___________________________________________________________________________________ I WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2, 1896 DIL. J. C. xffCHELL. &MFIMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAN and Suigeens, Ontario, Coroner, etc. -Omogea%4 ildence. Enniskillen, 74. A. MoLAREN DENTISI 243 Yonge St., TORONTO. First-elass $10 Set of Teeth for U4 IDBURKE siurso@N, 1> AEIBTBEt, SOLICITOR, ke. MOPrnu A>BL0CK~rer, King Street. Bow'luanl vile-Solelor erthe Ontari Bank à? iylste Mnev. leanovi at the ieweqt rytA, RKOBT. YOUNG, V. S. OPFFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM N'ews Block. where himself or assistanti ,will be found froni s".m. to 9 p.m. ýNight calla al; resîdenice.direclly oppos3ite Dril Shed. Cafl -' tatraxh or telephona will receive pompt .t,,tenin' 7 1-yr A. A. PONT?, A RCHITECT. Plans and Spacifica- lions prepared for every class of building. Svpcia) an entionvirven te hoating by steaml Zad bot water. and to eanitary arrangements. Office: Gorrie BjlocIt. Whtby 43-ly IR. IPE"ATEr--, Tailor Gentlemen's ClothesMade to Order. J SMO BRIMACOMBE OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. Higginbotham &~ Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOW1VINVILLE DEN..TJSTRY. C. HARNDEN, L. D. S. Graduate ofthe Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Ontarioe. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. V]TA&LIZED AIR. 1-4 ew Tailor Shop The underBignad who bas been carrying on the tailoring business in connection wîth Maeon's Dry Goods Store for a numberof yearsi bas comrnenced business for himseaf at hie rcsid eDca. Ring St,,wecàt, where ha le prepared te make get' and beys' siuits iu ail the latest Styles, anld at lowe2t priesî. For those who wish te order suite, ha wi 11 carry a fu lina of amiples malilthe nawest patterus, ive hlmù cal J. T. A]L]LEN, j- Fashionable Tailor MONEY TO LOAN. $1 00, 00 0. A large sum ef money has bean Pl aced in MiY hande bY a private person for invetment, on approved bcans on farm sacurity for a term of VIVE or TEX Yaare, FIVE AND OSE HALF rER CtETlnterest wiiL ha asked payable yaarly. Batisfactory conditions for rapaymnent will ha arraged.D. B. SIMPSON. Solicitor. Bowmanviila. Dated Oct. lot, 1894. 40-tf. 1010R SALE ORo RENT.-Rlcuse and X1 li acres for sale or to rent, Btuaf G ot Sougog streat forth. The premisas consist of a. good house with every conveniance, driving shed, stable, etc. The garden contains a lot ecf ha cholceet fruit of ail vaieties. Immediate posgession can ba givan. For particulars appi) W.FxdnaEIx Btowmanvilla Ont 4D tf THE COANADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLISIIED 1851 $1 par ennum in advance, otharwisa $ti. Subscrptlnnsalways payable at the odi3 ) publication. .Advertising ratai uie4ss Oy a>i e'act, 10 cents par line, nune). I irst insert en, and à cents per line each subscquean in- mertion. Locale, 10 cents par lina. M. A. JAMES, Publislaer Sewer and Culvert Pipes .111 Szes frose4 ln- ta 24 In. Aho Connectiens. WRITE FOR PRIOEs. TUE ONTARIO S[YIER PIPE CG. M0 ADELAIDE ST. E., PAOTORY AT mimiCO.TORONTO. ANTI-FAT RECIPE. If one can believe what oe reads, the'f lesh-reduciug cystem may lie put in a line: " No liquid at meals.'" This is said to, be the only requilsite Dr. Sch- weninger, Bisrnarck'c physician. makes ,of his patients, wha would decrease their wiht ,ad)by it alone ha clainaz to lie abetemk the toutet peron become normali nisize. COFFEE A BRAIN STIMULANT. Good. coffea, by means of its marvel- ously stimulating influence on the brain, is the antidote of alcohol. At Rio Janeiro, where the population num- bers 350,000, drunkenness is