Sick Headache and reliure ail the trouble-, dent t a bilions state uf the system u, i Dsazzi.sess, Nansea. ilcorsiness, Ustrese ai eating, Pa,in suie Side, &c. While thir mu- rearabe ucces has bhan ashosmn in eus ta, Ileadache, ye( CARTERS LITTLE LivmRaPiare are eoualiyvaluable in Cuust pation, curint aud preveoting tiis anoying cosnulaint. aviil' tlîey also correct nîl disorders of tho stusnach stimulate the'liver and regulate the bowiels Even if they only cured Ache they would be' alsIrost pricelass te thôse wbo suifar frmin this ditressing cumplaint; bt fortuuately their goodîsess dues flot end nere, and tîsosa sali once try tham wfll ind tha-a littie pilla vatne ')le in su mauy w.ys that tltey aili flot he wilisog to d tiout tuesn. But after al ick head la the banecf au tn - lvs tisat bore Io wlaera tae malta osr great laat. OurpilcueS Wsht' leothers do sit. t stoTtnaý LLEmnLIvgn PILLs are very sual «u I vert easy- to tuk-e. Oua or tsao pilleata a (los, Ttsev are aîrietiy vegetahie and do tnt gripe or gorge, butt by tîeir gentiea, ! t-it pIls e ail wio use thcrn. lu vials t 5.)5 c trse foi' $1. ï. id everywlsere, or sent byns FOR TWENTY1-SIX YEARS. THESCD'S BEST Fýr:R1E N D LARGESTr SALE IN CANADA. ONTARIO BANK eOntinues te do a General Tanking Business Bowmanville Agency. DE POSITS rtecelved Is Savings Bank Department and'on callan dinterest alleved at Ourent rates No notice oS wthdrawai neeasary. Ail deiosits payable on demand, EXCHANGE 2msgitana eld and Draftsissued aion lVnreO Unted States and Canada,also Gold,Silverand tTnlted8tatoss Greenbacksbouzht and aold. COLLECTIONS Promptly mace at current rate$ upon ail part of GeréatieBr,tain, teinaitnedStates and the Do minion os Canada. TEeerali TransfrsTire euiome efthtie political bistony gp o Autraasi sitne the new aligas- Nade for large or -emaîl iijiison ail pat, 0,ý1 ote ate aioib ieclas Canadak. 'Làeseily tvnagoet persons living ile. Maîiobýa oGr e NortiiesutLegra tke lasfoow: u iLmakes trefunds t aahabi ut onoe ais tre ire No'01ouh0 Wh1 anti victoria ire place et ayen t. Offier parttoulars cal utt isa, baak. Lablor purty holdat Lite balance uto pows- E6. L. FORTT, GEO. McGILsL, .&ccoutant. Manager, r; la South Australla il practîcaily controls thre pehicy of tire Governtent; la Non' Zealant it bus net severoti ita ~~ connection n'ith the Liberal party. but Yi've becis raced witli ias oxorcisoti great logilative anti ad- Rheamatic; Sgenffiied 4 minisirative influtence. In Queons wiih Scidtiea, disiractedj landi n'ere costnsibly iL la n'eakest, it with Nerlia or sufrorisîgibos taken tire place ofthtie regular Op- position, a fusion iraving been et- <ro L Grpp. eenusAg fecteti betwoen mrst of temembers nI Templeons Pik fvulets woii1& tire Consetvative anti Literai parties. ëm M'<il yen à Vltla!w0.qTire expetience ofthLie Laber party lu yb Muegiarned go rive imxe*iai Queenslandi is especially interosting, ho- t anf sd emnntcmfo t .uthose cause tire conditions of aociety lu tirat Rflmtt w lly =u e lsurals! eau lia sbtalned2 coiny are pecuiar, anti becau5se tirere &M .V n doggst&paphlt f onappatia. tire scialistic tendencies of tire party ~y il isgiss. smple frs O ~are mict proneuanceti. Tire area ut 120 Tepieton Pink Peider C,. Toro% Ontaio. Queenslandi is about titat ot France, - 1 Germny, anti Austria, but IL bas a Sold lu Bomainville by Stestt & Jury. population et enly 400,000, one-fourtir et n'humhornare concentrated lu iLs Southt- ofsme simaplee asterit crner ut Brisbtane. Northward, Wainted-A n eriuzea ôDtent? Proesaisgour Ideas; tiseU may brlng yen weaîuî. nebere it strotches ii.