L CUIEDEVTAKING Parsfa- tlimt arila tl ' î. li S îg ii t:ee, iiîcd a guca îaîu iw to'i eiile li ci"Ie rluief.c- va t-J'ta *t'iyîi : t-y A','îr's Suese- }uilàu, d - o-e îIL1, i fuuied the hu e, ci t-md3 %% exxtutas f -vr t vî'y i'i".Mj îb'siness, nuit-h h t, s i se--liiorieuhcsme te ho t-i lui -id l' sotthç,abiur, ehien xx-itiuuîitglex t, tut tiroubile bas f oici i'ta-ad.". TteA A.JOHNcS, TH E Ri-ELIANCE Loal alU Savillgs Gofply Oi f Ontarlo, tNt-OItP0RATEO ONDLES tCHAPTER liC, R. S. 0., 1887. BOWMAY,.îiýNTfLLf-E LOCAL BOARD. DIltt-JTL IARS: AE11A1 R. 1). JA VES, Esq........ -......Psuav 'J.H .I.JU , -.......... vue aLU'-îcR, WSl-iVliK ,! i-.5u c, AeyR D A'er&'tu-ss esssMCDU i- &JNS Sacta Ti'oe ONTAIWRE FENCINC CO.. LTo,. 1iciou. 'luurfo'. Thle McMullen Fencings and, Pou!try Nettings, Are, the very best ever made or sld in Canada. Yen want enly the best for yonrr nenley. Den't naste il on poor imitations and cheap iubstitutes but ask fer anti buy the MeMullen Goods. The~y are uinequalled for' Farrn, Lawn or Poltry Fe'ncigs. No snowdrifîs with MMle ee ÈK e For sale liv Hardware and, GeerlMerebants. C n ,à]-ji¼es agents for Ontario IN~ WrtE o.,Hamilton, Ont. ; for Qnbc&Eastern Provinces, JA-MEs Co~aMontreal. 1 Spectacles!1 Nomoe omplete stock betireen onra nt Toronto than is, kepl by T N.iikard, Jewxei1er and Opîca, iwmanville. No sprirOptician lu Canada tBnT.N.Read Soiid tSpiectacles a specialty. Goeds al uewrie olti stock tle run off and ne more cliargeti fer latest styles in spectacles, than others are asking for elti styles anti stock anti caliing thern "Barga ins." Do net rmin yonr eyesighl by wern-just anything thal la caileti aBargair. but corn e atlong' t Iick- arit-'s OpticiÀ Paruor'anti have your eyesight sciertuifically testeti anti your eyes preperly fitteti with a modemn pair et Spectacles at a price as low as lte lotrest. T. N -RCHARD WathirtakrJeiveler S.Optiuuan. BOWMANVI-lJl'E. We sel a $ ?5.00 Se-wing Machiine for $25.100. AssgumutsforBenfitet redlor. e Mot sd Mtk.Cibo.lnieidino, sua'i-d toit mut-h beuefitted with- Assgnens orBeefi o Cedtos. Inspection o eaan Mik.Ctgilu, rwýe days, and using bis onu lang- -Provision is made for the examina- sud to-ýna may ostahllab public slaugh- ange,: "I bave taken lu ait four hetties lien et any peraonu ehsl or bas hoon ter bouses, and t-barge tees te defrsy sud cnsiider Ibat I hbave recoived $100 an agent, clerk, servant, officer or em- the t-eost,, the local bard ot hcaltb te uvrtb et gond front ont-h bottte." h ptoe of etny kind et the assigner. At- ibave conîrol. The local board ma iueisntnaîyTg uu he o se fer compeling the production by auy emiploy t-emptent peyaOiS le inspOdI 511 irhen kidueýy diseuýse la net tyd person, hartng lu bis possession any slu bte ouases, mn akn estah- deatb quickly feloîrvs.sayd ChUrenCry fae 5 o>tcher's Castor;ao (I' boak, document or paper rl tîn at the lishMentsaas, carcasses, and meat MÙLENT LE1,JDSLA T fC debtor, bis dealings, or poet. brought in and intenided for human-, 7 r .Chattel Mortgages.-A trf of fees food. Also inspeet mIlilk, and teýst for1 iprescribed ta be chargeaie in re- ýtuberculosis, READ THESE NOýTES AND KEEP SPect ta seizure and sale. Contracts, Bake Shos.-Provision is made for POSTD INTHE AW. Whether ini writing or verbal, ta give the inspection an~d regulation of such. POSED N TE LW. a moltgage or bill oi saie are to be The (lame Laws.