FRIDAY, JAN. i, 1807 »X. J. C.HITCRELL. E N PER 0F COLLEGE -OF PHYSICIAN niffdSurgeons, Onario, Coroner, etc. iffce a,0d Iesd,,nce. Enniskiflen 4 243 Yonge S., TORONTO. Jzt3s1OSet of Teeth fer $4 T>AIR1aTtSOLICITOR, &o. 3MO 0P RI1 J> LOCU, upstairs, King Street, iicwman- 'Ms.8olioItor for the Ontari Bank »' Ivate NoRCVs lcaned at the lowst rates ItORT. YOUTNG, Y. S. O "ýFFICE IN THEWEST DURHAM ÇJNews Block. where himself or.assistant 'Vil l he feund frain Sa.m. tae9 p.m. Night caols aS residesceetly opposite Drill Sbed. Calls bt]rph or ielephone 'will receive porompt R.PEÂTAmjE, Tailor Genftlemen's Clothes Made to Order. J. MIBIlMACOMBE DENTIW1'. OFFICE -IRear of Messrs. Higgiubotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLC DENTISTRY., C. HARNDEN, L. D. uS. Graaluategf4he noyailCalege Dental Surgeons. Ontario.. vrFflE oPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICI. VITALI ZR 3 j New Tailor Shop, Theunadersigned who bas been carrying on the tailQrn business in connection witb Mmaon's Drai30ds Store for a numberof years bAs cusmnce business for himself ai bts residence, King St.,west. wbere hie je prepared to aake gents 'and boys* suite in ail the latest stylestand et olwesi prices, For t-_ - wh ws oorder suite, be will carry a fulll une of amls aalthe newest patteras. Give hlm J. T. A L N Fashionable Tailore MONEY TOLON $100,0000 M&aaýg sum af money bas been placed inmy hnp'7a private persan for investinent, on aÏgjproived lans on ferra security for a terra 0f ,rf4s Or TEN yeRzs, FIVE AND ONE RAIS' PEtR dfflOy int;emet will be aslced payable yeariy. Saifcoy conditions for repayment will be arraged.Dý B. SIMPSON. Solicitor. Bovimanville. Dated Oct. lot, 1891, 9-tf. F OP. SALE OR RENT.-Hlouse aond lacres for sale or ta rent, situate om Sengag steeet notb. The promises consisi of a~ gaod bomse with every convenience, drivinp skestbt ec.Tuie garden contains alici a l1b cholt~eq fruit or ail varlpties. Immediate ec~ssIau tonegîven. For particulars appli r, *fT8 LSIGH Bowmauville Ont 4-tf TrUE CANADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLISHED 1854 81 per annnm in advaoce, ctberwise $1.53. 8 npins alwayr payable at the otitie ct .iAdver ling rates unlesby ecm -11 per lino, nonpariel, first insert û%ond eenS per line each subseqtuent ta- metion. Locale, 10 cents per uine. 1M. A. JAMES, Publisher XVWANTED-SEVERAL FAITHFUL y ean or women to travel for responsibie establilied bouse, in Ontario. Salary $780, pay- able $15 w=el and cepanses. Position per- Mnonnt. 1Refeec. Eclose self-addressed ciimedevelope. THE NATIONAL, Star Build ing, bg, Ill., U. S. A GETS WANT1N%1G PROFIT- £Lble eMplyet eau fi nt it with us, as we bave newest Rsien variaties of Nursery stock. and new seed potatoeas. Salary' or comnmi ssion Write at Once f or territory.IELA3NuR1SERY Ca., Toronto, Ont. 5i MEN WAN TED--To engage with .Wus as Saiesman. New season just oo)eing, ntw style of plate book, more attractiv e andi yat li.ter titan aver. Ai l ampes -ioead free. WVe ar e th e oniy Canadi a nNur sery a inge sai- try andi axpenses froin flic start.L ieal011om aisiou to part time men. Large list of Special- ties, ail haviug beau tasted at our trial orchard tirer 700 acres sonder cultivation If you waut a sure thng for winter, wrrite us. STONE & 'WEL- 'TS05',NurgervmsTi andI Fruit growers,Toronto Canad. af i a] -t ti si r is twoý Titis Iowers thte pile percaptîtly, ofien eutirely tinistiug ttc mending. Insnally enjoy the meuding as well as tny ter pari of my work, wten tatouluiis 8wny, tnt if for tony reas- on 1 tccb particubariy ouita!ftemooti for it ait te usual urne, 1I bave tony Part ut ht thai ibere is no immediate need ut until I teed mare lite ht, far there is sure to ha a day before long wbýen a basket ut meudiug la tbe very work I prefer. I manage my darning in thec ame wvay, excepittat 1 neyer rnend stock- iugs hetore wasing-just kaeping an- ougit mendcd for daiby use, aond now tond thon takiag taff a day ta empty te sting ' bag,.cutting down tond mak- thg ortisepasi darning. 