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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1896, p. 5

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GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. Goutte EAST. Goutte WEST. Express..8387 a. m.j Express .. .523 a. m *Expres.... 10 19 a. M."Local .837 ', passenge.. . 3 06 p.m. Pessenger.. 2 25 p. M Local . - il4 p.m. "Express-.. 7 40" *Exres. -1034 STOTT & JURY Town Ticket igents. AR fu YOUR l Sweaty ? Sore ? Swollen ? M Sour ? Aching ? 9 Tired ? Foot Elm is giving~ great satisfac- tion and the price is only 25 cents aM package. E. R. DUNNETT, Hamilton, says: I arn surprised at the rapid cure it effects. B. S. BARNARD, Toronto, Says: It is cooiing and refreshing to sore feet. A LADY, 16 9 John St., Toronto, says :, I have found Foot Elin an invalu-a able rernedy for tender feet. E. N. BujRi, Ossington Ave. Toronto says: Foot Elm is a great b:>on for tho se with tender feet, he now lias eases for the flrst time in years. STOIT & J URY, Sole Agents for the Dominion. By mail to any address 25 cents. The Spectacle frames we seil as gold .are the finest quality and bought from and gi %,ranteed by the most reliable manufacturers on the continent; but this does not prevent our selling- them at lower prices than any other dealer in town. \Ve buy in large quantities und carry a larger stock than ail other dealers in town combined and have the onJmy Post Graduate Optician in the County who tests eyes free of charge. STOIT & JURY, The Druggists & Opticians. Weather and Waterproof paints are leading ail others and so they should-No other paint on the mar- ket equals this remarkable paint whicherbraces the qualities of a rubber and giveî a fine. gloss and will not scale, chip or. blister. In Tins at 13c, 35c, 70c, $1.40. Stott &'x Jury, Sole Agents for Bowmanvllle' In the DOMINION 0F CANADA DIAMOND DYES are the great favortes with the ladies for hlome dycing. Why they are Popular.ý Tht - are the easiest to use ; they cive the brightet colors ; they malte colors that last tihi the goods are worn oui;- the colors ueve crock-or fade, and wMI stand soap and wahing. .A.k your dealer for the 1 DIAMOND "; re. fuse imitations. Sod everywhere, tiDrection Book Amt fofty &amples et cooored cholb fret. pl zus£ icuADSOmj Co,, Xontmh, .Q. BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 26, 1896 Local and Otherwise. Many people lu town Saturday. Read Cawkor & Tait's new advt. Mns. Stewart offers a fan 10 roui. Now lot overybody breathe-the cold wave bas arrîved. Read M. Mayer's advt. He is selling ,ll bats very cheap. Have yon seen the beautifih bamboo furninre ai L. Morris'?' Buy steamship tickets 10 or from Eug- land froni M. A. J AMs. -M. A. Jam'es,. Isener of Marniage .Àcenses, Bowmauviuhe. Citizens, uie our own uetter box in STATESMAN office front door. Read Win. T. Fieli & Sou's advenuie cent of Earmn Lande for sale. Millbrook's population is. 1,009 and nearly every house occtmpied. Wait for Royal Tomplars' entontain- ment on Fair night in Town Hall. Do not fait 10 read Thos. Shater 's ad- vortilsmont on inside page for mou. Window shades and curtain polos ln great vaniety ait L. Morris'. Ail sizes. Blouse Silks fromn 15e per yard and up ai Conch Jobuston & Crydermau's. Dr. Talmage's sermon appears evory uveek on au lucide page of THE STATES- MtAN. The Royal Tempiars have somethiug good in store for the public on Fair night. Crepons in Paie Shades wonth 50e solling