approv e of Scott's En;Ulsioln. Fortwho;ni? For ilii xiiy-oilen who are weak, whicr tiLy slîould be strong; ýbr ba,-1uL o and chljdren who are hihe they should be fat; fo-r dl who get ilo inourish- ment fnintieir food. Poor blood is starved blood. Cou- sumpt iaî and Serofula never courie ,Nihout titis starvation. ýAnd 2lthing is better for starveil bood thaiî cod-liver o i. f.c!;tt's Emulsion is cod-iv cr oil with thie fisil-fat taste t ahktn ouit. T-vo sies, 50 cents andi $1.00 SCOTT & BWIiVH, Ecleville, Ont. v - afo-mat1na and f rue Ilandbook wrif e to I 'IN & Co., nti D1BaODwrv, Nnc' Yoair. tïtbureau for securng patu.t in Anerie. eï, j3ý1patnt aken oit bPv <is btought beforet ý:IIe bieu by a net ie given ire e fharge in theL t ey ile n fire pn ed iente peoplte that Kdney ieae eurab. el, Be3.0th Original Kidney remedy ln pili formi, the cures they have made, and the fame thcy have attained have Opened the way for a host of imitatÎons and substitutea, but those who have beaun cured of ricrpaints through the us2 of thie -mon- <erfulI medicinie, those whose lare back is aocw free from pain, thoseeWho now have ilo headaches, those who have escaped froni the death grip of Diabetes aud 13right's by the us2 o1 DOan'a are the once wh ose opinion je valnable. Wbcn scores of sucli people cone forwvard and tell publicly that Doan's Kidney Pills c ured thein after other meanG failod, ià is evidenit that the only for Ridney Discase, Bladd(er and Lrinary, Lame Bac, d the nui-niber- less es alts of die3rdered Kidneys je Doans Kidney Pille. Be sure te gr t Doan 's. Eri ;z ffty cents per' box. Foor sale, bj F7OR SALE BY STOTT & JUIRY lISA RECORDJ 40YEARS'OF 5UCCES: ýÎ il 15A SURE--CURE ,ýDIARPIISA:A DNYSENTERN S CPAMPS 1CHOLERA 1NIANTUtr e ~'OMIa~UR or~iAI A Nineteenth Century Danger.i Miothers are too Dellicate About Advisiug Their Daughters- Plainî, Sensible Talk sWith Themn Ofteiî Save Years of Suffering lIOW Tliey Gan Rave Brighlt Eyes, Rosy Glieeks and be Happy, This world le full of suffering and un'happiuess. In every wa,lk ilu!lie may be seeu yong girls, pale, saliow aud nerveless, ficB victime of troubles pe- cudiar te tbpir sex frein whicb fhny suf- fer in silence, and with tire mistaken notion that there je ne belp for them. Their lives are made misera bic by headaches, dizziuess, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath on the slightest exertion; an indisposition for cither work or plýeasure, and frequ- ently a feeling that life is but a dreary burden Ëcarcelýy Worth preserving., To aIl sncb we say take hope; tb-3re is a cure for your trouble and it le with- lu yeur power te bce briglit eyed, rosy cheekeci and happy. Dr. William-l' Pink Pis for Pale People will re- store your leost celer, correct irregul- arities and bring back health and hap- pinese. In proof <of this assertion read the following te-stimouy fromi those who have suffercd and found renewed beulth through thies marvellous miecicine, Mr. William Steughten is a weil- knowu and much csteemed farmer liv- ing in the vicinity of Barryvale, lien- frew Couinty, Ont. Ho e feuoe of the muuy whe have reason te blese the day that Dr. Williames' Pink Pille wcrc brought Inte Lis home, fer they sav- cd the life of lis daughter. Mr. Stough- ton says: "lu 1893, my daughter, then a picture of heaith1 and strengýthýwent te Ardock, North Dakota. lu April of that year she caught a severe cold, which brougnt ber te the verge of the grave. The cold was followed by head- ache, dizzineiss and palpitation of thc heart, aud ehe became se pale and cm- aciated that ber docter there said sire was, geing inte censumption, and ad- vised hier return home, She had been under the doctor's care for some menthe before tis advice xvae given, and inl February, 1894, Éih42 returueti home. She was se weak as te he almeet help- les, and