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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1896, p. 5

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1~ hf-t BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 3, 1896ý GRAND TRUNK RAJLWAY. BowMNvUnLESTAT-ri. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. -,es..S35 a. m.1 Express .. .. 5 23 a. res..10 19 a. m. L oca1l...8 35;, Be(n er .... 3 O06" assenger.. 2 25 p. mi a.7 04 p.ma. Express.. .. 7 46" STOTT & JURYV, Town Ticket Agents. Blue Stone only 6 cts. pound at Stott Jury's. If you want a baygain in a Bicycle Ial at Stott & Jury's. Geniuinie Imported Castile Soap 25 cts. dozen at11Sttt & Jnry's. Gold Spectacles in great variety from $2.7,U p at Stott & Jury's. f YOU Use Baking Powder read the t. at bottom of this cohimu. Spectacles fitted by the only Post raduate optician in the County-Stott Jury. A Piano (Dominion) as good as new âa big bttrgain. Drawer 9, Bowman- fle P.O. Thte Chautauquan for June is wel ted, with valuable material lu its var- esdepartments. ~o ue ho as half a dozen fruit trees ~ fodto neglect spraying them. t$tott & Jury's best Blue Stone eau 'eboughtr at 6 cents a pound. Aruother- change in Grand Trunk cir- ~,udrthe new management, i5 tat o! the,, name. In future the large raonwi 1 be known as the" Grand jnn ytm" instead of the Grand Trnkl Raiiwýay, as in the pa st. Rev. C. Parker left Monday morniug fr the Bay of Quinte Coniference at Trenton. The officiai board of the Mlethodist church have sent a strong resolutiou te ti!e stationing committee to return ihlmi here for the 4th year, and tiiere rienbers of the board have been appoinitedl to attend and back up the re- quest. Those who were se zealous in their efforts to prevent Bicycles from running on our side(walks should take as active a stand niow lui having those large stones rem-oved from the roads as tthe corporationma be called upon any day to pay damiages, if those obstructions -are u ot remnove(d. 'Thev are very dan- gerous to Cyclists and, some very ugly Filis h ave already been cauased by them. ýOn the5P IN choir»e of a POWDR If you knew positively that for 15 cents you could buy a pouud ~of Baking Power as good and 11, reliable iu every respect as that Jtusual1y soi;üd ai from 30 cents to 50 cent's a pound, wÔuld it. in- fluence your choice? Or monld youc insist on payilg the extra price anyway ? Are you open Io conviction? If se eall and get a sample pound -of our absoluter pure and satisfactory powder for' ONLY 5OTS. If you appreciate a -thoroughly honest and reliable article and know the value of money you become a if e long friend of, our Baking Powder. StottL & Jury, The Druggists & UDpticians. Grafting, Pruaing and Sraig doue professionally by .D.Fetcher .and sons, Bowmanvilie. Your fence or your barn need flot go uupainted. A splendid article for this purpose si a galionat Stott & Jury's. Your floor needs painting? The best article is We(,ather and Waterproof Paint, readCiy for use, Stott & Jury soie agents, One thing- that can be said in favor of Bicycling is thaýt it is a stiong factor in ed vatu oung men to habits of tem- perane as no matter how skiiled the rider hie requires a clear head and bright eyesighit. The favorite drinks this year are Chery Ripc and Missina Orange. In order to, more thorouzhly introduce liheru te the public Stott & Juùry will seli 2 alse for 5 cents next Satuiday.anid althe folowing week, We nieyer sacrifice quality for price aix-id whe w-%e offer 2 cakes of Genuine Imported Castile Soap for 5 cents or oe dozen ake for 25 cents, it mustbe re- memnbered hat it is net the common stutff usuai1lY sol d-There is noue better î-Tr 'v2 cakýý,!