-The killing of deer deemed mortgages, or bis of sale, and in, or inmediately after leaving water, are, as ag'amnst creditors' subsequent is prehibited. A license ta hunit must Soute Chaugelî; WhIi Welli 't*ide ( lie moigae and purchasers void, unless ho oe btained, the fee for which is te be ILmt Ucc'r4ing of the' Ontarlio Legisietiture the Chattel Mortgage Act is compiied 18$2. Attached ta the license are ta be WIïtieIi May Be of Iuteu'est te Yen. with. exvo sbipping coupons, one of -which is Sheiff.-Te ofic hers re o ~ Mechanics' Liens.-Existing Acts are Io Be attached te each deer or part of Sheiff-Th Ofic- hur ar tobcrepe.n-led and a new one enacted. The ee on shipment, and cancelied by the frém 10 a.m. te 4 p.m., except during principal changes are: Wben w ork or c (arrier on arrivai at point of destina- the long and Christmas vacations, -%hen material is furnisled upon or in respect tien. Atthoqg-h the hunting season they are ta close at 1 p.m. The sher- If the lands of a married wvem'an with commences on the 20Lh of October, no iff ofTorntoandX ok ae t hae aprivity of ber husband bis interest la vension is te be shipped until the lst iff ofTornü an Yok ae a hve ipresurned ta be lessened. Insurance of' November, and flot withidut a cou- hait holiday each Saturday.l money is te take the place of property iPoni attaclted. Counties or parts of Succession Duties-Provision is made des4royed by f ire. Lien holders of the counmties may be Set apart lu which il againsi evasion et payment o these 1maie class are te taýnk pari-Lpassa. shah hoe unlavwful ta kilt deer, Settiers i Wages" mean money eoarned for 1lah- ar, prohihited from sheeting meose, elk, dattes by disposition ot property in an- our, ihether by th d-yorb pac rideer or carlbou bofore the lst of tictpation of death, or by purchasa of 1 wOrk. Th'le taking et anysecrîy o ember, 1900. annuilies, Property brought into On- iflotte afecta lien, Iniieýsathe pari e-s tario frem e ithont the Province Îs er stithat lu writi. A L ie ed made hiable t the duty. e r the terms ef the cctac , îth the WOMEN MLST NOT WEEP. Regisiration of Births, etc.-The act cotrtactor, and ista ale to an action bas Be3rn revised and conslidaüed. In case of refusai or gvn a false "Should woen weep" ta a tapie of The Law Courts.-Provision is miade St1atement. A judge is empowcred toa<discuossion by the readers of Woman, a forlb emoalof n eecaoror rus tn order for the-, produOction or bo_,ndon î-ablicution. One contributor for heremvalof n eeeuor r tus-Inspection of sncb contr-ý-t. Atoson usiaintemaio"."Tecy tee, eithe-r for cause, or upon bis own liens a re te B comnce yszionn Pt nans mlie"o"Tecy appicaio. Wen heestte s ~î,OOof~ claitu, and other lien-holders served 1 ng Wonu, lit is maintained, h ont of appEatio. Wen te, hota toilt$1e00 vth notice ùeftrial are to Be consîder- dt-~obelongs te the forties and or under the application is to et h ed as parties 't the action. Such actions fiftlg u oIi n ftecnuy county court. ARl actions against mun- may Be trted before a local master or l_; o atÎ n ftecnuy icîal orpratonsfordamges aringan ffili oteco.anda p-nedur n ias thon a submissive slave icial orpratonsfordamges arsin anoffcia reere, ad aproedue i 1and mani the rigbteeus ruher. Ž;ow ail fro no-rpai o rodssteet o sie-Provided for. The costs ini the aggre- is changd The new voman îs