for 25e et Couch Jobuston & Cry- ilerman 's. Young mon or oid sbonld flot fail 10 read Thos. Shater's advertisemeut on Lucide page. Fifty Brantford bicycliets have been "4puhled" lu the police court for niding on sidewalks. We notice that Mn. W. H. May bas sold ont bis inteneet in the rouler mille et St. Thomas. Beware of imitation Watches ai To- ronto Fair; rather buy froni T. N. Rick- ard, Bowmauville. Mn. Harny Farewell, late of Oshawa, is said to have been burned in bis bouse et Innicfaih, N. W. T. Messrs. Nash and Lawrie, Onono, are snoing the Hartford Insunance Co. for $5000 insurauce monoy. Lilhian Russellisleqnoted as saying sermonsly that the boit way 10 got rie is to cave haif whai one earns. Peterboro town conneil will pay $57.50 per annum for their ehoctnie lights on a iwo years contreet. To play or not 10 play-that's the question.1 Reed "Curnent Notes" oni sports on an inside page this avoek. Any porson not now a subseniber mev bave Ti-E STATESIAN sent to their addrese from now tili Jan. 1, 1897, for ouly 25 cents. Three kinde raof Sewing Machines for sale ai Rickard's, and Needies, Oul, and every kini aud sont of thing used lin and for a MachIine. Merchants are receivino' Feu import- ations, Mesers. Couch, Jolinston & Cry- denerman roceived a big shipment hasi woek. More 10 fohlow. Prints for 7e wonth 10e ; Sateeni for 12ec wortii 20c ; Sateens for 15e wordh '25e ; Gingbamis wonih '25e for 15e e: Conch Johnston & Crydermnan'c. Mn. E. E.* Dodds, for many yoars clerk of the township of Hope, will resign the elerkship, 10 bo succeedec by the prosent Roeve, W. H.McCuhlum. On and efter Sept. lst, 1896, we intend doing a strietly Cash busineoss, subsenîpt- ions for magazines and papors nust be peid for lu advauco. W. T. Allen, "Big 20."1 The gnowonî of faney peas titi' district wiii meake big money ibis veai owing 10 the veny largo yiohd. Oui fermer realtzed $120 from t wo acres.- Lindsay Post. Fermons, bny good reliable Binder Twine. J. Bý. Mantyn celle the Blue Ribbon and Red Cap brande recoin- meuded by The Macsey Hennis Co. ae the mosi reliablo, Candidates cen now ho edmitted iit the mysionies of the A. O. U. W. atiï1 yeens of ago inctead of 21, which wa the lowest lumit prior 10 the receni meeting of the Supreme Lodgo., Il doos not matter what yon avant tc purchase in the Jewelory lino or ir Wetchee, Clocks,' Kuives, Forks oi Spoons. You eau do mnch bâer ai home lu deehing with Richard, jeweller than et Toronto. The fast steamer Tymon wilh mii a: excursion 10 Toronto again noxi Fridei ai 50c , leaving Bowmanville ai 7 a. m" LOshawa ait 8 and XVhitby 8.30, reachiný Toronto ai 11e. ni., rotnrning leavt Yonge St. wharf ai 5 o'cloek iharp The "shontage"-omavbene betweoi $6,000 and $60,00, the investigation i etili pending-in the accounts of îbi tesrrof Gnielph is anothen evide-nei and made a venv feeling replv 10 ih eddress. Mr. Dieke is a wvell-know abenhhy respected citizen, and bo benamemben of the Board of Edue lion for severai yea ns. ChIIdren Cryfo Town Sehools open Tuesday next. Apple packing and shipping has be- gun. Bowmanville Fali Fair September 17 and 18. Dont miss reading the inside pages this week. Chieken pies are in sight-see Mount Vernon news.1 Eall plowing will be bard if rain doe not corne soon. Only 25e for THE STATESMAN to end of 1896-new subs. One of the driest summers for years will soon be over. Reports of July examinations are ex- to be out this week. Thanks. Mr. S. H1. Reynolds, for a bask;et of