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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1897, p. 8

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A PERFECT I ILET GEM Cream0f Witch Hazel. It cures roughness of the skin, chappedhands, face and lips. It1 dries quickly and can be used any ime during the day. Ask for No. 30 I for Coughs and' Colds, prepared, by il Higgîbothm &Son. Bo WMAINVILLE. BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 3,1897. LA.RKE NEWS (Conden»ed from the News.) KinBY.-Mr. and'Mr. Edward Birch are visiting friends iu Mariposa .. .. Mr. Wm. Patterson has mnoved fromn the secý tion, and Mr. ']os. Chapman is prepar- ing to occupy the place vacated by hlm . . Mrs. Byers,Darlington, Mrs.James, Sunderland, and Mrs. Brown, Coiborne, attended the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Wm. Thoruton. CLARKE UNION-.-A very pleasant time was speut at the home ot- Mr. W. L. Cobbledick, Saturday week when a number cf friends were invited to pass a few social hours. At 6 p. mn. ail sat dov.rnto arich repast. During the eve ngtc olowing program was rend- ered; Solo101, Mrs. I. Cob bledick ; Instru- mental music, Miss Bickhe ; Scotch sel- ection. Miss Worden Instrumental, Mr. S. Cobbledick; Recitation, Miss V, Cobbledick; Solo, Our H1ostess ; Duet, Misses Biekie and Worden. After join- ing lu a hearty chorus, ail repaired to their several homnes. S. S. No. 2, CLARKE.-Mr. S. Baskýer- ville sold a span of horses to Mr. A, Hlallowell for a ilice suma... . Master W. Earker, Cartwright, has been visiting friends ....M. Bert Long lias re- turned home from a recent visit to the 6th lue. ... . Miss Annie H-unter, New- castle, was the guest of Miss A. Barrie, re.ccntly .. . .Mr. Rlobert Martin, sold a horse and two fat cattie te Mr. Cawker - BQwiauville .. .. Mr. Robert Holmes lias been ou the sick list.... Mr. I{lenrv Adam, Oshawa, was the guest of Mr, M. Breen cf Ililiside Cottage, recetly.... Mr. Robert Douglas had a wood-bee, Tuesday week, ctting wood lu Mr. J. Ileieds ,woods. Chemists and Druggists.1 N EWOAS¶ LE. Bible Soietv's aunual meeting Sun- day evelni.g 1A Pi eby ttrian churcli 10 be addressed by Hev. Messrs. G. B. McLeod and Hoit Taylor .. .. Miss Ho- loua Clarke visited Mifss Annie Moore, Sunday .. ..Miss E. A. Ceurtice, Eben- ezer, visited at Mr. W. C. Aslton's re- cently,.. .. Mrs. W. Richard entertained a number of ladies Thursday niglt.... S cial praýer meetings wilie held lu etoit Churci, Weduesday, Thurs- day and Friday nîils, tuis wee... Tic wiolesale dismissai cf G. T. RÏ. empîcyecs ms reachedNewcastle; David Rutherford aud John Armstrong, switci- mon are off. . .. Anniversary services of Newcastle dhurci will be hid as tollows: Sunday, Feli. 14hh, sermons will lie preadlied by Hev. W. Jollîffe, Bowman- ville, and ýRev. W. b. Adams, Orono, and ou Wodnesdny l7th, tie annual spor wil lie served followed witl a lcueby Rev. J. J. Rae, Peterboro, i who is said 10 lie one of tle most enter- laining lecturers lu this part of Ontario ...A number cf our young people wero ploesantly eutertained at Mr. Samuel Ricakd's on Tuesdlay nigit.... .New- castle Couiicil R. T. cf T., No. 291 are arranging for au leeutionary Modal Contest . .. Mr. F. Law, Newtouville, spent