of ail descriptions for the Lýý"ristmas Trade. Table Knives and Forks, Case Carvers, Bread Knives, Scissors and-Razors,, Pocket Knives, Skates and Straps, Sleigh Belîs,-etc.,etc. We have the largest assortment and offer SPECIAL BARGAINS in these Unes. R-âd,. Worth, Telephone No. 66, Zkt (tnadanfittona BOWMANVILLE. DEC. 25- 1896. 1TIc Editor ef TEE STATESMAN desires to publicly tlaul those electors who freely offcred their votes and influence lu support of his candidature. and begs te say lu explanation of bis witldrawul from the contesitînht tîcre was a gen- cmal desire te avoid >thc expense of an election and le witbdrew te allow oe man trern Darlington and another from Bowmanvillc te be closen by acclama- tion. About whicb, more anon. The Cobourg customs bouse commis- sion appoiuted te inquire lie charzes that Mr. George Guillet, M. P., Mr. Daniel McAllister, lauding wniter at that port, and Mr. W. J. Muher, lad negetiatcd te obtain from the late Mr. C. E. Ewing, île collecter, bis resigna- tien and bave Mr. D. McAllister ap- &' onted lu bis stead, was coucluded pucsdny and thc charges werc declared -by thc commissiener te be proven. The election ln Cornwall fer tIc Commons is siguificant. Last June, Dr. Bergen, Conservative, was elected in a lard fought cotest witl 325 major- Ht.e died a few weks ago and Sturday tbe sarne censtitueucy gave Mr. Sneytsinger, Lileral, 6G2 majority. The issue was the resurrected Manitoba Sebool question lu tIc hope tînt Cern- -wall wlicI is large[l'y Roman'Catholie would.gix si.Mr. Laurier a blAck eyc, as a Tory-io' al put ht; but tle result se ernplaticliy cdorsed Mr. Laurier*s settlement of thnt question tînt leading Conservative jeurnals are new plcading witl tîcir peitical leaders te ict "the dead horse" lie dead, MUNICIPAL ELIECTIONS. Next Monday is nomination day for the municipalities. Seldorn have muni- cipal affairs been so quiet up te nomin- ation day as tîls year. We bave been nable tegt particulars from aux ixxnicpty in West Durham. Eveà lu Bownanville tIc aspirants for next year's ceuncil bave net declared tîcir intentions. In Darligton it seems te le conceded tînt four old members will be elected by b acclamation: Reeve-T. Pascoe; lst Deputy-L. M. Countice; 2nd Deuty- A. E. Clemens; Councillor-R. Fosier. Mr. 1. L. Brown bas aanounced himself for the vacant seat. If tle clectors wisb te save the expeuses of an lection- about $100-tîey can returu aIl these men by acclamation. 0f course, Mr. Browu is a new candidate, but lis farn- iliarity witl evcry part of tbe township, bis intimate knowledgc of municipal !oltics, bis good business ability and bis popularitv and suceess as au officer -of tle municipality for manv years all combine te make him n most accept- able candidate. TOWN FINANCES. One of the rnost careful, paiustaking and efficient municipal representatives ibis tewn bas lad is Mr. John Percy, Councillor for the West Ward, and Clairman of the Finance Committce. At thc Insu council meeting be present - ed a long and very full report of thc yenr's financial eperations for whichbcl wns accorded grenu praîse ut lthe Ceun- cil Board, and very justly se. The crowdcd condition of our cohx mas pre- vents lus publication lu full, but we pre- sent.tIc concludiag portion. TIc de tniled financial statemeat will bc eut shertly se tînt ail iiiterestcd will lave a chance of seeing lu. At thc Insu audit thc consolidated de- benture debt ivas $64, 448.99; Debeut- ure D. 0. & P. Ce., $4,836.40. Total $69,285.89. Debeutures paid la 1896, $844.57; Debentures te puy Dec, 81,1896. $163.60. Total, $1,008.17. Coupons paid ia 1896, $3,16"-5; Coupoens te be pnid Jan. 8, 97, $106.28. Total, 8,270.13. Assessmcnt in 1895, $1,109,179 00; As- scssment ln 189F, $1,092,715.00. De- creuse, $16,4CY4.00. Taxes cellected te Dec. 15, $9,131.00. Paid Public School, $480000 To be paid Higb School,$2- 77,3 00. Èlacs collected te Dec. 15, $104.Q5. Licenses, $888.00. ARR1VED IN CANADA. When lu pewspaper circlesany phen- ,omêiePlsuecess ,is scored ilanny part of thc world. tIc whole aewspnper -press is on tle qui vive te leama bow it was doue. h'e success of the Farni'l Ber. aid and Wekly Star of Motrýeal s8 enormeus that commissioners bave ar- rived lu Canada te lenmn the plans upen which tle Family Heraid is publisbied. This is complimentary te Canada. Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanvillc.1 MAKE CHRISTM~AS CHEERFUL. This is Christmas Day, especially notable because it is the l900th anuiver- sary of tbe birtî of Christ. Wbcrever thiwhite man bas found a foothold, there bas tIc Christmas spirit taken reet, and tîcre old Santa Clans is likely te Elnd a stockinig hanging up wlen tîxe Christmas season cornes around. Christ- mas day is childrea's da y, and ought te be ah tthc werld over. It is a day fer litilepleasures and gifus and greetiugs, a day for gumfes and gladdess, for light and warmth, and loving interclange of sympathies and sentiments. AsiîI frorn île family gatîeriug, is but little visiting donc ou Christmas, for tle rens- on that people seern te iant te be at home and tale wîat pleasure tbey eau lu their owu uittle circle, The Custom of Christmas gifts hnd its enigin far, far bnc inl the history of bumanity. It began wbcn île wise men brougbt efferings te thc uew-born King lu thc manger lu Bethlehem. A sacred tbank-offeriug at first, it bas grewn te le an act of pleasure, goed- will, and the more friendly excbano-e of courtesies and expressions of frienÏ'ship and favor, lu is possible that people nxay give Christmas gifus without nny hearu lu ht, but this is vcry far removed from the truc Christmas spirit. It bas been suc-cested tbat the past- ors of Christian curches uxake an effert te gurround the Christmas service wîth a more proouened religieus spirit; but it is a question. if tiîs wilil e wise. ,Thc Cîrisimas festival slxould net be, selemn, adulher should there le auy awe about ht. It ouglit te be eue universal song of prnise, and evcrytbing counected witI it sîould be trul y brigLt and 'fui! of re- jticiîig. lu is difficuît b niake children thougluful without maling tlern sad, or awiag tlcm imue a solemu. silence; tiierefore, as Chrstmas. is cidren's day, it is mncb better te let it be al Cîistmus cleer. STOCK WANTED. 1 arn shipping stock ncarly cvery week. Parties baving- stock te selsend card or letter, or leave word at île slop or my bouse and 1 will cali on tbern. I wîll buy auy kind of fat stock or good snlk eows, poultry , bides, tallow and shccp skius. 1 tanuk my custerners for past favers and solicit your patrenage for tIc future. Wishing yen ail a merry Xmas aud a happy New Year. S.11, REYNOLDS, Bowmanville. CHRISTMAIS MIEATS. Another year ha s rolled around and C. M. Cawker is still found lu lis p lace, leading tie list of Christmas displny of ahl kiuds of ments, sncb as Beef, Lamb, Pork and cured meats of nîl kinds. A speciauty made lu curnîg' bms and rende ng lard whicl is second te none, also thechcoicest Poultry tînt can be procurcd. Hie pays cash for al l is stockanud tint menas he bas the lest choice andhils custemers wîll have' thé beacéit. Tîcre will be on exhibition 2 heifers fed bv William Werry, Soliîu, 1 heifer f cd by Peter Werry, Tyrene, 1 heifer fed 1w Wm. Benneut Clarke, .1 heifer by William Trewin, tInydon, 2 becifers by James Thornpson, Hum pton several lambs fed by Mr. J. H. Werry Tyrone, and C. MI Cnwker. lesides pork, etc. Cash paid fer hbides and skias. Thaakingyen for past favors, lopiag fer a ceutinuance of same and ishing yen ahl a Mrry Xmas and Happy Nëw Ycar., C. M. CAWKER, CARI) 0F TR&NKS. Te the Leader and Mftmbers of Homne Cîrcle, Yo. 79, Tyrone. GENTLEMEN, Wc desire te express te von our vcry sincere tlaaks for île cx- ceedinglyp rompt pnyment of the leni- flciary ou île life of our son, Fred Pen- found, îhe checks for $2000 having heen paid te us wîthin fiftcen days