nice apples. The late extreme heat and wind have played havoc with apples. The churches were largely attended Sunday evening-cooler. Camp life hs now closing for 1896 houi- days and work goes hard. STATES-MAN to new subscribers from now to Jan. 1, 1898, for $1. Don't omit to read Thos. Slater's im- portant advt. on inside page. Dr.Julia Thomias' new office is at No. 396 Parliament st., Toronto. Thos. Siater has a message for every man on inside page. Don't fail to read it. A heavy thunder shower early Sun- day mýorning laid the dust and purifled the air. WEEKLY GLOBE from now to Jan. 1, 1898, (over 16 months) for $1 at STATES- mAN office. Big stock of Parlor Suites at L.i Morris' all newest designs. A pleasure to show goods. Caîl. Kalamazoo,1 Mich., is famous for cel- ery. See Thos. Slatcr's advertisement on inside page. Do't forget the sale of ebeap Dry- goods now going on at Couch Johnston & Cryderman's. Bear in mind Swiss watches are a bill of expense to you; better buy a Genuine American from Rickard. See the Dress Goods which Couch Johnston & Cryderman are selling off at ,25e worth front 40e to 75e. When you buy a Watch or Clock at Toronto you have no guaranteo. Buy from Riekard and secure this. Messrs. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are gotting in a superb Fall stock in anticipation of a large season's trade. Ail youno- persons wiil gain ranch knowledgeliy reading "-Current Notes" which appear weekly on an inside page. We want ever y present subseriber te order TanE STATESMAN sent to a friend or neighbor for the balance of 1896 at ouly 25e. A Dariington farmrs wife tells us that with seven cows she has been un- iable to suppiy her regular customers with butter. r Now le the tim e to order office station- ary-bill and lettor beads, envelopes, tags, etc. Always donc neat and nice at THE STATESMAX office. r Godeys' Mag-azinie for September is a 1charmin- number-lO cents a copy. iSend to ihe Godley Co., 52 Lafayette Place, New York, for it. .Al le not Gold tbat looks liko Goid. -You wiil find this out le you buy in To- tronto during the Fair. 'Genuine goods sold by Riekard below Toronto prices. r FAnnuaS,-Buy good reliable Binder à Twino. J. B. Martyn souls the Blue bt Ribbou and Red Cap brande recoin- mended by The Massey Harris Co. as sthe most reilbe. Il Two boys were ceaught tampering 1 with the electric liglit on Centre t., Sunday night. They will not bc let off d s0 easilynexttime. The Electric Liglît -Co. will prosecute all such offenders. e We have received a copy of S'rovEL'S SPOCKET DIRECTORT, Winnipeg Man., a monthiy publication containing Tiîmi Tables, Mape, and much other vaînable 'r information to residents and touriste, e Classes in the Bowmanviile Higi School will be resumed on Tnesday Sept. it. Pupils are speciaily requested ýr to be present on first day of termniin or- e der to facilitate the work of organiz- -ation, Last trip of the season Steamer "Columbian" Friday uext Friday 28th, Eto Toronto oniy 50 cents for round trip. 8 Steamer leaves Bowmanviiie 7.00 a. m. 'sWill positiveiy rmn fromt Toronto on Lt SaturEiay aftornoon leaving Yonge St. wharf at 2.00 p. m. Tickets goood tc ,l stay over. n )r Not oniy are Bowmanvilie boys hiou- tt ored away fromn home> but our girl command respect too. The Port HopE Guide says . Mn. S. E. K. Walker, Miii street, gave a pleasant 'At Home ,n to a number of young people Tlaursday ,y evening,' lu bonor of Miss Zelia Brima- ,comnbe, of Bowmanvillo. A most eîîjoy. 