Sunday at home'. ... Messrs. N Allin, F. Fligg, Ernest Rincl and Gco. Lawv wore delegates te the Sons of Temper.ance District Division heid at Ma pie Grove, Tuesday... Tic RoYal Templar Draniatie Club are preparing a drama entitied tie Rough-i Diîond; tie club cousists cf Misses Almoda Couci, Neilie Fldridge and Ethel Bona- than and Messrs..A. W. and Norman Pichard, T. b-. Rice and Lewis Barrett. ...Mr. and Mrs. T. Ellison lreaîed about 40 frieuds te a pleasant evening Frîetayiigit. The impurities lui the blood ,w hich cause serofulous eruptiuiîi are thorou-i- iv eradicated by Ilood's Sarsapnrii'ia. Trv it. A RADICAL CHANGE. A Hamilton Lady IUndergoes an Ex-. perience and Relates ti istory cf a Severe Trial. LEsKAnD. Mýr. Samnuel Saler, Lake- Mrs. James Graham,280 James street fiei, visited Mr. Gee. White, recontly..- norti, biamîihon,wife of theo weli kuowu Hvtr arris and Mr. Soudan, reccntly rc a th dresrltste Rïitd M. Tos.Whit., .Th Misesfclowing- ircuinstances. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, Kendall, lave licou visiling Gr~aham have resided lu Hamilton for ther sister,Mrs. S. Findiay... MrFred. teps orencradaevr Jackson visted ils parents iin Broohiiu, teps oreuyeradreey well and favorably huowu: recenly... .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walter, Mrs. Graham says: "Duriug tie six Orono, have licou visitiug lire.,..mnh rot akg Miiburn's Heart Me.srs. Geo. E. Bahi aud John Beelmetspir1tai- Me and Nerve Pilis I lad a serious trouble bave licou sick .. . .The new officers cf arising front wrong action of the leart E. L. of C. E. are . H P-W. H.Adnms ; and nerves. Onie cf lie symptoîns was P-EItio Dnvey : isI V P-A. W. Car- tiat I couîd net lie ou mv left side. for veti ; 2ud V P-Mrs. J. W. Cornisi ; if I did so my lieart tiroblied so vilnti JacksP-on; R oFrd il ; C V-L. as 10 give me greal pain. Tic smaliest Jackon;R SFre Trll C -L.noise or tlie slgitest exertion wouid Bell; Troas-Jolin Spry.... .A diseuse satmher lpating trribly. Il kuown by tic namne of blachleg hli asartmposiher palpt ou hr found ils way into tic fioch of Mr. Alex. waimofsis i o me10 o'p a so rt Staples, unbsls toyugcate !d regain my breati.1 a exces- Mr .Shaplos is Supposoli to have lost a sively nervous, and my limis would beast withitic samne disea se. tremnble as if witi ugmie. My innds -- und foot wcro unnalurally eold, and 1 suffered frcm slirp pains in lie bach O)RoNo-GeoO Gerome,Saginaw,Mîei., h y ead. Tic slamming cf a door visited relatives here.-. . Miss Dolla wo"uld ucarly sot me wild. Frequentiy Doncaster, Bowmiauville, is visiîing 1 wouîd wake. up figiîeued, and tien friends heno ..Mr. jas. Linhon visited was unabletlegel losieep again. I lest bis daugiter, Mrs. T. Benson,Lakefield lsadbamveywaand- ....Mis Fany Hney ntetaind aspondout. I f oit miserable in mind and few frieuds, MondaY ovoning wee.,.. lid Mn. and Mrs. Tios. Bell, Dunsford, & e i onh ae encn have been visiting aI the Norh Amen or stlytai mui I lave licou cou can ote ... M. Ths. oncste isit wouild heip me, and for a lime was visitiug ils sou at Canington....,M i ss undor lie cure cf a plysidian, but ail Bell Caldwel, Perrytown, is a guest cf the offrts I made towaràs a cu're were Miss Fauny H......... Mr. M. AJames, of no avail. My