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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1897, p. 3

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FOUR * GrENERATIONS HAVE, USED ~SOA 9 AND ITS SALE IS STEADILY INCREASING. H-ave you tried it? Thz Albert Toilet Soap Ce., ?ifrs. Montreal. Tý-IOMAS PEATE, > ý Dyer and Clothesclearier lias r-ýmloved his works f0 the well kniow-m Eas ter n House. PRL4CES-For elieariing, dying and beaut1fully pressing an Overcoat 75 rerts; Complete Suit 91.50. These prices are flot more than one haif what -:you would have to pay any other Dye Works, and the work wil be as good as caui be donc any- wher-. 36-4m. Royal IMail Steamships. IFverpool,ca11- luinffdian. ....Dec. 17.......D. i Laurentian».........l31 ...........J. !o~1an. Jan. 14 ......... ..Jan. 16 laoian. Jan 28........... ]RATES 0F PASSAGE. First cabin Derry and Liverpool, $5250 and $6000; return $100 and $110. Second cabin LiVerpool, Derry, and London, $34 and $3625. Steerage Liverpool, Derry,Belfast,Glasgow and London, $24.50, everytliing found. M. A. JAMES, t Allan Line Agen~t, Bowmanv ile Chieapest and Best Readingr -~inCanada THE SUN te the Canada Farnnct Son re-orgatoized. Lr ia strictly independent, sud 2 llstandei- ib a regular contribotor Oc Lts comuai. Its marke.t reports are aeituowIed,I ed ta be' he fullest sud mt ae cuat, poblishpci in Canada. If gives the, hast farmera' page tVhe Dcrirîon. If cantsinie a short story tram Lor- don Troth. w-ekly. It givo-s an average of 40 coloiifs or hbriglif roading in each issue. 'This pner ivili be sent te)oo. adoraSs nCa oada (c nItsi<l A e Too <Otùi) do the enid cf '97 !Lii Thnoe copia.s w-lOI 'ho sent toauniý three iaddresses (outaide this eîty), foi the same pericid for a dollar. 'Iliea>,ttn ain i %VeekIy GI.ob of 1897 for One Dollar. Address ali orders do THE SUN 4P,91IING COO[VPAIHYO T T i tONTO. ___* ~ SEASONABLE SU[GIGESTIONS. At this time of year there are 50v- eral annoyanes that have to bc guarded againiet as to hands, feet and face. Ilard -water or a soap not suit- ed ta the skiai may cause trouble with ti18 band.s. Some ean use pure glycer- ine while to others it is almost a poi- son. Glycerine bas an affiuity for watar whiech makes il. a ýtoo drying lo- tion for most skins. To overcome Ibiîs get, say, fjve cents' worth of rose-wa- ter and add to àt the juice of tewo lem- ons. This xii keop for any Icngtb of timne and is barmies to even the dry- est akin. while baving ail thec hoaling qualities of the glycorine, as well as the w liieping ones of the lemon muice. In this connection it may flot be amisie to suggest to those who have trouble w-ith their hands during the cold wea- ther, that it may ho- frôm the affects of wearing wbole,, rittens. For one, I cannaI wear tbem, and I bave known others who found by experimenting that ýthey had no trouble after dhey quit -%wea ring them. If the sboes become bard and stiff, f rom getting wet, a liberal coating of vaseline, w ail rubbed in with a cloth, is perbaps tbe best remedy ýto apply. If the oversboes leak, buy five cents' xortb of red rubber £rom your dan- tist * dissolve idi chloroform, color it witb a littie bit of black paint. Ap- ply insýide and out, ontil the break is covered. If there is only one or twao pairs to ha, mendcd it us of course cas- ier and perbaps jusi as cheap to taka tbein ta the sbop for repairs, but if tbere are savaral pairs to ba manded during the winter àt is surely cbeap- Par to do tbem wt bomne, and if tbe w ork 1.1, done at once as soon as a break ap)- peatrs, id can beF, perfectly donc., A good "lip-salve," is made by mix- ing half an ounce of spermaceti oint- ment witbi 1-4 dram of balsam of Peru. bt not particularly pleasant do use, btà is vary effective, for vory of- tan one application wilIt be ah tbtat do raquired. For camplior-ice, get 4 ounces of sper- maceti, 3 ounces of