TERU'S :-$1.50 P'ER ANNum. ouP. TOWN AND COUNTY FIIiST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS, M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEW- SERTES. BýOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WET-',DNESDAY, JANUARY G, 1897. VOL-UME XLIIII. No. 2. Pre Stock.'Taking Sale. GOUGU JOHSTONï GRYER A take stock in February and for the next few wéeks will give Great Bargai ns in ail kinds of Wl nter Goods. 0 0 e 0 qk s .Ladies' Fur Capes ail kinds at cost and a lot of Dress Goods at and under cost. SAil the balance of our Ladies' and Misses' Cobats, all new this season, at about haîf price. Men's and Boys' Overcoats'at reduced prices. We need scarcely say that this is a genuine sale and everything will be sold exactly as ad- vertised. BOWMANVILLE. Sausage. Pork Sauisage flavored to a nicety, quick- ly eooked, easily digested, the best meat only'used in them. We ask you to try them. Osters, The best stock oniy, standards and seleets solid meats, fine flavor. Parties and Suppers supplied at lowest prices, GROCERY DIEPARTMENT.-Everythinig in stock at lowest possible prices. CROCKERLY DEPARTMENT.-Special prices for January. Produce taken.1 CHINA HALL, Bowinanville. YOTJNG & GOR., The Grocers. MVorney Savedi e 0 isVoo.ey made. And when intending to buy in the way of Furniture whether ittle or mucli, you can save rnoney by dealing witll us. P.rove this for yourself by seeing our goods and getting our prices. We have a big variety in all kinds of Furniture to select from and are always pleaseci to show. our goods. Do not think of bu-ying elsewhere before you have seen our goods. See OUT ines of FANCY FUIRNITURE suitable for Christmas Gifts. L.MO0RRI1 130WMAXVILLE, SHAW 'S SCIIOOL HOTJSE. ENNISKILLEN. At tbe closing exercises of oftr sehool G L. Stevens will hold a grand clear- Mr. Samnuel Pickard, trustee, presided, ing", sale of dry goods, groceries, boots, and a splendid program was givea byhs crockery, glassware, etc.. Sýatr- the sehool coasisting of roadings, rectda night, Jan. 9 in Stevens'Hal En- tations, vocal and instrumental music, ;niskillen. Bargains for eve3rybody. dialogues, etc. The sehool houso was Tic goods must be sold. Comeian packed. Miss Dodds, tic teýacher' a, sjscr a share. presented with an address and a bea iN PENETRATING POWEIt No rcmedy tîfal lady's companion. Durîng th i Ci,- the wvorld equals Nervline-nerve vears of bier sojourn here, Miss Dodds ainj'ý curc. Neuralgia and neuralgia bas won for herseif a lastiag remem- a r rlicved almost instantly, and the brance boti in Sabbath School work inor aches and pains are curcd by a and as a public sebool eacher. Miss inl application. Nervilinie-nerve Biekle, Welcome, commenccd dutypaî cure-is sure to cure. Jan. 4. Wc congratulate our trustees ______ upon thc selection of tlîis younng lady.. LCSOK .Mrs. Cobbledick, Zion. is visiig Mrs BAKSOK W. I. Bariewio s idispscd Cartwright Circle No. 74, Order of BLOOD is LIrE, It is the mceditam Cana1idiaa H1ome Circles, beld their an- which carnies to evcr y nerve, muscle, aa meeting in tic Orange Hall, organ and fibre its nonrisiment and Blackstock, Dec. "18 wien tiese officers strengti. If tic blood is pure, rici and weclectcd 1897: Leader-Jamnes hcalthy you will be well ; if impure, Hlms Vie ,-uadr-A. MeLain; Pec. discase will sooa-ovcrtake vou. Hoodl's sýec.A. Kiasman; Financial Seccy- Sarsaparilla has powcr to keep yOu in Treas -Dr. McKibbon; Marshal-S. Mc- licalti by maki-ng