý wre wîs, nd ooed o mchsheep lookad se tirod and woom and alike fChat even theiv father had soe-. hi. We were fold fshe bad been fiesteiek f'ice hL;era ha knen'taugbfte ochura goars before, anSdn as nhioh n'as Margery and which mas M ar- usaS te if. It seomed very cruel. Tise ion.place w here -,haen'as working wxas near the farmi-house,' and af the top off a "IMot ber, Marion deesn'f give me a bil; the moud nas direcfly Ltn front of minutes peace. ,I1n anfed te finish the lieuse.ý Acre)ss the road w as a roll- painting a picture fo show- father to- ing field, and La this n'ere the sheep anS lsmbs playing abeut or -ibbling niglif, and she kaeps foasing me se, the grass, doing alise fhings if seems anS ýshaking thse fable fill I expeef foi nafural fer shoap anS iambs te do. The spoil if every minute." working- sheep kept looking f breugli "«If's t or fine f0 stay indoors," broke and mistfully. s erwul lin taýasg --1 1- 4nt ier-e-coa eu f0 thse enchard; if isn't isaalfby te sit in ftfia heuse so mais," "BuÈ y ou shouldn't fake f bat n'ay off asking ber," saiS mother gravaly. "Tbis teaaing habit off y ours is a very baS oe, and makes a great deal of trouble." 'Tho misohief died ouf off Marion's eyes, and ýsie locked asisamed. "tEI ut Margery," mother n'enf on, "no- thing should make you speak te your sister as youi did justno "Sfio doms provoke miese," murmured Margery. Mrs. Benison -,as sulent for a morment. Ihese lit fie quai-rels between the sisters More beeomîng tee frequent. and she had beien wendering how ýshe coudS put a stop tu f hem. "Tisen, Margery," she said at lasf, "w h don't yeu try provokis>g ber?"' "Wby1v, Mother Benson! Haven't yen aln ays taugbt us nover te, figisf back, an>d always f0 'do unto efisers,' and al thaf, ever since we xero lttle bilîdreaf" Margery w-as astonished, Marion look- ed initeresfed. "Bring me my Bible, Sear." n-as the ony eply. "Oh! let ine gef mine foc. I always remombor, se much btter when I read out off my on n.- And Margery was off f0 heýr reem. "B'ring mine f toct" kshoufed MarLon. So fhyai] hro;at don'n. and motb-. or is1elped ftho liIt fi gilstefinS fise place, and thonread:ý -Aad t ,us cosiereaanothier fo proveko t, int o love ,anS good n orks." Tbubprovo0ka ,meanýt te fese," saiS Marion, aI fer a pause. "We almosf abs sys use if fisaf way now, but if has aneothar meaning," eaid Mrs. flenson. So they n'ont te fafher's fig dict ion- amy, and fîndîng the nord, Margery roafl slow vly: "'Provoked! to makçe angry, teoff- fend."'" Then, a liff le furfher down. "'To stir up, te induce.' If kind off means to persuade,-doasn'f if 1" she asked. "Yes," answered hem mofiser. And thon they w-re ail stili a me. ment, ilîl Margery saiS: "We'S boàttear leara thaf for nexf Sun- Say's verse." The next nigfif, as tise girls were go- ing te baSd, thair mcc ier came in for fier littie bedtime_ talk. Thay chat for-. ed an ay about the happyday fisoy baS had, f hen said thoîr prayars, anSdf um- bLed into beS. "M1ot her," raid Marlon, as ber meth- or stooped for a good-night kiss; "aM.r- gary provoked meto-day-." 'DLd she?' saiS mot her, knowing tisere Mas more te coma. "Yes, sfio provoked me te a goo)d weork/' n'enf on Marion. "She was read- ing, antd I svanted ber te ge dewn te fh habig bars> f0 8e tise new -littia caîf, asnd sisa said sisa woald if I'd'dusf our reem. If %vas my day, anS I had f or- goftoen if; se sha helped me te Se if, ansd tiss'm meît xith me." Mrs. Bcnson smîled as she kissa-d Mar- gery. "AnS have yen provoked Margery f bat '.alitf le daugistar?"' ",No, net yet," saiS Marlon, sleepiiy; "'but I'ln geing te to-merron'; î've gel if ail planaed," )H XI A BOY CAN MAKE. cem.s t irineans mciny li-is asseeciernIciinml- Nobynfi n naku aret cima he nci a-e fcane îmy cenmplaimst soLld Nobyviha kakatcree- tt o te asi-ml o c ife fsî p y in, in ing need ha nithouf a dais la bis oose. nceec sficreatcstfiespitaus in Quoci Victorias Tise mutrial for miaking oe, if pur- dOl i , S ,ciased, coît about a dollar and. a bail, &kitiniegMr. Kingstonsid: 'JIca e- ce d mi-Jdm as a qu-i cur ue r kid' tC but off un thore arc huxessand lunibar trceimes witfiout fiestatÏucn. Hosv cold I do inthetsa ouse sufftalent to mako if n'ifh- other 1 ;sewfien tihe; have givea ime flac.5 the ouf axpanso. Tisera arenany ruiny ficaifi anS vgr et long ago?