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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1896, p. 1

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-' L i -> TERMS :-$1.50 PER AxNum. NEW SERTIES. ~~re heap Sale Suie r FýT From This Date. Ahl Parasols will be sold at cost price. A lot of Prints Worth from 10e to 12ec for 7c. Fancy Sateens Worth 20e reduced to 121ffC. Fancy Sateens W/orth 25e reduced tu 15c. Crepon Prints Worth 15e reduced to 10c. Anderson's Scotch Ginghams Worth 25c reduced to 15c. A lot of Dress Goods worth from 40e to 75e ,gll reduced to 25C. T'ile ?ie Pink and Nile Green Crepons worth 50e reduced to 25c. Best ail Wool Frýench Delains reduced to 12,1c. Ail Men's Sumruer Coats and Vests at reduttýed prices. Ladies' Waterproofs of ail kinds at cost price. We need scarcely say that this is a genuine sale, as it is.well known to the publie that we always do in these matters exactly whiat we advertise. BOWMAN VILLE. Crockery ad lasswareo. One Store devoted solely to this Department, Nowhere between Toronto and Belleville will you find so large and well selected ad assortment of Crockery and Glassware as you will find at YOUNG & COY' S., China Hall, Bowmanville. We buy largely and for cash, hence we buy cheap, and we will sell cheap. Read the following list: Cups and Saucers per doz., 50c, Toilet Sets at $1.75, $2.25, $2.50, 60e, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $1.75, $2.00. $6.00, $7.00, $8.00. Dinner Sets at $4.75, $6.00, $7.50, Plates per doz.,130c, 40c, 50c, 60c, $9.00, $1.00o, $19,00, $14.00, $15.00 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.75, $1.00. $17.00, $20.00, $25.00. We have just opened a case of Toilet Sets that are very handsome and good -value. Ail kinds of Produce taken at Market price. Remember Our Grocery Department as usual is eamplete witl everythiî2g you require in this line. Bow~mAvIiL. Youing & eo0, Grocers, China Hall. P, BOU.$AL, mauatue o n dealerI-m in Fnrhnumntal rk ofeve d- scitin andallkîds f emeer Works AU oder proptl fiied n a'satsfator mý-nead at reasonable IIIce- i tales OUR, TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST;, THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2, 1896. VOLumE XLII, No. 36. PERSONAL. Miss MClellan is visiting friends inENIL.IOW wA Toronto, EF-LD OHA A Wee invite alour readersto contribute to this Mr.W. S. McKowan, spentSunday lu Visitors: Mr. aud Mrs. W. Werrv, John Fursey, South Oshawa, bas a column arrivai, and departure of guests, move Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. J. VauNest, Solina, an~d pim tree witb a branch iu full bloom.. ments of wellknown people, business mne, etc. Mm. Neil Yellowiees, Clinton, was in Miss B. Cowle Tomento, at Mr. S. Mr. W. E. Dyer bas been appointed Send a postai card to THE SrATEsmAN, dropa towu this week, Bray's; Mr. and 1rs A. Bo'wcrran and manager of Ontarlo county agency of note iin car office letter box or ring up phone 52 familv, Port Perry, at Mr. R. Pascee's; the Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Co. Mr. Frank Burden, Detroit, is home Mr. Fiudiey Lockhart of Mentreal l m .Vcev saaa r .., r .T.H accssrpre for a few days. visiJon e. Il i .. urlbut's. .. . XVe'eongratulate Messrs. as effering the