>tire tropica. a Write jOHN WEDDEICBURN & 0O Patent Attor- ney,. Wasihington, D. C.. for hir ï,5e sigCle offer great sugar-planting industty bas and liatsoo two lîundred Inventions wanted. gtonOp, but iL is in tire bountilesa togin.s oethtie sheep-re*aring n'est that ' te ecenomical anti social troubles have ~ ccureti. Tire ireep-taising squatters, T'lie Most tconomical Or p"asioralistsaus they non'ci tei 1selves, ae lase-ioltirs, paying rent to ..llouse Warmer asn-resîient land-owners, neho in many cases are tinancial institutions,.lTe ~ -tIRnumber et laborejai continuuihy ont- ployeti on pastoral mus is extremely $mali; OnIy olgiti hantis, fer instance, Ae i e axe permuanently hireti un a stretchr cos'- /7 îII~i~, oing 200 squure miles, Lt la only ut sirearing ime thuL labor 1,9 requireti, I ~ " andt iea largo tumbers et mon are on- Sgageti for a te-wn'eek~s anti paiti by con- mil tract. IL la easy to conceivc tire effeci t'il ~ of these irunastances on tire porsonai relaionof eploersanti omployeti, espeialy duingtherecont years et 77: deptession causeti iy te bn' prîces of o ~agricultural protiace. At the s'ery Stinte nhon titey coultiobtain only lus' The else" Crrugted pnices for thoir nvool the squatters rati Warm Air Generator. tohuairaynegtotietdt SAy ordaary Host Air Furnate well produce peseti pamly uf ent anti pantly of higit iseat if youu ai onîiy suppty esscrgh fuaI. Tisae iniereest os aatvances, andtiis inthLb' *Kese' has sas erat spesial rd vaînable faeoa trmndc biuo f t fatures but touaos imprtnt issthat h ilI aeu etnnnt oniîain e Saves more iscat wisis less fuel sud ts the tirir cauployees, lte bush n unirers, tu inrst dîtraMhisaîermade. ,ipwgs Fosefrsrvtnth l'tise -'sc tire pot btlcg con srutted *tie'ae. Frsi rsuraintr o f susse I nusri-ýt, tubular, torrugatef, cast pastunalists organizeti in tiroir tara, titou sectons (sea cuiarosnid whisht he file ans hywqfim upc-edb Spasses adunihrough wti.theacold.ssrpasssn ata ie rt inl suoneib whsie b- sigs- ted, and this antire section tire Gos eramneaa andthie supply ut froc Sbetat as. pped Nvih a heuvy ssclcasing whiclî betoaca teated isy ttilre strskssug niavien labon nas pruciically îaexhausriirle, passsng loasun osid' cf upriht sections stnikea undoniaken by te busb-n'erking toasards nu itspe, il sntut,, arsar',tise air unoswr eat etisat passes up betaeen hs steel casiingand the nosnn ectd Sgalvanized iros ctasrg, tis cpiains sshy the "Kel o"has tsse stocs m-ore radatug sua arn ar rcapotity Ciao an ords- t avas tirese dieats n hicit turnedth ie 0nary Essnace The-1'ltelsey" hats eveey cousu cnnî whe.noeerýatrsaed,siîhanlce, attention efthtie Queenslanti unions Lu issh.tlslaas i la tlotsit poitice, anti lodt irnt to fotin tire La- SyouC ±tntute. 9brpry o hc r Casyi h Che" Keisoy "aililitentt ronna 60feet bnpdy tniiirM.Casyl t dithent. y dus ntSatycacelar. preseat leader,. lire real tountier ut Th " ltlsey" is absolusety gas and dust tiroir piliiicai t5tgunization, hon over, Sed uedetrpsv ctaoga anti for soute years ifs guitiing spirit, Sendfor escrptie caalogen'as Mn. W1illiam Luýne, an ardent anti STHE JAMES SMART MFG- CO9 ~itiealistic Socialisi, neio titrougir hic E -ROCKVILLE, Ont. nnespapers, tire Boomerang andtihie IssaSive MSakers for Canada. ~Wtreo, acquireti a grout poere of la- - rsie y±- ~ ati i-mnavUa 3, lue -cR 5"'-' 'his"'--'55-S, labor.5n- 5.Fo sAe aR W rtO m- iil vote n'isle ceIites, und orten pages, te outtuor, sports ant igantes-. Tire