CH-INESE PUNISIIMENT. ai ne tu E ii C _'ea-otie'leii i font oh L cantidcitou etcn spleetL o bst Lut. Idit beiber. 1i toWtMrý. Smaih PITieF - ltiLâien Oua tc d aiir e t. ta aken asrn-entent-,hbtrbood ciii. îe ion tr j, r uff uddig. ad het f-l4ý hvicins, nd Ph'eBeuead etrs myBr pricipieu lov, nover Ceit-isme, Brciitia, Fi is, St . towiDace, sIf a rred, a t t dies etfoutî'O rum eug îe i 'r e ea eu ifîe rc îsi tb tteSbt y lag bxsoscnd.- u ani. Cr 1frm lerc, -ty -vecns ,ogh n te,ýoLi w l' uau'a -w~TsmLUi ui-e iair, -s-s, aor, an L isedest so f ha bas lt - Ieitrsptittîpfls tbafne-petie, tit -ai' ega ' enmeatî bte ores IL wob. eaueeu i uhüu~te loe anybine- ian ge3b1e ubn Tee inn cBed, if , C eti al ibenett. in riso n c op ei aii s;sta , 'must sut i i ea g i if t a ou e.1 teOu sSo m n-oSne,'tauofiee ieMy es e d f e e ï .; 6 or ý.5CThe Dr.Hoývardhas dyprfed, tcI(ir5s , lovonRve ci N I I 1 "L HO ME1one hal hurs. Saure for pudding-One BISMARCK AT 81. 1!, 4 i aluli MLSl1I 11upful of sugar, yelk of one egg, a ml eOOKING MEATS. pie-ce of butter, one level tablespoonful sdBt b iIe~~Il enIswaet~n LeNEDÂ, UE , 89. of flour beaten together; add alti ieEU fFidk~ni 7 _____________ steeaeThycos asae oId milk and into this stir one large Bsac eevsc Asthrear an cpk, a cup ae f il of boiling milk; put this in the Bsacrci'esompara tively f ew Lhr aywaso okn etbttop of the lboiling teakettie until the srnesnw andi consequently the 'z OTE AD CMMETS assimleas he roer ookngisitsauce begins ta thicken. Just before vaSt number of speeches and interviews is frequently poorly done. Civilizeti peo- serving the sauce, add the beaten whbite wh , in former years came f rom Frie- A strong plea ýis being matie in cer- Pie eu eyuie fay a eat. of one egg anti one teaspeonful of f iav- tan resin Enlnt horie Cooking imaproves the flavor anti appear- csoa civilization of British Eastern andanef anmkslmoeletbe Caramel Custard.--Brow vn, but do not csoa eako tr.TeGra ;e Aanc ofit ad- ake itmoredigstilePurveYOr Of Bismarckiana bas founti bis Iburn, tWo tablespoonfuls of granuîsaîedocuainamotgeahug bt Central Afrisca fromlndia ratbler than'bsd ds!o'tgaypaaie r ero w go he wsabethou f iut ~." ~d'i,' : al litrubea from England., There is miucb to be wbich il may be infested, as in pork, iua aa sauce-pan. Atit one-baîfi ~e a '~cz îLe,ýsen se saiti in favor of sucba a policy, india ' oligwator. Do net stir, Wben cîunswtbt aabinforatfionl~ nerr t bere -rethree wysof cooking fehsgri eazz~ Pn ' "~i- ' Wiil ivitn-,1 , wasfebi elttcindd one scat pn ffrom the Saxon forest. Here are about )wuin url,, Afrcathan Englant is and the nr- meat, namkety: tooking by Liiing in Sou tIy add th, bot mixture. Pour int ail the (btiti aod entis of anecdlote tiLs eus extent of the British spheres Of water, iroiling a-id roasting. The two a bake-dish lpace it in bot water and lie bas been chie ta g'tther since tbe influence in the eastern anti central manners of boiling meats differ w idely. t'akes illi a motierate aveun ilîl firm. Prines eighiy-firat birthday, on April P~~~ahe etCATRSLi J I"RPin sections of the continent requiring forWe rt rssp~d~i' b~peeI"v with cr'am. 1 art eually v, l n o-~îi'. ccI tieir early settiement anti guardian I Of meat shouiti be