ýesqanad yeu wiil woent a dozea. Stot &, Jury , Stott & Jury, Stott & Jury. fDESERONTO suffered from a terrible conflagration ou Monday,which reduced Stott & Juiry. Milligan, bright and výigorous ai 86 and 76 respeciively, were et the liviest et the livels' party, wvhile the absence et a sis- ter, MVrs. dJohn Collacuti et Darlingion, and Mr. Joseph Houey et Woodsteck, was very generally regretted. -Cebourg IWrld. Wool wanted at J. B. Martyu's. STATEsmAN and Weekly Globe, 3 mes., for 15c. J. B. Martyn wauts a quantity et good wool.' T. N. Riekard selîs Sterling Supver Tea Spoons away down. Murdochi keeýs fulll hues of field and garden séeds. See advt. Citizeus , use our owu letter box lu STATEsMAN office front door. Buy your Ciover and Timethy seed froxu Cawker & Tait, Bowmanviile. Oshawa bas a youug Liberai Club et which Mr. F. L. I'owke is presideut. Thos. Siater lias a message for every man oan inside page. Don't fail te read it. See the Dress, goods which Coucha, Johuston & Cryderman are selliug off ai 25e Every man shouhd read the advertise- meut et Thos. Slater on inside page et this paper. Mrs. John Gray and Miss Carnie Gray, of Toronto, are guest et Mr. Jas. McFeeters. T. N. Rickard selîs the very latest styles in Solid Gold Spectacles and is a first-class Optician. WOOL W.ANvai.-Any qnrîntity of merchantable wool for which the high-- est price will be paid. J. B. Martyn. - Farmers, get your machinery and impiements put in good order ai East End Foundry, Bowanviile. See advt. New Hais, the latest productions et tho best English and American Makers jusi received aiCoucli, Johuston & Cry- derman's. Little Miss Bea Joness bas a bed et wild straw-berries and gathered four ripe bernies fremit lasi Thursday May 28ib. can anybedy beat this? 11ev. J. Kines lias resigued the pasior- aie et Simcoe St., Meihodisi church Oshawa, ewing te iil-healih and Rýev. J. P. Wilson, B. A., Coîborne, lias been iîîviied te succeed hlm. A meeting et the Joint Board et Di- reciors et Couuty and Township Agri- cultural Societies, will be held lu the Council Room. Boavmauville, on Satur- day nexi, June 6ih, ai 2 p. m.1 Gentlemen lu ueed et a new Spring Suit or Over Ceai eau leave their order with us and 'feel perfectiy sure ihat style, fit and workmanship will be ab- soluiely correct. Couch, Johusien & Crydermau, The great popularity et Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as a cougli-cure is easiiy ex- plaiued. It is soeihing, heallng, agree- able te the taste, dees net intertere with di-estion, and is the mesi economnical et aîfrimiiar preparatiens. It is prompt te aci and sure te cure. PERFECT WlýsnOAl--Wnul!d give us perfect health. Because men and women arc net perfecily wise, they must take medicines te kecp themselyes pertectly healthy. Pure, rich biood is the bassoe good hcaiih. Hood's Sar- saparilla is e One True Blood Purifier. Je gives good heaiih beeause it builds upon the truc foundation-pure bloed. Albert Encampment No. 12, 100.OF., aývhich bas been inactive for some time. bas been recussitaied ibrougli the efforts et Mr. Geo. Maynard and ai the first meeting Friday nighi, the followaing officers were eiecied : Chiet Patriarcl- W. Jennings;, High Priesi-M. A. James, -Scribe--Qeo. E. Maynard; Senior Warden-T. C. Jewell ; Junior Wardeu XV. J. Jefferx ; Treasurer- Levi Morris. The remaining offilcers will be appolnied