sweet-oil, and 1 ounce of pulverized camplior gurn, and ma-lt ail togetbar in an eartben bowl. Mlid very graduaiiy, as doo great beat is injurions ta tbe Cuality. Tomak a goad cold crearn, take 4 onces of almond ail, an equal amount of rose water, 1-4 ounce spermaceti, 1-4 aunceawhide wax, 60 drops spirits of caonphor, and 5 drops of attar of rosas. Put tbe spermaceti and w ax ln a tbick acrtben cup and melit, add- ing the ail slowly until thorougbly mixed. Take f rom dbhe fire a.nd add tbe campbor, but do not add tlhc par- fum ore iii i is cold. A very little zinc and tincture of henzoine addad to it xii also add tais healing and wbiton- ingyproprtie. Keep in glass or por-Ë celain. OVERLOADED MANTELS. A lady us frequently known by ber rnantal1shelf. one overlaadad widh arti- clos, bowevar beautiful each may beilu itseif, is a ign of vulgarity. Notbing is more offensive, too, than heavy ab- jects on a sbeif of apparent ligbdness. A massive bronze on a wbite and gold shaîlf gives an involuntary sense of un- easiness. Wbtle paying calîs witb a f riend recently w a were waiting for aur bastess' entrance. During tbe time rnya friand strolled ta tne, mandel, put bera baud beneatb. and thon. turn.iug. re-L marked: "Af ter al. it isn't gaing ta fali, butI'ebn in feax it wouldt go down wil.b a crash for years." "It,"F in this casa. was a bronze Mercury, ahl out of proportion. apparently in weight ta the daindily carved shel f. Bronzas should be ptaced in a strang liglit,t but statuary, on the reverse, looks bet- feui a haf sbadaw.r ELABORATE SOFA PILLOWS. 0 Black satin pillows have becoma, ine spite of the somberness, grea favorites.t Tbey ara, bowevcr, elaborately ambrai-r derad i yllaw si lk or wîtb guld fbîead.b The design is ither soqme conventionai Japainese patdern or chrysanthamurn-b grad, yellow- ans-are scatared avarr the tops of the pillows. Tbey bava anc menit over ail others and that la, dbeyt do not soil aasily. Black silk, fao, is ased extensive ly, although it is nat quiida s0 prefdy as dhe glossy satin. Aa handsome circular pillow bas a wlde puff of yeliow slk ail around it. On the upper and under aidas are saw-ed round pleces of white lînan, having prettily sealloped adgas butonboled witb whide silk, and enabraidcred sprays of ich yellaw rasas are seattared over them. Agents Wantad. Write for ternis. anti 31" GOOD RECIPES. loeaar how faaeccora a gold w'atcii or psn or clock. wifbot the eost of a Bizd's Nest Pudding.-Pare and cora dolar. Çà iglit apples but do not break tbem. Spociniene copiets frec on application. Arrange fham in e good î9ized pudding dish and f111 the places w-bora the A PHLANHROISTINDED. ceres -eawith suger. Then wifh A PUILANHROPISTINDEED. annd a haîf pints of milk, dbýree Mr. Pasamora Edxvands, praprietor of Ounces of flour and four eggs make a baffer. Pour this uven the apples The Echo, a London haifpenny peper. aud baba tilt the fruit ie dona. For devotes the profita of if and of uthar the sauce hcat one-fourtli of a pound pubiicaf ions w-hich ha aw-ns e dtfho erec- of butter very liglit, sud haîf e pound flan of useful public institutions. Dur- o o-ae ua n n-orho ing ,h,--, weny yexs c ba ac a pluýt Of creaun. Stand the bow-i_,con- tthe f-anty ya 9 ruidhogsha atod on tainhng tisa mixture in bof watean ed fluaprdcipl 49builing hae beeai stir till Id do cremy, w-hich ghould ha erected, are heing anated on will ho in about tw-o minutes. immedinaitely erected, as a nesul of bis munif ic*-noe. Twenty-five of f hase ara Chucolate Pudding-Put a pint and1 publiec Libranies, lit erary institutes on a hlaf of mil k in a basin and lot if Meeanies' Institutes, or other educa- heaf. Mix four tablespoonfuls of1 flounai institutions, and ninetoan are hosp ifa1. or homes fan the affliefed. In screpedl chucolate in a saucapan witli a recan t address Mr. Edwards saad :- txvo tabiespoonfuls of hoiling xater sud "Soem ien