place-tlinjcold m'a- 1apie-plant oC harb ain îut t,an Ietsocr' ,ldiedi'ýa ilit, îoni1 ship a larger force than the IUnited kradci t e eigaiclcm fpePal rrubibat u ue abpofess re er i uncho with B- they lro onu1 a !e tia r15 Kngo loewilLeai t npi. n inly eth oligpon. heces. Cover the bottom of a mac' bu he ek n eak Inia ib n efioienglepo plilnger inais altoeveti te belltebob r dpddn-ibwlhalyr of et that the Prince's special knowiedge E(a if they ogh -nly cudputi'-Ls it aALidSA E berbrob. In biswa mb cte patct~vrthickly with sugar. Cen- -,as amnazing. millions of seuls every year, coiti strenguLi anti flaver in the meat is qx- îbnee iis ntil theý dish ile fi, vng "h, Yesl," was tbe old Chcncelier's ; Ac h e or u a e y i e rti i e is o e s i l astea v oiti a - î-.5 u b st a n c e a r e d is s l v edel a i t h o 1a th lit tie p lc e s o f b u tte r . B k i n m y y o u t b a n ti b c o n ly e r n e d t e C A E R R Y -wlo iï- ,, fnin fli,4 disresýsig conipýiwaterlkieavs ngeîLe proteitisk. Ibisin ore abstlowe orendferlveuenthetr tiere, cnd these wlio once n'Y them ,Mfll hurt tolerabie congestion ta fast becu'ling' 't oeinnti0ayinaca' Y EG O A th-esttei"VÀlhiy maining portion neoti nt b' wýasted, but If desired, the crumbs m y bc Lutter- mighi ave amounteti te something. Ch'yivtlýi, ho wein so ianwaysti'it one of the gravest problema of Indian by the, additionrof vegtbles andi sec- cd by tirîng ibem labo imelt'et butter Brismarck spoke of the Germaan lack Bt o dete helin.kraie. This force, moreever, weuld sonings can ho matie quite palaizabie anti befoeeuigte ates'ln, io grsivoeSS anti self-eSteem ta ntbe be peidly. aiaiat t te wrkinusedtategooti advàntage. w bicb cas' the I utter is net neetietion days before the conquesi of Austria Sv12yer goi cghit a se-,vrecold Mut ~ ~ ~ ~ had aCtr atgsimade Anuhep yin partigmatosfs s-tOe nrveco i.saiti, that a Germian nover woulti be able me no et ierdyogi ,!t.Thse doc- banibeagmate p n artofspen i .Tbe il tshouiti,3 utinto salte feel tbe proper ameicu e f confidence tors pronone ycaehplas, red figbiting maierial, wbicb bas tiuring pieces anti piangeti laie beiling water eflg( V1 )iIt :1, " ',tW(, s the hane of ame Iltht er twlere ~~~at o o inutes. Tbis sutiten heatmng i iaeiH adcagd i id Ayer's Chrry Pecýtora1l. My th in_,te I cd 7 nake our g"a oct.0r pilecure it teps wnl-lv er oc n o coagutates thealumen on ta-, surfunel~ a w, er TE STORY 0F PETE. baucrer, afier meetinig Ricbard Wag- used tisho-'ole ascepit do net ~~ ~ ~ ~ orrsof tbe ment, forming a coverîng -Which e e oemfstero agnLoer nand ,'ÂtCQib v. oce as s now doing, excellent service lifâ te.. nr L opsr age c nesr Iieiv tsvlM iS" t'aTc' LecE îvaPILSar vr5 sr ica' ant in ' rtof pent la pri tthe apof the îuices. Stewsi s'd i e 'W4'CSO niti ii dos,* Tisey are tity seeaheai ' c t e to ical ceaditiens of siseuitineyer La perm îtte t ot utt le1leil 1 P. ie uer bcd b ee b i p ,oasure t oa w ho tise ttt a r op ee. lek . iatsh ate n Cispcenu r e t A y e ntztripeor pnurge; ,ti y tisIr geotIie a. 1lf e The labor of Natal is tione by sbonlti simmor slewly until the mneati luse t! an 'ho easily suaiereti wilL a fork. Thb 1j Wat 'a JeuOI u an'i big- iib. Seldtceiiry nvihere, cu neh9 ou aTeot hneirla ot nie i-etÂad