i Bfckfleaach andrelira il the troubles Iaci- =întte a bilions stata of the systemn, such as ness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eailng an in the ide, &c. While their most rmkabe succesbas been shown in curing Readache, Yét CÂTR'S LITTLz Lxvmit Pitt& are equally vluable in Contpaton. curug and preventing this annoylng compaint. while they asoe ' rrect a&l disorders of ta stoniach, tineulate the lver and reguiate the boirclà. Even If tbey only cured Ache they would liealalmçst priceless to those who sufer frein this ditreiising complaint, but fortunate]y thelr gondness doesaDot end alore, and hose who once try tbern will flud these litue pille valuable In go Maui ways tha tbs linet lha willing te do 'withu them. Bsaerail ack bead le tbe banc of soxany llvesthat tiaesla wbert we.imaIe our great boast. Our pilla cure it -11,1e, othars do not. CtI,, s Lrrraa Lrym aPeaac arc vcry mal and ery eany tetake. Oaa or two plusmake a dose. They are strctly vegetable and de mt grlp or purge, but by their gentie action pleace a1 wbo use thora. la iala at 25 cents, £c fog 8. Sld evcrywhere, or cent by mxail. 1 TIR mEDlIz CO. Iew ro*. THEC"ODK5S BEST 'FRIEND LARGEST SALE 11'4 CANADA. ONTARIO 1BANKE ecotinues to do a General Banlttng Business 13owmanvilie Âgency. DEPOSITS Becelved In Savings Bank Deparîment and on cl land6iterest allowed et orrent rates. No notIce ofwithdrawai aeoeasary. Ail deposits paable on demiand EXCIJANGE flonghtand goid andi Draftsissued upon Europe UnitetiStates and Canada,alaoGoid,Siiverand 15nitetStates Greenbacltsbouaht and aoid, COLLECTIONS IPramptiy made at current rates upon ail part of Great Brittala, the Unitedi States anC the Dominion olCanada. Telegraph Transrers Made for large or smail suies on ail part of Canada. Thi@is i especially advantageouq ta Xtrosliving la Manilaba or the Nortbwest, iaksthe fends avajiabie at once ab tihe Dlace Of payaient. Otlee8artctel.-cl! at thse batik. L. FWrTW"'s UEO. McGILL, Accountatnt. Manager. IF HAIRI00' Coming ontïeve-ýry day and yon don't know what to do to stop it. Botter try IIAIRENE It prevents lalling out o1 hair, rias the scalp of har destroying germs, nonrishes thse hair folicles, and pro- imotes a vigorous growth of hair. Sold 7u Bomanville by Stetti & Juxy. Absorbai IiClEf the. Kid-- neys and,, redor e thene to hea iyconditi. Il Old eron-je liidc Scff rers Saytic received no relieftil they tried Mitchel's, dear a any r i c e. ison of rI re, gen-me goeil daliare for fiftY cent, i hewarel Son ethi ntg mciii be wrong. Saie with idney Plasteis; wvhcn ucrupulous I druggîsts offer I on obers in place of lvlici l- cls and Say they aie just as good, even Se-5 Lit Bron- chilis 5orc C thr~:owLetc. vm7odiacL '"no0 ecrsEt iThe Canadian Statesman FRIDAY, DEC, 25, 1896 NOTES AYD COMME!NTS. Popular dislike of the pretensions of the military clas.i in Germany bas been greatly intensified by the recent de- bate iu the Reichstag on the subjects of dueliing andi the kilhing of Siebe- mann, an artisan, by Lieutenant Baron von Brustwitz, at Carlsruhe. Siebe- mann accidently brnsbed against von Brusewitz and jostled his chair dn a restaurant, and though hoe made ade- quate explanation, w as foilowect into the street and was killeti with a sabre thrnst by the offended officer. The latter wao tried hy a cout-martial and sentencedt t four years' imprisonment in a fortress andi to dsmissal f rom the army, a sentence grotesquely dispre- portionate toi the gravity of his- offonce, but whîcb, nevertheless, seems to bave been virtually set aside by