TERýMS :-$1.50 PiER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST T(E WOItLD ÂFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEzW SEPLIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRJD, DCME 2,19.VOLUME XLI. No. 52. yo duo-- J, Prese-ts When bying hristms P -een Presents!nd WUerbyinCrisma rset are showing, a big assortment of goods suitable for this purpose, such as Scotch Wrap Shawls in ail shades from $2.00 to $4.00. Ladies' and Children's Coats, 110w selling at reduced prices, ail new goods. Lovely Dress Goods as well as Dress Patterns which are being sold off at reduced prices. A lot of Colored Silk, suitable for Blouses, one Une in particular selling at 5Oc, g'ood value for 65c. Fur Capes in Opossum, Greenland Seal Persian Lamb, Bl ack Martin and Grey Lamb; also Mink, Sable and. Opossum iRufs for the neck. Men's and Boys' Overcoats in ail sizes and specially good value. The flnest assortment of Men's Neck Ties ever shown by any house in town. A big assortment of Ladies' Kid Gloves in blacks and colors, laced, buttoned and musquotaure. The best qualities strict- ly gflaranteed. S Men's lined Kid Gloves and Mitts, also Wo0men's and Children's Woolen Mitts and Gloves and woolen and Cashmere Hosiery in ail sizes and qualities. H andkerchiefs of ail kinds plain and embroidered, in linen, lawn and sîlk. NEWCJASTLE. Merrýy Christmas to al..Miss Maud Clemeuce was recent guest of Miss Ethel Stapleton.Skating at the ^mllherpod is ppuliar. Mrs. John and Mis aude Otton spent Sunday with frieuds here ..ev. R. Taylor preached a flue Christimas sermon Sun day eveniing ...Mr. W. Sainsbury, Newtouville,visited at Mr.A. Elsworthi's recently .. .. Mr. Jas. Parker is moving into bis liouse up town. . . Miss Heleni Walbridge,'Bowm-anville, visited frieuds here recenty... .Messrs. John Douglas, J. Uglow, T. H. ilice and Dr. Farn- comb attcnded thc funeral of Mr. Han- cock, Clarke, Sundav ..Miss Agues Delmore will be junior teacher iu our Publie School ... . Our Division visited the Leskard Division Tuesdav . _. Mr. Jas. Riiekard and Miss Mabel Clemence visited at Mr. John Riekard's reccnt1v.. .11ev. W. Down, Ncwtonville, will preach in thc Metliodîst Churci Snnday ..r.Wesley Barrett is visiting iu Hope.... Mr. J. Stein and famiiv have moved to Toronto. Must not be confounded -%vith the common cathartic or purgative pis. Cartcr's Little Liver Puis are entircl v unlike themn in cvcry respect. One trial will prove their superioritly. NEURALGIA'S PERSITE2N T AcGONy.- lias but one source of relief. Nerviline -nerve pain cure-peuctrates to the irritated nerves, soothes themn into re- pose,and nfords relief almost instantly. The whoie range of medicine affords no paralld to Ncrxfline as a pain reliever. 1With Hood' Sarsapa- show that this mel TaIk 1 uie ha8 enjoyed public confidence and patronage ta a greater extent than accord-. ed any other proprietary medicine. This la simply because it possasses greater mnet and produces greater cures than any other. It la flot what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparil1a lices, that telle tba etory..Al advertisemoets of Heod's éýrsa.parilia, like Hlood's Sarsaparilla it- self, are honest. We have neyer deçelved the public, and this with its superlative mnedicinal menit, le why the peopl.e have abiding confidence in it, and buy~, S-,arsaparila( ÂInost ta the exclusion of al ethers. Try It. Prepared only by 0. 1. Heod & Co., Lowell, Mass. Iioo's uIsaretheonly pils totake Speci'al ENNISKILLEN. M.A. NS. Mitchell, Toronto Univer- sity' is, spcndjing lis vacation ni home Mxï. hrin nnd the Misses Jackson, Scuoeoog Islaud, have becu guests of -Mrs? 1T. Elfor d. ...-Miss Teskey, Picton, aftcr 1n1plensanit visit has rcturned te Bownuill. . 