tWrdsEir or $.Sodevrw erorsent symî . Indians, noless Chan 51,003 of them requirs a mach longer timebaitishe g"r'in e plut oider. Ti is a însy dreakiugCstnryllorlyias tile ateue to3tAý,-,1, CABTEBMrrCIZE C., liew Yrk. resitiinglinbthe oloay, more bLeu the meut will lie more tender 'o~tiese times; se rite'long, db' nsur, y asa Bisarck dr ng P tf ..oPi ~jPJssC - ihale Engls population, wie Nyas- Very ofen a large plce et mneat i a to aîtueYu"h-srYta imrkdik salanti, a Province neariy the size et h hoilei, cîî bbc ame raes vLeîd t atrig o f hi&eaferoon e d _ I li~~~~~~~~~~~~~e observeti as jusi dsc'r;bel. 'TLe Lot- b iniiefie niaaiboro i al aîet France, is proiecti anti pelicetibd e -ewnera ist th- juici'rth H ILd ttî"d, oh!.so nauy tîms te eacb tea heruner fter ta. iFou [I~B IMEB[~MS F FBSIIndian soliiers. A considerahie pari ef meut will ha; Lut ibis m-axi sioulti nOv- glwok eeyLieth nua -isiottl er u ete be.ivFouant the trade utEt African ports is car- or tcoil, tLe sIo', r lbceokati the lit-Li'sm."esml"fveqatetcapne otoa Ne isirricaneq, noecyclones, neo tuntie rieti on Ly Indian merchunis; Intilan Fisb anti very tender meals sboalti Pote ceai-Ld i elp ILt if lie w-as smiall tbem Lad iseen emptieti betore Bismarck stLIORmo Ne rAthI efîee surveyors bave heipedtiate ap eut nover ho subjceti te bard biling, fer fur iLs cpi'. ForLaps it w-as the vile bcdbis horse brougbite the door antid nres netunlpM'îje stoe CLORI!Matchiess andi marveleus. made rd"eady titaIXonea.Pese.oFisomoe..(o'd EIeven thousanît acres $12.5 per acre. East Afica; anti, Lest et ail, tLe la- ih will lie iorta l pieces. Tie hot wa--an uresO th trlmtho cldtw mnt eppthiý Twerysi hudrtiacrs lt.OOpe are goventîmentsimmeais th preprr teibti.hbose ciharo 'La hse îefore n latîe satdie. Bismarck, Lowever, ra.D.ilwdMiince.Bokl1Oi. Sxeahundre ace $0.0per acre.Teve gi:zln leaetithethesatide unideti cat t hudredacr-s $1.qOpe- cre. lve'aMz n id tropic-al dependencies, te Ia rousting meais tLe oven sboaiti Le îoarsof Lislitfe thatL ad sturted hîi starteti nofteec anti fe tunieat, hiui'i dacres, TSevenhundretianacre S ix ntalning oentie ierein, andt oie- vr o -o L et is placeti intO antimade bine look like a boyO e to n o1csîvif I dasb iowa tLe roati. Wben acuti cd acreree untit on etn agtenativ poulaion amai ril, anti thon allowedta tecool dount i aewvr as te elti hloek- bis bat lew of f Le tmmcd. rode for lla lit rctd it plvelragsNgtanatout 180 tero abebi. The acres. lveO an ecainoes', FligsAs thce force, miliiary ant inldustrial, salerîereest îLereneit.e ave inaceivr w-a od eugb a4alo, cai Lemeaq, Almoutis. Grapes nt iloher fruits le teras hebterteovn ii;ith l vr n nace grwn in a cautry where w ich it c ulti senti laie Afica w ould shouldt eho t firs. iit r s e r î n athe ci rIJ t-t darker side of iL Pa nd uti th n, straightening up in à,il à ki~,dtrao SI'HE ItIG~ SPEIIE hofer cbeatser tihn a British force, cenutcor of beut anti in a large pioce' course. Sncb iitite feliews as Po1te, sel- Lis sutdie, iruveti te bis astonisheti of meat tLe outsitiewoulti Ici scorcbej otdm pet iiute the flewoer gardon et com- frieuti. TLe next day -Bismarck wn Write for particalars. Santi E basaratytemutatt isc-lefore îLe jasitie wir enii cooketi if Lthe fort. hm'ktityt e-îetb usinc awihNuagati-'t ADRSaptability te îLe purpoeo ne btter we a e o.B aigteee "Say, misier, can I joCst Ohbre anti penîority at the cups, but Lis friendlutii-ý t',z If ui Vplan, it. iou iti 50c, c ulti ho sugges- Se very ot t first a crust is f rm- sec lie ene work?'