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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1896, p. 4

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MILL KIP Excelsior EGGS FRESN - MONTHS. IT IS NO PICKLE. You siniply treat the Eggs with PRESERVER,, and Iay them away in a basket or box. ~e.e.. LAY DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN TMEY ARE CHEAP. Cali for book giving fullil iformâtiOfl, fr=e 0f -cbamge. FOI 80ie DY J. HIGGIMB9IllAM & 80H. SprîllgIin Sîglit. Wx.all Paper Cheaper than ever Season. this1 No excuse for shabby look- ing roorns now. You can have silver or gold papers, at old kitchen paper prices. A fiee silver decorated paper for 6cts. A gold for lOcts. An extra larg'e stock to select frorn. If you can't corne yourself, send for sam- pies, stating kind of rooms. Crokinole ag-ain in stock. P. Trebilcock, The Arcade. Town Hall Block. %t (taadiait »taltomitu BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 3, 1896. MRl. BEITH'S MEETINGS. Thefii , -un cf this political camýpaigu lu Wes. eurham will be fired ilu the Liberal interest lu the Town Hall, Oronon Thursday, June 4th,at 8 p. mi., by Mr W. Paterson cf Brant, oeeof Canada's natural eraters, and other speakers. Ail electors, Couservatives especia11y, invited. TRE LIBElIAL PLATFO1IM. It having been charged against the Liberal party that the.v have ne pelicy, we re-publish fer the perusal cf electors, the Liberal Platforn adopted at the National Conventiou held at Ottawa June 1898. If this platform is net wide enougli for ail geod Cana dians te stand upon it we will ceusent te anether plank being added, namely, "No Cercin"- "Hands off Manitoba." (Continued from Pirst Page.) 10.-QUESTION 0F PROHIBITION- A DOMINION PILEBISCITE. That whereas public attention is at present muchdirected te the considera- tien cf the admittedly oreat evils cf lu- temperance, it is desira'lde that the mimd cfthe people should be clearly ascer- tained on te question cf Prohibition by means of a Dominion Plebiscite. Orangemen cf Wes t Durham, what thiuk ye cf this ? An Ottawa special te theDi y Star, dated May 28, says: i Charles Tupper, after returning here fremn Winnipeg, and before leaving fer Nova Scotia, called at Ottawa Univer- sity, accempanied by lis sou, Sir Charles Hibbert Tuppier, and had a long interview with Arcbbishep Lange- vin. After the interview was ever the Premier, turning te His Grace, said:- "Ycur Grace' I am -oiong on an import- ant mission, and rwould teel ai the more secure if I had yeur blessing be- fore 1 leave." Archbishop Langevin consented, sud Sir Chartes ýropped on his kuces befeîe His Grace. while the latter blessed hlm. Sir Charles kisse.d the Bishop's ring. Sir Hibbert aud lis Pa were ebserved te smile ever the af- fair as they drove away frein the Uni- versity. 17~his story is contradicted, but it was wircd te many Ontario papers from Ottawa. Strength for the Aged. As age ad-auces the recuperative power cf the body decrease. Ftigne clings lîke a burr te the already dep et- ed store cf energy, stili further wasting and dissipatiug it, and, lu censequence the elderly fiud it very hard te keep their spirits np te the "deing" point. An ancher cf hope and safety is feund lu the energising action of Mltîne with Cocos Wine, which imparts almost magically, strength and viger te tbe faiing pewrers,and through its nutritive and tonie properties renews those functienal activities upen which depend heslth cf body and mind. Maltine with Cocos Wine rapidly resteres appetite, impreves, digestion, imparts toue and vigor te the nerveus system; lu a word is a strength-giver cf nnequalled excel- lence. Maltine wîth Cocos Wlue is prescribed by physiciaus. AIl drnggists Do not fail to read Thos. Slster's ad- vertisement on inside page for men. FÂRMERS' INSTITUTE. Thle aunual mieetîno. cf West Durham Farmers' Institute wÏ1l be held lu the Couneil Chanîber, Bowînanville, on Tuesday June 9, 1896, at 2 o'clock, for the election cf officers sud general business. The Executive will. meet at 1 o'clock. Full attendance cf members reuested. W.WERRY, Hl. C. HoAR, 21-td President. Secretary. WONAIS MISSIONk4RY