2, able time was sDp nt with music, ganies, a tbey had a vers' nice passage with th, id exception of a fog in the St Lawrence of It was slightly rough sailing arounq Ir. the north shore of lreland but aftc: d- wards she remarked the cea wass ,s, eaum one could herdly realize that theý he were sailing ovor the Atlantic oceat m She enjoyed her visit and brief sojouri ase wlth friende in Englaud very much, hu a- was glad to get back to Canada and t find hen child ren ail welii. Pr itch*i's castore: Keenest base bail match of the season next Saturday here. Attend. Shaw Entertaiument Company, Towni1 Hall, Bowmanvilie, Tuesday Seipt. lSth. The Misses Diîgmau have gone to Toronto attend the Eaul MillinaryOpen- inge and to select their new stock. Oshawa Bicycle meet Saturday Aug-. 29, promises to be the ovent of the sea- son. Entries may be made up to Thurs- day nigbt with Cýhas. M. Mundy, Sec. Buy a Sewiug machine froni Riekard, Jewohier. Prices right ;-enough saved by buying from hlmi to buy sugar and tea for monthe for quite a family. A $55.00 machine for $25.0.-Call. Sing D., Chincie laundryman went to Gravenhnrst tostart a branch establish- ment leaving Chung Wong in charge bore. He found it a imail place and roturnod here, but lef t again for King- itou. In the Canadian Military Rifle Leaguo matches the 45th Batt. inciluding Bow- manvihie and Lindsay companies, 20 men, won first prize vhth 7875 points.t Iu the 10 men teami Bowmanvilie took 5th prize and Lindsay 6th. By the burning of Mrs. Quaife's bousei at I4untsviile five lives were lost. Mrs. Quaife and Mrs. Philhipe beit their livest in attempting to save the children, Two of Mns. Quaife's chidren perisbed,1 and Miss Jessie Phihhipe wae 50 badly1 burned that" she succombed to bier injuries on Sunday. Mr. Chas. Purdy near Grafton has found the boat iu which Arthur Peate aud Miss Lena Darch sailed ont froîn Port Bowmanvilhe on Sunday Ang. 16, and perished in the storm. Trhe frieuds are now asling that the nor th shore ho watched by residents for the bodies shouid they wash ashore. HAIIVEST HOME FESTIVALS. Salemi and Betheida.,. .Aug.30 and 31 Mount Vernon.... Ang. 30 Sept. 1 Tyrone........... Sept. 6 and 7 FORT BOWMANVIiLLE. Mr. J. C. Vanstone's cottage bas boon stili further improved byýpainting. Over 250 people went to Toronto on the steamers Efolumbian and Tymon on Fridav. Mr. S. J. Hall bias bought froni Mr. T. E. lligginbotham bis summer honte and lot at Port Bowmanvilie. Mnch disappontinent was feit ovor the failure of the Columbian to bring down a Toronto excursion Satnrday as advertised. The dredgo "Nipissino." and tng "St. Paul' arrived Wednescf'a last andid le engaged lu the good work of deepening the harbor. The citizens of the Port enjoy fine rides on the tug-. The work of terracing the bank ho- f ore Binghamton le progressing favon- abl y. One of MeClellan" & Cos teams fell over the cliff Friday pulling the plow withi themi but thongýh the ciff is 30 foot high no injnry wae doue savo slîght damage to a bridie. Re.Dr. J. J. Haro, Principal On- taro Ldie' ClleeWhitby, bias pur- chased f1a Ilotfrom iMr. J. Knigbt jusi Mr. T. E.lli,,--iubothiam b las also bonghit from rn nknight and the bouse *and lot hoe now occupies are for sale at bargain. Geýnenal pleacure is expreisod bho rcause after spending a brief speli bore Governor Haro of Ontario Ladies Coi- loge bias invested in a lot. There is no sother place on the north shore of Lake Ontario offering s0 many