the, cm- poror. In the acrimanious diUscussion of thPe eatter in the Reichstag, led hy the IRadicais andi Socialists, the chan- cellor, Prince voný Hohenlohe, censnrod the members wbo wero inquisitive as to the action, of tbe governanent in the case, while the iinister of war, Gen- eral von Gossier, said stiffly that ho wold furnish information when per- mitted ta do so by t.he emperor. Ho defended the killing, however, on the grounnd that tbe bonor of the king's uniform must ho upheld, and stated that tbe emperor bnd not approvod the sentence, thus disciosing the fact that von Brusewitz yet remaincd unpunish- ed, Sucb a staternent. as indicating the condonation of the offence hy the gav- ernme-nt, was astounding enongh, but it was mnade worse by the indirect praise givon ta the slayer by the em- poror in bis address to the officors at the recent s-wearing lu of recruits. Of- ficers were ativised ta romain in their quarters when excited with wine, but if they did appearin public and were insulted hy a cvilian, then ta use their swords in the "most effective man- ner. This advice, caupleti witb his re- mark to, the recruits, -wboever in- sujts any uniformi insuits myseif," le a virtual defence of the killing of ci- vilians by army officers, and an invi- tation ta commit murder, the officer being left ta idecide when ho le in- sulteal anti wbat the penalty shaîl be. Indeoti, it le more than an invitation, for as an officer must rosent an insùit or quit the army, ho le thus put under obligation to kil the cîvilian who may tarnish bis honor by brushing against bis uniform. AUl this, is, of course, a roversion ta barharism. and warrants the joor of a Radical member of the Reichstag that the tirne eLay came whnen an aXMY uni- f orrn îay ho suspondeti, like Gesslr's bat, from a polo for popular obeisance. Naturally, public opiniotn is grýeatly ema- bittero-d by the discussion, and thýere is lit Lie -probability that its bitterness wil ii h diminisheti by the promiiseti mea- sure of reformi in miitary judicial pro-- cedure, wvhich goos littie fartb r tha,)n ta give publicity to the proceoding-S of iliitary courts. The courts themselv'es will not be reformeti, the character of evidence andi sentence willroante same, and the code of honor wbich gav- omns the relations of arrny afficers ta civilians, will ho utchangeti. Only the personal intervention of the e- peror will render any legislative enact- ment on' the subject efficaciaus, and bis virtual command, ta his officers to main- tain, the code la fuil vigar preventeq hope that he may be willing ta lead a movement ta check the evils of in- toilerant mnilitarisim. TPe root of dif- ficulty le in the system of duelling in the army and the f aise idea of honor which it cultivates, and there is littLie doubt tbat its abolition, urgoti by a large party in the Reichstag would, by dim-inlehkng the touchiness of offibers, go far ta remove the prevailing dis- content. DIisasters seitice corne sin'giY'in Afri- ca, andi nat infrequently -mardi four abreast. Following the Nule and 'Abys- sinian campaigus have came ti renewal of the troubles on reho Niger, the men- wba attributo it ta the desiro of the whites tao reduce tbom to impotency,and tbreaton ta rise, ithlas been giveel up. Dr. Kocb, the German 'bacterioiogist,i has at the reqtieist of the, cooial aath-, orities goue ta the ,Cape ta find theý causes anti'a cure for,the digeakë, 'butý even shault ie ho esucceseful, there i nvne reasen te believe, that the rom-I edy caa ho applied ia turn ta prevent extermination cf the bonds. 