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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1896, p. 7

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In some conditions the gain from the use of Scott's Etnvuýfon of cod-iýv-er oi is rap-Îid. For this reason we put up a 5oc. size, which is erioagh for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and chiidren. ilaother conditions gain must be slow, sometirnes alm ost imperceptible, health can't be built up i11 a dày. For tliis Scott's Emulsion must be taken as rourishi- ment, ?food rather than medicine, food prepu4red for tired and weak digestions. Sworr& BovNEu, Chersist, 50c and $1 00 RI-PA-NS aThe modern stand- U ard Family Medi- clle: Cures the Wcommon every-day - jus of humanity. h u ilsiesofathel iood aiia e r s, Rheu- aatîm n al ao.iead teu.îrBi 1 For Infoattion and fre" iaîîdbook Write ta Xnues & Ce., ,îi c ra\ iv-A, NL OR o O1les c raLI. for sceaaî'iigpants laAnerima Evry attaki2 cr y ai a', hought befaro ,0a polbya ci cîe iveaitrcet charge lu the Lareai eieaision i' an' 'entifla papal in tire 001.Spieiiidly ile rrra,l. Na intelligentr mian chaula ba w ihoci ,.aiWeealîy, e3,00 ~.,a $ O ciic cAdicr-' ,MUNN & CO., cia 30 c 01 ay. New Yarir City,. A HERO 0F MAGDALA. A Chaut With a, Veteran Who Waxs In the Memorabie Bat-fia. British valor is tle tisemaetf eany a thiilling sttry and siirring îong. Mr. Gea. IKingston, " f 136 John itreet nertis, is one et Hamiltones iesi hnawnovteaes. A mancf martial bear- iug, niagnificant physique anti genial persen- ality, hie is a splendid reprasantatuve aiflise hast cls ot British sldior, Te eut reporter Mr Kingston readily gava an interview. Witis al tisepride et e citizen oethfat empira on n-iich tise soni caver sets, Mr. Kingston saici - "1 am a Devonshire man, born near tise haches aitise Tign. 1 entered lise Britishs areîy ati s, and serveti tourteau yaars in Indue. Was tîrougis tise Abyssinien campaign, anti feught at tise *toraehgg anti captueaof Magdlala, King Tisao- dores sîrengboid. Haro tise king anal hun- dreds oi ils army fel. Napier, tisa 'Haro of Magdaa,' was createti Lard Napier ai Mag- dala fer is splendid services. After this i ro- lurned te Olal Engianal, ramaicg about ive yaars, when I was again sent to ties snny souti ontil tcy 21 years' service nos nearly op. risatis e s place te gai kidney cedlilvr troubles, anti 1 nas ne exception. 1iuse sent as an invaid le tisa Netly Hospital tor invalid sldiers, anti far montisa was a suffrieg icimate, finally heing discisargati es a hopeiessl y incurable invaliti. Two years cter I seilati for Canadla, sud have soffered moe or lasavec since ram tisa consant misery tisai kîdney trouble entails. Piercing paies in tise hachipedacises anti urinacytilificlties were saidorn absent, sota ta wisan 1 neticca Deens Kidney Pli advertise- nient I got a box frein Ziniairmans dcag store. Reliai. cama iran, tise bru feu doses, anti isfra Ibati takçen taboxes, tisepaies hcd left my hache anti 1 teit li Pca nec aan. I icansitiar Doans Kidney Pis a xondetiuli iiedi- dîna, tisa more so hecausa my conuplaint woiuId ,nt yeld to tise shah etf tisa hst physîicins in oeaoaitise greatest bospitala in Quecus Vutorias dominions."' ContarnigMr Kingson said: ' I cao ta- e=nu!s îàühmnas a qeýeL. cur-e for i idciey lrioubes xithout iestatian. lien couid I de eirus-wien they liava, given mie Luche tis hen i indd tgor et lo g a?' FOR SALE BY STOTT & JURY Id r~ rdlui a7,1: Lcrt 1Power, Ner;vaas 5)ahîty, Fiiag iianhiaod, Secret Di* seass, casseti hy tise errersn aria racasses ai 5ath. î au cff _a"loar hcef, lt cfýI iiols an raxcee£ c stritaî.., aa hoti ant i caor. Prie $q.00, 6 boxes fer$5.00. q nt.)y mail secoteiy seaiedl. 