The Calladiail Statesman Au Eigbt Page, Forty-Elght Column Ne' spaper, la publiaheti EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, AT lTE ,OFFICE 26 STATESIOAN BLOCK, KING STREET, BOWMAXIVILLE, ONT.. BI Y. A. dAIE5Editor &Proprietor. Sulscrîption$1.5o per annum, or $1.00 if paid strktly in aclalee. ADVERTISING RATES fTransient Advertising. Ten Cents per Line, Irt inSertion; Fivo Centa per Lino, each sub- sequent insertion. COTATRATES. SIZEOIiADVERTJSFMFN'T - 1lIMES INSE)îTEO imth lmths Oîths -£ Yr. naïf Column......13 0 2O4 U Quarter Columol..... 8 -26 ,0 Êighth Column ........ 0O i,162 Twonty iixe Linos. 451 M. 12 IR Twni Lno......4 8O S 13 Fiflen Lns...... 50 7 50 12 Ton Lines .. .. 25' 4 50650 3il EvLna.125, 3 50 6 10 The above are ontract rates, and apply onlyý to regular business advertisers. Transient aù vortisements Ten cents in i rai- joPertî, nuS- Fivo cenis a Une eah subsjnont insertion. Changes of conir at advertiseinents mut hc handoti lu net isior that oi-e o'lock ou Satarday -ibis mile will lbe strictly onforced. Paragraph advertisements among nows items l00 a lino eaeh insertion. Notice of Birilis, 25c; Marriages and Deatha, boc. Dispiayod advertisoments aie measured 'by a scale of soliti nonpareil and chargod accordilîg- Y. Orders for discontinuing ativertisemnents must lie in writlng, otherwlse the publisher wll îîol lie responsible. To SuBSCiRiBEs-No paper will bo stopui'ed until al arrearages are patd. exeopt at the o>ytion of the publialier. A po0 t office notice t0 discoii- îueý la notS uffieie.nt. Al comrmunloations should lie addressed, M. A. JAMES, Hov maniville.Oni GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. Express .... 837 a. m. 1 Express .... 5 23 a. m ~Express .... 10 19 a. 8 37 ?gssexiger .. . 3 013 p i.aer.. 5p Local.... 645 pa.. xpress.. . 7 e0 5Epea..1034 Daily. BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 1, 1896. GOOD-BYE, 1896. It eosbut a veE lt le.while ago that we took a strang-er bv the hand and Saehim a hearty welcorne at the thres- olas a parting guest 1895 Ieft us flot er las become famiiarand he too,passes ouiy, and we see hlm no more. Itecares COUNTIES' COUNCIL. IivsioN No. 4. COUINTY OP DUnHAM, COMPRISING CLARIZE AND NEWCASTLE. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Hax ing had one year's expeience at the Counties' Council Board ai Co- bourg. and being desirous of serving for another termi, I lereby announce my- t self a Candidate for Division No. 4, as constituted by the County Council Acth of 1896 : 1 respectfully solicit vour vote aînd influence, believing thdt if I arnb elected 1 shall be able to look alter your interests. Your obedient servant, WM. RICKARD. Newcastle, Dec. 22, 1896. COIJNTY COUNCIL DIVISION No. 6. LADIES AND; GENTLES&EN Ilaving aceepted noumination for po- sition o! Countv Councillor at the soici- tation of a large number of the electors, I have- accepted a nomination and re-1 sp)ectululy solicit vour votes and influ- ence. -If elected-I will do ail in my power to proinote your interests and do all 1 can to abolisli useless expenditure. Wishing you ahl the compliments of the season, I reomain, Yonr obedient servant, 1T. BAKER. *Solîna, Dec. 22, 1896. DisTRIeT No. 61 COsnuusîtoG NonTu DAR.