%X~ ~ TEZRhIS :-$1.50 PFn ANNum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NMv SERIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1897. Vi Rre Cto ck TT ir.g Saie* takce stock in February and for' tiLe next few weeks will give in al kinds of Wine 0 'e0e0e9 & Ladies' Fur Capes ail kinds at cost and a lot of Dress Goods at and under cost. Ail the balance of four Ladies' and Misses' C'ý ýts, ail new this' season, at about haîf price. Men's and iBoys' Overcoats at reduced prices. We need scarcely say that t1his is a genuine sale and everything will be sold exactly as ad- vertised. 'J ~fflS~..j~tA .tIk) O NEW HAVEN. LETTER FROM A Recent visitors; Mrs.Ezra Rall,Oroao, Datod Mebourne, Vi ut Mr. T.VanCamp's; MrýGuY,Oshawa,,Nov. 13,. 1896, Mr.Thos. at Mr. F. Guv's; MNrs. F. Burns, town, sent TuE STATESMAN fi. af Mr. S. Wood's ; Miss Williams,town, If fs spring here fh af Mr. J. C.Trul's; MrG.Dowuey and thromeransf son, town, ut Mr, J. McMillan's. ..-A ,haer f0 1300 fanthesur, sleigh loud of friends fromt town surpris-( hdet13'itesu od Mr. T. Power and fumily, recently.. among the highl igure *..Mr R.Munn lias heen vfifing friends 'summer about Christni ut Grftou,.... Miss Edfth Goode lias re- tuinly get away. But furnied froml Toronto ..Mr. S. Allun' about the cliînufe is ifs and Mr. WV. Jenîîings have heen iîîdfs ness, for frecluently if iw posed .... Mr. W Goode bias had la two hours, and stili the grippe..Tise Maple (}rove League and are of course weil n( visited our C. E. and readered a ro od mav eusil hn owe progruns. Mr. S. Rundie Occupîed fthe o usea o ogh chair, Excellent papers were rend bv oud Mcssrs. W. Frank ou "Christ our pati- I suw men flshing f0o fera" and F. R. Foley "W'hat Christian- usfng the very hesf mi itv bas done for the nation. " Music by huit, so lavisb are they( Misses Foley, Souch, Muuday, Stevens colonies. If is only fuil Axford and Burker. 'tbere are no fish v. urms and if is quite r: i arai tl use theobho't îî iuiton L<7* very ineü oÉ wooi bri Pound ibis season. andi * -up a littie from their ter of 1893, but yef thin,--s and values are low thut f0 find. The oniy indub This is the complaînt offind, xvhich tioes not su theupando et this 0eason. prlession is gold diggn Ths bave no appefîfe; food Eon steudily about $600,0( doesnotreiish, Theyneedthetonîngupof tbey produce, and that the stomach and digestive organs, which ilP. a course of Hood's Sareaparilla will give Ail "Station" propertý them. lit also purifies and ünriches the properfy,has gono away biood, cures that distrees after eatlng and have heen so lowv C a dspetiacanworse thafurma propeî Internai misery oflya ypticn of cattie are kiiled an know, creates an appetIfe, overcomes that for their fullow,borns, b( t!Xqd feeling and bude up and sntains und bides. You see if iç the wbela pbysical sysfem. Itso prompt- cuttle uive f0 Englunc ly and efficientiy relieves dyspeptice§ymp- send fhouasunds upon fhoi toms snd cures nervous beadaches, that it sbeep and succced fairly eeme f0 have almostaf "magie toucli." 1 do nof find filattuny nuchi mouey ut if yet. j? alwuys pays, und next t( put of Austrulia -%bfi precious yellow shiungi found ut Coolgardie lu g rE wifbin thee years and fis ing tîere. 'Ihere is one arsaa illawhich perbaps few uit hoi Sars g-%a illa ed, thatisistufgold eau li a fluid aîîd fheu brougbt! Istbebet-in fact the One True Blood Purifier. tati on, int o gold. By fi are the best afier-dinner pro', cess tlîov are doino i HQOds P Ispileaiddigestion. "g'e. Wules hy passing if flir cal procoss and thea pro( on churcoul, thon fbey h couýl and pick up tise go] Granld Trullk Raîlwfay n hiso risvo i bloe ruarliof, und pi i Aason those are; the gsow sifs stone ,OU tihe For tickets anti informotion us to svhîi,ých do nofhurk ; freeo rates and routes f0 the shed f heir louves but fi footýed anmuls wfiich bav the ,,ouk frees which weep Go Id Field s of perbaps the greafoeston ulways uipori ones north Ue 13OWMANVILLE. Gou~h, lohusion ~ Gry~ermau. IUSTRALIA. ENNISKILLEN. ICRIN. 1' EDDINC. ictoria,Australia, Recent visitors: Mrs. Gamsby and *OFriday even)iný,,, Feb. 19th over .Coniant, Oshawa, dauýglter, Toronto, guests of _Mrs. J. T. oPM. ronas.Eno hattevrensi- his letter. Pollock; Miss Edithi Frceland nMi dec0fMr and MissnohSexes ese days and the Cý,7Iie Ha, owmanvilie, guests of Dr. nekrnaptoi wardsho them anod-wl rom 107' fn the Mitchell ; Mr. W. Clarke. teachier, Cactthirf1l and to cevlobarate the twand . Before it gets mus, and Mr. James -Wilhiamson, Car',- tieth aninivc, rsary of their wedded life. es, iu their real wright, visiting frienids. . .. Friday even- After the coinpartv arrived, a very ýas, 1 shall cer- ing 26th, Tyrone will visit the league h" al u -o iidnwt ci thie worst fauit here and furnish the program. We be- ag ad - ae ihdli verv changeful- spa od attendance to cnjoy the cacies prepared by t1., ,3îldies to wvhich vill change 40 - good hin.gs provided as Tyrone lias lots the compan -v did amý!ple justice. Supper people look well of talent. being over Dr. J. C. Mitchell was calied to the chair and in a neaf speech ex- Èournished. You Mrs. D. savs: "For vears I have ilaincd the oboject Of the i,,atherling ai imutton ab libi- been nervous and weakly'_. 