'Thopiague' wili ra its course, wbicb maeainifthat thie greater part of the wealth of Afica [hetween the lakeis andtihe Capecv that la gaoltiand diamonde, wbii ho blot- ted out, anti the Boers, the Brbtish set- tiers anti the native tnihes ho reduceti ta, Pofvertbr. The conditions - of life. tbroughoat that vuet regica will ho radicaiiy changoti, thse stock rýaisons, the white farinons wha, have, useti cattie in thieir work, anti the native trihos -uhich bave depentiot on thoir Perds for foodi, being foreti ta coeek tother occupations for a livelihooti. They muet do 'se per- manently, or ut leat for a generation, tar tihe bords an!i hein present scale can- nat ho s-eplaced for yours, anti even the senail beginnings nray, unnless, a remedyj le discovereti, ho agaite swe.pt away by came neglecteti nivaiet et the, disoase. Such a, disaster w-Oulti tax ýtbe endur- ance of a cLvilizeti anti weaitby stato, anti is comparable, only Ia the destruc- tion in such a state not aloeo of al agricultui'al 'eealth, but of the moans of t-bhat weaIts, anti largeiy et the means et transport. Tbe distresswbll %at tiret bce exceedingly seveore, appnoaohing, caveo in the tocs of buman liteý, that causeti by the Intima famine, anti in the, pnroiyj pastoral districts w-illi tvoive the de- struction of ail material interests. That it wili incroase the danger of anather native nisig l probable, 'the tribes, ut-i tributiag thetibsease ta ýthe invasion of the whites, while tire tevelopinent anti prosperity efthe rogion >ill be furtiser retardoti by the dumiaisheti attractive- nase of the country Ita imaligr inte. That there wilhl be s of lite On any extenti- ed sMee je oweven improbiable, for there must ee anc year'c spply e ot in haad, anti hansesnough lett ta put ia new craps if tise goverminnts cUP- piy the cedt. Ail financial questions 'have moral as- pecte. Mercantilicin baâs an ethical side. Ail ecenamie tacts, toe, Pave int'erne- lations. One commercial pliâse bu the cemploinent of another, Phase; il, takos tise sain of ail the Parts ta mnake a mon- etany while; there are -ne cingle, tee- lateti tacts la finance. Tisreeofettheso intorolated tacts, penhiPSp, alrnast as mach moral as financial, are represent- eti by tho" termis capital, credit anti character. We lhear a g reat deai ire these daYs 1regarding tisa failing et capitaliste. 1Freinm mcii of the ft ton intomperate, discussion a foreigner unfamilian evitis BaEguish might gain tho idea that a c apitulisi," was a species of iUage unteduiafl measter recurrectet inb 1tisese moderm tinies. True, many indi- viderai capitaiists are avariciolis anti op- pressive, b-ut it is idbe on that ;uaccaant ta declaim againet monoyeti people as a ciass. For tise captaliet is simply tisei man w-ha spende lese than lho earns. Tise workiaginan who laye by a f 0w dimes 18 us much a capîtaliet te tisat amount as thh-- coupoa.:cliPPer wisa in- vegse bis thaucunds. It is no cia ta lie a capitaliet if a man is ti right sont et a capitalist, anti. intieetin l certain supposable circuenstances it migist ho a cea net ta ho a capitalist. But capital seeks-a coatjutar inu e- dit, Credit le 'that invisible virtue wbich utilizos capital. Capital that is dormant, thtit sleeps la iLs 0-evr vanîts. ufraid ta venture ont on erranis etf enterprise, frein te.an of bts own lacs, us practicaily goati for nothiag. India is calledtitie great tlnancial sink-hale of tise wanid becanse ta IL bave flaweti train timo immenrial hliage cume of silver anti goidti t ho hboarded. W-hy -huardeti Because there is net