after his detl. This promptness and the vcry great kindncss show n te him duing bis long illness, has given us and our family a vcry cxalted opinion of yeur excellent Order and we wish ye very success in your Icueficent work. Respectfully yours, JOS. PE-ZiOUND.,, EmmA PENFOUN'D. Tyrone, Dec. 9, 1896. aie tgien .01/'~~4«Wtpn COUNTY COUNCLL MÂTTERS. When political exigencies are para- mount social and denominational rela- tionships must be sacrificed with the average Tory. One thing is verv evident fromn the1 expressions at the Domination meeting iu the town hall, Monday, that is, the people of this riding are aîîxious for separation fromn Northumberland. Mr. Thos. Smale made one1 of the most acceptable reeves Darlington ever had and bis elertion b y acclamation Monday as County Councillor wasproof that his ability Ifor municipal service is stili recoguized. Couneillor Foster's address at the nomination Monday showed that hie is a perfectly safe ,inan'in whoîn to repose muni ial trust and responsibility. Men who make a success of their own business are usually safe onles to en- trust with public business. Reference was made bv some of the town hall Monday to the'shameful org- ies that take place af Cobourg in whicti the Ceunty Councillors are the promin- cnt actors. There is no fear that Messrs Smale and Trebilcock will countenance sncb debauches. There 'are varions opinions about wlxy the Reeve of Bowmauville gave up the race for County Counicillor. Sm think lie was aspiring to be Wýairdeni and finding that Joe. Preston bad the lead there was notbing lu tlhe position for hlm. The town loses nothing by the swap. The Reeve of Bowmanville is now of opinion that two sessions of 3 days cach xvas ample for transacting county busi- ness. This beiug so, how many thons- ands bave been wrougly taken froin the counties' exchequer. This added to the over $8800 drawn lnu-1893 for special committee meetings, $2500 in lu 1894 and $1962 in 1895 besides the * 'extras "that nsually-accompany bridge building will inake a sum of linge pro- portions. Electors will soon begin to think that they have been robbed with their eyes open. Thc nominations for Division No. 5 were held lu the Town Hall, Bowmau- ville. There was a fair attendance. The nominees were Messrs. Thoinas Smale, P. C. Trcbilceck, Dr. Hillier, M. A. James, R. Foster, L. M. Courtice, C. Osborne, Jos. Jeffery, R. Worth. lu order to save the expense of an clection lt was agreed that ail should retire ex- cept the two first named who were de- clared b.ýT1R. W. Scobbel, noninating efficer, elected by acclamation. Brief speeches xvere made by some of these men and Mr R. Foster spoke at somne leng-th on countyand townshipntatters. The meeting was strongly lu favor of separation of Durham fromn Nortbum- berlaud, several of the speakers favor- ing it. Messrs. Smale and Trebilcock made splenldid speeches and the elect- ors dispersed believing theY had chosen two wortby men to represent this dis- trict. Mr. F. H. Mason was chairman of the af termeeting. We direct attention of the electors of Clarke and Newcastle to the card of Mr W. Rickard lu this issue. We do not think we cxaggerate lun the lcast when we say that, all things cnsidered. mr, Riekard is the most capabille mn iiil the field for Countv Counicillor. Hi>cbas donc more to kcep down expIeniture at the Counties' Couîîcil se far aswe can judge than any man who bas1-, rep)re- seutied that district. At the nom-.ina- tion, xve are infermed bv one -wlîIo was present, bie madea splen did speech con- taining a -reat deal of information on Count'y ýýonncîîl matters. All are agrced thnt lhe made thec speech of the day. au Orono. Ibose who kuow Mr. Riýkard.bave cverv confidence that le xiii look after the interests of tihe people. One act of bis at the last ses- sion of the Counties' Council should win for hlîn tIc support of electors -that was the determined stand bie took against sending that delegation