yeux blond rici and Laugliîîn; Warden-I. B. Barcla; parc.eli c. J. Creigiton, B. P; Hood's Pills arc easy to takc2 easv to 1Onýard-Pichard Phiip; Setinel-il. operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness. Vcnniaig; Trustces-A. McLean ' Dr. 25c. M ý'cKibbon. J. H. Devift;t Medicai Ex- The Ilailf Rate Dollar. sterlinlg Value and Ful1 StrellgLhinIIIDianld Dyes. SixCeea ounces of silver, for Cie coin- igof $1860 in silven dollars, can be bougit to-day for $9.94! Tiink veli of tlic truc value of the silven dollar'if its coinage were made froe and unlimited. Just anotier important houglit for Cie ladies. It akes frein îwo Co thre packages of tie commen imitation dyes te do tic wonk hat one single pack age of Che Dimond Dyes wnul do. if yen wisi te k now why w e will Celi vonl. 1t is simply because Cie mgrediemits of tiseý tomamon dycs do net possess CLuý strngth, purit y and ponetratiag powcns of thc Diamond Dyes. Just Ciait of ha viug te spond hiit cents for adulterated dyes for' your werk, hat cati ho botter donc by ticw Diamond Dyes at a cost of ten cns You will alw-ays be on Che wrossg side as long as yen allow profit-loving merciants Ce suppl'y yen with hir poor, weak dyes ; it is certainly Ce Chir pecuniarY benefit, but ynu are tic loser in every way. Tic ail Cmportant question is : "w ili yen wonlt with dves of full strcngtli, or wiil yen blindly r«isk your -oods witi tic kind tint bave onlv ene-third tic colorng poweor,'and tint cost as mach as Cie "Diamend ? Ameriea's Best Farm iPaper. Tice agaficient Christmnas Numben of Che Chcao Breeden 's Gazette serves Ce empiasize smore stroagly tian Ovon tic pre-eminence tint paper bas gained amonu ah Cihe peniodicals of its class. ThecÏioliday Number, witi its beautiful double-page eagnavings--ono of wiici is prnted ou elegant ennmeled paper suitabie for fnaming togetier with its mass of contributions from mmea of dis- tinction, go te make up, by aIl odds, Cie r itcfinest single aumber of aay agnicultural on iv-stckjournal evor issucd in Cie worId. Tic negulan woekly issues of Tie Gazette are a long way la advaaco of all of otien papers of its class. Its standing Cierefore is fully established even witiont hose beautiful holiday editions. Intenested parties ea find copis of 2ecent issues, including Cils Chistmas, Numben, on file at tuis office. The negular single suiscription price la $2 per yean, but yen ena get Che papen for a less sum by subscribing Cirougli your local agent or Cliougli Cils office. Copies of Cie Christmas Namber ena ho obtained for twenty-five cents. A copy of any negular issuàe will ho sent froc upont application Co aay address. Tic Gazette is published by the Sandens Publisiing Co., 358 Deanborn Street, Chicago, Ml. Can't ThIs Io the corInpla2nt ofl thonsands at tiM. o ao~ They h~ave no appetite; food a does notrelish. They ueed thetoning upot the etomach and digestive organs, whlch a course ef Hood's Sarsaparilla wifl givo theM. It aIso purifies and tenziches the blood, cures that distress after eatlng and Internai m!sery ouly a dyspeptiecacon kno'w, creates a» sppe~tq, oflSmeq that tlred fleing and bailde 'ip and sustain9 the whole phys1cal sy'stemý it so prompt- ly and efficiently relleves dyspepticsymp- toms and cures nervous headaches, that it seems to have elmost ',a magie tou.li." Sarsapa:ýril la Is the est- I afeet h ietuetB,-dPui..er Undlertaker and Furniture Dealer, Bouine'îhl's Block. Iiood's .Plifs1 ila aihahast aierin e' jCURES' SUMMER Co I'PLAINT.