we decided tihat the best1 thing te be donc was te send ber te the Kingeten hospitýal, where shte cenld have better treatmnent than was pos- sible inlurt country home. Shre re- mained for twe menthe in the bospit- ai, ýgradually grewing weaker instead of stronger, and as it seemed te us that there was ne hope of recevery we brenglit lier home.i At this time sire was se wcak as te be scarcely able te walk acrues a reomi, sud was confined aimost censtautly te ber bcd. She was pale anti terribly emaciateti, bad con- staýnt pain in ber back anti limbe, bad literally -ne appetite, anti was te ail ap- pearaucce gradually sinkiug. Wc bad given up Lope, for had nec the beet of physicians faiiled te help ber ? My wife and 1, like a goed înany more, bad read mncb of the cures vvrogght, by the use cf Dr. Wilîliams' Pink PUIS, sud perbape aise, like mauy ilucre, w ere somewhat ekeptical. Ali l csc adti feu- cd, howcver, anti -e decided that per- hape Pink Pille wcre Worth trjing. Wortis cannot express how t a'kf '.l we n0W are that ne camne te thidcsin XVe gel six boxes, and be Éore îbuey wcre ail gene there was'a ticitietiîm- provemeut. Hope once nier-a rcurued, and we procVred another six boxes. Sire took them anti the story je n'v 5c- mcd up li twcwords-was e ur 'i. Shre uow feele neither pain ner ache; her celer Las reËurneti; she is strcng anti hcalthy, and dees net ncw look like e who had ever seen a day's siokcess. Aud this great change was ibrougbt about by tic use cf twe(Ive boxes cf Dr. 'iVI- IrÈans' Pink Pills, after many menthe cf medicaLi treatmerrt had failed, anti ai a tume when deatb w-as tbonght te be net far off. H1ave w-e net therefore reasoýn te speak in thec warmest ternis of this great life saving medicine? Miss S. A. Manchester, ef Hnntley, Ont., -rites:-"Up te the age cf 18 1 was always healthy, but at that f ime my healtlb began te give way. My iii- nese came on gradually sud 1 was groxv- ing w-cuber and w-eaker. My complexion, hitherto good, became paie sud yellew, aimost corpse liko. My bleeti secmod te have turneti te water; my beart 'eould palpitate violeutly on the, sligbtest ex- ertion anti I was easily tireti. If I w-eut te thre pump fer- a pail of -%ater 1 w-onid tremble se badly that I could bardly reach the bouse ivith ht. Wheu gcing uP stairs I hadi te rosi when I reacheti the top, and if 1 w-alketi a short distance I wonld almost choke froni tbe effecîs of the heurt palpitation. My bauds aud feet w-ere most always colti. 1-as irregular lu my pcriode, anti aitogether w-as a sorry spectacle. 1 took dec tors prescriptions, bcdf, iren ant i w-e, aud w-hile ubese belpeti me somne I did net gel stroug, uer did my blooti uppear te impreve, Thon I decitiedtit try Dr. W\illiams' Pink Pills. Wholýn I had taken nearly fn-e boxes 1 foit somew-hat bet- ter, and frem that eut 1 began to re- cover quite rupidly. 1 coutinueti tabing the Pink Pille for a couple cf months and w-h-en 1I stoppeti usiug them I w-os again enjoying gooti bealth. I gaineti f leh anti strength, the heurt trouble icft me, a bealthy color returnedti t my face, my changes became rogular. and 1 was able te -walk long distances and rmn up aund -ivu staire withont thceIcet fatigue., Iu faci my friend.s scarcely reulizedti hat i1 -nas thc weak and miscrable girl cf a fevO monËLh1 before. Non if J teed myself eut of sonLs, as the expression goes, I resort te Pink Pille andtin soor myseif again. r kuû-w there are ruauy girls Wnho sut- fer us I did, anti it is ouiy ini thehope that my experieuces w-ill belp thoni that I meke tins etatement public, Miss Cat burine Floodi, dangibter et Suntiay atter 1I-hati been te chnrcb, a friend who returued w-ith me, stroug- ly urged me te try Dr. Williame' Pink Pille. I decided te give them a trial anti my fai<her pîircbased a< supply. The change I noticetiw-as