almost un- known, and coffee is largely used. Emi- grants, who frequently take with them a love of alcohol, end by praferring the ccffee which the Brazilians know so well liow to prepare. ounces of tartarie acid, tan drops essai( TH E H M E. cf pineappie. Mix, sjft, and bot tie. TI ___________________________amount is, as usuat, one hcaping teo HAVE ORDER. spounful to a tumbler cf water. Rice Bread-Take two teaspoonfuls It je a pleasure to see an orderly ceokad, saasened niec (that v hich nu - liuse, where averything lias its place lie lef t frem a plain pudding will dc and where the members cf the family mix it with eue cupfut cf cweet mil deiight in keepiug the place tidy. Now, and heaten yoiks cf two eggs. Add there is a vast differance between or- genereus teaspoon cf imalted butter, -der and such pimuess that neither tittia sait, eue cupful cf sifted fleur, chais nr pUewcareallWed te be which is half a teaspoonful cf bakii chais no pilowsare ll(pewder. Last of ail add the beat( moved from thair respective positions, whites cf the eg-gs, Bake in butten and if scd a thing should happen, the tins- an inch thick. housewife hurries te place tliem jute Lyonnaise PetateIes.- Fry ene sci their corners again. This sert cf or- tablespoouful cf minced enjou ns n0 t- der makes husband and sens feel that heaplng tablespouful cf butter uni there is ne comfort in home, and cou- yeleow; add oe tablespoonful cf vin - equently they seek otier resorts whara gar; put into this oe n t of cold sl: they, have coeeilberty. ed potatees, andi stir witi a ferk uint 1 Each member cf the family, aven te they have absorbeti the butter, belr the inytodler shold e tugh tocaref aI net te break them. Then n( the tuy tddle, shuld a taght ea tablespocnu aiof chepped parsley ai ha orderly. It will save a great amount serve hot. The heate-d vinagar gives cf work for the mothar, besides teach- delicieus flaver to the potatoes. ing valuable lassons cf ueatuass te the To Keap Zinc Clan.-A bath-tu ethers. Little eues shoulti he euceurag- zinc lineti, eau le made to look là eti te pick up andi put away their toys silver anti kept ce, if rnbbcd vigoreri when thay de -net cara te play long- ly witb a cloth moisteniet by kerosax, er. Let them get as dirty as they please It shoutti have this kinti cf scouringa for soap and water w il correct that. least once a woak-eftener if possil No halty cilt isalwys ean IfThat disagrecabla, water mark, that w No hilth chid i alwys cean.Ifeccur inithc tubs cfflic kind, aveni lie is, somethiug is decidadly wreng.' the hast regulatati familles, sieultib Insteati cf permitting the childran te carefully watched, andieau lia avoide place their dirty or greasy little fiug- by tuis keresene ruli. arc on f uruiture or window panes, giveEBR DRIS them a cloth anti show tham lew te MRIEIS take the finger marks away. Iu tua "way Pretty embroiderat i plces are nev they wîi laarn te lie careful and keep s-ean in almost avery house where thar otiers from doing that whiph they . woulti net do. If tia littla cnes ara par- s a wernan te mike tlern. Beautifu mittad te help Ilmamma I or "papa"' amlroidary adornn almeet evarythini aver s0 littia, thay will taka more prida uow, arid in many xvays it is more se: in their surroundings and in the ef- vicabl inmdic i ac-o forts put forth te kaap order. vc l hnmc ftefnywr It is net enly the littie eues who dis- donc formefly. Tf the work is wel turb erdar in the lieuse, but eftan tie donc andi car-, is taken w-han tie piec* eIder mem bers ara miici worsa. Mauy ara iauntierad they will last for yaars. a man cernas in from a fielti or stable witi mutidy boots, and ragardless of Iu the first place