c-' 'e. ,~ Y .8frs. MP John.doia. «I hava taken Ayer's Ëills fo liri yetsgai lwy der ived lte l", ru S iLts lirn t.heir usle. For Stomach and Livel troublês, ndý for Ille Cure Of c~l ecaused1 2y ie, cirngiens ur M'ils cnlatbaLuae-."ye at tu take, a nS Are fine Best Ailrtn Y ail Ei<ti e 1 L ut LccS RELIAINCE Loan and Savîngs Comfpanly, Of Ontario. NOORPORATE0 UNItER CHAPTER 169, R. S. 0., 1887 BOWMANVILLE LOCAL BOARD. DIRECTORS : M.A. JAMES, ESq...............PRESIDENT, 1,Editor and ProprietorCÀNÂmAi) STATESMAN. JH. H. JURY, E8q....VICE-PRESIDENT, (D1uggist..). If. D. DAVIDSON Es. ........... SECRETAIIY (Fr11 Apal Public School.) W. S. McKOWAN, Esq ... LOCAL AGENT & TREÂS ImîseRs.MACDOtJGALL & JONES. SOLICIT0118 (Equity Chamibers, Toronto.) JOHN GAUD, Esq .............. VALUATOS, (Bhder anà Contractor.) BoARD meais for the consideration of Loans ut tie cati of the Secratary R D DAVIDS0N , F.,frein whom altuf ormalion may ba obt-An- IMPARTS I3eauty te the Teeth. Fragrance to the Breath, Aiid that roSy. healthful coler te the gurns. il - pronounced by exert chemis Vie ïîýrfect Tontit 1owder. ýb10eCHlLhENabsolutely no drug tas«e. armleia4. An effectuai purgative, replacing wit.h great aàdvantage. castor oit, senna and ail naul- seous drugs. (Cure Wormsa, Fever. Fits, Co]ic, Cola, Teetbiag, etc.* FREtE ',AMPLE to an y eddress. Fre,5e Dr. Howard Medicine Co.. Brockvfl.n Sewer and Cu lvert Pipes 111 Size% frein 4 lin. to 24 I. Aise connections. TUE wIýrhARIa SLW[B PIPE CO. 1 (0k iýELA1OE UT.. E., WOOYAr MImKIO. 'TORONTLN Wanted-An Idea 1oL .111 simpl? Irotect your ideas; they may bring you wealh. Write JON wEý,DUERIIRN &OO atent1.i.1. meyswahngt m, D. (.. for their gI,00 riZ fo and liai t flwýo'bundred inventions wanted. A BROKENý DOWN LUMBERMAN. Nt a inna, But Worse, a Physical Wreki-aatDoctors' Skill, But Cur- ed by ScerUhAmericanr Nervine. Prostrated by nervoa.s debility Mr. E. Erret, lujnuber mercitant and miii own- er of Merrickville, Ont., was ferced to withdaw froan the activîties of busi- 1ne19. VH- says: "I tried everytbing in 1 be way ,f doctors' skili and proprietary 'noiiebut notbing 'le1ped. me. 1 wasn ifiSued tu use Soutizi Ansrican vi-ïne, iand 1lU eau taIhfuHllv say Mt r had nc«t taken half a bottia reT ,found baneficial affects. As o aî~ftf saveral bottins I find my- miU to-day strong, andi healthy, and n-4t, y for any amn of business, where lijefiare my narvous systam vias so unl- 4lttrmined that could scarcely sigamy -ewn name witlh a pan or pencil. J mwty, feelingry and kncwingly, get a bot- !!' oi'f this wonrleful medicina." For sale by Stott & Jury. ACTING ON HIS BELIEF. What do yon mean by shoving me like 111f asked the irate passanger of the w.reet car conductor. j3ecause I blera that wban you sec a good thing yon sbould push it along. A LITE INEWSPAPER. TJhe Western Advertiser of London, i, the leading newspaper in We4tern 0O1tario, and will he sent for oniy $100 f- .aniuar.v St 1898. Contains sixteen pages e-ch week with all c news of He wor rnî,arket reports, stories, etc Exce)eîreaingfor every member of ha fa,ily. We offer good inducemoents iý agents. For tarins, etc., address,ý ,NDVERTISEIZIPRINTING Co., London, Ont. 41-8w. GOULDEN GITE8 AJAR~ DR. TALMAGE'S IDEA 0F EMPLOY- MENT IN HEAVEN. A UI que I icu ai orthe Cclesîil tiN8 t'd- Enîplcayuteit ,Sucle Ibuthevorker- MiHsicl a 81 Soldicîs, Artiss..Ait Witt FlîsI Couigeliai occeuption. Washington, Dee. 13.