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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1896, p. 3

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Ayer's PUIS1 telhave taken Âyer's Plils for niany yearad ys derived the bcst re-. suts frokn tlelr use., For Stomach and Liver troules nd,,r,,thecreoheadache asd Lythose derangements, Ayer's Fills cannot be equaied. They are easy to take, and Are the Best al-round family xedicine 17 haVe ever known."-Mrs. MAY JOHNISON, 368 Rider A&ve., New York City. AVEWS PILLS Hlghest Awards at World's PaIr. 4dyer'8I Sarsavarilla for the bloodo RELIANCE Loall and Sayillgs Comfpanly,' Of Ontar!o. INCORPORArEO UNDER CH-APTER 169, R. S- 0., 1887 BOWMM'WILLE LOCAL BOARD. DIRECTORS: M. A. JAMES. Esq......... ...... PEESIDE NT, (Editor and Propri etor ýANAl IAN Sf TESMAI. J. Hl. H. JURZY, ESq....IE ESIET (Dug gist. R. 1). DAVIDSON ESq,.......... SECREI'ARY (Prîsiplal Publie Seïool.) W.S. McKO\VAN, Ecs....I oCAL Auo'ir & TREr MEssii.NMACDOUCGALL &z JONES. SOLICITORS (Equity Chamubers, Toronto.) JOHN GAUD q, ............. ... VALUATOR, (Bailder and Contracter.) BoAri rnets for the consideratlon of Loans at the enil of the Seretary, R. D.DAIO, Esq., fron wlîon-ail iorm.atIon may ne obt-dn- ed.- - --- - BEST WOVEN WIRE FENCINO WIRE ROPE SELVAGE,. T1HE ONTARIO WIRE F'ENCING CO., LT. 2iotonl. Onltplo. The McMullen Fencings and Poultry Nettings, Are the very best ever made or sold !in:Canada. You want only the best for your money. Don't waste it on poor imitations and cheap substitutes but ask for and buy the Me-Mnlen Goods. They are ;uneqnalied for Farim, Lawn or Poultry Fencings. No snowdrifts with McMullen feue- ings. jýý For sale by Hardware and General Merehants. General sales agents for Ontario & Western Provinces, THE B. GP.nEN- iNG WiRE Co., ilamilton, Ont. ; for Qnebec & Eastern Provinces, JAmES COOPER, MýLontreal. 18-tf. ee Sstlorede 0 ý1 4ýFallas SexualO oug Id rco e IlTL cmdbyUm te a he.1thy, vigorous state. Sunerers froe 1/Nervous g * Debility* Weakness an aie!. wasting diseases, *Stlid Cie Co memfr adeare nees lmii.tie ac O self. Too bast 1e -1- tte aid of oldai, 01- orreputable prir tesbedsply anid *8essflFnst tha cmiletely cured ra, shruni.er, stuntElO t* nadttu t i ral S e su srsgth. Ile ant avry 1--ng or oid mil. toe o abuit. Italie s pîns1 ,,uterest in sacli essssad t ft o one ueed 5eiaate erite me, as al cmmmn!- cauos ac ield strictly cotildential. I seO tirsreousofChe rme abso0uVeü..tr t 'os.Do t p t 4off, bute , rlta m fl l y it go', SO7 ill ams besz Literary Notes Womnanlan war ne longer refers, it weuiti seem, merely (o nurses or (o Amazoas ln disguis. The sex is here- cf ter te ho creditei sNvith greet strategie abilities, accorting (o Godey's Maga- zine, nihicli preseats in its Septomber aumber an amn.ziag mass cf evidence (o prove that il nias ea fian, Auna Fila Carroll, fb-af caursed thb-e mlitary move- Meut 1,pt(b-c Tennessee River, anti insti- (uted nihat nias in some respects fb-e most brilli-ort anti mvst imps,ýrtiat camn- pa'iga' of the Civil War. Ibis sensa- tional feature will net monepolize (ho reader's interest la Godey's fer this moath. A profuseir illustrateti article on American Politicai Caricatures andi Cartooaýist s; a thougbtful investigation 'of "En(ailed Poverty," c study cf (lie f ive typical poster artiste; an exposi- tion of (ho workiags cf a weather bur- eau; musical art icles, fiction, verse, book revienie, anti a feshion departient malte ý a number of particular value anti lnerest (o every reader, It la anneýunce that (the publilbers of tho olti standard electrirc weekiY, Lit- (eli's Living Age, feundeti