1 helieve with all my toton in regu- larity tond systam in ttc tome, but can sec nu reasun wby, if wve kaep nur work wall lunitand, wc may nit umor ouraelves a litile in titis matier, as we du lu other titinga, leaving ttc muai diffianît parts ufthte mending until we tei like doiug ih, instead of compaling ourscîves ta drag titraugi t it niwito we cansider the proper urne, as if wa ware machines. SOMERECIPES. Pictles.-One-quarter pound o! smali unions cut up, ou-quarter paund of green tomatoas sXced, twe large pappers siicd, une-hait plut amail roui tnd green peppers. Sprintic anc plut a! sait av- ar tbem, tnd let them drain abi nigiti. lin the murning drain off every drop of juice. Mix tagtter anc ouncc white papper, anc ounce celery seed, oua ounce mace, one-balf ounce ot cloyas, une-quarter pound brawn angar, tond ana piece et grated torseradist. Caver ail over withbtest vinegar, about ana gallon. Afier puttiug lu pot tus- tia lyr ut pickles, then layera!f spices (t. latter taving becu wclh mixed ta- geuber), two tablespoanfula of made mustard dsaolved an one-baif cuptul of watr, tond siirred i tte pickles lasi, caok a tmg time, Ttc quantiiy makes about twa galbons of pickles. Vine Orange Melon.-Pare ttc fruit tond taka ouitte seed& ut ubrea-quar- tara af a pound of sugar ta a paund ot fruit, coer wththet sugar tond lci stand lu a howl ail nigbt. Iunte marn- ing drain off ttc syrup tond let comae ta a bail. Put the fruit in tond coak uintih tender enougi tet run tbraugt wih a straw., Flavor witt orange or leman juice, and the rind pared very titin, Motter Eve's Pudding.-Tbree-quart- crs et a paund of raisins, ibree-quart-ý crs ut, a pound of curnants, ttree-quart- aera ai a pouud o! appies ctappad very filue, ane-aît a apoundoafsugar, one paound oft sale ýgraiad tread, six eggs oteicuvery igit, an-taifteiaspoontul ut sait. Dat ail weli ingaiher tond bail as a plu pudding. HELPFUL HINTS. iu n ating aalt'a' foot jclly alîcu' a gallon of wttr ta a set of trottate,tnd it willd mata twa quarts ut jelly. Te hast way ta keep the vaniaus harts wit wbiccb very careful bouse- wife's stare-room sitould bc supplied, la lu paper hags suspended tram ttc, wail. Titis keep them dry tond free tram duat or hscas. As tae baves on blos- sorna ratile fft, ttey are ready for dress- ings, witile the stems a eaute sed in saupa. Titis is ttc season wbeu a supply o! saur milk, saur crcam an tuttenmilk quickly' accurnuhates lu thousauds cf itousetolds. Ibese ingredienia may te utilized lu a varity ot dalialous disites. Peritaps the muait popular evalution tram saur milk anete saur mîlk pan- cakes. These shouid nat te mixad until ready ta hake. Allow ta ibrea cupa me-- dium satir milk tiwo teaspeanutls et soda Oidren Cry for Cbathlng in l~lecia~o-turniueus liaiji Ucai. and 1 The etfiaacy ofte electric ligbt bath would appear ta have reccived some con-- firmation lu connoctian with ttc ne- putcd discoveny o! au instrument for rneasuring ttc vital force of taeturnan ongauisn. lTe luminous hattas long heen tuown as the pet achaeeot a pro- gressive eecroiharatiisi. He lis e can get tetten resulta by battl-ing bis ptiecnts in ligbt ttan in simpiy ht air, tond perspiration la neduaed very quickiy. lTae ligiti hatmakes ttc patient panspime lu tour min utes ai a temparaiune of 80 Fahrenheit, wbene- as, an the lunkiat bath ta produce thte saomeaffect a iemparature ot 100 de- grecs Fahrenbeit muai ha mainiained for five tond a itaît minutes,.lTe affect on ttc skin la powenful. Tte elimina- thon o! carbonic aaid is put ai an aven- toge et 5 per cent.. whlle witb tbe lur- ksth atsthe bigbeat pencentage is 4.07, tond witb tae ussian