ai the meeting ou Mouday nighi nexi. TIhe Musical Event ef the season* wil come off in the Music Hall,Bowmanville, Tuesdav evening dJune 9th, when the annual V'and concert et the Methodisi church eToir aili be given. The choeir will lie assisicd by Miss Glover Soprano, Mr., E. R. Bounsail, Basso, Sus8 Mc- Dowell, Reader, the popular Bowman- ville Orchestra, and musical talent from Oshawva. The programn will consisi et Anihems, Solos, Ducis, Quartettes, Choruses and Readings. Admission te ail paris et the hall 25 cents. iDoors ope at 7:30; te commence ai 8 e'clock Sharp Everyone should come and eiîjey ibis treat. Iu Toronto ou Wednesday, May 27th, ai the residence of the brides father, 53 Bathurst sireet, Miss Patîle Brittain and Mr. S. G . Wilson wsere marricd. 11ev'. W H. Hincksl. LL. B., officiaied. The bride was atcnded by Miss Lucy Wilson, sister et the grom, flhc maid of houer being Miss Ethel Brittain. Mr. Charles Britiaiti was besi man. The relatives and immediate triends et the parties were present. The presenis were beautitul and numerous, includ- ing an onyx lamp from the employes ai the Wilson faciory. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson aili reside di Marine villa, lHer- bert Ave., and w 111 be ai home ou June lth. BIRTHDAP Av HOME.-An exception- ally peasant biartday partywsbeda the residence et Mrs. D. 1)igae hlighest price paid for wool by J. B. Martyn. T. N. Riekard lias bargains for yen every day. 11 Buy steamship tickets te or froxu Eug- land frein M. A. JAMES. Have yen seen tbe beautiful bamboo furuture ai L. Morris'? Blouse Silks specially, give value, ai Coucli, Johuston & Cryýderma'n. Window shades anad curiain poles lu great variety ai L. Morris'. Ail sizes. Bine stene, Paris green and helibore for spraviug purpeses ai Dustan & Hoar s. Big stock et Parler Suites ai L. Morris' ahi newesi designs. A pleasure te show geods. Cali. Kalamazoo, Midi., is famous for ccl- ery. Sec Thos. Slater's advcntisement ou inside page. AlLadies' Sprine Coats and Capes seiling off ai haîf prîce, ai Coucli, John- sien & Crydermani's. T. N. Rickard selîs high-class Watches for as litile money as any oeeil Canada, and guarantees t hem. A bin.assortment ef Ladies' perfect- fittiig1Biouses lu the very newest style ai Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. For the besi stock et carpets and cur- tains cail ai Coucb, Johuston & Crvder- man's-No beiter value lu Canada. We make up ordered clothing e qual te any cîty made suuts and muchi beiow Ciy prices. Coucb, Johusion & Cryder- man. Mr. Louis H. Bounsal;etf Toronto, a Bowmauviihe bey, won the firsi honors lu the principal bicycle events ai Osh- awa, May 25. ht us admitted ou ahl hands thatCouch, Jolinston & Cryderman had neyer sucli a sulierb stock et new goods as tlaey are showipg for ibis spring. Plows fitted wlth uew mould boards and haudhes; crestiugs fer Churcbes, Galieries, House tops and oiber rail- uugs ai East End Foundry,Bowmanville. Coucli, Johuston & Cryderman is SURî headqnanters for Dress Goods, and they are uow sbowing what is beyond ques- tion the mesi, elegant stock et N ew Dress Materiai ever seen ln iowu. Miss Minnie E. Higliet, M. A., Ph. D. et Cobourg, lias been appointed te the Feliowslaip et Teutonic Philoiogy in Bryn Maa%ýr Cllege, Penusylvenia, onîe eftihe leading American universities. The annuai excursion te the Model Farm, Guelph, wili mun trom here on Thursday June l8ih, 1896, tickets o'ood for three days. Special low rates tave been secured. Furiher particulars nexi