chat ,Om- mencial confidence an the, bardcs et the Gangos tbàit existe in this counntry. Credit is ulways necocsamy ta the pro- per use anti extension of capital. Tise mon wbho bud tise mille anti stunt up new stores une uaL as a mule tis e mn .wba have enemmans came ctored awayj ta tise banke, but the mon passesseti of more bruine anti industry tisan money who have sufficient credit ta bornais capital anti set it te workin l -eeli ad- viseti enterprices. Thore is, howeven, a ýthird idea which belonge witis thece nattons of capital anti credit, anti that is the conception et cisaracter. Credit, and ia a largek meusu-ro capital itself, bases dowa upon nany ta the ettectivenose of this miedi- ciao. Mr. Johna MaeEdîwurds. tire pop- Sular purser ofthe Canadian. Pacifie steamer "A!rthiahasca," l one w'ha was catr baflitroube sytue of thi curti axth ntensbe su teeni oftam medicine. 'Gouti Sarnaxitat-lhIke hie bus vr siice recommodet ita any who cafter, Boa-t eoffan, uttack of catarnîh IFor sale 'by Stott & Jury. A CHRJSTMAS GOWN. jMabel Leslie and Sara Gardner were life-long friebads and scoul mates and now at sixteen hati graduated frein the grurnmar school as well as fromn the industriai sehool connected tberewitb. Eacb hati become quite skilf ai at the latter in cutting, fitting aad sowing, andi really coulti now almost do al ber awn dressmaking. Mabel dovelapati quite an artistic skili in making aver ber gowns anti keep- ing 'them, "up ta, date." It w as she who would tell Sara.: "Your eleeves are not nearly large enoeigh,- if natb- ing else you might rip tbem out- and lino the tops witb stiffening." Not a ga-Iva of Mabol's but bad the sîceves reshaped Ljy the latest patterns, at least every threo menties. "What are you. going ta have new for Christmas, Sara ?" was bier question early in Docember, "Mother thinks I do not need any- tb.ing new this winter. But father says 1 can have ton doll1ars jnst the saine as if 1 noeedtL, andi 1 may do as 1 pleaso with it, got a gawn or do something btter. 1 bave an idea of what il seouid liko ta, do." "I do not see what you coulti do botter than ta, have a wool skirt andi silk waîst, tbey are the latest tbing ou; and as you eau make it, you enu get a lovely ana. 1 saw siiks snarked down ta a dollar a yard, figureti taf- fetas, too 1" said Mahel. "But 1 don't neeti i." sai Sara firiy. "This wintar I shalbave ta hoe con- tent with a slk waist, as father bas nat beau well anmi bas lost a goot irnany weeks', wark this year. l'Il bave ta try and sea if I can maka over last winter'il skirt ta go with it. 1 an afraid it le not as wlde quite as thay ara woaning thoma naw. but .I have qu'te good-siret i plce ef t. so hope ta manage it." "Why nat wear it just as it is? Don't you remembor wbat Mn. Grabamn saiti last night at aur Endeavor meeting about contentment bing botter than weaith. and money bing spent for van- ities anti useeess thinge that was really netiad îy carne one'? That we ail know scc neetis. anti coniti do co rnuch gooti, if we would t" "Yes, 1 remember. but 1 do not se bat that bas ta do ith nay raking the best af the littie I have; ha also sai hehad apatience with people tiesiring ta loak well as they coulti, it was plea- saut for those about tbem.'" "But yoaar gown le pratty as it is, [anti perbaps the 'latest' tirapeti leeve wiH bc no improvenient. Mther says a change anti an impravemeat do not always go to gether. 