'Wtriitaforaur bhoa',- 'SicaIing Facts.' a-eMen onuy, tells you hîaw to hgeai web iddreau, Q'JEEN dMEDICINE CO.. ?tivt 94 MONTIIEAL M1AE THE BEST 9F 1T. THISLIFE A PROBATIONARY GROUND FOR HIGHER TRAININGx. TIsesreore, Prune and Gealt tise Fane 1for the Frilits or the Spirit anrd Beeseee Imi1nanlal Agalaît the Day the Body Falls 1Whero It Muat Lie. Wasinigton, Aug. 16-Dr. Valmege f o-dey discuases a question that avery- body soeafiiediscusses. If la oe eftfromandoos impert, Shali ne have anotier chance? Vile text is Ecclesias- tes ii, 3, "If fila tree f ail tonard file soncil er foward che nortil,lunfile place uvere file tree fellef il fire if sill There ila ahovering hbec lu fie minds et e vat multitude et people that fiera wil ha an opporfnify lu fie next neniti fer corracting fie mistaises et til, filet hlevcr complote a ship- wnecis we ma-yniaise et our eartily lif t il haou abeach upon wnici ne mey naLite a palace; filet as the tietendauf rmay lbac bis case in e cir- cuit court and appeal if and have if go up toe laaupreme court ot ehanu-ry and ail file cesta tilrown over on the ecber parfy, se eanman may lose uis case in tis xvrld, but lunfila higileat jurladict ion et afernîty hava fia do- cision efthfil earfilly case set eside, clilfile cets romitteti andthfi detendant ho triomphant forever. Tia oject et my sermon is te show you filet cemman sensa daciares witi file ftâfilet sncb on expectafien la ciimenical. "If file frae feul toward tie sent il or toxvandth ie nortil, in file place wilere file frce faliti filere if ehiliib." There are f basa nie say filet if fie impenifeut anti unforgiven ma-n oufcrs fila nerf xvold aud secs the disaster, as a resuit oet filt dis- "et orih wiii turu, fie distresfie ceose ot his retonmafien, but we have 10,000 instances ail arounti about us et people wia have doue nrong and dis- citer suddenly came, upon tilam. Did tho disaster hbcd tileni No; filoy xvnt ou. Vibre is e man flung of dissipations. Vile toccor siays te hlm, "Non, My friand, if you dont stop drinirlg and dont stop tfs tx lite yen are liv- ing yen n iii die." Vile patient filanha file pily[siciai fer bis warning anti gets baffer, lie begin1a te it up, beglua te wali anoundthfe reoni, hegins toge te business, anti taises file sainie round et gregshops xviere ile gof bis morning dramn, anti bis evaing dramn, acuthie tira-ius heina. Down agoin. Sainie doctor. Samne pilysical enguisil. Sainie miediurai warning. But non ie ik neass ix moeaprodractadtiflhivrmr obstinefe, file, tomacb more irritable, tie digestive orgals niore rebellions. But stili, under niedical sillilho gefs htter, goca toti, commuta fila sainie sacrilege agaînat bis pilysical ilealti. Somefimes ha waklis up te seecnilaf ha i5 doing, ant iehorealizes ha la do- stroylrtg ils tamiiy, andt fat ils lite lsa eperptual prejnry egainsf bis mer- niage vye; acut ilt fiat brolien hearfti 'ivoman ilase dittarent treni fie roseate wife ha, marriodti f i er oid acheoimates do nef neceguize lion on file streef, andt ilt Sixsens are going ouf la lite under file taunt et e faf ier's drunkennesa, and chat ils dangilfers ara going eut su lite under file scarification of a dlreputeble an- cestry. Lis nenvea are ail a-jengle. Froni crowu et bond to sole et foot, lha is eaechîug, raspig, crucifying, tianing tture._ Wiare ix ho f Lei lail hell on eath. Does if stop ui ?Ail, ne 1 Attar awilie delirium fre- mnens peurs eut npou is pillen e wile jongle aofiising reptiles. Hua acreenis borrify thle ualghbors as lie dasilas ont of beti crying, "Taise tilese thinga off me 1" Ho ix drnking clown the cenitont ot bis faeaiiy, file aincation et bis cilidren, tileir prospects fer tisllaif e anti peniaps f ieir praspects for lite te cerne. Pale anti convalescent hoe its n-p. Pbyýsicians says te ui: "Now, niy