b-y E. Lit- (ellinl 1844, are alieut te, introduce severel neni anti valuable features in (hein magazine. The most important of these is a Mntbly Supplement, given w itheut atiditional aost te the subserili- ors, whbici ill cent ain Readiage frem American Magazines, Readings from Non Books, anti alec a 1isf cf Bocks cf the Mentb. It le aiseo propcsed (o ex- tend (heir f ield b-y gîving occesiîýBal tranýslations of notewortby articles fromn (lie Frenich, German, Spanish anti Ital- ien reviens anti magazines. A year's subecription, (o lb-oLiving Age. nl (lieni inclutie more than thi.rty-five hua- tret pages, f illeti with the b-st (hîngs in curnent periedicals anti general liter- ature, ad making four large volumes, for only six dollars. Eacli cf the week- ly aumbers of the magazine centaine sixty-feur pages. Fiction, travel, es- saye, biograpby, poefry, anti a nide .range of general discussion anti infor- mation are inesudeti in the contents. To non subsenibere remitting hofore Nov. lst (i (lw.hicb- montb fb-e fjrst of (b-ose nov. features null be introduceti)nl b-c sent gratis (b-e intervening Nwýekiy issues fom date cf paymenit. Atiddrees, lb-e Living Aga Co., 13 1-2 Brornifield St., Boston, Mass. Mclure's Magazine, nithliatirring barraek-room ballati by Kipling, a thnilling installment ef Anthony Roape's Plimoço, a dramatie sea stor 'y b-y an actuel sailor, anti chanactentr!stories, b-y Mrs. Spc,fford andi Chaton Rose, maintains,intahe-aSepterbr number, its usuel eaticing aspect. Ia scanning a table cif contente of McClure's, one neyer experiences, it mnust b-e aibonid, (b-e familier difficulty of finding seime- tbing o realiy ceres to reati. More interesting evea (han xlie fiction, la (bis nacler, are some of the graver arti- cles. Mr. Low's recolleetions cf hie art- stutient tinys la Parie andi cf the notable paitord nb-om liaecame (o knionmore or Inesiatimately (bre; Mm. Metons intimate accouai cofitelie roic lebors cf ber humband Dr. W. T. G. Morton, la evercoming incredible prejudice and obstruction anti getting bis humae dis- eovery of aîaestbciaia perfectoti ant inl- troetiet, anti se giving painlese surgery te tle wnolî.t;fhe vivacious, ,et sym- pa(hetic ecceunt cf (ho painter Whist- Ion ((b-et mo)t picturesque of men) and bis ecceearic vicys ant iÉity speeches; anti Elizabeth Stewart Phe-1p<-,s accouai of bier life donin arnong th-c Glousceter fisb-4ermea-,,-ali of these are the very be$t offgooti eeing in their several v. ys. Ail are fully illustretet w ith por- traits anti other pictures. Coasidering abiding value as neil as immediate in- tereet, (lie featune of tho number la Lincoiln's Lest Sp.cch-raised te (the friulînos cf life as t nore from(the very deati. If les truely a great speech, as persoâis-wbo heurt t have always se ardently (estified. Dlivemat et Bioommngtoa in 1856, it practîclîr cre- atedth be Republeen party in Illinois. But (ho reporters niera 80 eabeorbeti in lisfening (bat (bhey forgef (o report, anti (lie speech nias supposeti until non (e lie irreverably lo)(. 31r. Josephi Metiul, editor cf fb-e Chicago "Tribune," whli heardth le speech, introduces if nitb an interes(ing description cf fb-e occasion. -The S. S. MClure Ce., Non Yonlk City. The Sertember Scibrrer's opens stnîk- iagly nililia colon reproduction cf co of focur decorative panels b-y Edin Renlanti Tlsbfielt. It la a very ef- fective group representing Music ai- legorically. Similar clored frontis- pincs nlornament (ho Octohor and NIeeber issues. The accouints of Tlie Now Olympien Gaines at, Athene came te (bis country la b-nef cable despatei- os or scrappy letters. Scibner's pub-ISb- as tb-e f irt