1 tbought aven what Mn. Grahamn saiti. anti matie up rny mind that my ton dollars shoulti bemry Endeavarer's contribution toaa goati abject for Christmas. Now Mabel, yoa will not feel vexeti, ill you, if T tell yaa what mother preaches ta usI She says that when father bas bard wark ta make bath antis meet. we bave no right ta use bis money for anything that we do not actually neeti. That thon is the time to practice the two rules. 'Cbarity begins at home,' anti 'Be just ta yourself before yon are generous ta others.' Now Mn. Grahamn caialmost the camne thing when ho ask- eti us how wa got aur maney for Christ- mas anti Easter otferings; wbether we sarneti it, or useti self-denial. Father bas giivený me my tan dollars, 1 eau deny mayceif anti be free ta, use it; but you !say your father teels poor ibis year. ainti you migbt by self-danial give hlm the meney the silk waiet wanld cost, and. it would count as your charity as an Endeavorer."1 "aýWail, if 1 aven!1 the idea of letti.ng fther keep five or six dollars for bum- self, being charity 1, "! arnsuceit weuiti h," eturneti Sara oarnestly.' 1 "-But 1 shall not do IL. Ail the oth- er girls wil have new dresses ta wear ta the Christinas festival, anti if you are willing ta looh olti-fashianeti as the bille, 1 amn not. What in the worlti do yoa mean ta do with yanr ton dollars, f shoulti like ta irnow?," "If You will promise not ta tell, I will ell yen; but 1 don't want people ta, know." 'Well, 1 wili uaL tell; but I tion't sea Wh'y You do it, if yau are ashanedti t bave it knowu." saiti Mabel. "I amn not ashamati, but to make iL Public anti bave iL talketi about looks a s if yru eu re boasting anti sayiag with pride: 'Seo what .1 have done,' anti thon the people I wish ta give te mîigit fnot liha to hava averybody in cburch knaw of it. Mther belpeti lue finti the places where it wac needeti. Thora is Mrs. Jaues who was toa sick ta, go out dressmaklng this faîl, anti wili have bard work ta keep Mary loah- eng as,- neat as usual, andi to-,marrow I arn gaing ta buy ber a plaid woollen drees; slia is now able ta work at homne anti can geL it matie by Christmnas. 1l arn gongtoa aclber nat ta lot Mary knaw,!anti ta bang it on the trec the nigbt beo re Christmnas,. as ber present anti mine. Thut will take thrae dol- lars; I sa-e a beautif ai littie cluah for an aiight-year-old marked anly four dollars, anti that le for Daisy Wilsûn's Christmas prosenit; you kn-w lber ina- ther usedt o worh ut aur bouse, anti sunce she dieti Daisy bas ta live at bier anar's. She bas always bati the clothas 1 autg-rew, anti won't she thinh it w-on- anti whyr caa'L yaa, anti I go beggiag umong aur friands ton precents for ber itea t" "I tbio!g.ht yon wera going toasak me ta gieamethinýg or make came-- tbing, anti I was going to say no, fan I avn money ton anylioty's pro- sent this year, anti bave ail the sewi,.-ng 1 can do ta gat rnyseif reayfor wiater, but naaybe came pieu- saut day when 1 teed as if 1 would like ta ha out, I wili bcg ton snhscrlp- tiares; tirat will ha self-denial, for I buta sncb wark 1" Christmas saw Muhel satictieti witb the "bang" of the now tullooleves af hien euh wuist, bat if che coulti bave haawn iL. thora w as no ana W-ho gave a thaught ta it but herseit. Sara bati achieveti all ber littie ambitions for the pleasures of othere, anti no anc wauld bava thougist that thora was uny speciai difference in the outer cltb- ling of tisa two friands, non anv grear difference lu the muner. Thon rebat dit- ferenca diti iL mahe t If there is no wellspring withln tire heurt of the routier ta answer that question each a bor isef or hersait, thon truly they are as thosa Who have eyes antisc net, ours anti heur ual! The