bave no objection te write four of sugan; w-hon the peste do emoofli their nExmes in characters of blood and and glassy pour it itbe bot milk, Mix fine ave-I wa-blasted provinces or aven four tablaespoonfuls af corn cf arol wifb bombancilod and brokon cifies, but I pre- baif a plut of cald milk, add a scant for te, w-xlte mine, if I writa ut et ail, in teaspoonful of sait, pour in the hall- cheractEars of iight over my native tng miik sud stir a few- minutes. Pour coutry- aud aver London, w-lae I hava into a fanoy mold and let il stand iived aon.d wokad." forty-fcve tamufes. Cream. Pie-Mix balf a poond of' PItL es 1 Piles 1 Itehing Piles. 'sugar, f liec tableepoouf uls of floun, a sYmpT-oMs--Misture; intense itching quart of miik sud f ha yalks of five eggs and st -gn; most atoîiglt; worse by iu e sauce-pan; flavor with e uitIle sera=hing If shlow-ad ta continue gratad nufmeg sud lamon or vanilia tumors fonm, whidi oflen bleed aud extraCt. Bail ftbe mixture tw-onfy min- u1certc,becomiug' very sore, SWAYN-"s utas. Lina a deep pie fin wifh midi OINTrMPIZ-T tý' the itching sud bieed - Pastry, baba iii pantiy doue, fui oup W-th the, cream, 'thon bake tili quite îng, hc--als UIc.ration, and ln moJst doino. Maire a merngue of the w-itas %ses ren-mavei the fumons. Af drug- of a couple of the eggs sud a ittie 9gists, or bY mail, for 50 cents. Dm. pawdened :sogen, pour it ovar the pie Swex'n & Son, Philadeiphia. Lyman, and ratura ta the aven do brow-n Sous, Wliholesnle Agents, Montresi. 6alightly. Mrs. Royar's Wb ole Wbeat Bread.- Mrs. Royer's favorite racipa for wbali w beat bread cnlie for one or fîvo cakat of compressed yeast. To a pint oý niilk, add a piat of boillng watar, wber lukewarm add a teaspoonful of sait anc the yeast. Add suffieiient w-baie w-bcd fleur ta make a hatter tbat -wiii drol f'ro t he spoon. IBeat fiftcan minutes the barderp you hat the tigbtor thi bread. Lot stand in a warrn place fwc and a hall hours, then add sufficienl fleur ta make a dough. Take out or tbe board, knead Ijgbtly and make in- ta loave,, Let risc in a w arm place oue bour, and bake dbrrty minutes. SCRIP'TJRE CAKE. A naw variety of cake w-bicb lie very Popular joust naw, is known as Scrip- ture cake. At a. chureb fair heid ha- fore the bolidays slices of the cake, wif tb the recipo writtcn upon largo decar- a ted cards, w-ere sold for twcnty-fivc cents, and dbougb tbe ladies had pro- parod w bat thoy feared w-as an over- abondant supply of bath cake and cards, bath w-are o'xhausted somo time before the fair ciosed. The recîpe was legihly wxritten upun the cards, w-ith the namne of thbe, cake in fancif ni let- tors of gold and crimson or gald and blne et the top, 'witb a def t littie sniov seno spnrkling with mica pawder in the upper-rigbf-band corner. Eneh card w-as slipped in a largo envalope w vhieli w-as tîed w-itb nnrrawv satin nib- bon, witb a spriýg of berried bully tbrust under the double bow knaf Tbe samples of the cake w ere ample de- monstrations of the excel1lence of the cake, w-hch takes its naine framl refer- Onces ta passages of Seripturo con- taining allusions ta tbe ingredients. The directions are aa fotlows: Ono u of butter, Judgos, 5.25. braand a baîf cups of flour, 1 Kings, 4:22, Three cope sugar, Jeremiab, (6:20. Tw cope of raisins, I. Samuel, 30:12. Two copie Sinei, 20:12. One --p of w-atan, Gnss 41 Oa up of almonds. Genes.s, 43:11. Si. eggs, Iaaiab, 10:14. oaa tblespoonfuJ of honey, Exodus, 16:21. A pinchl of sat, Leviticus, 2:13. spices ta faste, I. Ki.ngs, 10.10. Twa tablaspoonfuls hakmg pawder., 1. Cor. 5: 6. E'ollow Solaman's noie, for making good boys (Pravarbe, 23:14) snd you w iii bave an excellent cake. Rlousekeepors bardly need romind- iag that the raisins shauld ha seeded, cbepped and floured, the ige choppcd and the aâmonds blanched and eut finý before using. 