adequate acceunit cf the nilole spectacular event nihicb is cf tbe greatoat taterest by reason of their con- spieucous succees. Prof. Rufus B. Ricli- artisenr, director of tlie Ameican Schoel et Atheas, lias niittea this accounit niih enthusiasm anti fervon erouseti b-y(the fine impressio"n matie at (the gemes b-y the Amenjeen representatives. Cor- wnaKaapp Linson ni asenfte oAtheas b-y (lie Magazine, andthfb- abundant il- lustrations for tho article niera matie f romt life. There are f en corners cf (bis continent (b-et bave net b-en a flly ex- pleiteti b-ysportsmen, 'but la (hie aum- hor Fxederîiniranti nrites c graphic ac- count cf, Spart la an ViJtouolietiAmen- Methodist Magazine anti Revienifer Sepembr,1896. Tronto: William Brigs. ric, $2.00 a yean; $1.00 for six menthe; sing leaumber, 20 cents. A cheracterla-tie of (hie magazine is its lovaltv to thb- conception of (b-e norîti- nide British Empire. lu harmnynitb- (hie idea it bas hati e series cf articles There are many coun tries in wvbicli, if a man wisles to be legally married, he lias (o go out and buy a wife, thougli tlie market prices of that article varies considerab-lS. In Uganda yosi cen get wbat ycu require for two or tbree bul- locks, or even for six good seinned les, or perbaps a lîox of percusso as while inferior wives can be picked up in excbange for a coat, and if one is in- different to bealtb and beauty, for a pair of shoos. In (the Caroline Islands wives are clieap. A fatber will let you marry bis daugliter, if you give him a little fruit or a small preseat of flsb, while in Samoa, matrîmony Tans you. into pigs and canoes; among the Fi- jians, into wliales' teeth and' muskets. In Tartary il. is best tomarry beneath you (you can do it on a few pounds of butter),, because a mnan wvho bas lordly notions of a marriage with one of (lie upper ten must bc an ownor of herses. Tb-e aborigines of Australia manage tbeiîr marriages upon a mest eciuitable principle. If A wisbes to marry B's sister, be allows hum (o marry bis cwn; or if B happons te ha a widower, tben bis dauglter will 'o just as welal. Ono cf the most objectionable forms of gain- ing a wife is to work for lier, a habit practised among many uncivilized na- tions, its only advantagc heing that a man can got a wife ou1 crodit, thougb bis fa(her-in-law takes good caro that lie serves bis time. Among some races yosî have to do your work before you get your wife, as Jacob bad to serve for Leali and for Racbel. Marriage by exeliange and purcliase is not customary among uncivilized na- tions cnly. In Central Amorica and Peru a man lias te work for bis bride. In China a present is givon by the father cf the bridegrcemn, thie amoLurt cf wbich is agreed upon by botb the familles. The Japanese inako use cf a similar custom, tbougb in (beir case, the giving of presents is tbe most im- portant part cf the wbolo marriago- ceremony, fer after (beso bhave b-en de- livered and forrnally accepted, neitber cf tb-e contracting parties is able te go baok. Wife-purcbase appears te have b-en tho basie of Indo-European. mar- niage before (the separation cf the peo- pies teck place. Manu mentions tbe Azura form cf marriage as one cf pur- cbase, and according (e Aistotle the ancient Greeks were in tlie habit of b-nying their brides; for la the Roeric age a maiden was callod by a namo wbîcli signified "one wlio brings lier parents many oxen.' The aid Scandinavians belioved that even (ho gods bad paid a price for (beir wives, and in Germiay the expression "to purcliase a wife." nias in vogue un- tii tho end of (lie middle ages. The old inliabitants cf Irelanti and Wales -were aceustomed te buy, their