~ ask d le. decli edt h îe c halen,,. H o sidt hai 4 o dr~i1 K .i b n t e c o mt.L e c v i i z t o n e t e i r o a i L e m u t k a t p r e v e n t s C l ec C o u r s e u o u c n ; t n y l i i g l o u g L t h e b a t t r i c k a d i s c o u a g e t i mL i n cdcapeaenmoiscommitushe cervîlithe ionoy vj1at ha't big 'auf' te w ork Scbweniiiger is trying tea eruaehave saved yîu a warld of Vwoe. WILLWS, AL.East Africa, from the Zumbeite juices anti flaver. Roasts sbouid lie bse likhes te sec' others -e: ok. b ou jest BisiarT-k te ge te Kîssmngoî or Gaclîn& rnts t in aredat Egypi, te îLe Indutatgoveramyt.alti trequenily, ibat i, cheerhange, lbitic stand ata eut tic w-ay, au ica ra V'ou r taethe Are veryousefmlnt, bot freutl hti d ippings in with thae watt-b the mon werk ai! yen please. ',wOulti Lenetit îLe Princes LeaItL. Bis- till p ermanont cure foýr ail those yea Dnertîe hcokit nd This Llps ite cok îey'et acroswn bt hr tt eur-mcrck,boirever, is tietermiacti te re- aimtsWyufc hnrlfrn etled Preute tem WI H...~. hee i, eirvo, vey tre~ p-anti ferme a ceai t tuft aretîntithemi, gdoii utiothe largo stucture w eut main in Friedrichse-nb. Cl",unthcmn! psto eitrio i'pr temore tender anti juicr. Tie shorter tu bis çUst a' ove, glvîug his orer iet ero Lenuwy journey 15 tiresome,'" odbyifldmnggist& Pamphlet fre OnBPpruzalofL. Ilcctlfythem Ib [)OD ROWA posetLimetneqaireti la oncohkiugra rfatteanti there as n' wet. Pote steotiwith ho suys; "Lut, w'enst oet cli, I alucys lt B autPythein 1Indian goverameni, wiieL ties net waL rpnî rI îoî o rig ei is pack leaineti ugainst tha- telegrapb four noir that semne accident rncy ap- enPnsowrQOfl ili Druggisti.T HTSpoWDEFîe tieti edrespensibiliiy, partiitularly as the bhouer fluveretianti juicier Lhey polo wvatt-biag the meu.pelematILvecreebcpin oiinomnlebySe Ju. ________________il___ ; flins its supply et effective rocruits 'ciîîlie icoi o li odlte. ol ad o Itedin stde lindm.0-ne FOR TWENTY-SIX TEARS. naeeeitoa loue- Lime in whicL t-n 'li e- ictroagh. ihat halin'b ard work. Siace Lae ceasedta Lwsorny oven tLe is et nchnet tew-aIc ls igit-onee taborogfyncekein t aeerthey meghet pive a bey-- political vue-ries et bbc yoane- Em- triLes, the Georkbas, Sikhs, anti PaiL- that any parasites may hoctistroyeti. A rour libre the ru.rbliug et Chuntier; qpaner iLe Pince adstrgern odby Th1 a anin Atnican etiventure. TLe British a crashîug ef timbers tellowt b nt leitoninmmd ctiandstreo rou Lody ans, NcNES antifallînp w-valls-aiîd thon c dense JY1 gi eoiat tnte bog ' eatmn loopposes i cîtecutid e ut and uticrumbieti plaster tLe Sa-xon foresi witb the vg ofe -- -- 'ou tanmetriais h y ano îLe îELD OKIarase frem tLe mins. Oh, the cries anti W-uyyer aetisolyslulauts stef es K ~ Jgrentitha îL Bnrls ary tnheLenew are Bayaniane beer cuti very ry .BI.YCLE i h BAKI * kptat isLest withut opportunities. Wbhothat bas Lad the came of a ol- rtroans. ton iceip tacame ~t~champagne. -ýgiti re tathusoflcigorya- byas