erbroitiery is to the dlean wliite ficers on which the elaborate a work te, empley any bi bousawife lias spant a waary leur, the beet matrals. Tie hast cf wasl throws tiem sa that big spietchas cf emhroidary siiks anti goond linaus ehoul matitly liera andt tere, ocm haewalks about, laaving unsigitix' tracks cf black ha usati. And anotier tiug, whar wherever haie tape. If ha chews tobac- good matrals ara used tie newnea> ce hae usas the floor fora cuspidor. Why does net wear off se readily. Theon, too ceulti not ha lia a little more careful the work sbolddbch, well doue. Nc ant ithougliffut fIt wil take ne more otshudbmefrtey wl time, and hac houlti net lia se îazykotshld amdafrbcyw that hae caunot change hic habits. clearly show whau th i lce e i ain From tie yeoungest te the oldest thare darati. Crossing froni eue part cf the should lie a systam cf order. Each eune design te anotier shulud bc aviendn shoulti have a pag ou whx.ch lus or harI Thase couneting tînaads will show wraps and hat coulti li hung ou re- distiuctly on the rîgin side, anti besides, moval, anti net laft for the waary moth- irz makes tic bac, cf fiaeaubroidery ar te pik up wian the others arc reet- appear as if it ware carelessly finished. mg. No cuunecessary work neeti ha It is by f ar Ltter te break tic tirerd made by any member for anotiar if anti commenc-e anew than te do the each ena je truglit erderlinesse. t is a work lu such a manner, Tic endseoe mean f orm cof selfishuass. the tiread or silk mcsd sheuld lia se- No comfort nced lia sacrificed for par- curely fastaned for tiey have a tan- fact order. It is merely a tiougitfui- dency te creap eut anti the embroiderv uass on tic part cf each mambar cf flic will app-,ar ra gged, besides being lia- family, makiug the home lifa happier, hie, te jray eut., if anything. Oua mrn-naturally an or- When the design 15 fiuishcd ih sieuld derly man-of the writer's acquaint- ha carefuluy wasled. Warmi, but net anca, would neyer think cf putting bis 1hot, eapsutis ara hast. If colorai dirty choc on the cleauly scrubhad floor silks are ttsed iot watar is apt te fade until ha had carafully put papers or tiem somewiat. Pure, whbita scap 1. places cf carpet down first. Ha neyer hast and i t shoulti ho rulibeti on the1 cite dewu into a chair, on which le a pattern wiara, the stampiur shows. pretty, clean tlcy wif h lis dirty ceat Rub as' ganly as possible andi squeeze ou; in f act, hae usually rameves it neat- hetwaan the f ingers untit avary trace Iy foidati te oua sida. It is the came lu cf the pattern je gene and alec auy ccii- averything lha deas, andi yat kis home is cd places. Rince lu clear, coid water the meet cemfertahle andtoeeof thc andi squeeze dry as possible. happiast lu existence. He appreciates Lay itflfat on a place off dean, white the neatuese and cleanlinase in his home, cloti with emliroitiarad sida dowu, anud anti there is ne deulit but that hic wife roll itup witli the cloth. Iu this way is the happiar fer it, She wiil net go the diffamant parts cf tieamiroudeý1ry te an aarty grave froni overwork, if d o nt coma in contact wif h each %ctbar, hae eau ht,P it, Iwhich lia daily doaes ly sud the cel,3re ill net ru jute acl bis erdarlinesa. ether or intotn he.line..-.watt.. till SOME GOOD RECIPES. Potato Crcqutce.-Masi six got- sizet potafoas, atitiee ablespoonful cf butter, fw--thirds cf a cupfnl cf lot creanu or miii, w-lites of f wo cgge beaf- an cf iff, saIt anti peppen. Cool fia mix- ture anti chape int o rounds. Dlp info fie ycl.ks cf eggs anti cracker crumbe, anti fry in boitueg lard. Whau ceoked they sieulti ha alhowad te ceol, anti plac- et in nfigerafor before carving. Spiceti Apple Putiting.