phsca luhytl of STATESMAN, Bowmanvilewsmyhsind kyunow Ilere is ýno towu Jase weeh attcnding tic Farmers' cur for heart disease,' wlich made me Instlut meting,... Rv* 1. T Le iis ore despondent than ever. commeucel n sories of serinons lo young "Six weehs ago I xvas induced to try men Suuday eveuing lu ele Meiodist Miiburu's Ieart and Nerve Pilîs, and Cii.rc . . .. Mr. H. Z. Hall, in Toronto from tint tîîne my rostoration to heati lasI weoh .... Mr. David Noble nuas sold dates. I have taken fkr boxes, whiic his fine hoavy team te Dr.W.W.Dickey I licugit ut John A.. Barr's drug store, cf New York, for $30.... Mr. H. 'T. corner James and Merrick streets. IRowe bas leused one cf tic stores in tic Tiese pis are tic only miedicine tînt Henry Block and iutends fittirng il up lias donc me any good, or efiven me ns a butcher siop .. . .Mr. John Dnvey, relief. I am happy 10 sny that tîey Leskard. lins licouappoiutod District rvdtathcltowsmiaonn Deputy Grand Master cf the A.O.1.W.prvdiatc ct wsmtk n ~saying tint ienrt diseuse couid not lie for tus istrc yti rn aseF ured. Since I commonccd taking W. Unit.... 'Ne regret to learu tie Milburu's Heart and Nerve Pis I have deti cf Anu indli, beloved wifeocf licou daily geting botter. I eau uow Wmn. Tlcrîîtoeu, Esq., in lier 761h year.gousar th Their ntarried life lias licou iudeed n go upstairs witiout trouble and attend to y diiydutes wtiout tie sigitest lonnd lappyone, laving lived te distress. I lave gained lu fiesh, lu getie a peiodo it5honsecep- lnti and in strengti. My blood is ing th aohmelu whichîtcysetld eaitli aud circulates freely. Lying wi~smnrredlot 25 cen. 8, Clarke, ou my left side causes me noinove Th* fUnerni ou Monday wa8 large. lneo an n no el Rex'.W. b. Adamis eouducted serv ec pi nens1.nj- hcatiand restful sleep. My nienves are stroug MORE CURATIVE Poix nn s ccntaincd and vigorous, and tiere lias licou sucli ,In fý 1ýttle et bood's Sarsaparilla tian, a radical changoe for tic -botter in my lu c er similiar preparaticii. l condition thatlcOnu say tiese wonder- coSïs tic, preprieter and maniffaneînrer fî'l piF ...,tb*1'--ve a corin I~co-'s ic~olir uearfd it plet~e care. is ivorti i rete tic on.] am'ier. it lias i-!eau '-ecominoîîd them iw itlout the a record cf ecures Lunlýnown te a11Y otlher slightcst hesitation te ail siii! -nfroiîî prekaration. lh is the besîte buy silniliar cOIuapiaints. (ind is.Js te'ýise il is île One Truc Blood Purifier.1 Grabaîni, Hamilton, OSre#. lis J~ S3OLINA., Tyrone. Division Friday uight render ed an excellent program here, Mr. A Annis presided and ail were intereste4 and profited. Refreshments were ser ved .... Solina Divisiou's c «yster suppe Fr iday night, Feb. 121h. Every inem ber cordilally invited, .... .Mr. W. H.Gor ril is very ili At time cf writing . ... Mr D. Il. Lent cf Cobourg filled Eldad pu] pit on Sundny and lectured lu 5cm Ha Il ou Monday uight.... .Mr. and Mrs John Gibson cf Enfield visited at Mr Thos. Baker's, recently. Widl be fonnd an excellent remed: for sick headache. Carter's Littlo Live' Pis. Thousands of letters from peopli who have used thein prove this fact Try them. MOUNT VERNON. Visitors: Mr, and Mrs. Gordon, Pick ering; Mr. Hlarry Ryley,,and Mrs. Pres ton, Bethany; Mir. and Mrs. Russel Ar gue, Brock, at