got taliow, T aa geing te have e plain talk wîti yen-. If yen- ever have an ettecis ef tila Snd agein, yen nl dia. I can't save yen, anti ail file dec- fera in creation cen'f save yen." Vile patient gets up, sterta out, gees file sainie reeti et dissipation andtisl don-u ngain ; but this .ime medicines de nafte ucil ils case. Censultetions of pilysicians sey filera la ne hope. Deatil ends file scane. Tilat procs et inebriatien end physicei suttering anti mnedical nernîng anti dissoution la fciing place nithin a stone's tbnew et wbere yen sit ant inl every noigibor- heeti et Chrlateudom. Pain does nef retenni, Sotfering dees net cura. Whct is frue in regard toe u sl truc lu regard te ail si,., and yet mon ana expectiug lunfilenerf lita tilero nili ha cpprtunuiy for purgetenici regen- eration. Taise n-p fie Dpnaeti reports document on a pure nwhite shéee f e pa- par casier thon yen cen-id write if upen a shot scý-rlbhfed al ever nifithiufcmy cuti blofted andt tnu trom top te bof- tomf Anti yef tilarc araef boxe w ho ane se unenimon sensicai as te hlievo fieft - fiougi a man tants in flua noni it ih infanoy and !ts innocence and tuxns out light was burning the city migbt sur- badiy, i the next worid he ean start render and ail would be well, but if with a dead faire and turn oui weli. they let that light go Out then the__ "But,- says saime people, " we ought battering ranis wouid swing againsi to have another chance ini the next! the walls and there wouild coome disas- World bocaUSe OOur life here is So very, ftr and demnolition. Oh, my friends, al worid bocause our life here is so very Yeu and I need to do te propare forj around hetween the cradie and ftho, eternai safefy i* just to surrencler to gr e, eWood of the onle ainiOst the King and Conqueror, Christ. Sur- sýTriZn against the inarblie of the oth- ronder hrearts, surrendor iif e, surrender or. W ought f0 have another chance everything. The great lighf koeps M -\ N , because of the brevify of this life." My burning, 'light kindlod by thbe wood of friends, do you, know what macle the thle cross, light flaming up against the ~ ancient de Luge a necessity? It \vas the dark night of our sin and serrow. Oh,V iongevity of. the 'antedilu.vians. Theyi let us surrendor bof ore the liglit goes were worse in the second century than e ut and with it 'our iast epportunity in the first, and -worsa when they goti of making our peace with God through 300 years oui, and worse at 400, and our Lord Jasus Christ.1 Oh, my hroth- werso at 500, and worsa at 600, and. er, f alk about another chance this is worse at 800, untà thfi- worid had to the supernal chance. [n the ti e ef be washed and scuured and scruhbad!Edward H., at the battle of Mussei- and soakled and sunk and anchored al burg, a private o sedier saw that the wboio mont b under water bef ore if was iEarl Of Hunfley had iost bis helmat. fit for decent people tf0ilve in. 1 have The privaf e soldier tooli off bis belmot Castorla is Dr. Samnuel ~,,,,ehe'S Prescription for Infant@ seen many pictures of oLd TTue with and wnu up te fthe Earl of iluntiey and Cidren. lIt coutains neîther Opium, Morphine for his scythe to eut, but I never saw any and pait the heiniat on bis bead. Now, pîcture of 'fine with a chest of medi- the isead Of the private soiler uncov- ether arcoti-_ -ubstance. lIt 18 a hlaZmleSS Substituta crue to Leal. Seneca sald finit in the ored, ha was soon siair,p while his corn- forp aregorîe, Drope, gc>othirn ' £yrups, ancl Castor OH. first feu' years of his public life Nero mander rode in safety through and out was set up as an exampie et clemency et the battie. But it is differentin l our It is Pleasant. lIts gu,%raULc 13 thirty ycars' use b and kindness, buit li got worse and case. Iustead ef a private