recuit of a bail gaine or boat ri ace vies in importance as 1unna aiLir Te latest mîceia riîs iiui uopor battie lai Cubîa or Atrica. E ven those 'ý irlo do no"t pesalysare tin sports neant lu see Liront anti reati about tirentj, anti to gratity-tuis desiro many nienee.papets is- sue special lataetitiene givhaig scores anti resui.Thte Saturday iralf-holiday la n'itb increastng multitudes ,largehy givot up te seoling gantes. LntLie larg- or itieis anti townthLie spectacle ut cutm- pact, onterhy crosvts ail making thiri woýy te te water site, Lire bail grouti or tire bicycle ttack, is su common as to croate ittie comment. La tire public sciteols anti coleges sports are a loatiing subject ot luterest anti etLalir, anti even among the younger membetisoethLie pro- fessions andthie business commun ity are a staple Lopicet fconversation. But ptu&s oth itegrosving interestiun sports is nuL nea-deti. Tire causes et iL, andthie benetits reslulting fron t i, iren- ever, mort discussion. Andtiut begin n'ithitI is irartily necessary Le accepi iLt as an indication et national deteriora- ion, as a dotie for' distraction ratirer tran recreation. Doubtlees iL is se Lu sente extent, evidience net bing want- ing of a revoit umong the masses against srins titlking andthie mon- otuny ef daily foul, anti a tiesire for forme etf distract ion n'uir do tot great- ly burton te miati. Se fat as Lhis le true, itL ta, otcour*, o. o e regretteti for IL marks a dissipation ut energy ut n'bîci t Lreei5 ail tee littie nion' Luado- quately meet Lire gron'ing demanda up- on ail classes of society. IL n'oulti ho stili averse woro Lire amusement seek- ing cron'tLo select vicious sports, as thy titi a century ugo, tus atiding vice to trivelity. But as tire mert popuhar gumies are at n'erst enly frivolons, iL le unnecessary to tout too mach into ttc social chrange non' in progness. LIt is tire les 50 because te chiot causes ut tire change are not univnh causaýs. Te leatitag one le lte aproati ut cdu-' cation, n'iicir hue anakeaoti interest in titer things tiraitthose connecteti nith tiailyiy b anti tie'cipcd a certain im- patience ta iti tirentonotony ut routine. Anti as tire masses are net intellectual, anti cannot cal isfy titeir tiesire tonrtii-- version aitir Literature anti art, tirey turntu ifsSPtespecially titoce uhicir have ttc onciteient of cuntost. Tire btter healtoft tue genemation, a tact abundaatly attesteti aison'onks in f av- os' o ut udoor gantes. or ut loai luitose that are noa-sedcataty. Thene la groater physical actis'iCy, a tiesire amotg me o tes'eai theïrite-w tountistrength, a spirit et emulation in te display et notily vigor anti skill. Tire increaseti pospetsty ot tire masses, n iichin laspito et businestiapression, la roui anti con- tinueus, le anothen potent factor lu 'tire ciange. No touitt Litote is pos'erty anti harditi engir, but, afttotail, Lire steady workers bave not greatly suffer- eti, anti it le Lins lasa ta is in tire ma- jority. Tbey ai h ave money tor inn- unies anti amusements, as sirowni by tte more tiran la nocoýssary to restore or maintain itoalth may teaisoaably bc te- gartiot as a more asasteofu timo. Youih n'ill doubties aln'ays ha entitusiasti', antise, tond to shure tire Greek bellot lu iLs sports. But n bile tire may te no great hum l irnth, iL may ire doubtetil n'hethor tite profewssienal sportsmen are the best educatuts of a peuple. Lt la n'eU known tirat noi'hing bas more perpiexeti Egyjatologiste titan thre silence of Egyptian records regarditg Lte sojolari ut the