-DEAR is.Ihave used Dr. Fowler s Extract of Strawberny for twelve ýears when required, and tiink it is ticebest remedy to be hiad for all kinds of summer com- ' , ns.la our family it has nover taiIld o cure any case. Ma.BN.LONGLEY, Chatham, Ont. ENIFIELD, Miss Pitchie, Osbaiva, las been visit- i 1 g "tUr. L. Reattoîre's. . .. Mr. C. Os- brevisited fiends here last week... 'r. Donald McCulloch was elected sdoltrustee ... Miss Wigg, Osha.wa, w-ill presîde over our academy, bcblg Cie firsC scbool ma'amn here for over C hrity years when Miss Strickland ivas nrîtreS.,...Sons of Englaad arc in- <ea siag Chir nambers. ... Mr. Brad- leysWood sale passod very -%veli from $ eS80 an acre .. .. Miss Mabel Mc- G~lohlias boon visitiag friends in Osi- ExcosUnIIE To DisEArE-DoOs 'aoC a sail y meana tie con)traction of i0saseprvided t0e system is ilaa r tousconitonw i's ieblood pure SI~ îi ticorganr'w n1ivction. b4daald pure blood] is ticý basis of goodheati.la oidwetier it hs cspcimly ncessiy e(ep up the iclt ou ecauise Cie body is subjeci tograter exýposure anc more hiable te diae ood's Sarsaparilla is Cie aegrdte iealth. fo1897 wilI maintain its es- tblished reputation as being the Canadian business man's b~tpaper. Every issue will p.resecnt valuable information to those who appreciate know- Iedge of trade and financial .0 maatters. .0 » ,,The jornal is t.p-sispensable to the live mer. 1c-ant and his clerks ; a help to those who are " hoeing a hard r ow," and a money savei to) the man who Likes to get al the news for the Ieast money. The MONETARY TIMES is as nid as tic Dominion of Canada, having bean estab- i: shed in the first year of Confederation, and ia filics contain. a complete accounnicf the rummercial and financial hiatory of tLe Coun- tvY sinca that time. Sampie Copies free. Six monîhs aubscrip. lion $i.oo. Twaivc montha subscription $2.o P-ubliihed evcry Fiday. Addrcma, The Monetary Times, To J. N. KIVELL, Agent for the ýQuieen" fleater. DEAR ,Si.-Thig, certifies that I have usehCe "Queca" To~ Draft lleating Soe and can cheerful v recommend it toý any person wantinÏr a wood heater lor ose or office. Ilt will, save its picein one winter. The most remark- aiefeature, about its action is the smal pelriod of time it requires to heat a room th- oug ly, JOHN M CM URTRY, West End Ilouse, BowmnvileNov. 18, 1896. S)mart Wecl and Balladonna, com- bin,, ed with the other ingredients used in tic best porous plasters make Carter's S. W.'& B. Backache Piasters the best iii the market. Price 25 cents. Thie "Qucen" stove I purchased from ~ is giving good satisfaction_ cnmical1, easy to liglit and littie ttention required. JNo. PANitKN, Collector of Cnstoaîs- BowîauvlleNov. 11, 1896. Mr. Legate.Traveller for McCormack (2Co., tond'on, enys: "Miller's Com- p, uind( Iron Pis restored me to health ater a-;month of prostration from ner- vos shok and loss of bloo" e ss,"Theýir effect on me was s-imply mavlos; peopfle say they neyer saw me lokn 0welU" IIAMPTON. A PRETTY EDIG Mr. J. H1. Elliott, Mr. C. E. Brown, et~à, Dec. 23, 189u, iiearly Miss Jennie Ward have returned to sixty initd uests assemb!