offering a worse, the pcth descending, until at 68 beaven and oartb, ofaring a crown te ilosoMtes airaetosWrn ~dlat years of cga ha was th3-e suicide. If an unwertby subject, the Kinig dying feverishness. Castoria prevents \ OmitinFlf SOuîr Cirrd, 800 yoars of lifefime couid not cure that wa mightlive! Oh, tell it te the the antedituvians of their iniquity, I points of the compass, tfll if to-day cures Diarrhoea and wiyld Colle. Ca;t1,.ria ?elieves underfake ito say that ail t ha ages of and niglif, tell it f0 earth and hoavon, efernif y wouid ha oniy prolongation oft tell if f0 ail the centuries and ail the teethiug- troubles, curzs constipation îeud flatu1eucy. depravity. mllenulunis that God bas ýgiven us Castoria asslimlates the fooûd, ucgiatcs he 1sto 1Maeb Again, I wish you furt her to notice such a magnificent chance in this f bat another chance in another world world that we need no et ber chance i and bowels, giving' heaithy aud lnatural sleep. Casa. means the ruin of f bis. Now, suppose anof ber 1 a wicked mian la assurad fhaf after a A dreani.1I-arn in fthe burnisbed to:çla is the Children'S Pucatoiite' re iftime of wickedness lie can t ix if al] udgnient ball on fiele asf day. The right up lu the future. That woutd greaf wbite fbrone la iitted, but fthoe1 ho the denioratizafion of sociofy thatJudg.e bas nef yet taken if. Wbile we Cat'oria.___ wouid be demoition of fheha unian1 are waiting for His arrivai I bear the oo!tiai uec1eItrciîefrel race. Thera are mon v;bo are now, immrtals in conversation. "Wbat are ~ ~ c xeldnciiafrc:i Oai'aOac 'v'tdohirnhi kept on the Lirit s of sinhy "fliir fear. ,Yeu waiting fort" says a sont that dreu. Mtascv encb adso si~r i 'i~a .atayrsr5o Tile fear that if we are bad arid un- went up freni Madaîgascar te a seul good efiect lapon their cilidren." t o forgiven here if wil nefthacnol wif b thaf xvnt up froni America4 Thie Jar- 0~ , l Oai . AiicUEx, M. D., us in tfha naxt existence is ftle chiot f er raspends: 1"1 was ln America fory in al, DMass. i1io x ri. 7rGoeiya, N.1' tnt luenca that keeacvizio trn years ago, and I heard file gospel - rushing back lut o semi-harbarisni, and preacbed, an'd I bad pionty ef Bibles in Castara ilte lasroaifrciirecf "rphiix"i î Jldn'dm., keeps semi-barbarisni tram rusbîng the houso, and froni the fiie that 1 nhichiaM fauited. 1IDoaci tlec&Y i aiS -t eth '2 -,po-7cn ErlIlyof fleir Oxaarî- bacl i hio midnight savagery, and knelt at niy uother's linee iu prayer ýr dstart whenthrsmile"son,îilr ithe reai cace in iheir autsald(- riatice iih Castori keop midigbtsavgeryfron rusinguntil my lest bour I bad great oppor- -,mtrestof their childmrja, caiaaCaoi c- Li iha' eofyhv rogo bacli into extinction. Now-, tic ma~n funities, but I did net improva theni , ,eaaof theari0iisquaCk nestrumswhifl areirn sacrd ,?JriiiS Wlad ix ilaawnasairegUaý_ ia hept on the limits of sn. But t bis and I cm bora to-day watng for an- destrayiag their Jovat eues, hy forcing piura, Proda t', Yt xvia re froc ta cesis that 1) a idea coniing into Lis soul, t bis idea ethor chance." "ilîrcuge, stranga, aanrphi'ae, soothing syrup and ethar hiraful minc ctdÊCacria las nuoa us Éo0look nde ai anofiler chlance, ho says, " GO, ta, says the seul juat comneaup tram Macla- egnats drain flair thraats, tiaereby ,nadin- t..xr ip- new. 1'i1 gef ouf of ihis ail thora is in gascar.