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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1896, p. 1

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f Gi e TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. .OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST;TRwoL AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor anld Proprietor. NEW SERLIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 26, 1896. VOLUrME XLII. No. 35. Great eheap Sale Su eM From This Date. Ail Parasols will be sold at cost price. A lot of Prints wo rth from 10c to 12-le for 7e. Fancy Sateens worth 20e reduced to 12ý.c. Fancy Sateens worth 25c reduced to 15e. Crepon Prints worth 15e reduced to 10c. Anderson's Scotch Ginghams worth 25e reduced to 15c. A lot of Diress Goods worth from 40e to 75e ail reduced to 25c. 'Pale WN,?~rRa i e Green Crepons worth 50e redueed to 25c. ,Best ail Wool French Delains recluced to 12e-. Al Mjen's Summer Coats andVests at reduced prices. Ladtesý' Waterproofs of ail kinds at cost' price. We need scarcely Say that this isa gefuine sale, as it is well know'n to the, publie that we always do in these matters exaetly what -we advertise. BOWMAN VILLE. ýHEAD9TJA'ÜRTERS 'ÙFvOR CrockryanduGlassware One Store devoted solely to this Department. Nowh-ere between Toronto and Belleville wilI you finid so large and well seleeted ad assortment of Croekery and Glassware as you will find at YOUNG & CO'S., China Hall, Bowmanville. We buy largely and for cash, hence we buy eheap, and we wiil seli cheap. Read the foilowing list: Cups and Saucers per doz., 50c, Tollet Sets at $1.75, $2.25, $2.50, 60c, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $L75, $2ff0. $6.00, $7.00, $8.00. Dinner Sets at $4 75, $6.00, $7.50, Platesý per doz., 30c, 40c, 50c, 60c, $900, $1000, $12.00, $14.00, $15.00 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.75, $100. $17.00, $20.00: $25.00. We have just opened a case of Toilet Sets that are very handsome and gooci value. Ail kinds of Produee taken at Market price. Remember Our Grocery Department as usual is ~oampl1ete xvith everytbing you require in this lin e. Young & eo, BowmANviLLE. Grocers, China Hall. PERSONAL. V/e invite aileu readenî to contrbute to ibis column arrivai and deparmire of guests, meve mnents of wellkniown people, business men, etc. Send a postal card to THE STATESMAN, drop a note in our office letter box or ring np phone 52. Mn. Ed. Steacy, Toronto, was in town last week. Mr. Fred Quick, Lindsay, is home for a few days.1 Miss Ren-wick, Centre St., is visiting lu Hamilton. Miss Smithi of Toronto is gnest of Miss Faie Martyn. Miss Lillian McLeaa lias been visiting frierids at Starkville. Dr. anid Mrs. Garratt have returned hoine te Yonkers, N. Y. Mn. Robt. Sinclair, Toroente, lias been visiting relatives la town. Mn. and Mns. R. Saow of Tororito are visitirig Mn. W. B. Coucli. Miss Lillian Hawkins, Toronto, is guost at Mr,.1R.1R. Hoskin's, Dr. John Hoskin, Q. C., lias rturned te Tor-9nto trom England. Miss Blancbe Radcliffe, Tororito, is guost at Mr. R. H. Turner's. Mns. John Dyer and son, Port Hope, were guest of kns. H. Pearce. Miss Flossie Smitherm,Feueloný Falls, is guest at Mr. Benj. Wenry's. Mrs. Alex. Boyd and son et Toronto are guests a t Mm. W. Glovem's. Mr. and Mms. W. Souci, Mt. Vernon, visited trierds heme on Sunday. Miss Lillie Evans et Toronto is visit- ing with Mrs. S. Mason, Kinig St. Rev. A. W. Bunnen, Myrtie, is visiting lis sister, Miss Buriner," this week. Mrs. A. Bingham, St Thomas, is guest et lier father, Mr. W. Glover. Mr. Morley