advantages -fora healtbfnl summner home as Port Bowmauviile. t Bad Bicycle Accident, A miehap that might have prox cd a very serions accident, befe>h Mr. iM. J. A. James as hoe was returning on bis ewheei on Sunda 'y ovenino- laitL froin liii Igrend'-father's in East Whitby. When on the top of the bih hbetwecpn Ehdad chnrch and Solina village hoe could sece jno vohicle in sight and believing th~e road was lear, haviîîg passed over it -the nlight before, hoe determined to ride down the steop bihl. Ail went well tîll hoe reached the bridge et the foot wbeu r hoe saw two thick planke lying diagon- aliy across the roadway, BY this time L hoe was going et very rapid speed and L. conid not possîbhy avoicl the obstacle, n thereforo beforo hoe knew it almoît bis 5- wheel was a conglomeration of bout El and twistod aines, tue now Dominion rim beiug smaîhed to a degre beyond - nything ever beforo ceeu in au acc- dent of this character, and Mn. James ewas hurhed headlong on the gravelY road-bed et the side of the bridge. By a moît fortunate fate hoe songhit to p protet is face with bis right crin and s,,cceedcd protty well, tho' bis arn was lacereted and brnised end înjured ln the elbow, so thet the doctor says ho BORN. BRAi-mEv. Near Eiimîsçillin, Aug. Sist, thc wife of Mr. Franicis Bradley, of a soli. MARRIED CASE Ls.w.-In the Presha terý'ii ebinchi Minesinig Simce Co. Ont.,on Wedueeday Aug. iftb, by tire Rel. W. C. Wasbington, M.j ., Mr. Tbadden s Rex Case, Wiiîolpec . Mani., and Elîmi Evaeldest dangler of Dr. W.H.La-,Mmmmîlesing, and niece of Mr. 111gb McKay, cf tnus tuwn. DIED. FI' HLEIGu.-Iii Bowma,îvihhs.oo Wcdncsday, Ang. le, Mildred Eugene, infant daugbteî- of Roger and Georgiua Fisbleigb,aged d uîoîtis 18 days. -MAR.-Iu Bowýma-tnvilhe on Sunday Augz. 23, Mar-y, dauphier of Mr. P. Marc., aged 30 ,years. Interred iin St. Miebsels cemetecy, Toronto. Rî1CILAnS.-At Middlegreen Villa, Parlingtoni Aug. 2st, 1896, Alfred Richards, aged 3z yms Deceased avas raised by Mr. Johîn F. Bîcoks, cattie dealer, Courtice. HasEuNNsus-IiuBowmanvtlhe, ci-mWednesday Aug. 1dbt, 1896, Olive Heuîîiîgs, beioved wif e of John Henn1nings, aged 61 yecars. M l eIinq elu iý111eWuy oýl ! tiu I"oe ls CAW RER & TAIT Are adoptiug the followiug method lu order to stimulate a cash business aud tho prompt paymeut of acconts wheu reudered, 8473 AUGUST 2. Cawker ý& Tait will give you for $15 in Checks, 11h of Salada Toc or 11h of our pure Coffee. The Nýational Cash Register pints a ticket with every punchaso showiug the amount thus:' The purchasor rctaining tickets to the amount of 815m0 wili neceive on presentation of came, 11h Sal- ade Tee on 11h of our pure coffee. Ail persous who pey thnee eceounts in full wbeu rendered wih ne- coive the came discount. Onders cent by telephone or takon hy our selesmen -will have tickets sont a- long with goods. Pnices will ho as close as cny departmental stores in cities. Just note somo of thie price: Can Corn and Tomato Se per can; a car load boughit fromn the best packers in the Dominion. The time for Camping Goods is a hand-Wild Duck, Chieken, Partridge ïlh tins 15c; Clark's Potted Ham and Tonge, 10e per tin, 3 tins for 25c; Sardines 5c per tin; Ham, Tongue, Corn'Beef, Peadies, Ox Tong-ue, Chipped Beef, Kippered llerring, Salmon, Lime Juice, Condensed Coffee.. Save your tickets ; it means 3% off close pricces. e%»awker îa& ùlTa.it. BOWMANVILLE. IN BOWMANVILLE. The undersigned bas receîved instructions froibe execuiors of the estate