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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1897, p. 2

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,4ck Headache and relieve ail the troubles Inel- dent te abilicusate ftheà,st"' such as ajugPin th Sibe, ch t..While their rost geakl:sueces as been shown ins ourin Roaeeb, et'CÂîrssLu.TLE s ý1cPILLe are qualy vluale l Costîpatïon,» ri, ausd preventing this annoying complaint. 1whie thoq 45ec, crrect ail disorders cf tee stemach. slmuiite the liver and regulate thse bowbla. ËMes if theyely cured Acohe thev wouid be amit st rZceee to those who sufer front thîs dsrsaece plaint, but fortueateiy their gccdnessdes net end sre.,, 1,thsa wooec, t ythe-a wIltfInd 1es. lIttie pilla valu ablin e g5 m Y. ythas 7 fwu Dont be willlng tu do wthont then. tfer ail ticit head s bane cf se meey lires ihat here tu wheré nake our great boast. Our pilla cure il ' others do net. erxa's LTrr.LîVua PîLS sare Very Email ery easy te tare. One or two plils uaki a. ThoýYare ltrety vg eeactio tpeorpuge,tbut by th.iSie cto i1 v s hu. l .,iais at 25 cents; $1. Sold everywhere, or sent isy mail. laIXIBREMIIII00., NewtYotT. TWENTY-SIX YEARS. 1OQKS BEST FRIEND ,GE-ST SALE IN CANADA. 1'ARIO BANK ;0 do a General Banktng Business ile.Ageney.' DEPOSITS Reeived In Savingfi Bank Departunent and on oallandlnterestellewed atourrent rates Ni noticecf withdrawai neoessary. Aldeposite payable on dentand EXCIHANGE '8îngbt',nd sold and DraftBlesued epon EaroPO Unhied States and Canada,ateo t4oldStlver and UnitedSta.es Greenbacksbouoelst and sold. COLLIECTIONS Prusptly mnade ai carrent rates upon ail pari of Great Bril tain, tise United Staies and the Domnion o ICanada, Telegrapli Transfers de for large.or entait suints on ail part et 'la. '1118 te especidtlly advaitageonj4 Las 'li viegia Manjtoba or îbe Norihwest. esuthse fends avaiable at once ait t if payrient. co r particulera cal et the banis. LFORTT, UlO. McUlbl, Acceuntant. lamager., m "-'EMOVES DANDRUPP, ELIEVES ITCHINQ, HAIR tASTilt SoCALPe> lhe Canadian Statesmaîlt FRIDAY, JIAN. 1, 1897 NVOTES'A2 D COM-.W1EY L8 t Dr. Fredenick Paerson discusses ilaIv tise lest nunaier, cf thse Popular Science i Montisiy tise verp nst4onisising apeeialv aptitudes exhbited by many idiots Whso t bave become notable as "musical pro- digies," "iigissaing calculators," and tise like. lie designates tisentla tise titie cf bis paper as "Idiots Savants," and shows tisai their peculiar pourers, due ebiofly toecxtraordinary memerp,s visual or auditcry, anad faciity in imi- S tation, go wlitis houes( order of gen- eralinttelletual aiiity maniing tise congenitively- defective and tise degen-8 crase. 0f course, a notable exemple1 of suci s pecial aptitude ha "Blind Tom,"1 tise Georgia "musical prodigp." Hie unsc bora bliad and bis intelligence wts3 confiined to souad. HIe leained te re- peat uords readily, but ihey isad ne meaning te bit, bis oua spenteneons language, according te Dr. Peterson, lie- iag itile more than inarticulate scanda. Ilis musical faculip was purelp imiita- tive. Hes could imitate eny scund andÏ '1p-ap on tise piano fret miemiory anp piece cfnmu.sic, ne master iscu intricate, note for note, af ter isearing itliai onceTieseanme aptitude uns display- cd hy Helat, calied La Folie Lucide aise congenitaliy blind, ubo excited ise mucis attention tisai Liszt and Meyer- huer visited ber; and hp cuber idiots descriised in treatises on idiccy. Al classes cf idiots are peculiarly sus- ceptible te risytistical souaids, and isence a musical