hat3.96. lTe intaera!ofite bath is, as may ha ixpected, dazzling in uts hnilliarsy. Ttc expeciad dazzling lunia brilliaucy. lTe aides, ceiling tond floar of the cabinet are contructed entirely of munrors. Raws et lampa run perpendicuiarly tond itorizouialhy, rnaklng a framcwark ut lîgiti, wtict la efletad a tousand tlmes intte innumerabia mirrened ta- cets wit wtîah ttc cabinet la atudded. In the canier la a coucit. upon whict ttc patient radlinas. Ih la su censtrnct- cd that ttc wtale of ttc, body of tae patient can bhaait te aome urne ex-- poad ta tteninlunceatfte radiant igtt tnd teai. lTe instrument for de- noting ttc play of ttc vital tanoces, calladth ie biometar, la said ta have teen dlacovared in France hy Dr. Dan-- radsoc. Ttc impulses of ttc body ara suppusad ta ha indicated by ttc maya- ment et à needie. Accordîng io a de- scription wbiah bas beau given et tta oparation oft tiis instrument, wten a man la lu perfect tealti thie currant inducad within it plays tram n igiti ta laft, te igtt hand attracting ttc neadie about 15 degrs, wtile tite left repels it ai an equal distance. Wtcn toman la undar taeairain et prolongod pitysical on intellect, ttc rigiti tand attnacting ttceuceuile there is a bset vital force, wtict las shown by fatigue. During sbeap, convalescence tond rest totbanda attracit te needle. Very otten the waste et vital fonce contin- ues long attar ttc physicai or cerobnal effort 4's.over, ta ttc great deiniment o! ttc 'body. lthera la a "thigbit o vital forces," witichi s quite as, depresa- ing' lu utsway as an tctuaflboset thond. Dr. Durnaduc tinds that thc muai effective vay et repairing titis serions legs, tond msteing ttc vital equilubrium, la ta abut bimselt up in an aectrohuminous bath for a feu' min- utes. Ibis hat of bight, lte aays, tilla bis iteatiwitth ite-giving warmtiatnd wittin an tour te la anjoying a quiet tond rocupenating rasi. Atter titis reat te indications of ttc hiometen becomie normal. LIANE'S CAHEER. When Liane de Pougy was ai Ostcud ibis summer, ai leasi 2N0 peupla gatter- etI nigbtiy outaide ta windews oetlhan total ta watct tanr dine, tond wben sbc 'appcarad an ttc teacit ste was folînu'- ea by a long precession et idiena. Te sobier delucatahy chisehed face, crown- etI by a mass ut golden bhain, lber large. wandaning eyes, litem gracef ul figure, oua wuuld lutile 2anspect hem etf ttc career ste tias made for bersoît Lu lems ihan 30 yeans. lTe dagtiar utan tommy affi- cen, tand the ife of a Capitain lu ttc navy, stc was, bat are ttcetoge cf, 25, une -of ttc oest natarions caractara in tte Frencit capial. Her husband, buw- evar, ýwaa au infatuated witli ber beau- ty that aven atten ste itad descried hlm ta, plunge ia a litae of dissipation, bic stihi nef used ta gat a divorce, top- ing ton lier return, until tie dicd ot a, broken heari. >11," Pitcher's Castoriae abe toot a course o! this madicine, which atter a fair trial was emincut- ly succesatul. Prom haing anly able te take stale braad tond milk or soda bis- cuits, site hacame able ta takea a liearty meal cf any variety, witbout the pain- fu ci ffects titat once asserted tem- salves atter avary meal. ht only ro- mains ta haý said that Mrs. 1%cCrim- mon impravad in flash tond ganeral comfort tram tte tirai iaking ofthe pilla, tond almosi anytbing going iste could oai witt impunity. Dyspepsia te- came a ttiug gcss dreadad, tond largely halionging ta ttc pasi, lit is uitile wnon-j der titarefare titat ste urges ttc, usee oaf Dr. Williams' Pint - Pil-la upon otit-j crs similarly atfliced.1 Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis croate, uew1 blooti, buiid np thc narvas tond ibus, drivei discase' tram.then eystem. lInn jdredoig of cases ttey have cured atter ailath-1 or mediaines bad tailetI, titus establisit- in c c daim tittt they are a, marvel mng ite triempits at modemn