to Ot- tawa at tlhe counities, expense. Eleet- ors will conserve their own interests bv voting double XX for Mr. Rickard. An effort was made Mondav te eleet two men in No. 6 District (North Dar- lingto!i a nd Cartwright) -but tIc issue was abortive. Three nien arerunnince1 -Messrs. J. T. 1-ollovk and i ïr Devitt, thc former representatives and Mr. Thos. Baker, a new aspirant. Mr. Devitt was the cboicc of bis township,1 s0 that it virtnally rested with Darlirîg- ton to cboose a man. Mr. PollockIas made a good reeve, is one of tbe best posted mcaninthte township on municip-i al matters and bias been honored with1 responsible positions at the Counnues'1 Conneil. Mr. Baker lias been frequent-i ly uîged to go into tbe township couin-1 cil but alwavs declined, and now tliat bie bias accepted nomination for tIc Counties' Csuncil hie is sure of streng support. H1e lias been remarkably suc- cessful in lits own business, is a weil read 'man, a goed debater and sbould make a capable aud energetic public officiai. Electors will make no mistake in electiug 'eiher or both of these can- didates. COUNTY COUNCILLORS' DOINGS. EnITOx, STATESMAN.-Are your read- ers lu West Durham aware of the pecu- liar couduet of some of the county coun- cillors who corne to Cobourg ? Wed- nesday night last was the occasion of the most dis graceful orgie lu one of fihe hotels lîcre that this towîx bag witnessed for a long trne. From quite earlv lu tIc uighlt tilI 5 a. m. the debauch 'was k-ept up. The scenes tîcre enacted -%vere a disgrace to tIc elcetorate of these CUnited Counties---drinking, swcaring, singing, shoutiug, dancing, smoking, standing ovi chairs, tables, makingdisgusting speeches and acting tIc clown audfool were the parts taken ly a large number of Counties'Council- lors. One Durham representative who bas not been knowu te get the worse of liquor for sorne dozen years was badly "4elated." The "'smoker" Tbursday night was aniother "higlx old time" and "-ood feelingr" was again manif est. Tfhere ivas so limtle b)usýiness to do tlat the session might bave been loscd Wednesdaýv ni-'lt, but the representa- tives managed to put lu tbe week and draw their pay like littie men. Let us hiope tInt the new counicil board will be composei of temperance men uwbo wilI corne here to transact counties' buiness and not to enJov a big hblow- out" at the counties' epcie Cobourg, Dcc. 15, 1896, CONTI ES' COUNCIL DivisioN No. 4, CO1JNTY 0F DURHAM, COMPRISING CLARKE ANu N1\EWCASTrLE., LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Haviug lad oue year's experience at the Coi-nnues' Couneil Bosard at Co- bourg. and being desirous of'serving for anotiier tern, 1 bereb -y announce my- self a Candidate for Division No. 4, as constitutcd by thc Count.v Conucil Act of 1896 : I respectfnlly solicit your vote and influence, beiievîng that if I am elected 1 shall be able to look after yonr interests. Your obedieut servant, WM. RICKARD. Newcastle, Dec. 22, 1896. COUNTY COUNCIL DivisioN No. 6. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Having accepted nxomination for po- sition of Counonillor at the solici- tation of a large num ber of thxe electors, I lavé- accepted a nominationx and re- spectfullv solicit your votes and influ- ence.Jif elected 1 will do ahla inmy power to prornote your iiiterests aud do ail 1 eau to abolisb useless expenditure. Wishing you all tIc compliments of tIe stiason, 1 remaîn, Your obedieut servant, T. BAKER. -Solîna, Dec. 22, 1896. DISTRicT No. 6, COîu'aISING NORTH DAR- LINGTON A-NI) CARTWRIGHIT. LADIES ANI) GENTLEMEN:. Having represented the townslhip of Darlington at the Counties' C ounicil foy, p ast ive years, iith, I am led te be- lieve, very general satisfaction, 1 amn agoain anidcate for tle next terni of two years under the the new County Council A~ct, If elected 1 shahl strive to serve tisis district and thc Couaties gen- erally te thc best of m 'y ability. Solic- iting- vour vote