Cawker is spendirig bis hiolidays at 1oronto and Hamilton. Mrs. (Dr.) Clemens and son Louis of Port Penrv are gnests et Miss Neads. Mms. Hamilton et Toronto is visiting lier iriother, Mrs. Renwick, Centre St. Mr. anid Ms.Will Hewsoq'et Tororito wene guests at Mr. Jas. Alexandor's. Miss Hanter, the Octogar, lbas meturri- ed frein a prolongeci visit at Baltimore, Md. Mr. Arthiur Fisher. Mus. D , Toronto, was eceîît guest et Mr. J. B. Falîbaira, P. M. Mns. W. Sliaw et Port Bon manville is visiting lier irother, Mrs. J. W. Bewes, Elora Miss Nellie Mîig-ay, Arn Arbor, Mici, is guest et lier auint, Miss' Dustaii, Oit- aie St. Mrs. Ed. Wonden gave a pivate pic- on-the-lake, Mrs. J. B. Biekeli anid Master Karl and Miss Batty eto Toronîto are g-uests atf Mn. H1. C. Tait's. Rev. S. T. Bartlett preacbed for 11ev. C. Parker on Suîîday em eîing, delim or- ing a capital sermon. Mn. XVill Reawick lias genle te Attica, N. Y., -wlene lie lias secured a geod sit- uation ini-a drngstore. Miss Kathileen Edsall is makiîîg an extended visit -with relativeos in New York City and Yonkers, N. Y. Miss Relierta A. Welsh lias netumned te resunie lier duties as tendher et Music at the Metropeitan Collego, Toronto. Mns. Geo. Tinney %vith Miss Tiinney, Alban *y, N. Y., are guests of lier brother Mn. R. Bennett, at the Beninett Heuse. Miss Ida Parr, daughter et, Mn. Win. Par, mendiant, Blackstock, is the gmest et Mrs. James McLean.-Guide. Miss Ethel A. Ferni3, Lindsay, bias eturned home at er an enjoyable visit with Bowmanville and O shawa fiends. Miss L. Savage, et M rtle, and Mn. W. and Miss Dearbrna et Oshiawa, visited Mrs. W. B, Bickeli, Clarke, on Satumday. Miss Amy Cenîsen, Newcastle, Miss Maud and Master Russell McLean etf Toronto are visiting at Mr- James Mc- Leari's. Mns. James Peilow, Oshîawa, and niece, Miss Pellow, Liverpool, Eagiand, were guests et Mns. James,Lorne Villa, last week. Mn. T. H. Follick, B. A., Science Master et St. Mary's CollegiatelInstitute, ivas a recent guost at Mn. James Mc- Lean's, Silven St. Rev. Dr. and Mus. J. J. Haro, and Mn. Frank Hane, Whitby, wene guests of Mn. T. E. Hlig-giabotlÏam, Port Bow-. manville, last week. Messrs. Harny lice and Ed. Medland's nimes wene inadvetantly omitted fnomn the list et the joli ylexcunsion party te Montreal by Str. Hamilton, last week. Rev. Alex. Leslie, M. A. et Goblos, Oxford Ce., pneached la St, Paul 's churcli Sundav monning, having been guost et Mrs. Pi. Freelard, Beedli Ave. Mn. J. H. Wilmot et the firm et Litt- clild, Wilmot & Ce., Mining- Brokens, &c., Spokane, Washingtonaand Rossland Camp, B. C , is visiting lis mother, Mrs. 0_cobeilc Mn. Jos. Bittaini is at Caledonia Sprngs., XVe hear that Clarke Lattimone bas been takea te Toronto Hospital. Messrs. J. Hig-ginbotham and Thos. Bass-mtt an-e fishing at Scmgog Lake. Miss Thoimpson, et Coucli, Jolinstea. & Crydern's, is spending holiday s la Toronto. Mr. Cociu and Miss Mabel Weish are homo atte,' spending a week mitli To- rente tierids. Mn. Jos. Bns -ant Is youngest son "Max" was buried lîee ysterdav atternoon, havingdi inToronto et typhoid foyer. Miss iazlThompsoa. et Deamili Col- log'e, Tu oonto, amnd Miss Rosie Laine, Tornto, aire xisiting Miss Ella Pethicli. Lord Clianlres Russell, Chiot Justice et Engiard, andl panty, wlio have beon tomnring thle United States and Canada, will view PM.rt Bowmaaville trom the R. 0 . lime boat Thiii-da.y atterneen. Last trip euâe sson uSteamer' "ColumbIian" I ,' day next Aug 28th, te Toronto enly 50j cents ton the round trip. Ste-ameaves Bowmanviile 7:00 a. m. Will ost1 eyrua from Toronto on