11v.George MeCul- louil, iich op i ý1I, dclivercd a cap- ital sermoif attentive cengreg,,ation ber Sudav...Mr.J. A. Mountjoy, B. A., gv a ver 'y fine paper ou Byron ut î 1 wE. 1,. C. E. Fnidav cvening l2ih inst, Lnst Fniday a gýod paper xvas rend Ïby Mr. SuchIl.,- -.Thursday even- in, Xmn evle, thc Junior League gîve a prg aff nd Xmas tree .. .. Quite a nube rom ithc section asseiiublcd ut thc seliool on FPriday afternoon lasi. tMr. Byer ssnior trustee, wùs appat-" ed cýhairman and a progrnm of reçbgs ecitations, etc., was furnish- cd 1ýy1,î«eseholars. Miss Lila and Mast- er smoud Hall were calcd forward bv île dh1airman and the firsi uamed rend a c,!pitnly-iorded address te the tendh- er, îVr. Sela nd île otiers prcsented hinl% with hnandsomely bouud copies of Teaciýer's Bible, Shakespeare and Lo]lgfello'w. Mr. Snel vns vcry mucli sur-priseld but rnllied sufficicntly te mnallean good ircply lu whicl le gave the seho Iiar- excellent ndvice. Messrs. A. N. M!itcheIll Jas. Clapman, Thos. 'r~,B. Steveuns and Dr. Mitcniell mnia!ýe brief speeches .... On Snturday -Yitl uno Bible class iu Methodist chuchu-re invited by Mrs. ~este spe-1,d1tIc cvening wiili iheir teacher, r.Selprevieus te lis departure. Af4~r a butflrépast lad been dis- pos-iid of the class preseuted Mr. Snel withlovcl copies of Tennyson and a MeiIodist lymu book-anotler genuine surprise. Tic cvenug wus very plens- nuitl 'ly pent by the- young people. Mr. 1. Sucl lasbeen afaitliful instructor an4 leave vey nany friends here. TI'i- e Public Sebool tendher, Mr. W. WV. 'Žîoblc(, Toronto, -"il! take charge of oulr~ scloo on Ja . -...A very enjoy- bltime le cxpcc(ted ut'Ic', e Ye-5's ica ut thePreshy'Iter4in churcli Jan, . Ten scved fom 4). m.Fiepo cet blAs. Ver bd cornei. 1- u. Wnnotprofit b Le e x perience of thrs ý who havle found a permanent cnt or catarri lu Hood's Sarsaparilla. for December!!1 Ail this month we intend to make the prices of fi rst quality high grade Groceries anr-d Crockery specially in1- teresting. We will endeavor tco add new hunes each week. During the next week we will offer as follows: Grocery e rtet Teas, a really fine fiavored..! good quality at' 23ec1in ilyson, Japan, Black orMxe4 equal to many Teas sold at 40e., Coal 011, American 20c, Cainadian 16e. Syrup, best golden, 15e per- quart. Cannecl GoodsPeas,Corn or Tomatoes 6c,Sardines 5e. Special prices for Sugar. Toilet Soap, the best valuie ever offered in Bowrman.. ville. A miiled Soap nieely wrappecl 3 cakes iu a box, regular price'25e box, our special prîce 10e. Butter 10e per lb. Gt'oeketry 1ep,%-aiitment. Plates, we have too many in stock and we have select- ed some lines to clear out ar. haif price. Toilet Sets, 4 piece Toilet Sets of No. 1 best white granite xvare, only $1.25. Lamps of ahl kinds ceapjý Parlor Lamps from $1,00 up. See ouî- specil] $5.00 Lat-up for $3.00. Crystal Table Sets, dollar goods for 50e. Crystal Water Jugs, haîf gallon size 20Ie, We will take pleasure in showing you these goods. Produce taken as cash. BOW ul&"Uâo&Grocers, ChhAia Hall, New officers of Solina Division,No.40, S. of T., W P-Thos. Shortridge . W A --Miss Jennie Lcnsk ; R S-F. Short- ridge; A R S-Miss Stella Rieynolds; Treas-A. L. Pascoe ; F S-EdwiuRev- nolds; Chap-Henry Argue; Con-H. Williamus; A Cou Miss E.Moutgomerv; 1 Sent-Miss Addie Pascoe O Sent-iH Tink; P W P-Jas. A. Wcrry; Organ- isi Miss Aima Short .... Division meets Wcdnesday night next week .... School; closed last wee..... Messrs. Westlake and Hoskin are busy tlireshiug clover. To the aged, w ith their poor appetite. feebie circulation, and _impverished blood, Ayer 's Saisaparilla is a boon bcyond price. Its efiect is to check thc ravages of time, b' vinvig-orating cevery organ, nerve, and tissue of the body. Sec Aycr 's Almanac for the ncw ycar. TYlIONE.