aptitude in thisn ant se astonisising as tise aritistetical. This aritismetical faculty, due te a piseno- menai mentory and te imitation, bas beu dspiaped cbiefly la an astonisis- ing powcr cf reckoning or of calculation oaiy. Seven examples cf idiots possêss- iag it are adduced. Tiser-e uns, fer la- tance, Zerai Clisura, bora la Ver- ment ta 1804, who aitishe age of six uns a maibematical prodigy, tliougis ie uas uithout cven ordlaary intelligence B in cuber directions, and uaa degener- ate, urus supernuntertry digits, on bots banda and feet. Tom Fuller, a riVirginia "lightning calculitter" cf:tise àinsi century, uras an illiterate native African cf prodigius powver cf caicu- tation. Aaked hou many seconds lnaa year and a baif, lie responded la suc ci minutes, 47,M04,000; hou many seconds a tan isad iived uhe uns 70 peara, 17 days, 12 heurs old, lie answered inaa tminute and a Isaîf, 2,210,500,800. Dase, a an osieruise cxtrenteiy dnii-uitted Ger- tan, w as "a tatsematîcal gealus" uho, for example, "ntultipliud correct- ipl in fifsy-four seconds 75,'532,853 isy 93,758,479.11 Examples cf exirterdin- ary aptitude for matisematica la mea cf iniciiectuel eminence are Ampere, Gansa, Archishsop Wbaieélp, Geaorge Bidder, Sefford, and Wnillis; but as cen- irasted uritis thent, tisai of tise idiots la cf a leur order, ccasisting "entiraiy of excessive posers lu simple calcula- tien." Tiis aptitude "is observed oa]y la tise congenital variety cf idiots." As a stniking exemple cf reinenkable artistic faculsy la an idiot, Dr. Peter- son referas tiseh case cf Gcdfried Mind, am inthecibe urin died ha 1814, and 'many cf tise exampes cf uliose palat- inga are le European art galienies. Ile acbieved distinction in tisa draxi- iag and painting cf cats, and became known as tise cat's Rapliasi. Aptitude for gaintes, cnd spsciâl poudra cf ment- ory have been dise.ayed hy idiots; fýr inistance-b nibcewo "ol .3ld Ln ll3cmanvllle lsy Stett & Jury. gîve imtediaieily tisa days cf linsh and deatis and tise principtl events in tise I TCIELL'S life of aay ceiebrated personage Mea- ORIGINAL indt i.lnaltecs- o KIDNEY speciae aptitudes ia idiots, strcnigly eaj PLA.S rERS tisese stand cutinl contrits te tisteir Absrbal ,ieaesof genera.l feeisie-miadedaess, tisere la ne government tise $2,500,000 wbich tht lati- ter lad aiready appropri-ated fronttiai fund, for repitymntn laie treasury. Ais tIse reconquesi cf tie Soudan ta un- lertaken nominally at letat latise in- eéreat of Egypi, tise decision ia regard- ed by tise Efigfitih as unjusi, wuiie on thse part of France anc. Russia, ulbicis veioed tise edances frointhtie reserve, .t la a taciicaî blundeir, aince uts effeci wiâl be te proionigtise Britais occupa- tionl of Egypi. Thse more money Gxreat Rriiaia îeads Egypiitise longer ase, wili1 remain on thse Nule, and if Egypt11 is net aU, owed te pay thsebis for 'bise reconquest of th e Soudan, tise ýceuntry wiieàh dees pay tisent nay wviii goodi shiow (,f justice, ciate retain posses-i sien on ier owa accounit. TIse upper Niùs valley weuld tase a vaiLuable addition IotehIe Briti.sh East Airican possessions, and is uri-i be re- metbered tisai Lord SaJisbury whien outilinirig Br'tisis pelicy on thse Nule a year age, stated its object teulie tise destruction cf tise KisaCifa's tyraany and tise "extension cf our power up te thse Lakes." Moveover, lie practicaly abandcned bis in.sistence tiat tise NiCe caînpaigu uns wbhlily an Egypien af- fair, intendc4 te Protecst the Egyptian urontier, uhen ise made tise Indien treesary pay for tise, Inýdian troeps