medic&l science,-lTae ganuine Pink Pilla are saltI cnliynluboxes, hearinig the funll trada, mark. "Dr. Williaans' Pink Pilla for Pale Peopýle." Pruteci your- self tram, imposition by netnsrng tony piJl týhai dbas not har the regisiered trade mark tounnd the box. RUSSIAN SABLES. soanethiaig Abeout lIfudsoa's Bay aad Other Furs. Russa ssable hbads tte lisi ut valua- bbc tura. lit ranka witt te muai pro- cions atones, tond will lasi a century, tond la ttc anly tur that wili tmig ils value luntony season of tte year. It tas beisn for generationa ttc tavared ( fur ufthutccrowned beada of Europe,t1 tond ai present ls lu greatar demand ( tan evar. The darkest tond test, "im-i perilicrown sables,"' are caugiton Lena River' in tae Alaak wildernass, between ttc Arctic circle and tae Arc-- tic Sea. Pricea range tram $200 ta e250 etath. Ottar beautitel apecimýepst are caugit on ta Obi River, praces ranging tram $100, $125,tond $150 ta $200. Handsome spécimnens are tlois caughtan the Volga River, pricas rang- Lug from $40 ta $125, ttc highi colored as lau' as $15. 'These pricca erhbraae ail grades af natural colored Rusan sable. Hudsuen's :Bay sables ara nextinl value. Pricas range tramn $5 ta §35 for ttc very teist. Twenty dollarswall buy a tandsume dark natural-aolorad HutI- sun>s BDay sable akin. The iigtt-color- eýd Russian tond Hudaou's Bay sabieand pina, marten skins are -blended ta imi- taie ttc dtork-colored Russian sable. ThJe work lasa oskiilfubly donestat ih takes a goud judgo ta deteait te dittereuce, but, lake ather dycd turs. tte bleud- ad sables wili nait old teir celor as weli as the naiurai. Ttc test blended sable akins can ho purctasad for $20.1 Promib tis maximum figure ibey range down ta $15, $10 tond $5. Amenha supplies ottar, Hudson's Day sabla, miuk, acal, beaver, har. fax, chin- ctilla tond many otter turs. 1Rusa supplies ermine, silver foxatnd Russian sable, etc. Neither Engband. France nor. Swiixerland. produaca tony, of tae ur-bcanring animais, tondthe only advatonage england> tas is lu thc caracter of te dyeofat ealskin,,tond Germany in ttc >caîacter ufthtt dye ut Persisu lamit, astrakitan, etc. Ttre raskad men driva around the sirceta ut London an a showy wagon coniaining a piano. Rare tond titera tbey stop, twa of ttem ta sing, tond ttc otterta play tond cofleci coins tram ttc generaus. Purest anid Best for Tablé ansd Dalry No adulteration. Novecr cakes. ITEMS 0F INTEREST. TH E S'<~~~1~~p tond a littie sait;hetutltemtre i make consistency requireui. Havethe griddle bot tond dlean; grease 1ihl MENDING. with a bit of suet tied ini a tim cohn ONADABESN OMN Medngi. fe tefaa, u-draýp the batter frorn the tablespoonto, KIND. Mandng i attn th f aily uit uiform round cakes, bake a golýden j - bear. It once was to me, and would hrown, tond pile symmetricallyi Serve The Lit e of a Dyspeptia one of Con- be yet, 1 preýaume,' if I did not keep ih whîla very hot with maple syrnp. Titase satMsr-n hHsSf welJ. nuder conirol, Says acrepn-will bc fauund ta bc muci mare iight satMsr-n h a ef and delicate titan whcre eggs are uei fered PromIts pangs Points the eut., Fowls wiic have lang sinceaci- Way ta IReuewed Healtit. -I once oiad a pleasaut uieaxaied titeir majority may renew., t-:r Promn the Cornwall Frecholder. ence along this lino recently. WVitile ii, yauth and win encomiumis as "roast may nat ha particuîarly suggestive ta ahioken" by being stufted, seasoned, The 111e otaldyoneptic is provern- steamed untÎl tender, then roasted all n.eabeoa liiigui the busy itousewife It ra osbyh delicate golden brown. versai cummiseration.Nai 50 mucit sufticiently inieresting ta ewri o osnhypio a riytk because of the actual painfuiness of telling on titat account. Au aid lady a bandtuî ut lquioklme, dissolve in wai- piite s is ent, but arely awue i nexi door, whose daughter-îný-law, xitit er, titan paint the poisoned part with projteconusrpessomistie sadows upon whom site lived, had very litile for lier it.