- Suys threugi tise sammer vacation FOR SALE BY STOIT & JURY wn iifn'uld ho a pleusant pastimo for a boy tp bave tis amaking of sucis a Iaflfl*JmIj,~l*,aJ I~desis on hbanS eld r. ord 9 ý m Fn.àr à Tn'o s tout sise or packing casas miii UwwbUItuI~nuIwU lui haneeded. Tisay shoud bcho onff r 127 - 14 - '~ incissoaa Lwa7yfor the Lfoot anS six e' Ibs 'À, Sesk, tn'o foot anoti',teformm the de Si, aSd Oaa efootanS six incissfor - tiseotiser dimension. Any bey 1f tees> years olS ougit te 4î,ec4 ha able te bande a sun', hammam anS planle, uffficenlty well te put tisis Sesk REGVNN FSTONHMONMNS tter. irs lthpao e boxes, anS maSo.k^ hem. mot.s vîh sandpaper. One sida off amis box is tefie left open,and into tisis tn'e sielves sisouid he fit ted te accemmodata books, pupers, pan LeOstPower,NervousDebility, boxes, etc. 1- alsng Matilmecd, Secret Di- Place tisa boxes, mitis thoir open ends an es s c of yuthe rrr insideoe foct anS six inches aparf1 sud eccsse cf euth.~Chus givisyg a comffortable spaca f or I-ecmi. middle-aged or oedlSTiPmOsT iseknees n'ien sittiag ut the desk. a' c, 'iîcrg frisi he ffors ICover the fn eo boxas over w itis a board isoed½d voia. - haf is tbree anS a bul f fst long anS Prce$100 6boe fr 3.0.Setbymai w4eot 1e.Ibs 'llform tise table J-fer' 1r-ca 'ti, layen hoIw t efiei an o tints Ss ny saue ~ddraa, ~ ~D~CIN f mculi-sg t om panais, anS aise ,AdreG,, IJEN 'I ýDICNECO., BOIS 947e around tisa tope anS bottent of the boxes, Sl0f'i~E1 iif Sosired, te miaSo if More 0-nament a!. INVENTIVE WOMEN.f An ebserving neman, a fan' yearse age, sun' the necessity of improving the ordinary luekie useS on hose supr- tors anS the like, and su cadedin producing an articlen'hich prevenfed scratching anS et herwisa injuring ftha body and taaning ftha clothing. AfferL sha baSd protected ber' ights by oh- taiaing a patent, she diS not look amenaS anSdn'ai t for a purchasar off if,c but fient bier eniergies te manufactur-t ng anS intredncing the article. From 1 smLall beginnings. she has non' a wellt equipped fac tory with a force of f ive1 flandreS ampioyes, and is hardly able1 te f iii tisa orders sfio sfeadiiy receivesi from tise largest n'holesaie bouses. If it hac truefCbat "n'isat mati bath dlonc mani cas>S, a pracisaly similar rouaark is ne iess applicable te w oman,1 anS tisa numbar' offw-oien te w vhem Che way off practical success inla ie stands open, as really as in ftfi casa, wa hava, ahove recoded, is almost an- limitaS,. Thora are, if is true, avenues off invention n'bicis seem miore ,appro- priately f0, belong te mon, altbeoughi in most cases tisis is only a surface vlan of ftho muttor, but see bon veny large Hs tisa field in 'blchi i may ha said that woman hava reaily tise superior dlaim, fise pre-empted righit, as if n'are, te ha muehth ie more numerous inventons, In ail that poertains te houseisoid acen- omy, in tise prepanation of food, tise beautifying and ainking comfforfable the home, tisa providing ofet is ear- ing apparel anS the, binging up of cbildrea, ber sphene is by fan the most active, practical anS influentiai, and ber n-lt and iscenniment should,there- fora, in suais linas, fie quicker te appre- boenS and keener fo Siscern improve- meafs. likely te ha af advantagýe, unS possassing aise possîilities off fring- îag pecuniumy nen'ard, If appears tisaftisera bave been 7,663 patents issueS on iauadry applianices; 4,389 on Sifferent kiads of ch ire nd 4,854 on furniture otisar Chanchis 2,103 on kaives, lorks and sipens; 3,184 on scmubing brushas anS broo0ms; 1,747 os> kitchen 'amoi, anS 2,005 fejr de- vices for uso, in cutting anS preparîng vogaetabies; 4,453 on gamas anS feys; 17â on Sifferont vansafias off neodies unS pins; 11,795 on buckles,buttons anS fastenings fer clotisas; 5,014 