AUXILIÂRY. (Specially reportcd for Thte Statesnzan.') The fourth annual convention of the Methodist Woman's Missionsry Auxili- ary cf the Bowmanville District wss held in the Methodist church, Orono, May 27th. A large number of delegates [was present who wcre received sud en- tertaîned by the Orono ladies with their usual grace sud hcarty hospîtalitv. Miss Tonrjee, the District erganizer, eccupicd the chair duriug the moruiug sud atternoon sessions. Atter cpeninig devotional exercises, reports were reccived from auxiliaries showing an increase ilu meînbership, sud contribu- tions, but we regret that the mission- baud repots were net se favorable. Au excellent paper was resd by Mrs. W. P. Ricli et Newtonvilie ou - The henefits cf the W. M. Socety te its members." Mrs. E. E. Howard cf Hampton read s paper, "Do Missions Psy ?" which was fali cf wonderful tacts shodwiug the resuits cf missienary labor sud proving conclusively that missions do paq. A f ew ministers ventured in as far, as the back seats sud atter the transaction of,' some routine business Rev. Mr. Howard wss askcd te discuss the meeting. Au excellent dinuer was served lu the schoolroom sud was f ully appreciated by the delegates some of whem had ceme a long distance, neces- sitatiug an early breakfast. The atter- noon session began with an impressive censecratien meeting led by Mrs. G. H. Copeland cf Newcastle. Aý very kiud address cf e elcome was given by Mrs. J. R1. Real sud respended te en behalt et the visitors by Miss M. Jeness cf Bewnanville, Carefully pî-eparcd papers were read by Mrs. Isaac J ewell of Bewmaîîvîlle, Miss Rorke of Ennis- killen sud the Misses Jackson sud Gculd cf Oshawa on the following sub- jeeps "Have Missions Paid"? "Are wc reslizing our hizlhest possibilities lu the inissicnary work?ý", "The Benefits of beiug a member of the Woman's Mis- sionary Societv" sud "She Hath Doue Wbat She Celd." Mrs. H .J. Werry cf Enniskillen dlighted the audience with a solo. Mrs. Real rend s letter from Miss Walsh wbo bas lstely gene eut te the McDougall Orphanal-e as s teacher, which aroused the sympathy cf ail preseut sud its resding was fol- lowcd by a warm discussion. Greetings tromn the sister societies et Orono were Dresented te the convention hy Miss Liniton on behaif et the Presb vteriau Womnan's auxiliarv aud bv Mrs. F. L. Andrus of the Womnau's Christian Tem- perance Union. Mrs. Copland then mcvcd the fllowing resoluticu which ivas unsuimously sdcptcd: 'Thst af- fecticuate sympathy be. and is hercby tcndered te cur bcloved si'.ter, Mrs. A. B. Demill, who lias been called upon te pass thrcugli the very trving ordeal iin connection -%ith the burn1ing cof Demili College. Our prayer is that the God cf ail grace msy sustain sud blcss cur dear sister xvhose presence we miss sud wvhose influence on the conventions et former yesrs abides". The session then adjourncd sudtes wassesrved sud three heurs of deliglittul intercourse lu- dulged lu, scîne et the visitors wander- ing about the pretty streets sud roman- tic walks cf the village. The eveuing mcctie.- was of a more public character 11ev. J. R. Real wassthc efficient chair- man. There was good music by the church choir sud excellent addresses were given by the chairmau,Revs. E.E. Howard sud G. H. Copelaud, a veî-y beautiful recitation by Miss Pollard, an instrumental duct (ergan and violin) by Miss Elliott sud Miss Moers, a scug by Mrs. Csvelry Nssh sud whst wssoee&c the prcttiest sud most iuspirîug parts of the progrsm, thichcildreu cf the mission band dressed lu white, sang sweetlv altegether a very prcttx' childreu's hymu. Then when ag-ain'called upon eue dear littie whitc-haired maiden sung s solo sud the others jeined lu the chorus. Altogether we believe our convention bas becu a success sud we are assnred that we will do better work because cf haviug spent this day tcgeth- er. An Urgent Request Great Interest Stili Xanifestod in Sccuring- quees Victoria's Photo, "O0ur Hiome"l Paper and Other Premiums, 1 Twenty-five cents lu stamps or money ,wlll secure Our Homne for one year, sud 1 îl the other premîums mentioned 1above. Address 'Wells & Richardson Co., Montreal, P.,Q Younng men or old should not fail te read TIcs. Slater's advertisement on inside page. Methodjst District Meeting., The annual District Meetinoe ofEow- mauville district, Methodist CNurch,was heid on the 2th and 21 st. at Newcýastle 1 under the able and enial presidency of the chairman,Rev. 