flrst load of barley ou Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Weeks spent Sun- rsJh Yieles1 isitingw C. Campbell and W. MINcCnhiocb en their Oshawa mnarket this season, Friday, day u Prt ope frends lu Clinton. scesl asn hepinr xm tAug. 21 .. .. The recital September 8th Mrs H.Liton Orne caiedon Mr. E. Renison and family bave me- Oshawa aIse Mr. A. McCuleýh pussing by Miss Mande Massen ussisted bv Miss frs HreLastonweek. male o oved te Trenton. into second forai. . .. Mr. J. Sturks had Gerta'Masson is ulpeady a rnnch lalked frie ' s hee lst wek.Miss Daisy Armour visited friends lu bis bouse destroyed by lire iast Wednes- of event, and ene thaf wili ho zreatly Miss Neilie Williams bas returned Cbugls-ee.dyadn alal the contents. Mr. enjeved..shawa Lacrosse Clnb in- from uan outing in Muskoka. C. Selby wbo is engaged theme alco lost tend holding a grand lacresse tourna- Mis wet f lvnsenisgustet Miss Eva Hawkins ef Torento 's gnest beaviiy'.M ment Labor Day, Sept. 7. Four or fire Dr.ernd Mn.rJ.rM.BrT. a.embe bav Mr. Benj. Scett, Van Hemn, Ont.,suys vîsîtîng teamns and senie first-class Misses A. and M. Neokes, Teronto, beer.iindg at J.eodstemc. *hae 'Mv beart caused me great uneasiness, gaines mav be expected.* ... Mr. M. B are risiting friends lu town. mvnvstn tWodtc.i appetite failed, and I becaîne very h el o i idays bere fromn Mr cu r.W .GenaPr Misses Muir ef Toronto were visiting wèak, and discouruged. Miller's Cemin-ew Y11isork, lest a pnrse of' meney. A Hopespeu Sunay lutown at m. G W. Soper's, over Suîîday. peund Iron PuIs made me al ig wo.Adtontt;L Ili Cri MisespIda Smnitb nMytle. i us Miss Maud Taylor, Biacksteck, bas teed well and streng." Zn beraodrer. diftrned te O. ugfin ezze- bers broterSm.thosyr. ih. tofbeen risiting-at Mr. John N. Kivell's. gwokwilb36lûfeanthe her roterMr.Tho. Sith SAE1Wsageyws ili bve 3xeret an tbrkte Miss Bella McNeil, Toronto, bas been VMiss Kate Curt .s, Port Hope, who bas SLM reys lîte ih ofeered ith bik, t guest of Miss Annie Saunders. been ena visittu frlendsbere bas eturu- rleetemi bpo vrrwig Mm. IH. J. Nott, Toronto, was guest P hm.The union Hamvest Home festival et ORONO. at Mr, W. H. Dustan's Saturday. Miss Lena White, Port Hope, wbo tbe Salem and Bethesda societies en Aibqurqu, as been visiting bere, returned home Sunday and Monday was a gmeat suce (Cendensecl frenm the News.) Mr. A. R. Debson, luru, Saturday., cess anâd very gatifving te the cburcb' Miss EmmaHlbsrtundete Mexico, is calling on friends here. n alhsrtundt h boidasa Tmeto udMotrai ÀM. W. W. Tamblyn, and son, Mm W. people et the circuit. Ôn Sunday 1ev. citY... Mm. James Bell is visiting Rev. . R. Asbdowil is spending bis T. Tamblyn, Whitby, have been calling S. G. Rorko's sermoens were mucb ap-, friendsinl Lindsay. . .. Mm. D. MeAlden hoias tTrnt n onra. out fieuds here. preciated as also wus Rer. W. H. bas retumned te Osbawa,..Mm. Glen Mm. W/allace Johnson, St. Andrews, Mir. David Ead and twe cbildren of Ada' impressivo addmess. On Mon- Henry, Osbawa, is visitin friends heme Que., is visiting Mm. J. L Alexander. De Buke, Iowa, are visiting hiem sistor, day the festival supper ut Salem was.... Misses Lillian and Fleossie Gamsby Master Harold Peamu slipped and fell Mmi. W. A. iNeadi. partîcîpated in hy