* Twu or three applications wiîî, or- ait hiea conera fl ite, and ar e iey ta do, used ta cerne up thte day afte iar ycretemstsubrncssenterprie. An impaired digestion lTe tolage of bouse plants shoulId givea rise t ana irritability titat ex- my ironing waa donectond mand tond neyer healalowad ta accumulate dusi. poses the persan ta ranch annoyanca, daim to bier awn pleasure tond satisfaa- Dust chokes the plant, andI cietn leaves besidea being extremely tryîng upon tion as well as mine. 1 retlly enjoyed are brigbter as well as beaithier, Plants othera. We are ail aware of the value lie viits asde romthehel, fr hr sboiuld be washed at least once in two of citeertuinesiu lite, It lis a tlawer be vsisaid tamtiehepfo brweeks. of thte tareat wor.h tond strongest at- quaint conversation was as intere stiflg Ta, ascertain if an egg is tresit ut 'tractions. It is a tondelo the sick aond as a story book, tond site seemaed so ittp-^ it in a pai] of watar. it good it wili a disintactant ta the hcaaiithy. Titos3 py ta hae of use. sinit immediately; if it fiants it la doubi- tinga titai destroy a man's habituai Mcns iohig neerenoy rafui. ycbeerfulness, lessen bas usetulness, tond pairang, but I have been tortunate, inIqs frasb tond good ail -ill instantly sorne drastic tond efficient remedy. The titis regard also, as during a gretot detl spread about the puncture. duties titat devalve upon the average ut my married lite my busband's work H ait a teaspoontul of sugar will manitond wornan are iuvestetI in s0 bias been such that hae cauid not waar ncear1y aiways revive n dying tiretond maith dtiaulty as ta put a premiurn ont ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i hi ittstn esetttmt lways a safe thing ta use for, titis on itopefulness. Te relation betwaen out is cothe, ad wesenttheu %0purpste prevaiing mouds of the mind, tond a brother for use on a farm as soon Proe taheIealtit of the digestive apparatus Aiwavs toid a dress rigbt aide out is close aond vital. Hence it l ni asur- as tbey heaume sbabhy. At other times for Packing, as it wiil not wrinkle so pris.iug ibat miany woîtld-be-beneftoctors I have bired an aid lady who lives near muah. have caugbt thte patronage of suffer- me ta, mend tem for me, paying baer A Piucà ut sait added ta thte witite ers tramn indigestion. Judging by rI- by the bour tond taking that occasion ot cggs w-iii make them hbat up quiak- suita, Dr. Williams' Pink Plis is a re- erlae h hide to le hree nd ligitter. rnedy unique in is auccesa, theraf are ta eav th ctilrentaberchage Linens tbai bave heen stained by tea ît as confidentiy recommandad as a sate wbile I did a littie neceasary shopping or coffee m.ay be cleansed by mistan- tond adequate cure tar acuLe dy apapsia. tir madIe a feu' cails, this tlo lias been ing the spots witb water tond holding Th is claim la asubstantiated by exper- a satisfactory arrangement, as site nead- tbem aver the turnes of a amal piace o ra. P. MtheCiuown, lat.williahow- ed the mouay tnd I ueeàed-as .wht ofu iurning suiphur or a ew sulpitur twevnD.iengry Ca., attrd nti asother of a family of hblidren dosa matches. Wash immediataiy in wvat- twGegryC. ufrdutl not t-to occasienal escape tram bouse- or lu wbiab a lit le ammouia or soda rnaSory tram a sovea attack of dyspep- lold cares and tite constant presence bias beau dissolved.Stains that nti-sia,. whiabi manifested itscif in îtose Of the little ones, for their sake as ing else wiil remove are ofttn taken ayunltatwysfrwihd- well s myown.ont by the vapor arising tram bning papsia is notorions. Every atiornpt to But aside tram ail this, there is a suiphur, but thec materiai must ha wasb- t- e food waa a menace ta every feel- gooddea ofmeningto c dnc or edthoougly t of comtori, uomil