ý "St range. Wî y, I neyer heard &Cui pramaturaver. :cie l AcîIn a îe'ra if. Comne, gltfony and revenge an11d the gospel cali but once ini al My lite, grv.. icraa otoMi uncleanliness and ail sensuelifies, and and ilacaepted if, and I dont want an- oýa A LLnCISirPe. wait upon mie. It maY ahilieviate My etuer chance." "Wbat are yeu wait-Cnwy r LaaC.Sî,Prs earfhly lite by dissoluteness, but f bat'ing for?" scys one wh7o ou oarfil bcd TShe centaw Csuri ,'M Vi arimyz tna e t Yx'iCty. w iii oniy givo nia heavenly indulgence'vey f1 i ielitt u h a on a larger scale ini a shorter ln great braie, and w hose voico xvas ail- af tîmo. I1xiii overfake the rigliteous very, andl wbo bcd scopters of poeor. bet ore long, I wil oniy ecame in heaven The latter, replies: "I bcd groat poe r a liiffle Lice, on-ti1 viii bc a littie more'on ear Lb, 1 must admit, anci i master- fortunafe , ien tthose wilo bave bhav-a lnugsadi strdlbaisFOR SALE BRT J. IIIGGINBO3THAâM & SON, BOW-NAN VILLE ed Éhems"ivls on earfh andl then weiif aud collage conferred upou me leamned straigili te thre bosoni ot God, hocanse ft l,,s, and my namae was a, synonym 1 xiii oea more c nd have widor cx- f or eloquence and poer, but somabow curson nd wii cma nteheaoi~£ ngiocfed the matters otfniy seul, via geilenna, via sheai. 1" Ilearers 1ad1muaf contoss tf ou e am liera Readlera I Anotiler cacel il etot-day waiting for another chance." xorid moans free license and tha de- iegen rmlsw th ie m fln ttil.Suppose you bcd a Nwtegontrmlswh case hi cofrt, ndal ie nde adadvancing cbarioc.ThVe greatftolding ailtil a aondysailree udlige n:oors oet fhe ilomnisilod hall et judg- fil te iafttoreai e t-ltl hatriud nent are tbrown open. "Stand iack," twicetilefusa triiwoud nf Io tcry the osiers, "and lotthfie Judge et very m-cil importance, but flic second <quik aud dead paesa tbrougi." trial wouid decide eryfhinIg. OnLietake tti tbrofnat ie oncokne o nihicil triai wold you PubthfieMostupon tetirgatntoscmee expenditura i Punwhiicil triai wonid the iast judgmenf, camne te file oniy G ent's F urni*shings. youcniloytheailea conse f 0njudgiae and one f lash f rom thlee which triai wouid you lba most a exious 1lirnte, reveaisa te ail t elrs.and te have file attendance et alfile wit- theonie Jdge ls c. t"Diviel'1"n nesses Le"Oh, you would say, ",if filera e brnhd aiecot,"vde Having a large stock of Christy Stiff and Feit Hats are te e t riais, and fila finit triai 'and i he guides angello eanor "Di- cocas nef anieunt to ranch,file second vide"' and tbe immnortels are rushilag opi hand 1 amn determîned to run them off at a tremendous trial biug avrytbing; overyting do- ca wyanfbtutlthris u pendig upon that, I musc have fheie ajale beweon fben, a great aisia, and discount., Hats Worth $l.5O and $2.00 selling at 25c and most eloquent attorney, and i must fhin vacuum, wîdenig and widen- bave al My nicuesses presont, and itigam widlenig until tise Jndge looks 50e Don't miss your chance. I wili oxpend My money on thaf!" If teo 05511 ide of fliaf vacuumi, and ad- chose men who arceinspeniteut and dresathle tilrong andi says, "Lot him In(etsF iiî1ig Ihv Pr tSit a who are wicked fait filera were fwo 1fâ:f ia srigliteons ha rigilteonss afiii, and IiG n' unsîg aePîtSit n isa trials, -and dia firsc nas uof no e vrY 1etf ilhthat ila beiy be holy sf11." And eayrdcdpie. great importance, and thle s-cond triai thoen turniug tfo fila tirong on thle grealrdcdpie. was cileeuenetfvat andi infii m- Otber ide efthfe vacunum, ho scys. portance, aill the preparations for ater- "Lot hlm filet La uljuat ho unjusf sf iii, If you have any f ur gr et htne repairîng, nicy wonld i- post mortani, post tun- and hlm thaf ia tiltily he fiitily stili," wi h ietoýigte n cral, poast x-puichrai, and tiL worid and thon lie stretches eut bohfl auds,10Witetieobrn'hm n wouid ho jerkcd etft into inipenritancy eue towaruiftfila trong on eacb sida and godlessness. Avother chance lunfile vacuumi, and scys, "If fila trea feul nuocilar worid means tile demoiition foward the sent b or feward file nortil, M tihe place whera file tree talietil et f is wrfd.tilere if shah hbel" And thon I ilear Pýurfilormore, my friands-for I cm semething jar wif ila great sonnd. If preaciing te mysoif as woil as te yen; is cie clesig oetfiheeooketfjndgionf. we ara on the sanie levai, and tbooig'hVile Judge escends fie af airs hehind .