twi-t iiisteti iran beamel --high -grade wheel on Indien soltilers in Atnica iroulti net onlynestLi o-tovrbsfstp-k? From erery quarter peepotn-e;B NSOHR P O W D ' LE R tieprive Englantio e u etier most val- Hew- mauy imes îLe cbubiy baud. if nls anti roon retiy bauds bogue the lait-m of T N ualeman f i îLzngte continent its w-ny thenein; andtihîe numbeý)r Aet cue-~. Poor, bttereti anti blootiy Dean EditQr - t4ie Canadian market.. le eun etclviiznp ormns crre taken iw-ay; new' andti Lco oH C REDbservations emanating trem L't a eu îghî njrt woîi2mpa f 0w- Pessat yonorulier ctind ign HE OOKS BST RofD the morle wr ik ring anerpBoyitmbrl po h sbei i-steps, thon turu bîuck teasststhe ta . n sfea1rm evu e LARES SAE N ANAA. et bcmoe aanikemiesnatonBni>syndt estimation. Ts-e' itb a fetling ut leest etoifiY, Seminal Weakaess, LacL et ____________- tttons-nt s tetiug t renierîLe IL takes sa littie bo mako ciibood piLv for the' hatteret uies acut iauk- Energy anti Ambition, Lost Menheeti,, fns n nq iy officeNight Lassasdetc.,a rentw-miLhemeescucon- BANK negres incapable oet dot nce in îe f - happy Chat it seems njst te tue boy fmmccc sf on sof-slvatilo. ghLaset. vilwremenco- fnsh nd nqu iy. tarTrARtIhOwLely njsttibl -te depnive hlm et bis pookets. Gire -î, pr'stise boy i' askiothîe boss, as ltieuce, 1 Ilc11 inform hlm Ly seaied, cotnet eaGny*him pockets, plonty oftbhem, tee; but Le ý&t-arr lly îiftet i frem the ruins ltotoceahreha e obi u For 'partic'u1ars 'write Bowntle aoa genc at Banktn u sinfes3 Finully it is couented Chat although each hlm thoîr tscs anti abuses. Ho anti lainL upen a stretcber.a perfect cure. I csk ne money, Lavung rN. notbing t-an Le saiti against îhe veina- nust early leamu Chat a pot-Lt is prn- "0ý.tue lutile fellavw-We jusi CoLk nothing Le seli, I Lnoir bow te sympa- DEOIS ayemgaio flnin t ficail h ntrlreceptucle et bis baud- Ihlm CiiiiJ 'thize miL these sutterers andi cm oni peepdI avEPOBnkS1atme ndonary emiurgemnt oIndh ien t ficukemahief and net et a couglomeraie 1'1tV-w a bhutte" toe gladtiaLe LeaLla te ussisitChemia pcIP n uti rBak e atepNadon n norgmn t u- mgainmss et ruîbisb klt may aise coutetu 7vS hi 1Promise abslaie scet-ety cuti asî J &J T cgiiandi terestallowed taorcerte: Noul eamr hrigo h okml"ed"Y e J M Y O V.yiàble on demand. whlcb pires Engianti any justification tLe lati carmins te îLe grocer or Le a men work." self cubler, 1 do net pire kmi ne. If A L R EXCHJANGE ton impesihog ber raie upen the Atnicans neighbor. UIness cautionoti rom tLe -ie surei yeur lite, -)tIdma." yen desire taoe-et-W-il, seuti st-amp anti Toronto. B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a iw'adodadrtsendpi -'c iail, ibat 'et civilizingi anti upifting stent, Le is lilbleita fi his pot-Lts "Scced my lite? loir?" atitress simply: P. O. Box 383, Lontion, T rnoSo* 'r Unted Statee andçanada,aSooGolti,S'Ilver and ibem. To seek ie salve thîL be w- laiib ev eiiglBt tr ady -)îk'l X "oumît aefelt îewai-Ot pnioedemotapesaGreensbhokoiiiurectiany cempreheuci ri 'at saveti yen fnem ltce effeci Unfetitaes renbaksbilbt nt eod, Atnican cvili.atioa merely iy inviiug Chat It spoiliatLe aPppecrauce et Lis Ot the fall is Lard Le tell. But the tiM- LONDON'S WONDERU WNLR COLLCTIO Sthe Indiaus