of the late William W. Wbite to selI by auciion on the pre7,misges Monday, Sept. l4it i-lie bouc of 2 .'clock, ibai new brick resîdence ou Cbureh Street, nowoccupied y ames . Mtebee con- ta!nn101 rooms-parloc, dloing-room.ikiceben, e beroomweosbed bard an'i sct waier, 5 ap1)he trees andSmIllruits, acr 1 e eand. Tis !sa very esit-able borne and as everytbing is nw ebodyl 0 lpeta bargam. A3Io cle thce wh e ofered that double- brick cesidenice nProspect Si., 1,mîof ccupled by obt. Adirotainiug ý acre oc and. Tere are 10 roomýs lu eacb iîahf of ibis bouse- Pachor, Diningrooro, 6 Bedrooms, Kiteben, Cloches room Pud Hall, bard and sofi- water * Apples, Phumns, Pears, Cherry trees and a lot oi Smahl1 Fruits. This le a very commodionîs pair of bouses and aiways bave rented. wcli. Parties waning an investment would do weli-o look an Ibis propercy. Ternis : 1)% cown on day of sale blance lu 0dysbeideed wîhl bc given. For fnri->ec patenas pS hy ro aviai> eWiîi, ,executor. BOwood P,or Levi A.W.Tcm5,Auretionieer. VALUABJLE FARM LANDS CHEAP AT PRIVATE SALE. 1,-Parts of Lots 5 and 1, Con, 3, and part of Lot 4', Con. '2, al lu the Towu)ýshlp of A ik Comty of N rtsrb lad 157 acs more or iess. odsok; 1dgrai farm and weil watered, witbgocud fram avl lu" bouse and outbidings anîd o E. E- cellen t soil and nlicely sitnated ou the shores cf ReLaabout 5 miles from thei village of 11.rwood ané 7 mies from Hastings. Uoeiecm- bcred iown pcoperny willlibe faccepied iin part paymuent. 2,-Parte of Lots 7 and S,, Con. 8, Township , of Hamilton, Coanty of Northuniberlend- 140 acres. A brick dwelling bouse, good barns, new stables anîd oinbuihd.iiape. A goud weil and largýe cîstern t ai r. A iret class erca wthîa beautiful vîew of 1Ile Lake aimd situaîti about Olle mole fro1i tl YîVllacof Herwoâd. j3,-Parts of Lots 28 and 29 Con., 6, Township of Haldi- ffla-ad, County of Northumberland - about 2,Oce, who saveral nieyer failing Springs ofl aaer. A large bric~k dwelliing bonse n'eariy newa ut goed imea barns, stables and out- buiîncd a goudiew ,silo. capaciny !W lotis This le a goifraemdsntdou tOc main road fr Dua Cemtrelont to Cbaurg and about 4 miles froua tbe Vill.,ge of Baltimnore. Tlîe above hamIs areac1inmigood iran" of cmmi- valoo ni iveil situa ted to chutrebes and sebools. 4.-Lot 22 Con. 7, Haldimand -200 acces. Timbered landt, aili be seld very cbeap. Apply to -- 129-8w. B-inkers Coborg.Oui. Why Go To The City For 7pH" ' "'OTO àS And corne home disgusted aith yonr purchase wheu yon ccci get cpleîîdid cabinets lu Bowmanville for $2.oo per Doz. Work that will not fade and is iikeuess gnarauteed. This offer le good for 3o Days. A good1 Picture- rames always on baud. Drop lu auy lime. TAP'IT &CO. BQWVMANVILLB. f BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrected byJ.3ciSInrtnF every Tuesday FLocn., P 100 ibs ........ $2 00 to 8,2 20 WIIEAT, Feul, bush . O 00 0 O60 White Fife .... 0 u00"0o60 Red ',... 000 0 60 'i GOOSE ....000 05 BAxLv,4 Pbsh No. 1 .. 000 n0 35 n2X.. 0 00>'0 30 i , e2... 000 0 30 i iTwo rowed 0 30 n030 O)ATs, white ". ..O0000 O1G imixed '...... 0 0 O 17 RTE ..... 000 '0 35 BUCKWEA -T -.... 0 ' 0 29 PEAS, Blackeye, e bush.. 0 00 0' o55 Mnmmney ' O 0 0 O055 'Smeil, 0 O45 0 O45 nBinen 0 00 0 55 Bwn'ER, best table, P lb.. O0l11'i0O11 EGGS, #1doz ............. 000 0 'O9 POTATOES, bush..........O0 25 O 30 Wooi.... ........ .....O010 0 O17 Hay poriton............ 