A PERFECT TOILET GEM!1 Cream f cures roughness of the skin, clhapped hands,. face, and lips. It dlries quickly and can be used anyý tîrne during the day, Ask for No. 30 1 for Coughs and Ool1ds, prepared by DOWMAN VILLE. Chemists and Druggists. Coule and see the big reduction we are-~ makinig on ail grades of furniture for this rnonth. E See our Fancy Cobbler Rocker at $2.50 ~Palso a fine line of Rattan Rockers, just the thing~ Sfor Xmas. E IBedroom Suites $10.00, Dining Room and Parlor Suites away down. Cail and sec our E goods and be satisfied that we are giving you ~zgood goods at reduced prices. E t is always ýa pleasure to show goods. S Undertaking is a special branch of our L. t. illam &TS n BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 1, 1896. ENFIELO). Christmas was celebrated at Broeside with rapturous glee and good cheer. Among the numrerous guests were Mr, and Mrs. W. Werry and familyand Mr. and Mrs. John VanNest, jr., and famlly Solua ; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James and ailBowrnanville; Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Wýerry, and Mr. Rich.Luke, Kedron.j Mrs. S. Bray served an excellent Eng- lisli dinner of roast goose, plum puddin7g etc. , after which the grand chiîdren furnished. a program. Grandfather Bray was in a merry mood and seemed delightecl to have so many of his famlly at home. The usual"scramble "for nuts .and candies wvas giv en by uncle James to the delight of the youngsters.... Christmas Eve was a notable occasion for the members of Holborn Lodgé,Sons of England. Mr.Jos.ClatwotyD. D., ussisted by Mr. W. Tom, P. P., MrN. S. Shortridge,of Darlington Lodge,llump- ton; Messrs. J. A. Riolson and Hl. G. Norris, of Grimsby Lodge, Blackstock, and Mr. M. A. Jamnes,P. P., Wellington Lodge, Bowmanviie,organized a White Riose Degree Lodge and initiated eleven inembers into the sublime mysteries of the degree. The iodge- goat being in higyh spirit, the brethr7en were weii exer- cised and had keen appetites- for the banquet that was given in honor of this fraternal function and visit. Mrs. J. F. Iluribut and Miss Wotton assisted. Thea oysters supplied by Bro. D. Trainor, Solina,were allowiec to bc the best ever served in the village. Congratulatoryt speeches were made by al tbe visiting- brothers who gave a ,hearty vote o-f thauks to «their Enfleld brethreni for their hos itality and good-feilowship. A sim- ilarlyI hearty vote, moved by Mr.S.Bray, Worthy Peiinn seconded by Mr. J. F.luribut, MWorthv Secretary, wa accorded the visiting brethren for the 'mpressive and instructive manner in which the work 0f this sublime deo.ree exemplified. After singng "~For they are Jolyv Good Fellows"? by the visitors and a ftting response to the vote of thanks by MIr. W. A. Tom, one of the most pleasant gatherîngs' of thisNation- al brotherhood was terminated by "'God Sa-ve the Queen. "...Visitois, *Mr. C. I-Ieys, Buckingham, Que.,Mr.M.Pascoe,t Toronto, Miss M. Puscoe Sohuna, Mrs. W. Hezzlewood and Mr.â.llezzlewood, Oshaw... .Mr. J. Dyer has engaged with Mr. Wmi. Humphrev for this year. ...Mr. Jas. Scott competed with his team lu the agiculturai class at Raglant fair on Wednesday last, and sold one ofr the herses for $12500. A FAINT HEART.-Faint heart noever won fair lady. Palpitation, throbbing, îrregiîlar beating, pain in the breast and smothering, auxious feelings, are sigus of a -weak heart and derang-ed nerves, Mlburn 's Heurt and Norve Pills are the best heai t toule, invi*4,oia tor and restorative for ail foris ofhLeartp discase. . 11 i NEWCAS TLE. Messrs. Frank and Ernest Gibsoni Toronto, spent Christmas ut borne... Mn. R, M. Crozi.3r, Toronto, was receni' gLiest of Mis., Fothergill. .'