- - ~ T HO ..JSE OLD. be mae tender and fit for a stew. c, 4tatiu1îau __ _ 17b D ',yt he cfollowing process: Cut it p _______ __________Put the Joints in a basin with suffij-I A cent sliçlbtly salted water to cover, set WEDIES XFIIBý 17, 1897O~~ OO. the pan iu the oven and let remnain u11- -- - -Moncytis a good thing oniy w-heu coin- tii the boues canube easily drawn ot MR .<, ITCHIELL.1 fort and bappiness are to be derived This w iii require three or four heurs. EM}ERQVCOLL~EG FPHTCA from it. Wrtheut that w-bat ýdoes it As the water boils away more multst MI1 er~en , ANniCrte.et. poi a fli n h eiho be added, so that the mnent may bi- @%ml çamcns Onari, oroort." 7 proftaeasusiedth vathow-ays covered. After the boues. sIn OUt""p.id ~i4ltiCitrSOP. There are parents wbe wiil and sinews are remnoved the fieshca - AMOLRENDE~ISTscrimp anad save ail their lives ln order be used for stew-s, chicken pie, patties MOLAEN DNTIS . .etc. 243 Yonge St. TORlONTO. to lay awny rooney. Somne eronemnize in ~frs$I~C~cf ed ~S~the food and pay te the docter -bat ___ __ _- - shoul'd bave 1eun used te make strong MAKING FEATHEII ERUSHIES. lb jt~eaL ~lIV5~,bodies. Others ecowomnize in lothes and Givea the feathers, the old hardies jteu':t e OLJCITOUR >tc. M stili othors sacrifice healthby worldug from seup ladies, vegetalle spoon, o j>iie ' rioa et'- r3ýeedi. nab- ,1 ,harderou ahe dsI ~~ ~'h~~llC~-harde than their strteugth perruits. fenw retfeahrdsespai ~ , ~ ~ their zeal to obtain rooney many parents 0 i flnte n o a S . .unconsciously sacrifice their cbjdren- turu eut brushes of ail sorts. a, JI' TR WST UHAM -seiîyb utn feathers Piaced in n rcw-ý arourd it; tie O-bFIYCE k. wTErEST DUefR t h 'lnte work st a very early age. Un- these firmyi lc n abtea5~ wil b Juid rýl% b.m t 9p.-i Ngh clI lssthey are blessed with remnarkably w-ii in.Pu on another row i lk ae residence.dîr.el lyoplOioitelrilt uhed. &d str 1P3 teiegraph or tbicpjhce ewill rocîvuoni s oug constitutions, these littie cnes ho- seew91y. When the hrush is large 7t*r cnieoddlon hoorother tmeanad enoug-h, or uearly se, Put on a row-, or attntin 11-y eone ld ongbefrether tm, tw-o of the iicest feathers nnd tben e4 thoy, nover know w-bat youtbful-ness is. theni dry. Wbon rendy to triai, n! J? P~ ÂT TalorNow, it is a different thing if a chlld glnce at a sale brush w-ll show 1ow0t P£!,.ATE Tailor is given some liglit employ ment which isPut on the lonther, or lvbatever the toýp Genteme's lotez adeto Order- a piensure to hiai and whidi w-i keep isfînished with. Gentemef'8 OotheMadeW heu the modus operandi of mnking' hier eut of mischief. It is w-eh toenC- oneO is understeod, tho manner of ail is courag a Loy or girl te work, but te understood, and the size of the haudle BI-1IACuxcrage tay ao rniltlami the kind of feathors used constitute foxkscillbaredy aborheacri fttletb"maie diffareuce in the brushes. The fàk)w-iNsreT hoat e acrfi'ce of conrsest feathers may bho used for I>ENT~".their strengtb. hearth brushes and kept, w-th a duFt- T.wo uinhappy parents must now- re:î:- Pan, near the steve w-i save many a' step. Several grades of brush-s may be ize this, but it is tee late te reaiedy t made frein the feathors tbat will ne(t - ~ ,d~ ~ trOlibe..T]ie family is a large ee work into the cushions