Maple Corners; Miss Idî Gilbert, Bowmanville, Mr. Arthur Mill sou from O. A. C., G_'uelph, attending the wedding of lis rother George; Mr, Norman and Miss Selena Woodley, Ty. roue, at Mr. .Jas. (larfat's; Mr. and Mis, Suas Werry and Miss A. Montgomery at Mr. Jas. Heatiie's: Miss H. L. Pa*- cee, Tanton, visiting lier grandiather; Mr. Norman Heatîle is atteudine Osh- ýaa igh Sehool. . .. Mr. Thos. Xilbur is improving from a severe attack of sciatica. . .. The Heatie Bros, violiuists, piayed at Taunton at a Chosen Friends' concert recentlv. If sick hecadaclie is misery, wvhat are Carter's Little Liver Pis if they would positivel' cure it? People who have used the. speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take. NEW 1HAVEN. Recent visitors: Miss Ricli, Whitby, at Josephi Langmaid: Mrs. A. C. Alfin, Provideuce,and Miss Knight,lake shore, at Mr. S Alliu's; Mr, and Mrs. W. Lawv, town, at Mr. R. Hall's; Mr. Hamm and Miss Hamm, Clarke,' at Mr. D. Moffatt's. .... Miss Berthia Farewell lias returned te Michigan .. .. Miss Mouissa Ste.vens has gene te Buffalo to reside .. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pierce recently visited relatives lu Oshawa,.. . .Mrs. W. Jennino-,>s is quite indisposed.... Mr. H. Power lias been conflned to the honse with a very bad cold .... Mr, Hidi. Good lad a vahiÏ- able horse slip ou ice breaking a leg, wýhich necessitated the animal being killed. . . ,Rev. R. D. Fraser kindly visit- ed the C. E. liere Friday evening. He iutends holding a series cf special ser- vices liere, beg-inning next Mondav evening. . ..Mr. E. W. Allu preached at Long Sauît, Suuday. If you once try Carter's Little Liver Pis for sick headache, biliousness, or constipation, you will neyer be without them. They are pureiy vegetaile; smali and easy to hake. 'Don't forget tbis. SIIAW'S SOHOOL flOUSE. Mr. and Mrs. S. Richard on Jan., 22 gave an excellent display cf gener- osity and respect for their neiglibers and'friends. About 6 p.m, people frein far and near teck advantage of first sieighingand scen the cernînodieus residence was filled with a jollY lot cf conntry' people and Newcastle villagers. A merry timo w as speut lu gaines, social cliat, mnusie, etc. At 9 oýciock the tables laden with good things, pre sented a lcveiy appearance, and the happy company assembled lu the din- ing rocin te partake cf a most appetiz iug repast. On Jau. 26th tie youngi people met at the same residence and oxperienced a repetitien cf this happy tine . .. .Messrs, J. A. Galbraith, D. Gaîbraith, aud James Richard are breaking lu colts .. .. Mr. R. A. Bragg hauliug lis wood bome and Mrý Cor. Osborne is aise preparing lis summer's fuLel.... .Mr. Geo. Riekýard and Mr. J. M. Joness are putting in ice.. .. Mrs. W. Barrie is recovering a fher a linger- iulg illness .... Mr. W. J. Clemonce's heorses started away Friday tcward towiî but were stopped befere mucli damage was done. HAMPTON. Visitors. Miss Norton, Miss Ethel Stevenson, Mr. J. Cooleridge, Oshawa ; Mr, T. Saltor, Greeubank; Mrs. Trewin Bowrnanviile .... Mr. F. J. Groat resuma- ed is duties at the school Moud av.... Miss Jenule Ward, Miss Annie Wilcox, Mr. O. Clatworthy and two of Mr. Pen- nington' children are sic . .. . Mr. D. H. Lent, Baltimore, who is ho oeive