bundredi and every- are visiting friendsinlu Osbawa .. .. Mr. last Tbumsday -and breke bis left arm, Mrs. Wm. Pearce of North Nomwich aneda od tple fgeed thin2s eJ.Eut J 0Hailtn-MonntoTsogue t om Mm. and Mmi. J. R. Lune, Smith's k visiting hiem sistor, Mmi. Wm.; Crawford n -odtm eeahyie.J E onMmnt..Miss Jeffei~yTmno Fulls, are gueits of Mmi. W. H. Hanson. and eoflsin Mmi. H. Peurce and other DavesinTotue ias fullssfnamyexpr- tiitnemsseanm.d.Eicad Miss Carnie A. Martyn bas been visit- friands bere, ne.uIdi a.uie itriud ... Dm. Scott, Bridgeport. N. Y., hs Jaksn.Osa- Mm. oh . sbmn ud aubtmwus the beit of the kind ever heard in viiting bLis bmiothe-in.la,,tý, Dr . M. M. îu br un Mi.WTthis seztion. He ameused a good deul Tueker,r. Robt. Dewlem- and wa. Ica ef Pleasant Peint bave been vîsitiug ef sympatby by bis praècicul epresent- sister, Miss ,,Joie Dowlem, Guelph, are Mm. and Mmi. Morley Lyle, Petemboro,' ber sister Mmi. Richard Peate and bmoth- ations et the- cause. The Bowman- visitino- ut Mm. James Liuton's.. . . Mr. weme ecent guesti of Mm. Jos Pattin- er Mm. Levi Morris on account of their ville Quartette furnisbed the musical Thos. Utüiio and Dm. Lap p, of P'onty- son. ecent bereavement ef ber sistem's son part of the progiani fer wbich they me pool, were in tewu last week.. Mr. Mm. Bert MeLean, Terento, was Mm. Arthur lE. Peate and Miss Leua cived a ma elo piie h e- M .Topon Wmeisvstn guei utMm. us.McLen'severSunPDuch who were downed Sunduy Aug. c- tsamgruted oalo rlîe$hKs.Te~on mme hvst gus tM.Ja.MLa' de u-1th. cepiaonehe$1 is uncle, MXr. William Thompion.... de.E.EBriwatwiîccp Mm.Ca.mtbeJieOo More cases of sick headache, bilions- Mmi. A. J. Knox and son Frank are Rev.E. . Baitwait wil ocup Mrs Chs. mit of ime, Oà),neis, constipatien, cun be cumed lu lesvisitinz lhem sîster, Mmi. H. W/ery the pulpit lu Tinity Chumch uext Sun- wmies:. 1 have used evemy emedy for tme, with lesinedicine, and for leis E- -niskillen .. .. Mm. Joseph Aluin uud day. sic!k beadache I could heur et for the meney, by using Carter's Little Liver Miss Maggie Crawley, Oshawa, visited MissEdyte un Mm Fmak Hekinp ast fifteeu yeurs, but Curter's Little Pi Lie lsddm mr odta ill , tban by any otiier means. bero luit week ..Miss Li7zie Peut, et Toronto are guesti ut Mm, R. R. Hos- the r-est.DeriMc.unMssLziWlo. lZlfb. q Mmi. Gaunhle, sr., Detroit, is risiting Mmi. M. Lockbamt and other tiends lu' toxvn. Mmi. T. G. Mason, Toronte, ih gueit et Mm. J. C. Vanstone and ether rela- tives bore. Mri. H. Pife and Miss L. Pife, Peter- bore, bave been visiting ut Mm. G. F. Humber's. Edîtor and Mmi. M. A. James are spendiug a week's holidaysiNe York state. ,sl o Miss Surah Petbick Port Hope, h K siting Miss Eni ly baskemville and ether friendi. Mmi. P. Hoskin and daugbhter Plossie, St. Thomas, weme recent guests.et Mm. Chas Dancuster. Rer. Neil McPherson, M. A., B D., Petrelia, necentîy visitod bis sister, Mmi. John N. Lawmie. Mmi. Chas. Lyle and duugbtoms, et Potembomo, ecently visîted Mmi. John Aluin, Liberty St. Mm. Jee. Sande, Wasbburn Islaud, hs spending a tew days umeng bis fiends lu tewn and vicinity. Mm. John Reld, Chicago, Ill., bas ne- turned homo atter spending a week witb bis parents bore. Mms. John Libby and Master Lance Musen have mturnod fronu visitiug rel- atives in Newark, N. Y. ,Miss Mabel A. Tait bas returned te Toronto te assume ber duties as teach- or in the Celege et Music. Mms. Geo. Putterson and Miss Baîley have roturued troini isiting their aunt Mmi. Thos. Brant, W/hithy.