taestomacit w ' faodl delofsx.mdingt a doeporiet Troul-aigithe atne. roîtavad ut iùs urden by vomniting. :amiy t sx. mae t apoit t Tr caanug ta taniswitb ground Wben not snffering trami te presance nend al lte littie dresses and aprous, mustard aond warm water, instead ot of food in thte atomacit, titere were ath- aud snob ther things as I thiuk hast, aaap, atfter baving itandled tony strang ar symptoms mare or bass disagreetoble befare seudiug tatite wasîa. I usually arnliing substances.cnsuet a tc tucoald- neu a armutwhe îtastakn of, it is POsitiveiy tssrted ibat ta drink turbance outheta tomach, suait an &ý but if farrtony reason I cannai do sa, a baîf plut of bot mihk or bot water will paired taste tond appetite, unwonted 1 bang it in the diuing-room closei near bave taeaffect of produaing aleep, in languor, iucreasing apatiyatnd tailing ha saiied crotbas-bog tond mend it itt- eigbt cases oui ot ten. ambition. Suait an aggragation of tae r. In titis way thte meuding ducs not Meat aond fowls may te made marc symptoms produead a trying stata cf tII camne ai once. whicit I consider an tender if, wben titey altu boiiing, a attaira, tond relief was aagarly oungiht gdvantage, and elathes, especially teaspoonful of vînegar ha addad ta' taeOua Of thte hast pitysicians of the noîgit- ttrcited clottes, IoÔ emcthte water. borboad, wa.s consnfîted. Ha presaribed. wlben mended 1haf areeyare wasbed Foa ekp i dcn wste ndh ir- und iraned. ît aise prevenîs a simal Foa wea]' pe")n wben hating, e R is fomedn bastaknotond bis direa- enV fer hacomîug a large ana, as it pe inl summar, agilaf ammonîa toafloebtntruaaytte s pett ap tado f pt ttrogb hein a sanal tub of water, or sorne rock montits cf ttc treatiment brougiti ne wasb1ng tond driad unthe open air ha- sait, is a wondertul invigatar, airnasisubstantiaýl. relief. Wtau Mrs. McCrim- as god a a ea bth.mon axpressad lbar intention of trying Or ending. sgo ssabt. Dr Wiliams' Pink Pilla the dectar As I old the ciothes tram the rack A uitile saltpetre aduied to the wtot- lauigbed tond haid the titougiti in, de- fier iraniug, I lay aside ail tase ibat er in whicb cut tiawers are put wiil rîsian. However Mrs. McCrimmon de- ieed mauding, tond as suon as the ter keep the tiowers tresit a long time, cideu site could not attord ta leave un- loties are put away I commence on ________a_____eomendd em - ,,bgnin it hsetatne THE LATEST FAD., edy as Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. Rance in 1 v q. f-. ee oa .,laA i n r- y Season of çP6=çý y My stock of FURS includes the IateststýIefc of Co0ats, Capes, Collars, Ruifs, Muifs, Mitts, Tam D3Sh.nters, &c., made up in Fine and Medium grades cf ;. Eý. Seal, Persian and_ Grey Lamb, Sable, Mirik, Astbr.-=chan, and Opossum. 1 You will find a more complete assortueil t.- in any other store in the County. Nearly 40 years experience enables ne tb c1ec-twith certainty the best vainues in ai l unes of furs, Y4t e--zen rely on having any style of Fur Garment reniodlleld to suit you. 1 arn paying special attention to the nkii up of,' Ruifs, Gauntiets and Tam O'Shanters, onï short notice.- Dont delay too long, but bring in yo11îïirqpinfw and be prepared for cold weather. For men and youths, I have a complete and Wei, selected line of Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc. BoWMAuNVILLE- MAYR Furrr i f HAS-A RECORD or 40 YEARS Of SU CCESS IT. 15 A SURE CURE RHFOR DIAR «H .DVSE-NTeRy< ÇOLIG CRAM PS, CHO0LERA. INFANTrum SOMMER Gomp,.AINTS - u, eK&Idrer\ or Aduts._ e . . . . . . . . . . . MNM---Mm%ý A Fesv Payagrepli Wlhct Way bc, Foizild Vaccination bas jusi beau introdua- etI bu Afghanistan, by tae advice of Miss Hamilton, an Englisi pitysician,, Who la .in attendance, upon the Ameer. A Lady lu Bath, Me., carried $56 lu ber stockig, deemiug titat a ae 'plaoce. Wie renning for a atreet-car ber garter broka, tond site baitah mouey. 