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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1897, p. 5

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service and 99 other presents. It would be impossible to give valuable presents to, al our customers, but we have de-1 eided to distribute 100 articles (inehiding a very pretty Siver Tea Set) among those who pur- Chase Xmas presents from us this. year and we have adopted a very simple plan for makingi the distribution. Caîl and see the presents and learn partieulars. Our assortment of Xmas pro- sents was neyer so large and value nov,,er so good. $2,50 Toilet Cases, Choice Perfurnes, Hair Brushes, Pursos, &c. <lu endloss variety. Stott & Jury, / The Druggists, Wo areý stili selling Best Baking 1>0w- der at 15è a pound.s For Gentlemen. ' Smokers Sets, $1.00 to mnd Stands, .50 fe 'Writiag Corupanions 1.00 f0 Purses, (an endless variety) .05 f0 Cuf and Collar Boxes, .50 up. Shaviag Mirrons, .05 f0 Pocket Mimrons, .05 to Perfurnes, (lu ail styles) .05 f0 Ilair Bruslies (au extra fine Brush wort Ici$1,50) Shaviag Sets, .50 f0 Shaving Mug's, (great value) .15 f0 -Razors, .50 f0 Brush, Comb, Mirron Cases .75 f0 Glove, Raudkerchicf Boxes Travelling Cases, 1.25 fe Book Marks,(Metai, retfy) Gold, Silver, Steel Spex. .25 f0o Poeket Cornpaîîions,(Cornb, Mimer_ Y' & s .) .10 f0 Moufli Qr-ans (extra good) .15 f0 'Golden Sfîpper's, (thcy look se gay, for Cuf, Collar Buttfouis 13.00 1.50 2.50 8.00 2.50 .20 7.00 1.00 2.50 .75 1.50 9.00 7.00 .15 8.00 .20 100 .25 ~fhfQQMenltSpqecal ment ion. We A pUl10LO have an immense var iety /1 et, remarkably 10w priceî.j For Ladiles. Manicune Sets,$ .50 to $2.75 Jewei Cases, 1.25 to 8.00 Photo Cases, 1.75 to 2.50 'Cuff and Collar Cases .50 to 1.50 'Gove adln'he Cases .50« -Book Marks, .15 Com hs, (Solid Silver backs) 2.00 Wni'rting Companions, 1.00 to 2.50 Infants Toilet Cases, 1.50 'Bnush, Comb, Mirror Cases, .75 to 9.00 Paper Kuives, .15 to 1.00 Tink Stands, 1.00to 2.50g :Shorjt Toilet Scissors, .501 Basklet of Perfuine, .25 to 3.001 :Silk Feeders, .15 to .501 Spectacles, (Gold, Silver, and Steel) .25 to 8.00 Iflot Water Btties, 1.00 to 1.75 Sewing Companions, .25 to 3.00 Pentuilnes, good quality .10 to .25 *Perf unes, (extra, eut glass, and fancy cases) .25 te 7.00 £Perfurne Atornizer,3 (special) .25 'enfume Atomizeýs (many styles).35 to 100 IlnrlîMnci Are from the beit makers OI inill~ i the world. We seil Seeley's anti other cheap lines ht recommenti otr special importeti odors as the boit and most delicate andi lastiog. Ladies' List Continued. Mirrrs,8 .05 to $2.50 Mirrors, (handsoihe gilt) .25, Mimonis, (plate glass, col-1 loid, extra value) .25f )Iirrens, (nice large,, bevel edge) .50 Fin Tnays, .10 to .25 Plaques, (very pretty, hand paiisted, yon. should sec these .25 Crunmb Trays, (extra value) '.25- Purýses, (in endiess variety) .05 to 8.00 FHair Brushes, (speciat 25e TlarBrsses,(mealbacks, I{air Br)ushes, (regular 1.50 ' uine) 1.00 Hair Bru.shes, (Solid Silver Bac1ký 7.00 ý;1oVe S ýchers iu Cases 1.50 For Children. Paper Inives 15c. Toy Sewing Com-t r anioni 25c, Knives 10c, Ilair Brushes, ' unies le to 50c, Pin Trays 10e to 15ce U~iror, 5c to $1 .00, Penfumes 5e to SOc, ýZîce C-ps and Saucens 10e, Pretty Mugi 25c,1%xTaprsBoxes o Paint, Infant, Cases and Rattles (Se te 25c.) ~tt&Jury. We titi continue to ", te bewt Bak- lmzPcveir at 15capou ~ I I i o Eirst 0f these l4lonthly Competitions wIll commence January tsi, 