'aleb Parker. Rev. N. D. Drew was electeci secretary. A careful rex iew of the work led to a grateful recognition of God's pres- ence throughout the year. A sligh t increase in meinbership was reported. The funds generally are scarcely up to the last- year's, but the aggregate 'of salaries and missionarv givrngs shows a small advance. The number of Sab- bath Schoois and Epworth Leagues is increased considerably and over three hundred members hax e been added ini the year. The ycung men of the dis- trict passed their examiuations with flying colors. Jas. Batstone will be ordained in June; T. H. P. Anderson is advanced one year and Charles W. Barrett of Newcastle, Fletcher Chap - man of Orono circuit, and Fred H. Hocward, sou of 11ev. E. E. Howard of H-ampton, were received, subject ýto conference action, as probationers. 11ev. Jas. Kines will represent the Dis- trict ou the Statiouing Coinmittee. 11ev. J. S. Rorke and Mr. IV. E. Dyer will reprosent the Sunday School work at conference; 1ev. Dr. iMarvin aud M~r. 1. L. Brown, the Epworth Leagues. Mr. R1. Moment will sit as a înemiber of the Annual Conference Missionary Commnittee and 11ev. G. H. Copeland and Mr. 0. iHezzlewood as members of the Sustentation Fund Committee. 11ev. S. G. Clarkie in a resolution calls for a commission to be appointed by conference te re-arrange the circuits, where necessary. Hevs. A. B. Demili and E. E.,lHoward mcx ed. "That we as a District Meeting view with aiarm the effort that is being made to compel the Province of Manitoba to accept the Remedial Bill for the establishmient ef Separate Schools and the action of the heirarchy of the churcli of Rome iu commauding its members to support only vsnch represeutatives te the Domin- ion'Parliament during the coming elec- tien as N'etc fer coesive measures. This threatening attempt of the church te use the Dominien Goverument for the exteutation and propagation of itspow- er lu this country should command our earnest attention. We would therefore urge upon thc voters lu the present carnpaign, the necessity ef firmly oppos- ugail those lu favor ef fettering the action cf our sister province in this matr that we maY maintain the inde- pnet and non-sectarian position she lias se firmlv tak-en."' Carried unani- meusly. After recognising the kind- ncss andl restorcd heaith et the local paster, 11ev. G. H. Cepeiand, and the generesity cf the Newcastle people, the meeting closed te meet a vear henice at Bowmnanvillc. When a man cwns a blooded herse lie is aiways careful of its lieaith. fle loks after its diet and is particular that the feediug shall be regniar and riglit. While lie is doing this it is likely as not that lie is him- self snffering ftom soine disease or disorder that if left te itself will go on and ou till it develops seriously. When the trouble gets se bad that lie can- flot werk, lie wili begin te give himseif the tare lie gave the horse at the start. The tinie te cure a disease is at the beginnîng and better than ail is te se watcli your health that diseasewîll neyer core. Goed, pure, rich, red blood is the best insurance against disease of any kind. Aluîcst al diseases corne frein impure or impeverished blood. Keep thie blood pure and strong -aud disease can find ne foothlod. That is the principle ou which Dir. Pierce's Golden Medical Iliscovery werks. It cleanses, purifies and en riches the blood; it puts and keeps the wliole body in perfect order. MaIres appetîte good, digestion strong, assimilation perfect. It brings rud- dy, virile health. "I got a cancer on my tengo'e and lad it eut o. 1 consulted fifteen différent physicians witliout deriving any benefit. At last 1 turned to Dr. Pierces Golden Medicai Discovery. 