week. Healili and happiuess are rehative conditions; at aîay rate, there eau be little bappiuess wiiboui health. To give -the body is full measure ef strenigth and energY, the blood sbould bc kepi putre and vigerous, by the use et Ayer's Sarsaparilla. bis fermer sclaoolmates bere were grieved te learu ou Saturday et the suddcn death. ia Toronto, et Mr. Wal- ter Syer, a former pupil et Bowmanvilie High Scbool.. Il seems lie had been stndying very bard and took a narcotie te produce s]eep and the. supposition is that on liis occasion bie took tee mucli. He was a ihird \,ear studeni et Toronto Medicai Colleo-e and boarded ai 330o Carlton St' *ifis body was found lying on the bed funlyv dressed ai 10 a. in. Friday. Ris beune avas ai Janeiville. When atcending schenî here he avas very studieus and highlY respected by lus teachers and celupanions. Hîs tami- ily have the sinceresi synapatlay et our citizens iin ibis sad terininatioii to a premisilg lite. The orchestral concert given lu the toavu hall, Tuesday night, May 26th bas seldoiii becu exceelled by ans'former eniertalument efthiis character. Every îaumber was geod and the large audi- ence mauitested their appreciatien by successive enceres. The orchestra, as- sîsted by Misses Maud Fairbairii, Marie Rogers'and Mabel Tait, violinisis, and Mr. Geo. McGuire, larienettisi, as usual rendered severah fine selections. Mr. Geo. E. Fox as a sentimentah and humerons song-ster was a-e-y much ata home and was repeatedly recaiied on every appearance. Miss Effa Gloper. our own taioeite soprano, ail agree;, nieyer sang better and she seemed te impreve in ench successive number. Llkewise Mr. H. J. Knight wbo 18 ai- ways se much appreciaied whcn he uses his rich bariîoîae a olce te enîcciain our citizens, sang splendid and bis andiesace marked their satisfaction aithl oud and continuous demonsiratiens. The or- chestra gave "The Mili Stream" aaith vocal eblig-ato ina whicli they were assisi- ed by Misses R. Percv, Birdie Hunier. Mosetta Jaunes, Maud Wright, Helena Hoskeîî. There were tweive numbers ou the pregraîn, but the recails lengib- eued ilte oover tiwcîaty, bence ih avas uearly vIl o'clock axhen the National Anibeun. Sung by al iaking pari,closed the proceedings. Mr. D. Morrison and bis efficient orchestra received great Just A lazv slow or torpid liver influences * the wbole system. cnusing biiiousîuess, a Une sickbedacbe. sallow c0mpie'ien, an- Bitters regîtiates the liver, purifies the a that if yeni want te, secretions and cures al ternis et iver rashing easily, in the -up troubles. We say s0 and bere is the way, the Sunlight way, proof: ibbing yonr clothes ahi te I bereby wisb te thaîuk you for the your hands tee) you must great benefit derived bv nae froua yeur Burdock Blood Bitters. For tbree vears t 1was iroubled aith iver complaunt and Lt nhight everytbing te ne purpose. 1 had 4111q;halmosi given up hope until eue day I esanmostdetermined te try Burdock Blood Bit- ese-wîih lfers. I cau. sav now ihat nmarked im- nd gratr a prevem ent resulted froua the use eftihe firsi boutle and ai the end efthie sixib rFor ever y 31 Wrappers sent boule I discoutiiued is use, being cexu- Ito LEVER BRos., Ltd., 23 pieicly cured. SotSToronto, a use- GEOy\7OS, eaorth, Ont, 1fu paper-boOnd book tial 1cuacr. M t aoLENNveainevth, Ont. Cleldren Cry for Pitober's Catorlo. EXCUSIONTO1GELP Annual Farmers' Excursion te Nodel Farm, Guelph, Thursday, june 18. The Woman's Board ef Missions in cennection with the Church of g Christ, Bowmanville, take pleasure in