189V, BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 1, 1896. Local and'Otherwise. Don't fail to renew this week. A boy is like a eat-happiest when near a good fire. Opal Rings' are lucky. Rickard's is the place to buy. M. A. James, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Bowmanville. Window shades and curtain polés at ail prices at L. Morris'. Bowmanville shops looked very at- tractive for the holidays. , Capital New Ycar's gif t-Tin S'rAr.ES MAN-52 reminders a year. Furniture in ail newest designs and iowest prices at L. Morris'. Buy a practicai present for New Year's. Rickard has many. Sec the $2.50 fancy Cobbier Rocker at M.- D. Williams & Son's for Xmas. A flrst ciass new Machine for $20.00 cash at Rickard's. Our two local furniture dealers, sent ont ioads of fine furniture last week and this. Santa Claus was the sare joiily old gentleman hie has ever bieen d you see hlm. in Mr. Trebiicock's window? Do not a] Iow your system to get weak and dcbilitated. It is eas.y to keep weIi and strong by taking Hood's Sarsapar- illa. Nothing more appropriate than a nice piece of Furniture for a Christmas git-X variety at L. Morris', Bow* M. D. Williams & Son have a fine line of Rattan Chairs suitabie for Xmas presents. 'You are invited to cali and sec them. Beautîful Art Squares in Union Wooi and Aryanium. in ail sizes just received direct from Scotland at Couch,Johnston, & Cryderman's. Photographs are becoming popular for Christmas and New Ycar's cards. Tait & Co.-,have turned ont very many of; their life-like photos for this purpose the past mnonth. Christmas Day was marked this year by coid bracing weathcr' hard roads, goiod wheciing, scarcely any snow here- abouts, good skating on the ponds and abundance of good cheer. The qnantjtv of poultry handled by local grocers the p ast month has been enormous. Fairiy good prices- have prevaiied and peopie have corne long distances to market in Bowmanville. Don't buy presents until after yon have paiçi your dcbts. Give your credit-1 ors a chance to celebrate a Happy New1 Ycar bcfoice you pcrformn that duty for1 any one else. Whomsocver this coat4 fits, put it on.1 1 Wýhen verY coid take several hcavy inspirations flulin- - the lungs full, hold on to your breati a long time before expulsion. This exercise wiil warxn you,,better than.any drink or fire. Try it on the word of the Editor. Local butchers did flot make as ex- tensive dispiay of high-class Christmas meats.,this ycar as in sonie previons ones but the quaiity, varicty and effective dlispiays werc good cnough for the lean purses and hungry larders, of our citizens. 1BRzOCK'S BIRD SEED-A lady in Belle- ville says: 'My canaries have neyer donc so well as since 1 started to use Brock's Bird Sccd and Bird Treat. It is the canest and best sced 1 have ever seen and would use no other now." Al grocers and druggists-Nicholson & Brock, 8i Coiborne S t., Toronto. HiNTs oN VOTiNG.-A1i municipal electors are qnalifled to vote for county councillors. If a voter wishes to votei twice vote for one candidate cie may legally do so by making, two crosses (x x) after hiis name.1 Bear in mmmd, however, that you can1 vote for only one if you give hlm two l votes; you Mnay vote for two by onei cross (x) after eaeh name. A union meeting of the young people 's societieb of St. Paul's, Trînitv, Disciple, and Methodist churches *was hcld Nlonday night ln the Mcthodîst school2 mon,. Mr. F. A. Haddy, prebident ofj Local Union, conducted