difference wus in the heurt. COULD NOT TURN- IN BED, Terrible Sufferng of an Elora Lady Frain Rhenmatisrn-Fjtteeon «Yaars a Sut tenon, But Curoti hy Two Bottles of Sentis America Rleumutic, Cure, No pen dan descriho tthe intencity of sntfering tisat may came trmain un t- tack et R-henrnatisrn. "For fitteen years," saye Mre. Jaha Beaumont et Elara, Ont.,,"I bave heen moe or hase traubleti witis rbeumatism., wbîch took thie tarin of pains lu my back, ofttn confining me te my hoti, anti rentiering et part ofthtie tirae wholly unf IL for MnY dunes. At imes I suttereti cain-- teasely that I coulti not tuan in MY heti, andthie diseuse was tact reacilg a peint wbere bath mysef anti my bue-- banti batibecome thoroughiy discour- agoti ot recovery. A frienti recominenti- ed Sentis Amonican Rheurnatic Cura andtie ttnthe tiret battie, I wae able La st up, anti betare four botties wera taken I was able ta go about as usual, anti have been lu excellant heuitb since."1. Fer cale by StoLt & Jury, Sir Alexantier Milne, Whis 9e 0, anti Who entereti the nuvy eighty yeaxs ugo, is the oldest admirai, anti theoana Wba bas senveti the longast. The recton et ContIent, Ircland, the Rev. Canon McLarney, iras antiertaken tisa restoration of the uncient cthedrai thora. NO USE 0F HBIS LEGS, Doctors Counit aL1Hep lm.,, But Two Battles of Sauth Amenican Kitiney Curne Remavedth ie hilisease-Tho>- Story et a Wingisam Fariner. Kitinoy diseuse can ho cureti. Mr. John Snell, a retinoti fainer et Wing- hum, Ont,, suys: "Fan two years I suffereti untolti misery, anti ut tintes caulti not walk, anti any standing po-- eltion gave intense pain, tisa recuit of kiney disease. Local piscilns coulti not- help me, anti I was continnaily grawmng worse, wiih alarmmoif amiiy anti tniende. Seeing Soutis American Ki yCurne ativertiseti, I graspeti ut iasadying ma will grasp at any- tiig. Resat-beo re hait a hottle hati beau takea I1 was totaliy relieveti et Pain, anti tw-o bottles entinely cureti mue." To cure kitiney disease a liquiti medicine muet ho taken, antiana tisat le a solvant, anti can tisas dissolve the snti-lihe particies iretise blooti. For sale by Stýtt & Jury, VOM.AN SUFFRAGE. Icelati, in tire North Atlantic, the Isle of Man, hctween Engianti anti Ire- landt; Pitcairn Islandinlathe South Pa-- cifie, 'have full woman suffrage. ]JEATIR FROM SUFFOCATION., Aimost a Fatality But fer Dr. Aguew's Cure for the Heat-Strangýe Story of a Northweest Lady.1 A deatib' tao dreakldisl that tram suffocation, and yet this le one of the usual phiases of boart disease. Mrs. J. I. BIillieronfetWbtewood, N. W. T., came as neur tis tiangeraus point as neeti 're. Sire says. "I w'as mach af-- flicteti witb: heant failure, la tact I coulti not cîeap or lie clwn for tear of suffocation. I trioti ail tire doctors in tis section of the country, but they failedtet give me relief. A Local drug- giet gecornmentied Dr. Agnew's Cure for tic heurt, I trioti iL, anti with tise rosait that I immetiiately securetiae that I titi net know beo re, anti atter takiag turtirer ýdoses ot the Medicine the trouble altagetirer lef t me. It la nat too mach ta eaytiret it saveti my lite,'- For sale by Statt & Jury. McKinley ie anothiar of the long list of Amenican presideats Whoa wero not college gruduates. PILES CUIRED IN 3 TO 6 NIGHTS. Dr. Agnew's Ointnet will cure al casas of itching pilas in tram three ta six nigUJts. One application brings camtort. For biind anti hleeding piles IL le peerless. Alsa cures Ttter, Sait Rireui, BErzema, Barhon'e Itch antiail eraptians oethLe skia. 35 