an- nouucing this grand excursion via G. T. R. and will spare ne effort te make it the most enjoyable event ef the seas- on. This date bas been chosen because it is the mest favorable time for view- ing the farmu in its mest attractive and instructive condition. Those who visit- ed the farm about this date iast year wlll be glad et this epport-unty for re- peating the euting. Tickets good going' p. m. trains Weduesday, June 17t1 and ail trains June lSth. Ail tickets geod te returu an~ time up te Friday nigbt June lOîli. Yare: Cobourný. HPr 1I $1.6; Nwtuvleé, $1.50; Newcastie, $1.30; Bowmanvilie, $1.25, Dariington, $1 20 Oshawa, $1.15; Wlitby, $1.10; Pick'e ring, $105; Port Union, $1.00. For further particulars and special train service see large posters. PERSONAL. W e invite ail our readers to contîîbuie to tbis columu arrivais and departures of guesis, mnove, meute of aveliknavu people, business men, etc. SenS a postai card to TaE STATES.MAN, dop a nlote lu our office letter box or ring up phone U2. Miss ,qaud Fairbairu is in Toronto. Mies Mabel Mariyîî le visiting relatives iin Rocbester, N. Y. miss Glover sings at the True Blue concert in Cobourg io.uigbt. Mniss Simpson is visiiing bier brother, Dr. J. Simipson, Lindsay. mrs H. J. Nott of Toronto, le visiting ci bier fatheces, ar. Dustan. Mr. E. R. Switzec of Bioomdield spent Sunnday aitb friends in toavn. Mr. Jas. T. Rundie, of Solina, bas gone te Chicago for the summer. Mcs. A. Biugham, St. Tbomas, bas been visit- ing ber faiber; Mc. W. G. G lover. Wm. Quay, Es<î., Port Ho pe, was a recent guest of lus sister, Mis. F. Blakely. Mcs. J. A. McClellan, eetyviiebr faiher, Mayor Gnrnsey, Prt Hope. Mr. John Maddes anS Miss Lizzie GuIiF, Toc- onto, vieiied bier brother, Mr. A. Gully recenîly. D$. H. H. Tyler, wlfe and dan hter Oic and Miss P. L. Alexander are home froin Canton N. Y. air. and airs. Hacry Vigars and (lanugtec, star- quette, Michigan, avece gueste c' Mc. 'W. G. Giover's lasi iveek. Mr. Chas. W. Murdoff ,murseteaebere, iebome fromeir lkfisl-d, eiijoying a season of test avlth hie aif e aud f amily. aýiles Ella iiactin, of Dundas, le visitiig ai mse. -%. Windatt's. Hec motber, aire. Thos. Bracliey bas returned home. Mr. and lire. W. C. Anderson. Miss Rda and Mr. Evereti ni Janeiville, spent Suiîday at Mr. M. Crydermen's, Beech Aventue. Dont fait to attend the choir concert iu the sînstoi Hall, Bowmcuvilc, next Tuesday niglit. Only 25 enDts tc al Parts ni the Hall. Mr. R. R. Lawcie, of the Sehool of Practicel Science, Toronto, wbo bas beeîî succeseful in Csesing bis third yecr examîs., is home focrIto]! Mr. M. .J . A.Jamieshas ü,.nî4eid bis frst term at the University of Penn sylvania, Phila- deipbhia,euîd returîued home citer vieilur- friende lu -New York, Albîany andl Rochester, ile came up the Hudanît River froua New Y ork to Albany hy boct and eîjoyed the iovely sCeuery curouLte vcry ninch. Mc. S. Franik Wilson, President ni the Wilson Publishing o., Toronto, tavo sons, Murray and Leslie, auid Mr. C. A. Wilson, of the NorthiERuS er Pubiisliing L Co., Toronto, and son Waiter,avho hadbeeums ,,kiug a bic3 cIe tour around by LhiS Say, aS r o îxeg, aveLut c ccliWediiesday mornin p, bvng s1penti ieiglît in tmaxn. BoWmnvi ile,'citizecis ieeont iiu poodlý, nomi ber at El,'d a nix-rsary, amcng others erecc noticed Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Vanstone, Mr. anS Mrs. R. Worth, Mr. and Mri. Jn. Osborne, lic. sud Mcs. Jos, Jeffory. Mrs. Wini. Martyn, airs. Isait,c Williams, air. anSdsacs, W. Rý R. Oaa ber, air. aud ire, ai. A. James and avboic fanily, its Ena Trebilcock, atesers. L. Cocil, A. B. Cocui ish,,Jno. Ries, Frank KyxiS, 'W. Y. Alleuî, J. aîcaiuriry, Jas. Deymnan and Freti Burdeit. Those unbappy persons who sufer fromn nervoulsucîs and dyýspepsia sboald use Carter's Little Liver Vlils, wbich are made exprcssiy for sieepless, ner- v ous, dyspeptic sufferers. Price 25 ets. BORN. Col,-crt-At Raglan, ou 21st of May, the wife ni Edýwin Coucb, of a sou. MýOtaIS.