at ail. Or it.j :;-near iL i em fliggi nbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVIILLE DENTI STRY, D.S. Gradua the Royal onUego Dllý Surgeolis, Ontaria. L OFFICEI OPPOSITE XWREISS OWIeICE VI'uAIZEDAIR. New Tailor Shop TheuDndersign'ed whc haé been carring On numboriug eicven, amoug ivireai 1181u daugirter about nineteen yoars of utgo. Now bore ive-ed belp have beon bet- ter nppreciated, but the purse strinigs w-ca ays draîvu teetightly by tie paternal baud. Ever sineo iis girl w-as biut n more ehild she hud te struggle îvith bcavy w erk. Every yeur or tw e orought a uow memnber into the household-and added cure and îvork. When the rnLother ivas abe she, of course, did ns much as sho couid, but, neverbeleas, the wnsh- iug, ircning and cookiug for sncb a famuily w ould tux the strongti of a giant. The poor child workod ptientlY freai oarly morniag tc late ut uîgbt. Sic, nover had a childheed, uer n girlhccd -the happiest timeoef n girl's lif e. Sho is us ld and sedate as ber inother, but ber days are nurnbered. If sire hd net bad the w oudeaf ni constitution aie pos- sessed she w-oold have snccunbed long ago, but. as it is she is uow af f icted y, 1h au incurable muludy, brought on by tie îverk te whlicb ber strength w-ns not equal. EWhat aioney îîviil compensate for the ilfe oi suc a dangitor. "XV cwould givo, al io possess if beriLe conld ho spareci te ns," cry ber parents. But tint sbould have beeîî hhougirt of yeurs ugo. If ibis famrily hnd net licou preaserous il w-euld bona difforcat rbing, but what aioneY 15 equal tona streng body and souad health ? Mothers, tee. shonld net evertax t bit streegth. Tioro w-il surely corne a day of rockoning, and these w-ho are respen- silie for the. ,-tren }wnlt.h willbhoever- \LARGE LIST OF VALUABLE PIZZES OFFERED FOR CORRECT ANSWEIRS --0TIIE QUES- 'HONS ASKED. WIU Ycu ne Orn of Ille Successlol Wiitners:, 1 Lle Irtducement is GIreut and the Outlay SmaIl. .luw-bat y'ear w-as Victoria made Qicman cf Ecgeand. In l what year did the Lattle of Water- C00 taLe pIace. 3. In what year did the Battie of Quaenston lleîgbts occur. 1. In w-bat year did Quebec iy u reader te the EngÀsh-_w-hich Ind- c'd Frenc'h rue in Canada. j. ln w-bat year was the British Northi America Act pass'-d. 1w Ladies' Journal will give free tL ehe first persail sending a correct ans- Iere te al! the ab>ove questions, the fias, prize (,ho icyo:e> in the list belo-w. ,Âie s2l'der of tîh, second set of correct -taswers, another bleyoe equalte the irst, and s0 one til al these first prizes ire giver away. aiiUNDAY bisdefense, Matt. 10. 17-20,'and a INTERNATIONAL 1U SSON, FEB. 21. t e oue haven itseif. We Y ust i._- -terpret tk-ho iiguagc literally. It wasS N LS no feretfraste of the heavenly joy. LS -The First C1rIstii .1artyr." Avis G. 8-13; ne Mental elevation te a Lfu coucep- A~~ 1. .54-60. <Colt TxIt'x ev. 2. 