chitdren of Lsael in te eastern section of the Nile delta. Titat silence n'as broket un Februnry of titis yoar. nehen Prof. Flinders Pet- rie, n'hiie engageti ai Thebes iu cidat- ing the site efthtie tunerai temple et Morenptah, the son anti auccossuir of Ramneses Il., uneartteti a vetî large Lait- let of black granite, beaming a long in- scription, in nehicir mention is madie ot thre Istaites. Lan the current number of the Century Magazine Liré disooverer himseit discussea Ltre bearîng of Lire in- scription on thte question -ivitter ln Mereupta-h siroulti ho reoognizeti the Pharuoli, nho. atter repeatedly bardot- ing his ireart, let tire people oet Jael go. At tiret sight IL seema difficitit to recondile this inscription, n'licit records an expedition whýich teook place on te fourtit or fifth yoar et Merenptah's reiga (about 1203 B.C.) n'itb thre sup- position titat te Israelitea neere ai tire tinie iemiiloti it the lanti et Gosirn. For in the inscribeti account et the cam- paig in laSyria, turing Nvhicirho hesubtin- cd all ris oneanies,Mei-enptah soya: The Hittites are quietoti; ravaget is Kanait (acar lyre) n'ith ail violence; takea le Aýalon; seizet islaChesulleiir (conjce- turaliy identified wnith tir nodern 1k- sut); Yanvait et the Syriats (near lyre) ta matie as Lirouei Lit ati toiexisteti; tire people oft Lael is spoiledt; it irat no seeti, Syria la niidos'ed." Thie in- scription unquostionably proves that Merenptait kheon'tireClame ut tire Lsnucl- itýes, andti tiat ho bau attacketi andt cprusro thie people thus caillc. But fronthtie content sirnig that titis c- curroti in Syria innLire neiýglibrooti of GaliIee, iL sooms Lu tollow tirut tire Ex- oduï, ut tire ciiltrea ut lsrerl front Eigypit must bave takeit place un an cari- ion re'ga. Prof. Potie, hou ovei, chingi to tir" iypoibesis tirai Morenptah n'as Lta PiraraoirofuthecExodus, anti ho un- tiertakos to recoiacile it aeith tire inscrip- Lion bi tire a.sumaptiona ti" toeen're Lsaelites ant isLealites." That le to say, oiy s paitrt oftire sraelites wnt duav itoEgypt la Josopits tinte; tire test r'emained la Palestine. LHe shýares tire vies', ecently prevulent tiret thrn were traces ufthtie Istuelites un Pales- The Candia Sttes ail11y lie eh becarnoe msimnned. asý hel demand for bicyclesý. and with theirw- tolt lis friends, that the ca4itiists had er education andi impatience uf mono- both thte money and the brait, and he tcny, are inclinedte t spend it perhaps a WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1896 entered inte the utopian pruject of a littie watefuily. There are other __________________socialistie colony un Paraguay. A con- causes at work, somne of them not su cession was obtained.from the Paraguay- good, but as a w;hole nut of a kind to C URRLNT NO-TES. an Government, and in Ju1y, 1893. Wil- warrant any sweeping contiemnation of liamn Lane with hundreds ef Austral- the n»w -craving for diversion. t i.s some hait a duzen years sinCe ans set sali fromu Sydney harbor for Sir Charles Ulike publisbed. hie "Pro- South America. The experinient wa5' When ne conte te the benetit of blemas of Greater Britain.'" a work a) failure. Ini a few monthý many uf many ut the outdoor sports, however, mnhich depscted Ausiralia as 'the para- the Antralians, their money ail spent, dotence is not su easy. Lt la claîmed, dise of the workingmaan. But the bfis- were makisng thir way back as best of course, that the gron ing desire to tory et labor in the Australasian col.