-At Purple Hill on llih ni May, the aif e of Parmelis Morris, nl'a son. COnOîttoz. N ear Taxînton, on May 26tb, the aife of Mc. John Coolidge, of c Sauglitier. RaîzOcos,.-10 Soiîa,oîî May 3bih, the aif e ni Mr. John Reynaolds, of c soli. MARRIED WILSONaBaRITAje,,-At the resideuce ni the bîriSe's parentse, 53 Bathurst street, Toronto, oit Ma y 27tb, by hiev.W. 1-. Hineke. L LB., Samueli GWison, to Pattie, only dangiier of Mr. Wni. Brittaiîî, foi merly of Bowmaîîvillc. So'UrTIIv-WSN.Oi O May ilihat St.Miehcel's Church, Boncnmouib, England, by the Rev. Il. V. B. Pearce, vicar ni CliarchinuHoretborne Soineset, Ernest Cia, son ni the laie Coonuci Rdimund Southey' R. E., to Sara, youngest Saughter ni the late Nathieic Wilson, of Bow- mauville, Ont. CARD OF THANKS. To thec Offlcer.s aned .lentberS o/flIorejnce Xli hinygaIe Lodgc, iNo. 66, 1. O. O. I desire te acknewled-e nmv thankste the members oeuir £odgefo te aisefor he pomptess ithforchthe W ANTED.-A girl for general housework. Aîpbly te Mise REID, Oîîtarlo Si., Boavuîsnville. 23--if. T ENT TO RENT-The W.C.T.U., are agei offeriiag to cent their nice large teni on reason able ternis. Foc inriber particuiers appiy te Mrs. L. A. TOcE, Elgin Street, Bow- Maieville. 23-2wv. 1I'OR SALE, A JERSEY BULL CALF F.-boib Sire anS Dam pize animis anS ceg- iseed iii Jersey Club Newv Ynrk. Cbeap if t et en at once. Apply ai ihie ScATESMaix office.28- w TI. IG ASTRAY.-About Ma y 2th a .savighcamieon lot 25, con. 3, Daclingtoni. Oavncen biave it by proviiig propety andpay- ing expeîaees. RîcitAituNitHoLs, Courtîce. 23-8w XIANTED.-Teachers and College w sixdente, meii Or avoen, tnexemg a iii uis during vacation, at somtiug entîreiy niea. Cen pay as high as $200,00 for the fu11 terni. Scores heviug op)erated duriug vacation, have enga8ýed pscmnîity on oui- staff, in tixeir ,,ieis taSsoitelhavermadcforturres. Do notub until you Sund ont the faets, and that] aill1 eSt noîlîing. 4ddress immneiateiy, The BUAantEv-GaAnRRsoN Co., Lti., Toronîto, Ont lîkes to bhave la ber bouse a good einging 'eau. ccy, for the uifle icaiheted songseec' tuneful melodie briglitetin atîy a hotus. To kecp the bird in soug anS hsauty use the ciscuesi anS înost nuirîtiotîs nlu te markct. tsk yonr grocer orCSrugglst foc BROOK'S BIRD SEED. Iu eech 10e 1 lb.pkt. thece le a 5c cake of BIRD TREAT much apprseiaîed by lBd Faiicisrs. STOcr f&.JURv, dîntggist, PBoVIalVaville, 30OHi McMuitTRav, Grocer, Boix-man ille, A. NaCHiOLs, Fancy Coods,Bniriaville, TuE Matoti Co., B3owa nville,NicIoLsoN & Bn cie, 81 Coîborne et. . Toropto. 