that the dizzl- nees w-as leavirg me, then my appetite improveti anti my celer begun te returu and ceeu I w-es enjoying usgeetihealth as I lied ever doue, IL is uow about a year since I tiiscontinued the use of the pille anti 1 have net felt eue eym- ptom ef the olti treuble. I believe that Pink PuIs caveti me from the grave and 1 strongly urge orlien girls -nho muy be in a condition similur te mine te try t'hem. Mise Aima Millar, of Upper South- ampton, N. B., sys: -I scurceoiy know wheu my illcess belgan, as my mcth- <'r was nnable te w-urk and niostf e duticesef a large householti devolveti upon me, se fIat I fclt that I muet keep up, but I kcpt igcttiug w-orso sud w-orse. My appetite failed, my com-a plexion became sallon-, sud my cyce5 sunken. I w as troubleti -tith dizzinessi uhortuese et brcatb sud palpitation of flic beart,outil I1ixould almosi suffo- cale. 1 was also treubled with a ter- rible pain in the side. I could net go np staine withcut resting, and w-as se afflictcd with headache that my lite be- came almostnboanable. At ist I w-as fonced te give np sud keep my bcd. My frieutis fearcd I w-as geing luro con- sumptien, but recommcmdeti eue remi- edy atter anether, wih,bow-ever, tiid net hclp me. Flnally I %vas iuduced te try Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, and lu lesei than thnec weeks 1 w-as able te, leave my bcd, anti after uelng the pille a few w-eks lionger I teed that I am i w-cIl as ever 1 w-as. lMvy appetite hus returneti as w-cil, anti my etreugili sud general, hoalth is lu every w-ay rester- cd. I feed thut li bringiug this euh- jeci before the public I am only doing justce te sntferng Iumauity, sud hope that ail afflictetis I wae w-il give Dr. Williams' Pinik Pille a fair trial." Thero are vcry fcw people, especially ameng flic agriculfuriste et Kent Ceunty, N. B., wlio do net kuow Mr. Hl. H. Warman, fthe popular agent for agricultural macbinery, of Moins River. A. Richibucto, N.B., Rcview representa- tîve w-as lu conversation w-itli Mr. Wan- man receutly, w-len the snbject of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille vise incitieutally,ý toncheti upen. Mr. Warmsn said be was a stannch. believer in thein curative propertice, andti t justify his opinion ho relateti the cur ,e et hie sister, Mies Jessie Wanmau, ageti 15, w-ho be said bad been "«almeet w-reeteti tron the grave by Dr. Williams' Pink Pille." Mies Warman had been sufteriug for nearly a ycar w-ith troubles incident te girthoed. lShEý suffereti trom. sevene anti sercon- stant headaches, dizzinese, heart pal-' pitatien, anti was pale anti blootilees, aud eveufually became se w-eak sud emaciateti thai ber parente tbought, she w-s iu coneumptien, anti hati al but given np hope ot ber recovery. Her f ather spareti ne expense te procure re- lief fer the peer sufferer. The best availuble medical ativice ixas ompleyed but ne relief came, anti althongh. the parents werc sîrneet lu despair, thcy stili streve te finti the means et re- sloring their loveti ene te health. Mr. Warmnan, like cverybody ecs who reatis the newspapers, hati reati ef the niany marvellous cures ettecteti by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, but like some ethers, leeketi upon these steries us "mere patent medicine ativertise- mente." How-ever, as everytbing cisc hat taileti lie tictermineti that Pink, Pille shenîti bc given a trial, w itb a resulit ne lees manvelleus than that cl othenr cases re-lateti threugh the pros. Dr. Wil-liams' Pinkr Pille have complele- ly curedtifho yeung lady, se that ia a few menthe, fron a belpless anti snp- poeediy dying girl, she bas beceme a picture et health anti activily. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are a fouie medicine, enriching the bleeti and strengthening tho nerves, thus reacbiug the root et dis-ease anti dniving it froni fthe systern. Tbey are beonci doubt the groaf est meýdicine et the lPth century, anti have cureti in buntirede et cases atter ail other medicines hati tailoti. The great peptilsrity et Dr. Williams' Pinkr I ilîs bas canseti unscrupuleus dealers te imitate theni exteusively, antinlu tentiug bnyers are urgedti t sec that every box le encloýseti in a wr apper bearing the tull regieteredti rade mark "Dr. Williams' Pink Pille for Pale Peo- Spie." Pille coloreti pinir, but solt inl leose forca by the dozen, hundreti or ounce, or tabou trom. glass jars, are frandulont imitations anti shonîti al- w sys bo refuseti, ne mat cor hoîv plaus- ible uîay bu the. süory cf the interesieti dealer offering them. THE QUEEN'S BEIGN. The Quecu le new bnsily cugageti in tinawing up the programme for the totos attendant upon the celebration Enexi June et the sixtief h enuivorsary of flic accession teicthron etofRer Majesty. The celebrution vi ll ho con- ducteti on a grantier scalo even thoan w-as the' Oueen's jublne in 1887, andi hesities the preseuce et the neigning- Esovencigus lu any wuvy relaieti to fie WINCIDE A- EGI Qucen, lien Mujesty desires that nepre- WE HLRN GI EGT sentatives shall attend tnem ail the van- Some dunicus experiments hvo been loue colonies et the. British Empire. The' matie ut oneeoft he royal philanthropie stute pageantýs w-ili lasi a men.h'. If inetiluticus ut Copenhngeu. Fer soven; »e jýstafetithat Emperon Williamaudtfho yeuns bacir thbe 70 boys anti girls in tfho Czar have alroatiy accepteti'fhe invita-! place have been veny caretully iveighoti tien, As au indication eft the seule up- cvery day lu grenys et 15 and untien. on wihich the, foies ivili ho gîven, lier Theneby if is provcd ibat the chîltiren Majety, in declining te bc present ut gain w-eight. mostly lu autumu anti in the Seheel Board tunction, 100k the fthe early part et December. Freni that grouni that the demande w-hicb w-ill ime ill the endi et Apnil thero is ho, matie, upen honfinie anti powens lu ecanccly any gnow-th lu w-ight. More 1897wîill preclutie ber altendance ut the remankable stiil, thèee l a diminution ceremony neferreti to4 tfl the ctenofsummer. %Dbltren (Dry folr PJtcher's Castorela, YOUNG FOLKS. A QUEER -CENTIPEDE. Oue Of the muet intcresfing creatunes et nature te the lu 'minous centipetie, a curcoGus combi-nulion et lizarti, snuke,and naturai leri plant. It is about oe anti eue- tn nlches long, ite body ho- ing coeereti vi-ill short bains. Ifs body le very narrow anti appeare to e luin sections, Iu censeqnence oet iis pecul. lar formation ftho. creature appeurs te meve s, itw-se exepc ivun rightencti. Thon flic natterai electric-light plant feature appears anti xxitn an almeet ti- etuntaneous ivave-like motion, begiuniug ai the tat the colon cf the reptile changee trom orange te greenisb pýhos- pherescent shatie. Thon sparkling like a tiny streair et green ligbt, the creafure iarte aw-ay te a place et refug.We eueetoflite pain le lu scancli of ifs mate flie celer grows a brighi yellcxv, but ut ivill the cenfipetie eau resurne ils - tanker celer, andtifheu, if lyiug close te the grain et s piece cf w-ooti, is bard- ly neticeable. TRAINING A BIRD DOG. Neyer ho tee familiar wh h a Young ticg. Ho must bave a certain respect anti net nocessarily a four et yen, but ho muet learu te obey. Any intelli- gent puppy ivill learu hie namne in a few leesous. Once yen have given it te bini nover change it. Minti yen ibis-whou hoe bas once reoguizeti you as being bis master hie eue iteiclete please yen anti te tieserve a pat ou tho heati anti s w-orti et praise. Nover tussie îvitb hlm with as tick anti neyer tieceive hlm. un- tien any pretense. More doge bave been spoileti by their master net playlug fuir witti theni than oecot-ud reckon. Be hmnesi w-ith yeur iog sud ho wil] lu