on hads ailS louages; 2,435 on wndomv shadas; 1,541 on makis>g lroserves, anS 1,506 on crinolines anS corsets, hasidesgrat numbers off ethfers n'bich appeal te n'e- m ta direcLly as custemers or are de- pendent solely upon tha judjment off woen for tiseir succass or failure, If we ceneede thon. thaf fhesem ara somo dapartmas>ts,,wisiciemre nafurully at-. tract tisa inventive genins off men, as the improvamont off farm impiements, the building off angines anS machinary, etc., is if net just as fmue that thea invonfiva facultios off nomen w ould see btchaequally adapteS te devisa improvem ntatise specialiis n'a bava notaS? In tise lineo of non' inventions anS Sscoveries nef mitissfandhing al Lhaf fias fleen already aciived, tisera are, n'itfieut Soufif, as muany brilliant successos lyiag haera tisa inventons off tisa future ns hava hoon credifed toeie inventers offChf, past. Tisa nay is opent te ail. PEAIILS OF TRUTH., Magnifficant promises are ain sys te ha snspected.-TheoSore Parker. _Rashnaiss is tho faitlisffl but unisappy pýarant offmsftne-uer Life cau not sufuisa in seaief y but hy reciprocal conaessios.-Jefinson. Politicai ýmon lika goats, asuaily tistve Ls ameng inequalities.-Lan- Pleasure scen exhausts us anS itseiff aiso but endeavor nover Soies.-Ricistar. Distinction 'is tise censequanca, nover the objeact, ef a great mind.-W7. Ail- Wauaup in tish asn ie stufff fia -sgivan us Jfer isappinais. Jeu- hart. Ho wiso know s igbf p rinoiples is nef equal te bise iiseleva îiem.-Con- fumits. Evory one off bis opinions appears te issaf te hacn'ritfen w ith sunboamns. -Watts. The, instinctive feeling off a groat peo-. pie is offonw iartisantise nisest tuan. -Kossuths. Yeutls fades: lo)ve droops: i he iseives off friandsisip 'ailý; a mother's s oet hoýýpe onflives fhamal.Illms ST, VITUS'S DANCE. St. Vitnss' dance H acharacterized by i ugular anS uncenfroilable musaular intiamants, anS is secalloS becauso cati- creago if w-Ss believed te be cureS Imy apilgnlmage te soeasfie off St. Vi- It is ossontially a diseuse off abidrenj and occurs mosf freqaently hafmveen the fif ff andS filteentis yoars, but mnay ha een btseamliem anS Juter. If sems3 o bav e a somawhat alose re ati, hip wit h tis chool liffe. If H net gan al- y eneugb Snewn tisat a littie leresight aSd came on the part off parents andi Leachera n'ill frequently preveat its developseent. 'lse causes mviicb operate in tise bring- ing on off St. Vif us's dance are frigit, excessive tea-Sninking, eya.straa,5a iveakened staf e off tise systot, a nerv-j mas constitution anS riseumatisse. Any mue off tise causes, especiully mvhos>coet- bineS mvtth mental pressure ut saisool, uay induce tise iseaso. .Tise close relation existing hatnee> St. Vif uss' duneanS scisoci n'on5 t veli sisomn by tise fat tisat the dis- case prevails most Saning tisa monthfs of April. May and June. wvien tise mon- tal strain is greatest anS ebhldras> are undargoing their examlafîons te Se- termine prometes>. Many public amibool feachers sonS ftha child amvay as soun as St. Vltus's dune îs Siscevered, anS Lt is te hae regretteS thaf tisis practico Hs not unîvorsal. Toc offten tisa chilS is alloeeSte romain un- tii tise diseuse becomes se marked as te oblhige namoval. Fmequently thieenset off tise diseuse Hs me graduai that tisa early, siigist symp- toms ara no' appraciated, but are attrifi- tîted te narveusuoss or te a habit eff fidgeting. The chuSd is sontatimes scold- cd for, poor handmvnitlag, causeS hy a disease beyonS bis cent rel Somatimss elay ta Sismissing tise ,chi1 Ifront sebool is due te tise fat tisaI- fise toucher, as n'el as tise parent, is leetis te bave a papil n'io bas been pusseS fforn'ard. anS stands higin lathie clasi, love bis chance off promotion by leaving saheel for wfiat seeses te fhem an unimportant alment. Iu tise fneatmes>t off thisQ diseuse tise main nelianca must ho upon bygione anS food. Ib'his means a careffulliy regulaf- eSLI ifeý, svitis plenty off f rasi air anS an al)unduaý,ce off nutritions food, tegethfer w-f ikndness anS