-Dr. Talmage's sermon to-day gives a very unusual. view cf lisecelestiai world anal la oaa cQf tise Mst unhimUe diseourses of tisa1 grat preachar. tte txI s Ezakial il1 il "New lt cama, fo paisae sathirfietis year, ia tise fcurtb mentilatise fiffis day of the mentis, as I was mmotig the, captives by lise, river cf Cisabar, Illat tiseheavans ucrae openeal.", E.zetiai, witis otiters, baS. boan ex- ,atriaýtd, and rehýihlu nforeign sirivary, landing on tisa brais of tisa royal' canal'i-iicis isaanal other serfs baSd bacc condamneS le dig by the terSer cf Nekbuchad5szzar-tis royal canal ie tisa taxI calueS, tise river cf Cheisar -tse illustrieus exile isad visions of heavan. Indeed il is altmost alwmys se -tsaIlise brilgisfest visions of heaven cene nettto lirosa wiso ara oun m1oun- tale top of prosparity, but te fsema John on Seselatae Palmeos, or le soe Paul le Mamartina dungeon, or 10 soea Ezatil standing on tisa bants cf a diteis hehad aSbeau corapailed le aig-yea, te tise weary, loe saieart- brokan, thoewhoem scrrcxv has hanissea. Tira taxA la very parlicuimr te giva, us tise exalct lime of tise vision,. It was i le t hirlietis yar analilu lie feurtis mentisand in tise fiff h day 0f tisa mentis. Se yen have irad visions cf carIs you sisail never tergal. You Ta- membor tise year, ycu ramember the mtet, you remmnbar tise day, you ramnember tisa heur. Wisy may we ilet hava soea vision now anal if ha in tisa Iwelf lb montisanalinle sathirteantis day of tisa montb. The question la oflan siieiyatd Iheugit pariapas ne-ver audibiy pro- pound'ed, "WhaI are 'eur dapartad Chri.stian friands Seing nowf" Tisa question la more easiiy ans-wered titan yen migbt eritaps supposa.hioughs tisera bas coma ne ra-cent intelligence tires thaeiaavcnlýy cLty, anal wa sacs Sapandent upon the story of 18 cen- luneas ago, stillIJ thint wa ieay fros strongeat lerance Sacida what lire tise prescal occupations of our Irans- fe-rreal tisfoît. Affer Goal bas made a nature Ha neyer cradiatas lise chief ,ciaractaristie of ifs tempaerameet. Yeui neyer knew a man pisiegni in tem- pe-ramant te bacome sanguilu am peramant. You neyer teewa mgnnar gaîin l lmpemamant te bacoma pisleg- matce n lampe-rament. Conversion -tiants new principica la the seul, but ?aul anal John are just as dIffamant rom cach thsoier iaffer conversion as .lhay wera Siffarant from ,eacis otier 1bafore conversion. If conversion S es net aradicale, tire prominent charre- laristics et tesperamant, naîisar wil dcalb eradicia tisaisi. Paul and jehuý ara as Siffarant fros e-mhois esr la heaven as tbey.wera diffamant; fros aach otisar te Asia Miner, You have, Iban, only by a sus lu subtractLon anala sus in addition te Sciale reat are ltae empîc>ymeýnts cf your Sa)parted friands lu tisa botter world, Yen ara le subîract from tham aIl eartisiy grsnasa and al i l eirtis- ly geodeess, adtitan youenrate coe le the conclusion tisaIfisey ara Seing new lanIseaven wisat l is teur hast moment lisey diS ou aartb. Tisa ra- son why se many peopia aérver start for beavan is hecause tisay could not, stand il if Iirey got tisera if il should turc eut t1bc ha tisargialanS fermal pinace soe peoe ppiotographis if We e talecoma te cehurcs, 'but uc would net wnnt le sîmy isara f111 next suce- mer. Wé lite tebe-ar fise "Hlalleluinis Chorus," but -,vre wouhd net want île býear it ail lise tisa fer 501cenuturies. Il migisl ha on soe grat occasion il would ba poasibiy co-osfortabla île w-ara cmcwe cof gelS waighing ney- erai penas, but il i-oulal ha an afflic- tion-10 w-car suaisa cmewa forarer. In etisar 'iords, we rue tise description cf iseaven into lise grouna wisida wa mata that w-isriwaa intandeal as as- pacial anal caiebrti(va te ha tise exclu- ira empleymact lanIleavan. -You Mtagl as w-aIl, if astiealte describelthe mabits of Amarican sociaty, Sescriha Decorritica day or a Fourtit cf Juiy, Ir an aulumnai Tlsantsgfiving, as J'houigisil ucîrle mlltiselime, tisaIw-ny. I amrn nefgcing le spacuilata, in regard 1. tisah future woËid, but I musf, by in:evitable Iaws of infereace anS Se- thuclion itcd common sensa, concluda týhat liniteaven wa wifl beh just ns dif- [famant from eaeh othier