honesi w-lth yen. If you peosess a gun andtifhe dog le eft f at kintiw-hich bas inheriteti the- scout fer gamne the firsi fblug te teucb hlmi le te tetch anti carry-tbui is, te retnieve-anti this ivithout chew-ing on mnutitng ftheoebjectihch be bringe. A 'way te break a tiog cof ibis le f tale au olti giove, put a teîv tuck is vth tho pointe exfeutiing outw-ard anti f ii lu 'funil et ceticu. fHo <villindti iaf b,. picking it up geutly hoceati carry it, withouit iecoif ont îvhile if ho at- tempie te, w-ory if fli cocnsequences are net agreouble. This lesson le mucl bot- ter feor hlm than any ameount etfîvbip- pieg anti le w-ill nememlur if mmcli longer, If Yen w-leb te shoot ever yonr tieg- th. ..ti fhing le te maire hlm. intheli bird. To do this the besi w-ay le te procure a live qusîl, w-bicb eau easily lu hati froni any bird tendier; put lu a emallcage anti show if tte opp, w-arniug hlm neft t onch it. Thon con- ceaI the cage ir a copse etten or grass anti bning hlm caretully in that direction. Nover let hlm neuren flian viuihin tour or f ive feet et if; thon speak te hlm enceuraglugiy. Untier flic in- fluence of yeur w-orti e how-I become ahl attention, anti a dog thus pneperiy broken will nover "f lush a ooy," un- hess ho runs ie tlbim by acident or w-hon le is carrieti away by excitement, tender w-bich circumetauces hocxvilh show contrition, F ORTUNJýE'S FINGERS. A dozen players ai beast shoniti tale partin u bisý, gamo. Tvo oet the coun- pany nmuet tiret b ho isen te set as "Fortune," andi ler "guide." These go luto anof ler room. anti the deer le clos.- cd. One of the remainlug players le then led te a seat lu thie renter of the rooni. This phayer mus et o ieguiseti lu eveny possible w-sy, excepi covering ftho f ace. 11e-or shc-muy w-rap a shaw-i or cleair about ftho figure, put on a skift, bonnet anti gloves, oxdliango rings or othor oruameuts, su tact, maire any changes that faucy may tietate. Wben tho tieguiso le complefe, eueetofflic players -rape f line f lmee upon flic deor, The "«guide," w-ho bas mesnwhile blinti- foidoti "Fortune" thon leatis hon-or blm-into ftho rooni anti up to the oe seatedtinlvthe chair. Theo'guide thonsys': "Funtune use yonr fingers ,veIl, Who, nowsite lutoro Yeu, telil?" As the eue Lunfthochair je net allow- eti te speair, Fertue muet tiecover w.ho the pereon is, eololy by the toucli. As soon us Fortune bas leun the lu- veetlgatiens, fthe guide siiently ceunis si.ty, spoallng ftbe w-ortialenti ',hcn the roqui-reti number le neacheti. If ftho naine et tho player lu the chair le net given before thce-<ved sixty le spoken, the uneucceseful "Fortune" is loti eut agalu te w-uit unttil suother porson le tieguiseti. Thie muet continue untiltfho namne et tho person in flic chair le cor- nectiy guesseti. Wheu Fortune succeetis lu ibis, ftbe oee vile name bas been discovoreti. fukes the place et "For- tune,"~ anti the game goos on as befone. As thero le ne limit te the dieguises alloweti nuch amusement may lu tie- niveti trois ibis simple littho gante. "Fo'r Over Fîfty Years." casterla ile put up ln oas-site bttlos oaiy. Ut is ait sold in but. Dia't shlow aayone to soli yua anything site on the pies or promise titat it le ',justlase godlu and ,will answer every pur- pose." £- "Ste that yen get 0ASTORIA simile Ile t signtature 4zs vesy 01 - ýA ý wrzppes. FOR SALE B)Ê J. H-IGGliNBOTIAM & SON BOWMANVILLE m m House Furnishings. Our line comprises tivervthing fuund in a first class furniture ware room, and believing it only doing justice to aur business and that aur customers may benefit by it,we have added more varieties ta aur already large uines, and our prices cannot bc beat. We buy as low as the lowest and are satisfied with small profits, and you will be convineed of the saine when you have seen our goods and examined our prices, Parlor Suites, Bed iRoom Suites Extension Tabues Lounges, Secretarles, Window Shades, Mirror Glass, Sideboards, Hall Racks, Centre Tables, Mat tresses, Chairs of every description, Curtain Pales, Pieture and Room Mouldings with many other liues you will find in great variety and at ail prices at aur store, Give us a cali when wanting anything lu aur hune andi see how weil we cau suit you. OuN D E R T A KNG Special attention given to this department, LuRýR- BowmANVILLE. 