bore, trom ne, on-topatofrods, satredets r ide- ete are flot te exceed 25 per cenit. of and she rmies; therefore abe should flot wals ae o B tiedbya jdg wih-the amouit x'e-ceiu ed, inlunsive et dis- cy out a jury, and in the county in vi bth bursements. If a lien-hoider faits tao Ir the opinion of another writer, a saab rond h sitaated. When tve establisb bhs lien, hie may stili ret-ever w eman shouid cry previded ahe dot-a judg~s an ulyBe bîanedfora ~ a personal jndgment. A. mechanît- vho i se "noisoîessly." "If ber face begins to jugscnol e bandfraD-bas bestowed skili, labor or materiat -tî,cl issel cne n h visona Cortif hes jngesdiferuPon a ht-baletse as te actiuire a mont net sutîf, gnlp or otherwiise make the case cau Be renrgued before three. lien thereon, ln cases bie reinains unipaid an objecttoft erseif. If she doos, ait Anotice requiring a jury is te ho gir- for tbree montba, shahl have the rigbb, thoppthos oetlher crying ils gone. ' The en within fnuadditionfterahieotlererof tiilS.leoidea ilsthrown eut thlat "Style" lu weep-' on itbn ourdas aterth clseot diby anction the- obattet, onl giving ing shonki Be coultivated; for there are the pleadings. Jncreased fees ot off i- One weesk's notice, by adrertisementofei several "formas" etfwping. "Somne weep oint or profossionat witnesaos are te Be the time and place of sale, and leaving Iatone te tb ir pilows lite aead of in the discretion ot the court, notice wibb tbe owner. nig." l This, il h eci s îsînke,, County Court.-The jurisdiction îla Wages frLbroPbi ork-_.-he05usý' it aes he eep 51od and imadý_ orthe poeto giy ba-fomu eber t duee not(I noxv largely exltended, Title ta land of epoes when the cont"Iractera uyb h lgbs od may be tried, irbere the value is under Make dfut and the amunt.' due tea Thn torehte ,emn he s cd. $20)0. Aise the validtty of a boquest net temma>e deducted from any Mon- ing at (cvery opprtuine ýaud npr- exoedin $20, nd boe te vlueof ys ayale e ccotracter, under tulleoe nt TLiatis bad ferm in excedin e20, ad werethe alu ofanlel gishative grant. the estate dees net exceed $1i(100. Ilu Dewer Ac.-Furtber prvison i weepung. 'The "whimpoý-ring style, Nvith V.-Ilen 1a griot anco, usnaliy found in the pas1.- liquidated damages or deht ascertained li aefrcases weretewl asbo middle-age lady" lis te ha shunned. The byth at f hepatisorby the I 'Il par fom bohe sbr dfor:f ire wersb form et ailthis ho "re-drfaced cry byihgnaceofth(e epaties,6or (for or more, and for caes- bee te tlemper," ihich usually asserts il- sigatue f te efedat t $00 for tifewa unertheag wh itz gning. self in an inijudîcieus stamp front the moerly $400) and te any ameunt lu sucb vrodnheat'At-h pro- beautiflnlly arched Trilby snd ends lu a caseswhere thepartis agre todurei ihisimphiiýitid by doing away with general stampodeofetthe aasemibled mut- cass xhreth patis g-eeletryinth pocdur ude Stten2, -uunld pro- Ltude. the county court. In trespass, or in- vie et or 1an sppdhtmuent by the jury te land, where the value et the- judge ,te i a tinite and place fer an __________ latter dees net exceed $200. In partuer- enqu'iry. Thj'e prinicipal tacts upon shp ates hee h jin sok whe ich ýthle lnir eisare te be set THE PAIN lMU~EYLEjgr ME ahip mtt"rsw borethe jint stck du n -utli h otie tthe tinte sund place flot extced $1,000. Iu actieons t e ro-v- ethaogfeis i" .T ,nde tUvIi et a logacy, net exceeding $200, and bandio ansd Tenaul.