and influence, I wisî you ai-,l irv and'a 1nad o and Prosperous New Year, I am, Yours faitlfnlly, J. T. PLLOCK. Enniskilleu, Dec. 23, 1896. Electors of Darlington. LADIES AND GENTLEME N oflaving been Aolicited by a number ofinfluential ratepavers to accept a nomination fer the position of Council- 1er for thxe year 1897, 1 bave decided te accept tle -nomination and bercly re- spectfully solicityour vote and influence. Havino- ada large experience lu road rnakini(randb.v my iverk as Assessor for nine years, gained an extensive knowledge of the township and muni- cipal ivork, I am la a position if elected te render efficient service te thc town- sbip. Wishing yen the compliments of thc season, I remain, Yours truly, 1. L. BROWN. Hampton, Dec. 23, 1896. The fas. Te 1lhlst of theso Montly Competitions wtU commence January lst, 1891,' and will bc continoed each month <lurng 1897. IN BICYCLES IGIVEN FREE $i,-6251{AID WATCNES I EACH OT As FoIIows: FO R 10 Firsi Prizes, $100 Stearns'Bicycle, $ 1,000 25 Second" $25 Doid Watchb . 825 Bicyceos and Watohos giton eaab monih 1,625 b H H 1 Total given during par 1897, W1,00 ,R A P P ERS QWOO T NT E M. 1 RULES. f~epetter t sae a ,nnySUlight; 1 1-]E'Very ionth durinx 18M7, lu eac of thse Sen Wrappers as theycaa coileetý . n otlstrlcts, prises will bc aworded os follows ; the top ip.rtien of each :wrap.. The 2cospetitors wio send luthe lai,. per-that PertionU coata ningTSTO Oflîlti f..dllsteyxs th.wl cd th: " he se (cIlicoed w"l ea. ps")ar.1Te set eloedMreIev,atwisr=sOton, a lady s orgent s with ~ " a 'eifae~e îîi tears'iclevau i, ,t hefh cosupetitoro who aeud In the ncxt tIhoeu elelto, bas written bis larK or ber f:lnaneaadddas. e. n, besof COUpo0sfrsm ceîser) wiih the.3 8tWflEIt cf tise 1The ctîtion wilt Se putclnte the lent TIlI ml 'jnpt'00 N hlives ofin h I $. 'on rpotî etors 1.Otai rersfroone tiol op I lu dei *Illhtc k l edsolfe. spoeso eso NO. OF NA1E 0F DIST IT Lever Brothers, Ltd , r aolEoaedbro r DISTRICet nai, osscs.eting York, Sioscoses all Couuties W. audS tteo ewre e competitors 21 days after ecslsrospetittoso 2 Easta Ontario. eonostiogofCoonties On. coss 4 Province f-New usik thse award of Mess. Lever Brotisere, I td..as linai. * 5 rîlc roac£anp.se LEVER BROS., Ld., 23 Scott St., Toronto 5 Edwasrui Islnuîd TThe tilcYcîc e he tIelebrateslStarssosodabyR. C. Pteurs & ('o., Syracuse. S. Y, &EsToronto i Ont. Echsh.eelen iarsateed lsy tis sakr sd asconplete attachist0t West En d HOuse, BQWMANVI LLE. We wish ail our friends a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy and Prosperous New Year. To show our appreciation of the very liberal patroui age extended to us during the present seasnw re ïi~ to wincl Up th'c year 1896 by giving one more Gârand Bargain Day, Tlesyday Next, Doibr2 Remember to shop early, and as this is the last for old '96, do not miss it. Ladies' Jackets. Black Nap Cloth Jackets, the very latest styles, large sîceves and short, skirt size, 32, 34 and 36, reg. $5, Tues- day, 3.50 Brown Beaver, new style, short coat and large siceves sizes, 32 and 34, reg. $8, Tuesday 4.75 Brown Frieze, short coat, large buttons, sizes 38 and 40, reg, $5, Tuesday 3.75 Flannels and Blankets. Fancy Flannelette lu small pattern in pink and cream grounds, reg. price 10 cents Tuesday 32 inc Flannelette, geed quai- ity and fast colors, special, Ail Wooi Grey Flannel, 26 inch very fine quality, worth 25e per yd. Tuesday All Wool Fiannel Sheeting, 2 yds wide, full widti and very fine stock, reg. price 75 cents, Tuesday Pink and White Strip Fianuel- ette, geed quality, reg, price 7e, Tuesday Olothing. Men's Tweed Suits iu Grey, Sack Coat well trimmed and weil made and guaranteed te fit well, sizes 36 te 42, special Men's ah weel Tweed Suit, Brown, inixed, made te sl ut $9.00, tîxis is' au extra fine suit and weii made in every particular, size 37.138 and 40, Men's Fine Tweed Suits, Sack Cent, well mnade and lined made te scîl ai $10.00, sizes 