- Mm. A. S. Gourd et TuiE STATESUAN staff ih visiting relatives lu Toronto and deiug the city und exhibition. Mm. R. B. Andrew and Mr. J. B. Mitchel word negistened ut the Richard- son House, Toronto, Mouday. Mri. W. I. Rition und duugbter, Miss M, Rition, Oshawa, visited Mrs. J. A. Jobuston, Queeu st., luit week. Miss Stougbton who bas been visit- luat Mm. David Fisher'î bus gene te Toronto where she 110w esides. Miss Lillian Lovekin, and Miss Helena Clarke, Newcastle, weme guesti et Mmi. Albert E. Bellmau ever Sunday. Hon. Edwurd Blake, M. P., will sail fmomn England lu a tew duvi and spend a mentît or more lu thii country. Mmi. Thos. H. Spryand Miss Amy Spry have retumnedfreinia pleasunt vsit witb friendi ut Rochester, Ç, Y. Mm. Fred. Hooper,' Waterloo, N. Y., visited relatives bore this week. Mmi. Hooper and son uccompanied hlm home, Mm. J. L. Alexander wbo bus bad charge et a cbunch ut Middleville, ont.,, durnugtbe summer meuthi is hontetfon bolidays. Dr. J. W/. Brimacombe wbo bas been sinending a Ileusant holiday with friendi in this district bas returned te bis home lu Marlon Imd. Mm. W/m. Joiliffe et the Warder staff, and bis mother Mmi. J"lliffe et Liudsuv and Mns. Thos. Hardy. Taunton, gave us a pieusant call on Monday. Mm. Chus. Keith repmesented CIl'ydo Camp No. 42, ut the annual gathoring et the Sons et Scotland et the Bay et Quinte district'ut Belleville lait week. Mm. Sol. H. Jeffemy,, Mn. Norman Bell- man, Miss Minnie Tyler, T oroente, Miss Susie Belîman, Miss Wordeu speut a part of lait week ut Orchard Munse, the homeofetMm. and Mmi. A. E. Beliman. i Dr. S. C. Hillier and Miss Editb Hiler, Mmi. Jus. Celville and Messs.< Jaunes audNeil Colville umived homeu Suuday night utter a tberouigbîy on- jed tWo mouths' tour et Englund and i the continent. Miss Mary Colville ne- inained in London, but will spend a yeam lu Switzerlund. MAPI4E GROVE. M.W/m. Cox bus pumcbased Mm. T. H4. Kirkpatrick's lot new eccupied hy Mm.. W. B. Gimblett... Mm. and Mmi. Jamies 'Wood speut the week end ut Cisaýrea. ... Mm.,and Mms. M. Munday und Mmi. Simpson risited triendsiut ,btyeer Sunday .Mm. Will Till an isPearl McGiIl, Oshawa, and Mii,sLettie Fisher, St. Mary'î, have been visitinig friends bre ..,. Master E. Gr. muesl a state et constant irritation, wbý Iich, f not speedilx' emoved, may tludte cbronic bronchitis. Ne prompt- er remeciy can he ofuusd than Aver's ChryPectoral. Its efttct h immoeiate andý the resuit permanent. SOLINA. heSons et Temperauce inteud bav- iga tempverunce sermont preached ut Eliud by ihle paîtor on Sept. 20..,, Mr. W. D). Laub went te Toronto Friday... Fauiers beeabeuti intond sewiug tal wbeuat if tbe weutber becomes favorable. Mm.- T. Baker bas precumod seme et Duw%,sen's Golden Chîaftfmom Mlodel anad Mesrs. A. Hogarth and A. L, P hco ave îecured some et the same troui Hon. John Dryxden et Brookilu. lece-nt visitors: Miss Isabella Cowle, Tore-nto; Miss Aggie W/ultems, W/htby; Mrs. Neill and sou, Kinsale; Mm. 