-Section four et Ailler àbuu r. 4 cw' 'ltre r t1e the value et the estate dees neat exaeed the act eti 1895 is repealed and a new section substitated wIch sets at resýt $1,000. Iu actions te enforce a lien up- any.doubt as tea tnant's righi týe 11mw difficultil ils fer those 1flae on land xvhere the sum claimed does net Temeve bis fixtures. with beart diLsons-- te get relief, and te exceo-d $200. Il Btions for redemptien Lite Insutance Acts.-SQome amr -gt lqikl.Tepanbns u n where the sam involved dees flot ex- monts are made heretui. ou payment la suggestive ef the maost terrible te- ceed $200. ln creditors' actions te tank et a cemmuted license tee, insurance suhîs, fer henrt disasa, cannet ho ltrifl- upnan inslvent estate, where the cOroreatnn cr,,3rtlirg conitracta etf ed w ilb. lera was MNrs, W. T. Ruridie, damdoes net exceed $400. Powerta giv- iusuranco tb t 1 Îs ext n memitaers, -Sb-ailtha rite et a welt knoorucattle denier on te transfer te the Iligb. Court when- net ho cemppoîleç te re.giter itaets in Dundalk, wbo auffered sa, severchyn over il appoasthat the timil bas been idvdnl.fo anl h eine h er exceeded. Ahandoumeut et ext-osa s Muiia ct-nlws ips nt i- ihal, te quete lher oui a rds: "Il ras permibted, when the lmit is; exceeded. vided inte Ivarnomnaions maytaýke fer ï see re unable te attend te my Lu ceuntes where there ih a senior and place at i Jp1. !m. l i.nesand lew 1shouselaold dlt' Iwaa ludu.ed te try junior jndgo and, the population dos thte depuy-returniuig officers are i. the~ Dr. Agnýew's Cote tor the 1-ean, and pot extced eighty thoasand and there dýose efthei polils forthwiitb te 1 muaI' say the result iras ironderful. la a vacant-y et eue et sut-b, ne second proceed îiîh the ballotboxslbIr,the of- The pain irmadiately htft me atter the judge is te ho bereafter appointed. it-eeoft Ib cherk et thamunieiality. tirIday, and I have had 'ne trouble Surrogate Corts.-Powor te remeve Conctis (except count ýycucis are te since," Stroiig testimony, sud yot au executor is conterred îrhere the es-beLd their firsÊ meetïD in otbe second Mrs. Rundle stands along with thons- tate dos net cxceed $1,000. The pas- instead ef. the third M"3ou(ay in J ana- anda et1 others who eau say theanme ng et atceunis before the surregate ary. -No ly-laxvs for -tbc payment eftîhing. judge ista tebe inding upon ai parties noney are te Lie passed, ueýr conýtratt irbo have Beco notified. The senior en ird în , nom oftit-ars diami.sseud, af- Lt is nlys&ard e oeuyend your judgc oet the ceunty court is ne longer ter the 3lst ot Docember luont-h yosr. puiblic. if LIbai ira satistied vi-th t-heap le ho, ex-offitin, judge et the surregabe Count-its may alfer a toit ard for con- perfe rmance, yen u ntos'yarv court. . rt-ien et personatora. Farm'rsansd aIboter I thy not eira i gon Beundary Lino, Disputes.-Where un producers may seil produce ai. stores and require il, you wiil aspite and humn any at-tien it appeara ihat a matetial and shopa at sny heur of the àay'. At-- until yen achieve it, But from lime te question arises as te the truc detini- tiens againai. cities, low-ns, et tnt-or- lime, ln history, men are hotu a whoe _q Lion et a beundary lino, sut-h question porated villages musi. ho coment-ad age ton soon-Emerseýn. isLa le hor,-trred te a special réeewxihin soven days et the at-aoident; the irbo shah hbc