as w-eare now Siffarcat, anS hence thattfisre wilh h .aI Paast ns mnny diffament employ- 1onts in lta ei-estial w-omiSaus týhera £itey are at Iheir olal business yet, but icititout tira fatigues, w-iteout tise i- tatiens, wiitisout lteý- hiadrancs of tise terrestniail studio., Rapael could improva upon has miasterpiaca of '-Michael- the Arch- aniga', " now ,tisaI lie bas sean hiflie ce ad cou'd impreve upon bis masterpiaca of ltae,"Holly Trinity," now tltIha bas tvisileal thein. -'Mihsael;' Angalo could hettar presan L le ",LeLt Ju(Igment"' -Chlidren Cry foi aftar hli a se'-n ifs flash and beard !confracted brow euperimanting and ex- thli rumbling batfering ramts of ifs Perimenting, only wishtng thay could thunder. F' qurstte cocruS lera, graca- show us the way te open ail the fi. ulines i a, powerful chiaroscuro mysteriesl. Agassiz standing amid his there, but _e.ams persuadeS f bat tha student explorars down in Brazil, com- grandar studias and tie brighter gaz- tng ,acruss soe great nnvelty in the5 er esar higlier up, by tha winding rocks, taking off his bat anS saying: LarbiaeÏairs of tlieasepuicher, anrd thar "Gentlemen let us pray. Wa must Turner and Hogman Hunt and Ram- have divine illumination. Wa want brandt and Titian and Pau" Vorocese ,visdom frem tha Creator to study thasa, if thay axercised saving faith ln the rocks,, Ha r;ade them, Let us pray.- Christ wbons they portrayed upon the Agassiz gofig right on with bis studias canvas, are painting yet, but. their forevar and forever, strengtli of facuty multiplied tan thou- B ut what ara the meni of tE law,t sandfWSd. Thair band bas forgotten its who in this world found thair chief cunning, but thre spirit fia facuties as joy in the lagal profssion-what ara far sup,-rier te four fitigers anid,a thay Sing now? Studying law in a thium as the suparjiatura'. tais uppertor unlivrse where averything is coctrol- to thn ba-nan Tlise reason thaf God led by ]aw fromn the flîght of humming toek away their eye and their hand bird te flight of world-law net dry andl their brain was that Ha miglit and bard andl drudging, but rightê-. gîve trahm scmetbing more imber, Gus and magnificant law, bafora whicb more wie(dy, more skillf ni, more Multi- 'man and' cheruli andl serapli and arch- piant. Do not titerefore ha mlar- ange] and God Himsalf bow; the chain choly amocg the tapestriaî, and tht 1cf iaw long eneugh te wind round the hric-a-hrac, and tise aembroidaries, and immensitias and infinityand eternity. the water crlers, and the works of art, Chain of iw.Wiat a place to study whicit your departed frienals used te law, wiserealal the Ilinks Of the chain admire. Do nef say, -I ani s0 sorry are in the band!1 tliay had te leave "ah lte atbings." WstaeorSpra hita Rather say, -I arn gad titey bave gene friendare uie i tiswrld Chs thair up teisighar artistie epportuuity and finSwoi hswrdh' hi appraciton." Our friends who fouud joy la tha iealing art doing now'I Busy tý3iaat their old business. No siokness in se mucir joy ln the fine arts on earth baebtpet fscns narb ara floW liixuriatig inLuve.aSplanty of wounds in tha different parts Luxebours ceasfil.of Ged's dominion te ha healed and te 1 ramark again that a(l euT (sparteS ha medicaled; thaese glorified seuls coim- Christian friends wvit in this *wold ing down not in lazy Sector's gig, but wara passienately fond of music are with ligislning locomotion. Yeu cannot stiilregaling that faste in tis, world lunderstand wh y Ibat patient got wall caiestial. The Bible says se, mucitý aftar al the- skillful doctors baS said about tha mu sic of beaven that it can- ba musI dia. Parhaps. Abercrombie net all ha figurative. Wity ail thi touchad him-Abercromhie, whe affar tarlk about halieluiahîs andl choîrs u nany years doctoring the bodies antd thea glass