- Home for the holidays: Miss Marie ,and Mr. H. Wilson, Aloert College, Belleville; Mr. F. W. O. Wcrry, Toron- to UuiversityV; Mr, B. F. Gardîner and family, Cobourg.. .. Win. Bennett, Tor- onto, son of Adam Clark Bennett, a former rcsid eut, výisited Tyrone reccutlv .... Mrs. Thos. Creeper was callcd awav lasi ee to the bedside of bis brothéir Mr. Chas. Potier. B. A., Watford, who is ut reen dangerously iii..Our teachers ises Campbell and Haucock ,werc taken b *y surprise on Fridav alter- noon ucar the close of thc session and presented ecd with addresses expres- sive of endearment and regret at their intcuded departure. Accompanxing thc addresses wcre a beautiful Antique Oak Rocking Chair with upholstercd seat for Miss Campbell and landsomc, Glove and Hnndkerchief Boxes together with Toilet Bottles for Miss liancock. As if to verify thc old adage, "I neyerg rains but il peurs," tese two winsomc. yon ais found themselves arraigu ed ne more before a large gatern of the Leaguie on Friday cvening ],,wheýn Mifýss Emma Werry onbcl1 fof thle ebesrend nu aiddress oMisCap blMr. Cccimutoýn mkn gal' poes, omplte.Appreciativ e speeches by Revs. Wilson and Curts fol- lowcd, afier which a duet by Misses Werry and Cade brought a very pleas- aut and ycî xiii all somcwhai sorrow- fui meeting te a close, the two most intcrestcd bein.g glad to hasten away afier sucli an cxciting day..Miss Lily Sanders ably fillcd the chair ouSabbath afternoon aithte Junior League Christ- mas progralu. Ver y fine Christmas selections were given by Misses Gertie Skinuer, Aima Pollurd, May B'vanm, Cora liamly, Ella Wilson, Olive Wilbur and Maggie Lindsay, interspcrsed xii singino. led by the orgauist, Miss Flor- ence ?raser. 'The amouni of work done by the Juniors is wouderful under thc untîring leq.dership of Miss Emma Werry. . .. Taffy pull at Tyrone Div. ý. of T. this Christmas eve, wlxther on the old or ucw fashioucd fpian we know not. ...The Home Circe le gainiug lu memoership,... Some haîf dozen of the boys assistcd ut a very successful school concert lu Blacksiodk ounI riday evening ...A cew bciongiug to Mr. R. liodge lest its life reccntly on falling over an embankmeut. Se therough is the excellence of Ayer's Hair Vigor that it can be used witi benefit by any persen, no matter what may be the condition of the hair, aud, lu every case, it occasions satisfac- tion aud pleasure, in addition te the benefi which invariably cornes from its use. Pleased -Wîth lier First A wife and mother living lu St. John, N. B.; says :"I shalh ever pleasingly remember my first experience with Diamond Dyes. My husbaud had a Suuday ceaÎ tînt was getting to be a dingy and faded shade of browu. lie needed a new one very badly, but ceuld net afferd it. After a du y or two of very serions consideration, 1 suggested that the coni mîght be dyed a good black, and siated that I would nuder- take the work. I lad neyer dyed any- thing before;. but haviug leard how easy it was te dye xiii the Diamoud Dyes, 1 bongiht a package of Fast Dia- moud Dyc Black for Wool aud procced- ed witi the operation. I Wa5 quite nervous and freiful lest I would cein- pletely spoil the coat ; but afier follow- ing closely the directions for dyeiug, I was overjoyed wiili my victory. 1 ws .H. C. IIOAR. The familiar portrait herewith pre- sented will readtil.\ be recognized by thousands of STATESMA-.i-N readers. We are indebted to The Brvant Press, To- ronto,for the electro aýinci the brief article referring to this young man. Ne-xt to publishing these well deserved compli- ,menitarywords, an opportunity to publish his marriage notice wouild aflord us greatest pleasure , "Farming" says: H. C. baoer, Bow- manvllehasbeen secretary.