sent te Suekim, on the, ground that it uras an imperial ceoncera, for thse protection cf thse Suez cania) and Indian trade. Ail thse f acta cf tise situation tisas combine te favor an ear'y renewal cf tise cant- paiga, ratiser thsan a Ciong haiýt ai Don- gela,; and as il rety le cssumed tisat by Mai ch tise rcilîsay w iilieb brought ap se tisefhead ojf tise third cataraci, beleow Dongola, Litores cof antis aad et- munitions lie accuntu'eted and a flotilla cf ganhoats brepared, tise expedition ougbt te be ia Kbartouma before ntid- sumrmer. Ikarti and Merauri, on tise gýreat casteri. bend cf tise Ni-.le ahove Denigela, are, us believe, ecu occupied 'oy tise Ar.g'e-Egypisns as cuiposs, and littie trouble,e uIscubdliIad le takinýg Abu-Illated, at t'Le caster cresi cf tise bend. Tiset done, an excelent position wil- be, gaîned for tise capture cf Berber by an, advanca c f gunhoats supiported by a t'and colunan front Dsgyet, opposite Merawi, end anotiser marcising front SLuakini, and urus Berbýer taken, Kbar- tout ulti be ultisin tise Britisis grasp. Tise rosi. s1ruggie vviII probebly lie ai Omtdurman, tise Kisahfa's pressi capi- tal, a uitile nors, cf KisartoLun,, bich be i;s arïready fortifylag, ted fo' the de- fenca cf uhich e Ihe lbve ifront 40,- 000, te 50,000 isue. But as ntcny of ibent are disiseateaed by defeat and tiseir vallor weakened hy debauCliexy, there is ne reasofn te fear aeîv serious resistance. Dr. Adolpis Bloch read a paaper the otiser day befere tise Par< iety cf Antisropeiogy, lu ubicis ise; ed tise thcoery tisai old clge is a dis con- teadîng tisati is ne more lisasae tisa ciidhoed. -Witb precaieins an old tan la ne more expesed tir" maladies than is a younger tani, proi ide e as net taxed las strength toc heav;ily. ht ta difficuis te say at uhat perîod of life oid age arrives. Thers are maay causes that bniang on precocious aenility. Sometimes one tan is .ery old ai 30, and anotiser presents ail tise awributes cf a second yonts ct 60. It is more logîcal te describe oie egc an tisai pet- îcd in 11f e during whioh a seian dies ext uraily, if lie does net auccumis te a maledy or an accidenti Very few oid men, as e matter cf faci, die cf disease, isowever siran'ge ibis may apptiari A great many cf tisent drop cff trot asit- pin exisnnstion,wiibout leaving tie lensi trace cf apntalady., No cdoubi tiere are maladies tisa taitack old mcai, sncb for instance, as congestion cf tisebrain, inflammation cf tise lunga, ted arteri- ai atheronta, thislate. say, a degrue of thickness, more marked la tise tunica cf tise aricnies, wisicIs become a soiid mets of 1France.i Tiere are somne re- AN ENGLISH GUN. giona where men liveu longer than they1 Your cough, like a dog's do in others. For instance, Yonne and le is Iad l, iTulbes of E<1iil Leingili, Tele bri in ta heei Girnd, reparticularly favored in this scaped One lit lle Otiier. ak isa ig th he s matea. Iow this is nobody can tell, A newi idea in big guns lias just been Something foreign around but it is a fact duly obisvd des eloped by an inventer of Openshawý, which shouldn't be there. ___________England. Ris gun iscalled the Gled- . 