wilves witb gold andi silver or land. In Servia, at (the beginning of cur centuiry, g'irls bati reached sucli a prico (bat 11lqt'k George reducedt heir value to one ducat. Among many savage nations the oqui- valents of a wife are varied and gro- tesque. Poor Baslikirs purchase theirs with art loads of wood or liay; the Indian Kisans, with (vie baskets of rice and a rupee; a (nib-ela California, with hlaf a string cf dentalinca sheil, and among the Padains, a rude people cf India, the suitor shows bis inten- tiens b-y gifts cf field mice aad squir- reIs. AN ENGLISI SUPERSTITION. Thero is a singular supe.1stition- founded cf course,on ne jet cf evidence- ihl prevails haif over England. It is nothing less (han thie notion that al field-beans grow on the w rong side of the pot inl leap _year. lu counties far apart there ls a common saying "Ia lenp year the beans grow upside donivn." GREATEST TRAVELLER. George Payater, the barkeeper cf (the steamship Etruria, lias ýRthe record cf having voyaged 2,889,612 statue miles. Hoe bas crossati tbe Atlantic 791 times, and blas followeci tbe sea 54 years, serv- ing on 'W vessels on the Cunard. fleet. This is supposedt o b-e a greater record (han that of any other man new afloat. WEALTR 0OF NATIONS. The total wcaith of Great Britain witli alI ber possessions is estimatetib-y an American autliority to ho 840,000,000,- 000. France cernes next wîth 837,500,- 000,000. Tlie waaltb of the six largest nations in the nionît aggregate $165,- 000,000000. Hay Foyer and Catarrb Relieveti in 10 te 60 Minutes.-One short puffof thie breatb through the -Blcwer, sup- plied with oach bottle cf Dr. Agnow's Catarrhal Ponider, diffuses tbis powdcr over the surface cf the nasal passages. Painioss anti deligbtful to use. .1t ne. lieve9 instantly, and permanently cures Catarrb, Ray Foyer, Colds, Readaclie, Soe Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafness. For sale b-y ail Druggists. AFTER BETTER SPORT. He-Noodies tails me (hat when walk-. ing with hlm lest aiglit you were flali- ing for compliments. She-Poor Noodles; I'm toc olti a lianti to filalinlasballow waters. Heart Disease Relloved la 30 Mia- ers of heaithi Dr. Williams' Pink Pilîs. jWhen the reporter of the Beaver called to make enquiry into lier cure, he was met at the door by the younig lady ber- self, whose rosy cheeks and healthy appearance ga ve, no indication that she had undergone a prolonged illness. The reporter mentioned lis mission and1 fnund Miss IJyrnes quite wilîing to tell tho particulars of what she termed"ian escape from death."' In i eply to the query "what have Dr. Williams' Pink Pilîs done for you 1" she replied, "wliy they have done wonders. 1 fee] like a new woman now.l For eight Ifb<9--. 1 ~ years I was weak and miscrable, and at thnes I could no-t walk. 1 nias greatly troub-led witb indiges- lion, and frequently coulti net keep anything on my stomacli, not even a glass of milk. I lied dizzy speils, se- vere headaches, and my complexion was of a yellowish hue. My kidneys aise troubled me, and in tact I1nias ail aches and pains, la geing up a fliglit of stairs I1bad eithar tl.cb- as- sisted up, or would have tc rest sev- oral times before I got to thie tcp. At tîme.s my bands and feet nieulti bave ne more warmth in (hem than lumps of ice. On anc occasion wile s(cpping at an botel la Kingston, after waiting on a number cf my custoniers. I feli donin in a feint. The iandlady found sne in tbis condition and sent for a doctor, who after brînging me back te conscicusness, gave mie medicineý to tako. 1lie told me (bat my system was se badly rua donin that it was impera- tive (bat I sheuld bave absolute