an ad- dress on Temperance lu the Town Hall, Friday evenin g, occnpied the pulpit verv accepwtably Snndav morniuo ._ Mr. J. IWalton, Kettleiy, G. o1.P f the Sons cf Tomperance, paid lis first visit to Rising Star Division, Monday evon- .ng .. .. Miss Amy Blanchard lias been very ilI, but is improving nicely 110w... *..Master Aibun H. Cl em ens is-sich and s under the dcctor's -care ..Mr. Goo. «I Cures talk"Ili; favor " of Hood'a Sars.apaîl,' T a ikï as for no otlier cnedi- TYRONE. Miss Fiossie Werry,Betiesda, is guest cf 'Miss Emma Werry .... At the close cf cl thie reguiar service Sabliati morniug '- Pastor Wilson received several persons lr int ful durci membership .. .. About fifly sons and daugiters cf Tyrone -Division visited Solina Friday eveuinog. Tliey spoak lu hi-giest ternis oh lie cordialihy exbitedby lie bretiren aud sîstors of thal Division.... Mr. James 3.Collacutl lias been confiued 10 the lieuse wti a very painful soro on is foot... Mr. Chias. Welch b as, been ailing for y somo lime ... . Pleased 10 e Superin- ýtendent W. R. Clemeus able 10 fi il is eaccustomed ýlace in S. S... .Miss Mc- b.Millau, St. Catharines, and Miss Me- Langhlin, Oshawa, wero roceul guosîs at Mr. Win. McLaughlin's .. . .Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Cawher, Osh- awa, visihed ah Mr. S. Pollard's on Sab- baIhl. . ..Congratulations 10 Mr. W. J. - oy ou securinig the assessorship cf -Darlingtou for 1897 .... Messrs. Janmes Bingham aud Jos. Ponfound wore dole- gatos to District Division aI Maple Grove Tuesday. Hood's Pilîs are the bost famîily cati- artic and liver medicine. Geutie, reli- -able, surie. EBENEZEIR. Wednesday evenîng the homeocf Mr. rW. McDonald was lie scene cf a vory f protty wedding, tie oidest dangliter Ida Rose and Mr. John Bright boîug the contracting- parties, The bride was very becoçingly altired lu a gown of holiotrope silk. She was attended by lier sislor Miss Kahe McDonald of Miii- brook, whilo Mr. Joinston, nigit operator aI Darlington, supported tle groom. Rev. Dr. Marvin was in bis merriest nv'od and tied tle huol grade- fuliy but firnîily. Their lurnerous friends unihe lu wisiing them ranch joy and iappiness . ... Report of S. S, No. 4, Darlinglon, for January. First three of eadi class: VT G. AnnisE.Worden; Sr. IV.-H. Osborne, G. Wordeu, A. Annis; Jr. IV-C. TrulI, C. Courtice, W. Found ; Sr. III G. Blair, F. Cial- wortiy ; Jr. III-F. Found, F. Osborne, E. Trull - II-H.Conrîlce, L Blair, E. Pichel ; àr. Pt.* Il-Iniz' Pierce, Lois1 Werry. Irene Worden; Jr. Pt. Il-J.ý Trul,- F. Vinson; I-M. Truil, M. Worden. W. W. HANcexc, leadher. Mrs. M., says : 4"My daughter was pale, languid and unable 10 stand anv exorlion. Mllers Compound Iron Pilfs made bier strong and gave lier color. 50 doses 25 cents." MAPLE GROVE. The Sons of Temperance are prepar- ing for a grand lime at their ovster supper ou Tnesday Feli. 9. Suppé err- yod from: p. m., after wich a splendid programn wil libe given. Tickets to sup- per and programn 25c ; cidren 15e ; programn alone loc. AIl are cordially invited to coule and enjoy a good lime. Convoyances 10 carry town people to supper wil bave Mr. Hbal's Grocery store at 7 p. in. Tickets for ride and supper 30c. Mr. R. Suowden ils cutling quite a dasi witi a uow cutter ..Mr. C. Ax- ford lipped ovor -%viti a load cf iav lu- jurîng himself quite badiv ..Master Harry Tyler bas anotier attaek of in- fiammatory rheumatism; Master Leslie Snowden ils aise indisposed .... Mrs. M. Muudav was suddenly cailed te Brig- den teseec lier brother wio is daner- ousiy il. .... Mrs. S. Barher is visiting In Toronto ..Mr. J. A. Lawrie is ou a dr ving tour visitin g relatives lu Scar- boro and Vaughan townships .... .Miss Carnie Ibal bas returned fromn a piens- ant visit with friends lu Western Ontar- JO.... A number of young people enjoy- ed a pleasant evenin with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Snowdon J an .28 i t bcing flie anniversary of thoir weddiug. ENNISEJILLEN. Mrs. Bell, Toronto, is guest cf Mrs. A. Riggs .... Mr. and Mrs. N. Byers vis- itod in -Port Perry ..Mr. Noble, ton- cher,spent Sundav lu Toronto. Is tiere a lady iu lie question?2..Mr.Jno.Ran- ton lias moved from the 911 concession 10 the Rogers' homestead .. . .Mr. Jas. Mountjoyis5meving from East Wliilby to Mr. N. Byers' farm whiei lie las renled ... Mr. D. H. Lent, tle apostie of Temporancewillipreachinlutle Mollo- dist ciurch Sunday nigiht and lecture Monday Feli. 811 onu lcoliol" illust- rated by magie lanler . ... Quarterly meeting services for tuis circuit will beT conducted by lie pastor Hov.SG.Horhe in the edurci lere at 10.30 a. m.Snndaym Feb.7t . . . .A load cf yonng people from, hore onjoyed a piensaut evoning hast weeh ou lie Blachsloeh rink. . .. Vervw much sympathy is feit here for Our old, townsmiau Mr. WilburHutdhison in lis P sad bereavmenl. Mrs. Hutdlilson bas been au invalid and died Jan. 27, after a sevore illuess cf ton davs ... . Mr. Tios. t Hobliins las been ili but'is recoverîug. a FRE TO E VR!Mil. TUE METHIIO F A GREAT TREAT- MWENT FOR WEAKNESS 0F MIEN. Whlïi Cured Hlin After Everything Else Failed. cîne. Its great cures recorcled in truthl ul, Patuful diseases are bad e nougli, but wheon a rOnviucing language cf gratef ni men and man is slowly wasting away with nervous weak- nets, the mental ferbodings ire ten timres worse women, constilule !te moel effective ad- than the most severe pain. There h noeht up te vetising. biaby of these cures are Mar. the mentni suffeing day or iiglil. Steep is al- most Impossible and under suob a straîn mns are velons. .They have won the confidence af searcety responsible for, what tliey do. For the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa- years the wrtter rolledanad tossed ou the iroubted rill Ih lag.es saba u ln wold, d sa f sexual weaknest untill Il was a question rill thelargst Ealêsin te wolde nd whetler lie hadl net better take a dlose cf poison have made ueeessary fer ils manufacture !Iud t111t8 endahl his troubles. But provideuittal Ilspiration eame te bis aid in the shape of a the greateat laboratory on ennîli. Hood's ee3mbiutionfînedicliuesîbatiuot ouly eomphete- arsapanila la known by taie cures it ha ly restored the general bealth, but eular -ed 1118 weak,Eîniae-iated parts te nadaral size audcfvigor, made-ennes of s.rdfsila, sa;lI rlàenm said aud âlie uow declares that auymn h -l ae eczema, oures of rheumatlsm, sieuraioi trouble to tenld litsuamesu address imay bave t5ïe method of this wonderful treatment free. eud weak tierVeas, cures