the devotional1 exercises. Rev. A. E. G. Carscaddent read the 90 Psalm, Revs. Fraser, Parker,1 and Messrs. A. J. McLaughlin andi Luther Courtice assisted. Very appro.t priate and carefuliy prepared papers onf topics assigned were read by Messrs.f MecLaughlin, W. Freeland, N. N. Mc-t ,Don~ald anÇitc ourtice. Mr,. ElrctFoley' delivercd a capital ' addrcss and brief addresscs were -ivent by Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., t~has.a Gooda, Mrs. T., E. lligginbotham, M.IJae.lv R..Burs1lirdt by- appoinitmient the addrcss of th4e evening. Alljoinedheartil.v in singint ctd as accompanists. Rev. C. Parke~r gav- a very pleasing and tiuivly ad- ress and Rev. A. J. G. Carscaddcn elosed with the benediction. Thesi- ng was led bv Mn. P. Trebilcock and ~ Miss Veal. The platfonm was suitably a decorated with evengreens, plants and iowens. For a Sewiug Machine goto Rîck-ard 's, Gold Watches at Rickard's,bcst valuE lu the country. Mr. Thos. Nicholîs, Courtice, haE purchased the property formerly occu. pied by Mn. Wmn. Jordan, east of Pinch', nursery. Miss Armour,,teacher of Piano,Orgar and Singîng, will resume instruction at hier residence, Ontario St., and ai the schools ou Monday, Jan. 4th, 1897. Solid'Gold Spectacles at Rickard's f oi $4.50 iess than you eau purchase thE saine goods in Toronto and nlo OnE more capable of fittiug your eye with a glass than hie, Every mâodem aàpplianCE kept for testing auid a comfortablE pnivate room for the purpose. NEw Suis.-Nothing deliglits a pub- lisher's heant more than reeiving new subsenibers. We have been cheered severai times the, past week by reeeipt-, of new names. How easîly our list could be doubled by every present ub- seniber sendîug us one ncw namne. Trl it, friend. Our readers have no doubt noticcd the many complimeutary thiags saîd of late about the Wcekly Globe. Wc should like every one of our country subsenibers to take The Globe and to encourage them to do so we arc club- bing it with THua STATEsmAN at $1.50 ai- tlwugh îthas beeil increased from r12 te 16 pages and the pnice proportionateiy increased to nowspapcr publishers,. Without doubt the Globe I cadi ail the weekly newspapers in the Province and many who 'werc induced to take other weekly papers are now comiag baek to The Globe. Tua, STATESMAN and the WeekiyGlobe at $1,50 is the best bargain we eau offer Canadian readers lu the n -wspaper lino, Order to-day. WINNING loN;oR.-The Canadian Workrn, officiai organ of the Ancient Orden of United Workman in Ontario, published at Onillia, says in December îouîber: Bro. S. F, Hill of Bowman- ville, Grand Organizer, came to Onillia on Tuesday, Dec. 1 t0 as§sist Orillia Lodge ln getting in uew members. 'He started to work immediately. and the reÙut'of his efforts was tweaty-flve new members iuitiated at aspcimeeting ou Friday evëning, the 4th. Bro, lli left on Monday, the 7th, for Barrie, and returned ýto Onillia oni Thnrsday, the lod -e was hcid aud 12 more candidates initîated, tbroughl Bro. Rill's instru- ment aiity. Bro. lli is considered a firit-dlais organizer by the brethrea hene, and lho fan excecded their expecta tions in the number of flew members brought in duning his short visit, A New Allan Freiglîter. In lino with the general plIan advocat- ed by Messrs. H. & A. Allan, the con- tract for a 10,000 ton freîght steamer has been let. This new vessel will be 470 feet long, 52 feet beamn and will have a depth of 86 feet 6 iuches. Rer englues wiIl be