mental quiet. GARTERS MEDICALLY VIEWED. Tise garter bas beceme a fhing off heauty, but If romains a hygienia ab- omination, accerding te tisa deaters. Tbis meeos f0tise round garter-tse compresser off muscles, the isindranca to the circulation anS tise aumber off nerves, AnS if Ls this instnumnst off torture apo>n'wich tise manufacturera have, lavisised tiseir attention, mathif i has ha-cont o s preffy an affair, mvifb ifs 'il*;grea buckies anS ifs rihben homvs fisat, oniy thé test Spartan off women can resist if. Tise round ganter, lastened aheve fthe knee, H nof coasidemed by physicLans quttueose eaSly as thse tigisfly Sran cose. Thora are ne rihs intahie leg f0 h compresseS anS tise vital organs off tise body aenet locateSin' tise neighborisocd off tise Suee. But next te. tie ýijurions compression> of tise waist, basf, anS abidoman by sfays, ftheisy- gien!iif s place tisa compression off the ieg hy-, elasfic ganton:s. Tisa rubher hands mvhicis enalmale, the flash just abova tise kee are Sangonous hecause off theinaffect upon tise muscles and apon the circulation. Tise vains are contracteS anS tise blocS off necessity Hs retardaS in> ifs flowv. The resuit is nef ntenoiy local ijn', but hart teo tise nhole systens, i7hLch is affecteS hy tise siuggishaess of the circulation. But tise danger Soos nefinenely lie is> an impaireS circulation, bat is also mascalar. Ian'walking ftha muscles just aboya anS just halon' the knee ara brougisf more late play tissa anyet hors. Tise compression off tise muscles ut this peint is tiserel ore semetising te fie avoid- aS, for it means additional effort ut every stop unS consequent n'aniness. Oltea this fatigue producos musculun mhenmatism, anS Secter's bills are tise direct resait off tise fnivolons bit off suSk elastia, ribhon anS silver n'hlci dealers -ceaI a ganter. "But," say then'anera off gant ens very truly, "mve must bave somethîag te kaep our afockings net enly np even our sisoe tops but amoot h." Tise stock- ing suspendor la, accomding te tise Soc- tons, tisa thiag n'bich meatsthaîr needs If axtands fronthtie corset on tise cor- set w-ais t on'n tise sida almost te the knee lnuoeaunSivideS hanS. Tismea or four inches afiove tise knep it diviSas into tmsu parts n'iicis txtend iLe' Y-shape te tisa top off tise stocking anS clssp if ivitis a fin or silver cIasý as tise case ntsy ha. Unlesa tise olasfîc H ses short thaf if causes a jarS ut eveny stop, this] suspender is abselafely isygienia. If may aven ha maSo almest us fnivoý- lonsiy pnotty as the round eue, forifs clsexay haoff ailven unS itsoif off hen maily ugly ungrucefful matnns off walktng thora, are., Tise' fimt esseuflul of a cýorrect anS gmraceful n aiken la te attaîn anS main- tain an upnigist position. This may ha difficuit at first, but if.tise, ereet pos- Castoria îs Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescriptionfor Infants and Children, lIt contains neîtiher pium, 1!morphlune ner other INarcotie substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregorie, Drops, SoothinL- Syrups, and Castor 0OU. It là Pleasant. lIts guarantco is thirty years' use by Miions oflVlothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allayu fevcnishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves tecething- troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomacoh and bowels, giving healthy ani natural sleep, Casu toria is the Children's Panacea-the lVother's Friend. Castoria. 