ýled at the 'their duties in Toronto. . .. Mr. Will. residenceýi of Mrý. W. J. Davey(ý, Picker- Lander, Toronto, is visiting at Mr. H. ing, to witness the nuptials of h)is eld- ElliotVs . . .. Mr. F. J. Groat visited To- est daug iter, E. A. Winnifred,(, to C. ronto fricnds last week . .. .The open W. Bnks, Esq.,'M. D., Port Jerv-is, N. program. given by thc Sons of Temper- J. e bride, iandsomely attiredi in ance on New Years nigit was not very cei bengaline silk and lace, was at- largely attended owing to the unfavor- tended ýàby s ister, Miss May Davey, anld able weather .... P. A. Colo has done a tne sister of the groom, Miss PaDks, large holida ytrade buthbas every branch who looked lovely la thir p,ý ink au stili well supplied with the best the mark- light green silks trimmed wtipeatîs ets afford. InLspection invited...Oflcers and lace. AIl carricd bouquets(o)f î mao of Darlingtonl Lodge, No. 10, S. O. E,Bt nificient roses. The groom wýas, abl'y S., P P-C. H. Burrows ; W P-W. supported b)*y Mr. A. N. Mitcel,l of To- Halfacre; V P-S. Siortridge; Sec- ronto Varsitv, and Mr. T. N Davey, F. J. Groat; Treas Thos. Elliott ; Trinity Mo Xdical Colle. Pcv. P. Geo Chap-Jos.Clatworthy ; I G-P.Podloy; Davev, 1B A., B. D., Pittsburg, l'a.. O G-F. Allia ; CommýitceeJ. Mollon, brother of the bride, assisted b y Revs. S. Werry, W. Gibson, L. Allun. Tras- W. FTi.oa Toronto, and T. Man.f tees-W. A. Tom F A. Colo. Re- ningtwhiiby, officiated, A verye- p rosentati e~ to 4ýrand Lodge-Jos. joyabýIie vein was spent. Amiong Clatxvorthy. Officers to be instalied, the gaests from a distance were Mrs, Satnrday evening, Jan. 16.,.,.Officers (Pcv.) Wilson, Mis. J. B. Bickell and- of Home Circle, No. 9., Past Leader- daugiter, T. Johaston and wife, Mis Wm. Allia ; Lcader-I.L.Brown; Vice- Peterson. Mâiss Mabel Tait, Conenra- Leader-C. J. Kerslake; Sec-F. J. tory of Masic,' Mr. WýI. Greenwood, Var- Groat; Treas-J. Elliott; Chap-C. sity, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Tl,. T. Jar- Horna; Marshal Miss Annie Ashiton; dine, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrsý. Jno. Syl- Warden-Miss M. J. Elliott, G-Thos. v ester, Dr. J. C. Mitchell, wife and Powe ; S-Jos.Clatwýortiy : Trustees- sons, Enniskillen; Miss G. M. Brown, E. Hastings, E.TrenouthP.Katerson-. Miss M. J. Elliott, Messrs. C. E. Brown, .A few of Mr. J. Clatwortiy's friends and J. H. Elliott, Hampton; Mr. and celebrated his birtiday b 'y prcsenting Mrs. P. Davey, Tyroae: Mrs. W. A.> hlm, with a parlor larnp on'Saturday. Hollidav, and the Misses Holliday, Mrs. BcrEnnis1killcni,vitehe father. Mr. WVm. Thorniton... Mr. and Mrs. Wood)(, Cavan, visited h ler fatier, Mr.Piilip Bigelow .. .. Mr.Jolin Mýomeint B. A. Cook the leson at Learue, Sun- day .... Miss EdlitfiCiapinan, Albert Colle e, spcnt Xmas at lier motfier's, Mrs. % Ciapmnan.. .. We congratulate Miss Ida Lang on her suicccss in obtain- Tg a sccond-class certificate, . .. Mr. F. Trebilcock has severed lis connection with our sciooi and will siortly enter Trinity Medical Collegre, Torontlo. lie is sncceedcd hicby M'01. Fleter -Chiap~ man, a yourn man of ment iîandi abilitv ...Mrs. John ivel i an fmiyef t last wcek for "Detroit, ii.e officers of ticLagePrsJ.P Ciapman; iePrsMs Ao Misýs EtelPikaiMis iziEpps, Miss Carne B.(,ý'irci ScMisEdith CO URTICE. Messrs. M. J. Gibson and S. J. Cour- tice have ncsumed ticir studios at Vic- toria University. .. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Coantice visited their dangiter Mrs., (Rev.) T. Brown at Quconsbono, recent- !Y. - -Mn. Sid. Pickel, Morden, Man., is visiting relatives here.. . .Mr. and Mrs. F. L. VanNest are home fnom vis- iting around Solina ... . School re-open- cd Monday with a fair attendance.... Mn. R. F. PRichards was appointed trus- tee la place of Mr. H. Salten removed and Mr.A. E.Ruadie succecded Mr. S. Peafound retirig . . .. Mr. Herbert W. Fol 'y picached a very acceptable ser- mon at Ebenezer on Sunday morning.. .Tic Misses Worden, Orciard Lodge, are attending Demili College, St. Cati- arines.... .The voun -est child of Pcv. J. H. Oke, Wh'te ate, was bnrîed at Ebonezer Monday.. .. Mns. C. W. Os,- borne has retnrned! from visiting> in Western Ontr,,, eoiuers ot m. Cans,,w ll Dviio: , Bl k tCo . te; W: A -Ete a;k5Bai Salten: AP -M a nli tonne. Pinging inoises iu Cie car, saapping, buzziag, roarng, caused by catar,, al disappear witi Ce use of Hjoods Sansapaî'illa. WOOI>EN WEIDING. Wednesdav lasC a merny compaay of frieads mostliý cousins met at Cie honse of Mn. RBld. Snowden, lot 21, con. 8, Dalington, to celebrate tic ti anni- vcnsary of Chir marniage. After al were settlcd Miss Elsie Cryderman called Cie party to onder when an address was rend by Miss Mamie Cry- derman and Cie presentation made.b hv Mn. Fred. Bimacorebe andi Miss Josie Williams, Cie groomsman and brides- maid five years ago. Tic prescats încluded a combined dinnen and* Cea set of 100 pieces and a walnut kaifo and fork tray (by Mrs. Snowden's father). TE TATEsmAN bas obtained Cie unique addness (aoC intonded for publi- cation) and asks pardon for giviag our roaders tic pleasure of neading it. Mn. and Mrs. Pici. Snowden : More loved and botter known as Millie and Dick or,-Dear cousins, we 'vo "a come" Tiongli scarcely iîvited, Yet iad we stayed homo Yoiu would have feit slgit- d. And s0 we've "la come" As before bas been stated, Piglit happy to knowi Chat to vou wc're related, We've brouglit up our grai Just so you miglit sec, ow friendly we are And- so ask ns to ea. We'll Cny to ho good If you'Il please bid us stav-For days and for weeks We have longed for Cils day Iti being thc occasion 0f youn Woodea Weddino. We've brougit you a littIe t p rosent%'o you must flot say u~s aay.c Tis but a littie oken To yoti it will ho dean, It will caîl up pleasant memories.E Wien we shah not ho liere. We'il al feel glad Chat we've "a come" Tho' Dick aC imes gots looney But now we'Il give hlm as you'll sec A chance to act real spoonoy. Well, dear cousins, on this Cie fifth annîvcrsany of your wedding day and a day long and well to be remembered,P we have Cie snnsng andacity to ake Possession of =orhuse and uniavitedly trespass uponi youn kind or otion-wise iosptalitv, hoplhg Chat you will deal witi us accordiag to yonr gentle abilit- les siace we bave witi ail pnemeditated afore tionglit, decided Co rmn Che rîsk of your o-cial dispicasure wich our Miss-g-uid"ed actions mny bing forth upon our devoteci hcads. In years gene by wo have enjeyed our social gathermng here se very mach hat wo feit we conld aoC miss it tuis year, so come we' muet, couic we did and come wc are, not onlv ourselves but we have also brouglit a special addition la Cie shape of n beau- tif ul engraved, --fiower--embossed. -ail1 stone fire-proof-water-proof set of cee gant china disies, consistmng of more or less than se-Veral huadred picces. Our objeet la procuriag saci an clar- ate set was hat wo may ho bouminti11uilv liope Chat in vears Co come you wil bo happy to see ns, Cho' we ma corne a without grub or dishes, wili yen pleaý-Se accept our geod wishes, of s our DEA\T, COUSINs. Theneaftcr the well filed, baskets ivore unioaded and tic company - enj")yed a splendid rcpast, and spont fI very picasant venîng.î - -.