1 A waaltby gentleman iu Paris, whose 'Wife couild nat resist the desire ta gambie, bas secured a legal saparotioal tram ber, lu six montha site iad bait 435,000 *trancs.1 Tbe wiid truites of the Catuaus, Rus- a, ieach titeir cbldren thea use of the dagger as soon as thte youngstars are able ta walk. lbey are tirai taugit ta stait waier withoui rnaking a spiasit. The mails hatween the New York dity tond the Brooklyn postottices will, after Marcb 1, he dispaicted titrougit Pueumnatic tubes. Thee urne oacupîed tn transmission wili ht iree minutes, An umbralla, ta ha used aver a lap- dog, is ttc lateat wriuklc. Ih is at- tacited ta a trame which is securely belted arouud tite littie darling's ibody. Now, wîhb a couple of pairs of over- sboes, te can dafy the ramn. The midnight music of cats 80 annoy- ed Jerome Summers, of Weavarvilie, N. Y., that he hurried ouit arefooted wîtt bis pistai ta sitoot tham. lu the yard hoe stepped on a rusty nail, witicb caused lockjaw, aond in ton daya te died, ,. A curions nate of explanatian toccarn- panied same poatry racaivad by a Mith-i igan editar. The note rau thus: "Thase bines were written fifty years a go1 by] a man who bas, for a long tima, siepi iu bis grave merely for pastime." Mra. W. P. Haowiand, of Brooklyn, N. Y., placed a tan-dollar bill on a tabla Lu ber bouse,' intending to, pay it te ber groYcer. A pet parrot toak the bill Lu, is beak, tond wiit hit flew oui of the window, aond neibar bas aince hacu seau.4 A "divine hetoier" bunlielmond, Iowa, wu t pratends to, he able ta aura evary malady by taeltoying an of bands, ta- came doubled up with crampa, tond had ta ha reliaved hy a stomacit pump, engineared by a plain every-day doctor. An addition ta the telepitane is a device wiia shows thte pitotograpita of tae persans wbo are talýkiug. You eauo titus sos te picture af tae parson watt whom Zeu are conversing. Titis won- dertul invention is thte work of man in Alameda, Cal. CURIOSITIES 0F INSECTS. lThe common hercules beetia can lifti 112 times is own weigt. The microscope is said ta show 4,000 muscles Lu, an angieworrn. Zopharus Mexicanus, a species of beetie, can eut is way oui of a uin According te Reaumur, a bungry u'asp will kili a titousand tuies lu a day. The dragon thte "snake feeder" bas 28,000 tacets Lu bot of uts compoundI ome grassitoppers have noe etrs. Otitera have them shtuated ou the aide of tte log. Babyland.ý-Txir is as uts name mndi- caýtes a magazine,,flor dildren tond las a model publiation cfits clasa, haing anterasting tond edmuinnal. Piatoriai siories, nglasstond other fea{ocres make i te paak c f nursery literature. Ev- ery moiher, kîndargaricu tond primary teaciter should hbove Babyland. Speci- mien ïree S50c a year. For sampla copy write ta, Alpha Publisb-ing Ca., 212 Hoyiatoas St., Bostan, Mass. Deligts Citildren.-Ali wto waat hà very gond magazine for ttc younger moinbers out uahe usebold itouid taka Little Men and Wonacn, the only maz- toxine aditad espaciladly for objîdran tram 7 ta 10 years. Occasional articles an foraign citild lite, alsa several beau- tifuily iilustrated axticles on painicrs for citildran will appear. Notable ar- ticles, shoart atories, poems, beautiful pictureastnd cabaldren's Sangs. lAlpita Pfablisiting Co., 212 Baylston St., Bos- ton, Miss., araethe publisters. ï5end for a frac specimen copylj CANADIA,N ALMANAC.