1 persisted in its use and my health is better thau ever liefore. Forînerly every accidentaI wound 1 received began to fester, would flot hela; uow, suchl icerations hlitliemseivrs."1 Respectfuihy yours, £n. ~MPiersou Co.,Kms DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall. Hampton, May 30th ,1893. Regular meeting. Members ail present. Minutes read sud conflrmed. Circulars from R11ad Machine Manufacturers sud report cf Prisoner's Aid Association wr rsnted sud fyled. The Council resolved to meet on Mcudav next at 3 p. mn. on the Mauvers road lu 4tb con- cession te consider the, expediency cf straightening said road through the swamnp. At 1 p. m. the Council re- selved itself into s Court cf Revision adjudîcated upen the few appeals a gain- st Assessment sud finally passed the Assessment roll. The Reeve was lu- siructed to grant orders ou the Treas- urer as follews. John Oke, 179 leads gravel, $895 ; John Worden, 65 loads gravel, $3.25; I. L. Brown, Assessor posta ge, 81.00; John Hoskin, balance on lumber, 90c. ; McLean sud Masen., 6 r.oad scr:apers, $42.00. Indigents,- Ben Wilson $7.00; Janet Wilson, Mrs. Curtis, Thomas Ward and Mrs. Stacey "500esch , Mrs. Staples sud Mrs. Lane $3.00 esch ; Mrs . Camipbell sud Thcs. Wi]cox $2.00. Council adjourned te Saturday June 27tb. R. Wiudstt, T. C. AUCTION SALES. WEDNESDAY, June 10,-There will be soldby anction, the centre 50 acres cf lot 11, con., 3,IDarlington, on which are conifortable frame house bsrn,sta- ble, sheds, etc. Two acres cf bearîng ordhards ; well-fenred and lu good state cf cultivation. Ternis sud par- ticulars may be had from T.E. B. HiENRY, on the premises, or L. A. W. TOLE, Anctioneer, C1IYSTAI WEDDING. A very large sud interestîng gather- in- sssemhled at the resideuce cf Mr. Jon Riokard near Ne.wcastle on Tues- day evening May 29th, te celebrate the fftéeet anuiversary cf their wedding day. About two huudred teck tes sud then repaired te, the drawiug ro where they were cslled te order by Mr.ý Thos. McClung who explained te Mr. aud Mrs. Ricksrd the reason they had se unceremonicusl 'y taken possession of their home. Atter which he calied up- ou Mr. J. J. Mason te read the follow- iug sddress sud preseuted thein with s dinner sud tes set combined, a hall lamp, a silver butter dish, sud a crystal fruit dish set lu silver. Mr. anîd 3Ms. Johnî Bic/tard,- fluAs PFNDutS.-We, a number of y our rela- tives and frieuds have assembled this eveusug te asslst iu eaiebratiug the fifteuth anlverary o' yuur edig day. We feel il wouhd have bee. n vesglt ou our part te have aluwed this inmortant event te pass by unctieed, se yen wîhl pardon our seemiug intrusion jute the quiet cf your hb orne this eveniug, for we assure yen It is oniy the must kindiy feelings te you and your famiiy that lias prumpted us te meet together. We have always fonnd yuu te be ex- relient neiglibers, always ready te hend a heip- iug haud lu tumes of distress or ready te do a kind set when epportuufity affurded. We as- sure yun we have mauy tîmes heen cheared hy yeur heart.v ce operatien in the var-ions scharnes upuu which, we as a commnuulty, have ueeded te cunsuit yen, both for yuur fellowmau sud for anything lu cennection with the ehureli uf Gud with %whleh the nîajorlty of ns are euuueeted. Your hume bas always beau nu ed for its hospi- tality and mauy tinsas bas this been vruved by many ef the frieuds rassembled. Yen have mauy times had te meet the difficulties sud trou bles of lufe but throeh it ahi you have heen helped sud eheered nut oulybhyeach eother's sympathy sud conusel but by tha bhessiug cf Ced whieh lias fehhowed ye n l aiyunr jeuruay- iugs sud to-niglit yen feel as resdy te figlit the batties of ilfe as lifteen vears age whau yen premisad eaeli other te lia trne te the mai-nage vow's. Iu remembrante of this importaut per- led we ask yen te aeuept these giffs with the hast wishes 6f yuur frieuds assembied liera te- nighit sud hope thatïyou may both lia spared msuny years te yeur family sud ts eemmnnity. Sigued ou behaif of the eompany. Tacs. DouLLS, Tues. McCLusN, JAs. L. POWERs, RiîchARu FSEsRa, HÂARRv Racs. C. M. CAwKER. Mr. ickzard made a suitable reply thanking theni for their besutifuil pres- eut sud highly reccmmending te the yeung people present the advsutages cf married