and trumpets anS harp8 anS ltha sculs cf People in Scotland, want oratorios andl organs f The BiUie over up te God in 1844. Perbaps Aber-. anal over again speaks of the songs cf crembie toucbed hlm.; 1 should net heaven. If heaven baS ne sosgs cf ils wonder if my olal friand. Dr. John ewn, a vast numnisr of tisose on earth, Brown, w'ho iad in Edinburgb-Johrî wou'.i have bean taken up by tbea Brow-n thae auther cf "Rab andl Ris earthli' amigrants. Surely thea Chris- Finl, onBonwowsa han t detis oaS et 15e bs m - umle a Christian as hae was a skiil- nsery. lIan ltera must ha millions of fuipysca and world renewnad seusi exn'vioke Crn- autbOr-I sbould not wondar if hae had lion,"1 andl "Anriocis" and "Mounet Pis- bean iack again andl agan le seea soe gah," and "OtS 1lundred." The leader cbioSpaents. Tisosa who had of tise etarnat, orchestra caed otily their jey in bealing tisa sickcess andl once tati his bat on, and a.l heaven will th, fertgn p ebavn ha radyforthehaleiuab.ara coma forth agata fer bonignant Those cf Car departed Christ ian madicamant. friands woola this worid had. a very Buat wbat ara our friands wbo found sfroag military spirit ara now lu arm- Iheir chief jey tn conversation anS in ies clstial and eut in hiocnlless battle. oiltdinnw Ibrgte con- Tisera are hundreds cf people born sol- versaftion tisera anS la grandar social- diers. Tisey cau-not belp if. They ha- ity. Wisat a place t ii n hr long te raginents lu time of peace. y1 ax or agtorvs areings anSe T bey cannet licar a drute or a fife ornx ornihosaeknsn wirhout lrying te, keep sîep te tite mu- queecs, yeu yourselves kingly and sic.Tha ar Chistin. nS hccqueeely 1lIf t bey want to know more sic.yTfigirebC hrctian. rndgbrsieparticularly abut Ithe first paradise, N'o, wenthee or hritia fiensrbey bavae nly te go over anS ask Now wian has eu Chistan riadsAdam. If tbay want te know how fise who had naturai anS powarful mnîlitary sun anS mccc illaSd, tisay hava only spirit enteraS li-aven fbey enteraS the te ýggo ovar anS ask Josheua. If they callestial army. Thse door of heavart want to know hoxv the Storm paltad scarcely opens but you hear a miltary ýSe(oýte aeonYt oo n deaonstration. DaviS crieS ouf, "Tb dmhe, av ny eg oe n chariots of God. are 20,000P!' Elisha saw ask Lot. If tisay want te know more the Mountains filleal w-lh relesr.îal abont the arrogance cf Hamac, thay cavalry. St. John saiS, "The armies bave ouIY le go ovar anS ask Morda- wbic ar inheaen oilowe hi oncal. If tbay want te know how the RedS whicebhar s ae n ollowad htm wO iSea boilad, thay have oniy to go over baS the miitary spirift on aarth sanctï- a.nd sMoe.Iteywnt k w f iad enteraS glory. 1 suppose izbay rigbýt t~ha parLiculars about the Bethlehem away achastcd ia some baavanly cam- advant, thay have enly te go over anS paign; thay volunteere-d right anway. 95k ftbe'serenading angels who steod Thare must needs ha ln heaven se7ciers that Christmas cighisnltise balconies witb a soidierly spirit. Therea ae oferystal. If rbey w-rer te kuox, More grand parade Says, when t he King n-- of the' particulars cf tha ,crucifixion, views the Iroops. Tisera mus t b e t av ry ta go over and risk armeal ascort sent eut te bring up those wiso w ara personal spectaters from earrth to heaven thosa wiso w-ra biabie Mountains crouchad anS the- more Iban conquerers. Tisera mustbehaieaveiis,,,g'ut black lu the face at the crosadas ever bing fittad out for soeaspectacl. If they want te know more part of God's dominion-brittles, blonS- about tise suffarIîngsof the Scotcit Cove- less, groanless, painless-ringels of avil nanti 1-s, 'heyLave ýoaly te go ovar anS to ha fougli down anîd folîgit eut, ask A elille. If they wrinrte etisar rabollions worlâs te le cecquared, knol w mor about tisa olS tme revivais worlds to ha put te lise torcb, worlds f bey hava only te go ovar te ask Whlt.