of 8000 horse-power and, will drive lier at a speed of 12ý kuofs. She' will be a large fnieglitship, pure and simiple, oftfremeudous carrying eapaeity and will be ready by next fali . This class of ship, with a fast passenger se r- vice, is the airn of the Allan Line. The Christmas "iFarmer's Advoeate."1 The farmers of Canada have reeeivcd a great treat in flic Christmas Number of the Farmer's Advocate, of London, Ont. ît is an unique and vainableipro- duction, the splendid articles aud ils trations of which give probably the best representation ever published of Can- adianagýriculture. Abhle reprmsen tative wniters in eveo-y pro-vilce of Canada, from British Columbia to Nova Scotia, diseuss its teadeacies, needs, and pros- pects. The Advocate bas doue a dis- tinct service f0 the country in issuing this fine Christmas number, which goes to every new subseriber for 1897. We notice that the paper continues to be putblîshedtwýicc a monint h in large size, and6n and affer Jan. lst -%it! appear lu colored cover (gold tint) together wvith a largelv iucreasedl contributino- staff of the ablest, and mnost practical wnitcrs in Canada., <The Late Mr. Williams. Another old and bigbly: respected citi- zen of Port Hope has passed oven and joined the great 'throng that has gone before. John Williams, the subjeet of this aotice,was bora lanfthc parish of St. Minver, Cornwall, England, ou Sept. lst, 1811, came wîth his wife and family to Canada lu 1846 (flfty years ago) and for about thirty years resided on his farm. lu the township of Clarke. For twenfy years past, or over, hie had lived, [an Port ope.,where hoe died Satunday raornig. Ris wife who came with hirn to this country, dicd over twenty years ago. Refé was aftenwards mÈarried to Miss Cotton, who with ffirce sons and two dagtes-by thie formner wife, mouru: the departure of a ioviig hus- baud and father. Mn. W. R. Williams. md nâü*. W.- J."(rIossen- oborý Mr and Mns. H. A. W7ard, Portù Hope. President-A. G. Rederee IiWhtby. It Vice Pres.-J .,Týfpsn sawa. 2ad Vice Pres.-A. Robents. Cobourg. Secv.-R. F. Day, Port Hope. Treas,- C. B. Kent,Boravle The officers are the Executive Committee and, with one delegate from each club make up the Gengral Conmittee. A New Year's Caller.1 THE STATESMAN'S faitfl Carrier will eail on bis customers New Year's moru- iug with his annual address. Re has faced ail weatlier f0 daiver this paper at the houses of towu subseribers and will be grateful for such offerng as his patrons teed disposed to bestow. NORTH WÂIID ELiECTION. Unsolicited and. quite unexpectedly I flnd myseif a candidate for the Council lu flic Northi Ward. I had no intention whatever of aspiring to a seat lu the Town Council for 1897, but prominent cifizens induced me f0 aecept nomina- tion. Of the four candidates, I earuest- ly desire that Messrs. Coruish and Mc- Kay shall bceleected, but arn quite indiffereut whether the choîce for third mu.u falis on Mn. ,Pattinson or myscif. Should I be prefemred, I shal-as lu former years, serve the eleetors to the best of my vabiiity. M. A. JAMES. "'QUEEN" TESTIMOINIALS. J. N. EIVELL. Esq.5 Bowrnanville. DEAR Sinz,-Thc '-Queca" stove which I puirchased fnom you over a monfh ago is gîving good satisfactio-n. Tiîaf top draft is a wonder. The bcauty of the stove is that it will buru large rougli kuots that will not go into any other 5f ove. I thînk the stove Wil pay for its self this wlIater in the saviug of fuel, lie- sidles being an ornament to any roomu I eau chcerfully recornmeud it to auyý one requhirng a good heater, as it will keep a fine la all uiight as good as a coal stove. Yonrs respectfuliy, A. L. NICIIOLLs, "The Fair." Bownnvïlie, Nov. il, 1896. 