--- urnga ieirl owli ignorance hi1dnegleot. vey woînan should know somcthing of tie physiology - - of lier woinan- ly self. Everv woman should appreciate the importance of the licalth and sCrength of the delicate organs that Constitute lier Womanhood. The womaa vho negleets lien healthinla Chia respect is sure Co be a continuai saffenen, and is la constant danger of an earlv' grave. To sucli a woman wifeftood is a torture and motherhood a menace. Dr. Pience's Favorite Prescription acts di- rectly and only on the organs Chat inake wifehood and mothenhood possible. It in. vigorates themi and makes tiem i ealtliy. IC prepares a womaa for an almost pang- less maternity. It does away with Cie dangers of motherhood, It insures Cie healti of the newcomer la' the family., Oven 9o,ooo women have Cestified to its wonderful virtures. Ail good druggists sellit. There is nothing 'just as good."1 "If it bad'not been for your anedicine and your advice," writes Mrs. 1. F. Thomas, of Antoine, Pike Co., Arks." 1 would no doubt be ta y grave or iu an lnaeayla.Futen years ago, when my second cbild was boe, 1 came very nea lsing nymd My head would hurt sO bad I1muid harYdlyliive. I could flot lie dnwn and raise up witbnut geat pain. My lifé was a mis er teme.ie Gd a one knows *wbat I suifere& i had et ail hope f heing cured, but 1 tank your 'Favorite Prescription' according to directions. 1 nised one bettie of the 'Pleasant Pellets,, two of the 'Golden Medicial Discovery,' and six of 'Favorite Prescription.' In a littie aver anc year aller i began yonr medicine 1 gave brht twlns. Since then 1 have a by baby ten mona old. Hie weighed eleven poundis at bis birth. I have been better in health, since the birth of tbese children tha,» I biad been for years before. flefore nsin yor mdicine my weigbt was about one undred sud thirty-five pounds, and now Iwg ne bundredsud sixty-five."1 Dr. Pierce's P'teasant Pellets are a safe, sure, swift and permanent cure for consti- pation. They neyer gripe. One ia a gentie laxative, and two a miid cathartic. Drug- gistas, i lthem. CLUB RATES, 1897. TinE STATESMAN and any one of the foliowtng publications at the underinentionet club rates:- STÂrESMAmç.ne nid and ne new subs._ .i.so. Weekly Globe...... ........ ...........5 Moutreai Witneass........... ........... 1.75, Weekiy Mati and Empire...............i.50 Fa rm and Fireai de .......... ....... ...._1.50 'WesternAvnîsr............75, The Guardian .......... _............ .. .2.o Ladies' Home Journal................... 2.G Toronto Daily Star...... -........ ..... 2,00 Christian Herald ....................... 2.2&. Family Heralfi andWeekly Sta r.witb premn.i.8c, Farming.......... ....... ............l.80ý F'armera' Advocate.ý.... ........ ... .... 1.80 Breeders' Gazette ..... ..............0 Toronito Vonid............. .. ....3.00, The Delineator........... .........2.00> Godey's Magazine .............. ....... .0, Munsey's. .................. ... ..... 2.00ý Cosmnopoiitan ..... ................ .00 MeCinres.......................... .00 1satnntlay Niglr.,..................2J Meýthodist aazn..............3 0 De-tri Frae Press.................2.0 veigGlobe... ..................45 W, , eau taks us dens for Su000 other nwnpr d maazines-Amnerican aaie.o Miih Ordersimust Le sent ulisthe mýnyteM.A, IAMIS, 'dowmanviile, Oniamo. Mils. S., says : "I have beensnffnin !rola Rieumatie Pains for iots Miller'$ Compound Iron Pilîs cuned me." Goucù MI Jfl usio rd a.