- they couiti acroals the Pacitic. Those see games andi to read about thom tends unies may be saiti to have begun ut ter whu stayed in Paraguay coul Ti ot agree; to promoto the practice ut athleties, and the publication of that book. La 1890 Lane anti at hundred stalwarts seced- se, to increase the general health and took place the great maritime strike, cd, and, accorduirg tu ai recent letter, manliness. But dues it? Are men made in the f uiiuning year the cshearers' are deing tolerably -cil; the romnant either manlior or heaithier by looking strike, and in 1894 another extensive were reperteti a yoar ago to be in mis- on at games in wbich protessionals are shearers' strike in Queenslandi. In ov- erable poverty. generaliy the real contestants t For as ery ,one of these strrggles organizeti a matter ut tact, in almost all sports labor was beaten by its employers, yet A few wecks before Lane lef t Austra- n hicl attract attention, the desire for at the present moment it cxerts a te- lia Occurroti the f irst 'general election victory ot the amateurs who organize markable amount of influence on legis- in Queensland atter the great strike, tbiem grenai su keen thant prufessionals lai ion in ail tlie colonies except Queens- By titis citation a ncw facter was in- are suoner or later calleti in. The spee,- landi. Ho-w walstitis acquired t troduceti into polit ics, the parliament- tacle thon, instead of being une for the ary Laber party, nehicli non' returns 17 promotion etf'heaitt and manbood, is The succoss ufthtie independent La- out of 72 members to the colonial Legis- one for the promotion of excitement, bot Party la Austraiia is intieti sur- lature. The programme of the party und there is nothing ennobling or pro- prising when it la cempareti with the may be Icarneti frein its officiai ergan, titable it more exciteanent. If the miserable failure of iLs counterpart in the Worker. This announcos its aim gaines were kept in theo hantis of thte Englanti. t is in part ascribable to te bc Lhe attalument of "socialis in l amateurs, thère might bc some benetit the absence et that tiepenidenca cf class our time," andt t that endi t ativo- te the contestants and the cur-mmunity. upun clails witich is su strong in Great cates not only a -one aduit, une vote," But witen théey fali into titose ut pro.- Britain, tu lte thinness ofthtb Austra- iaw, andi a Shops anti Factories act, fessionais, they uhinost inevitably take lian population andiat s concentration but the provision of werk for the un- an the tone ut the horse race or the i n great capitais, anti Lu the univorsal employeti by the State, and the dosigna- bear baiting. It null ho said against customn of paying members of thte Logis- tion by the Stato of the minimumiïi wages this the vies', that the Grcoks placcd latures, Strongor perhaps titan any of as n'eu as of the hours et labur, andi great value upon alhletics even after these causes is the absence ot the tra- also free railn'ays, meaniug thereby that protessionais had itecome the chiot, if ditions oun which political parties de- the State shahl transport passengers and not the only, contestants la the Oym- pend. Neithier Australian Conservatives treiglit troc of charge, thte cost there- pic, gaines at Elle, andi that thae Greeks for Australian Liberals have auy Ot ut being borne by a lanti tax, an in- wer~e for a tirne the most inteilectual the hLstorie associations niticit croate ruine tax, anti in gonerai by tha, taxa- of al races. The reason assigneti for strong Party tics. Thre resuli. lias beca tiosa of every person according to