-Thias la tte fifut yen-r ot publictonof ibis watt- known annual, aond its sizetas beeau increased ta 354 pp. Amcong ttc new, featu-ros ara a short history of jCan- ada, giving the main avents in Can- adian tistory, ctronclogicaliy urrang- eti, a hisiorical diary oft he yeaxs 1895- 63, aond an ,interaauing article on KLug'e4 Loyalists. Tte, reigutor deparimenu of j ttc, almanac bave taon brougbt up to data, among them peciagthat invai- erabla Post Office Gazeticer ofthile Do- mninion, giv ing tae nama ut every place in Canada, wiîýhtihe RaIlroad or Stcam- slip hunes on wvbich loctoted or nearesu 4 railroad station. The officiai direciory1 bas haen p arefeuiy revised, aond con-9 t'ains full lista of Ciergy, >Mihiti*aGov- e.rnment Ofticiais, bath Dominian tnuà Provincial, aounty tond muniipa fi cra, scitools tond collages, Bari-tersan--- Soliciiors, Notaries, etc. EN GLIS H BREAKFAST COCOA Possesses the foilowi'ng; Distinctive iMerits. DELICACY 0F ULAVf9R. SUPERIORITY IN QUALIý,'. GIrateful and Comfo'rtiing to the Nervous or Dy'speptic. NUTRITIVEQUALITFIES UNRIV/ALED In Quarter,-Pou rid Tins anid Packets. hffe Y JMA1Fs 08yS & Go., 1[M., HAVE YOUI TASTED Il is the Most Delicious of ail Teas SOLU UNLY IN LEAD, PIgKEIS BY Sold by CAWKER & TAIT. 4-l-ly. MICR OBES LURK IN THE ;THONES. The last accessory o>f our mode,, civilization ta carne under the ban of the scientist is the public telephom, physicians have traced cases of tuberculosesanid'other'contagions di- seases ta the use of public telephones, and have recornrended that a spongý and a solution of carbolia acid be kept in every station for a daily cleanlsing of the apparatus. A broken-winded horse is rarely seeln In Norway. The fact is, accounte(i fer by the statement that a bsicket of wa. ter is always placed within reacli of a horse when he is feeding, and the ani- mal alterznately takes a rnouthful of hay aond a sip of water. A MESSAGE TO MIEN. PROVING THAT TRUE HONESTY AND 'riUP PIiILANTROPY STILL EXIST. If any man, wvho is weak, ddbilitated, or wbo is suffering from any of the varlous troubles resulting frorn youthfui folr, excesses, or overwork, Ill take heart and write ta rme, I wilI send hin confldentially and free of chlarge' the plan pursuel by -which I was completeit restored ta perfect health and tnanhood, after years of suffering from Nervous Debility, Loss of Vigor and Organic Weakaiess. I have nathing ta seil and therefore want no mrnney, but as 1Imkow through my own experience hýou'ta sympathize wath sucli suffecrers, I arn glad ta be able ta assist any fellow-being to a cure. 1 arn well nware of the prevalence of quackery, for I r>îyself was deceivel and irnposed upon until IC nearly Lost faith in mankind, but I rejoice. ta sa%, that I arn now perfectly We]l ed-h?'id once more and arn desirausteefr m'ake this certain means of cure ko ta ail. If you wll write ta me you ie relv upon being cured andthepruc satisfaction of having been of grei service ta one in need will bc suff!ici reward for my trouble. Absolutc srcvassured. Send5. silver te, caover postage and address, Mr. Ge, G Strong, North Rackwood, Mich. In commaernaraton aof -the book ut' Melanchthon,,L~'~b-vo'e,41 years aga, a menioral lui]ldinrg i8 le ha erecteýd in the native t wzi of the re- former, Bretten, in lausn- Tize corner- stone is taelie laid on a Ihe ývery day of his natîvity, February16, iext. Far over tif ty ea llits. VINSL0W's SoomîRIN SYRUF Lh8s hein ued by mil- lion,% of mothers for tjej' hilédren while teething. Il disu,,,(et; ± xight tand broken af your rest by& siclk child ouf- fering and cryieg wiLi paîi caf Cutting Teeth send at once ami geib a bottle of 11Mrs. Winalow's Sootli ng S yru p" for fJhildren Teething. 'h wit'I relieve the poor littIe suffererimndcM y-. Depend tapon it,maothers,tkere îio smnstake about Lt. It cures Diarr1oe¾,îgJates the Stoma- ach and Bc>wels, cureW J[L d <coltic, sof tene the <4'ums§, reduges Ininmma.tion,. and gives cane aond energytot;le whcsleîsyotean. 1,Mrs. Winslow'o Sohng S-yrup " for, children teething Le ploawn t co the faste and is' the prescriptieofmEDe<>f theoldext and best female PLoysicre a»id nurses in the United States. Prieteity -five cents a bott!e.' Sold byalidragista;, tlrurougharut the-world. Be surs andiSir fce)r MRS, WINOLOW's SaoraeiNa aïi"