'lo PUEEIYt13T XNS.-A good farniiy paper im1proves in quality and influence as the yýears pais. The Canadian Pnesbyferiau libas never been better than during, the past twelve moufhs; and the publishens promise mauy at- tractive feaflires for 1897. Kuoxonian continues bisi briglit articles. The Sunday SeIhool Lesson andChistian Endeavor TUopics wiii be specialyv treat- cd by comipement wrifers, and ail flic useful dcpantments will bc weli kept up. The usual low terms f0 clubs, offered f0 mark the close of tweuty-flve years of publication,. ill enable every 'Pres- byterian farni-ly in fthe country f0 subl- scribe for this excellent papen, and will doubt lois resuilt in thousandi of addi- flouai subsenibens. T'ho fao sinO, lu on LIzzatilC$eery rirppO Notices of Births, Mariages and Deaths Fifty Cents. Deattis free when the fun- erai notices are printed at the ST ATES- MAN office., iBORN. DAR.ni.ToBnrleton.on Dec26,the wife of Mr. Joseph Dart, of a daoghter. Fit&ieg-At Wellesley Ave.,Toronto, Dec. 2.9, the wife of Mr. Lucas Frame, of a son. MARRIED' AIc!AIn-LÀKE.-By the 11ev. E. E Howard. at the Par sonago Hampton, Dc.23rd, Mr.Frankillin Oi hrdard Miss (Para .,doh ter of te laie J0ý1i] Clrke, Eeg., hoth of Dar- lingtonl. REIn--CLAPtK-At the Parsonage,Hampton, Dec. i,hb Rev. i3. E. Ilowar-d,Mr*.Geor*ge Reid, and MissiHelena 0., tlaughter of the laie John Clarke, Esq., both of Darlîngton. EEARL-BEE.ý--n Bowmanvllle, Dec. 23, by Rev. W. Joiliffe, Mr. Alfred John Reari and Mies Elizabeth Beer, both of Bowmanville, Ont. Ps'Wvrn-BAIronn Aý-t tlu' reside'ne ofthe brides inother, . sws Deec. 30, by Jtdv. J. p. Wilson, Mr. J. H1erbert P5ower, of Darlington and Miis Minnie M1,arie Bamford, of Oshawa. THoMî'SON-BARKR-At tho residence of the .b, id 's parents, on Dec. 30, by 11ev. Dr. Mrvin, Mr. John Andrew Thompein, mercehanit,Oshawa and Miss Mary Ann D4erker, daoghter of Mr. Samuel Barker, Maple Grove, MUTTON FOGÂiRTY.-Ils Bowmanville, Dec.23 by Rex. C. Porker, Mr. William Bons MotIon and Miss Matîlda Fogarty, ail of Bowmanville. DILLIN -HAN( (cc.-In Bowmaiiville,Dec.23, by Rev C. Pr rM. iHerbert Hienry Diiling and Ainerta May 1fancock. ail of Bowmanville, DIED. MITCHELL-At Newtonville Clarke, Dec. 20, Mliary Pascoe. beloyed wlfe oÏ Jacob Mitchell, agetl7 yearî. P. Trebilco--ck WIS HES ALL A New Years Hie invites ail to see his great display of holiday goods. A. E. Mer-LAUIGLIN, Barrîster, Solicitor antd Conveyancer. Offie- Bleakiey Block,1 King Street, Bowmanvllle. Monoy to boan at reasonable rates. 48-lyr, DflOG LOST.-X. Black and White Roundt with tan markings, lait îeen in Bal'e was~,Mnves.Soppoiedtet have come South. Any infor-mation will bo gadlyireeived by J. B. MARTYN, Bowmanvilie. 47-tf. D 0O YOU WANT A HOME.-If von do oLF pply to T. BiNGnÂAm for a nice iolii brick cottage cheap and on easy termi. 31-tf. D OG LOST.-A Fox Terrier with a Waekcar blckspot on bock-anti on taul answerî to, Jisn. Disappeared from Mr. Chas. Young's, Nov. 27. Rewa rd for retnrn or infsir- motion leading to bis rocovery. Report to STATESMÀN office, Bowmnanville. 1-2w* F OUN.- On Tuesday. Dec. 22,about mableote MionsR, alfmlsnrcof coti- ing e mon',thnerwo. wîîer o n h ae sname by calling at TiE S TErseÂN officee and paylng for this adv't. 1-tf. 