-Three cupfuis cf bneaticrnmbs, oe pint cf boiling mili poarted ven flen, flirce capfalc of clioppet apples, eue cupfuh cf seetiet raisins, oea capf ai cf sugar, fw-o eggs, oe teaspoonful aacli cf choyas, cita- met, mace anti sait, steam haîf au hoar anti la.ke fwenty minutes. Daicions Pcf ato Pancakes.-Boil six neictiar-sizati potatees in salfeti watcn, anttil fioreurihy ceeket, mach fbam,anut set asieta t ccI, flian atti firca w-ah beaten eggs, ut quart of miLk, anti flour anoagi te malt:e a paneake bat- fter. Baike quicily ou a w-al- greasat gritidlc, anti serve vary hot. Savory Kidney Sfaw.-Carefally pre- pana a meýderate-sizeti beef kitiuay by nernovhng ail ftha fat anti fihre; pince an boiling watar in a porcelain ieft la, anti bell slewly for about haîf au heur, tien dut intoe erail places anti place lu a farina kctf le; coyen witi milk,; att a fablaspeoful cf butter anti thîcken wifi fleur aùttil about tiecodnsistaudy ef dustard. Scason w-h saIt rut whlita pappen, att a 111f le cheppati parslay, and serve witi behet mice. Wbippet Apple Desset.-.Take fart appie sfewed inu as little wafar as pos- sible. Pase f hem firoagi a seve; liant in w-ita cugan te faste, andthte wliippeti w-litas cf f lrea aggs. Wben tic mix- ture is quita stif f. arrange in dessert disi, surouiutet by plain bilet cas- fart, flavoreti with lemon., Cruci Coffa.-Pat eue pint cf cearse crn mearI te a bow-l anti pour over if a plut cf boiliug wafer, cf inf il w-ehh minet, att a dapful cof colt watcn, a tablespoonful cf mohasses, a pincli cf eait, anti eue plut cf cearse whaat or oatmeal. Sl.ir w-al f egethar; tact a dripping paît witli cern maeal, ant penn in fie baffer. Bale until bnowneti in a lot even. Wheunaady te make fha coffea, Split the cake, put tinlutice van te bnewu, but to nef starcli, break if tquite damp thea iuen sheuld lia pressed Iwîth a bot irou. if tha embreidary h8 laid upori a place of thidk flannel, cov ereti witi a clean eloth, and pressed ou the wrengside, always ironing from Itha centar oufwanti, the design will stand out baautifully. The aînhroidery shotidha smoothed fiat wif h baud finsi anti ail pointis laid in place carefn.lly befora the ircu le uced. B1y dcing this the place will hava. the propar sliape anti will aven after kaep se. If the place le ham-cfitchati il should lic preesq- ati llghtly witî the iron on the righl sida, takiug great cane that the irn dees net coe nu contact with the cm- broitierati pattern., CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Repart or gîte Provincial Board afIleialt -The Deatîts Xiriiog juiy Nuntber 156 Tic, Provincial Board cf Healti ha:s issuad its report, chowiug tic deaths freim contagions discasas in Ontario dur- iug tic, month cf July. Thec raturns madeliy ticeI4egistrars ana net cern- plate, 453 mun icipalities eut cf 745 iav- ing sýnt lu reports. Iu ail 1U0 citice, or 76 par cent. cf tic total; 152 f owJuu and villages, or 61 pur cent., anti 291 townships, or 59 per cent., have saut in returus. Thc citias whici f ailadti t report in time ware London, St. Cati- arinas andi Windsor. lu ail tiare wana 156 deathe fremn coufagleus disa"s in a population cf 1,306,667, divideti as fol- lews, on a per annuai liasis: q >Total deathsý: Rate par 1.000. Typhoiti--------- .. 22 0.2 Dipitiania-......32 021 Scarlafina-----2 0.01 Tuliculosis ... 100 0.9 The, ratans for tic 10 citias making ratarns, calculatati on a par anneum bLacis, is as f ollows: Total dcaths4 "Rata par 1.000. Typioid... ... . ..19 0.3 Diphfheria. ...15 OF Scarlatina ..... D0.0 Tuierc'ulçsis ... 5G11.6 Tic total towns making raturus on Total deaths. Rata par 1.000. Typhoiti... ... ... .6 0.3 Dupîthenia ... .... 