1 took oneMs G ertrude' MI. Brown in a car for two cents a dollar's worfh ofý Miler's Com pound voice then read the foilowing address rou Pis, and am now quite ivei1 and which wus priK ed anii lramed bv Mr. day who were stron-." S G. Browu of the 'Wingharn Tinés: iuttou chops for UIy n rs. Enoch Stvens,- of food in these HAMPTON. Time rolis bis cei seleoss course. The r to thein to suy grandsires of a quarter of a century' in the ground, ago have passed to the great beyond, ;ben they should Mëiss Annie Ashton, Miss M. J.Kater- -where friend dwells with friend in end- for hait., Their son and Mr. F. A. Colo spent Sunda.y less friendsbip and. untold biiss. ngs 13 cents a -with Oshawa friends. Miss Maud Youfhs have entered into the steru thev are lnrikino- Clarke, Oshawa, is visiting friends here reubities of life, leaving ,rtlieir places in lihe depression .... Mr. dos. Clutworfhv is conined to the greaf cycle to be flled by the gen- are ver v close the bouse with an attaek of lumbago.. erations then unhuru xvhile those who they are hard . .The opening of the S. 0. E. 11all was were tlieu entering the realin of cou- stry fhat I eau well attended. Absence of sonie adver- nubial happiness, iove's hope hurning uffer hv fihe de- tised f0 take part on the program xvas hiigh in eucb pure breast, lov e nerving f or that goos lnot explaiued. Why ? .he Sons of the hieart f0 noble and generous . - W,000 per vear Teînperanco woro unable to visîf En- pulses and strengfhealinpgthe armn to ac - musf keep thlem field Tuesday eveainig for had roads... .complish, these are now- the fathers and .Hampton General Store is doing a aice mothers of the ]and, nmany of whom f, mennrm trade iving argans every day and have crossed the meridian -of life. But dowfor shoeep go aifcint h fyuhv who xvould -wish for the returu of day,4 rf prprty is not heen rading with F. A. Cole, give that are past howevcr pîcasant they, fy. Thý1opesans tam a few trial orders and you wili hemyhaeen. hirpssofmes d hoiled downl pleased too. not leff upou our lives in vain. Our Lof,sbank bones To get relief from indig-esfiuîî,hilious- field of usefulness bas heen enlarged, s too far f0 send ness,consfipafion or torpid liver without our circle of frieuds bias grown, and d, but they do disturbing the stomach or purging the those fies which centre around thaf spot usands of frozen boweis, take a few doses of Carter's on earth dearer than ail others home ywei at it. But Little Liver Filîs, tlîey will pieuse you. -have been increased and sfrenigthcn- one hias made ed a hundred fold lu t ho inestimable Wool of course OIA felicity of parental affection. The~ ;o old is the ouf- L1A Great Pilot bas plaated mnany marks to ch puys. That indicate to the voyager his progeson ral has been Visitors - Mr. John Lummiman and the sfream of liTe. ýTo some these mark- ,reaf quantifies soni Thomas, Curries' Crossin-, vithi inoes have been the troubied waLers of iousands are go- thef r many Darfin-ton friends.. Mr. afflicion, but we, your friends, are met fact abouit gold Will. Goard and Master Norman*Ja*mes, here to-iiight undor circumstancesypar- ,me reallylearu- Bowmauville; Miss Muud Branton, ficulurly hiappy. We are assembled be furned f uto Tyrone ; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Alfin, here f0 celebrate, wftlî hearty cong'rat- buckhbyprecipi- Newtonville: Miss Addio Elford. lsluv; ulations and cheer,f bat evcning twenty ie chiorinusing Mr. Cephus Wurd, Drayton; Mr. Chas. years ago, when you two stood at theé in New South Hill, Streetsvilie .. . .The eyster ,uu)per hymieneul altar anl plighted euch ugh that chemi- at the Division Friday nÏighf w-âs a ethler's trotb. As a tokeni of our frfend- ,cipitatin- if up- huge suecess, satistyiing f0 the fullesf shinsd affection ire usk you to accept bur the char- extent.,olnu Division (about40thee pieces of chfnaware and these Id. Wonderful momibers) enjoyýed a plpasant sleigh chairs. Our khîîdest solicitation is for rideaiid partook of the hospitulity of vour contiined wýelfare, and we oarnest- riOuls tous ýfrom Oshawva Divisiondoridat\ nighf. A îy pra.vtuait the Great Dispenser of s~ro~ poftaksocial eveiiing was e-njoyed g1 oud vho lia, spaed.,u)i esetwenty cherry which ed ut Zion-about thirtv couverts ...gracious kindness. f0 grant you bofli a outside- do-s Mr. J. Wesley Brooks hias movod into f uless of vears uarn ay you find in ,S whfch do not bis new home. Tihe comibined work RHim that perfect succor Re lias prom- ieir hurk ; four,nanship of Messrs. Gay and Sfacey, isod 1il Ris people, and ihlen life is end- ve ducks bis .contractors, and Mr. J. C. We-ks, ed niay we ecvl have an, iîundanf eu-. pand sigis; and prînter, have made this one Offitlc franco info Ris kingdom. is the suni itself tmlest and most couvonient farm houses Sgeiy1 .BON and îlot on the in tile township . ... Mr. Wm, Mutton Siged . OLOw. 1