cents. e !, a. L oii , viil ete i"l s eil lc i ne, iecl i vl si-iiieti le ecti -'t,,VI il Ieet i Ii iii ie iiti tle ni,ýe -or of i ii iii" tngi- s 50 h(li itlecteti. Tise mîa i-ci', i e't e i il ii seleta doi an îgi\ i di oeiinel ', ,ry Ax"ei' l'~' ît lo IterW1i )g a tc;v ilotes n i 1rie, oî - -iîcvecd, alii IO-- talre 1 lîl Pîîie-t lii c - I 0 .51 cnredt." Ayers ~A. igliet Asv' - ,t ,ni' 'i, DESIGN PATENTS. Fo0rJnzformatlo-n and fi-e iandbeolr wri te tu MUNN & C-., iii BR.OADiWAY, NnW oaic. Oileet bureau fer securing patents ln America Every aitent tkean out loy us ie hi-oug iefre the pus lic byea notice given free o âhcreeinlatheo~ "Largeet clrcnlatloa of ay Rsetifle paper lie-1 s ld 5lendidle- ilustrate'l. No etii,.f nian shebc ha #out Ih. weekly4$83Ib er;1,0si.xmonths. Address, fMUS N & 00,o. u.o a s-.16S 5 d sNIew York City. A CITIZEN'S STOIRY Two ar'e EflOugh. He Feels Happiep. DID NOT NEED THREE. Mr. J-rnes N. Davis, of 15 Welington, st., St. ThueospeeJzs etfcenoe'ent ef late ocr rence, hicis should bchofe intereit to many of Our cities. M.Dr. Divis, ir, conversation with Our represeuuaiive, said: "Doans Kidney Pis ire tise boit kidnev remedy 1 ovor hoard of, Tisy hase î-onoved tise ditrcasing 1kidncy troublie w i -isihis 1 w-as afflicted, and miade a traugeý,, is:ppcer mancoa' me. For same yeurs 1 have lîccî trouuieti with severe pains across tise loi-errt ofettise hack. Tise urine wai darl ils coler and canseti mue a great deal of annoyance, heing cern- pollcd te get ut' a cniher eftimres dnring tise aigîsi. 1 wai aise a groat intierer troin iev4$ýe crampe in rny legs, uhicis iec-imo 50 painîfln tisai Iisadt t gel out of bcd and rnis thiesw iti liniment in erdor ta gct even mmecntiry case. 1 had a groat deal of scl. lcadacise; wsc tronisict witiî weakncss of tise eyes and toit lireti, weak andi wernu ot. Walking dîstressed mue becanse cf tise paie anti generai weakn'-ss fi-arn wiich 1 snis'ed. 1 got ilîrec boxes et Doance Kiduey PIl from Msr. E. C. I-bars "y ut his rhug store, anti have flot tak'sn tise ilîlit box hecause tisere -eeai na nereity ta do se. Tise eva boxes have hati mcli a sue prisleg affect for geodt uai î diti flt needth ie third. Yes, ir, 1 take piemenîte in ieiling eclat they have donc for use hecanse of tise hcaiti tisait 1 new enjoy throngis uhiri use. Ail my difficcil-- îles have vicished ;I have ne pain lu tise buek; cii sick iscadaciso; my eyes do lnot trouble me; 1 have had ne dlamps since 1 begaci taking tise plis; iccp 'veli, andtihie lired, playoti ont feeling lias ail gone. i belles o ail these tronubles wcro causet i smpîy frorn kidney trouble. 'son may Say tisat I kuow Doan's Kiclney Pis ta ho a spcedy andi wondcrtni spe,-iic for kidney ant i niny ditSi- ctilties, andtIt moît strongiy recammenduthetsai use toaâayone afdlicted as i was. FOR SALE BY STOTT & JURY 1 DIGESTIOil, LUTTEMINO QI TRI JAIJNDICE, !IEAnT, ElmTSIPELAS, A.IDITY OP' TE% L SALT MEUi, STOsACi?,, EADAC!IE. SKIS, BiLiOUSI'iSs, fllZZINESS. YSPPSIA, D11OP,- f- d. d.edsa CERt, KIDNEYS, STQ5LAOI -BEOWELS on, e' We hear a great d~ bu purifying the biood. Tlhe way to purify it is to enrich it. i3lood is flot a simple fiuid like water. It is made UP of minute bodies and when these are deficient, the, blood lacks, the life-givinig principle. Scott's Emulsion is flot a mere blood purifier. It actually increases the number of the red torpuscles in the blood and changes unhealthy action into, health. If you want to learn more of it we have a book,.çehich tells the story in si mpl e words. SCOTT & BOViNE, B!kS-ii Ont.