10. tien of the ithings named. lHe saw P- bat lJEAKF ST 0000,A GENERAL STATEMENT. is stated, just as w-e ail could if God Posesses the foliowing shouid epen eur eyes. The view- con- Distinctive Merits The seasen of undisturbed preacbiug! firmred and strengtbened hum in that lasted long-perliaps for yeurs, and1 awful heur, and put ou record a lessen DELICACY OF FLAVeC~ couvrts reaty iareasd. Ton cme or us as w-cil. Glory o God. Tihe daz- couers gealy nceasd.The cmezling spiendor la which God dw-lls, SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY. a low buzzing foretokeaiag trouble and and w-hîch, as iu the pillur of cloud ankd'- rateful and Cornforting to, the threateuiang th-- unity ef the Chnrch. fire (often called the "glory"), hetk veylitetbn audsro oe eed bis presence. It was the divn e ou orDs ptc A vrylitlethig an esroyloe.Shekina. Right Lund. The placoof NUTRITor DyITISpeptIc.L and w-heu loves gees, power for good hO-nor and pow-er, Acts 2. 25; Heb. 1. 3' IIEULTISNIA is losi. The Hellerists (Grecians, as 56. 1 sec it w-as not as if ho snw; In Quarter-Pouind Tins Oniy, the f ext calis thom; Jews in blood and but ho trnly saw-. Son cf man. e. rinrr v.IlIi sD h-id teld this very Sanhéodrin cf hisî IilotuledDYJAMEStiLU I.IIU & CO." Ë religion, but bora iu foreigu lands, spd place benceforti as at "the riglit baud H aon 1i~ii o!iiLIII SPeakîng thelauguages of the places iu cf power," Matt. 26, 64; and Stophenou 41t6111MSI, 0190 whicb they -re hem) complaîned thut ucu almest repeuts iris words. déclures tecaia ectint he sees hiai there. This was te ori A'E th hrtbe distributions ameag the tbem a herrid bhL-spbemy, and it doul AEYUTS D poor w-ere made in a partial manner, maddeued them. Standing. It isa j aud te the neglect of their widow ý,s; heautiful thought of Chrysestom that i that he Chisîia Jow- (bor or e Jss, w-ho is usually descrihed as sit- that the Chris~tian es(ono e ig (Psalm lii). 1) lias boere risen, ast sideut lu Pulestine, w-ho spoke the Ho-ifb eud -rtnysctreteti ' - brew tengue, Gr rather the Aramiaic) meunt of bis servant and ho ready te o -- 90gt more of the good thiugs of life huston te bis help. The glerions vision ' -" ont of the "Christian socinlismn" than magnified Christ as it proved hlm the It is the Most Delicious of ail Teus sliving and giorieus Lord. the lielienists. Now-, if we remember 57. Cried out. Screamed. Tirey wenld SOLD ONLY IN LE/ID PACKETS BY thutth wars and tumuits of tirat hear ne more, aud stopped their d rSoI. ~ ~ I~ age made many widcw-s, sud that there Tire court breke into an infuriated Sold by CAW ER AT 1-'. were many Christians' lu Jerusalemi mob, w-hich rushed ail together upon - the prisoner, as if te destrey hlm on whu wore, uea-predu.-ors, w-e sltal sec the spot. that if this -.vas a fact at ail it w-as 58. Out cf the city. Loy. 24. 14. No A LEGAOY 0OF DISEASE. a very serious facfT. fhe w-alth of the fermai verdict w-as take5n; ne sentence Churcihud been laid ut tie npestles' w-as pronounced. IBy cemmea consent Veterans of the War, Repaid in Snf- tire mob determiuod tiat hoe shetild die, feoi-, bot f bi public.w-ork of preaci- and took hlm in tire midst of tbom ho- fering and Disease. îng hud se iucreased thut they hnd pro- yond tire city w-ails and stoned hlm te l)ubiy been obiiged te employ others douth. 1h w-as rauk murder. Yet they For Over Titeuty Years M1r. jolait Miei'iiau te lstihue t te nody su thy bserved thre legal fora in u tening. The Sought U"1»eas<' Froin the Tortures O to isribtetothenedy an teywitnessos w-ho had testified in the case Inflainalory aleinat-im. sein fo have employed IHobrew-s fer laying off tiroir outer garaient s, tbhrew this duty, Tue apestios cal]od the dis- tic flrst groat stenes upea bis breust, Freaithie Prescott Journal. ciples together te sÉato the case te as the lac'v required, Dent - 17. 