. Miss Ida and Mn. Murray Eilbeek, Toronto, werc home for Christnas. ... . Mr.Georgeo Sim- meus spent bis holidavs iu Muskoka.. Mn. J. H. Tuer, left Mouday for Strat- fond.... Messrs. R. Colwill J. Allun and Alex. MeLeod may aspire te the Publie Sehool Board. ... iss Annie Baker and sister, Midland City, are guests of Mrs. J. Uglow .. .. Rev. W. Down, Newton- ville, pneaehed iu the Methodist ehurch, Suuclay.. .. Rev. R. Taylor prouched mîssîonary sermons at Newteuville, Sun. day .... ,Misses Lillie Piekard and Eva Brokeushire une ut Mrs. W. Piekards... Mrs. W. King visited frieuds ut Rîce Lake,neenty .... Mn.JehnBamffew,Tor- ente, was home iastweek . .. .Miss Fier- ence Bellwood i'i visitin g ut Mn. Alex. Wight's, Dalingtou ... 'Mnrs. S.S. Bragg as vîsitîng bier mothen, Mns. Abbey... The new oleetrie iights are expeeted te shine lu about a week ... Mr, W. J. Orchard sano- in St. George's churelu, Sunday nigTit and *lef t ton Manitoba Mouday, te teaeb. ... . Mn. and Mns. J. M. Cobbledick, and family, visited ut Kinby Christmas. . .. Mns. Parker, S. S. No. 9, Clarke, visited at Mrs. J. Douglas' ne- ceatiy . ... Misses Maud. Ciemence and Mabel Riekard, Shaws', spent Suuday hene8.. . .Mr. David Angali spent Christ- mûs lu TQroat . ,... Mns. Cleveland and Rob. Clevelaad, and Mn. W. Chaprnan, Kirby, were receut visitons here. . .. Mn. Walter Douglas bas been sligbtly indis. posed. . .,Mr. Horace Wrigýht, Kingston, and Mr.McDouLgal. Coîberne, were bore Christmas. . .. St.George's Sunday Sehool held their Christmas entertalamieut lu tbe Musice Hall on Wedniesday night Dec. 23rd, a ehoico rora ehinÏg rendered by the littiefok s. The succoss of this ententalument is larzeiy duo te the efforts , f Miss, Dora Farneombe who traiued the bilîdren . .. We ail are Merny Workers, se sang 12 boys in the Xass treo entertalamient efte Methodist Sun- day Sehool and in the fun of the dia of hammers, saws,anvils,and hoos miao.led wîth the gýreaus of the unfortunate w~ho were having toetb e-xtnaeted, ne eue daned te contradiet thean. This was oe of the many intonosting nuxubers rond- dered on Christmas ove te a lange aud- ience. This was by fan the mest suceess-, fui Christmas oententainrnt even given lu the Methodist Cbureh bore,,tbaukste the nntiring onergy cf Rev. R. Taylor wbo was ably secouided by Misses Edith Orchard, Anale Moore anîd-Miss Ada Allia and Messrs W. Piekard. and J.Ug. low. Preceeds about $22.00. YOU CAN BE WELL--Whea youn blood is pure, nieh and uourisbingJ for nerves andmuscles. The blood les the vital fluid,' and wheu it is poor, thin anid impure yen must olîher suifer fnomn distressing diseuse or yen ivill easi- faîl a victim te suddeu changes expos- une, or evernwonç. XKeep yeur bieod pure with Hooed's Sansapunilla and ho well. pili : assiet don, cure beadacwhe. 2 BLACKSTOCK. Rev. C. Parker, Bowmauville, preaci oct in the Methodist churco Suiîday t large and attentive cougregationw His discounses weî e very practical ..Sous of Engiund beld a very su ceSSful unnuai oyster supper Thursda evening. Revs. Phulen, Creightou an Drew and Mr. J. Clutwonthy, D. D wene the speakers. The Baiioy Onchesý tra funîshed. musie. Harnv Dunsloi delighted ail with recital . .. . Messrs. 1 W. Maniow and H. T. Prust, medica students, are homo for vacation. Those uunhappy pensons who suife from nonvousness, and dyspepsia shoul use Curton's Little Nerve Pis, whic, are made expnessly for sioepless,nervou dyspeptic sufferers. Price 25 cents. Rfave Yoll Ever Tried Have yen e-ver tnied te dye over yen- castoft gurments? Thousands in Canada auswen "Yes and very succossfully, tee." To thos( who have net attemp)ted the work w( wouid sav, "There ismoney in it if yot use the Diamond D.yes."' Old, dresses, mantdes, jackets, coats, pants and vests, and other articles oi iveunîng appurel eau easily be recreated and made fit for weur ut a tnifiing cost, Ton cents expendod for some fashion- able celer ef the Diamond Dyes wil] save yen several dollars. This wonder- fnl transformation and money-saving wvork eau ouly ho done perfoctly by usiug the Diamond Dves, Ask youri dealer for them ;ho sure yon refuse