4 Now itis anieait~bit he hEd built-up gun, and takes ita n-me You can quiet the noise., < t frameby Lbanofmuaihav te been oparty from its inventor and partly tedne a etee~s fam cetan exbatnt, usabaon e, foafrom thek manner of its construction.th dagrmyb ee acertinofan aeeent o -wbfoiachTie inventer is Manassali Gledhill. He the saine. Scott's Emhul On Ecgndonoudean aretwoldieh emaltes his gun by bui:ding up a series o odhe O s o Englad wold bca paty wold b theof stee'. tubes, so formed, fitted togetherofC dlvrO i nta maintenance of the independence and and united as to inaure great strength cough specific; it does flot territorial integrity of the Ottoman Em- and durabiiity, while permitting the pire, provided, of course, the Sultan will ready removal of any section without Il el y alliay thie symrptorna permit thse needful reforms te be car- injury of the other sections, a forma- but it doits give such strength ried out. But the, honest enforcement t ,ion valuable because it permits thse a **~ t of sucis reforms will, in the judgment replacement of an inner lining. This to the body triat it is able t of ail observers, tend to give Turkey part often becomes worn by constant throw off the disease. a new lease of life, and thns the Rus- use, so as to affect the accuracy oftIe Y ko theod prv sian dreamn of gaining Constantinople firing. o n wth l rv would be furtht from fulfilment than Thse most important feature of thse erb Of " the ounce of pre- ever. We may bie c ertain, therefore, gun 's tlie construction of the steel that iRussia will dling inflexibly te, at tubes, which are uniforml;,3 tapered vention?" Don't iieglect throughout their Gength. By this least one feature of thse Lobanof means thse required diminution in the your cough- schee. nd tat omecompnsaionexternal diameter of the gun, fromt the achee. nd.tha sete ompnsaionbreech te the muzzle. ta obtaîned with- YQur druggist keeps Scott's Pmiilsion of Cod-Iiv. OiL she is te, have for ler assenît to the re- out sheuilders or sudden changes of P'ut Up in 5ocr and $..- sizes. invigoration of an empire virtually mor- tbickness, which are thouglit prejudi- ibund. Thie compensation will un- nul1 to a gun's strengtli. The taper- ing tubes are made se tbat they close- doute]ytasetje frmofEnlad lfit, one over the other beginning R±IP-A-N'S acquiescence la the opening of thse Dar- with thse inner iining and ending with danelles and tise Bospi, to thse wnr- tise outer ahe.i. L ships of ail nations, and thus Russia Another advantage is the comparative WI ease of manufacture, Thse bui:.der can - The modern stand- will acquire for be Black Sea fleet', fort tthe outaide of one tube and bore - xv bat sIe has long sougit in vain, a out tâe otiser at the sane angle from f ard Family Medi- f,1 ree oi t f tiseMediterranean. That eVieoeiss erytsesm sts la te smllet qnd pr qu tha Rus en teoed , n r the xeaindiasethe ie ue h is e, Sla st uidpir, qo tat us-internai diameter of thse o tier tbat tise cn urs t sia cia n ccept for co-operation w~ith outer tube can be placed very nearly England, wisich repeatedly during thse l m it utimate position upon thse inner common every-day presnt entry as hw-rtubhe without pressure, wvhilýe a sligbt > preen cntry ba twàtedlir s-hydraul.ic pressure forces the tube te - ils of humanitv. pirations, for seute btter means of ac- its, exact position. In this way one ces to tise ocean than is afforded by tube atter anociser is, added and tise ý tn tiseiBalic ad te XVite ea.buit up cf four steel sections,. r --At the breecis, tbe tapering tubes ae z secured by a series cf screw boita. TIse We may fairly assume tissa tiat Lord breecis plug la usuaily cylindrical, but ~5V Salibur, ~ho entwit Lod Jsa-sometimes made taper, witb centinnous coSalsbueydte B,erlnft iseexpredsBui-screw threads te facilitate tise opening q cosil e eln o h xrs u-and c'esing cf tise breecis.