Satnrday attenmon leaving, Yoage St. whanf atIL 2:00 p.n. Tickets good to stay over,. HAYDON. Mn. Samuel Kivell,Suthe rland,retunn- ed hame Fnidiay*-, haviag sport a week agmeeably wiýutIhlis motiier at Mn. Thlis. Brimacombe's(,. ... Miss Mand Taylor, Blakstckiasbeen visiting Miss Lottie Brimacombýe. .. . Dr. J. W. Brimacombe is home atter a pleasant circuit thnougli Ontario cownty liaving been gmest et Mm. W. H. Hye Canirgtoa, Mr. S. Kiveil, Summdenl-and, and M.D. MeKay, treasume,WhIitby. Ho baves thisweek ton Maioni, lad:. Mr. C., a leadîng politican, says "Miller's Comrpounà Iron Pilîs have cumed me et noiirveunress and waketul- ness.", MAPLE GROVE. Mm. Jameg ýsTrmble had an excitirg runawaN last ek The wagon and liavnack ne (,batdlv brekemi but nobodv hurt. . .. Mn Johin Bankor is dowa witli diplitheria.. -. . M.Nonman Gay,Osbawýa, is homo, sick... Mn. Win. Axtord, Toronto, i visitimîg lus son, Mn. C. Axtord.. .. Miss EdmhlTaylor, Pont Hope, is gmc-t oet Miss Berthe Munday_ .Mrs. Hecýrd and Mrs. L. Argail, Newcast le. ui -it.,d at Mr. Wm. Folev's lasi e. .' M i.Nlîl On, Oshawva, spent Snu:'f athom'e. Misses Ida anutHueMahsnae usia Mr-, R. H4ne's..p1v.A .G Caïscaddemî- sermn Sm and Ethl1 o ns priiga fm days at Lakýe iugg Net oe oplit a eeube made b t seusgAy en'sSansapar- ill acordigte) directions. Furthon mmmone e> la ovt te barri et a case ini which hit- l is faibuteattend berlefit. Su say huridredi etf dnuggists al ever the country. IRas cmned others,wilcr von. ENNISKILLEN.> N isitors : rs. 'Dr. ammd Miss Bing- liamCanmro_--tongueits oet Mr.W.Bin,- lmm' is;fIai os, Port Penny, and MI. N eale, Ili vs isitirig Mn. W. Ha «- es Miss Dorales Towni, gueit et Miss M. Martin ; Iv4 J. W. Savage and wite, Toronto, i- iiing their daugliten-, Mrs, Rorke :; is, W. J. Davev amnd Mr. Fned Davey, Pickeor inirgMiss fMaggie Trobil- cuek, ton r i, at Dr. Mitdhels ; Mns. Knox, Onoîmo, at lier sister, -Mms. H. J. Werrn s, Miss B. Scott and Miss Bren, TYre0ne, atr Mn. F. Rogen's ..The Methodist hoi gave semne excellent music at tic ,song service Sunday ngit. Miss Ha -e P Inclbert ,gavetiom val- mable assistwface. ..On e et our bacielon neigihbons fuald the village cows astnay ene rugilait week and drove dhem home te the village by moonlight-well done Cutt v Lank ! Mr. Chas. Smiith, Dawn, Milis, Ont., inys: "For s-evenal years 1 was tneubled with pains ini mly imbs,which coatinued "-et timmg Nwonse until I tieugit I would Êave te quit womk. Ia tact tie pains weno 50 severe that 1 could net est niglits. 1 toek crie box et Miller's Compeound rou Pis aad am pefectly cumed. " Aithougîi it is aearly a yoar sinco Mn. S. teok tlie pis ho lias lad ne neturnoet the painis, and teels splendid. MOUNT VERNON. Visitos:--Miss MeCulloci Prince Albert, at, Wm. Giibert's .. .. S. Fred. Heatlie ilsviitiag lan Toronto. The Hanvest Home Festival eft tus cîmmcl will holield home Suaday, Au-. 30th, and Tuesday, Sept. it. sommons wilil be peacied at 11.30' a.m. and 7 p. m., by 1ev. A. C. Wilson, Tyrone. Tuesday a chicker pie supper will be semved fmoin 4:30 p. m. At 2 p. m. a piattorn meetiF will ho held, addmsse p-y1ev. J . .MoCoîl B.)A. LESKARD. Miss Ogdemm, Toronto, visited Mn. Jos. Towns ...Messrs. Arthur Coairtice. Raglan, and Ed. Simpson, Peterboro, visited fiends home. Masten Arthur Beamisi, et Pont IHope, visited his uricle Mm. As. J. Staples ...Messrs. Alex. Smitmarid Robent Robinson, Asibun. sport Sunican lnst witlm Mr. Jas. Moffntt, ...Mn. J. W. Onchard lias netuned te instruet thc yourg toîl etthe section... .Mr. Janies Lawson 1ai lftIton hi*s school la