'B. Hoiopen, Oshawa; Mn. J. Hall and wife, Enfield. Do net sufer fmom îick heuduebe a mo(ment lon-er It ih net uecessumy. Cartem's LitieL iver Pilîs will cure you. Do4se, eue littie pili. Small pnice. Siaai dose. Small pll. HAMPTON. Miss Annie Ashton is visiting fiendi ut Beaverton. .. . Mmi. R. Clarke is hene waiting ou hem daughter who i ecover- iug from typhoud foer,,,,. Mmi. und Miss Pife, Keene, visited ut the pansen- ugo this week. .. Mm. J. Thompion bus neturued frornia visit te friendi ut Mill- broo,, ..Mr. J. Clutwotby and lis gan-ofetno are engao.ed ou a centruot In Ilp... .. Visitons : Çins. Yeo. Little Brittin r. J. H. Hoidge uflu Mr, W.Ceepem's; Mn. W. A. Cryder- minn d wite and son, Vernon B. C.; Mm, A. B. Crydermun and Miss Annie Crydermun, Bluckstock, ut Mr. M. B. Cryderman 'S; Messri.Spunling,Tomonto, and Rouutree, W/oedbridge, ut Mn. T. Elliett's, Miss Jennie W/ard and Miss Au)nie Gibson are visitiug tfriendi in Te)routo. W/hicb iî werse, impriseument for lite or a lite-long diseuse, liko serotula, fer example? The fermer. certainly, wolde preterable were it net thut Ao'sSarsapamillua can ulwa *ys comle tthe escue and give the poor suffemer bçalth, steugtb and bappînesi. Komn. Kmni DiaondDve hol a io- nl ip M ta nt plytede.ngoeato There are more than one srt0fa orrl, he dynd operatjon. was0 kou.Some koru hs planted in the day, a dress, cape, jacket, coat, pants! round and the other sort dou't ueed or vest can be colored and madLe te i antiug; they grow quite natnrally look as good as new at a very small onI men's tees and don't need boeing. cst. Thskndo em bstw otsoe When troubles arise in home dyveinu gentile or tender like until Bill Jones it is because yen bave allwdvn steps on yonr foot, when it gets boiling dealer to eldiyou cies tbat are crnde', M Id and swears like everytbinz - the and dangerens te use-vile imitationsj otheor is bard headed and makes a'row of the popular Diainond Dyes. When, il tbe time, especially when yonr boots the Diamond Dyes are used'vour -womk are o. I don7t hike koras, and use the is accomplisbed'lu a few miintes, and extracting medicine,Putnam's Painless certain of the best resuits. Cern.1' Extractor, w bicb memoves tbem Successful borne dyeing can only pai.îilesslv in twenty-fonr heurs. resuit wben yen use Diamond D- es Den't omit te read Thos. Slater's hn- long years of severe testing bave Pre(,c poritant advt. on inside page. this fact. KIRBY. Rocent Visitors:. Mm. and Mmi. W. C. Aluin, Gleucoe, Mm. and Mmi. T. H. Clemenco, Sbaws, ut Mm. T. C. Brugýg'S; Mm. and Mmi. E. Whitmore, Toronte, Miss Mtelîett, Northt Victoria, àt Mm. Wim. Sheppurd's ..On Meiîduy niorn- iug luit about tbitv Newcustleites wended their way nerthwurd in quest ef thimble brrî-ies but fouuld none. They had an enjoyable tine... ev. R. S. Fmalick wbo fbas been risitiwno friends iii the- Fast Ibas etmndA ug ber ef the .suIppote rs et M41. C. J.TborpL ton ~noeli.bsmsdnetiF1 d aftemneon ad bdavemy enjl b time._..At the Leagne meetig on S"un day oveing.i theý lessoni was tuken by the Rer. Ê' S. Frulick .... Mm. T. H. Pewers whe bas been visiting frieudsinl Lindsay buas returned home.Mm.Nl. A. Morews new blacksmitlî shep h cein- pleted.. . .Mm. T. C. Bragg bias ented the McCormick farmn. ENNISKILLEN. Mm. Stewart, jr., Holland, Man., hs -uest ef Mm. P. Mroney.. . . 