'A HAPPY HUSBAND. A hiappy husband slieow-ho lias a loviug and contented ivife. How grand and heautiful is a life of bonest fou w-bon it la crowned xvitb lave, Whea a hushnnd cames home after a toilsome day do a briglit, happy home, (non Ineas and lave-nat weal-are es- seutial do a, briglit and happy home); when hoit, is met witb a hus sand amile from bis ivife, glad c.ails of joy f rom the littie cbldreu,eaa lie ha utberwise tban happy ? No matutr %w-uat triais w-ith whicb we bad ta contenet durtng the day lie w-lu lay aside wariy aud lie happy ln the have aud cheerfoîneie of bis home. Tjeacb the littia chidren ta love, hýouar andi obey; teacli them du' meet their faîbar with a kissansd words of lave. A wife us intended for a home;be province lies in gontienesa, in the an agement of domestic concerna, in earingl and tacing thea utIle chiîdren, in brigliteuing ber baad'a hife witb love and kindness. She us not expected ta take part in politics and it ha out Of place for lier ta try; bier interestaslihouId ha domastie. The science, of gavan ment shouid hae dranated hy aur bs bnndsfntbers and brothars. Wa abouidý lake no part iu it, but make, their bernes grand witb love and purity w-hon dhey returun. Look au the brigit, sida of life; try ta make athers happy. A kind and loving disposition us ana of ftli most valuabie attnihutes a wîfe can hava. The possession of sucb a ver- tue not only makes tsa w-ife herseif,; but makes everyoue araund baer happy.! rt filds witli sunsbone 'the bumblest uorait keeps busband's love drue snd pure'aind lastiug. Ah, if ail our wives woulid dry ta refalin the lava thair hus- bandse bad for tcm ad fthe f ime of Mer- agwliat a grand world wa wauhd haeIIt woulid draw our sauts so near to aur omnipotent Fathar. True, thera are exceptions; there are liu.sbands that canuot ho racalled. We hope tbey are few-,hut many and rnany a home is lest, many a family scattared from thea lack of lova, lack of la tercet aand Inci of faithb on thea part of the wife. THE PRINCE 0F WALES. Twanty-five yars aga the naw Prîn- casa of Walea and future qucan of England xvas living on the Ibhird floor of a carner (bause lu Copenhagen, and hanr father w-bor no une aver dreamed at once cared for. The Board of Pub- lie Cliarifies made ftbe aharming report f bat tbora w-ere at ieast 65 famillýes, eomprising 300 seuls, depeadiag on pub- lic contributions for maintenance of 11f e. It is asituation uuparalleied in f hiebis- tory of that city, Children Cry for HEALTJ-, ___ LA'1E SUJPJIIRS. Every-now and thon w-a liar off sea o'd-fashiomned notion beiag axplode'd in fhlilglif of modemn sceetifie kuow- Iede and experience. I 5f oi thing. One, of thlia hst things tha;t 1» hein g a-complisbod lYa fluew ny at present is tbe acenrade disserninatian of facts thef ara breakinig down flie ald fallJaoy of ifs beinig injurîoas do heaif h ta indupIga la late suppers. Thaf il impairs digestion aad shortens life. Bah1 S taff and nonsense!1 0f course, if one viii eat hefore bcd- i ie, regardle- of the moiet simple ruZies of dietetio camman sauce, fa ha sure suffering muset flow. Sait xviii af any dîme. If you eat during the day time, thaf whieh is unsuitahle,' you xvii hab more apt do groan xvith indi- gestio>n Why? yoornatura2y sey. I xvIi fell you, You ean cnt iih gronder impuuity et niglit than yau cen. lu tbe day-f ime, e-SPecia.',ly if youi are af all a busy per- sou, bernoise your miud is at absoluf e rasf; thera are now-urnes, no disturb- îng amations or thouglits. Ta offset this .smaw-hat, it must lie adjaitfed thaf the respiration os reduceci, and the blood circulation is mucli slow or, but assum- îulg flnt you havie beau disereef enaugb t(1est sueli foods as are easiLy assimil- nUVe, ftha digestive pýrocoes w-tht go on at niglit s',ow-er, but mucb mare healtb- i:y than duninýg flic day. More than balif the troubles of im- paired digestion came from eating toa hlenrui',y and improperly in the day- limae. If