7 iyr Notice to Creditors. Infue ,nattcr oflihe ctate cf Blake ('ose- ter, late of flic Toîciîshp ofDaîrl i g- ton, in the Coun#ty of _Ditrham, Laboîre , dcc secé, Notice is lhsrelty qu'enu rsxî, ute Clapier 110, Revised Statuites of Ontrio, 1887, ibatt ail persoxîs baviiig citins igeicet the estate ni BLAKE COULTER, laie nf' the Toavusbip of D-I)arltoi, li he ofniDurhin, Laborer deceased, who dic d nni about the reth day ni March A. D. 19, erequeseted te, deliver or setl by post, prepatdn, on or befoco the iîxety- seveutb day of Jaun uct (1896) to the undeisirui cil admînasîcator ofîhe propect'y of the saiS àe_ ceoseS, a sËtemneut iluai-îing contciuiug fuît perteulars ni tîteir cdaiims cuiSof ibhs nature ni ilîs est urites (if au3) lueiS by theni a aiiusi the sciais ni ibe saiS deecased. AxiS uttics :s liereciy fntber given tihat aiter the saiS 27tb day on .hxoo uSai, ibis nderigned wilIl provsed to dist itistab asseis anin-xathe occluies entialed ihereto, bîaviviig regard onTy to suclu ebsime sasesshah) hhaventice nias above i equxied anS the said adiinlulsti etor aili ni ho hle for the assets oc- any part theceof en dit txte tO', "llertsouî ot Ness of' n avîose ciaini he s1ail îlot bave reccived notice al, thetilne ni sncb distributionu. D. B. SIMPcSON Roinauiville. Adauuîuîistraior. Boavmenvible, lMay 26th, 18916. _92-3wi. Notice to Creditors. In the inatter of thc estate of James F'reebor, late cf the township of Caîr ut l f ic heCous/y cf Dur- ha nu, foi wm"r, deccorscd. Notice is, bcreby,7 iven pursuent to Chapter 110, R. S.> O.. 1887.11,; I ait persous liaiing cdaimas againsi tbe esLtheo TAUtESFRREBORN, laie ofth tuiowniship ni C-actîiight, lu the Cnuuity ni Dîîriaïni,farmner, S i' 1d.vbo SieS ou or about the 19ib day of Sbhmtr 85 are requessed to deiver or seuid by posti urepeid onu or before the 4tb day of Jnby ucat, teo the uuidrsigîied solicit- or for ibe dininistrator ni the propcrty ni the saiS teceâsed,c siairniettiiî-iiucnauu fulil parîiccîbars of theur cimsli-iad of the nature of thue securities, (if auy belS by tuusm egainst ibhs etete ni thee sîd (dc eassd. AnSdinotice le bereby gi acu th.rt citer the saiS 4tn day ni July usai, the admiistretor ni the property ni tbe saiS deceesed avl roceed mn ist-iuls thiasste hereni cmocg the parties etiled thereto, bving.re- gard nniy o sucb lalins as lie shall have nîotice nf as0h,' recd ; anSd the aiS admiuist rat- or ail I nom be luable for the assets or cuy paît theceof so Sistiuîtedl to ans person.or rcsons ofwahosc da,ýims he shallnot liais recive notice et thi' tnie of sncb dstributio.. D. B. SuIt SnN, W. F. ALcLEN, SDluctor ifor Admniutraior. Rowanvau-ile, Aduninistrator. B oavianville, JutsnS n 896. 23-4w. WOOL! WOOL! 9-5,000 lbs. wanted at the Hamip- ton Wolleii Milîs by isi t ofJily fer 1bcl will pay the highmest pricea paid. un ibis Township. iFarmers will fiud ih to, their intcrest te sec me before selling. D. TAYLOR, Pro- prietor. 19-3 mes. Iverine makies Discolored Teeth White. Ivorine, the newi dentifrice, displaces ahl other preparatiens from use, because it dees good work. Dîscoloratien and roughness are speediiy removed and the teeth rendered white and highly polished. Ivorine is fragrant and re- fresbing, presera ative te sound teeth and decitv retardiug. Ivoriine removes tartar 'aid discohorations and makzes the tecili look beautifully white. It Wi11 Py Your Wall Paper at the "Big 20.'" We have the best stock in town and the cheap- est. A good paper for 10e with eighteen inch frieze to match at 5c per yard. Curtain Poles, ail colors, 25c each complete. W, Tu. AlI-ewUî BOWMANVILLE. MARIAGE LICENSES.-Issued by l A. J.* LOCUiAÂa, BOWManrville, Only $2.00. 47-if, G OD GENERAL SERVANT i utd APPIY tb MaS. JOUX PERCv Chut ch St.î22 f. ]DO YOU WANT AHOME.-Ifvou do ,ppiy t .BI imfrane oidbrick cottage cheap and on easy terme. 31-tf. B UCKWIEEÂT FOR AE-o for sale, for casb ordy. T. F. JAMSa, bolina. 1'GG!EGGS!!.