8Ok Searlatina ...... ..1 0.05 Tulierculosis ...17 0 Tie total towuships making returne: Total deaths. Rata par 1.000. Typhl *,i*.. ....6(0,09 Diplitheria ...14 l Scarlafina.... ... .1 0.01 Tuhanculosis. 3 ()1L Ouly two deaths f nom cai latina ara racordati for tic whole Province. inu pnacec, ana put itain a large aarthen- wane pitcier. Peur ene quart cf boit- ing walan even it. Simien for an heur A JUVENILE TASTE EXPLAINIID. or more. Serve witli sugar aut cram. Little Ecy-Oon cook lbas gene aw-ay, Tis is a drink that is esecially gced anti I'rn awfah glati. Now- mamma will for invalide, lave f0 maie tia cake, anti mam.ma's Lenon Squasl.-ýOue pounti cf icing cake is ahw-ays li.iavy. sugar, feohav ck unace cf bicarbonate of soda, Gaesf--W ahi, 1 eciarea Do1 you pi-e- oec ounce cf itrlec aciti, tan drops cf Litt le Bcy-Ye'sm. Yea iget more essence cf lamCn. 11in, siff, anti bot- liewin' in oua pictôa. fia careÈuilly, as lac been pravioasly cru-__________ f icuct. Whan ready te use pafu aboutJS S I AD a feaspocnua of pu.uo lenon juice into UTA IESID a gtass, att fha wa:ter,ani tien oea Custcm Heuca 'Offica-Ala 1l heew-e iheapig feaspoonful'f cfhfiapcw-tar.bava 1f. *loutidelme there w-as nofb- ï, 1 ing bat w-arn mig, apparel in fhils rani, Pincaàppla Fizz.---One poünu cf i 1c ndhr' akÈo o rny cuËar, eue anti one-liatf ounces cf bicar- Torisf-eTlat's correct, anti evary lionata cù soda, one ant dnl4aetrdrink lifÈ le -a nlglitelap. VONUFOKS Furniture and-- of BlADY MAYS PIE. cfy On a stociliaefere the dresser, B Lokig wyondrous swaetLoakntiwise, o0) Baby ay is iusy-biass harl o sF u nh î e ik, Helpiug mamma maka liar pies. ilwCobsI pcnoservesla be o arllow, Our line comprises overything fouud in a first ci ass furniture ware- ten Tbis is hw ber wea pie grows: room, and believing if only doiug justice te our business and fiat our red Frt sh rll anti l anti relîs if ceustomers inay benefit by it,we have added more varieties teour already tut iný fleur lare andti tire, large liues, and our pnices cannot be beat. W9 buy as. low as thie lowest ana Tili liie carafully cia f elds it and are satisfied with small profits, and you will be convinced of the on Tl1le applee ca ea pare. same when you have seen our goods and exauiined oui- prices. Lc- Now shes ready for the filing- Parler Suites, Sideboards, uc- Mamma thinks it's sornewhat rnussy. Bed Jieom Suifes Hall Raeks, ýil Baby tiiinks if very mica. Extension Tables Centre Tables, mng .dd Wlien 'tis bakoti, sic proudly shows it, Lounges, ates, ti Whila wa weudar wlo will gat Secretaries,Matrse s a May's first pie, anti wian we ask lier, Chairs, of every uescription, '-'Tis for papa," says car pet. Windcw Shades, Curtain Polos, ili, Mimeor Glass, Picture and iRoom Mouldings ike Papa ,viaw-N-s it c'en with wontier, T -- uer piceliesida hic plate, with many other linos you will fiud ini groat Varioty aud at ail pries at lis Kisses May anti kindly talle lier, ne. 'If shahli c my paperweiglt." our store, rtt Give us a caîl when wanting anything ilu OUr ino and sec how well îlOLD PER.T. we eau suit you. cd Wlen I was a small girl, panliaps cayeu ycars &lI, 1 liveti with -y par- Special attention given to this departmient, ents ou a large fanm. Wa Were a mile or moe fromntaighrs, anti, as I1liad )w ne bref hans or sistars, J1ivas obligadtit îemaka playfaleows cftcLnl ce-1 8 ul turcs about ina, and many lassons I g9 learneti from thcm, but'imy favorite pet BO'.VMANVILLE. Bounisall's Block -k was a lien, andtifhie was fia way if rkcame about.ST A es Oua momning tiare came up te caur S. ââl-qi ÈlI Vri kîtchen door a, prend citi motian lien witli tan dcwny liff le cikse aagenly >etumbliug aff an lier. I ivas dligitated- _ itwitli fiatiainty little eaturas, antid cliotaincti permission te cane fer tlei. V Ia h olti mether hieu we put in a coop, In but tic chichaus rru at large, anti . R sthey grew anti thrii cd ou their diat cf In ail diseases that affe ct humanity there is iomeal doagli as only chidkaeskuow how. smjekln ntecai fhatsm.