Mongolia... Mn. Thomras Smitl ett on Tuesday ton Maniteba, te assist iii the great liarveit there. The actior ef Canton's Little Lu-en Pis is pleasarit, mild and raturaI. The 'y gently stimulate the liver, and 7rg1ulate the bowels, but do mut purge., Tîoyanc sure te please. Try timema._ KIRB-Y. Mr. T. J. Carscadder. et Pont *ypool, was guost at Mn F. M. Brîmacomb's ... .Sehool reooened on Monday laitý ... Mn. Win. Hendensen, is weilding a liammen with Mn. A. Mornow blaclk- smith, as instmucton .,ý.Mr. 1A Hall, Orono, i^ plasteing Mn. Rici. Metons nomv bouse.... Mr. F. M. Brimacomb ib iaving liii nesiderice painted inside and eut, b 'Wmn. Walter, Omono,..Mn. Hugli Ard is doing some big teats la the thneshirig lino. Ho thneslied 1200 bush. ef grain la one day at Mn. Jonathan Clemence's receatlv. . .. Mns. Jelin Van- cee, et Toronto, visited aI Mr. John Rickab.y's...Miss Ethel Rickaby i visitirig in Toronto .... Mn. Wm. Patten- son lias neturned homo frein Man. Ho hi net likely te settie theme. If thone even wns a sýeeifc ton any one complaint, then tarler's LittIe Liver Publs are a spedifie fon sick headaclie, amnd every w omami should kaow t1ims. Oaiy one pill a dose. Try tliem. ENFIELD. Visitons . Mnr. J. B. Reyriolds, B. A., G uelph; Misses M. Huîît and M ayiuard, Teornto Miss Grey, Nonwcnsilo Miss Gracie Bray, Toonrto,amd Mn, M. J. A. James, Bowmianvillo, at Bnîrside Miss Debsôn, Manchiestenr Miss Clara B. Littlejohn, Countice Mmi. Sylvester Mackey,Kiasale ; M.W Dver,Osliaîva; Mn. C.Selby at Port Perry.. . Mr Aiea_ zo Niddery lias guise te lainitol-a .... Mn. J. S. Asion and Miss Jennloe Ash- ton are . vi iýîing iniends mîcan -Oweni Sound. .. Principal C. NJ;ckecwlias me-ý t, .cýd looking quite hmd are mc Alwaysavoid hanîli.pugtvpi. Thme fiit maike you sck nnd itheim bave yen censtipaterl. Cartor's Little Liver Pills, egulate the buwcls anmd umake y ou well. Dose, ono, pili. NEWCASTLE. Vilsitons: M,ýi, Manier GeeMankumam; Mn. ammd Mmm. fies. Allimi, Pickermng; Mr. Jes. Bartett, Chicage; Mn. Wnlter Douglas in Toronto; Mn. Burt. Reid gueit et MrGeo, Simiaoa,; Miss Anniie Aluin inm Tornto ; Misses Edilli- anmd Frances Hoshin, Tom oatogmests et Miii C. Ashton ; Master 1lIeijiert'Todghami, Bowmnvillo. aI Mr. W. Hlutchirisor's;- 1 ..Miss Neilie Eldridge lad the mis- fortune te iprain lien ankie îeceitly but is recevering . li..Te Govemament Dredge "Queen" is dredgoimm i,-te han- ber home. PROMOTION ExAIiINATio'çý.--Tuie teilowing are the promotions la the P. S. Dept. la erder et moult, for midsummen,' 1896,' subjecit tite approval et the P. S. Inspecter. Jr. te Sr. Il Hattie Mason, ina Spencer, Ethel, Toms, John Tuf.- Sm. Il te Jr. III Emily Opwood, Harold Toms, Cliarlie Stein, John Grievo, Ma-ggie Mandon, Alan Davidien, Edward Warren, Wenhfond Barrett.- Jr. III le Sr. III Ethel Dickinson, Wilbun Barrett, WilliamuNlcLeod, Thomas Lycoît, Allan Wilmot.-Sr. III te Jr. IV Ernest Spencer, Annie Doug- las, Alice Bonathan, Cannie Toms, Charles Warren Moînose Parker, Frank Rickard.-Jr. IV te Su. IV.- Robert Maclntosi, Joir Farncomb, Iva Rutherford, Aia Lockant, William Allia.-Sr. IV te Form I.H. S.-Arhur Toms, Eva Grieve, Charles Henry, Pearl Peance. Promotions la book I are unavoidably omihted. ,M ark the Différence Between Diamond Dyes and Imita- tions. SOLINA, Debate at Division Friday nigit: "Besolved that the pen lias done more to benefit humanity than the sword. ". . *. Miss Addie Pascoe is visiting f riends in Toronto..Miss Mary Eiford has returned from a pleasant visit at Islay. .... Our c 'itîzens turled out in largoe numbers at the Lox ai Crusaders' picnic Saturday at Wiilo'w Point and had a very enjoyable time. 