an Ontario baud Surrey- limiationuofet tree months lu the case or, whe ta te report te the court, By eftowenshipsaila unaltered. Tht- change EDWARD LLAKE'S SIJCCESSOR IN consent a dispute as te a boundary lino la net te apphy teanses et accident bap)-DUHM may ho, referred te a surveor, irbose ponîng heoere the 7th et April et this DJHM report, w heu ilied, shahl have the et- yoar. TIhe remedy is r t-yte Be tedt ot a fluai aard betweon the par- against the municipality. A ceeunty onttî~î,,i.C e iuuum u., fis îles. If the parties tai te agrce upen a and ether cot-ils msay give grants luinIki foimnsDr. Àîe' retere Ibe tounty judge may nemin- aid et any read unniug ie a couunty utrrilend. EaIes lm. oven Dtond.PesosThe obserring public are eommentiag Estteset nsoven Deeasd Pr~os ,The Municipal Arbitration Actiltaex- te ask, Who bas net a geod word te -In cas-- et deticiency et asaetas,credîters tentind te any municipaliity whi'h pss say for Dr. Aguew's Cstarrhal Pexvdom< hoding securiîy are required le vaine es a by-lIaw vte that effect, w hereupen Crlainiy the heat citizens the Domîn i the samne; faiing Ibis the judgze may bbc ottîcial arbitrator lu Toronto Uc- eeraeoanigil rasssdve t i avale.Crdibrst-u h rqured cornes the sole arbibiater. withet cause. Mr. Robert Batth, met-, ta assiga their securily at an adrancev Municipal Auditos.-A tboard et Pro- ber ta Ihe Comunons for Durham, the ot 10 pt-r cent. on sut-b values. vint-ti udiors, ceasisting et tbreoLI constituent-yoetHle. Edwnrd Blake, ,Fraud hy Debi Coliecbors.-Pemaon" chartred at-ceunianis, may t-O appoint- is another addition tea the preminent uIsing coinurabie imitations et any et ed, ir ay stb stead et comission- citizens irbo have usGd thsmedicine, bbc formis arpended te the Division ors under Section 380 etofbcheiMunicipal and front their otan experieuce t-an Say Courts Act, are made hable ta a fine et At-t. thai fer eid lin the, bond, calarrh in $20 a day. Public Libraric Act-t-Section 19 llils different phases, and hay forer, there Jurersaiat Coroners? Inquesta are te repeated and a neir section estaILish- us ne remedy te equai Ibis, lb nover rat-ire fit ty cents for est-h çay et tout cd. Muniicipatities are enabted te con- fails ta relieve in ton minutes. heurs, sud 51 per day for auy long- tribtune te maintenance. , loînsbip or ruriod; aIse bon cents a mile, for Couniculs may appoint a hostdofe man- travelling expenses. Jurera oun, gani agaîn-en"tate e kueru as "The Publie NARRO-W ESCAPE, ndqes aeCountay Contile,ee 'Libra<ïy Board." i lho goverument Cheerful idtt-3Mad dc.g saved my 1-ligh andCut osSbe.Ti p- grauts are ine lo-nger iimji ;uot ibe sum lite onice, peunîmeut et a Iliugh Coustahie la mde ,et i600O a Anine uthe Ot-tet Sensible man-Rubhish! Rota? umpera tire, sud the constables are plat-- hst yoar. 'Boars syapoit bi Cheertut idle-Did'l bile me. cd nuder the Supervision et the, Inspot--outaser lot et legal offices. On the certiint eftIhe magistrale sud bberet-omoucu- Assessment Act.--Goeds sud chiattels Sho Had to ho Turnech in Bed Wîth dat ion et a counuy judge, a ,'onsi ibte on the promises, ne-Ot 1clougmng te the Sheets- la ta Be paid by the treasuter 75 per cent. perseu lia bIc for taxes, are nI te ha et bis acct-cui ithout xrvaiting, for the suitjectite seizuro. The restriction 'ta "My irvife," says Mr. Thomas Crea- passage ot thpe samie by the board etfi. Lte apply irbon bbe prperty h ctahn- hie, et Liste, Ont., w-as laid up witb a audit. The board et audit mnay sueur c, d by relatives. 