bis it, that titey itonestly believeti the de- a weakness of party organizaLiols andt abiiity tu puy. velopmnent ut the, body to be as import- a tondency to secession on the onu hanti, .att as that ot the inte Ilectis doubtlcss a anti on the other to fusioni, lino the Ilote, thon, i a Britisht colony Nve truc une. But it is nut the oniy one, Deakin-Gilliesl coalition iu Victoria anti have a politicai Party, avowedly social- for tite tact thiat tihe minute Greek aut te Griftitb--Mclmraith coalition in istic, sishicit alreatiy controîs nearly a istoerucy resteti at bottoun on a body ut Queenslanti. Wbile par1. bonds were quarter et the Legisiature, and wiîicb slaves many times is number cumpeil- lax, honeer, the tratie orgallizations may at any time be su strengthenctias eti very Greek lu ho a soldier. Anti of botit masters ant i on becate intn L becomL, dominant, sh1oulti a disrup- the training ut a soldier before the in- time compact anti powerfarl. These are ion of the coalition non' in pow et take troduciion of gtispowder n-as that ut kujitteti together iu gteact etn-orks ail pl.ace. Lt la unly by a compete et- an athletc nhuse safety tiependeti upun over Anstralia, anti nhen Che conemer- t acement of tir" lt party division bo- his physical strcngth anti activily, The ciai criais tirove employers anti eiploy- tween Consrvatives ant i Lberals that Greeke neoulti have culiivatodth ie body, et i ato tierce antagunastu they wetO Queenslanti bas thus fat been saveti jut as tbe knights diti, oven itadti ity tounti to be moto effective political ma- froin surrender lu th ir vldtesi socialis- not regarded it as of equai importance chines than the olti partisan organiza- tic s ,rms. ittirinelc;aitresotp- tions. Honce arose un the une sitie the _________ioti during nbicir tbey maintainedti itir parliamentary laber movemeat, anti etn intleua sninyerstodm- ithe otirer tire putitical concentratton No observer of bis flancecu have taîl i tectaluasofndancytseas thedimin- aut capital upon tho single putpose of oti te note the sieatiuly growing interoat motet et eithrr thre higbcst manhooti or roisting the encroachirents of those anti share taken by the masses in eut- the moat perfect health. _We are not, uho have nul upon tlaxse, sho have, dent sports and amusements. INewspa-utcrs deyngotio spt, 0Almost ail tire olti questions whinh Pets, if they de not croate public opini- wvilcir are valuable for exercice anti su sauseti to divido political parties inî Ans- on at joet toilow it ciosely, anti their conducive to e-balth. IBut the tierce tralia are now in abeyance; the one conductors know pretty well what kind modern intorcst linten is hartily asar- paramount question is, Hota la socialiaun et news it pays t hem to print. Anti ranteti by tire benefits they give. One t tu ho aitirtooti the mat setiate et thent habitually de- nary get tuo much exe0 cia -, and any ino beture tire. arrivai of tire fugitives McClure's Magazine for September front Egypi, ant i Ie deents titis vien' vil contait a puper on LDn. W. T. G. ctrnîgLhened by tire inscription juet dis- Morion, tire tiscovet rof anaesuircsàa, covret. Le trmne ira ony o tiisby bis n'ie. Dr. Morton's dlscovery os- coveed.He hins th.t nlyon histabtishet painless surgery, anti Mrs. assumption can nec accant tor tire il- Morton's papen la tire intinate personal. once ofthLie bouk ut Jutuges concermng histtlry of a heroîic battie tor a non' tierepetdivso fPJsieb idea h irhas speciat interest ut titis ime. repatei lavaionut aleLin bybecause in Otobert