-. tO bo Saved, worids te ha demolisised, fielS, anS Wesley, anS Livingston, anS worlds to ha suait, worlds to e h oist- Fletcher, anS Netîleton, anS Finney. ad. Basides titat la our own word But wbial arae ur Saparfad Christian thera are hatties for tisa rigisfand friands n ho in ail Sapartmenfs cf use- against tha wreng wbere vie must fulineas were busy fiuding tiseir chief bave the beavenly military. That is ,joy le doing good-wirat are tisey Sing whrif keeps us Christian reforrsers 50 fno-? Going riglit oc witis the work 1 bueyant. So few gond men agaiuaf--o 1 John Howtard 'visiting Suegeons;, the many had mati; se f aev churches agrinst deaS wemecf nortirern andSosuthera so many grog-sbops; se many pure hattlefialdasf111l abroad looking fer Ibis f inting presses againat se many poi- woundad. George Peabody stili wafcb- utaedprintmng presses, and yet wa ara tng ltae peer; Thoemas Ciarkson sf111 bueyaat anal ceurageous, because wbt' a leeking after ftha ensavd-ali cf those we know that tisa armies of cvilinlatisaeiw-ho diS geod on a.rth busiar since world are larger ln numbers titan thae deatit than before; thea lombafona nef army of frutis, ltera are calestiril cn- lte terminus, but tise starting post. borts in tisa air fîgisling on our sida. tWiat are cur deparfed Christian I bava nef Sn ranch faitis in tisa army friands wiso founteeir ciera joy in on tisa gronnd as I bava in the army studyicg GoS Sing cew f Sfudying ln tisa air. O, God, open out eyes that Goal yat. No nead* of revelation now 1 we May sec them-tba milifary spirit s for, unblanchad, lta y are face te face. befora the throne-Jocsuaand Calab lNow f bey can bhandle the omnipotent and Gideon and DaviS anS Samsonnand thunerboifs just as a chiS brandleo r.he handreda of Christ ian warricrs w ho lise swerd cf a father coma back from on aartis fouglit with flesisly arm ,and victorieus baffle. Tisay havaertcsn, ncw, having gona up on iigh, are coim- no fear, coneuntly. Studying Christ, ing doue tise hulis cf isarven raeady te nefttrougis a relation, save a rave- fight among 'the invisibles, 0cr de- latiffo ffise soars-tisat deep letlering pari-ad Christian friandts wbo isad tise whicb brings il ail up quick aneugis. miiitriry spirit le them sanctifieS are Stnýdyicg tise Christ cf tisa Bethlehae ln ftha celestial rrmy. Witer ha- earavansrirylIÉtie Christ of the awful loagiag te the artillcry, or the cavrlry, massacra, with ifs hicorrhriga cf hanS or the infantry, I know cet. I only anal hanS anS font anS sida; tisa Christ knoow they have starteal eut for fleet cf the shattarad mausoeumu; Christ tisa service anal couxagecus service anal sacrifice, tisa Star, ftha Son», the Man, averlasting service. Parbaps tbey may flic Goal, tise GoS-Man, fisc Mac-GoS, coma tisis xvay te f ighf on cur sida anal But harki Tise hall cf tisa cathedral drive sic anS meanness anS satan rings-tise cafisadral hall of iseavan. from ailor.hearts. Yonder tisey are Wisri is tisa ratter new f Tiere is ccming, coming. Did you isear them going ýte ha a great meeting in the as they swept by f *temple; wersbippcrs aIl ccmiag tbrcugh Witat ara cur -daparfed Christian tise aishes. Mt on o ieCn friands uho are axplorers Sin g nowf qluer. , Christ standing la the temple. Explering yt; but witis iigitning ho- Aliseaven gaîispring aroued hlm. cometion, witis vision microscopie anS Thosa uho loveal the heautiful coma te telescopic at the Samne tisae. A cea- ok aI thé Rose cf Sharon, Thosa w-ho tinent aI a glanca, a worid in a second, lovaS music coina te istan te ibis veice. planetary system. in a day. ChrLstian Those wiso were mathematicians comae cais.t dvide thea poyasti ý-.lfroni the spiritual wonid; the thin wnll of alec- tricily, se Ibmtisah wall tisaI evar anal- arien if saanss te hae aluiost brokant lhrough-broten treugis' frens lie H mantinlutheir iignorance cail sprta -eaAly anýd itorcughly. Lstie naifestationsÀ Ail ishat matter iis fe inrpla u clareS up, Tbay lnug-iiing ait us as 2 nî.