'as goods sud t-bal- rboumnatism for mentnis, sud for tire te a constahle a reasonable amount luntes et anOuvuer, if found On the prom- viceks the pain was 50s intense thal abe 5(liion e is rft ee, ae et T--- lacSsare te lue hable te distresa vibther bad te ha tnrned lu bcd wibh shoots. IEPOU OJA-SFla Ail kindls of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENEI) COAL a&ways in stock We invite insp ection 'and I uarantee satisfaction. MeCLE'LLAN &G Wi' Re e CEdoC'e iLà Qtiant(ity, ctwicein ÙRQza-zity aiadthre tnie ùi1 >rice wio iuIpeet thke euupeq1laikd àassortmeint .1 Sllppers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &é., ]BIG GEST STORE, BJIGGEST VARIETY;ý BIGGEST VALUE. I~'rriodvipvted eto call «uiiI A s1e Oiur mew É t"tw'ie TRE SHOW, '[,IN Ho.se fur nish ings. Our line e %, i- -Cvrvti gfonuI jd in a first el ass furnitu-re r- rooim, and beiicving itenIxv ding' niee 'te our business and thait oui' custemers rnay benefit by it,w'e Bave added mnore varietieA to oui already arge lines, anid our prices cannet be beat. .We buy, as low as the lowest and are satisfied %,vitli snall, profits, and yen will bcecbnvinced cf the saine whcn yen have seen our goods and examined our prices. Parler Su ites, Sideboards, Bcd iRoom Suites Eall Racks, Extension Tables Centre Tables, Louliges, Mattresses, Secîctaries, Chairs of every description Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Mirror Glass, iPicture and lRoom Monldings with many other uines yen xilii id in great variety and at ail prices at our store. Give us a cail wvhen wantilig anything in our line and see bow well ive can suit yen. Special attention given, to this depart'ment. 18.t Po'vtu tEVILLE. BoLinsall's Bloclr We have on hand th e iargest stock of Furniture to -be seen in any wareroo-us in the couinitry,ý, and as it has al been bonglit for sput cash and so rnuel 0on the dollar, we are in a position to sel cheaper titan the cheapest., The large quantities that we have sent out testifies to our prices. Ask our custorners if Éhey have been satisfied, We keep cheap Fnî'niture for those wb o !'equire it and we aiso have some lines that cannot bc seen in any other' v areroonis. We quote a few fîigures: Paî'lor Suites 3ed Rooni Suites Lounges- Side Boards S 25.00 10.00 5.00 8.00 DiingI?-foom Suites Centre Tables .Mat tra sse s Secretaries $1 8.00 3,00 3.00 4.75 We keep everything in the furniture uine necessary to fnrnish a home. Do not buY until you sce our goods, as it is a pleasure to show theni. UNPDi: '1TAKliNG is a speciai bî'anch of our business and alwa-vs conducted under our persona] supervision. Prower's Block,-, Bowmanville. r e undersijîied d etsire o h e k flu arm ers of W est D rham for the liberal patronagce extended te, us during the pastseason, aise to reminti theim that we au'e stili in the mnarket and .pi epared to pay th e HIGeiHEST MARKET PRICE T1 0 it ALL INOS0F CA'G RAIN SEEDS delivemed at our storenîîse cor, Kin(y and George streetss., or Ae Port Darfington. We havo also 'on hand a large stock,. NEWAND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverp, >ol Coi.'.'p-e Wt li. Bag. Ro-c Salt for catîle and hoîses, -and z.Fesh Gruuîd Grey Plaster in Barrols 'wluch we are pu-epared ta sel