et dyspapsis, liver Now wheu I say free Iien absolutely witlout tronbles, catàr-xi wes whlsh prove cost, because 1 want every weakeued mâac le get' the benieltlof my expefiee. l aienetio a pillantbroplît, uer do 1 pose as an <7- enîbsasi, bu, ibere are thoueands of me Cu fering the mental tortures cf weakeued inanhoo11 wbe woeld be eured atlonce coulcd they but gel 2ulia emd as eared me. De net ry tostudy eut liow 1 can afferd te c,,iv the fcw peosae > ttainps neeesarT te mai t1heinformation, but f'ý r-ý 1"-ý 7,1 d .tico- id. cdi ,-qn th rs are a few thtugt on la the liet--ml c tue Oiie Tnue lIond Pier. ie tie ofc i iappinetss to m id ciofwo. W ritt Thomais81.ales-, Bex 1,1320KalamazoIMite, cu,, 0 r i-,easY tO is informati icmm 111Oc teiledii a i c aleti liuods PUIS ta .ýâ Qnatc.ae neoe JANUARY bas gone and did us a good turn, in helping to clear up surplus winter goods but we stili have, àl considei - able quantity to dispose of and will put the -knife into prices stili further. Stock-Taking is Doue and shows us that our stock is too large and in order to coi.. vert it into money we will meet you with many surprises,'ýn values during February. We quote just a few of the mauy- Bargains for clearing we have to present to you. About 15 high class dress lengths, these were our most expensive goods. the price was $1.35 to $2.OQ a yd. You can have them for 50c to 75c pr yard. About 1 doz. Ladies' Coats left was from $~i to$1.O now for just haif those prices.' .A lot of remuants sorted out duriîig stock-tai-dng and are marked at prices that will move them rapidly. Ov«eoats, heavy aud light weights. Suifts for men audé c12.lren at cosù and under. Underwear; Shirts and Drawers at 25c eaçc,. Mauv other lines to clear. A large pile RIemuants of Tweeds picked out and marked away dowu. Ask to see them. Coon Coats oîhly $15.00O; a better line at $25.00. Igoots oand BShoel A line of Men's Buiff 3alls were $1.75, to clear at $ 1. Womern's Carpet Slippers at 25c. Special1. A line cf Parlor Lamps, brass foot, brass separa.te fcýnt, Il inch shade, decorated font and shade, C. borner, rec. price $3.50 to $3 75, your choice for $11.85. Don't miss this special. Amorican Coal Oi 20c. Canadiau 17c. A large liue of Pickles an- Fresh Fish at easy prices. Any quantity of Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Dried Apples. &c., wanted at higb est market prices. - T he Feather=weight", All Lightesî Dress Sice made. Weigls oniy la ounces. Best French. Patent Cahi?, with black cloth top, and thin tough eak tauned sole, Goodyear turn. Long razor pointed capless box toe, best elastic sides. Least liable, of all patent leathers, to, crack, Sizes, 5 ta z i, widths J Atn FE Corngress, $s,oo. Low cilI lacedý o, ý on the soe- "f CAIB4B The Slater Shoe," 7ýo Sole agent for Bowmanville, JOHN HELLYA-R DARLINGT01Yi COUNOIL 10( Con , and tb take a deI from the said Jas. Ashton, cf land for a new road, in place of tle portion cf said noad, ooc]d Town Hall, Hamipton, Jan. 3Oîh, 1897 to the said James Ashton,, tu serreunid an The Couni met pursuant te adjourri. impassible Lill in said road allowayice. ment. Members ail pressent. Minutes Alto a By-law appcieainc Win. J. 1>oy ead and confirmed. Suoi accounts Assessor. were precsiîed and laid on