36, 38, 39 and 40, Tuesday, Men's Frieze Overcoats lu Buack,'Oxford, Brown and Fawn, enr regluar $8 lux'e Tuesd ay 4.99 I 6.951j Men's Furnishings. Men's Ties, our best 50ce hue in ail shapes, best satin lin- lug, Tuesday 3 for 1.00 Ail wool Socks, in Dark Grey, Ribbed Top, 2 pair for .25 Ail Wool Ribbed Shirts and Drawn heavy, reg. price 50e each, Tuesd ay .42 Men's Top Shirts, reg. price 50e Tuesday .35 ]Boots and Shoes. Men's Feu - Fox, long Boots, Hand Rivetted Soles;ppeCiaI1 190 Men's Fect Buekie Boots, Hand iRivetted Soles, $2.25, special 1.90 Men's Feit 2 Buckie Boots, streng Soles, well made $2, 1.50, Meu's Glove Grain Balm's, fair stiteli and rivettedneat$l,75 1.25 Boys' 011 Stock, Pegged and Rivetted, good te wear $1.25 for 1.00 Boys' Glove Grain Balms, Fair Stitel, whole fox, $1.25 for 1.00 Boys' Extra Strong Balms, Pegged Bellows Tongé $ 1.35 for 1.10 Bdy's Rubbers and Socks, best in tle Market, special 1.50 Youth's Grain Balms, Hand pegged, lirst class, special 1.00 Youîh's Glove Grain Balms, fair stitch and rivetted,$ 1.25 Youth's Extra Stout Br1ms,Pegged, Rivetted Vaý ýp-s, $1,00 for e ..75 Ladies' Felt Congress, very neat, special, 1.00 Ladies' Felt Cougress Foxed, 1neat, special, 1.25 Ladies' Dongola Butt, tips, round or.pointed tees, $1.50, 1.20 Ladies' Carpet SIl'ippers 3'te 7, neat, special, .35 Misses Glmwe, graini&t JL or bals. 81.25 f r 1.00 Misses Carpet Slippers 1l te 2 special .25 Ladies, Misses and Children's Rub- bers, wooi lined and cotton lined prices away down, Big Bargains lu Men's Overshocs and Rubbers. ISPECIALS.-1700 yds. heavy Twill Flannelette, nice patterns, jfast, eolors, 27 inech wide, reg. price 8c, Tuesday 5-c. Towelling. Hcavy pure linen Towelling, bestquality,reg îO,Tucsday -.812 Towelling, geod widtl, reg.5c, Tuesday .04 Glass Towclling, special .05 Dress Goods and Lining. Fibre Iateniining lu black and grey, ligixi and mid-weight, reg 15e, Tuesday .09 27 inch Plaids, nice- pattern, reg 121>c, Tuesday .10 27 inchxCheck, G ùctcî, îcte r bouse dresses, reg 1Oe,Tues- day .8 Faney Jersey Cieux for Chid's Coats, lu brown and white, reg 25c, Tuesday .19 Groceries. 5 lbs. Ex. Case Prunes fer '.25 41 Ibs. fine cleaned Currants .25 3 lbs New Figs fer .2 1 lb. npixed Oranges and Lem- on Peel .15 1 lb. pure Java and Mocixa Coffee, fresix ground .25 2 Ibs. Young Hyson Tea for .30 2 lbs. of Mixed Tea for .35 2 31b bars Soap, for .25 8 large bars of Elc. Seap .25 31 Tapioca for .121 3 lbs, Besi Riee for .1221 5 Cans Cern for .25 4 Cans Tomatees .25 4 Cans Peas .25 1 lb B.Powder and Bread Pan .38 Canned Salmuon--Red Eish .10 5 ibs. Ginger Snaps for .25 Good 3 string threom,-varnislcd handle for .10 Speeal Globe Wash board .15 Skirting, Prints, etc. Navy Blue Prints,' very best quality indigo dye, reg. 12lc per yd, Tuesday .10 Skirting 36 inch wide,splendid heavy quality, lu black with white border, cardinal witli white border,and black and white strip, whvolesa]e price 12-1-, our price Tuesday .10 Hosiery and Corsets. Splendid quality 6 look Corsets side stecis and fine sateen, made te retail ut $1,Tuesday .75 Al wooi ýStoekings lu black, Misses and Ladies,wortl 20c, per pair, Tuesday .12Î Ladies' Underwear. Ladies' ail wool Vests, fine goods, special .42 Some of the eelebrated Heaith Brand underwear, lef t, 25%e off the regular pnice ~-95 % off Tlese arc île finest ge6'ds made and with cure in washing will net shrink Special lleavy Vest, rib'd worth 50c, Tuesday .35 Crockery. 97 picce Dinner Set in 3 Colors * Tuesday for,5» 6 piece Colored Chamber Set for 1,65 Cnps and Saucers, od d paterus for Cup and Saucer .06 China Cups and Saucers worth from 25e to50c. your pick .20 Fancy olored Lamnps vwth, shades te match worth $1.75 for 1,25 Can handie any quantity of Rougix Dressed Poultry if it is nice. We are neyer se busy iu the mornings as lu île afternoon-sl( as early as po;sible for your own convenience. Tuesday nexi Deeembqx r 9th. John McMurtr.,. t