'f lev feel very grateful to the Hamptonians for the liospitable mariner in which they were treated and would like to umite -with them to celebrate their civie holidav again .... Recent visitors:-Mr. a nd Mný Js. Stollery, Mr. S. H. Jferand Mss Hunit of Toronto; Mrs. Job Thomp son of Woodstock; Mr. L. C. and Miss Pascoe of Enýfield; Mr. G. H. Hogarth, B. A. and wife of Whitbv; Miss C. B. Littiejolins of Couirtice;' Mr. and Mrs, M. A. James, Bowmiinvilie Mrs. Arn Hortop, Pickering at Mr. J'. VanNest's'7 Mr. anid. Mrs. W. Weeks, Oshawa. A letter lias been received from Mr. Jas. A. \VerrY, datedl "River St. Law- rence, Aug. 19, 1896, bound for En-- land," and post-marded 'Father Point, Que., Aug. 20, '96" in whicli lie speaks of the enjoyabie sail down the river from Montreal, the fair company and abundance of the riecessaries o0f life. He visited many important places in Moritreal during lis vessel's stay there. He concludes witli the remark that lie is feeling, weil and la good spinits. "So 110w, geod-bye te Canada for a time. 1 He will visit a great aunt (sister of Mrs. P. Werry)and other relatives in Cornwall and Devoashire. HAMPTON. Miss Mabel Wilcox, tewn, is visitirig at lier home here.... Mrs. Peterson and Miss Goudge, Michigai, 'are visiting Mrs. W. Beer. Mrs. F. Parr and chuldren have returned from visiting relatives at Stirling ...Miss Maud Clark lias, typhoid fever. .... Mr. J - T. Clark is under the doctor's care ..Miss Mary Jane Elliott is visitirgo relatives at Hamilton .... Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stollery Toronto, our former residents, called on thein manv friends hene recenty ...Mr. Josephi a"d Miss A. Bauîcli, Port Hope, visited relatives bore this ......... Nfrs. Chas. Gordmanand children, Oshawa, Mrs. Jas. Paintori, tewn,' were guests of Mr. J. H. Burrows ever Sunday. Fire broke eut on Wednesday in r.J Ciawortliey's boue lbut wvas put eut bo- fore imel aaew sdn.. 1e.S T. BartlttetCooug ccpidte ul ,JneStufileoo istri;at r. M lottnEnisiln , avsnd at M town, weveq~ets ef Mr. J. E. L. Colo, over Snnday.Y. Miss Ethel ste-vorson, Osbmaa is vi. siting lier grand parents, Mr . and Mrs. Jas. Crydermari. Aý vers' enjovable time was sport on Civic Holiday (Satunday) by the citizons ef Solina and HaniptonatW7illow Park. a choiLe programme consisting et music and recitations was rend oued by mem- bers of the Lovai Crusaders. A large number of entiles vere made and the sports were well cortested. Followimg is the programme of sports:- Foot race, boys l1) yrs. and unider,-WI. Thompson lst, S. S:tevens, 2rd, F. Branton, Selina, Srd; Foot race boys 14 and under,-A. Potten, Enniskillen, lst, I. Williams, Solina 2nd; Foot race, girls 10 and un- der,i. Crydermiau, lst, K. Moore, 2nld. N. Hern, 3rd, Foot race girls 14 and under,-L. Ranton, Eafleld, lst, M. Hen, 2nd ' N. Cowlirg, Srd; Shoe race, beys 12 and under,-N. Brown, lst, W. ThomIpson, 2nd., F. Branton, Solina, 3rd; D)ouble Scuillnace,-J. H. Elliott and Ait. N. Mitchell, Enniskillen; Wheel- bannow race,- C. Bmrrows, lst, J. H. Elliott, 2nd; Sack nace,-W. Tliompson lst, B. Job, 2nd, A. Elliott, 3rd; Single, Seuil race, ýLorne Hastinigs, Friend- slip, N. Y.; Obtacle race,-J. H. Elliott lst, L. Hastings, Friendship, N. Y., 2nd. AIJOTION SALE. MONDAY, Sept. 21.-Frank Alswonth, Lot 28, Con. 3, Darlîngton, will seil hy public auction ail lis farm stock, im- plements, etc. L. A. W. TOL, Auet. PICTURES FOR SUNLIGHT 8SOAP

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