-AI! rgifs eider hote%'siila ugJis 111 pri ,)pre Y C, 1. RocS & Ceo- elMass. enceal irotisars, as 4thay se us witb 'Thae nl i 11l ttaew4ih Hoc's Sarsaparila. Pitoher's Castorîa. OLD GOLD, W. S. KLMBALL & Co. ROCHJESTER, N. y. RETAIL EVERYWHERE 5 F er Package. 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. East End Gra in Depot The undersîgned desire to thank the farmerS of WeSt OUrham for the liberal patronage eéxtended to V~s during the past season, aiso to remind them that we are stili in the markeý and prepared to pay th e HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Por ALL KINOS 0F CAREGRAIN & àSEEU8 elerdat our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have aiso on hand a large stock. NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse SaIiin Baga. Rock Salt for oattie and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey' Plaster in Barreis which we are prepared to seli aoeI~LAoe :Fou .A Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEÂN SCREENED (3011 elways in stock. W0 invite inspection and guaxantee satisfaction. MOCLELLAN & AO WIII >e pieatsed onace hi uanâtity, twice ii ult and tlïree ies lai Prive who luispeet the uuiequaiied assortment ot ol0 ad ko0 Sti*ppers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At our Moere, W'BEAVIER BLOCK,-wa BowasiaumvIIt BIG&EST STORE, BJGGEST VARJETY, BIGG-EST VALUE, Everybody invited to cati anîd see our new t'otvîea THE 0 EWA. 'No ManIÇnows.. the perturbation of spirit a womran fers in cooking with a bad s'.ove. Gurr (econstant aim has bcento furrasb the lic t article posgible for the use intendc.l. The "'REGAL PERFECTION" for coal orwood, fulfils ce'j rcjure- mient. Tihe desgn and ornamentation of this range arelu advance cf anythir.q ii -previously attempted. Thle ovens arc » * gct ~~ large and provided with draw-outrack, : (0 certdoors liued with tin, filic box pro- vided xith gcuuine duplex grte arnd it (a ~m, ia perfect and sure baker. Yully Il (a equipped with oven sbel f, ica pot sbelf*, (afotoveu door trip, doorhliearî and extra e (a i l.gebroilingorto.rFîrgdnocr with mil-a 98frame, nia le with four or s7 cool jr g sel) hol10CS. Scnd for descîirtive rtl-ic ( m E~I JAM'ES SMA PT m ro. Ce), L0 I,L8,CT.c. For sale by B. Worth, Bowmanville. friands ara more aliva titan tisey avar wera, te mate yen isemesicit fer iseaven, te give you an echarýged vîew cf tise glories te ha revealad, I hava preacsisaltitis sermon. lo-w To Cure Ail Skia Besenses. 7hbimplyappiy îSwaync's Oiatinanit." Ne inte[rniai mredicine'required. Cures tetter,ecezemia, if ci, ail eruptiens conlise face bauýds. nose, etc.. leaving the sikru clear, Wite anS berîfliv, Ils geat beahiug and curative powcers arc possess edhy' no ther remedy. Asic yeur drug- ,iat for Swayne's Olalment. Lvman. Sons anS Co, whoiesale Agents, 'Mont-, real. CHRISIMAS OBSERVANCE. Proerly or improparly, tisa observ- ance cf Christmas la wal cigh aniversal in Ciristendom, aven ameng tisosa tiat ignora the anniversaries cf orrr Lerd's dcath and resurrection anS of tisa Se- scent cf tise Hely Spirit. Tisera la au- othar curions fact, lise celabration cf Christmas bias been oftacar perverteal Ibmn that cf ltse othar festivals. Vani- ous customs cf heathea onigle 'iera cn- necteal withis inl the middlie ages, anal thase abuses lad maay of tise Englisis anS Scotch refermera te oppose any cal- ebration of the day. But as a festival ln tise bousaisolal il bas now hacoma se Sean te ciidren that wa must observa - ___ s _____ -. .~ .. ~ - .. - - - ~. i r r ý 1: mq e