sbouid os remembered that au activa mindrequires &ilthe blood fliat ea haspnred olnring its use. Neither vîa,.ent exercîso non braîn w-ork Of any kind slioutld be, undertaken im- mediateliy al ton eatiag. Try ta coma- posa the mind ta thou.gbt'essneýss if pas- sibile for af buash a haif-liaur. Mucli of flie insomnasthaf us pro- Valent do from no other causa than fli cernviugsai n a lïýf-,starved stomaeb, p'eap.e beiung lad ta the helief that if is injorious fa eut et niglif. Wby shou.ld a persan. fastf durnug tan or t-we:.'ve hours of the uigbt, sud ont three an four times daring tie, day i The ballon pFan w-ould. h o a t two moas turing flic day, and au extra aneaet niglit. If must ha boru lu mind thaf we do nof advocate af sny time, ay persan, hou ever heaTtliy of stordy, partaking of haavy or iadigestible mals, or of over-ioadlg ftlie stomacb. But thora. are f ew, if any, especialtly amaug the rny nervous women, w-li woLÈd nut find a positive henofit from the use of some noo.rishiug food at bcd- And flic hast thaf could be reou- rnenced w-ould hbe coma liglit Nall- cooked grueL TOO SOLID FLESII, A great many w amen, convinced thaf flash do inimical to heauty-is the "dentli-lo- of grace," as an arbî- frary enfle pots it-injuro, healf h in ftie endeavon ta reduce weight. Tbey put -themseitves ta grad trouble and inconvenienoe, sw-allow- ahi sorts of pro- ventives sud remadies lu order fa get thin, and f len stands agbast ut the spectae..e of tlieir w-inkies, flabhy-faces nnd fhraats, tha rosuit of the fnitiug nw-ay of fLash under the clastie skiu. Asa mat tan of feet, a number of ftle notable w-omeu of fthe world, famoas nof only for f liir benuty, but for the rarer charmes of intellIect and aubtie fascination, w-amen w-lia have helpcd ta maka history nnd beau a pow-er in t beir day, w-ra of disfinctly gouerous proý- portihans. 0Ceopafra, she w-hase "infiuîte van- iety-' of charm and tampon could w-lu sf arn-beart ad wariors fa f argot their ambitions, xves amahl and atout. Maria Antoinette w-as of thaeçflump order, fliaugli taliad of fine bearng, and, fa coa down fa tb.e prasent day, vioxv tha widow-ed Victoria, savereign o'f the -Unaited Qneandomi;" the incnea.s- ing proportions of Qucen Margberîta. (tIf Ia,.y and flic generous ouftounes of Queen Isabeila of Spain. If us w-ont y of note thaf mosd of the great inter- protons of sang are stout, or hordering on that condition, and thare bave been liglits lunftho iiterary w-old decidediy faf, whalier taI I of stature or the re- versa, George Sand w-as faf and sma:J and ikewise Mme. De Stael. Fashion's voLanles wili doubtîcas con- tinue ta stniva af 1er the s'andernes w-hidi seo-ms sa desirable,- For dbase wi-ilting fa sacrifice5 flic pramptinga of appatite for flie desirod ia. au auth- ority necomnemnds tbnt tbey abou.d ragulate their days as fpilow-a: A fumarfut of bot xvter mustt ho tek- o§n on w-akiag on the morning. Rise earlly and hava a depid-bath, witb vig- oraus rubhiug afterw-ard wifh a fiasb brusb. Avoid driuking af meais and only bave dbree meals a day. Tako ance maXi1 cup of tee et breakfast, soma, dry toast, boilied fisli or na mali cuflet and n hnkod epple or a lit tho freshi fruit.' Ad dinner, whicb cbould ha at raid- day, take wite f isi or meat, dry toast or stae bread, vegetahies and fruit, cithaer freuli or stew-ed. For supper, toast, salad, fruit and six ounces of wina or water. Ul vater with lemon jucea le good for supper. 