7. Their There is ne mnan in tic tow-nship et thei sd t rquet trea t noieue lothes they put lu charge of a young Edwardsburg w-ho is botter know-n. themandto equst tem o nminte ma (bctw-ea tiienty-five and forty, than Mfr. John Sherman. He is oee of distrihutors. This w-as reuliy the first probably thirty ycar5 eld> hy the namin e, ma aain -oa the eut uttempt ut organisation ia the Cburch, cf Sau.le w-us deubtless present ut bea f tic American rébellion, joined' tire trial, w-ns perh'ips a member cf the the urmy of thc North, and te tic ox- and it aroso frein expodiency; but tire Sanhédrin,ad certaiuiy approvi'd the Pesures and hardsbips w-hidi lie en- apostîcu secai te have heid in their 0w-a steniug, Acts 8. 1. This is the Lrst dnred during that tryiag and perileus hands tire right. of ceufirming or re- mention of hlm. turne, dee hieOowe te long yeurxs of suf- joctiug. Sevea men wetc chosea-meu 59. Calling ope. Tbe word Ged lu ferint w-hicbho ha since undergene. iveil speken of hy their ucquaintances, italics, is uot ln tire original.»lHe cailld Tire writer remembors seeing Mr. upon Jesus, as tire next w-ords show-. Sherman n few yours ugo w-hon ho w-as us ail chtirci officers should ho, and Tire dying martyr prays ho Jésus; sese criPPiod w-th rieumatîsai tint it w-ho were full of the Holy Chost aund sirould w-e. Recelve my spirit. And w-as impossible for him to w-alk, and full of comaica seuse. Their duties Jesus received h.: Stephen w-as ne mu- haiving heard thut a cure had been terinlish; uer did lie believe bis soni ffected, determined ho investigate w-cao te homach like those of a Meth- w-oaid lie in tire grave till the resur- the matter for hiaiscîf. Wben the re- odist atewaird. Tie apostles were abus rection. portér called ah Mr. Sherman's home he oleud hlmiluthie yard handling an ef t froc for spiritual, work. 1h is ne- 60. Lord. "Lord Jejus," as in verse axe, and cieppiug w-eed like a youlng ticeublo that thie naines of these soven 59. Lay net. Put ilt net te tiroir au0 man, and ho found hlm aise quihe w-ll- men are ail Greck naines, ad se it cout. Hew- like tire prayer cf Jesus, lgte relate iris hrying experienc,. -"1 is pobale tat hey ereall el"Father, Lorgive thean ! Lukoe 23. 35. hav~e snffered with rieumnahisai for H prhube tat hey w-co al I el el usloep. Net lu writhing sud anu- taY-yas," snid MWr. Sherman, "and leuists. Very soon o of theai camie guisir, bat cnlmiy and sw-etly. "As- Ilba=edoctored with four different te the front as a preacher of sncb force 1inluJesus-blessed sleept" Tire early doctors and yet 1 képt; getting ' bat hoe hecame the conter cf public Christians w-or-c w-ont te speuk of deatir w-rac and w-erso. I w-as bout dou- as naieep; but it w-as sleep of tire body hie with thiePain in my batik and boti attention, sud for tire tinie boing tho and net of tire seul, us verse 59 show- legs w-ero se draivu up th&t I w-as n- motconspicueus represeututive' la- Thbus Stephon magnified Christ, b le to tagtnt ,adfrfu =teileciuallïand-,situiîslvy -t-uic Lord, in bis trieutelral martvry . ~ osriho huudfrfu RN D EN, L.