000î8 00 Supplies. Be prepared for Sehool Opening by getting your supplies early, "Big 20"1lîas a full stock to select front. BOWMA4NVILLE. F10-j YOU WANT AIIO-ME-Ifyoud .1... apply to T. BINGHAM for a fiiee e.,bd br cottage cbeap and on easy terrms. 3i1 j f. Lo 2 7,.o ,Dri oo EfedP 20 tf -TANTESD. Seve -,ral bright young vvmen to do 3work for osiluthisylviniuity.Ir they have a bicycle al the better. Adrs "AuVERiuSER," Brantford, Ontario, H ELP WANTED, FEM'ALE.-$10 te, $18 per, week to men and wuinf r eas work at borne. No books or c v en.N experience. Bonafied ofier. N, ecat"I. Seod stamp fo work and par' ic0flar. E. HO'iANN IL S ibSxtb Street, Pbiladelphia, Fa. 19-3mb T~REÀSTRýAY.-Càî11e on thé S1e.ises lot s, con 5, Darliligton, a bey hosTeowner will 5rove property, pay ex- pensecsand take irebm aey H CT..Aiçor, Box 101, Bowroanvî1it. 735-3w. rO LET.-For a terra of years a .Lgod armof 100 acres, liCarre ior futer i'îforuîiaton .?q4ply to Roui2, z.1' OMNT, Innlle. W %ANTED.-Severaî frstclassclerks, Y c t attend ta oui bnsiness in tire and ad- jounîg Couinties. Apply with rfcmc.THE BlmtxtîrEY-GARRE-2INCo, Lin , 49 >i-f,,iiondst. W., Toromîto, Ont. C ATTLE ASTRAY.-Camne on the --rernÏSeS lot 2.$.Cou). 8, B .rlbngton, tbrea youugcute 2 ye, chope -mimad one 2 year old. The e e rcqueeeed to prove property, pay expenses and taire tbemn away. ARîîmvîî OR- MISTON, Endteld. 35-2w.* COTTAGE TOilENT,-"Salamader" c ttg so long oc nojied by Mr. A. J.Lock- hart, King St. ,neatriy oppoýsite tue Exprees office, ïs ro ret on reasonale e'DISrm. This îs a iovely boue-Inqoirce fot psu ticulars: J. B. MANTYN, tow manvîil.l0-tf JOHIN CHAPLIN.-Bowmanville, deb.1- cr in Fruit andOrnaniental Trees cf ail kiws.' Dont place your ocdecutil you bave seen me. None but the best of stock will be sold. AU stock willbesoeaet the lowest possible price and guacanteed trac to naine. Box 5S, Bowman- ville. 4-tf. FVARM FOR SALE -Containiing- 55 -IL acce.s, more or less, being Lot 20 cou. 8iCai- wright, 30 cee are cli.red the bal-uee thickly timbered. A comfurtable frime dwel- îng, frame stable and neeesseciy ont buildings, a youogorccard bcacing eboce fruits, also a neyer failiog epina ,weli ttbhe dour. Foru, par- tieniars aîiîly to TIomAsS wAiN, JR., CLesarea, or ou the prenuses to Wrn. NEwsois, proprietor. 31 tf. F ARM TO LET.-For a tenm of yecrs, the North baîf cf Lut ig, luncie, 4t0 Cumicessiom> of tOc Tuwrship of Dariingron,coi- pcisiug ONE75HtJNI>itLu ACRES, Siioaced abot i mile from Hamapton and 4 miles Froru ow man, ic. cibibtbcrhte esaicmforrlîledîvel- lein ongor our- buidîS and aàg '?tOrliard. es sIom areb t , 17:>7. Ortbe abuOve des 'rtbeýd prmis s would Se jet on shares te a gocd teliamntifÀ satifactory arranîgemientco uld Pc made. lFor !,,mitîcuiars -,IPplY tu MRS. MAR- ARET -M. SaaivAPT,IrcSpeet Street, Bo maux lUe. 3M-f w. ABSTRACT 0F PAYMENTS. Mtade by Tîsos. ~uxmflnaricial agent for IloBEor BEITInEsq.,on a"csnnt cf election beidj un J ue î Srd, 1896: Rsur.................... ............. 8 3.75 Secretary .............................. 41.& Ligbîing, l, etc........ ............ 21.4G Posting Bis..................... ... ..14.70 Priuting ........ ................ ....... 375 Express............. ...... ............ .25 Postage and statîomîary .... ..... ........ 14.31 Liveîy.. ý......................... 15.7 Telep one"........... ....... .......... 7.20 Telegraph._..... .............. ......... 9.64 4168.5û THOMAS BINGHAM, fimieniciai agent for Robert BeltbiM. Pé, 1

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