rest. Ris mediciie bad neolieceficial effeet (bat Iculti see, and I tnieti a num- ber of other doctors, w itb ne btter resuits. I1bacame se inni (bat I cared forthr work nor pleasure, and ray frientis tbought I lîad gene into con- sum-ptionr. It vies at thts juncture thati dtemiedte give Dr. Wl liams' Pinjk Pis -a trial], ;nd mY ;ap- pearance.te-dy nl show ycu iý Lat a ovonderficanetley ax e irugilit ln me. I continued (akinig b-e Pink Pilis fer (b omnthe, and before dis- cen(inin-g i(hemn every ache andi pain lied ds1perd cannet speak toc higbly cf ibis nonderfuli medicine, qand Iar am eager to etloth(lefact b-e kncwn for (lie benefit cf other sufferers." Mrs. Bymne3s nas present during tlie intervtew and strongly endersed what ber dauiggbtr said, addîng (bat she be- lieved (bey lied favcd lber life. The experience of years bas proved (bat there lsabaslutely ne disase due te a vitiateti condition of (lie b-bcd or sbat(ered nerves, (bat Dr. Williams' Pink Pis wnul net premptly cure, and those wbo are suffering f nom sucli trou- bles weuld avoid mach misory and save mener b-y promptly resorting ta (bis treatme-nt. Get (lie genuine Pink Pillse every time eind do net ho, persuad- ed te take- an imitation or some other remedy from 9a dealer, wlic for (lehe of extra profit te himiself, may say is -just as geed.l' Dr. Williams' Pink Pis cure when other medicines fail. 10 ets. Cures Constipation and Liver Ilis.-Dr. Agaew's Liver Pilîs are the moet perfect made, anl. cure like magie, Sick Headache, Constipation, Iilious- nees, Indigestion and all Liver ls. 10 cents a vial-40 doses. For sale b-y ail Dru)Ëgsts. Ia modemn deys Moltke matie lis, e- putation partly la 1864 andi 1866,but chiefly lai(b-e Franco-German nier in 1870 and 1871, niben hoenias 70 yeers old. Reie4f ta Six Raurs.-- istraselng Kidney aidBladder Diseases nciieved la s4ï heurs liy the "Southi Amercan Kii yCure." This new remedy is a, greantsurprise anti deliglit ,n account of îts ex-ecding premptes in reliev- iag pain. in (b-e blatider, kitineys, back anti evoýry part of (he urinany passages la maIe or feamle. It rolieves reten- (ion cf \vaLer and pain in passîng it alinost iiromediately. If youwnant onick relief ýind cure (bis is veur remedy. Forsleb-y ail Druggists. Don't for t liat a line cf white at (ho throat nd. adainy air toï th, plainest costume. Rbeumatism Cureà în a Day.- South American Rbeumnatic, Cure for Rhiea- matiý3in andi Neuralgia, adically cures ln 1 te 3 ticys. Its action upon the sys(emn is re4narkahle anti mysterious. It romove-s et once tlhe cause and thie disaase imniediately disappears. The first dose greatîr bienefits. 75 cents. For scle b-y ail Druggists. The Czarina, it la saiti. is an expert swimmer. anti recontly had a great swimming tank erecta inlat(le Winter palace. Piles Curet inl 3 to 6 Niglts.-Dr. (Aen' Otmpent wîll cure ail cases hf Ibne Piles la from 3 ta 6 niglits. One applicýation brings comfor(. Far Blind anti Bleeting Piles it le peaniess. Aliso cames Tetter, Sait Rlieum. Eczema, Barb-er's iteli, anti ail eruptions of the skia. 35 etis. For sale b-y ail Druggis(s. TUR.NED DOWN. Have, yon radmy poem, *"The World la Round?1" le inquireti of (lie editor. Yas, sir, 1 have. The world may ho round, but your verses are very fiat. Putcher's Castoria. EastÉEnd Grai Depot The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Durham for the liberal patronage extended te us during the past season, also to remind tbeni that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay th e HIGHEST MARKET PRICE A LL KIN DS 0 F COA R3 S RAGIel.S E EDS.03 delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or ab