î file platterni ho a littie higier than thle tilrone.î The bail oethfie lest assize the pew; it La only fer cenvonlence, slae n htTehg or and fiat we niay tihe hetf or speof s cered yadsu. eiiiourte orvr BOWMAN-VILLE. Practical Furier. te file people; wo are ail on tbe saie platfforni, and 1 cm feiking ce ny seul. whio I1 talk te yours-mny friands, why' A SCRIXP. another cbance in anotiler world wbeu I we bave deeiiued se nany chances lan fiis? Suppose yen spread e banquet ~" aduFlnl aene pn f'l and you invite e vat nunihrofe frionda fila olease Feoen Prison. and arnhng otilers you seud an invita- A writer in an Engilali periodicai a p o ' e e a tracts if in au ohuoxious wcay. Duriug te"fltmyh annweeof-__________________________ 20 yeerq yen give 20 banquets, c hen-tin h mybse nwr Ot quet a year, and you invite your sidaet London. Ho says: friands, and every tue yen invita ibis Journeyiug flircugi soeeofthfie dans- nian wio diaregards Yenr invitation or es corners oethfie Eat End et Londlon, Just opened Our new Spring stock of Cloths for Over- senda back senie lndignity. Afttr fi Wwvile yen niove lut o e lciger bouse wît a friand intiately laasciated co ats, Suit s and Pantinrs, the choicest and larcrest lot of and aenid nie luxuriant surreunihigs, wif il escue werk, my attention was e andi yen invite yeour friands, but You drawn t o se curions signa racondati goods ever shown in this village. Now is the time to order do nef invite that nian te wbem !20 thcakoevrlsre onr. finies yensent an invitation te tbe yoif bricheikt.on oeverel sadereet corners..50 sadlor bouse. Are yen te blaeio "Wbct do filey mean?" I1 asked. yu pigSi. SeorPnsm d oodrfr$.0 1YOu wouid ony niaise yourseif ah- "The sigus are an intimation that a Suits to order for $8.O-no equal anywhere. surd heore God and mnin tei ssud fliat weii linowu hurgian or crininal ba.9 ma anotilor invitation. For 20 years ro ceries fo alngicacra sending insuit for pour hintinesa and tien," niy friand repiad, "anti e C)Û coertesy, andtilenho ilianie yen? Cen acrimp or hlappy gefiloriug is about te1 ho comae Up te yeur bense on thle occur. Vile aigus are quiteo easy te we still lead. Having bought a lot of Sugar before the nigi t filhe banquetf Looking up andI d file Lufrpretaf ion oet file ntil seelng iflsac fluor bouse, nit ho have Walli houg 'A welcome te a happy 4eg adx-ance in price, we are offering something special. A eu igit te scay: "Lacet u, I df et 9 'clock to-nigbtath le elt quer- np~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aiaieniicf nfciteai air osct osl e i aisd hy keepiug theni in a certainun- TVilapartioniar incubaf or la fasfened mauxes anti al fie deefliosinito tila tnces bld for bis cuatrni and hie bas verying temperature, and giving filen by tno làsofa thfie lefesf design anti li e N ohevcancu ie h mpnwtat- any off ors et partnership froni men proper nnisilmeut, develep thera into meat intricefe construction; andinl intensifies fi au adtepot a nuf true pal. bealhy and losty babies. view eft île terrible resnlts- filet migilt ance eftchia chance. Alexcatiar and bis Prastesrngýto l hi osbyflo rmayuatoie noniti kntilcoe areat ligit, ndi fAts po fle tbicce, obaseelavent- chmany. appIiances for hafciling living meddiing nitil ifs grawseme contents, tiley wud7*jIegctlgt ,ihflsuýnteohr -ýbe net orgaulainis is their bielogicai incuhater. file precaufien oeerqs a wboiiy nocessery fh ha ndersfanding fthas lng s fle ed hy a mecianic lu Gratz, Anstria. Lier-e are "cnltivafcd" nilole "ceoles' one,

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