ail] substitutes. ENNISRILLEN. The aunuai festival of the Preshyter- Ian ehnrch will ho beld on New Yean's. day, Tea senved from 4 p. m. Revs. J. B, McLaren, Columbus, and S. G. Ronke wili givo addresses, besides readings, recitations, etc. Oshawa choir will furnish music. Admission 25 cents; ehildrn 15. Everybody coule and have an enjoyable tiîne.. .. Viitors: Mr. Albert Stainton, Zion; Mn. Levi Montgomery, Chîcago, Mn. Harris, Gornie, guosts of Mr.Wm. Montgomery- Mr. J. G. Lobb, Ch!cago Medic'al College; Messrs. J. H. Eliiott and W. rs, Toronto Medical Colleoe, t Dr. Mitchell's; Messrs. J. Lee, 1)rtiný Lee, Pickering; Mr. Frank Rogers and fumnilv, Whitbv, guosts of Mr.F.,Rogers; Mn. "nd Mns. Heard,Miss Josie and Mr. W. Hayes, Manchester, guests of Mr.N. Bvers; Prof. Geo. Binghamn, M. A., Trinity Medical Colleg'e, Toronto. with bis parents; Miss Edîth Virtue is home from Toronto...Mn. J. W. J Virtue is visitiug bis brother lu Illinois ..Our Methodist choir gave the musical pro- gram ut Blaekstoek Xmas day and rocerved lots et taify,.The Xmas tree entertaînment given by the Junior beague of the Methodist chunech was a great snccess. The littie eues gave a vorv interestiîu r pogram. Oid Sauta Cla7us did bis part wvell, and aroused a greut amnount of enthusiasm and joy aîuong the eilîdren. Miss F. Virtue, wýho desenves -reat credit for ber work in the league %ud in preparation of the pregnum,wus preseuted wvith a beantiful copv ef Teacher's Bible. Tlianksgîvîng Letter, Saved From Ce rtain Deatli, PAINE'S CELERY COIVPOUND RENEWS ANOTIIER LIFE. Twelve Years Work of ?4edical leu Did Not Effeet a Cure, Kidney Disease Surely and Perman- ent!y Banished by Paine's Celery Comipound. SOLINA. à- Mrs. E. G. Pascoe and Miss Eva a to visiting ut Haydon ..Mr. H. Revno] s.visited at Newcastle, ... Mr. T. Pasci i.bus disposed of some of his Herefords t-Mr. John Adamis of Port Perry. Tç iy very pleasant events took place ba ad week when Mr. Frank Orchard ai Miss Clara Clarke and Mr, Geo, lRe ,_and Miss Helena Clarke were unitod ýw marniage by Rev. E. E . Howard. M~ FWill. CluiPke ably supported bo f grooms wbile Miss Addie Bal son actg as bridesmaid for Miss Clara Clarke ai erMiss Reid for Miss Helena Clarke. Ti r young couples have the good wishes dthe communitv and we -oxtend oi -h heartiest congratulations. They a S spendine thein honeymoon in Cai wright ....Congratuilations, Mr. Pascoo on socuring Reeveship by acc] )mation ... Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Shoi Courtice, visitod bore recently .. .. Don forget Panapophone Concert in Son Hal, Solina, Junuury 7th, -1897., There is no!one article lu the line ir medicines thut gives so large a retui for the moneyuas agood porois strongt] Sening plaster, such as Carter's Sma: leWeed and Balladonna Buckuche Pims le ers. HAMPTON. )f Visitors.--Mr. and Mrs. T. Elliot dMorden, Man; Mr. and Mrs. A.1 bEliiott, Beaverton; Mr. A. Hugheý Buffalo; Misses Helena and Rosie Lau( Jennie Wurd, C. Pascoe, L. Pascoe an W. Struthers, Toronto; Mr. and Mr Jno. Trewin and fumilY, BowmanvillE Mr, and Mrs. and Miss Stevensor Oshawia; Mr. Howard Crydermaii Buffalo -; Mr. F. Stonhouse, Ottawa... Miss Laura Salter spent Sunday wit ber brothers and sisters ut Greenhan] ...Members of the Rising Star Divis ion intend giving a free ontertalumer New Year's ovening ...The newl, elected officors of- the Ribiug Sta Division S. of T. are: W. P.-C. H Burrows; W. A.-Miss A. Lord; R. 8 -A. T. Peunin'tou.- Trous. Ce pha sJohns; F. S-O.'l. Ciutworthy; A. R S.-Miss Ella Cryderman ; Chap.-Mis A. Ruse; Cond.-Miss Loua Salis bury; A. C.-Janes Tbompsou ; I. S.- Miss Rosie Robbins; O. S.-John Cow LJing;- P. W. P.