'Cae rila 3an excellent Medicine for chul- drtan. tthers basve repeatedly tod me of ifs geod effacot upen their cbldte.." Da. G. 0. OeOcO, Loweil, lMais. Castoria la the best resnerly for cblidren of 'tvhiclIarnacýquainted,. iho-pe theday lanet far distant, win motbers siliconsiderthe real interest off their chi dren, and use Castoria in. stead of -the varionscjuack nostrums wbicb are ds'stroing their ioved one, by forcing opiumn. morphimb, scetbing syrup and other burtful agents dowvn their tbroats, fhereby sending tisem te prems.tum'b graves.'" Da. J. P. KiçomELiOE, Conway, Arl. Castoria. "Castoria is sa well adapfed toaehidr -tia 1 recommend it as superior Zo any prescripti known tf0 me." H. A. ARaCaEt, BM.O., 11 Se. Oxford St., Blrooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in the children's depart- ment have spolzen higbly off their sapera- ec nesl their outside practice with Caeori, and altbemmgb we only hava amnegosa medical supplies what is known as regnular produats, yes ire are freu te confess that tisa monits off Castoria bas won us te look wital tarer upon if.1 UTED Hs }OSPITAL. aNa Disi»Emsa, Boston, Mta& ALLEN C. SMTH, P S. FOîý SALE BY J. HIGGINýBOTIIAM & SOX, BOW\lANVI[LL1p I'have reeeived a large and well selected stock of English and American Christy Stiff and Fedora -Hats, and a large variety of Caps and Gents* Furnishings. I would invite my numerous custorners and friends to corne a,,nd examine my stock and prices- ïas 1I-ar bound te sel]. as cheap as the icheapest. Corne early and get a bargain.- M. MAYEuRml iPractîcal Furrier. Hig-hest price paid for raw f urs. ture-ssoulders f hrownnbacS, boaS n'el up anS chia somen'bat draîvu la-H practised severai f imes Satly, if ivili, baffoeaoane iassure off if, beceme nau- anal. Oaa tiin ustf ha emembered, anS tisaIt s te nover romain rigiSiy or- oct or bolS any muscla, in a set position affter aching sets ia, Ia walking fua1 this uprmgisr position. W\ýhea sropping, fisnow' the leg ouf fremthtie hip. lise knee sisoald not h e haiS nigiS, but sisould nover lia kickaS eut.. Stop onî fie bail off theaffoot, thus acqniring an easy sping mviicb Miii shentan tise greatest distance. Takej good, digniffieS stops, anSd(IneDotswing tise arras as il yen intead ffighting any- oe mxho may comae fa your may. By follon ing tisese suggestions unS by ex- erctsng a littie permiverance oe may niaise- a sking a daligisf. Oi IN F 1THE FACE. Apcrt froca indigestion anS constipa- ticen-Lsi o poent factors tantisenain off a natunaiiyfiealtisy complexion - fisero tare a variety off f o=rs off mis-f mana' menf nisicis cenduce t, te ci- tness LanS pirafmiy Sefformities.' Ainong tho ý,ns mast ha ranked tise pun; cLDe of vuohiulg rfiface lu hot natar, a ssida- SPrcuLd fora' of seif-indulIgeýne in cîS iveatisar. Thefieftivaten, espailly wvien reinforced fig a course off ul alSaline seau, removas an unSuiylarge proportian off the natîrral fat off tise ,skia, leaving it mitis a roughied sur- face wivisiis H mry lhable te excoriafo or "cbap," anS requires more Inequent n'ahing to eep it cdean oming te ifs cfcistn iste dmst. Notiig prohahly Sees se mach to viga tisa skia as too freqnently repeated ablutions n'its hot w star, anS thismy expai>n'isy tise Sainty Fmenchn'omanîz_ prof ens te smeur off fise grimaen'if b ftho corner of a handisenhiel steepta la glycanine Snon'ing hy experience tit good, hoaest soap, anS %vater h. La iseÈ long tu>, Satrimentul te the preserva- flou of a youtsful skin. ]DEADLY SQUEEZERs. If is saiS tisat ftho peasants of Dachau, La Bavanla, fumnisis tise est ffrigbtfai example of tise abuýse off tise cors'et. Sev- oral.hundred years ugo they adopteS a national dress, off mviicb the leaSIng featare nuvs a corset neacbing altss te th-_ chia. Tise wn'easeonletfei net amui shape, lest the pommer te nur-se tuleir cbldron anS the tribo mvas on tis ad ou inevitafile extinction wisen tise natiomnal cress mvas ubolisised hy orSon of tisa Goverament. Sncb 1, boiS te h tise genun» us off gua-powd-Sa; tisat it ms il eiuse alike t-mil. isay, if tissu ha codrcls' anar tisun I-if timon hava mor tnSJ fiseugsail buit ne body mvistever., thon- cansftiseou Lilh me firsf,j, anSat tisal taller. Hereby ut laýtitth oit poeolass anS David nesistiais; sayage animallsm H notising, lavent ive spmit-ý ualisnt H all.-Caylyle. 11 1 3Mansmatured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Stree late 533, Oxford Street, London. te Parchasers shoualdl ook to the Label on the Boxes ana Potsý, rf xheaddress is not 533, ýOxford Street, London, they are spurious.

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