'Mm.W/il- tur Hutcbinson, Winnipelookino- a genial us ever lias heen visiting- old tniends bere. Miss Pollock, Port Hope, and MissMeKenzie, Clinton, are -uests et Mm. J. T. Peiioek . ... Miss Sý nimersen, tewn, gucît et Mr. J. Mar- tin. .... Rev. R. G. Daver, B. A,, B. D., Mrs. Davey and daugbtem, Pittsburgh, Pa., Mm. Byron Duvey, W/hitby, Mrs. J. and Mm. C. Moase, Newtonville, Mm. P. Parlker, tewn, hure been guesti et Dr. Mitchell,... Mm, C.H. Mitchell bias been visiting in Pickering. ..-. Mm. R. Stew- art, Cooksville, bias been visiting bis mother .... Miss L. Milîs and Miss E. Brown are visiting lu Teronto..., School me opened Tuesday week. Mr. Snelli h împmoruug nicelv atter bis sev. ere ilînes.... -W/e congratulute Miss E. Brown, Miss Viola Pollock and Mm, C. H. Mitchell on their success ut the me-i cent depatmental exami -. R ev. R. G. Davey occupied the Metbodàist pulpit Sunduy eveniug and delivered a very interesting and profitable discourse on 'Coutentment." As the choir was us- siîting- in the Harveit Home service ut1 Mt. Vernon an impmomntu choim was ur- ranged witb Mmi. (1ev.) Davey as or- ganit. Mmi. Davey sang witb excel- lent effect a beautiful solo. Wonderfuil Aids. Diamond Dves Conduce to Modern Home Comfort. b hse witb _ piiees and aidstt l our gadpameutî nover enjeed Ia A m o n g th e m a in p o rt un t i dis lu th e are visiting at Ali. PIthel Walter's.. Messrs. William and Mont. Bickie, Canton, visited at Mr. R. IHil's recently ...Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lyness and son, Clark, Buffalo, N. Y.,are visiting bis mother, Mrs. D. MeCllougi .... .Mr. lliam HoIiand, tonsorial, artist, will Occul)Y the post office stand in the Theinpson block. .' . Pte. Robt. Connell, of the Rovai Canadiýan Ilegiment of Infaiitryý, roo.wa home last week ..Dr. fJ.;H. JAlIn basretuirned from Srnitbvs l'ails , l lie e as b)een the p as thee nonts i chrge of Dr. NEWCASTLE. Miss Maud Otton vi sited in te wn Su n- day. 9 e Miss Uglow, ilope, visited at Mr. John Ugiow's recently. Miss Florence Beilhood is visiting friends ilu Toronto. Mr. E. W. Barrett bas been engaged as junior teacher on tbe Canton circuit. Mr. E. C. Hillam is settled in bis new store on tbe corner of Kin.- and Cburch streets. Miss Eva Ciemence andMrs.Chapman, Kirby, were guest of Mrs. JOb W.Cob- blecick,. Sunda3,. Miss Iina Rickard entertained a ârge number of bier young friends on Friday afternoon and ail enjoyed themselves immensely.f Tbýe Royal Templars held their annual picnic ou Tbursday at the beach and spent a very enjoyable time. The band furnished some choice music. IvOriue Makes iscolored Teeth White. Ivorine,the uew dentrifrice, dispiaces ail other preparations from use,because it does g-ood work. Discoloration and roughuess are- speedîlv removed aud the teetb rendered wftite and higbly polisbed. Ivorine is fragrant and re- fresbing preservative to sound teeth and decay retarding. Ivorine removes tartar and discolorations and makes the teeth look beautifully white. PICTURES FOR WRAPPERS A pretty colored picture for every 12 "~Sun iight" or every 6 "Lifebuoy" Soap wrappers., These pictures are well wortb getting. Address: LEVER BRS.Ld. 23 Scott Sýre e., Toronto.

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