'WE CAN GIVE POSITIONS-to Book-keepers, Cler-ks, Farmeri' Sons, Lawyers, Me 'nii Physî-i ans, Pîeachers, Stndents, Mueried and Single W',omen anti Widows. Po- sitions are worth from P ý400.00 to $2000.0W por ais. nom. We haveVpifi several of our eanvassers .ï'50.00 weekly for, yuars. Many bave starteti poor and hecome rich wýifihuî. Partlcolaroupon application. State salary expecteti. T. H. Lix SCOTT, Manager, ToroLlo, Ont. and will bc continued each month durong 1897. { I BCYLES JGIVENE As Follows: A12"P 10 FirSiPrizoS, $100 Stoarns' Bicycle, ..$ 13000a 25 Second" $25 GaW Watoh 625 S U flsycles and Watohos givmn mach month 1,625à a Total given duringyear 1897, $19o5R5P00E ROWTO0BT NTH E m. iRULES. qeimpetieors t. sae as Mn9 ..Suligeht" i1 l.e5ver month daog1in, eech of tbe 5 th.p Wrnp.e as theyean eocet. tpta wi jllst betpotion ;Or cacýh wrn.stpie slB aadds ois ahe..Cou.pes. rs wo sn n asà the hend1-1e»NRI I T SEND THr5 TOP PORION ~district in !whiëh they oide.YwIl caeli SOAP." These <ied Cu.rcevawnnro pion'oadogo Ipons",) are tbc osent enclosed s-" .with aketor.paper on which * 1.e capttrh.rttc. hl - Tesoptts ho eu s henx or ber mli lname and agdress, cte~tiil eiosbyele ilacr anai th. nujuber 0or Couos --.~--. receive, at vinner', option, a lady's or sent n, te »aItoesr. ~ iQ54f' gentosT Wl.atl, voins 21. seet"r BrOS . s. 23 Scott St.. -2.do le coetiton eBic1oethe lagt 'oroto, markcsi on thsePos day ofeach mentit during 1097.08Couponfi ta rapjper <top ieft * baudi receved tee, late for e monelie; compe. Monrwt ie NIJMBER ofir he DIS. tltion wi li op,?, !ith le neosi. TRICTCompeirlres lu. - ^ . optitr. wsiloain wrapper 11,ninel oa NO. OF . A Ir DISTRICT LerBotr, Ltd., and iheir fansîlies, are debarred fron WesterRICTa lnisiing ef Counnus 4 prinOteo t Of winners lu competitor's distict Wili Y orki, îiucoe & ait o4i .ais e n ordd~Couplir ohcmoiî, Yffst'n O9ntarj on os slngor cou.ttes On. closes. 2 tarlo. Musokla & ail ConnieE. et N. Orf hese 5 X e"' '.Leve "rt'ler, i., iiendsavor to 'war 3 Prvine "0f Quebec 1epises fiye.tho .beot tttheýirnab mi iityssjent, _______________________________but' it la nndersiood thet sii sWho compete ogres to accpu 4 Proince f i~c Brunwick the acari of Mesors. Lever Broths, Litd..as final, *,Provinree 1017Nova Scotia and Prince ]LEVER BItOS., Ld., 93 Scott St., Toronto. 5 j dwaru a ,sýd T iyle ethe celebratrd steares', ,nuldliby ,F. 0.itearns & C.,u t5grcuse, N.Y., & Torosio nt. Eaich wlzsee. e garonteed by ces ean ^ ascouplets ot tchmni Cawkr &Tait a 1 Thank you for your liberal patronage extended thlemu and wish you the season's compliments and a successff fui New Year, The Grocers, Bowmanvjlle.' NOTIIING CAN BE PERFECTION, Thongli 'ýLU E-LLA" CGEYLON TEA cornes nearer the mark than any. OnIy the highest grade Teas are used in this blend. It cannot fail to please. In Lead Packages. 25c, 40c, 50c, or 6oc per Ibý 4.P. Eckatndt & Co., Wholesale Agenits, Totronito. ýSole agent for Bowmanville, JOHN HELLYARD For New Year's Buyers We have, the brightest and cleanest store, and the largest variety of Fancy Goods, Toys, G îi mes, Bibles, 'Eolis, Picture'sStationery, Sleighs, and presents of ail kinds suitable for N,ý(wYev You will save money by buying at the Big 20.'. Wf. T. A llnîs BOMWMAN VILLE.1 Cash Grocers. Have got a very fine lot, 0f Lemon~s Oranges, Candies, Nuts, and Figs, for Christmas. 1C 0ail and see our goods l'

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