\ of theWest Durham Fýarmers' Institute for the last three cears, and lias lis institute in fine shape. lie is also an enthusiastic local worker in institute inatters, and, as a speaker, lias attended everY institute meeting hold in thc countv of Durhamn for the past five years. Although taki 'ng an active inteccst in ail public matters,. lias never sought public office. lu 1867 he took a course of lectures on agricul- ture in theJUiversity of Toronto. andý lias since devoted consiclcrable time to agrcutualstudies, 1liellias foliowed farmng nd asia is o ýwn farrnsic 1': a~eritg un a uour- - stepnguarded from the ele- mnents, and te sufra h ~II mercy of stran- gens5 we won- der at ber cold heart and laclr of mother-love. There are other of eposig a ilwaya, titan de- sertion, o xoigacidte a'lIife of suf- fering. The ,uotberwbo, through ignorance or neglect of the bealtb and vigor cf the or- gans that malte motberhood possible, brings into the world a sick and pnny child le at fault for the life of suferiug te wbich it le condemned. If a womnau wouid have bealtliy, robust, happy chidren, with briglit futures, sbe*must take proper cure o! ber womanly self. The best of ail medicines for wonxen is Di. Pieree's Flivorite Prescription. It aots directly aud only on the delicate and im-. portant ergane thut bear thte burdens of ma- ternity. It maltes them strong and healthy. It prepares for wifebood and motherhood. Traken duriug the expectant period it han- ishes the usual dlscomforts and suakes baby's coming easy and almost painless. Itt inaures a robust, bcalthy newcomer and ample, natural nourishmcnt,' Over 90o,000 women have testificd te its menite over their signatures. Al ood dnuggists selI it. Mrs. Ureula Dunharn cof 5istersville, Tyler Co., W. Va., writes: My baby uow is uear y a year old. She was bornilest March. After site was borni I iad local weakuess. 1 could not stand up long enough tot wash the disites. lu Septexuber I began tekxug Dr. Pierce's, Favorite, prescription. 1 took three itottles sud it bas cured me. ç aii nw do ali my work." pinfullie a toctit- Dr. Pierce's 'cousti atiq aa a che, siekuese would te avery great extent btsthiug ci'tIe past. Ifit ,was painful, the propar remedy wvouid be prompt- whieh it is respousible w~ould cease te exist. But iiafortunately constipatWio'nlthse easalet to ueg- Ictof aU ic kuss-breeding conditions. A resort te the right remnedy la put off froro day te day. tt shows itselffilu a headacite. and corne injuri.. eus headache powder that gives but ternpoary relief is ised. Dr. Pierce's l'leasant eet gote the firet cause of the trouble and cure. it. They are a prom pt sud permanenýt cure- for constipation. They cause no pain anti se-il thern,-and sell nothlug »E 4 eise that xc 'just as good." le s CLUB RITES, 1S97. TnE STATESMAN and any one of the following publications at the undermentioned club rates:- STÂTESMAN. eue old and eue new subs. . ..50 Weekly Globe .......................... 1.50, Montreal Witniess...... ............... 1.75 Weekly Mail and Empire................_5 Farmn and Fireside ..... ................. 0 Western Advertiser .................... 1.75 Thse Guerdian................. ....... 2.00 Ladies' Home Journal .................. 2.0eý Toronto DailyStar ........... _......... 200. Christian Herald................. 2.2., Family fieraIS andWeekly Starwith premn..se Farmiig ............................... 1.80 Farmners' Advocate............ ........ 1.80, Breeders' Gazette .............. ..... 2.00 Toronto World...... ............... 30 Thse Eelineator.. ... _...............2.0e, Godey's Magazine.......... ........... ý2.(» Muusey's ,---e...... .«............. 2.0e, cosmopolîtaee ............. _....... .... 2 DO Mcclure's ...... 1............... ...... 2.00 atday Nigit..........2.50 Methods Magzine.. ............. etroilt e P e............ ... .00 Eveniing Globe... ..............4.50 WeVecau take oresonfor 3oo00 uther iiewspaperc and maaie01eiaCnda, or itish. Orders mumt be sent wîth tht nxouey te M. A. JuAS, -owmn 111e, Ontario.