~o il Buatheia pnospcnity cf the littie ram- srewa iki h hi fhatsni-so ri iy tidntint endure uiny wceks. Oua that is the seat of the trouble. It May be the liver, . morning as I calati theni totheir i a etesonc;prasi stebweso c.breakfast, ouaetfmy favorites tii net 1 ~Yb h tm ci ehp t h o eso w responti, anti my scarci ravealet ieha the kidneys; Most likely it is the blood. Burdock doy aiupwt ie.edune e Blood Bitters goes straight to that spot, strengthens 1. wiug, in a vary cati condition. Whefh-1 ,d an sic hati beau seizeti ly a rat, or iu the weak link in the chain, rernoves the cause of the Lewirt way tic accident occarrati wa iesen etrs hatbcuei cswt neyer kncw, but fie skiu wrs tenu fnom dsaead rsoe elh easei cswt -the liack of lier heati dowu tote i ngs cleansing force and curative power upon the stoxuach, y' andti t tie crep on itiar sida. Tak- lvr inv o esadbod -ing up the poor trembliug littie fhiug iekd ysbo l ad lo. I rau te motien, anti sic, disliking te Wlîth good red blood health is assured, without 1coua ce f han fine Hamliurg broti, it disease is certain to corne ai-d Burdock d neselvedti te ave flicchickau if possible. Sh Sicca a place cf citi flic siza cf fia Swoaeti, anti sereatiing eue side witlh 3salve. appliati it te fia quivarning flash. is the only remedy that will positively remove al ýeTcliing me te wvatch if carefally thaf lo osn. I les àsess coua cou ethe ofiar ehichens migit net anuey it, [- sie gave it te me, anti I put il in fithosn.enucrabcsesroua cou r eno wifli its mether. Te car surprise lu wellings, skin diseases, blotches, old sores, etc., ytie. Tieclcoti ounifs back net BB soudb an ie eteni sweIùstkn elieingsocealastic as flice kin woalti have BBB hudb jpîdetral, a ela ae dbeau, if could nef get its leat down te nenly codn o ietos y eat the deugi lika fia othere, so ed neI fatcodng drctos y if from my hant. Tic waeks camc anti-_________________ __ .,want; still fiat plaster atihenadti teh Il injurati parts, 'until oue, morniug wien te stand when we first teck lier out, WODRI 1QCVP i if cama for its breakfast the plastar but aff an a dry or two cie was as luv-e- LUJJLii i was gene, anti in its place was uew chut iy as befere. Sic, fen info fie cister,, 'wif h black anti white featiens jusf anti whet in ail haste we want toer an KEE - prickiug tirougli. By fal fiera was net rescue wc founti lier flcating about oun xcei i a liautsomer pallet on tha fan tian tic surface cf fia watan jusf as uncon- "Xce s oï r EGGS FRESK, a car lutIle cipple of tic sprng hofore. Sious as if on fie softast test wa ýýoa i12 inam etiha Praf fy, audthetiaurne was ceaiti hava preparet for ban. OT , ymost apprepriate, but tee mach paf - Ona colt wnter mornin.g xvafout tini anti indulgence hat inch thfianae hou anotPr eaii i o acf ect n y Ian fiat tiey efftetdo bas. Sie hat ido f eîti anti cf s upon chltiren. Sia was vary prend olti tgc. We luinnat lier n unhea artin, a anti seifisi. \W'4en the cornt or dougli anti we ail missati lier whan seane long- B was placeti in fthe iciandtieie hns an nesponedtite oca ea nvthliecr pa- - gatliered around to eat, Pretty would ouiar chirrup. Sic was neaaly fw alvec 1largest tieli, bick out what liast suiteri Chiltinn.tis je ne fairy tala, If is - lier faste, anti woe te auy lhan who truc in eveny