__________ pose cf destroying the treaty of San Thse new gun tas se' perfecty fitteai Stefano, and cf psigRsi al that net en'ly can its varieus parts bec ' withdrawn and replaced readily, but in once more behind the Danube, bas re- case cf a desire te remove the gun front nounced a fundameatal tenet cf Eng- ene point to anotiser tise sections can land's foreign policy. Tisa ten't was beeài sprtd.pce adtas tiait the warships created. by RPçussil prtd 1 ntise PrsO h Bl e muastI j URE al dîseases of the ]loodsan-orves, Rheu- in ort cfth flaekSea . matismn and ail Pain. Femae 1teatr, Btodc b cooped up ln tisai basin, and muast ittr Large boxes, 50c.; ull a 1pl box300 7neyer, nader any, circumstanc-s, bce ai- THE CARRIEIR PIGEON ' 0d.D.oadudenc. .iîolt0leO lowed te pasa ths Dardanlelles. It is TîyýTrjatIi er ioWgsn ltiio~~î geaera]ly believed and intrinsically pro- Ticil of ir. hable, tfiatinl consideratien of Eng- In view of the movemeni recently Ageincy 7 r iand's willingncss tei tbrow Opten tise made in favor cf a military pigeon mes- i Dardanelles and tbis Bcsporous, Rus- sage service, it la interesting J'e note îi ait isaagred tsaitbe question of th-at tise British G( vernment has decid- ~ England's rigisi, te occnip Egypi shall ed te establisis a service of carrier pige- net be raised. Deaply as thse Frenchs oas fer use by thse army and nay. In resent tise occupation, tbey can bie pre- tisis matter Great Britain bas bitisert oI .TAD it<l vaied penby IseCzar te acquiesce? lagged far behiad mest cf tise conin-~ EiNPTTS la it, fer ai present tise will cf tise entai pewers, whic f recent years have For Information and'If-", liadbook w i, Russian autecrat seema te Le as irre- devoted considerable Outlay and atten- Olesbeeulrbcuring Patents in .Iela sistible la Paris as la St. Petersburg. tien upon tise development cf an effi- Every paient taken eut by ùist brouglit beforo dentsericeof crrir pgeon. Tsis hie publie by a notice gîven frec of charge ln the There es oleneduita developneat bas reached is iigbest ffcît?Âtlfl RusiaFraceand England bave cern- peint la Gerntsny and France. Ia tise îLaest crculation ef any rcientitic paper In the RusiFrncfermer sut cof $12,509 as annually set woriad splendîdty ih. stratel. oounteligent binedto scurethe mmedite eforc- aoman îhould bc, w bout ia Weekly,$jS300j. bine tesecre iseimmdiae efore- side from tise var budget for the train- year;tCî inonths A tdra5l, UNN & ce. ment cf refermas in tise Ottoman Eml- ing and support cf carrier pigeons. Ev- uBLn v, GI rd-y e ork City. Pire,,, ad tbat tise Berlin Gevernment ery f ertresa and miiitary camp on tise intndsto eman prfetlyneuralinfrontiera bins ita coluaabary supplied intnd t rmai prfcty nutalinwitb trained birds,isoused ready for cm- B RAD ANO B A K INGV tise matter,. Ta viev cf Gerntany',s atti- ergencies. Tise birds aggregate about tude, ltaly will net desire, and Austria- 10,000, and every bird la nuntbered and Hlungary wiîî scarcely venture,> t eon- regîstered, and can lie cleimed by tise ' i atisorities, sisouîd the neod ,oeeur. No The Staf 'of Lire and he laI 1 courage tie Sultan 4 e resistanco y th~e n e f tie irds can be taken ut f ' ~ , promise cf support. Tise existence cf tise country witbout tise officiai sanc- WL nnM w tise agreement, isowever, between the tien, 15 la estittted tisas fronthtie re- h ae L tlree- pewers fîrat named impiies cubher serve se fernted tise Governntent can a deidcdcbage i tis Czr's ro-draw front 25,000 te 30,000 birds, all 5 a decdedchage n te Car' pr-irained and ready for use. Equal cere HOT1 WORK AND LONG HOURS. gramme, or else a distinct departure, la bestowed on