tiere la Lu ire a pui- tire Egyptians tu-ring tibrteigne cof Me- lic jabe lu honor of Dr. Motton's reupiali anti ut iis succosser, Ramoses pricelosa service to hsamanity. Tire pa- Il.; invasions wticir coverei a ponioti petrn'iU ho fuily illutrateti. ut somewhat motoetitan forty years,and thon abruptly ceaseti. On theo wihrsl, thson, Prof. Potrie ad- bores te thte goneraliy roceiveti opinion that Liamecs IL, during bis long roîgit et sixty-six yeiars, wsas theo groat op- presser outhtie Istealite sojourners la Goshosa, anti that it n'as bis son Moten- ptah n'bo, aftr bearitg successive plagues with a pritie anti endurance that aeeanet invincible, eventually con- sente otie lt the chiltireofut Leal de- part. It ie adanitteti, hoswever, titat te mention, la the lately discovereti in- scription, ofthtie Lraelites as residing in or noar Galiieýe, is nuL the only dit- ficulty te becsurmoutteti by the ati- vocates of tite popular' theoty. Thore bas as yet iteen discovereti in inscrip- tions nu trace of the kîngdom of Met- enptah being weoukoneti by the troubles ot the Eltoluis. Lt la aiso certain tbat titis King n'as not drowned un thre Redi Sea. There is no siga of disaruption Ëhon n l a report by an off iciai on thte eastern frontier, a report nritten about 1200 B. C., or three, yeaxrs later titan the inscription of nehich wne have heon speaking. This officiai says, that ho iras receiveti trites front Edoru anti passedti tem intu Egyptinlu rder tu settie tirnt t the lakeofo Pithom la tire lanti et Succotb, nitere they saili colonize anti pasture tiroir bords. Lt is obviosas, us Prof. Petie admits, that, hati a great trouble n'itb a Semîtie race just passeti oser, iL neoulti tut be iikely that a fresh trite fron thter0East neoulti ho welcomed. As a matter of tact, the Etiomites seem to bave ircen neelcometi as usetul allies, anti, there- fôre, no serious ditticnlty with tire He- bren0 can hâve been la vion la tire eigbtb year et Metenptah. QIn'at n'ont on, buwever, la the rentaining years ut bis reigan'we bave as yet no record. Prof. Petrie la encourageti iy iris recent tui dte itp' titat any day a tairiet or a papyrus may appear to give us information regarding this ,severcign's later lite. ITEMS 0F INTEPSEST. Musquitoos have appearodti iis sou- son la Engianti. IL le supposedth iey matie- their svay across the Atlantic in a cargo et lumber. A fariner lante ittie settiement et Hay, Non' itoutit Wales, aviit the aid of bis threc sons, poisoseti 16,000 rab.- bites in oenight. For the last titty yeara of ber lite. Betty Webster, ut Wensleydote. Eng- lanti, was a constant arnokor. Site bas 30s5t dieti, at thea age ut 107. Soutn'as brought up front a deptir et 326 foot, front a coal mine in Belgium, anti trom iL sproutedi needs of a spocies unknown ate the botaniste. A itrooti of chiekens just itatcheti at ih ho hmo of Mira. George Hunt. in Poti- ricktownn N. J., bias a curiosity ameng ten. ILte a cbscken n'itb iLs ieati up- side dewn. A machine for catchiaig grassitoppors ie on'neti by Henry Cron'. of Gardon Kansa. . t scoops tent in by thse bush- ei. ML. Cron' bols thoera, atd teetia tenta to bis bogs. The itteriot et a goiti bearing rock, n'as insptictet ini an Oregon ton'n, by menus ofthtie Roentgen raya, anti veins-ot auriterous metal n'ero as visi- ble as if titey n'ere on tite surface. Two tn'olve-yoar-oiti lads in Sutton, Esaglanti, contrivoti to got somo cantiy out utofa aloi machine, n'ithust dropping in the usual coins. Itemorse thon at- tacked tiren, andti tey drowned tira- selves. The Mayor of Flint, Micit., teceives no salary. The late mayot, who te- centiy retireti front office, n'as su bigit- ly esteemedti iat tire Commun Council voteti an appropriation Lt ia. Titcy awarded hlm one dollar.