te taLe the place efthîe tieloeod pocketa tea have them bitigedtibers were piioti upon Jeu. One weuld ____________________ l'rt eoesiedfo cnat1ave cruanieti Jour Lcat-oniy." IiiedtDido(lOrinCpî.e Prmpt ly mane au curreîmi raies nuoceait pat natives as seltiers, nienthats anti apri- vibb eartby matters. M'Scge (0jL-aniy w uaL?"ap9vat eutlrF, tre'3ritain, the United tiSateeanuS ie calinrists, is te previtie for îhe extine- Let the firsi pocket serve cas au a- "Lct adacayto o c L Nisneie,î woen.and uit45ie a $10,000o tien oethîe natives, bth Ly tailure ta e tt lesson ton usine- the hautikert-htet. fori et tise bey 'abo by crusic t i îîleî Bill. TeIe<i"ii>Ii lt Transfrr4 nouag beach bim te use it himselt, quietly andtihîeaascet fîLe telegrcpb Pole.11oi Bck,?-f.urtoartseute enorg hmte Le soldions, trarders w ithout aiatn-ntce reîe tL itue u iascnlt oe olishtientleman lfiur e streacn Mco orlageorsuai -nis n ilP rto!anti lahorers, anti by limitiug their op- oest e epnsbi tl oe pro-ani hile Le w as mendirg ie eaiw cys "GreaiMangeean oia ton'ceai- Cauadzi. Tiisespeeuialty advia1itsgti50 otaiissentubie ut ail times "jnst like a hp e ulti kop sossoyciayinon"Ho iautot Iseaci- lvin ii \tîîie--ort--------ct. P .persan." Habit soon bhomes tixeti, t e'nbîcok"douce gaine in London, must bo regard- îtmakes fli f nuada avilcb~c aI OC0 de. îLeandt iis arrangement ciii Le a saris- odueeethomtacmpiei place of pa> nient. thINVENaTeiOsRoise ý1 ,Î Otbepanticulars callat thue bank. IVE O F THE SAFET Y WHEEL f action teaL ohraswl sL y, b. FORT. UEO. MeUlLIt.. these W-Le bebolt i hm. Neerm mmd if HIEFE AN\D THERE A GEMLý. sidese oe re.îeasca- Accouitant, àlalizL.-r. )u ey Oi as aîIRs Ia!1e- ecms eyntequeuîly dtin he it- ion Ladl on iLs beoks aithe urne oethîe Made glus Fortunae. dyw-t mLetnymImts e tli-n Poiteeies-,is a id etfaesîholit- exposure 30,000 namnes. TLe stapetideus e-meuh et bîcyt-lîne-hg 4?rhe ama bsooacL envelops the asponiiies ofot un Bek LasJuýst beensentencedto savon e Amr'iOfl sînce îLe safoiy" anti the pnuatit- Bie ht hncnlssosltîech racîr r, seauhat other people Le netyor'pulsvideBtrebso- tiremor lueatti ilusratti y aoihr direction,.c onteti by tham. We shoulti nover hall l'e liveti in tic most experusive tir wreieenedisilusraedlya e criout h. oxea wben we ceaLenti eparîments, e-ave the, most ubammine-g. Açier,oy for saeetibe enste Londion, --w hh thie rude.-Jouber:t. dinuors, cuplîvateti cil the w-amen Whbou whr ninternational exhibition e ie'iofomopat e-L ai vcise i st-ho e a r where an ~~~~~LAUNDRY W OR1Z. con ' hipblY imaginative irben tboy are rieimuye bmat aaoit horselIoss curriapas, melons anti meon u pabl toebtlnal l, idustries is te be boit-, Leginane- anti Tabie"loths, ceaierpieces, et-c., shoult i h' r pscan voihadrs et insuitrua00 up a uteue alnandy spoke in n ut incgp.s aootenr 100.Ho cc- a saighor a0en cti. p 15111 ~~~~cnbaning turingMuJuno, July lie exumin"i e eobbeig jlat-otinlute niiai) ,s fient-s ohft-retiva ganus, forEe-Lcvtaslpb cen. ,u cati Auguasi, îLe Quoea anti ibo icaier. Dam every breakc as soc c as Lho:n b iss ie'imos neî a facttatego us- GeroR iairtse i:" z_: nd uguýt. he ueenandthe atLakew neotk ml ton tee î ears. flurnne fhîLe iwbole et thatt Lime iere cias nover 1