-From thoro' bred En.L.Ldiiduiusiaiis.lie bcst laying fowls 'kîiown, and nion-setiers,' This is a silap-ns;uDli rice $3 per cetting, spec1al pritce for onemonth for rilper setting. W.H. DUSTA,Bownanvîlie. 20 tf, S HINGLES AND POSTS FOR SALE. "-Ay Çuanitity of No. 1 and 2 shingles for salec also Cedar posts-Applv touJAS. MOoa0lEY, Lot 27, Con 7, Dat lington, or E nfieid P. 0. 20-if IZELP WANTED, FEMALE.-$î to ,o18î per weêk to mnen and women for easy work ai home. No books or eanvassiiig. No experience. Boiiaded offer. No catch. Send stamp foi, vvokand particulors. E. HELRMANN, 213 South Sixth Street, Philadeiphia, Pa. 19 Imos. COTTAGE TOIRENT -"Salamader" c tae ogc pe yM.A. J.Lock- hai, RigS.,ecyOpst beErpress office, le to cent on ce ý,on ,ibic icrîns. Tiis is a lovely hoiise-nquhire foc particulars: J. B. MARlTYt BOWM anvile.20 if. BRICK IIOUSE1 TO RENT,-With B oiîe or three acces lan, 'r bouse stalle and driigh oc cthout land. Sîtuateàon Scugog et., onavile. Appiy to R. Youio, V. 17-tf. -WTORK 'WANTED.-A respectable y woma ýýn wants work by the day, hin11g bouse ci aing, nucning, *or any ocher bouse wock. Ajiyý to M. A. JASaci SrAirrSHtxi office, h -tf. F ARM FOR SALE OR TO iEINT.- The 1icnwick llomestead, composed of the South haif of lot .ý0. con. 4, CIacke, containing 10l es, maiscorim Alicaon xcviii be cecelcd b theundosgni1d uItonsc.Is t, 1896. Forpaitinias t.i 1to is. FW Centre 1.t ., oinanvie, or R.MaziPM, Orono B RICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE.- Comiortable b)rick cesidence on Qocen St. noiv occupied by Mc. Scobeil, 7 cooms, kitchen, ciosets, wood 4hed, ccic orct ,rd, suali garden, bard and softter ci Îso a emali builing o for sale. Aïxlyto ta A. B U CiKL E , VeIng. ion St., Bo !mi,,.e.1 iA-f. T OH'-"CHIIALIN.-Bowmannville, deal- er in Fruit anidOrnamentil Teso ail kinds. Dont place your order until yn hai seen me. Noue, but ,the hesi of stock avill i besoid. Ail stock wiillhesoid. ai the iowest possible prc and guarauteed true to name. Box 58,Bowman'. ville. 40-tf, ARM FOR SALE-A firsi class farmn Fof 125 acres or 145 acres situcrted in the lTownship of East Wlîitby, Isi con, lots !5 and 16 on tbe Base Line, about 1, miles fcom Oshawa station, 2 miles froni Whitby and 60 rods from the echoot bouse. Large rnomy buildings, main bai qlaif t, plenty of fruit, soif day 10cm, ai- together ne of tbe hest; grain facms ou ihe Lake Shore; un' bille and stines. About 10 acres of avonS. 75 acres lu pasinre anS fresh seeded. Terniseay;lirsi piowing doue. For further particulars ýapply bo A Acusîs, Oshawa' 37-tf W ANTED-A Man te seil Canadian anS UJ. S. groavu irees bcrry plants, roses 8hrîîbs, hedges, or-namental irees, aud seed pota- tcfor tht oiily orscry baving testing orchards in Cýanada. W7e give you tie beneiflt ni our ex- pericuce, SO yur stîreese leguacauiteed. If yon are tiot earnig ý50 per mouth cnd expenses, wri te ns aonour cPacilars. Liberal com- missions paid partt une cmen. Farmers' sons should look into ibis! h pays tietier than work- !ng on tbe fim. and offertea chance for promet- ion. Apply nov,aîîd get chioice of tccritory STONtE & WELINTiON, Tocojito, Canada. i3-3j» te tell 'yoi do Yonr'\W te date"m without rul pieces (and, Cleansescloth( everyting le«s lbor s comfOri. Books foi Wrappers 'When Baby vas slck, we gave lier CatorLe6 When she vwu a Chlhd, site cried for Castorla. When site beeeme Mis, she cleng te Castorla. ~whme ie hba idren. site gave them ceatoela We have a choice stock which we are offering at bottorn prices. Cali and Sexamine. e"awker &Tait. DOj1i OWMANVILLE. 1

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