- LINGTON AND CARTW-RIGHT. LADIES AND GENTLEMErN : Hlavisg represented the township of Darlington at the Counties' Council for p ast five years, witb, I arn led to he- lie-ve. very general satisfaction, I arn again a candidate for the next terni of two years under the the niew County Council Act. If elected I shall strive to serve this district and the Counties gen- eraily to the best of my ability. Soic- iting your vote and influence, I wish you al! a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous Newv Year, I arn, Yours faithfully, J. TÉ. POLLOCK. Enniskihlen> Dec. ±3, 1896. Electors of Darling-ton. LADI ES AND GENTLEMEN: iHaving boom solîcited by a nuinher of influential ratepayers to accept a nomination for thse position of Council- lor for the year 1897, I have decided to accept the nomination and hereby re- spectfully soicityvour vote and influence. H1a7g lad a large experience lu road mak-ing, and by my work as Assessor for nine 3,ears, gained an extensive knowledge of the twsi and muni- cipal work,I rnaam poitinif elected slip.,,Wishiýngyou the lcompliments'of the iiseason, I romain, PERSONAL. Miss Hornlbroook, Toronto, la home. Mr. Win.Kerr, Tornto, visiteil bis father. Mr. F red Couch spent Xmas in Port Hope.' Miss Mabel Tait, Toronto, was home Xmas. Mr. Sd aey Bennett ie homne from Manitoba. Mr. Paul Biikey, Toronito, was home Xmas. Mr. Ezzie Nott, Toronto, visiteti bis mother. McI. -W m. Re,ït, L'oîhamni, oas lu town Xmaa. Mr. Frank Rowland, Picion, was bore Friday. Mr. Sid. Barrett, Streetsvilîe, apont Xmas in tlEu. Mr. L. N. Vanstoîie, Toronto, spent Xmas bore. Miss May Sparliîîg. teacher, New Park, is homo. Mr. Thos. Alhni, Pickerinig, gave us a cati Mouday. Mr. John Down, Toronto, spent the holiday at homoe. Miss Sophie Cherry, Brighton, la homo for the holid.ays. Mr. A. W. nmadhurn, Janeiville, îvas lu townl iast week. Miss Olive Morrison, Toronto, waa home for Christmas. Mr. John Medland, 'Wooditock, visiteti bore tbis week. Mr. T. H. Jenings, Brantford, 'vas homo for Christmas. MIr. Fri-dI. C. Vanstono, Toronto Business Coi- loge, la homne.1 Mr. Geo. E. McKowan, Oakvillp, was home for Christmas. Mr. A. J. Saunders, Toronto, spent bbc hoit- days ait home. Mir. -. lfred Goodw lu, Toronto, visîtet isi brothers isere. Mr. Fred. Brimacoinhe, Toronto, was home for Christmas. Miss Violette' Osborne, Brownsviiie, la home for the bolldays. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Tiiley, Toronit', spent the hobiys hero. Miss E. fleal, Oshawa, was guest of Mrs. W. Windatt Fridav. Mr. Arthur L. MeMurtry, McGill University, Montreal, la homne. Miss Bunner Is vislting bier brother, 11ev. W. A. Eansir, MyrI le. Mr. Thos. HIntcbinison spenit Xmas witb bis aister, lira. T. Percy. Miss Liily E-vans, TVoronto, waa guesi of Miss Mini Mason Xnias. 11ev. A. J. G. Carscaddeu, Victoria Univer- sity, Toronto, la homo. Mr.J.Cochrane,:CobourgspenutChristmas wit frionds lu Bowmgnviile. Mrs. 'W. E. Welsh and Misa Mabel Woiah are vîsiting fi tends ai lierlin. Misses Rachet and Dolly Wright, Toront o. are home for Iheir boiidays. Mr, anti lre. Hezieki.ah Ham bly, Woodstock. are visiting frieuds bore. Mir. andi Mrs. Bon. Blekell spent Cbrtstmas with relatives near Myiriio. Mr, and Mra. A., Bingbam, St. Thomas, ara goosts of Mir. W. G. Glover. Mr. anti Mrs. J. Bedford bave retumnedti(i iowîî from Rochester, N. Y. Mr. Roht. Freeland anti sons William anic George, Toronto, are home. Messrs. Frankiu anti Norman Northeoti spent the bolidays ai home. Mfr. and Mrs. T. Sheridan, Oshsawa, veerî gucafs of Mr. R, Treonth. Mr. James Hanoy Forest, bas beon visitiug bis mother, Mrs. H. ilaney.' Mr. Jos. McDonald, Daveuport, la., la visitirip hi sisfer. Mmi. John Jones. Messrs. Arthur anti Norman McDougali, Tor. onio, spent Christmas in town. Miss Hawkins, Toronto, bas boon visiting ai Mm. R. R. Hoskiu's, Centre St. Mr. T. G. Bragg, B. A.. Toronto, la spendinq- the bolidays wiih bis parents. Mm. anti Mrs. T. H. Lockiari, Toronto, werE guesi s of Mm. Geo. E. Maynard. lloster FS Eca (t,"'orroa , ls goal 0iofiii grauidfatber, Mr. Thos. Bassoit. Miss Eva McKeown, Woodstock, la visiiu bier sistor Mrs. T. H. McMurtry. apano M,,, r . nnson, 1s oronto, ar-e gtlf 0 f bis dubcMa.. H. Henîry. Mr." "' &n 'i ~N .