1 b T Sotie ~ Av'ege table Preparation forAs- Ling the Stomarlisakd.Bowels or Opnud,Morphine -nor iueral. INOT NAR COT IC. Jl,,o alôdrS1MZV=PflHR Ai -Se IpOM ornt j' ~EW YORK. Apcrfect Remcdy for Consti>pa- tion, Sour Stoniach,Diarrhàcoa, Woris ,Convuts ions ,Feverish1- ness andLoss0F SLEEP.. lanSonte signature or EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. SEB11 FAC-SIMLLE SIýiNIýATURE 0F EVERY BOTTLE 0F Castoia ibput up in one-size bottles orjy, It fa flot sold i buIL Donlt allo-w anyono to oeU you anythooog else on the plea or promise, bat ft- is "nat as olo nd wil anower aeory Fur'- poso." £'Z> eo that you got OA~TOI.IA Tho fac- o Hampton General Storez New toreand Everything suitable for Fali "and Winter wear. The largest anid best assorted stock of goods ever shown liniHampton. Good ail wool Tweed and Serge Suits t0 order for $8.00 and upwards. Beautiful Ulister )vercoat for $5.00 and upwards. Ail bouglit for cash and will be sold at close prices. Our Grocery Department is-'wel1 assorted with choice new goods w-hich will be sold at hottom prices. Farm produce takentin excliange for goods and highest price paid. Sesoof9697. My stock of FURS includes the latest styles of Coats, Capes, Collars, Ruffs, Muifs, Mitts, Tam O'Shanters, &c., made up in Fine and Mediurn grades of S. S. Soal, Persian and Grey Lamb, Sable, Mink, Astrachan, and Opossum. .You -will find a more complete assortmenl here, than in any other store in the County. Nearly 40 years.experience enables me to select with certainty the best values in ail limes of furs. You can rely on having any style of Fur Garment remodelled to suit you. 1 arn paying special attention to the making n of, Ruifs, Gauntiets and Tam O'Shanters, on short a 1otice.- Don*t delay too long, but bring in your repairing now and be prepared for cold weather. For men and youths, I have a complete and -well selected line of Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc. BOWMANVILLE. FOR HOME MANICURE. Maay w-omcu w-hoaran obliged t do do'a e u v w-onk that injures fhe ledeicateaeppeen- auca of their bauds, and w-ha are yad uuwiiing ta hase ana of the Most dis- u n your feE tinctive marks of refluoment, find that a*hr ssyei otera hr thay are qute capable of doing f boum * Ther s astyle n fo-ee n îhere 0w-n mnnieuriug, and that ftle pnae- :Rolcand vesosreude fie pays. Amateurs are usuaily as- e of boots. They are flua so as t t onidta find t in auieuing us soe feeling aud fo make thern so ucces. simple and that the followiug directoons 0rubber.WieGab ber soiffiee: Pour sainie wanm xater in a e .tyhit d inshreu y Rblirs bo-l, oinfold a amnl tow-ei aud îey it eSye0i rdFiih hyrli on ona knee; takeftho niglit baud and a4,*- proceed do eutfthoenie'Sin a semni-cîr- cite; thon file the adges, and sdeep the niglif baud luthe, water; thon taka the lîcfd baud aud steep lu its turn. Hav- a e\e0ý69 ing csnefily dnied the bauds,poe daîvu fli skia round flic hase of the TIIE LIFE LINE, nails w-tb su ivary instrument; hrush flic nis aven with came rad pomade, Sterting from ftle base of the big toe wipa Id off, sud than poilihwitli a plain thora is a distinct lina. This ie the lifa cbamois-covered pad, nather amal lunine. In oua foot it will ourve atong sizo, usiug particuflenly fine paiisliug util if terminatas undar ftha instap fan paw-dar, fil f hey chine. Thoen, do tow-ard the iow-er hase of the littia fae. cr-wu aIl, sprinkla on the lands and This menus long life, If broken in dhe w-ists and rab in came deielcously iollow- of the foot if donotes a aicirnoss fvcantad suc de cameia, w-hich xiii st at middle age, sud if et tarminates in once mairefthe scm look w-ita, amoofb dha boilow- of the foot id mieensa abord aud caf t. ltfe, This lina is thenMost lntenestiug PFitcher's Castoria. Furrier. et thîs wahr eis in hnts. Each year the Granby Iled to fit ail the faslionable shapes to prevent climsy cppearance and ssitates the use cf the firicst quality of~ and Overshoes are u-p to date in~ their old endiurin- quaiiîy. one on the foot. The experimaentsta hava been conducted lately have prov. ed this to be an aimost unfailing read- ing afong6vtyý A few days ago a Jeffersonville, JInd., cnvict, who for five years had feign- ed to ha a deaf inute confessed his imposture, 1 ýJL

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