-Fred. T. Allin .... Th4 Gent who took the salmon trout fror Frank Cole's grocery door wîll do we] te cuil ut once as ho is known. The weli knowu. strongthening prop erties of IRoN, combined with othei tonies and a most perfectnevea found lu Carter's Imon nPi i hic strengthen the nerves and body, uni improve the biood and complexion. Mr. C. W, Stormns, Dresdon, Ont., says: III have been taking Miller'ý Coîuouu Irn PIls for two months: have inc»eased in weight 12 pounds uni feel botter than for years." MAPLE GROVE. Mn. Herb. W. Foley is home for the holidays. His scholars ut Fraservilie, where he bas been teaehing made bin a beautiful presentation of a Photograpi Album, Auto-oraph Album, Fouutaiî Peu, Writing 'aper, Shuving Mug and Brnsh, prier to bis doparture. He re- sumes study ut Toronto University ufter vacation . ... We are\ erv sorry to 10se our esteemed teucher, Mýss E va Anuis. who has been very popular with okd and young. She was presented with a neat uddress and a beautiful gold chair ut the sehool closing. She will ulso bc missed in our League of whielî she was the efficient president ..Mr. Ed. Ti. Siemon, B. A., O)shawa, gave au excel- lent address on "Robert Burus" ut oui league last week .. .. A large audience enjoved the uddress and lime-light views SMr. T. H. Lockhart, Toronto.... iliday visitors: Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sheridan, Osbawa; Mr, and Mrs. D. H. Coates, and Master Lyn, Brantford; Mrs. Robent Dale, Toronto; Mr. John Cornish, Danforth; Mr. Will Berry, Euniskillen. ... Mr. and Mrs. William Foley utteuded a fumily gutheriug ut Peterboro Xmas .... Remember Rev. C. O. Johnston's fumons lecture on "Liv- ing Influences" here on Tuesday, Jan. 5. Admission 20c; eblîdren 15c. CURES SUMMER CO-MPLAIN'r.-DEAR Sis.-I have used Dr. Fowlez's Extract of Strawberny for twelve years when required, and tbink it is the best remnedy te ho bud for ail kinds of summer comn- plaints, lu our family it bas neyer failed te cure any case. Mns. BENJ. LOxGLEY, Chatham, Ont. A terrible record ef suffering and____ isy!Tweive vears a martyr te kiaydiseuse and other serions ail-Dontwtutitelstm ue monts! MoueY speat for modical atten- ontwi ni h atmnt dance And a vast variety of patent To secure your Christmas Presents medielues, and ne cure! But select now and bave it laid aside. Sncb disappolalments aad failures At Rickard's ý ou will flad added te physical and mental agonies A very fine selection te choose from. wene sufficeet te drive maay a suffenen te the verge of insanity. Watches, Clocks, Jewellery of every 1 Deliverance from sufferng and description, disease was long and earnestlv pnaved Nvlisi trigSle ucut for, ad akindProvdence d&rected a friead ef the suffenag lady te advise less numbers, hen te anake trial ef Paiae's Celery Silver Plate that is simply Beautiful Compound. Il was used. There wore Knives, Forks and Spoons et reliable ne blank disappoiatments; ne vain make only., oxpernoents; no waste ef bard earued rnoney. Relief and cure came te gladden Solid Gold Rings and Spectacles lu the seul., Mrs. George Stone et Egan- abundance, ville, Ont., -%rites >about ber case asEysetcitfcalteednde follows: ysgtsentcal etdndo "Fer more than tweive yeans I was change made, aflicted with kidney, stornaeh and Satisfaction is Guarranteed. femnale tnoubles, and had been atteaded by five doctons. and tried medicine after Sowing Machines, 3 flrst-class makes medicine, without any goed resuits. A com!ortable shop te deal lu. 4"My suffeings a yean ugo fnom the Caîl and. you will flnd that altbough kîiduevs and stomach wene dreadful. I Riekard souls ut a 10w price, was iu sncb a stato that I tbougbt I Hlis geods are AUl flrst-class. could net live, and conclucied thene wa, obte lc ocos itas ne use tnyiug ethen medicines.NobteplctohosaCrits 11I ias advisecl bowever, te presont, try Pui,îe's Ceiery Cornpound, 'and For every article in thec store is fiuaii y decided te give it a fair triai. suitable. Before I had flnisbed the first bottie 1 No trouble te show Goods and you bad imrpovod vor-y nuch, and after the a1seur use et a tew more botties I bad net been euscr se well for long years., and ar