+O.Von-TýiitaV, w- AUCTION SALE. MOloDAF, January 11,ý-Mm. Thos. Nichols, lot 30, con. 3, Darlington, will sellai of hIs farn stocký, impie- ments, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. L. A. ýs W. ToLE, auctioneer, TaURSIJAY, Jan. 7,-Mr. Mark Prout, lot 7, con.ý 3, Darlington, wi11 sou al of his farmi stock, inltplernents etc., also a quantitv of furnture. §ale at 1 o'clock. L. A. W. TOLE,auctioneer The~ Week of Praver. The following arrangemnents have beeas made for the Week of Prayer, wbich is to bc observed, t coording te the goodly customi which bas prevailed bere for many years, ;0 by union meetings during the firsi full week of the New Year. Thse topica are thoRe suggestea by thue EVanZeieal Alliance of Gteat Britain and the United States, and the observance of ibis special season 7e f prayer ies wide rpread ibrougbout the Englisl apeaking world. 9 Monday, Jan. 4, Metbodisi Churcl. Topic - Confession andi Thanksgiving. rg 1ev. B. Douglas Fraser, M. A. Tuesday. Jan. 5, Disciples Chur&l. *Topic-TIeC (hurch Universal. 11ev. 0. Parker. Wednesday, Jan. 6, Trinity Chorcl. 9 Topic-Nationg and their Ruters. Bey. R. A . Butrise, B.A. Thursday, Jan. 7, St. PauI's Churdli. Topie-tdissiouns. A representalive front Iseach Cburch. Friday, Jan. 8, Mothodiet CJlurah. 9 Topie-lamilies aud lSchoolà,. 1ev. W. t =je underetoodth t Iallother eveing meetings lu thc vaians clurchtus wihI le nul mI ~- I3.0 'Arci -5 rZ55, ~ ~I Mm F..T. arkr 'ni Sozhrm. s si~i~i ~ îsx, f.îcileuISi-s ........ ..... IÀ - - - -î oýpen for uis, andt htaîetn1LUE 1JE'TliN Dc MCSti s~-~ roi~ci b~t-W"eis- "'~-~ asbeenspendingl 0 "1"% del.,, .-. .~ ~. J*fl~fl..O.At?- civ ar., ~35.-33C ,~55 -'---.flr.j., 1.43.3. - tflttJjflS ,.tna,.. fl.i.I33~tttV 4flt.ttrfl,- ~ - ~ a~~f5 ~ ~,3-j- A.t- Lvi.u- C i ~ A ~ ~ .,~ -, ibuauli.-iOSIIC(OuinOlî .i i i. - -. - ~-'r~. - ....~ - _____ - -- - . -- - ->-a - ~ -~rrs-~ -~w --~ i ~-~- -~ - ~ - ____- -E - -------- -,------~ - ---m?~---~~- - ~ ~ __ . _____ - ~ ~ - __________ fi- I will be at the Bennett House, Bow- manville, on Thursday, Jan. 5th, 1897, urepared to buy any numbe-r of good sound working and other kinds of horses frorn 4 to 8 years old. Parmers having horses to dispose of will find it to their advantage to bring them to the Bennett Ilouse on the above date as liberal prices will be paid. L. PAZETTE, Palace Stables., Montreal. 'lIhe open meeting in ccnnection with the Chosen Friends,on Wednesdav even- ing last was a pleasant one. The or- chestra was present,an a good programa of vocal and instrumental music render- ed by local talent. Durino' theevenîng Grand Councillor, W. P. Êe1l, of King ston, gave a very initeresting speech touchin 0o the îvork being done býy the Order. This society is one of the best Beneflciary Instituions lu existence to. day and one could make no mistake join- iug it. Bowmauvjlle Council is in a floating condition, and hope shortly to enroli several more new members. Horses Wanted. "Mo e- z 0 laïw oj D c.) z I o -D K À A. K K .= M ÇL, ,) CZD 1 Fe -r S= - ------------ - --------------- 1 , tl,% 1 ýý--2l- Y-OUýýn Toronto, were