Port Darlington. We have aise on hand a large stock. NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Course Salt in Baps. Ro--k Salt for cattie and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey 1 Plaster in l3arrels which we are prepared te slit Cla2EJA2-p E'OE- CASE Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEA.N SCREENEI) COÂL a7,ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction., MOCLELLAN &aCo IIJ be pIea,ýied once li Quauitity, twvice ini Q.uility and thrce timin la Irice wlao ini-4lect Che u nýequal led aotnatot Stippers, Rubbers4 Trunks, Valises, &o., Ai our Store, m- REAVER BlàtCK,-g IIfoWivinIIvÎI1e BIQGEST STORE, BJGQEST VARiIETY, BIGGEST VALUE. lEverybody invîted to call aiâtl see (mr mieiv ('out iear ID IDV1 We have on hand the largest stock of FLurnituire to be, seen in any warerooins in the countr-y, alnd as it lias al been bouglit for spot cash and su much on the dollar, we are in a position to seli cheaper than the cheapest. The large quantities that we have sent out testifies to our prices. Ask our customers if they have been satisfled. We keep cheap Furniture for those who reyire it and we also have some uines that cannot be seen i.n n other 'warerooms. We quote a few figures: Parlor Suites Bed lloom Suites Lounges Side Boards $25.00 10.00 5.00 8.00 ]Dining Room Suites Centre Tables M attras se s Secretaries $18.00 3.00 3.00 4.75 'We keep ev erythingein the furniture uine necessary to furnish a home. Do flot buy until you see our goods, as it is a pleasure to show them. UJN-DF,!TAKING is a special brandi of our business and alway s conducted under our personall supervision. M. D. WILLIAMS& SON. Prower's Block, Bowmanville. on Great Britain's Keys of Empire, on Rer Great Indian Dependeney, and WHEN OTIIERS EAL. now has a hand.somely illustrated ar- tiele on The Greater Britain of the Dr. Williams' Pink Plils Restore Southern Seas. A paper on Pioneer Life Hat n tcgh in New Guinea gives a record of a re- Hat n tegh markab-le adventure ini that great is- land continent. Tbhe article on Deep A WelI-Knoivn Youssg Lady i Napani(S Sea Missions, with graphie cuts, is re- xives her llxperience-s<, feak that freshing reading during this heated site Coulil Not Go Up Stairs Withont term. A find study of Dante, well il- Resting-JIei Friends rhouaght She '%Vas lustrated, a byrilliant papar on Catherine i osi -ol-o hePcueo of Siena, b-y Prof. Wallace, and W. T. CosmpinNwtePcU 0 Stead's character-study of Canon Butler, Illitth ansd Streiigth. A Modemn Saint, are of intense interest i From the Beaver, Napanee, Ont. as are a]io Prof, Young's fascinating ar: Amonig the young ladies of Napanee tîcle on the New Astronomy, and Dr. there is none lietter known or more Lyman Abbott's somewliat radical pa- highly esteemed than Mis§ Mary. L. per on TIhe TreaAhent of the Criminal _Byrnes. Indeed lier acquaintance and Classes. In ligliter veln are The Minus popularity covered a more extended Sermoin, by a Canadian wrLter, and the field, as she la, a travelling saleslady Man Trap, andI the Hiram Golf's Reli- for the Robinson Corset Co., and lias gion, by favourito authors. The depart- many cnstomers on her route which ex- ments of Current Thouglit, Popular Soi- tends from Oshawa to Ottawa. RHow -oce, and Bocki Reviews, are well main- this young lady happens to b-e the sub- tained, ___________ eet of this little article is due to the fact that she lias1 reeently undergone a PURCIEASING WIVES. most remarkable change through the W. S. KZMBZ4LL & Co. ROCHESTER, N. Y. RETAIL EVERYWHERE 5c. Per Packagep 17 FIRST FRIZE MBDALS, 1

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