noaw A prosent from 5 cents up-%vard. alteogether a different persen. The use of Paine's Celery Compound also bau- TM DfV~ O ishied rny nenvousne ss. I aa therefone e . oIGUI R 0FX rocomend aineýs <coerv cempound 1e a e eue *uffcIn. frurit kdue Watcbmaker. Jeweller and Op.' stacnad fenale troubles." ' tican, Bowmiauville. Ont re ds te wo ast 'nd id in vIr. )tb bed ,nd 'le of nre ,rt- T. [a- ýrt, "'t i'S of .ru th- trt sl- tt, .e;. s, ' s. :1. S., In >r o r e h r Go. A Grand Success . We feel certain that ail who attended- our Big 4 Bar. gain Pays Sale will agreiý with us that the public were wel pleased and also well served. The immense crowds of eager shoppers were enabletý to do their business comforLably and quickly and the week wound up with a volume of trade that we venture to Say is a record breaker for this town. Now for a Glearin g-Up Before Stock,-Talking, Winter goods of ail kii4ds must be cieared and the prices are at your mercy. Read this list it shows the trend of val ues before stock taking. Ail wool Double Breasted Suits, regular $ 12 hue te dlean $8.5 o. Boy's 2 and 3 p2ice Double Breasted Suits'at clearing prices.- 12 Men's large size Uisters, 40 te 44, were up to $9, your choice for $ 5 - o. 2 only Fur Liried Uisters will clear out at actual cost. See tiemn. Men's lined Pants always the best values and biggest choice from $i.oo. Boy's Cape Overcoats, a few left now, half price from $1-75 4 Cans No. i Can Corn, Peas, Tomatoes or Pumkins for 22c. Choice Pickles, large bottie "John Bull Brand," for 90. Fresh ground Coffee, a very special quality seiling for 35c. Japan Teas, two very choice hunes 25 and 300., now seiling for 200 and 25c. No. i Matches, f ull counit, regular price ioc a box, flow 3 boxes for 25c. Men's Buif Bals, a fine boot, reg. price $i.5o, now for $i.oo. Boy's Fancy Slippers, a choice line, reg. 900, now for 65c. Ladies' Fancv Piush Slippers, a choice line, reg. $1.25 now for 7 oc. Pure japan Silk, 28 in wide (for art purposes) ail leading shades 45c. Pure Si1k Fringes to match 8c. 38 in. pure Linen, fancy bordered for Aprons, 15c. Fancy check and stripe Apron Lawn, pretty patterns i00. Extra quality Comforters, pure fillings, sateen covered $2.oo. 32 in. pure linenblue and white check tea cloth for ioc. 36 in. Heavy Twiiled Grey Sheeting special at i8c. Black Saxony Knitting Yarn 2o oz hands i 2îc. Black Persian Lamb Caps, Dominion shape, $2.50. Boy's and Misses Grey Wedge and Band Caps onlY 45c. Iu addition to the, above a n .amber of speciai bargains are brought ontý every Saturday. The.f9 'J.--lb-.ATYN Note Ever y-day Prices, Extra Standard Grauulated Sugar IlRedpaths " 22 lbs for $ r.o6. Water White Amnerican Ceai Oit 20C per Gallon. Canadian Ceai 011 17c per gallon. Rice 6 lbs. for 25 Cts. New Currants 42i bs for 25 cts. Tapioca 7 lbs. for 25 cts. Cern, Peas and Tomames 4 Caus for 25 cts. Pure Coffee-our own'Blend and Griuaîng, 35 cts pr. lb.' Finest quality Baking Soda 5c a IL Two 3,lb Bars Seap for 25C. Salmýon iu Tins, (Red Fish) ioc pr tin. ChrIstie's 3 lb Box Soda Biscuits 23 ets, a box. Matches 4 Boxes for 25 Cts. Orosse & Blackweit's Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels, the fiuest in the land. Ginger Snaps 5 lbs. for -5 cis. >Golden Sprup i5c pr. quart. 6 lbs. New Figs 25c. Lemon aud Vanilia 5c pr. boule. A specia Japgn. and Black Tea ut, 25C Pr. IL. A choice, lot of Nuts, Raisins, Candies, Oranges and Lemons at Rock Bottom'Pnices for the New Year's trade. Having secured the fiaest quality of LIVE STOCK, customiers mnay depeud that the Fnesh Meat Departîmeut will be supplied with the very choicest quality. Hadwa Qhro A fuît stock of Hardware and Chinaware ut pnicesi*guaraiueed as low as the lowest. Quality as good as the best. A ful ue 'of, New and second baud Stoves. Tiusmithiug =C Repaiing pronlptiy doue. Satisfaction guarauteed in eveny branch. te B. MARTN 1- $9 49 5o. a Bargains Every, Da'y 1