1IONKS WHO OWN MILLIO Thoie iceest ]ltis sorder lu #li lias lIlMeue iniCanada. If boucle et Canadiane are w-cii cd, flic tw w-eaithiesf institut America are fhe Bank ot Menti the Seminary of St. Scilpice,E w-nitcr lunfthe Chicago Recerd. both stand upon theo Utile square as Place d'Armas, w-here Maiso ftho founder oeth0eiiîy, hati a i haud tighf w-ith ftho savageýs and ton neunly fwo centuricesw-as tl mou hurilplace et the pionee Bank et Monireal dates tram I bas ever been the tiret tinancili tien oet'fho country, If bas h ail over the w-orlti.1 The seminary ot S& SulpiceL oltier, anti w-ue oundet inu16411 Jacquez 011cr. The ývenenahie turc ut present occupieti dates 1657, ant iseais quaint an exan monuetre architecture as eau tb lu America nerili et Penn. BeQ stands the, chnrcb of Notre Dae le under the charge of Suipielan île muet.citiborato anti pen.he largesi eccleelustical structure in Amaerica. If w-ilâ Meat 10,0001 ivithout cnow-dlug aindieau accon: 6, 009 more' If liathfliinest cet bcis lu Ajuerica, fthc Largest k] Bounisall's Block )NS. f Le Gros BoUrbon, weigbhing 26,000 POuntis.; I believe tbere are Onîy tw-o langer ini use lnt.he wenli.<The cxli'- i eltries' et Notre Dame le plain sud sevene, - but the luterior is exessively ennuie. L feunti- .The w-atb eftfhe.Suipiciau meukis tin lu s variouslty estimureti froni *20,000,000 Loninte *50,000,000, but if le impossible for real anti anlY anc utside the order te obtain any sys a accurate buewletige on ýthat subjeot. . r o They employ a man et business te kuen10ok aftetenieir tinuncial aff aire anti col- 'ebnmm1et tieim renie, 'andi ho requines the etuneuve, assistance et tw-elvo doerks anti book- haud-toý- keepere. There jare only ixty cerpon- tdie'hc at6 memjuer ofthficentier, anti that ;h 0ýnumber is nover exceetict. If oeeoe lebn-the brothene die the vacancy le tilleti ens. The froni amoug thk>oncdinary laeibren by, 817 Nuti 80-0ieProeeediug know-n euly te theni- inlstitt.- malve. It'as a very close corporation, bace anti th Canadiaano regard it with mys- rae~ tenioitsaw-e. ln addition ftisth Sni- luary fer fthe educat ion et pniesie. le inuehe fliculpicians ha~ve several othe», by Jean seifools, a hospital, anti an asylurn iTi strue- Baltimore anti Ellicot Mille, Md. Tbcy 3s freim ow-n oeeof tfl ihggeÊt bunks lu Oaa- viple et iada, ftic tinoetbusiness pneperty iiu De round flic cify ef Montneu.1 holonge tote n, andti tey are saidti tehave vcry large me i w-icb vamenst imnteUnt edlSpayes, ce- lie, i w invtinen at lunflic'UnieilStat! es, - , inuks, curit'e tuoket aw-ay lu ibeir vaulis. ps the1 They are certainly thet richeest religions Ln North, oreierlutIcwolt. pensons imodate The toue ef flic piano improves w-heu lime et the inqtrument le meveti froin the ,,w-u as walI ofthte rooni.i Promotes'Digsestion,Cheerful- ness andRest.Contains ncitiler Qpuum rp hin e aoulnra NOT NA1C OTIC. IIfànM j' - Aperfect Reinedy for Constipa- tian, Saur Stomach,Diarrhaea, Warms ,Convulsions ,Feverih Ress and Los s 0F SLEEP Tac Sonie Si'g5neture of 'NEW Yo.RK. LXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. IÈj Furniture and Honestly made EDIof pure Rubber. shpTîn, Light, laTHEtic Stylish, e0uW"rtD Modelled each Durable. year to fit all the latest shoe shapes. xti-a thick ball P i1là, and heel. Sold everywhere. They Wcar like Iron. 18 ON THE OF EVEItY BOTTLB 0:0