lite. Messrs. T. Ellison, J. C. vanstene, J. J. Mason, Wm. Rick- ard, Arthur Cawker sud others made short pithy speeches speakiug highly cf the bride sud groom . The Neweastle brsss baud was in attendauce sud furnished choice music. Ose Honest man. DEAR EDITRs:-Please iuform ycur readers, that if writtcn te confidentally I will mail lu a sesled letter, particulars cf a genuine, honest home cure, by which 1i wss permauently restcred te heslth sud rmanly viger, atter y7ears cf sufferiug front nervous debilit, sexual weakpess, night losses sud weak shrunken parts. I was robbed sud swindled by the quacks until I nesrl y lest faith ln msukind, but thaul heaven I a snonw weIl, vigoreus sud streug, sud wish te mnake this certain means ef cure knewn te ail sufierers. I have nothiug to seli, sud wsnt ne meney, but beiug a firm believer lu the universai bretherhocd of man, I am desirous cf heiping the unfortunate te regain their health sud happiuess, I promise yen perfect secrecv sud as 1, do net wish te expose myscîf cither, please sddress snmply : P. O. Box 888, London, Ont, WOOLI Wanted auy qusntity cf merchan- able wooi, for which the highest price will bc paid. LEWIS QUICK, Bowmanville, May îlth 1896. 20-4w. IDoni't Yoiir Wall Paper until you sec the haudsome desigus JOHN C. WEEKs eau show yen. Or- ders may be lef t at R. Worth's hard. ware store. I have some of the prettiest designs te be seen any- where and prices are away down. Painting, Kalsemining, Whitewash- iug, etc., as usual. A cail solicited. JOAHN 0. WEEKS, Ontario St., Bowmauville. 17-3m t-Iead Quarters For TIRNIP SE ED AND BINDER TWINE AT M -ur d oCh 's Specialties: Jumb o Skirving and Bing- ham Swedes. Agents for The Farmeçrs' Binder Twine Co., Brantford. West End House, BQWMANVI LLE. G loves, I-osiery and (eorset and in fact in ail kinds of Ladies' Wear our t i)ck is very complete. Undervests for Ladies and Childi e i have in ail prices, but wouid particuiariy mention those for Ladies at 10c and 12-fc '.with short sleeves. Our Ladies' Blouses at $1.00 and $1.25 are the very nicest you can find at any price. G lassware. We have just opened a very fine uine of GasreIn new designs and at very low prices., Lemonade Sets in a variety of colors the newest ont. Bargain Day. Our next Bargain Day Sale will be on Thurvsday, June l8th. Watch next week's paper for particulars and remember the day and date. Giold Watch. Those of our customers who -have been saving their Dingman Soap wrappers with the ideaof trying for the goid watch off ered to the person buying the greatest number of bars of the 25 box lot,' will kindly hand the wrappers in on or before Saturday, June l3th, when the counting will be proceeded with and the watch awarded to the party handing in the largest number. Deal at the West End Ilouse. Jo'hn Mc-M-urtry. IIaâm "toll'5s Geixeral Store . Just opened our new Spring stock of Cloths for Over- coats, Suits and Pantings, the choicest and iargest lot-of goods ever shown in this village. Now is the time to order your Spring Suit. See our Pants made to order for $2.50. Suits to order for $8.O-no equal a nywhere. In GeS'roceries we stili iead. llaving boughit a lot of Sugar before the advance in price, we are offering something speciaJI; A fulil une of choice fresh Groceries. Fulli une of Patent Medicines. Special value in Teas. Our 25e uine, best value in the trade., Eiiiott's and Martin's ceiebrated Rouler Fiour aiways in stock. F~ield and Garden Seeds, the. best in the market. Seed Potatoes that bugs wiii not trouble.-No need to use Paris Green in growing them. Give us a caîl, inspect our gouds, and yon are sure~ to get bargains. Frank A.2eoe. BfylheuiteSitwl yynetseor ~ a - l Stone-ow in price, high in qnaiity. Soap ,TaI ka We have received a lot of Seeiy's Bnttermiik and Cu- cumber Soap at 10c, 3 cakes 25e. Our White Castiic nsed in the bath with one of ont new sponges makes yon feel alive all over, Our -upply of Inseet Powder, Fiy Paper and ileliebore has arrived-snre death to inseets, EGG PRESERVER-Cail for book of information- everybody wants it., J Higginbotham &Son., BowmÂNVUILLE. Chemists and Druggists. 1

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