pigeon-traiýinging l front England's tradittenal policy. France. Tise principal station is ait tise great ntiiitery camp at Ciselons; but Practicai bakers are se exposed te extremes Tis pln wsib Pinc Lbanf cn-tisere are depets ;na al tise frontier of temperatere tisati is net s;irprising that L Th plit hie Price obaof on-tewns and fortresses. Front these out- c eived, and te whicb, up te tise tinte lying posta a regular pigeon mail ser- ',hey ofien suifer front kidney and cuber trou- cf bis deatis, tise Russian venen vice te tise ieadiquarters la maintain- bies,.len many cases tiscir work ai nigisi con.. adsee uswrinly rs e de nt- c. Tisree tintes a week a number of âlnes tisent la a iseaicd atmeapisere for bours. nande suffer one cf astisedgretstibirds are talion by train te cri(rom wiicistiey saliy forts tbrtougli the cold ing nd t sufer oneof te i points on tise frontier uriere tisey ae Lpou-crs te do anytsin4g until tise Sul-. liberated. A careful record la kept of nigbt air te tieir weil-earned reat. tan's iniquities siseuld pesa tise bounds tiseir number and tise tinte occupied la Mr. George Roerts, baker for Mrs. S. cf eleatin ad tse ecesit cfejei-reaciing their destination,.lise percent- Ratiaban, 257 Dunda5> streci, givl us the 1 o toeraionandthenecssiy o ejctýage of lbases la very stail.Sucis con- olwigfcs««1hv uérdo', zhfr 1ing tise TarI front Europ i seaid be fidence la piaced la this service tisat fi(loigfcs Ihv ufrds ec o «uaiversally reconi. t caiculated if every lins of railway the pasi fourie years with kidney disease lits atm was, and -every telegrepis wire on bothsaides tisati gives me pleasure te tel cf my cisanged net tise rellabilitatiun of tise Ottoman of tise (rentier were destroyed, by means condition fer tise beiter. I isad fearful pain ln State, but tise swift diaintegration or of ibis systeintof pigeon positishe antis- the back and rigisi side; tise urine was red le ht, telie feliowed isy tise absorption cf erîties could lie keps abreasi of thse pro- testcf latiseRusianempie. isegresa of events. Tise rearing and train- caler witis a reddish sticky sedintent, witls l est O tbin he w sised empi a~re.-h ing of pigeons by tise public is aise en- brick dust depesit. At imca severe pain in lastthîgh wi' sed o se wg are-coaraged by tise Gevernntent. Almost the egion cf the bladder, causing me greai invigorated Turkey, deriving a,(resis every 'to\vn bas its society or union suifering and discontfort, Appetite very poor, viiality froint ii1ral isiuin generaliy under off iciai patronage,and and ntuch treubledt wiii stsîeplessness et nigisi. salutay refrais, ntiatuis andb fertise periedical fiying contesta tisous- 1 felt tired and worn oui ail tise tinte., Work saluaryrefrmsamdthis unhakblyanda of birds wiii be entered. Tise state becante a drudgery,; h wes an effort te do any- conirolling tise ]hrdlanellcs and tise bas tise option of takigail traleed tbing. I was 10w apirited aed discouraged. Bosporus, and continuing te block tise birda, sbould tise public service require Hearing of Doan's Pills I went to Mr. W. T. 15. Sirengs drug store, London, Ont., and egress cf Bassia warslhips front tise get cee box. Fron thie firsi do3e I cent- BlacIs Setn. Ris belief vas tisai, if repe nenced tr imltpreve, and now nty back and enoilgis uere given tetise Sultan, tisai t- , ide are ail rigisi; tise urine is naturel le celer isalfcrcz seveein . tie sediruent bas disappeared; 1 bave no pain hafcaysvrinwouid iia it-. -o a id etwl;aptt bas returned: '5

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