tiatail, anti I cenîtftel damati allew lier leadt t get in nie way. yeu mach moe about car infaresting Accortiiug te flic generai ativica cf fie pet, bat 1iecf tus liff le story cf what fantily. I changeti ler naine frem eue poor lien can becoeatirougli love Pretty te Part, andti fat was the tl l anti kintuass teaci yeu to e hakundtit sic aven afterwards bore, ail dumhb creaturas. Tîcin mata appra- tL Daning flic fcllowing wintar 1 long- elation anti ioving, confliiug trust will IT IS NO PIC KLE. c d for semeone te share with me flic more than rapay yca.Yoteath pleasuras of coasfiiug.i 1firmetrficdtihlie__________simply te i te ggs wîtsa cut, but sia veny ampîaticaîîy ne-- PRESERVER, and Iay themi away s f usat the invitation, anti 1 lati a bat- BALLOON DEVELOPMIENT. ini a basket or box. s ly ccratclieti landticIo fiabargain. I naxt endalvoeat t persuada ti dog, but affen lieiug fercibly iald upon, the bat Aerenai[tsllàly pecd te ne LAY DOWN A SUPPLY WHEM TWEY ARr- cltidturing fia finet trip, hae raselute- lit Future Wars. CHEAP. - ly refusedt t ry fha second, anti wicn Capt. Greas, cf fie Prassian lialue)n caIl!fo cgin flifrmtnfe *I attemuptie urge fe.maffr rbc uxgfl nomtof rowof liseninuwhiati antia epartment, a w-cl-knewýn expert lu cf change. defanminati gnowl seffledthfat question. military acreniautice, lias palilishet. says f Frgj yJ lGIBllM~~N As a last rasent ce-ncladadti t try a Berlin correspondeant, in a carrnt fo cebJ.IGNBTâ Part. Going te fie iaen hous, I teck nme fanvahcvav nfh lien fren fia penci; tien tuckiug liarnuaeofarvwhsiw nte untier my anm, antiwith clidnopa in tevaioprncnt of acronutice duninig ra- ti prpo.sa, in gas hlers, te cemprasa, ny liandi, I stantet ferrflic top cf fthae cnt yeane. Ha says:. it int o steel helders. anti delivar ifteto bill. Arrivadtbfera, I placet lier ap- "W iel rne usaat u-tic mili y u rit hec at a pnice lo-- on the ropa lu front. Sic looketi calm- hlinFacusaad g- ar tian auythiug known hitharto. ly about lier aven fia whitaeuow-, tien landtihfe cuhjact is et ilin l an expert- "Tic audeavon te maie the capfive up at me. Finaliy srnofthin~g town lier mental stage, icre in Garmauy flic bahîccu ies dapeutaduft upon flic wind ruimpieti featiers, sic setflati towu as question cf a fieldi anti fertres laileld te expaiments witi se-calledtet . - ___ _. _.,ball.ooe, whici have nef yct beau cou- fer bcr inferference, sic nedeiveti a viel- pTetiuce lytroen gas in a pure cndi- ifatry f'ine is aimeen inaffactual hone peck in fie eye from semae ffent- tien, anti, tîcrafone, as liglif as pos- against'fie captive ballecu, andthfe con- ad haen. For w-teks aftanwards we silile. Ibis point lias also beau coivati tinual cliangîng offle laigif anti peel- nunseti ler canafufly anti cie finaliy ne- lu Germany. Many dliemicai factories tien cf f e baleen esseantially raduce coeana, bat cia aven aftarwands liveti lavae ffaradtotecoliecf flic hytroen fedanger, ofits being cheftidow-u ly tcHifr c ad te- ea t heu. ousgas givan off lu fia aiacfnolific pire- fiaItdor îavy guii, Ahi the exper 'i- Han tivufurs wenatee umeouspuration ofcf hîcina anti petasi, whici manrie ,hava cown liw-var, fiat ifilS te relata. Once after cie lad beau mies- ihitiefte nmanafactanens have allcw-ed te ativisable nef te bring tahe, oo la ing naarly a weak, cie was fount escape. Int e tia air, TIey offer te col- neati a laigif of fiva giloetaers aboya, wigetdinl betweu a barrai andti fIe ct tis ydrogen, w-licl, on aceount a hostile baffery ; anti at this distance fthffeia liebuse. She w-as tee waak cf ifs ponify, is pacuiialy adapteti for if eau veny w-ail adeomplis itis task." vnituren cry fot imtones Vastoriae