- Strange black spots appeareti on the body et Jet t Walis, just before ite dieti, at Luverne, Ala. .Simiiar black spots aise appoareti on thre fluor, un- der te bcd, anti ail efforts Lo sSeur tenta eut hava been u.eeless. Threa acbing Leetit su annoyeti Isaac H. Ivins, of Cainden, N. J., titat be saii, "'il1 have ttent eut, thougi t teir removai kîlls me."' A dentist exract- eti thora, causing a sitock wbicb resuit- et iun a fatal attack of heuart failure. Mest et tira munira at King Wiihiam's Town, Cape Colony, are tradastuen, anti do their uwn carpantering, bricklaying, biacksnrithing, etc., basides eaching school. Ail thea buildings titey occupy n'ere erecteti by titemselves. A Danbury masa bas bit upon an oni- ginal anti profitable way ut commit- ting suicide. Ha annoances bis inten- tion tu enter a cage centaining a feo- ciaus lion, anti permit tire beaat Lis eut hlm. Spectators are to ebalalowed, on paying an admission tee ot ý5 cacit. Wm. Watseon, ut Brooklyn, dreameti tai ha san' bis eieven-year-old boy dnon'ning. At breakfast te next meraaing hoe comrnanded Jack net tu go tourfLite pnd n'ierA e haw acuton- s' g DISEASED LUNOS CUIRED IBY TAeING A %;rpý q Cherry AY r ' J ectoiral. i such rcass egete l.Ithnensntlted a doctor, ofnd nexaminising me, It te UP erpatof the letlung wsbadaiy afeces he.mndiines he 'l"'me tld fnot see- to do any good, and t eeriet trýy Ae'ChryPectoral., .kftertacn& fewV doses soy trouble was relie,,ed, anid - fore 1 lad l¶nislied the bottlë i was cured."' -A. î.EFLAU, watchtmaker, Orangeville, O1t. Acer's Chery Pec oral Highest Awarde at Wo ,ai~ar. Ayjer's Pilla ù'e-sssfceso 10ROi CEIIILDREN, bsoneyn: ru at. Ilarrmless. Aunefec-,ti praie rpan aihget advantage, castor cil accsa and il rnasa Price,2,a0 Dr. Howard Medicine Ct'. Broc i. ont, ntenatî ai rhe oane Great ts' ,nJa y J ust cpL.S. upi r e ~Court. IlV-senda Postal for. pctc Pga tc. Ssvecc.aarfihe Oft Xngi,,hCe 't in ethelSthe our1 l', b 'tte Siipeuintes sl w:st t stucter. T E Î'B ES T F 0 P.E VE 0 1BOJy " CAUE It la easy ta find thse word çvantedl S t le ea3y tea scsertaln tihe pronunciation. It la easy ta trace tise arowth et a word. It la easy ta learn wisat a word nieans, WEBSTR THE STANDARD. Vie Torouztu Globe says. "5- sinternationil ta psdlv be',ýosssjn reeognsz asý thsetoast rehtba asindcsnry ubis,,1heJ t' edditiOts ta t tllsngltse priosary fonction Of adise- isnUeary;ýthe 1 nteraassss cnaanavatîounit Ot genri int onus Oftg' at-raine.-Jan. 11, 18W. G. & C. 2W1ïRRL4m Co., Fsisishers, SWm. Radani Microbe, KilIer OnIy flemedy Rernoves The Tru-e Cause Os f Disease The System. î Ail diseases are cauSed by microbes cause inflammation, t 0f persons wilI testify to itS woniderf al pow ers. Send for circular. POlU ~Mifrok K11le191 S LONDON, ONTARIO. A WORMV'S 3MEMORY. Mr Umbeli-Even the worm wil turn. Ris Wife (scornfully)-You are scar cely a Worma. Mr. Umbeli (reminiscentiy)-Possily not non'. my dear, but I caýý..sonimm. away haclt yonder hearinàg ik-s a~y sometliing about an early bird whea you get nme. "cFor Over Fîfty Years."' For over tifty yeara MRS. WI!tSLOW',4 SoortH-NeeSvntup bas beau used by mil. litois of muchtera for theïr children whjIgý teething. LtI disturbud at night aii' brükaîs ut euur rest by a sick child au - ý iiuenciiý,g nis ieliow ia uorers. u iLimaLe- 1