table. Igwas ordenedthal meetings be beld The following communications were a'. the usual placez , on Saturday 2ýoîis presented :- Fromn Woman'a Christian Febuary at 2 p.m., for the nomnination cof ['emperanceè Union, asking ýaid for their> pati masters, fence viewers and pound work in Toronto. No action was takin, keepers, Cierk to, give the necesaary the Council considering thal they have notice. mple roi for their clarity at home, The 'Reevr, was instructed to grant or- From W. M. Jonoes, A. H. Aluin, <J, ders ou the Treasurer foir tie folcwïnZ )sborne, Geo. Power, Edmnnd Prout, aums:-M. A. James, Pninting 843.45; Cias. Rogers, Rici. Avery, Sol Williams, J ks. Gale, Printing $5 ; W. E. Yartiold, W. J . Roy, and Hlenry Argue, applying $20, services as Township EnginQer; for the office cf assessor. S. Poiland, postage and "s Collee(,; Frein Peter Werry and Tics. Creeper, Edmund Moore, sleeP cdemages, $5.32; ppiying for tle office cf Tp. C., iaving F. L. Ellia and W. G. Rundle $7 eacls understood that the present occupant services as auditons. was about tu, reBigu. On motion the Cunucil adjourned tc From S. Poilard, applying for a re-ap. Kqaturday 27th February atpsual heur. ointmient as Collecter. Laid on lhe R. WxnnnATT. T. C. iable.1 A petition was presented froin Rer. That W ourderful Ten Cent A, 0. Wilson and 21 cthers, praying aid tor Mrs. R. IJofuge. Thte aum. cf $5 a Comibination. nonti was aiiowed her for lhe present. 1 A retura was made lv tie Collecter, Having n desire te pieuse andou hbwing $17. 036.56 collecled and deposi- Inin lie yryung, lie manufueturer-,ýs cd in Ontario Bank. making witi $19 08 Diamond Dyes wihi send lie fohlowving- reitled, and $46 36 warrants net rerur- valuabie cembinution for ton cenïts lu oed., tle total ar.întnt ou the, roll, $17.- auv uddrcss lu Canada:- 02.00. One "Excelsier Rhlimiuo- A B C: !Bock, The Anditons stbmilted thib report Illustrated," a gem 6f ithogralpiic- art. n tle Townski accons, wnich as One f nil sized Cabinet Pioto(;cfili- xaînirid, approved snd ordered to be "Tireo Future Kîngs cf Euianid." ublieled as liii Mw directs. Every loyal Canadian siould haveoC. Tics. Wtiacg.*Wied for terne trees One package of "Diumond Dye1 Iuk nd 1o28 iu rend 4,iowatnce. Referred tu Powder," for mkuoitenone f tlr. Brown. best black mriting li. Mn JamoP oe aý ppiied for 15 îoads This novel and valualile combintion of sand fw)tm 1$ý Sýowdejî's pi, Refo r- worîi 65 cents, to auy uddress ýferrfoui cd hoMn, ~cents. ued to Mir.Send smali silver coins, or thi proper Mr. E. P.-q ý3c l e attention of amount in one,two or tiree cent stampil[a. le eonîl e adea tee n le rnd ttStamps cf lurger donomination vl o ifs lieat. ',.i"d te Mn. Poster, lie received. MnI. Coam . inatructed te soiili e Seal yonr lbIter socurelY, und befrý yý vood on the riAulowancc between lots mnailiîîg liiisure.you put ounfli potae, 0 snd 31 i» tî1-4'h Cen. three cccts in stainps. If ful -postag'e -Pv !uýwst we* paaseul autheniziug tle is nol prcpaid,letters ivili not lie accept- Reeve to, ,uceccse&a deed conveylng toe tt am',isAmsitocD siportion cf île read l ai Addregq 1'PYel- t- Ciiid o ,,C,. loarcqbeine-it lots u10 and 1,ili thuMeatreai, P., Q. c fq a I p fx si ri p

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